'A.t''f , s V J., 2 -if". Children Cry i The Kind You Have Always 'mi ! .A - 'r-'-v-f "In. uaa ; lor 6rer SO yan, jhas'. borne . th elgnatur ol 1 : aa Has ;!4ff - tv--, jt- Anew All Counterfeits, Imftaoks and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health .of Infante and .Chlldrt Eiperlence against Experiment. What Is CASTOR I A '. Castdria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- -jroric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. ' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic -substance. Its age' I its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays reverisnnessi5 It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Ifr ajjlnillates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,' giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS ' SI Beal"SKtfie f V. - .aaaaaaaa The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T7 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Ladies . Tailor We are agents for the Amercif.n Ladies Tailoring Co. , of Chicago, and will be glad for you to call in and examine our samples and styles be fore buying. , :F. M. Chadwick, MST BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 THE BIHORIH SCHOOL, ilkmiU. I. C, hu rapnd Bo to b. Men for 111 TEARS. IdU located o th. AA.TlU. ttatua, I Dlln from city. OrrtomUoQ M1L1TABT for D1SCIPUNK. CONTROL .ad OtKRUOI. Ban ufd from otkat MhooU Dot mM. YUUw bon mnimd HMt M0iaUr Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to kjep'the iUwels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food frora gettiiiglnto your systtnii!' ' The latest product of sdenSe js VtLlVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and of a pleasant, akanalitf tSste. Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on the storcacb ' and bowels, and is of tjie griatest possible efficacy In constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, fevitjjlinesisj colic.flatuleoce, etc Try VF X GRAND EXCURSION TO ASHEVILLE, N. C. "THE LAND OF THE SKY" On July 12th the SOUTHERN RAIL WAY will operate its Annual Outing Special to Asheville, N. C, frora Golds boro, Selma, Raleigh and Durham, also intermediate stations to Greensboro. Don't miss this opportunity to visit this fairy land with its beautiful scene ry and cool mountain breezes. . Very ch jap rates will apply as fol lows: FROM Goldsboro, $ 5 00 Raleigh, 4 76 Chapel Hill, 4 75 Sajma, ' 6 00 Durham, 4 76 Burlington, 4 75 Greensboro, 4 60 Rates in proportion frora all other sta tions. For information regarding rates etc., address the undersigned. W. H. PARNELL, Traveling Passenger Agt, Raleigh, N. C TWENTY-FIVE, CENTS IS THE , 1 V The terrible itching and smarting, V.' f - Incident to certain skin- diseases, is vjK almost instantly allayed by applying ''&i'i'&itt. Chamberlain's Salvs. Pries 25 cents. VTi.'rfy. rorvtwp vy mu wiiicif Tfci nun 1b tbs moo looks Uks fkltabsU wnsa ns's InU. 'IV mat taka inta ooddaratioa the OSS , '.v'hft-tdi'a happiusii wsaianly health. . ' . Si J , J'T- - Tbs-wotaaai who eleos Ur hWth is oeileotlni the ;' . W fooodatioa of eU ood lortune. For Without health ; v: - -v love IomS Its lustra and old is but dross. ' , 'f "r" Woraanlr health wfcen lout or Impaired may (enerally bo v ". rsiaiasd by tbs mo of Df. rime's hsvorite freseripUo. i'1 thlm ProserfpTfoo km; for eft HO yoiW: 'v. '.' cUHmg tmllcmf, we, palwrnrmeM - ,H .. worn, bt 10 Mumartau or irani i . 'ft?', X' thlm to la e prlwmcf of rell komma ' ' V , C iflion re kmvloi t mbmll Id ladalh . , . soro floeefoo'nfls oof otfmmlrety rpmf .-. '' ""'S Mamlaattoma. . : . ' ' ' - r- V woriieo are Invited to oonmlt Dr. irreo hy letter A-". ' ' I Mirr-apmi(fneo hi-1 4 r.ity cwfileninl, Ad h 1 I An.o. iution, Ii. V, I .. (", M. 1)., i re ' M . I-f'-a's '.'t rv-rr I !:, 'Ml for Fletcher' D PI! "1 - ?v Bought, and which has been;;-. Dees made unaer jus per- BnperriBion since its infancy. no one i aeceive you in uu. Signature of tm tfTirtltlWfiftfiw Made - Suits U04DOM. ddnnOOL B. BUIQBAH, Sari.. Bo IS. LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP About Bathing Suits. Tbe sqoi.ie buh h unik is a riertoiw rival to I Iii' Miiilur coll. a. an a ttptrih li bathing stiils ibis wiTraui. On tbe beach the Inner Is undoubtedly tbi more Jfluury looking. Inn liuthi'-wiiii1' and Indeed after u wotting 'the . h,i square neck Is the more (Wimble. A buthing suit of uond'iuobulr tului t and bluet made lu HemliirlirroH ruuh Ion. the full, plain skirt trlmim around the bottom with a buud i white luobrili'. outlined with tlnck ano wblte fuuey brsid. would be service alile. A well luiKd pauel placed down tbe. front aud the licit to corn apond with tbe skirl trimming woulo h a deHlrnlile finish, the square oecl finished with a broad band of mohati trimmed with three rows of tbs braid tbs sleeve puffs. "IS LIFE WORTH SAVING?" Mrs. Mollis McRsney, Prentiss, Miss, writes that ana had s severs csas of kid ny and bladder trouble, and that font bottrM of Foley's Kldnf-y Remedy cured her aoond sad well.- 8he closes bar let ter br savin?: "I heartily recommend Foley's Kidny Remedy to any sufferer oi Ktoney aisesss. it savea my itis. D.Tishrmcy. - J " '" " C'est la Vis. 'y-t Be aatd tbat her om was pursed, and SS ht csve htm bte oonv ' . And save her heart to the uolfnl beatt' ; ': Whs called It retrou-M. ' 1 , i UppOvcottV ' A Dlrs . rsllurt.''"" 1 V" ,' Mrs. Gay Maud says she dresass en tirely io plcaiw her liiiKtmild. a r "i ' Mrs. Fay-Tuen she floeeut Mucoed. Her d reasmnker's bills niske him swear horribly .Hpokane fipokeenian-Rorlew, ssesatlal to woas V V,, ir v.. r i . v. Short Stories. zi-t : Tbe stlaryof lbe liuteaaut koerai of toe Dulted SUtea army In fjltJOOO. V Tner. ar not IfitiO- societies and group for the, irupBKrtoQ of Eupe- raalo sttaaitKt lo aH parts "f the world. J. i Mops are tt II uuknowd In BUa. TM dost sod atroog. nlodi maie jt seciury to . waxlnfluora dally, but, M is dooby servant In. the old way,. -f.OB"; tfce, battleahlil" Hubxbalppl tts owoprtut aud pulitUU s, lltlfa montbiy tnagaziue 'chronUKua bewa of naval affairs and life aboard sbtp. The title chosen for the periodical Is the Missis sippi Babble. , ? The Astronomers. Astronooiy Isn't sucb an exact scl euce after all.-Balttinore Sun. We wove that the , astronomers go back to the business of trying to find out whether-Mar8 Is Inhabited. Chi cago ltecord Herald. When the comet conies again lu 1685 probably, the Yerkei observatory -will have a supply of,explauatloug and cor rections aud retractions already on band. Kansun City Star Art Epigrams. Counterfeits are always ornate; true art is modest. Tolstoy. Art is u produce of the artistic tem perament. The artistic temperament is a product of the long hereditary cut nvatlon orart. Grant Allen. The lore of novelty is opposed to the production of good art. Lucy Crane. The meuniugs expressed in bigh and delicate art are uot to be classed uhdei cheap and external ethical formulae. They "deal lth strttuge vices and stranger .virtues. (I. K, Chesterton. BLOCKADED IIimisi'IidIiI ii lloiltil Know I I'.Vsisl it llrt 111 Tin bark acbe-i litlCiUH 111,' n liit-ys are blockaded. Help the kidneys with their woik. The back will ache no more. - Lota of proof that Doan's Kidney Pilla do this. It's the beat proof, for it cornea from Mew Bern. Charles P. Harget, 47 Burn Street Mew Bern, N, C, says;- "The public itatement I gave eeveral years ago . old fully of my experience with Doan's Kidney Pilla and at the pres ent time, J can conscie&touely confirm t I had considerable troubfe from veak kidney's my back ached constant ty and there were dull pains In mi loins. Soon after beginning the use of Doan's Kidney Pills at Bradham's pharmacy, my trouble was relieved I have recommended Doan's Kidney iilis on numerous occasions since ihen tndknow of many cases in which they aave been used with the most satisfac tory results." For aale by all dealer. Price 5i ents.r Foster MJlburn Co., Buffalo lew York, sols agents for tbs United -Ha tea. Remember the name Doaa's-r-aao Aks no other. Money talks, but what the "copper ays may not bs wti two Mtu CASTOR I A For Infenti said CMldrsn. The Kind Yoo Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A woman who has to attrar' atten- ion by Improprieties never hen la toe prOOBStfCML.- '' " - Chamberlain's Stomsch snd .Liver rableta sentlv stlmlilato the liver and nowels to oxpel poisonous matter clean- to tho system, cars constipation and tick headache. - Sold by oil dealers. - Care 'of Oans tastSfJ Chalro. . When ., tfio cans t bottoms of. chairs sag tnrn Jbem npetde down -and frlre them, a good wetting.' Scrub with brush and use soap. '- Let them dry la this poHlrlon,'and the canes will tight' rn npaod be as good as new. 7' When tbs stomsch fails to perform its function, the bowels become deranged, the taver and the kidneys congested pausing numerous diseases, ; The stom achs snd liver most bo restored to a healthy condition and. Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tableu can be de pended upon to do it. Easy-to take and most effective. ' Sold by all dealers, . " fc'i-'"51' ' 1 " ' ' 1 1 " " "' f' ' "''V? c TNo Boulevards In Washington, r 'Washington Is to be cougratuleted on having no .bonlevard.'.' Is every city ' where this r word Is used . for thoroughfare It has caused trouble. Blversldo drive. New York. ' sounds much better than Riverside boulevard. Pierce MID road is mors attractive Snd mora euphonious than Pierce Jllll boulevard would be. Chicago has de elded to follow the advice of the Municipal-Art league Snd will urgs the park commissioners to use the words "drive," "road and. "way" In plnce of tbs high bred French-German term. The word. While of French . use. Is of German eitractlon, a corruption of "bollwerfc," mcnnlng bulwark or ram part, a boulevard Id renllty being 8 drive laid out on the site of an aban doned fortl (lost Ion. It does not 1 i lnn to America, being a survival of the iijra Of f " !H. ira.VV :,Iri It Ms no plnce In Akkt 'n l! . '1. . iLegal Notice NOTICE OF RECEIVERS'., SALE DF 'THE PR6PERTY OF TBE CARO-' UNA- PAPER .frULP C0M.f i :' D1NV a rPtriR ATtrlTJ ""1 PrmaMrt to JnAtmt ot tao'Sapsrfae Court of CmMCoatrtrfcC, Mlmtl is V tmmt tUNtwBarSBnklaiaTnut Cemseiv. at, m Cunliae Psoer Pete Camaaav, at aJa,atM UtrTenB.tSlS, of aid soai. ami m Jnaaemit frapptaaMatal Uwnta eaUnd la asM n at the Jane Ton. INO. of wid emit. Mtie Is Iwnbr rirthttkoBaTliorf Saetivsn will s4l at public taotn.oJr promlsts of the CsimHas f m r Pulp Company HiiaitakCitr.N.O..ollOM Dat. Ut oY or Auourr. lSU). at U o'clock 0000, to th bisrbast biddsr at nM for cuta. tbe loUowiBa described proper! jr. Til. - . 1 A certain tract or parcol of iand bi Crea Coaatjr. StaU of North Carolioa. adjolnlnr tbe bindaof M. C. Wetherinstoa ao4 AlfnS Gatlla and others, bounded as foDowa. vjai". Besinhlng at a stake at the North Bwk of Pine Tree Creek. M. C Wetherinston'a comer, theace with said Wetherinstoa' line N, 21 degrees, E. t ehafaia and SO linkj ts a atake in at C Wetbcriaenu's, Uae at'the edse of the low Unit at the hlsh water raark.'thenc dowa Vie swamp akuxc the contour of the hish water mark 82 ehaiaa and t link to a pine stamp, Alfred Gtlios corner, thence S. ZTdesreealC S. chains ami 24 Hafca to a pine stamp, thence S. 46 degreea 15' B, 4 chains and 40 link to two pine atomp. thence S. 28 deSTee 46' E. 4 chains to a stake, thence 8. $7 decree 15 E. 12 chain and 25 link to a stake, thence 8. lderree 45' E, 14 chain and 75 link to an ash. thence S. 40 decrees If E. 26 caala and 85 link to an iron stake in th center of the New Bern and Washington road, thence with said road 8. 28 degree 30' W. 8 chains and S link to an iron stake in the center of the road attheUneof the land owned by Craven Co. at Street' Ferry, thence N. 50 degrees W. 6 chain and 65 links to a stake, thence S 40 degrees W. 4 chain and 8 link to a cypres stump at the mouth of Pine Tree Creek. thence up the meander of Pin Tree Creek to the besinntntr, eoetamiea in scree mare or tea, aaa being the tract conveyed to (f Street by deed dated November I7ta,480. recorded in book 108. page 182-181 of Craven County Records, ex. cepting the right reserved by D P Street to cut ash and to hunt during hi life time on said land; and being the same property conveyed by D P Street and wife Jnli G Street to Carolina Paper Km, ( uhii.-iuy. L,v d'i il.i'i'.l il J11111-, 1M18, and reli.-.l. l'. it li Hip "ftlio rU-uiftOi "f Itrrds ui iuv-n l uiiiity. N.I', iii lioik 172. pav-. i'K. A tei'Lun trai l "ii parrel if and in ilruvu r,.iit,t. Sl;i( ut' Nurtli I'ixnillnu. uiljiiiiiiiiy; rli. Uii.l;. .ii W. A. Kiii 11 unit Mmi v Ann Wetlmrilisluti i.ml illi,i'.. tHMimi.-d as tutlwn,-. vi. Brills' Ltir 1..V, lliml ill lliat Mrlain Iriu l iiiuncynl In Hol l.inil K l,.inca.t r l.y Si.-idieri' K Kwotl of Virginia by deed dated JSep Umber islh. Ig3if. and recorded in Craven County record and more fully describ ed as foil iws: Beginning at a stake on tbe North bank of Pine Tree Creek W. A. E well's corner, thence with said Ewell'C line N, 27 degrees E. 87 chains and 85 links to a stake ta W A EweU'a line, thence N. 47 degree 55" W. 5 chains and 42 links to t pine, thence N. 27 degree W. 1 chain and 65 link to a Hickory, thence N. 62 degrees W. 5 chain and 40 links to a stake in Mary Ann Wetherington's line, thence withaaid Wetherhur ton's line S. 26 degrees W. K chains and 88 links to three small maple at the bank of Pine Tree Creek thence down the creek to the bettinaing, contain ing 44 1-2 acres; excepting the right reserved by St. Clair Lancaster to cut ash and to hunt on said land during the lifetime of said St Clair Lan caster, snd being: the same' property conveyed by said St, Clair Lancaster and Holland E Ineestr. his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Company, by deed dated 10th June, )9v8, and registerel in the office of the Register of Deed of Craven County in book 178, page 402. A certain tract of parcel of bud in Craven County. State of North Carolina, adjoining th lands of H C Wethnrfngton and 8t. Clair Lancas ter, being the low land of that certain tract con veyed to W A Ewell by U C Williams and- wife, at Frank Wellierington and alary Ana Wether- inirton, November ltth 1903 and recorded in book 161. page 296, in the record of Craven County. and described as follows; Situated on the North aide of Pin Tree Creek and on th South side of New Bern and Washington Nad, beginning at a smalt water oak on the North bank of "Pins Tree LCreek. M C Wotherington' corner, thence with aaidWetheriiurton. Una N. 24 degree 66' JC S4 chains and 70 link to a corner- ts at Wether trWa line, thence ti. oodegree 15' W.lchaia and801tokatoaBvGMsm.tlrtS-OasTe W' 2 ehataaaad 88 Bnka to a eUke, tiee SHt degrees 20 Wtcbalna aad 78 links to a 'tak. N, 88 degree IS" W. 8 chain and 1 Una to a atake In St. Clair' LancaaWs: Haa, . withaaid Lancaster's Use & W iUsrsaS i tt chains aad 86 Baks to i stake atthe haakot n Tree Creek, tbenoe dowa the erakk to aOsia.l ning. containing 48 acres; exeepUng the right reserved by W A EweU to cat ash and to bunt oa said land daring the lifetime of said W A Ewell; and being the same property conveyed by said w A Ewell and wife Annie X EweU to Carolina Paper Pulp Company, by dead dated JOth Jam 1308. and regiitered In the office of the agltor of Deeds of Craven County In book 172, page 4, 'A certain tract or parcel of huid to Craven County.Btato of North Cnrouna. adWninsi the lands of w Q Bryan, the Avery : land and stbars, bounded as follows, via. Sitaatod oa the .Mar.h ideofNeurhrfis.tb lork-f Taftort Creek and akt itvarJanoat flfteea mn above New Bern, boa-Inning at the mouth of JTavlor Crack aad running ap th creek to the W QBraland, then with the Bryaa line and Avery Hae toNsaa rlvar, then down th river to ths aesnaing. la dadlM and CMvaytSS all the Bently Uaddea eribeu la a deed dated Aprs) Sth. 1814. exeretod by laaec Wincataamd Jaaka KOpatrU , oe Jemin BmUer. which at, meoraad tathssfnesei Um Begistar of Deeoa-tn Crwrea CoantyUboek 117 oa sag 886, to which lafefi being all the bunt conveyed to wV Bill and H V BUlbyfiC Whftoharsti Commbstoner, by deed dated July Mh, 190L and registered is said ncords taau book page 881 to whUhrrfee for title and tm- erlptkm, eoatatoiag 19) acrvnorr hsaj aad being the earn preperty eeareyed by wr BIS aad BearUttS V BIU. ht wife to Carolina Paper Palp Company, by dead dated tid October. H07. Sad registered in the ones o the Begbtar of Deed of Craven Cwrnty U book 1U, pass 5U. 'v".' , I. Ail that tract or parcel of - bud situate la Craven Coabty. -rtorta Carolina, ;om the North aids of Nena river and at the) mouth of Oraea 8pring Branch, described a follows Vcaiaalng at a Buttoawood tre oa Nana rive? and ran North 471-2 wast 88)rda,"toa stake, then North 21 w. 110 yds, to Oram Spring Creekv then dowa Green Spring: Creek to Heasa river, then dowa Nda river to th beginning, containing 10 acres mors or lea, being the seme land whareoa I situated th factory formerly owned br the 8. B Gray Manufacturing Company, and th same which conveyed to D Conation by the 8 U Gray Manufacturing Company, August SCth, 1482, deed registered toi book 110, page 690, records of Cravea Coaoty, and by assignment of mart. sg from Jss, P, BasseU and wife to D. Cong- don, which aaslgnnwnt is dated v.: J una. l; 'I. and Maristered in the office of the I'-irieter of Deeda In Cravea County 'In book K 5. ii 4 0 the ea d aoortgaire dead so earned havii r tn msds by thS 11 Gray Manufactm n it 1 t toJP BaSaett oa June 1st. 1' . pane 1 r"l 1' " County; and b". n U by DConcliin to Canii by d"'d duled hit J " th office of th h County In li.k Hi. i ew ah " ". and w- 1 Ti' v ' . . Sn 1 r wina;. i. irH in b.k 'la of Crftven aai ie pri: ?y conv na Pwtjnr 1 u!p Comti d 1! end r- r of I.4a ofCfi I l- . I1 Eisd on.thf west bok of Swift reek30 page 178, reports of Pamlico Couh - tUenc with said road west to edits ofi ly; and being the same land conveyed hi(fo land about U0(J yards; thence about south-slooi the edits of the hiajrlilaod to . George Hill's Branch: tbenoe sortM sald branch to tbe high land and with tbe edge of tbe high land to the mouth of Marian's Meek Brsneh; tbenoe acrusa same aid with the outer edgs of Swift -Creek Swamp 10 Liiuiff xsiana ttoaa; tnence just with i sard road about 200 jtsrds to iwlf t Creek; theoce up Swift Creek with 4Jie meanders of. the same to Willis Bridge Road tbs beginning-, being sll of tbe swamp on said tract of land on the North side of Little island Itoad causewav; together wHu tbe rights of war, right nd privilege of extension of said term, and all other rights, (towers and privileges, conveyed oy v. r. sireei ana wire JDli&u. street, and JN. K. Whllloid, Mortgagee, to Carolina Pager Pulp Company, by deed dated 19th March, 1809, and v registered in the office or the ' Register ' of Deeds uf Craven County in book 175, page 209. 7. All tbe timber ot every deserip tlon of every sort and size when cut, now -standing or growing or which, may be standing or growing within tbe term of ten years from the 12th day of November, 1908, upon the following described land situate in the county of Pamlico, North Caro lina, and bounded and described as follows: On land conveyed to J. E. Delemar by Emily Barrlngton and others by deed Gated February 1st h. kl893, recorded in the records-of Pamlico county in book 20 pages 62 to 65, reference to same Js hereby made; except that 150 acres sold to j. L. Brlnson and 5 acres to John 8. Kinsey by said 8. M. Delemar; also another tract known as the fiangert tract, both 9aid tracts sold byJ.E. Dele mar, to Samuel M. Delemar under deed dated September 19th, 1901, recorded in oook 42, page Zooeiereoce is hereby made to same also one tract known as the William B. Perkins-land beginning on Goose Creek at a ;twamp, thence down said creek to a cypress known as line cypress, thence up Owens Swamp to Line Branca, then with and to the head ot said branch then a direct course to the head of Poplar Branch, and with said branch to the creek, thence to the beginning, con taining "iii noil-' ruoie or Iw to-! filler with the riffJitsoC wu, lii'his anil inivllsi uf fxiriisinti i f iheVaul let in. anil all ullii'i riylii, ami iirivileui-N rinicr( s. i Uclemai J ml Klla A. Iilcinul Iii wile.. In i'aiiilina l':i (ir-r I'uip i'i.iu panv. lit ili-rn ilaicil ii'ilii.i uvt-mlioi I9tw. anil fcciiiiieil in rlic oltli of tile Keitisler of Deeds ol Pamlico County. N. C, in book 60, page 634. 8. All tbe timber of all sizes and of every description, except the pine; now standing or growing, or which may be standing or growing within the term of IS years from the 29th day of November, 1907, upon the tract of land situate in the County of Pam lico, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Line Cypress below Mud Liandlug Cut on the East side of Goose Creek, thencsv running directly across the swamp on the West side of Goose Creek to the Bramble and thence up the swamp to Hopkins Swamp and with that to the Hopkin's Swamp Road thence down Mill Dam to the creek and the swamp down the East side of the creek to the Muddy Land- ng Gut. and the Sloughs aud branch es to tbe East side of week that makes Into the Creek Swamp. All the standing timber except the pine, being 400 acres, more or less, and be ing part of Uie same land known as the Goose Creek Mill Tract and W. B. Perkins tract, also beginning at Muddy Landing, Road and runs up the Owens Swamp to the old crossing and then with the run aud down said swamp to the beginning, and up tbe orancnes inai mane witu mis swamp on the East side, containing 90 acres more or less; together with tbe rights of way and privileges of extension all other and all other rights and privileges conveyed by S. M. Dele mar and Ella A. Delemar, his wife, to. Carolina Paper Pulp Com pany, by deed dated 29th day of Nov- emrter. isoi, ana registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County in book 47,-page 579. . All the timber of every descrip tion when cut now standing or grow ing,, or which may be standing or growing, within the term of ten years irora trie win aay ot novemoer, ivoa. on that certain tract of land situate In Pamlico County, N. C, and de scribed and bounded as follows; One tract or parcel of land known as the Jesse , Paul !and; . it being the same Kce told to Ella A. Wiley by S. M. lemar( br deed dated September 2nd, 1903,recorded in , records orPam- ucpuouuty id oook si, toi io iuj; re ference is liereby made to same; to gether with the rights Of way right ana privilege 4)i extension or ine saia term and all other rights, powers and privileges conveyed by S. M. Delemar and Ella A. Delemar. his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Company, by deed dated 12th day November, 1908, and registered In. the office ol the Register of Deeda of Pamlico County, N. C in book W, page S39. - ' ,. '10. All the Gutrl, Cypress abd Pop lar timber of every description of all sizes now- standing or growing, or which, may -be standing or growing within tbe term of -10 years from the 5th day of Mar, ' i08, oa that certain tract or land "situate Id Pamlico County, N. C, and bounded and de scribed as follows: - Adjoining - tbe lands Of-J.- W. Tingle, and Brltty Casey and others. - first tract fully described To a deed from i; M.tJ. Brlnson to Gideon Dixon, dated Nov. ember 20th 1868, 4nd registered In the records of Cravea Cronoty, book 85 pages US and 117,' 'and containing 180 acres, more or less. ;. One other tract described In a deed from Levi Built to James , McCabe - Brlnson. dated February tlio Hth. 18j5, and also described In the above described deed and containing 80 acres, more or less; together with the rights of way right and privilege of extension of the said term, and all other rights, powers and privileges conveyed by D. II. Brlnson and Luvlnla A. Brlnson, hi wife, to Carolina Paper Pulptjom pany, by d-crt dated Sth day May 1908, sod r"-l!.'"r"d Io the ofllce of the register of 1'i'c (,f 1'amllco Connty, N.C., In I 11. Allf s'tinte in J ;t 4 i, i -.:e 6-0. it i i.iln tract of land .11 ') County, K.s C. ad- j' .iii -t: 1 1 ;tt l'U kin L and i,. nr., 1 BS follows; On the m i 'i :. rlvi r n n..l I ., .t if'.k 1 In i. i old 1 11 to : if ? at g i ( j Til) ' in ti,. c tin til i i f t br George U ieks and Jerrale A: H icks, Ills to Jinn E.n.. DulI Hnn ie v. w win. a ayv a uiu vwf PSOr by deed dSterl SOtb day Of OcU'; ber, lt8, snd TegUtered to the Office of tbe Register of Deeds of famllco County. N, C, ir bookiiS, page.s. .12. All the timber of every descrip tion snd ol all 'Blzs now standing or growing, or which may bestandidg or growing within tbs term of ten years rom tbe 18tb day of January 1908, on that certain tract of land situate In Pamlico County, N.C., and bounded abd described as follows: Beginning at tbe Muddy- Landlnv Got, and ruuning up Owen'4 Bwamp thence across the- swimo to tlie liili TT IV" bUO 1UH HV UCUIKU iCCa HUE. fou the West side and then down the swamp to the "beginning including the branches, contaitiing 20 acres mure ar less; also another piece on tbe 1 West Side of Goose Creek adjoining Win. Nelson's land and being part of same land bought from I). M. Brlnson, and others containing about 5 acres; together with the rights or way, right and privilege of extension of the said term and all other rights, powers and privileges, conveyed by George Hicks and Lennle A. Hicks, his wire, to Caroliua Paper Pulp Com pany by deed dated 18th day of Jan uary, 1908, and registered in the office of the. Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, S (;., in book 48, page 219. 13. All Uie timber of every descrip tion, except the pine, poplar and oak, now standing or growing, or which may be standing or growing within the term of 15 years from the 14th day of November, 1908, on that certain tract of land situate in Pamlico Coun ty, N. C, and described and boundtd as follows: Situate, lying and being on the West side of Trent creek ad joining the lauds of Tully Spruiil, Jno. P. Redd i tig and others, begin- niug at a stake on the Eastward side of said land the devidttig cornei be itween the heirs at law of John Daven port, Dee d and runs West 152 poles to a stake, the corner of the 100 acte tract and in said Redding line, thence in.sj, w. 13J poles to a coiner in J. r. neuuiug s line, ttience j. e, c. i 132 poles to a corner ' thence S. Bit, E. 133 poles to thcdlviding coiner of the heirs at law of John Davenport, Dee'd, thence with the dividing Hneifrator w 1- A - X. JJ LUC UCK'lIUli'. Will. I III" uiir io acrct, iiioie oi ii-s . Ut-mc riif .'inn' l.'Stiti i'dOVC'.ViI by lii-ri) .I'liuiun J'.nl. IST1 iii HolluWiiy -V. Aijn-.r v Hill nllf io TlitlU P. Km III) 111'' Ulllr-I ni Alii. R A. IJcowU' and brinw a pa' ;el ol iaml bettei known as Lhe.Mfrin go Land; together with the lights of wav, the right aud privilege of exten sion of the said term, and all other rights, powers and privileges convey ed by Earnest A. Brown rnd Ella Brown, his wife, and Elizabeth A. Redding.to Carolina Paper Pulp Com pany by deed dated 14th day of Nov ember, 1908, and registered in the ofllce of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, N. C, in book 50, page 424 14. All the machinery, boilers and engines, equipment, tools, etc., form erly used by said Carolina Paper Pulp Company, In connection with its plant and factory; also the eq jin ment of an electric' light plant and a saw-mill outlit. Ifl, One tub roof cement, one box asbestos covering, 8&00 tire-brick, 19 bags alkali, three drums caustic soda, 275 cords of gum and pine wood, 80 tons soft coal, i bbts. rosin, 220 bales unbleached sulphite pulp, 7 1-2 bbls. alum, 30 Jumbo rolls os paper 10 bundles of white paper, 5 tons of ground wood pulp, 5 tons sulphite pulp, 1 gas boat, 10 h. p. Lathi op engine, 60 yds. canvas dryer felt, 20 cords of pine slab wood. 16. 21-4 tons fire clay, 8 pair plat form scales, 2 boxes Fourdrlner wire 1 buggy, 1 cart, liou lbs Jouraal grease u bbls. (Silicate soda, 3 cedar tanks, 1 iron safe, l wood stove, 1 roll top desk, 1 tall office desk, 8 chairs, 1 stool, and other office fixtures and turniture, 1 heavy built dlgefitei knocked down, X locomotive boiler, two yard trucks,. 2 flat ooata launched etc., etc. i v ' This 18th day June 1910. 7 THOMAS D. WARREN R. A- NUNN Receivers of the Carolina Paper Pulp Company, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE North Carolina Superior Court Craven County Before Tbe Clerk H. H. Pender, Administrator of the estate of Lewis Williams, dee'd. vs. Florence Williams Paul Williassa Henrietta Williams, his wife. By virtue of an order and dee roe of ale to me directed m the above entitled Special Proceedings pending in the of fice of the Superior Court of Crva eouaty vktek sa4 p9eaanBja waM ia stiUite) for ave Msyose ti asrsaw sets to pay tibe iebts f iavs said Lewis WiUiarna, dee'aT, 1 wiM sVer for sale aad sell at public endue to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door of said Craven county on Monday the 1st day 6f August 1910, at the 1 hour of 12 .'clock M.; all of the following describ ed property, to-wlt: f -. Lying, and being; situate in the 7tb. township, Craven ' county, North Caro lina; and ia that torttoa ot said town ship krwnand designated s,"Grays vi)le"t aa, plotted and,' recorded in the public records' In office of Register of Deeds for said Craven county in Book Nil 112 Vnlirul 144 and liS and bflarlnar the numbers seven (T) and, (S) upon said plot or plan, both of said lots fac ing on Vail street' and extending' into Keuae river.- It being, the same land conveyed by The Mntual Aid Banking Company to Lewis Williams dee'd.,, by deed dated February 10th. 1900. "and jre-, corded in said public records; in Book' No. 182 Folio 494, , to, which reference iS hereby made.' . V "-,.! ' r y.,,- - This 20th dafcofjune. 1910..'- r -v - HH. PENDERr : l '-'iff I ; - Administrator. :-Jt. OHARAa' Att. n-4 r) (S ' "' : afvrr-iHi ns.ait e 1 -..,.' I 1 . t)r rirtoe f tie AatsoHry seaitcrred atMsj ta nndrlimrd by a certain contract entered lata, botwwm Josaiih U Halin and Chan, Whit dated July Ii-d. 1SH. fir the puri-hsse ef a lot of tend. 1'iTBin drrll.oil lo vrhitb aald nmtract . ths i a to aald bu d ra retained by Said Jowub IV 1 lin. until tl porrhaaa mr.- therafi i 1 In full, and d- fault bsiii g bi mail In tn i imiiiit k! d r-ii-'h"" monr at t'm , d for II a.. 1 J- . L. d to to a Tm b tuitlwi Bw.a the wea aide of Eubank at rat t I -J ills, iiS.il as ... ... . BesnnaWatta tua thVast cones- of w No. ai i - , ' . mum reeiiiiss vtaeuav aong the nartnern une of aatd lot eiahtr-foar flJtr feet; thenre north wardly raiu wtth ruhani forty-eM w f(M. thaan alaixtly parallel with said northsrn Une of lot Mo. Ltttto eynraaa to the west line e( a id Eubank aUeat: theaje southwardly furty-one M fact more leas' to the point of tegiruung. Thi 80th day of June 110. JOSEPH I. HAHN. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified a executrix of the last will andtestmentof Uerrnt Whitley, deceased, late of Craven County. N. C, thia is to notify all per sona having claims against the estate uf the de caaaed to present them tor payment ua ur before tn sth day of July, 1WL1 or thw notice v. ill it. pleaded in bar of recovery, aii persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate psyllium July Sth. mitt. ADELA1D W11ITI.EV txecutrtx. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE CAROLINA PAPER PULP COMPANY. A CORPOR ATION. To the Creditors of the Carolina i'ausr I ulp Company, a corporation : Notice is hereby riven that by a judgment uf I lie Superior Court of Craven County. N. I'., wiIumiI in tbe case of New Bern Banking and Trust i'oiii pany, t ai, vs. Carolina Paper Pulp Cu . at aU ul the May Term. 1910. of said court. Thomas I). Warren and R. A. Nunn. of New Hern. N. i. were appointed Receivers of the aaul Carolina I Paper Pulp Co. and that all creditors are required to present and make proof to such Receivers of their respective claims against said Carolina Pa per Pulp Co. on or before the first day of August 1910, and all creditors and claimants failing to do so within tile. Li mo brnited at aforesaid will be barred from participating in the distribution of tbe asseta of the said Carolina Paper Pulp Co. This 21st day of May. 1910. THOS. D. WAKHLN. R. A. NUNN, Receiver of Carolina Paper Pulp Co. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION' Having this day qualiled r iirlmlni' 'hli wili n.ii -.ii .c ''n.' i (,( mmdl W I'! il'-rcv 11' 11,1 i III. II l.uil.-.l 1 - hu lily i-l in :ifi- i;iHt i(. i I . llifli A itll t ill' Illi Uie a, (iii.-.lil. Ami all i'.-r ol. tul r uiv n , ir si, III. I '.1 1 . 1.1. J nl.itt.- hum. J. il I I fl.lllll -i'I.III I f uaynienl. link presented within l raunlii.t iiom this date, this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This June Hth 1910. ENOCH WAPSWOKTH Administrator with will annexed. Guion & Guion, Attorneys. Mortgage Hale. By virtu of power of sile contained in that certain mortgage deed made to K. W. Williamson by Edward Harria Sr. and Margaret Harris, his wife, which mortgage deed ia re.-ordel in book number 168, page 66. in the office of the Register of Deeds oi Craven county, and duly trantiforr 'd and assigned to the undersigned by the said K W Williamson, the underaignnd will on the 25th day of July. 1910. at twelve o'clock M.. ut thecouit house door in New Bern, N. C. sell to the higboat bidder for oaab tna followine; deearibed tract or pamal of land: Being lot Mo. oil in that part of the eity of New Bern, N. C , commonly called Pavietown or Farmville. and the name lot conveyed by deed dated the fifteenth duv of April l8i2. from E W Smallwood. attorney in fa. t for George W ravie and t'roline Pavie to LMwarl Harria Sr.. Which deed ia recorded in lx,i.k mini, ber 10H, paats 243. office of ttie Kevr terof llt-eds of Craven couuty to which referent- i.: u.ud.i for a full and complete desciiptioD. including all inr provemen a thereon situate. ' ' ' MILLS HALL, Assignee. Juoe24t I'WIO. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD SEASHORE OUTING SPECIAL Effective Sunday June, 19, 1910. The first Sunday Seashore Outing Special will be inaugurated Sunday June 19, 1910 between Raleigh and Beaufort and return Excursion rates will be in effect, no baSgage will be checked for this train. No stops will be made be tween New Bern and M City in either direction. Train will fun on the follow ing schedule: 5 15 a rn Lv. Raleigh Ar. 12 30 a m li! 00 11 46 p m 11 86 " 11 80 " 11 15 " 11 00 " 10 45 " 10 36 " 10 13 " 9 58 " 9 49 " 9 34 " 9 20 " 9 10 " 8 61 " 8 31 " 8 21 " 8 13 " 7 48 " 7 39 Z" 7 83 '" 7 19 " . 7 06 " 6 64 ' 6 30 " 5 44 " 6 67 " 6 02 " 6 1J " 6 27 " 6 88 " 6 43 " 7 10 " 7 17 " 7 29 " 7 47 ' 8 04 ' 8 14 " 8 88 " 8 61 " 02f .". 06 81 " J0"" .9 66 " 10 10 lft 26." " Boushall " " Knightdale " " Eagle Rock" " Wendell " " Zebuldn " Middleeex " ' '. Bailey " Neveraon " Wilson " EvapedBle " " Stantoneburg " Walstonburg " Farmville ; " Arthur " " Greenqllle " " Simpson " Mv.ttiimMland " Bryan " - Washington " ' ChocUwinity ntfredrlck "' "k uBragaw ? " fVanceboro 'V 10,86 i0 42 " Aakin !;; 6 48 . V 10 W'f VI j-BrWe-ton " 6 38 U 06 1.;"!.. Ajr. NtwrBero Lv. . 80 It lt telitK&Sri'j. ' Ar., 6.26 v" la 10 o m ' M.'Cit.A 15 ' U0& '1". 7 - Aflaniitf rtoterfi 10 f M U 26 Beawfort-' Ly.' 6 00 p m ' Notea Uninf due on Sunday, or oa a ' legal holiday., mutt bo prevtoua. '' "' ' - paid Ut J O a a . J CRANO ; t . 1 T'VK A alf'tt IM1-1