1 - ..; .V- LA 4. III DTCZl ' Pe-Hs-ed avary oar la tha rear e. eat -M-dar. Jeer-al --LkUaa, 44-M Crevea atraai. . - j ' :-" . ,; cuuii Tr?w --". " SDITOR AND PROPRIDTOB ;!,; cBtcmirnoM aurast .- e TNT to afrue I4.M (Oa 7ar, set ta a-vaooa., .. i.M ' ftf -!? hi aarrtor U tb altr ' dTrtUlagjratM reralahe. bllesttoa. '. - . oa as- Bntarad at the Poatofflo. New Bars a, e. a eoad-cUat Matter. OriTTUX. PAPBB OV NBW BERN AND CRAVEN COUNTS New Bern, N, C. Julj fi; 1910 OUTGOING AND INCOMING CONGRESSMEN. Very different the political oon ditions in the Third North Caioli na Congressional District, twelve years ago when Charles E. Thomas was elected to serve his party, and the present situation, when Dr. John M. Faison has been named fcrv the Democrats to take up the work. There is often, very often, I a destiny that appears to both point the way, and also force its acceptance. Fortunate the people have been under Congressman Thomas. '189$ was no year in which destiny seemed to look fa vorably upon electing a Democrat from the third district, and yet the, people named and elected their candidate, and the wisdom of it could be seen in the political jjains for ileiuooracy, iu making the dis liicl swiirH IkriuuL'raiic, ami iu 1 ll- IlllUfliul "UIU til ("iW ifcluui 01 the lii'.tncl, liu-li i uuie through 'oal'iisuiuu i'boiutis' ri forts at Washington, it is not ex aggerating to say that millions of dollars benefit to his people is the result, as well as the party gain. Six terms of service and enduring benefits to party and section and State, the result. It is honor enough. Dr. Faison, the incoming Con gressman, has a bright contest to make, in that there are no politi cal stumbling blocks, such as exis ted twelve years ago. There must be a contest for the position, but the way is not uncertain to suc cess. As the representative of the Third District, and North Caroli na, as well, at Washington, Dr. Faison will have many situations to faca that will test his party fi delity, and bis executive ability in securing legislative benefits for his people. To do both, the gentleman from Duplin county is ably equipp ed by knowledge, stability of char acter and political acumen. The way is before him to succeed, as his people trust him to do, and he will go to Washington backed by people who placed the iror in his hands. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Although money la the root of all evQ, the moat anooeaafal to be those who plant tt. A FRIGHTFUL WRECK of train, automobile or buggy may cause cats, braises aorasiona, sprains or wounds that demand Bocklen's Arnica Salve earth s greatest healer. - Quick relief and prompt cure reeultaV For burns, boils, sorea of all kinds, eesema, chapped hands and llpa, sore eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest pile cure. 25c at all druggists. - Hubby And what old tha Doctor any Wlfey He said, "Put out your ton gue." HubbyAnd tbsat Wlfey "Overworka-." " ' T .3. . .V -.f V 1 . 1. m T am. m . a nod fjuunple," McAlester, wnmpn - 1 r, uiux; frai wnai - I suifered wi& my head and back, fofovertix years,' and although I tried everything, I never could get any thing' to do ma anyood, until I began to take CarduL ' v Cardul haa surely helped me arid built me up and I am ao thankful that. I have found something that will do me good. ; 1 'feel ao much stronger and better than I have in a long itaeVHv'.-. :k-?---: -i: It is weli to make up youi. mind before you are sick7 what medicine you . wULtake when you are sick. ' - --' j ' 9 l J t ii i v J . ':;.r; ' '.its XJc wlV r: falling; t CanXaslly Be Stopped, Also Dan- . V druff and Itching Scalp ' If Parialaa .8aWdoasn't atop falling hair, itching acalp, and "radkata dan druff in two weka Bradha Drug Ca tanda ready to raf and your taoatj with' oat argument r red tap of aay kind.' Pariaian Saga will put faaeinatiAK MnA Mmmaoiuii'i hair in a faw dava It ouicklv too tha tcalp ajvdn drivaa away aU obnoxloua odora.. '' ' Suaanno Calahan, of Hotel Royal Bucyrua, Ohio, on March 25, 1910, wrote: "Last Aogutt my mothor'a hair, began to come -out very badly and her acalp waa ao aore it waa very bard to do any thing for it We decided to oae Pari aian Sage and it proved a GRAND SUCCESS in every way: Her hair topped coining oat, dandruff all diaap- peared, aoreneaa au ieittne acaipana her hair k coming in again very nicely, We only used three bottles. We recommend it to every one need ing tt and feel that we cannot praise Parisian Sage too highly." Parisian Sage is sold by druggists ev ery where and by Bradham Drug Co. for 60 cents a large bottle, Hail orders filled, charges prepaid, by Giroux Mfg. Buffalo, N. Y - ENDORSED . Capt Jesse Lassiter for county Commissioner and Gapt. Joseph Gaskill for Chairman. They are allO. K. MANY VOTERS. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper Will be llltrie i-i Ml li'u.il oiif lireauru uwastf inul zcufUrv Iiuk bfu tthie iu ruiu in all U.t Mi, alia iliul t diun'li. Iiull a iuiunii Cutv i.i llit will; puailivv; cute now kliuwii lo ike uiciita) frutciinlY. . Cataiih being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature) in do ing its work. The proprietors hare so muctt raitn in its curative powers mat they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. To ledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Take Their Own Pictures. By an Ingenious device wild animal can take their own photographs. A piece of cord Is suspended between two trees, and when the animal tomes Into contact with the cord It fires a fuse cartridge and opens the shutter of a camera, which thus automatically "snaps" the animal. HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly five hundred dollars for medicine and doctor's fees, I purchased my wife one box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good' that she continued to use them and they have done her. more than all of the medicine I bought fore. -Samuel Boyer. Folsom. Iowa. This medicine is for sale by .all dealers, Samples free. tlsed a Different Implement. A graduate, of Harrow, enlarging once to Charles Lamb upon the famous men who bad gone, out from that school eld: "Now. there's So-and-so, be was a Harrow boy; 44-8o-and-eo. he was s Harrow boy; Ind So-and-ao, be was a Harrow boy." . , Whereupon Lamb, with his Inlmlta bit stutter, rejoined, "Te-es. and there's Burns, he was a plowboy." - WORi 24 HOURS A DAY. ; ; The busiest little things ever made are Dr. EUng's New LifePills. Every pill is a augar coated globule-of health, that changes wealueM into strength, Jang nor into energy, brain-fag into, mental power; euring Coostipation. Headache. Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 26c at all druggkta. : 7 y-- .W.- i i .; "BUa-Hay'i ties) wpaaka Vtor - ltaalt SUlla-Yss; and it l pretty plain talk -Chlcafo News. - . Jy. 1 - T K ,J. , ... ..' ' U-1 f.. i . ji..:iiJTnTi'"ii.M.i . writes Mr. . RTirBeu,"ot uu - aui;wui.aQ joxsxiKcrinj yoa r a tlr;-1, It w.: J ' i 'rt V r - r :x i ZOBEDOTHA J LODGE;.; .Jk'jf. i . i - ai aw: - " IN I iEMQRlAM..$ -s , ' Zoredotha Lodge wishes to place this tribute of. respect "to Uie Memory of Brother MerriCt Whitley Who , waa for 85 years a faithful memberof this lodge that he' was a good, man' and true and faithful to his lodge; kind to his breth ern, true to hit obligations as a Mason, therefore be it.' Resolved, that while we feel his loss, at the same time we bow in Submission to Him who doeth all things well, and for the best - Resolved, that we extend to his fam ily, our sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement. Resolved, that we wear the usual badge of morning for thirty days. That copy of these resolutions be sent the family, that they be spread upon our minutes and be published in the Daily Journal and the Evening Sun. One sweet call, And then the evening star; I hope to see my Pilot face to face, When I have crossed the bar. Israel Harris, J. P. Stanly, Richard Green. Committee. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mexican Pearl Fisheries. The records of pearl fishing along the vest cosst of Mexico go buck to: r.V.o Willi litlltt iiilomittiuutlite in Uii: i.y lis been foii! iiiliu'ds 10 I lie l.iv Steal and Iron. Steel rusts seven times as rapidly i Iron. Quiek as Thought. "Quick as thought" Is not very quick While a light wave would travel aroimd the equator In a second, a nerve wave makes bnt about a hun dred feet a second. Tha Squirrel's Escort. Said the squirrel In the top of the t'. tall tree. "Tea, living ia high, but It can't hurt mr. For I have a secret for keeping It low. And It's "all in a nutshell,' don't voa know." Christian Monitor. HAY FEVER AND ASTHMA . Bring discomfort and misery to many people out Foley's Honey and' Tar gives ease and comfort to tha sufferinsr ones. It relieves the. congestion ia the head and throat and is soothing and healing. None genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Davis Phar macy. ' 1 Dangerous 8 port. First Lady (reading a uewspaperr lbis golf seems to be a very danger ous game. Did you see what happened to a man named Taylor? He went into bunker and waa in two when he came out I Second Lady How dreadful! "Yes; here are the words: TSaytorl getting out In two, Braid secured .a bait" , - .. '' n!!T-.: "Does It say what happened ta'jfbe No, but -there was worse to loaow, According to tbe report, Taylor -tbesv feu altogether to pieces." woro or Golf. MUST BE ABOVE SUSPICION Kidney and biadder ' aUmenta are so serious in tbelr consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any rem edy offered for their cure must be above suspicion, , Foley Kidney Pilla contain no harmful drugs, and have successful ly stood a long and thorough teat .Davis rnanncy. v ,-;a'-' I No Phonograph.. Patience-! suppose you got not hint but caoued gncibt Ip the ioiintry. : Patrice Nothing f the kind! The3 bad. a planoI-Vonkew Butpurunn. '1 ' ... To the End. i . -i Bl buss have little bum . : Upon their backa to tlt 'am, ' And little bun have leaar bua.. v An- ao A4 lnSnttum.t HV Vv ' ;a. M-Louta Poat-Dlapateb. .' 'ri , . ' ' 7 1 jii Children fOry V,v fpR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA" Soma families are so ' Ipcky v the when they are praying for a boy bah) m arrtvss aa. girl lwtaa.M Soreness of the muscles, whether in duced by violent exercise or Injury, is quickly relieved by the tree application of Chamberlain's Liniment -This lini ment ia equally valuable for muscular rheumatism. and always aitoros quick relief, bold by an oeaiera,, .:v..yx.jv ' Cllnchina the Argument. ' ." The late Nell liurimut uxed to clinch with an auot-doie-his clnlin Hint athe ists were always Utnorant.. 1 . . A courne. swsKRirlng fellow," be would . liOK'n. "dcclari-d in a Lnrlier sliop: '1 flon't tpllev In no iioioi ftpr. Te live and die, nnd tbat'S the i 1 of ye ' - Why, you -muKt te a Unltai ,au Geor-e, the hurl -r ir 'X "Loll. nt tu' v.,s t'io r ;--1y. Tt tOO f'-"l O l:..-.ut f ftiat.'"-Li'"'- City E. ,.r. - - - . - - I- --, f feS:tIIicIien In t .1 vv nc 1X10 Buiuy uaya makes the kitchen almost unbearable and cooking a Jdreaded task, pxt out the . range fire and try 3ie Hcwui mcuiua- or. coomnz in dqi wefltner.nu -T ; V W ; ?:. What a contrJast j The" kitchen no longer is sbnlng lioVtheofki'is'ridwone with comfort, and the housewife i; hot worn 'with the heat. mM Caattoaary Nott-Be sura if IsT Toa Set this stave ace ' " I that the name-plate IV ' teada New Perfection." U c Standard . uBcorporaica; 3 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective June, 5th. 1910 Trains I'ltinj t" Hern, N. '. 1 Ar. 'i.wi a. n. laiv lYum Oiii-mm H. 10 a. in Kfuuiuri. 9.15 a. in. " " Goldsborc. 12.15 p.m. " except Sunday from Raleigh and Washington. 3.80 p. m. Daily except Sunday from Oriental. 4.35 p. m. Daily From Norfolk. 6.36 p. m. " " Goldsborc. 7.30 p. m. " " Beaufort Lv. 9.16 a. m. Daily For Goldsboro. 9.20 a. m. " " Norfolk. 9.2fa. m. " " Beaufort 9.50a. m. " except Sunday' for Oriental. " 1.35 p.m. " " Washington and Raleigh. 5.35 p.m. Daily For Beaufort 7.30prm. " " Goldsboro. 7. 40 p. m. " " Oriental. f 11 iChildren Cry i FOR FLETCHER'S Oast o r i a Ts man who haa ao time for his trisnda will eventually ilscover th-l um ao friends for nls time. 'FpLEY KIDNEY PILLS HAVE ' V ' CUBED ME' , Ta above is a Quotation from a let ter irritten by H. M. Wmk ler. Evans- villetlnd, "l , contractetF a severe case of-Uney trouble. My back gave out andxained me. I seemed to have lost 4-Uskrengtb and ambition; wai bothered wita ditsy spells, my bead would swim and. specks float before my eyes. -I took roiey Kidney mis regularly .and am now perfectly well and feel like a new roiey money nils nave cured me.: jjavia rnarmaty I i Quaint 8swlng Implerhenta.- An intereHtlug find is reported to ha0 been niade by rrofesaor Meetorf, director of ,lbe Museum Htbleswlger Altfra Turner at le. In the grave of t Germanic wouiau dutlng from the prewChrlstlon era wns found a stone boa) containing a set of sewlug uten allai'a pair 'of aclssora of considerable' Weight, a ? born knife with an Iron blade, t stiletto u1 several thorns, which were , used as needles. There Waa also a stone resembling the so sailed "tienldelsteln. which was still lo aseras a. datlron as late as the sev kntdenib century;' " ; s . " 'Wi.tvW'....'.'-..' C' HOSB PIES OF BOYHOOD. HoW delicious were the hies of boyhood. No Dies now ever taste so good, what's chanVad? tlje pies?" No. Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, , the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your diges tion is poor and you blame the food. W nut's needed T Aeomplete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of di gestion Stomach, Liver, Kklmyi, Bow els-; Tr; -Iry tbem. They'll restore your boy nood appetite and appreciation or appetite foodand lairiv aaturate i My aaturate your body with aew health, strength and vigor.. 60 etc' at all druggists . ' V A Tha only Unas our friends aro candid a when they bars somsthlag disagree able to aa: -la-V M -4 V.'.'l V for Yoa .r:yc;r backache, tys, Its, e,. v l Sunimep?v II: come ana too coal rann tz"---f?aavea ttr strength, keeps Iter' health atud la better able to enjoy the summer. 'r Th New Perfection does everything that any other Move can do all tha fcm- lly cooking, baking, washing and iroo- ing. wo amoke, no Oust, no odor. Heat ia applied directly and not wasted. A turn, and the name ia out. The New Perfection stove has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot, drop ahelvea lot the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turauoiee-blue enamel chimney. The nickel finish, with tha bright blue of the chimneys, makea the stove very attractive and invites clean liness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. KTi"ry1enlerTerywhtt; If not trxn. wltoloi DocriiKlva Ciruilu to tlio bumm agucf at tb - Oil Company i fTnhTTInri ' T cmocr8tic Votera of Craven i PROFESSIONAL CARDS izzz7cZ t 1 1 Z?Jl T! k n . TTXf llttmftltf HMttHI ' o it ; eUlOU AND GUI ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phone 193, New Bam, N. C. H. W. CARTER, II. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Washington, N. C. New Bern, N. C. New Bern Office With Or. N. M. Gibbt, Elks Temple NEW BERN HOURS WEDNESDAYS: 5 to 7 P. M. THURSDAYS: 9 A. M. Is 1 P. M. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Elngineer Railways, Reports, Estimntes, Plans, Specifications. 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. " New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations; Timber Lands. F. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward, . , ; -!. BL AUen, AfTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOBP - ITt W BIBV, X. Offiea Ebois dul-M Elke BuikUog thiplin, Jones, , Lenoir, . Onslow, CartV erst, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courta, and where ever, servicer are desired. 1 ATORNElTiXT: LAVYg. Practice in the counties ' o Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow and in the Sute Supreme and Federal Courts.4 . - : l ;' -;- OWot Na. 60 Crsvsa lrsst. Talaphont No. 07. . f Ntw itrr H. C o . NAPOLEON'8 GRIT - , . was of the unconquerable, never say-die kind, the kind that you neediest when you hnve a bad cold, eoujh or lun? dis enhn. t'.iipiaa troches, couh Pyn'ps, cod liver oil or doctors have all fuild, rfon't lf"9 h rt or lv-'i. Take 4)r. K iiic's t.i'v l "n la t'-roat ors . ! '.'rt ) V i i t - I' D HI !!1 i v i f r I i w tr lur; (p i .!'! a nf h''i'i k- i ! . rri ffv. r . I ,.i it r AHKOUKCEMENTS V . ; 'I Tit. a .- AKKOUNCEMENT I hereby announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Register of Deeds for Craven County subject to the will of the Democratic Primary.- heartily appreciate and thank you for your confidence and support in the past, and if re-elected I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully discharge the duties of sr.id office. Yours very respectfully, STEPHEN H. FOWLER ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic voters of Craven county: I hereby respectfully announce that 1 am a candidate for re-election to the office Clerk of Superior Court of Cra ven county, subject to the action of the Democratic, primary soon to be held. I promise the same fidelity to the duties of the office that has characterized my administration for nearly twenty years and a continued devotion to the prjnci pies of the great Democratic party that has safely guided us a people through Ihe many political storms and vicissi tudes of the past. Very truly your obedient Servant, W. M. WATSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. primary to be held on iievt. Having had ahm September 3d . wpu year"! veurst evpi-rU'iir in I lir- otlli-t- liepu IV, I ffel I hu i I i' .hi admire lh p"uil: hi llie comity au uttiMeot and runiLie , tent aiscnarge ot tne autiesoi tne omce if nominated at the primary, wliicl, nomination I most respectfully solicit. Very respectfully, W. B. FLANNER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce that I Bhf.ll apain be a candidate for sheriff before ihe next Democratic primary, to be held for Craven county. I thank you for your confidence and support in the past, and if re-elected I promise to discharge thf duties of the office fairly and impartial ly, with due consideration always for the best interests of the whole people. J W BIDDLE. March 28, 1910. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I respectfully announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promise if re elected to be found at my office in the Craven county court house, willing to serve you as faithfully in the future as I have in the past Respectfully, Freeman S. Ernui. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To tbe Democratic Voters of Craven County: I hereby most respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Craven County subject to the will of the Democratic primary whenever saiiM primary is held. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to conduct the office to the satisfaction of the people to the best of my ability. Most Respectfully, B. B. Hurst ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office to the best of my knowledge and ability and as bear as possible to ' tbe satisfac tion of the public - ' i ""v . A T tVery respectfully.. -. RICHARD B. LANE. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF .Ki I " ; J r.t.., , t... x,: r. 1 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Craven eouti- ? -"Zi Z? i7 V: ty!.uojectbft.rmcr.tlc ' JL.&SSJ&SSLt . ' ,f L une baa given her. No woman - and if noinlnated I guarantee W. Tery fe w ,. ; . person having any business with tbe klfl,- lwi! " . l . office the nUnostresptDoUteMar; PfT" courtesy.:. . . . - Respectfully,' JL E. WADSWORTIt, - " "" :-lv.. I hereby snnouncs myself S candidate Five Departments-Collegiate1. Graduate, Engineering, Law and Education. Large library facili ties. Well-equipped laboratories' in all departments of science. Gymnasium furnished ith best apparatus. Expenses very mod erate. Aid for worthy students. Teacheis and Students ex pecting to engaye in teach ing should investigate the superior advantages offer ed by the new Department of Education in Trinity Col lege. For catalogue an i further infor mation address. R. L FLOWERS, Sec. DURHAM, N. C. Trinity Park School A First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accept ed fur Entrance tn Leading South ern i 'uilegcs. Fa '. ulty uf ten officers and chirt. L'.dinuus of aeventv- tl.'u rivi ucrea Librarv contain ing more than forty thousand hound volume. Wei) equipped tymnusiuin. High standards and modern methods of in stiutiion. Frequent lectures by prominent lect'irers. V mai.Mi, jjan-ja F. S. ALDR1DGE, Bursar, DURHAM, N. C. rllLLTHE COUCH AH! CURES the LUflCS iSCOVEflY OUCHS LoiCESotAiinn OLDS 1" TRUL BOTTU f REE fWD Alt THROAT AND LUNG TROUBUS GUAR ANT D SATSFACTORV Tw.' THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNO MECHANIC UTS The Shite's college for training in dustrial workers. Courses in Agricul ture. Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying; in Civil, Electrical and Meehanieal Engineering; in Cotton Mil ling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemis try; and in Agricultural teaching. Entrance examinations ateach county seat on the 14th of July. D. H. HILL, President, West Raleigh, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Cours es leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers Full Session begins Sep- timber 14; 1910. Those desiring to en ter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greer sboro, N. C. A FEW SHORT WEEKS- Mr. J. S. Bartell, Edwsrdsville, I )., writes: "A few months ago my kidneys become congested. I baa severe bus ache and pain across the kidneys and hips. Foley Kidney Pills promptly cured my backache ami carrected tbe action of my kidneys. This was brought about alter my using them for ony a few abort week and I can cheerfully recommend tbem." Davis Pharmacy. Tha newspaper la a r ran tie mirror tn which tbe whole world sse rflot ad Its Joy and sorrow, Its ambition and tnflneaea Its enmess aad tailor A fedscine Vcn ; Everr woman may notbo handi' mm .av aa.bvaiMWil ,W lV. aiVECaj l ' I nmnsai aa ttpvi r wr wte naarn r Wbereconstipation,Lverderarif : oients. blood impuriUcs and olhet ' irrejfularil iel exist, pood cor-'-' . . ion, bright yes and tr: ' ' , ' movements cannot sLl . ! - iarangomnnta ravenl t!,m.. - .-, . W lalor OO Ihe auiinf n. I :, r. ' , rlna around tht eyrt, , - You wl'J te Jai to t 15 tt crable and when tits r - i n new tho:"V.? Into your 1 , li-J5 r-,; ... - If nil :'-'z now, rt ! t I -ra C.-r. (t your r". ::y, ri . - . y. i r U it-v.: t f.!.-'..', -. If t.'s. cr vr ' ..:i i t for r !,iwf,f ni.f rnmintT "" ,'r, i1" luad fpr.' r c ; ,'. ,, ' ,. . and d-rie '. " I. It i I r 1 I, ,r i