r -tKew Bern, July , 1810. iimu lobci la 8 k. or r ! Meets every TesuJ U Tl - Aresauia ';'.aai..';-WKM Hanenck Wreet,- E. H.' Haralson. C.G j. H. Bmrtk. K. ot l l VT- ""ChttlM E bcMteni- nril of- VtMalk !i: :..! 'iii w-wetcesBSV'-Av: 'S-o'r -' - - MkJ'i- wit WYTOVn X m . W 1.1 .4 Jtk : 111" w -: BAUWS mmm-.-wm. V'Knlgfcta HajmowT lMl.'nrnt; proad and B.J10O0K attests vw . WWW. PrwMeatf 'J. mtta. j-lMHtacn-: E 1L JIbmwsUI Seo- V OODXEK OF ITU "WOSLD JOfS at JL of P. Hall corner ot Broad Md Hancock atreeU, awnl-niooflay. Flrat uu Third Wednesday nights t 1:W o'olcok. TlalUns Woodmaa art Ixrtt, d. WDM TO JO IBTlKTiaiWJTS Executrix Notice. B. B. Dayenport-ChJckana etc. "; GaaHon DrogCo. TbOetPreparationa Report of the PolloekiviUe Banking and Trust Co. . Have The JOURM Ffi'.' You. ? You are going, away, for the summer froa New Bern and very many local happen ingsare taking place, why not have the JOURNAL reach vou daily? It is the medium to let you know all the local happenings, costs little and keeps you posted on home doings. Let the JOURNAL follow you this summer where you go. BUSINESS LOCaS NOTICES. IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. ICE CREAM Soda today at McSoriaya 5 or 6 dosed "666" of Chills and Fever. will cure any case Price 25c. FINE lot of spring and grown Chickena, Ducks, fresh Eggs, Irish Potatoes juad Onions, Fruit Jars, Block Cotton, Meaa Rump and Plate Perk, Lines, Twines and Netting at B. B. Davenport's. FANCY Tomatoes at 20 and 26 cent a basket, all kinds of Ice Cream at Roy all's. WHY bake your bread at home when you csn get an 18 ounce loaf for, five cents at Kafer's Bakery tSix loava for 25 cents. Phone your orders. THE Middle Street Market offers this morning a fine lot of young and grows chickens, also a lot of fat docks and geese. 90 Middle street, Planter'! Bl'g. SAND furnished parties desiring sand for building or other purposes apply to Broad uc & Ives. FOR RENT A very nice residence, containing 6 rooms. Situated at Ma 140 Pollock street Apply to Chas. B Hill 86 Middle street. NEW CROP of Turnip and Rutabaga Seed just received. All seed fresh and of the beet strain at 1 F Clark's 86 Middle street, New Bern, N. a , . 6 or 6 doses W' will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c CODFISH aides and brkk, Iriaft pte toV evaporated apples peacbe apri cots and prunes, all fresh and nice. Red hmu Knrur vara nna at Hiubiui'a V . IT pays to trade at yioeent'.v Freak umsM.' as. mil. ni nsiflinaMi orwwu nr rimnu x birtndi; Batt grfo ;ct float; lftd- Vy VOkAnU.. kL. k f -i ' ASL j . KVfHiH ws ''Wu vsm are .' Vincent 157 South Front atreet.' nhone rQlSIUVB PACTflHT At CLi&H -Can f umsh Porch Oolnmna, Coloia Uf Style, mide of red-heart eypressr afouldlags, n""ets, iPlyniksi Makkt Doors, WI-' 'r Work, Mantles Sampfest.. . . oiflktll Hardware Co's Store,- Orders left there are addreeeed ; to the nndoreigned prntly fllledJ. M Register Clarke,' " ,-t.e,';.r?';. : C3 South Front street -Gentlemen's clothes cleaned repaired and pressed, Laii;..:S skirte pressed, a specialty. ' r , HRX rotfa Sad Iron (8 toset) Hedge Shears for trimming badges, rote luah e etc.v Florist Trowels, Harper & I'lL loon Fly "Traps, Auti Fly Lotion for keeping flies off of horses,' cows Le. J. C. Whitty 4 Co., Pboce 98, ; RUBUER STAKrS-lTs!e tooH -rc short notice. . lCuller Tsi x T ' Ta ' i, I. k efe. in ' . I'tiU r ' 1, i 1 'y. " 1 ONT f-nj vvrt. " x , , f I n.7i":r. i T. 1 ' ' I . c? 1-2 cc.:::::i tecsx ccxrixx -f. :-. at rneUTne, la tie 1U l H. C, HJune30th, isioi't- --.f njy-.i rv V t JtUA..Htf ' irvi. tSt.S00.A0 UU ana giwiw s . .: j, Overdraft eecured and u secured . i i t 't&C'.ii J '. vc- PursHart ., ijdreav p ; AM 6 thai faai testate owned -Y "JLjSi 47 Gold &X-&&'r: 67.60 Silver coin, Includlnt; mil pK , , -V f : not eoto currency. -'.'-"' - 866.82 National bank iweee and ota-.- Total S26.986.28 Capital atock .i....,..... Undivided profits : less current expenses and taxes Mid . 1,412.46 Notes and bflU rediseounted 1,616.20 Ttoe certificates of Deposit 7.268.72 DeDosiU subject toehack. 10,766 84 Due to Banks and Barkers . 88.66 Total : 825,885.28 STATE OF NORTH GAROUNASSc "Coontr of ; Jones, 'r ' I, H. A. Creagh, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tbat the above sUtementle true to 'the best of my knowledge and heller. i 7 ', ' H. A.HDRBAQH, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 8 th day of July 1910. . CH. BRYAN. Notary Public Term expires Jan.' 28th. dl2. Correct Attest: H. A. OHADWICK, J. H. BELL, JOHN WHITTY, O. R. HUGHES, "pirectors, use mxen's mm Theantkeptie powder to be shaken into the shoes. ! If you have tired, ach ing feet,, try AUen'i Foot Ease. It rests tlie feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures aching, swollen, hot, sweat ing feet: Relieves corns and bunions of allpamandgiyesreet and comfort Al ways use it to Break In New shoes. Try it today. Sold everywhere, 26 cts. Don' accept any substitnte. For FREE trial package, address Allen S. Ohnstead, LeRoy.N.Y. Teachers KTimlnatlon. The regular examination for teachers certificate will be held July 28th.,- and 29th. White teachers will be examined Thursday, July 28th. and colored teach ers Friday, July 29th. Teachers attending the E. C. Training School at Greenville, will stand examination under Prof. Ragsdaie, Pitt County, on July 14th. The entrance examination to the A. & M. College, Raleigh, will be held at the Court House, in New Bern, July 14th. - S. M. Brinson, County Supt of Schools, SPECIAL NORFOLK SOUTHERN RY. Farmville to New Bern, making close connections at New Bern for Morehead City, , account JUDICULCONVEN TION, 8th district St forehead City, N. C, Saturday July fth, Will be oper ated upon the following schedule Lv. Farmville " Arthur - -" Greenville ". " Simpeoa-- -Grimesland tF:Bryan-.;.;, Cboeowinity Frederick i . Yanceboro .?V'';Erhulwv- l" BrldgeWn; ArNesr.Brn,'cr Lv;.NewBemw- 616 I 6 26 - 6 44 6 69 7 10, 7 14 J 744 7 29 J T4f m. "v. -'ft - ",y .8W ; 8 40 9 26 10 40 Ax. Morehead City will leave New Bern eat arrival ef train Noi 2& attfi pm ktopping at all e rations to Farmville. "TbieJrraln Will not be oper ated vU Washington hi either direction. Spend tour week-end at THE AT LANTIC HOTEL Morehead City.tbe largest and ."Seashore Hote la the South.' Very reasonable Mtea.,i"t V y k Ask, your ticket agent for" compleU miormsuorj. rjr , rz; i ; f : H. C. HUDGIS, V.W. W, CROXTON, ra.-p.A.-- '.A.',a.p, f-.ilrr Norfolk, Va. . h ar nan 1 mm Instruci'on at hk.'t Inf-rr.-r' your reii'Ifnce. For -"''on v-ritJ lut-y "t s' ra 11 c. l; ilas latt WiUU baa ?ooe for a. ,Uit at Virginia Beach, Va. ' - ; Miss Nicbolls of Nw Orleans is Visit-. ing her cousin, Mrs. EV A Nunn, Thursday vii the. high ..temperature day of the summer thus far, the reguv ImtemgM aegreeaT.J; Yesterday was another dull day a the PoMee Court.' There- Were only one or two minor caees on the docket and these weriqniekly disposed firj .i:; Tomorrow !nigbt .'it 9 'o'clock Capt Stern will gtve a lecture on Jus work t in. the Chinatown district of New York. Thr public Is eordiayy tnyftod . to t- Christ pmrch-SeventhSundiy after Trinity; holy communion , at . 7;5 ir&Z morning aevice with eermonat 11 a. m. j evening service with sermoo at 8 p. rn, H Sondav school at 6 o'clock p. m,r The services will be eondueted by the Rev, Clandios F. Smith, of uiixanetn i .wty. ? The-work of paving jCraven street was begun yesterday morning. A large force Of brick layer are employed ' by the contractors who have charge of this work and they are making rapid pro-1 gross. . The section of Broad between Middle and Craven streets will be taken up next. ' ,.'; '. :'; Judging from all reports the Third Regiment of North Carolina troops that in camp at Camp Glenn, is enjoy ing its outing immensely. The boys arrived at Morehead City early Thurs day morning and at once began erecting their tenta. : They will remain in camp for ten days, - : Home grown watermelons will soon make their appearance on the local market. A visitor to the city yesterday from Pamlico, county informed the writer that the outlook for a large yield of melons in his section of the bounty was very encouraging and that they would soon be large enough to bring to market. . ; Quite a large number of delegates from this city will go down to Morehead City today to Attend the Third District Judicial Convention which js to be held there today. The .Norfolk - Southern Railroad will also operate a special train from Farmville to Morehead City; in- order to accomodate the large number of delegates from that section. . The work of making the excavations for the hew Union' passenger' depot is now in full swing .and is progressing rapidly, Material is being brought In each day and the brisk layers ' will 4000 be able to begin their work. The foundations of the structure will be built of concrete and will be so constru ed that ho amount of weight will cause it to sway.' ' ' ? . Several expert decorators will arrived in this cHy next week and begin work on the floats that are to be used in the parades during the -Bi-Centennial Cele bration. ' Up to the present time about twenty floats have been' entered and it is more than probable .that others will be entered later., These parades will be one of the main features of the celebration. -i' . . Mr. R. D. W. Connor of Raleigh, is agaui in the'ity in the interest of the Bi-Centennial Celebration. He aas that in every town that he has visited during the past few days the people have talked very enthusiastlclly of the event and many signified their intention of attendmg; - Tbe" eommittee regret very much that Raleigh: wP not be able to participate, ' : ;l''-v --: A ahipment of several barrels of Irish potatoes iMMSed through; 'this city yes terday morning enrntite . to Northern marketis. The shipment dqrithg the past few das have been exceedingly small on account of the risk ' taken by the shipper in securmg shough money from then to even pay for; tbe freight, .ITne quotations- at the present time range from S20 10 82.75 pet bafreL ".V--- Afiarty -which was -composed of h number of ladies and gentlemen" went oowu; to Wllkersons Point yesterday in aitopeo gas boat to Spend the day n flahihg. While i-returnwg . -borne .late yesterday afternoon they ' encountared I a heavy shower and despite" the fact uwi - nuuiuer ui - utruauims . wera brought into nse ,th: party was . thor ougnly drenched when they reached the '-if -'.- W-S' i-VA.-.''-:':.;rr . , An enormous amount of . work b. be ing turned out Just at this - time by the machlniats and mechanics at the. "Nor-folk-Southern Railroad; shopi in ' this cityi I. Discarded passenger cars are'be ihg rebuilt, disabled locomotives : being repaired and re-painted and much other work being done. . It la not probable that any other , shop, in the Stale gets out as much work iwlth the faciUtieb affordedV-M ': "' ;'-; ' '-' '3 , In walking, around hi.-different sec tions of the city It is noticed that therv are a number of billboards which are in the ...last stages ' of dilapidation ; and doopy. ' ' One of these structures is located right noat the City Hall and much comment has been made about it during the past few days.; -A well bii 't j board is Lad enough but one that K kn as If it Were built in ante-bellum 1. ys ! is a nuisance and should be torn down. ! A number of the local pne f it en- Umaii t' ' r's ar:' . . f f - f 1 in t rn r i a r Li f-sJ thiiuasrui email . h Was begurt I few We-( ago, ru w ,uan a lew dayJ Uiey will le sttsithed to the feed wires' nd the current 'turned on. to ascertain whether they are all properly connected. It is probable that after this baa been done ft will be found necessary to place a few more strings of the bents at various points in order to make .these placeJ&ow up as weU as the others.. During the rain storm yesterday af ternoon one of .the strings of electric lightaj which bad been erected on Mid- dlenetreet for illumination during the Bi-Cehtennial celebration. Waa" twisted from (its fastenings eM, fell" to the grourd. r'jj'eople "passing' that point gave it a wide birth as- they uoubtleee tbobgjkt the' wires were beavOy charged not tie case ai the current has not yet been fumed en this section.'-The wires were ) later -takenTip: and wrapped Shortly 'After "6 o'clock yesterday evening one of the'-wires. which furn- wnes ejectneaty to ail oi tm. small lights farthejdown town district fell to the grooni at the cornerf Middle and Pol lock streets and matanUy all of .these lights were extinguished. A force of uw eicincians empioyea oy ine com pany were at once sent out to repair the break, but more than two "hours elapseel before the electricity could be turned on. , Working in mid-air astride two swaying wires no easy matter and it ia very perilous especially in wet weuur out uus is wnai ii was -lounu necessary to do, and a large crowd soon gathered to watch the proceedings. Wonder Freezers Best Made. M.-E. Whitehufst & Co. S TIES J WAMTED ! Bids on all or any partof 15,000 stand ard long leaf heart pine Cross Ties wanted Address by letter, NEUSE-TRENT TRACTION CO. New Bern, N. C. 1'4eN:Y0U ARE SICK If doesn't take a good doctor to . tell jthat most anybody could do thamuch, but to tell exactly the . nature .of the disease sometimes ': calla for the utmost skill of the physician. Most anybody by a few .simple tests could tell that 1 your eyesight was defective and : that yoU needed glasses of some kindj but -to diagnose the exact ; trouble arid fit the right' glasses j callaj for more than ordinary skill.' 4 We ave made that one " thing a lifetime Study and we are in busi ness, to bring wrong eyes and : righ( glasses together. . v -' We have duplicate, lens. 0. Baxter shfFlaKesi t - ' A- delicieas corned : Cpd Fish iiTlOc tins, quickly pre ; pared and makes a delightful dl8hp,TryUrJnd yoa will always buy it-. ' rt- " ;Phdr kddlei't' Z 7 :ua:.SPECiALTY "SEtotllEMTOlIS ISPIUOCY riiONH ri o f '-i Burrihani's and Morrill Fi . J U.e n 1 .: reouut . nanos LOWPRICES.; We are constantly trading in pianos of various makes - in part pajrrnent for STIEFF &SHAWS. 5 Oar eipert 'tactory "men take 'these inatruments'and put, them in, thorough good order, se many of; th,em are . practically rebuilt and then we sell them at 'enough to; cover eoet': j - ftn this way we can often furn ish you with a really servicable piano at a very low price. - Write tor particulars and re member that all STIEFF and -SHAW pianos are Sold from mak er to home. , ;..' : ' i 4: L. C. STEBIJ; Mgr.' . ill Graaby Street Herfolk,a.' v- (Mention thla paper.) lOOlclal Plane JastestewB Kxps. YOUR ORDER is on the way, madam, and we are send' ing the balance, since ordered, at once, We aim at being prompt in sending orders. OUR FRESH GROCERIR9 have made this store popular in the community and we are ever striving to earn your patronage by selling only high quality groceries at lowest prices. We want your trade and, having it, we want to keep it. Blue Ribbon Extracts, Mahogany Brand Coffee Best on the market for 20c. lb. Broad Street Grocery Co. PHONE 156 NEW BERN. H. C Frozen & to 8. Degrees Harder Than Heretofore on Our Mar ket TRY The Peoples Ice Co's Ice. QUICK and POLITE SERVICE HARDWARE . r AND ' Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND" - Varnishes . -- Amtticanl :FJdld Rencc me e.r ' Sr . Made from pure distilled C . j filtered wakto NBW BERN ICB CO. "A 19 21-23 Grifflth fit Phone 23 IT'S A TLE'ASAIiT' "V 4 that tli can ha iore is one place where you ave your sight properly and Expertly .attended to. You can romn lmro and have an examine-. in ( f yourc 1 OiU f'.r. The J'ka0 GHAS STIEFF TO OBTAIN If!: S-.j'f THE3EST -".IN inn USE NO JUST RECEIVED A NICE LOT OF PORTSMOUTH CORNED MULLETS YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. McDaniel 75 Broad tit. Phone IVJr-l..i iJ'il ajWll- BBBSBBSEBBaBBBBBSBBBSWaassaaWBMiMiaMI m,ia;iwa;KiiiK'iwM:miimii:ini;iw . Has since 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." ' RESULT: It ia to-day with its faculty of 3?. ft hoarding patronage of 328, Its student body of 400, and its plant worth MO.fXHV THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charge, for the year, including table board, room .lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, phyRicsl culture, imd tuition In all subjects . ttoept musio and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, BXACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. JAS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. THOS. R. REEVES, B. A.J AMOclate Prfn:,PI' mi Hand Made ; work b our specialty and We do not offer you any thing that we do not make, pur WHITE HICKORY work is selling fast, you better see us before you buy we can save you mon ey' L Yours truly,- G. S. WATERS & SONS '"i-, ntfis,ff iTrh'-n - .' I have opened niy Job printing" plant . at , NCvT 13 ; M iOdie etreet 'and am ready to do all ; kinda of Jotr printing at the ioweet prices.; !New stock, artistic wbrkv, Xi: J : i 1 ' - 1 l: .' t ''Si;' f R0MPT?' ATTENTION VGlVEIi; E.J.Land&Cb. 1, 133 Middle St" New Bern, K C , - Fruit Jars.'tV! Say Jiml what are we "go- ; v.?, to do about saving our j fruit this year? v Well Dearie 0 need to worry Basqight I M 7 Co., h ;ve them this sea . " 1 1! :r 1 rice is reason ' ' t ) i" : ' : 2 r) cr ro OTHER I III New Hern, N. V. J.J III JJ IJI Itfl i ?'Prescriptions from all -physicians, Quickly andAcr a full line of Choice Toilet articles. r.v.!-!,'. J'Vi t - (v. . t. ..fV...S', A f ft;. RMrmiacv I 1 1 1 I-1 1 V ,n ir ; f 1 ' .1 1 ; : "fZ-V:. DEALERS'1 IN Corn, Oats; Hay and all kinds of Feed' X. X. X. Dairy Feed 1 r Hi X iv."r?