4 4 1. M ' A - , i i.-'-'-lfi. 'Jit .. i,;J-.;irt'.:,4.ei.o: L...i - Pab)tah4 evarv v ta tha yaar - pt Wnor. Journal nlwlnfc - -pHoim wx i.-- fc- iv DTTOR AND PBOPRMTOH a Year U MnM . .. .,' 6uMr, Mt la advaae '"Heather fry earrtor la" the ettr ' .M A4rrtiatas aUeattoa. v . ,- tatas saralafcaa a , ' jsateaaf al tte paetelBeV HW Bm . if.q, aaeead-elasa natter. ! Vn-i FFI-jUL PAPlB F-'lHSlrV BKBM New Bern,-. 0. July ,26, 1910 If there Is my thing more 4S perating than another it iB the free'actvioe ''civer.. Partioulariy isi th is ti ue when the rich tell the poor IthatCtney jAdoMTMTeTth monev. and bo accumulate their f savings into .Bum that "; would make them independent.' Then the naturally healthy, person will tell the sickly nerson a number of methods to gain vigorous health. and so on through- the list of those who tender advice, because it costs nothing. - One reason that makes the usual free advice giver peculiarly aggra vating, is that he is ninety per ct. hypocrite and ten per cent. . liar. A Rockefeller extols honesty. The politician prates of principles, and too in social and religious circles there are free advice givers, of those .who fail to live as they ad vise. " President Taft ison of impos sible advice givers, because his advice, that every one should take twotnonths vacation every sum mer, can be followed by few except himself. The census figures may show the average vacation time, bat when it comes to two months, not just in the summertime, but during the entire twelve months, very few except the President and tHiX .Qrican genns,' the Hobo, can enjoy the privilege. Fortunately,, there are advice givers who are reasonable and ra tional. They do not thrust them selves forward as free givers, nor do they charge for advice. They just let go forth .without display, and the sympathy to be seen- in it, and the wholesomeness and sincer ity of it makes it ef value, and it is taken and followed, and the re cipients recognize the wisdom in its acceptance. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTOR I A Ella Her face epeaka for Itself, Stella Tea; and ft la pretty plain talk Chicago Newt, MUST BE ABOVE SUSPICION Kidney and bladder ailments, are to serious in tbeir consequences, ana U unchecked so often fatal that any rent ed v offered for their eon aaaat be above suspicion. Foley Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have soceeaefuH ly stood a long and thorough test Davis inarra&cy.; For Rept Two suites of office rooms in Moore building' opposite Gaston 'Ho tel. . One office building adjoining Ar mour Packing wulaing on Sovtn Front street. ""' - ,i - fi T. HANCOCK, Act GetWenjirot Doktrisktnm m pmnr mnta hmattM fm tboBiphnfcitaihfitaloli 1 win.outofmrow pootot W MfraUttbUbtobrinsrnahdDr' bMn uh4 snd MOunU U tmt eitr o4 'hamkt In AnMrta. Ibf un ptMiunlr m Thai why tT 1M eukj id 4 root rUk. lot ' Tboiwuute wom bmmoi iit la ti fmn Whm th Stomaefc Brwt. or kwIM tld. My wtrnm UU.Ottm 1 oam kow bow ulckl ; . Dr. 8boop'jatonllT will biwf Dim Uk M faMlth m1a. but htnqfmll. Utv potMV IvtaktnomonevriikwhaUvtr.rhnaom ;. .iiuiv . I -aoo win BOD W 1 U Ad4 l : UmMlIsUU H lltJllM W am- -tl- fc that , T TV""; 'iVt-'t'W 5iBotwrttinBrifcnorlf, : li t-i&afvS 'in SiuMiiM iiir mit tiS ps. told sr p L H l . p V ' .ii'-. "Whirl, book jo :' . t L 1 ) ''. .! 3fii' bctnw will urif MM " 4 j1 ,tothow whra not : I'f'SVWif IrtmlooiiuitmKi br,lln. Tour and uiuutot. A y W. Pwrtirx worrt two f r r T r' r ohm farina (i,a. br aiKlA tltOQMlMI, . t crlptlon w "J worth ionTKmriJ w i , '' 2 '7 "'1 i'fi mlnn, lor f morrow MTt Soom. It. buuuv. ..r-V?;";M. BMta. Wis. : : . , . .' "art v. a0i. 'i.tirs f .t rT T'OT rtinVm MTii.uThaskt to CarduLw writes Mrs. Lent Gresham, oithii place, 1 hare been greatly relieved.';-, H tuffered for three year rrom lemaie tntiammatkMi and had taken medicine from four dinereat physician without nwcttDeaeni. ir&'fMw?H'';--I have received more .benefit from even battles of Cardid, than troa all the : lust tnr carout tnarf en we tbk. tt speaks for ItseH." It has helped so anv. thousands, it must be able to TrfW Cmiit wont hurt It Is safe, harmless, gentle in action, and Dureir yeeeuoie. tf von art weak. Iked, down and out, try Cardiii. ;. , vy J . - 11 rou aresict, Buserawe, ana-iurter from womanly '. pains.- uke neaoacne, Lckae. lfiMne feelines; pains In tide, arms, legs, etc. try Cardui, It is the medicine for all women. It is the: tonic for you. . : K Wooes." tot is piais wnwpc. on iwswsb KOTICEI TO .MY PATBONS and the PUBLIC I understand that there is a report current, that my "tore is open for busi nesS on Sundays". I wish to make i public denial Of this report and also to express the opinion that those elrculat inir the report are fully aware of the untruthfulness of same. " EDWARD CLARK. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Speaking of desirable selghtbors hoods of course we all desire to Ut on uaay street, - $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one areaaea aisease mac science nas been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive, cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surraces or .e system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature' in do ine its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. " ' Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. To ledo, O. , L Sold by all Druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. To The Public. We desire to announce to the public that the undertaker's establishment and business conducted under the firm name of Merritt Whitley & Son, at No, 76 Bern street. New Bern, N. C., will be continued under the name and style at the same old stand under the mana gement of the undersigned. We extend our heartiest thanks to our patrons for their past favors, and .hereby solicit their business in the future. i We stand ready and willing to serve you at all times; prompt and strict at tention will' be given to all oroers. Phone No. 180. - ' 1 W. O. WHITLEY, - Undertaker and Embalmer. HELP-FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. Sc. After), doctoring, lor. about twelve years for a had stomach trouble,: and spending nearly Its hundred dollars for meotcme ana aqcror s lees 1 purcnasc my. wife ! one box of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets,: which , did her so much good that she continued to use them and they have dons her more good than all of the medicine I bought Deiore. oamdkl uoyeb, louom, low. This neineis; fole hy all dealers, samples f ree i - f wm&Wg mi ... '"jk..! Teacnera i oa.1 the, regular, examination for teachers eertlflcVte will be held July' ffith., and TTiuiw - ivacueiw win ' oe nuuneg Thursday, July 28th. and colored teach-. era Friday,-July aaJiW.'V' Teachers-'- attending I the ' E. C T. Training School at Greenville, will stand lamination under Prof. . Ragsdale,' of Pitt County, on July 14th, 4; The entrance examination to the A. A M. College, of Raleigh, Will be held at the Court House, .in 1 New - Bern, July S. M. Brinson, , County Supt of School NAPOLEON'S GRIT of tJia unconquerable, never-ssy-die i !. t 9 kina that younefldmoBt when v i ' a t . 1 co! i, eo',!-h or lur-j di- ; tTOCi.'"3, cor- i r - rn i or i. h s I uvs f 1 1 t or I ' i i i i r . It 1 f r a" I 1. It s r ". i i t Exanuna ' Loco Lcca'i " - . - Uost tf oar rmers are bus laying by their new crop. - - ; : : . -:.. " .... Mr. Benme Collins ani family of Jones Co, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. B B HMtfim&Vtik'&lJj: Jkfiss Nsnme Biggin la spending a few weeks -with her -lister Mrs.W B Humphrey at yerona.V V Mr. (tis.Wodinc Was a Visitor here'&mdf5ift' Mr. Levin ISubanka and Mr; Kenneth Henderson were ,welcom ; vUitors at the home of Mr. and lira.: B.,J, Hig glna Satarday (tight an Sunday. sr Mr. James loliand was in oar burg las week. Think he had some attract- Mr. Justin Higgins spent few days at Verona recently. We miss the fiicfabutds girls that were with us not long ago. Come again girls. Miss Euxella Barbee visited relatives at Ricblands recently, Master Dell Collina visited hia grand parents here last week. Our melons seem to be alow about ripening this year. We are all patient ly waiting. "JUST ME" Anv ladv can eet a silver "No-Drin" Coffee Strainer by writinsr Dr. Shooo. Racine, Wis. Send no money. Simnlv ask for the "No-Drip" Conpon privi lege, giving your- name and address. ur. snoop will stso aena iree bis new and very interesting little book describ ing Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Health Coffee is such a close imitation of real Coffee, that it requires an expert to tell the difference. And neither is there a grain of real coffee in it Made from iure toasted grains, malt and nuts, its lavor and taBte is exceedingly gratify ing, no tedious boiling either. "Mad in a minute," says Dr. Shoop. Write today for the book and "No-Drip" Cou pon, tl. t). Armstrong. For House of Representatives. At the solicitation of many Demo crats from all the townships of the county I hereby announce' that I will enter the Democratic primary to be held Saturday, September 3rd 1910, as a candidate for the legislature. Respectfully R. A. NUNN WORK 24 HOURS A DAY. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills, Every pill is a auear coated v lobule of health, that changes weakness into strength, l&ns nor into energy, nrain-xag into mental power; curing Constipation, Headache, Chills. DvsDeosia. Malaria. 26c at all druggists. Stockholders Meeting Goldaboro; July 11. The .66th annual meeting of the stockholders of the At lantic & North Carolina Railroad Com pany will be held in Morehead City, N C. on Aug. 4th, 1910. Meeting will be called to order at 12 o'clock M. D, J. BROADHURST Secretary. THOSE PIES OF BOYHOOD. How delicious were the Dies of boyhood No pies now ever taste so good, what's changed? the pieaT No. Its you. You've lost the strong: nealtny stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your diges tion k poor and yon blame the food, What's neededT' A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of di gestionStomach, laver, Kidneys, Uow els Try them. - They'll restore your boyhood appetite ana appreciation' of rood and rainy saturate your Dooy wtu new health, strength and vigor, oo cts. at all druggists, . Don't fail to give us a cat when in need, of. Ribbons, Neckwear, Hosiery,? Under wear, Collars, Shirts, Jiats, Ciothm? etc - JfJ. Baitei Elks A failing tiny nerve no larger than the finest silken thread takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regu larity The Stomach also has its hidden, or Inside nerve.- 'It waa Dr. Shoop who first .told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach,-Heart or Kidneys.-.' -His -prescription Dr. Shoop's Restorative'-ia directed straight lor the cause of these ailments the sweak and faltering Inside nerves. This, - no doubt clearly explains why the Restora tive hsa of late grown so rapidly- tat popularity. , Druggista say that those who test the Restrative even for av few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. . Treating the cause of sick, ness is the only senmble and successful way.; Sold by Bradhara Drug Co. .. ,V!.V" ii i i i f: ,A- i.:' - i.ui.FCLK SvJILEf.. E...Lr...3 r : BULLETIN. ;J ," The following reduced rates will ap ply, from New Bern, N. C, to the points mcirtioned. ; In addition to these points Summer faurtstB ta 50s sr,)ty to Sum mer Resorts In Uued Status and Can ada, v ' ,: . ESack fountain, N. C ,accountMon treat Chatnngua and Keliitiou A om- I. 1!S. Tati-i sale Ju!y 6-12 23-23, Aug. 3 6-9-i:i 2!) 25, final limit Sept 8th. Fie M.io. . Tor f r!' i-r li!f(!r:nstjn o-) y to T. H. 1' -wM-tt, ti.k't R;;!"''t . II. c nuDGiKj, v. w. croxTc:r, G. P. A. , A. G. P. A. Remedies 'are:Needed' nor w perfect, wbicb w are wot. mot ohm be aecdod. But staee our systeaM have woa weakeaad, impaired and .broken ioduoretioos whick haye Soae oa iron through aeaatlM gcaeraUoM, remedies aid Nature ta pometuif mar inherited aad etherwtsa aoquirwd weakaaucs. . To teach flieseaf el'sroaacai weakaeas sad oaoMsaeat dieUva troubles, therats . aotbiaf so food as Dr. Pierce' Goldea ary, a Jlyoeno coapoand, extracted irvm aaHye mmitf -tr. p fen), toots sold tor over lorry year with treat sritacrioa"to all oaer. For Weak Stoaeoa, BUioaaDea, Liyer Complaiat, Paia ia tka Stoataoa after ealiaf. Heartbora, Bad Breaih, Belcbin( ef food, Chroaic Diarrhea aad otW totwriaal VaraaSeoaats, he : .yptsawvery .mi a iae aenaine naa on- its . vHMjuc wrapjwr ua ' Yew can't afford to accept e secret aoatrumiB a sahftireta for this aoa-aleo bolie, atedioine shown ooMrosrrioN, not area thoagji tkm arfaat dealer may thereby aiake a litria bigger -profit. - : - - , : Dr. Pierce', PleaaaM Pellet Tegdate' aad lavlrorate- stomaeh, liver aad bowel, - Sugar coated; tiay granule, eay to take a candy. Sec Trains NORFOLK SOUTHERN RY. New Bern to Washington at 11 p m Monday and Wednesday night JULY 26th and 27th. . New Bern tor Goldaboro at 11 p m Tuesday and Thursday n-ghts JULY 26th and 28th. New Bern to Morehead City and Beaufort at 11 p ra 75c. ROUND TRIP -75c. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nighta, JULY 26th, 27th and 28th. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA For County Commissioner To the Democratic Voters: i hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, for, .Craven county. Subject to the Democratic primary on Sept 3rd. G. V. RICHARDSON. Soreness of the muscles. : whether in duced by violent exercise or injury, is quickly relieved by the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini ment is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always affordB quick relief, sold by all dealers. For County Commissioner i I respectfully announce my candidacy for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held. If elected I pledge myself to the honest discharge of my official duties. Respectfully, H. S. HANCOCK. TO DBLINQUBNTTA.XAYER8 On Monday August 1st, : I will advertise the real estate of all land owners who have hdt paid their taxes for-J909. Take due notice Of "this and don't hope to have your property ex empted from advertisement by prom ises to pay in a short; time after that date. All delinquents most fare alike., Pay up how and save -costs, which will m no instance be remitted. J. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff.' VALUABLE FARt! . FOR SAU With " View of moving West I offer my farm for sale, there are $12 acres, 60 cleared and In a good condition, Weeds land well set with young timber Public road soon to pass through plant ation, Aa exceptional fine stock Tange. . This farm is located, one . mile'' from railroad; near Tuscarora, Graven Co., Good bmldings'aAd two' wells of good wateavJ.For terms and particulars, ad dress, vv r:''f u'.'.W.L v r-' JQHN f. REGISTER,: Jr. '; 1m ,-:.,f2,iri rt. Tuscarora,! N'C 47 :w- . .. .- ; .v'tf.:..'--' One' S bores farm 2 mileajfrom; New Bern on tfmA:ntmrii'ikiaB 8 room dwelling, one tenant house with 3 rooms vend kiUben,, two barns and other out buildings; young orchard bear, ing this year, besides 60 Pecan iries 6 yean old. - Also bouse end lot ana Va cant lot adjoining on Main. Street id Maysvllle, For further informa tion apply t)'' ' " 'An - ; MARt blSOSWAYr1- :.: V .'".':- C. tl fit- .- Cj" New. Bern, N. C; ,- w. a J : 1 t r V: 1 1 NOTIGE! medicwe woM 'V fcw 'J dowa tkro4li ' th early les,i W aeeded to ) .r .- J- Medical DUoot- : " tiiaa-proyea aad aioat vi -kic t.r 24 HOURS AT THE SEASHORE EVERY SATUliDAY From Raleigh, Wilson, Greenville and intermediate stations to" Morehead City and Beaufort Lowest Week-End Raterj returning Special Train leaves Beaufort and M. City Sunday evening. Special Saturday . Monday only Schedule only p m am 12:35 Lv. Raleigh 12:45 2:19 . " Wilson 10:37 .3:10 Farmville 9:46 3:39 " Greenville 921 5:30 Ar. New Bem 7:35 6r50 " Morehead City 6:05 7:05 " Beaufort 5:40 p m p ni Saturday only Sunday only Pound Trip Rates, Beaufort M. City. $ 3 00 $ 3 20 2 75 2 96 2 25 2 45 2 25 2 45 . Rates in same proportion from other stations- Morehead City and Beaufort the most Ideal Seashore Resorts in the south. Magniijcf nt Ball at the Atlantic Hotel every night. For complete information ask nearest ticket agent. II. C. HUDGINS, W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A. A. G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN,- OarUlaBalM tor Ver arUhaMa. aatipailaa, naaaach a, nark TMabl, JeelkTsa ibmwb. iBKnoni. Atauuraaim, . AiIlDnll.UA. 1HHI I KflHI . IMolM nMIMQ fHli. AOOIM, iri senpt . Bmm awiMd 7RBB. Adam SI UtUl.A, 8. OLMSTED, LO Key. N. T. His View of the Matter. "Joseph, said bis mother repror Inglj, "I should" think you'd be asham ed to be In the same class with boys so much smaller than yourself." ?,Well, mother," replied Joe, "1 look upon be mutter In a different way al together. H niakea m feet flue to se tew- proud -the small boys are to be to the class with big boy like me."- Delineator. - " A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop, of Racine Wia 'tells some plain truths, and in a plain and practical way. Get this booklet and a free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some disheartened sufferer in your vicin ity. Make a grateful and appreciative friend of some one who is discouraged oecause 01 tne ieuures oiotners tonei him. HelDme to make this test am I'll certainly helo vour suffering friend. ttradnam Drug uo. Wonder Freezers Best Made M. E. Whitehiirst & Co. . ;.;a frigb xful wreck of train, automobile or buggy may cause cuts, bruises ' abrasions, sprains or rounds that demand Bocklen a Arnica Salveearth'e greatest healer. . Quick relief and prompt core result. For burns; boils, aora of all kinds, eczema, chapped bands and Una, sore eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest pile cure. 26c. at alj druggiata.- . - f,".' '. v 'V-V.r. ,7 ''M""l ' ' x ' Entirely-Olirarant.'"- '-' 'j. fife all very y Well hetore e girl's married for tier. 10 get a 6owr hi bi hair, remarked the observer of events and things, -but 1t' an entirely differ ent matter: if, after shs't married, she rata her salt, in flours -jr ' ' When the stomach fails to perform ita function, the bowels become deranged, the liver end' the kidneys congested -... . causing numerous diseases. , 1 he atom ache and U ver must be restored to bealtby condition and " Chamberlain's Stomach and Lver Tablets can be de pended upon to do It Easy to take and most effective. , Sold by all dealers. ; ; - Triok Any. Husband Can Lasra, , To tell yellow from green In matcb reg silk. To wssb the dishes without breaking mora than (wo. - To keep quiet -when be's sioken to. To faca the cook wlirn she's sngry. To find out what alls (be gas rruige.- To Stand In line Hn bour for two trading stamp. To set up his wife's brother In bosl nexs." To get up winter nights to ! re l'Hie ''ro' tf rs." " To' smile when Mm old swoiihenrts' ; pictures are I pi. To prpfnr hnlma at hoin ! -'i at the clnh. .To drop bis 1 t i ni!' thpy sr "viiigar." 1 1 " ' .f suae It dlungrees ! ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT W- 4 ' ; ' ' .-. ...... I hereby announce that I shall be candidate for re-election for the office ef Register ef Deeds for Craven County subject to the will of the Democratic Primary: ' v I heartily appreciate and thank yon for your confidence and support in the past, -aad if re-elected I wilt, to the best of my ability, faithfully discharge the duties of arid office. Yours very respectfully, STEPHEN H. FOWLER ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic voters of Craven county; I hereby respectfully announce that I am a candidate for re-election to trie office of Clerk of Superior Court of Cra ven county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary soon to be held. I promise the same fidelity to the duties of the office that has characterized my administration for nearly twenty years and a continued devotion to the princi ples of the great Democratic party that haa safely guided usasa people through the many political storms and vicissi tudes of the past. Very truly your obedient Servant, W. M. WATSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce my 'candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Cra ven county subject to the Democratic primary to be held on September 3d next. Having had about seven years experience in the office as depu ty, I feel that I can assure the people of the county an efficient and compe tent discharge of the duties of the office if nominated at the primary, which nomination I most respectfully solicit. Very respectfully, W. B. FLANNER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce that I shall again be a candidate for sheriff before the next Democratic primary, to beheld for Craven county. I thank you for your confidence and support in the past, and if re-elected I promise to discharge the duieaof the office fairly and impartial ly, with due consideration always for the beat interests of the whole people. J W BIDDLE. March 28, 1910. ' CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I respectfully announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promise if re elected to be found at my office in the Craven county court house, willing to serve you as faithfully in the future as I have in the past Respectfully, Freeman S. Ernul. ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of aaid office to the best of my knowledge and ability and as near as possible to the satisfac tion of the public Very respectfully, RICHARD B. LANE. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County: I hereby most respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Craven County subject to the will of the Democratic primary whenever aaid primary is - held. ;. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to conduct the office to the satisfaction of the people to the beat of my abllitW i,-1 : -; Jtiitfyi&V Mo,t Respectfully, , m-.B-r Moist, lffl''.n.- y):-. . CANDIDATE FQR SHERIFF 1 herbby announce myself candidate for the office ef Sheriff of Craven coun ty. subject to the democratic primary, mA it nintorf 1 nnHntia n' UU ta ItUlUllinWU . w .'"Ii. person having 'any buainss with the . . -. I office the Utmost respect, fKlitenees and courtesy... -':. " ' '.J .'' ' - ,'t- Respectfully, v . j; 'v. A. E. WADSWORTILr , . 1 Acnocncemcnt. , . '. I horr.Vy announce myself a candidate for r !r of Deedn of CrSven county x' ' t t ta Pciiioc ratio primary to ! 1 ' ! : . ? I If rtoniinatc 1 ' ' I t ) 1 ' ') (T t' J TRINITY COLLEGE I 1 FiveDepartmen'ts-rColIegiate Graduate, Engineering, Law end Education. Large library faciii-' ties. Well-equipped laboratories in all departments of science.' Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very mod erate. Aid for worthy students. Teachers and Students ex pecting to engage in teach ing should investigate the superior advantages offer- -ed by the new Department ot Education in Trinity Col lege. For catalogue and further infor mation address. R. L. FLOWERS, Sec. DURHAM, N- C. t Trinity Park School First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accept ed for Entrance b Leading South ern Colleges. Faculty of Inn officers and -teachers, ('ampuaof seventy five acies. Library contain ing more than forty thousand bound volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of in struction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Ex penses exceedingly moderate. Twelve years of phenomenal sue -ea-. For catalogue and other infor mation address F. S. ALDRIDGE, Bursar, DURHAM, N. C. i HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence L I New Hera, 9. C Burrus & Co. DEALERS IN Corn, Oats, Hay and 11 1 a 1 r 1 all kinds or reed X. X. X. Dairy Feed the best. 13 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. Phone 184. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS The State's xollege for training; in dustrial workers. Courses in Agricul ture,. Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying; In Civil, Electrical add Mechanical Enfrineering; in Cotton Mil ling and Dyeing; In Industrial Chemis try; and in Agricultural teaching. Entrance examinations at each county seat on the 14th of July. " O. H. HILL! President, ' - West ftalelgh, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT f 1 hereby announce my self a candidate I for the office of constable for the eighth township, Craven county subject td the 'democratic primary to bo ben Uepteov liar Sd. and ask vour aurinnrt.. - . . . . Respectfully 'h'..' ' ' JL 3. FOSCDE .liT.M::-:'; 11 i

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