- v- ft 1 4. v y - i T 4if t 6 1 , i-ic - o V- ' -Lv. . -ii i'-vrj: . "VS. ; - - ,l ALCOHOL PpB CSMl stmiladngtlKRxMtanORegi' Ung die Snwadts aadUows nbFfut! ncssandRestrontalnsoittoJ OpiuniXorphine narMiaetaLi NOT NARCOTIC. JOr&rtfaillk&MXinnESl flnphtStei JUStma JtKhdtt&flS- kid! HimSuJ amnaia Anerfect Remedy forConsliph Hon , Sour Stomach,Dlarrtoc Worms ,ConvulSKns.revEn nessoiilLoss OF Sleep- facsimile Signature of NEW YORK... Exact Copy of Wrapper. 11 IsH ill a imsm iLjvniJiy'MiiilJ.iiiiJJJii.f'lilXOJ I. A f a en ai .-rai mm . m mm v aa. .-bi am ai r Bas Bince 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 32 a boarding patronage of 828, Its student body of 400, and ite plant worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charge, for the year, including table board, room , lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition In all subjects bcept music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstooe, Va. JAS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. , . , THOS. R. REEVES, B. A.As8ociate Principals. IWSSIOMI. CARD a t. WARD ATTOKNKY AND COUNSEL LKli AT LAW Hughes Huiltling Craven Street New l.eiu, N. C. Practice in Stato and Federal courta. Circuit, ('raven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. O. H. n ion W. B. K. Guion, ATTiMJXKVS AT LAW .Practice vU.?re services are required especially iii the counties of Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phona 193. New Bern, H. C. T W. CARTER, El. D ; Practice Limited to Diseases of Tho Eye, ar, Nose and Throat Washington, N. C. New Bern, k C. y New Bern Office With Dr. V. M. Cibbi, Elks Temple ' NEW BERN HOURS WEDNESDAYS: 5 to 7 P. M. THURSDAYS: 8 A. M. to J P. M. 1 R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, ' Maps; Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. ,.;.;Cons41tingtnecr - rNq BerniNC. . r Land Survoylnfr, I)roIna(re Survey ing, Maps, Kxaminntionn, J imiier l.nnrts. tirrifi1 In SI ttitrtiit" I ' V V For Infants and Children, j . The Kind You lluvo Always Bought Bears the Signature of m For Over Thirty Years TIP! BUIiiill THI CCNTAOR OOMMNT, HCW TORN OfffT. law w bbbt am a mvm awa m M. Simmons, AI. H. A. D. Ward, Allen, WARD & ALLEN A PTOKNKYS AND COUNSKLLOBP AX LAW NEW BERN, N. Otlice Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Tractice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. R. A. JSUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in tho counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. , Office No. 50 Craven Street. , Tlfphon No. 97. New Bern, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina Four regular Cours es leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers Fall Session begins Sep tember 14, 1910. Those desiring to en ter should apply as etarly as possible. For catalogue and other information address . - 4 ;, JULIUS I. F0UST, President, , Greeraboro, N. C. -) u. WORK 24 HOURS A DAY. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Ufa Pills. Every pill is sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength,- lang uor into energy, brain-fag I it mental power; curing Constipation,' Ueadscbe, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria, ,25C at all aruggtats. r . -.'- . 1 .-' Wall Supplied. : I'f- ' V Ad Inveterate wit und punster askod the, captalu of 'jpraf loaded -with bonrda how be nmnngd fat urt dinner on tbe pusMlge. "Why. replied the kipper; "we always cook aboard," "Cook a board, do your; rejoiued the wag, ;J')ei I see you hare been Well provided with provision' this trip, at all eveuts."lndii Tlt-ltlta. - ' A book on Rheumatism, by Dr, Shoop, of Racine Wis. tells some plain truths. md In a plain ond practical Way. Get this booklet and a free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for si medishenrtened suH'orer in your vimi lly.v Miiko a grateful and BHireciiiiiv.. filend of some our who ift (liiH-rw, lt'C!U)f! tf t It fnilltVPR f(M!''1 i ! l.iin. !!'! vi- (-- r-..' r OHai" of th BsWtry, V.'heo Ui clgr of Ner Amsfrrdam. bow New Turk,. fira ng tnto fxIsImic mtaj tenym from UotiauU rutt to welTuiclr fortune la Um dt worm, men; tbw old tvter &ny . Tbej aettkKl oouWe toe iowo aod tro eceded m dfrkp ibv tuad clpirla twi tb wvadtf iuid plunrJng it itb crln. frul' tiw- u ; rnaKaui ahrubs ibpy hd brought with tbeqi Peter Sturvfxuut calbd bia maldeBci d4 frround thBoawwle, smI ttt tan coDumtug' Ji fwltfc.' New fAoMtetdam becaoie kuowu Bouwrto iaoa, tb etttemeBt ItwW teltltijr tba numt l. BouwerUs VUUtgf ijtuj-reiuuit' fr extended fruiB tbe Jumtlou wf wbu are dow Tbied uud Poortto aenuea to 8pt cnteeotb -ctreet and autwanl to flee ond aveaue. where at the comer of Tenth ttrect bla home aa located. A Myeterioue Rao. Brec elncx Plzarro'a, couqoeat of tbe Indiana there bud been rumors to the Interior of Kouth America of tba exist ence of a atrange tribe, aald liajor P. H. Fawcett. a. A. The evidence waa neceawirUy weak, ef he had met half dozen tueii who awore to a glimpM of white Indiana with red hair. Other atatemeota biid been , made aa ttt the existence of such a race with blue eyes, Plenty of people had heard of. them, and they had eren a uara "Morphejroo," or bata. meaning tbe people who hunted -by night and hid during the day. Even In iaraguay, be waB (old. there waa a tribe so any aa to be quite beyond communication and another where the men talkvd In one language and the women in another. London Matt. A CORROBORATION Of Interest to New Bern Readers For months New Bern citizena have seen in these column enthusiasti: praises of Doan'a Kidney Pills by New Bern residents. Would these prominent people recommend a remedy that had not proven reliable? Would they con firm their statement after years had : elapsed if personal experience had not shown the remedy to be worthy of en dorsement? No stronger proof of merit can be had than cures that have stood the test of time. Tho following state merit should carry conviction to tbe mind of every New Bern reader. L. A. Smith, 13 Griffith Street, New 'Bern, N. C, says: "Several years ago I gave a public statement recommending Doan'a Kid- ney Pills, after they had cured me ot a severe attack of kidney trouble During the time which has elapsed, It has not been necessary tor me to use any kidney remedy, as. my care has been permanent. Recently our little son was having some trouble with his kidneys, irregular passage of the kidney secretion being the prin cipal symptom. We procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Bradham's Pharmacy and ithey effected a complete cure 1 know of several other instances (where this remedy had been need with tbe same good results.") For sals bj all dealers. Price to cents.. Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo New York, sola agents for the United States. Remember the name Doaa's ana take no other. Hubby And what did the Doctor aa CifeyH aaid, "Pot out your ton, ne." Hubby And then! Wlfey. ' Overworks." CASTOR I A lor Xnfiwti and Children. Tho Kind Yea Kavi Absyi Ecught Bears the Bignature of At the Otshea. "Hilda la at the dlsnea now. Will you waity her mother said. ' " , "Oladly," said the youug man, think ing be had fouudv prise. , 'Just then a crash came from the kitchen, and again be became ttnde-cldedi-Buffalo Express, TWENTY-FtVE CENTS IS THE , , PRICE OP PEACE. The terrlbl Itching and amartmg, incident to certain-akin diseases, is almost instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve Price 26 cents. For sale by all dealers. ' .!: The Postsorlpii ' . '""v, Little Jfobnoy-Diid.ihrfe'a girt t tendtiig vnrac&oul whom, we;, call PdStwrlpt.' - Dad-l-ostacrfptrWhat dd yon caU her i'ostscrtpt for? .;. t, Little JohnnyCoa her Mint M Ade line Moore, v, ''.'f-',: ' i e . . 3i-- - - ' ; Sorenes of tht muscles, whether In duced by violent .exercise or ininryy is quickly reiieved by the free application of Chamberlain' Liniment This lini ment is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always" afford quick reiiaf. Sold by all dealer. ,. ; s" '- "; m .1 TV? -H A Bed Neee.;- - 4 ; When a nw Is ted tbrvuith skit trouble rub with a goud sklq bod or cold cream each night - ' 1 lli.i Legal: Notices NOTICE Or RECEIVERS' SALE 6r THE PROPERTY OF THE CARO- i Una; paper pdlp . com-1 - : FAN Y, A CORPORATION t Faraneat tea ladsment ( U Superior .Court rCnnCnitt,K,0,and mvmtamtt Um Nmt Ban Bankinc a Trust Oobbt. at L m Csroliaa Pur Palp Coaur. t ah, at tha MsjrTem.Hia. af Said anw. Mriajadsvwnt wrppfaajiaataj thetat entered ia aaid caaeat tlx Jaas Tarm, IMS, of aaid abut, sotiee ie harabr Siraatbat tbe vadanisacd Saaatm will asll ai pabUe aaetkak Om arendaca of th Carolina Pap arPalpCnamamr oetrJamaCrtr.KC. enaloH- aAT.latOATor ABotisT.XSie. atU o'clock Boon.: ta the kicbaat bUdar'at aaidaa'a. for cub. the foDowiag daaeribed proparty. Til. I- A eertaia tract ar panel of land la Craven Coaot7, State of North Carolina, adioinins the kvndaof at. C Watharington and Alfred Gatlin and othara, aooadad aa follows, vis,. Beginning ai eetake at tha Horth Bank of Pine Tree Creek, kC C Wathartngton'a corner, thence with aaid Watharinftan'a Una S7 deeroee. E. 29 efaaina andlinkaatkkaiJiIOWetharingtoj'line at the" ads of the low land at the high, water mark, thenee down the ewamp along the contour of the high watar mark 82 chaim and 40 links to epinecbunp, Alfred Gatlin'a corner, thence 9. XI dusi aae W S. Z chaioa and 23 links to a pins stump, thenee-S. 48 deareea 15' IJ. 4 chains and eft links to two pine stomps, thenee S. 28 degrees 46' E. 4 chains to a stake, thenee S. 87 degrees U' E. 12 chains and 25 links to a atake. thenceS. t decree 46 B. 14 chains and 76 Jinks to an son. thenee 8. 40 decrees 16' iC 26 chains and 86 links to an iron stake in the center of the Na Bern and Washington road, thenee with said road S, 28 degrees 80' W. S chains and S links to an iron take la the center of tbe road at the line of the land owned by Craven Co. at Street's Perry, thence N. 60 degrees W. 6 chains and 66 links to a statu, thenee 8. 40 decrees W. 4 chains and 8 links to a cypress stump at the mouth of Pine Tree Creek, thenee up the meanders of Pine Tree Creek to the beginning, containing 160 acres more or less, and being the same tract conveysd to D P Street by deed dated November 27th, 1890, recorded in book 106. pace 182-188 of Craven County Records,- ex cepting the right reserved by D P Street to cut ash and to hunt during his life time on said land: and being the same property conveyed by D P Street and wife Julia G Street to Carolina Paper Pulp Company; by deed dated 11 June. 1908, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of raven County, N, C. in book 172, page 436, 2. A certain tract or parcel of land in Craven County. State of North Carolina, adjoining the lends of W. A. Eweli and Mary Ann Wetherington and others bounded as follows, viz. Being the low land of that certain tract conveyed to Hol land E Lancaster by Stephen E Ewell of Virginia by deed dated September 28th. 1888. and recorded in Craven County records arid more fully describ ed as follows: Beginning at a stake on the North bank of Pine Tree Creek W. A. E well's cornur. thence with said Swell's line N. 27 degrees E, 37 chains and 85 links to a stake In W A Swell's line, thence N. 47 degrees 66' W. 6 chains and 42 links to I pins, Ihence N. 27 degrees W. 1 chain and 66 links to a Hickory, thence N. 61 degrees W. 6 chains and 40 links to a stake in Mary Ann Wetherineton'a line, thence withsaid Wethering ton's line S, 26 degrees W, 36 chains and 80 links to three small maples at the bank of Pine Tree Creek thanca down the creak to the beginning, contain ing 44 1-2 acres; excepting the right reserved by St. Clair Lancaster tq cut ash and to hunt on said land during the lifetime of said St. Clair Lan caster.and being the same property conveyed by said St, Clair Lancaster and Holland E Lancaster, his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Company, by deed dated 10th June. 1908. and registered inthec(fic.e of the Register of Oseds of Craven Cjunty in book 172, page 402. 8, A certain tract of parcel of land in Craven County, State of North Carolina, adjoining tbe lands of M C Wetherington and St. Clair Lancas ter." being the low land of that certain tract con veyeVtoWA Ewell by It C Wi liams and wrife. at Frank Wetheringten and it aifr" Ann Wether ington. November 19dt 1908, and recorded In book 161. pace 296, in the records of Craven County. and described aa follow; Situated on the North side of Pine Tree Creek and on the South side of New Bern and Washington road, beginning at a email water oak en the North bank of Pine Tree Creek, at C Wetherinfton'e corrtrr. thence with said Wetheriiurton.B line N. 26 degrees 66' E. 84 chains and 70 links to a earner in M C Wetber- ington's line. tbsnce N. 86 degrees 16' W. 1 chain and 80 links to a. Blaak Gum. thence S 89 degrees W' i chains and 86 links to a stake, thence N 72 docreea 10 W 2 chains and 76 links to a stake. thenee N. SS decree 15' W. 8 chains and 10 links t stake in St. Clair Lancaster's line, thence with aaid Lancaster's line S. 27 degrees W, 87 chains and 86 links tea stake at the bank of Pine Tree Creek, thanoe down the creek to the begin ning, containing 46 acres; excepting the right reserved by W A Kwellto cat ash and to hunt on aid land during tbe lifetime of aaid W A Ewell and being tha same property conveyed by said w A Swell and wile Annie E Ewell to Carolina Papar Pulp Company, by" deed dated lofh June Una. and regit tared In the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County In book 172. pace 405. 4 A certain tract or parcel of land In Craven County. State of Noath, Cartnins.- sdjuioinc the lands of w O Bryan, the ' Avery -larld and others, bounded as follows, via, '.. Situated en the Nor.h side of Neus river la the fork' of Taylor's Creek and said river about fifteen atite. above Now Ban hearlanlnc at the mouth of Taylor' Creak and runnioc up tha crew to the W G Bryan land. than wit the Bryan tana and Avery Hn toNeuee river, that down the river to the beginning, in. alodinc and oonveing all the Bently Und de cribW ma deed dated April vth. 1844. executed by Isaac wingate and James KflpatrLk '.to Benr Jamia Bentley, Which b recorded tt the office of the Register of Deed la Craven County In book: 187 an pec 280, to which refer being all the Und conveyed to W T HM and H -V BiU. byUC whltahunti Cemmfesloner, by deed dated July tth. 1901. Bad I mistered in aaid record In same book eapesre 181 to which refer for title end dee cription. ooataUing ISO acre, mare or lee; aha kaioc tbe same property conveyed Df wFHul and Henrietta V Bill, hi wire CarolinaP.per Pulp Company, by deed dated rd October, 1907. and registered in. the orBo of. the Register of Dead ' of Craven County rjookl5, paee4t,.... ..'f, ail that tract er naroel of Jn4 ttuatin Cravaa County Horth Carolina;. n the North ; sideofNouse river nd ftt tbe jaouth of Green gpring Branch, described be follow! Beginning at Buttoawood tree on Nenee rivet and tune North S7t- west 824 yd. na ataka, then North 21 w. DO yds, toGraao Sprinc Oreek. tha down Green Spring Creek to Neuse river, then down Neue rivet to th baginnlng.eontajning to aoro sore. laaa, being the seme lend whereon I situated the factory formerly owned by the & B Gray Wauufacturinc Company." and th asm wbleh wa conveyed to O Congdon by. the S H Gray- Manofaeturiag Company, Aageat 6th. ISM, deed rectotered In book 110, pace 690, record of Crave County, and by . aaaagiunent of; mart- CacefKBB Jae.r, Baaeett ana wire wu. Cong-, don. which assignment dated 22 June. IsH, and registered In the office of th Register of Deeds in Cravea County in book Kt, page 470 tha said aortcac deed ao aasigned having been made by h8 H Cray Manufacturing Company to J F Basaett on June lit. Vm, and reKuitered In book 94, pace 487 and following, record of Craven County; and being tk seme proriorty conveyed by D Congdon to Carolina P.per Fulp Company, by dwd dated let June. 1'.)' (. and registered in ihsoHoe of the Register of, Def.ls of Craven ninty In book 18, pate 25, tj f ' . " 8. All the gum. cynraaa and phr tree, thnbor 1 wood now atnndinir. lying ot crowing, or that yiffow within twenty jmn from th I9t,h t at March, W' on H following descrltjvl v.. p'.nt two bin-tivd arras of swai. i . -jf on t- v t (.n.k and bt.mg a pair, of If 1 ;n i I 1,1 t1,'! flr-il fl! M M l J. V. ' ' d I Road 00 the west bok jf Swlft-ereek t hence vt itb said road west to edx e of high ,laad about WOO ..yards; , thence about soutti along the edge'ul the highland to - OerirgeHIH'B Branch: thence -across aald branch to th high land and with: tbe edge Of the high land to tua mouth of Mariah'a Heck Branch; thence across same acd with the outer edge of Swift Oreek Swamp to Little- Island Road; thence Rast with said road about 200 yards to wift Creek; thence up- Swift Oreek with the meander; of the same to Willis Bridge' Road the beifinnlnp. being all of tlie swamp on said tract of land on the North side of Li ttlel Island Iload causeway ; together with the rights of way, right and Drivileife of extension of said term, and .ail other- rights, dowers and privileges, conveyed by D. P. btreet and wife Julia O. Street, and N. F. Whitlord, Mortgagee, to Carolina Paper Pulp Company, by deed dated 19th March, 1909, and registered in the office ot the Register of Deeds uf Craven County in book 175, page 209. - 1. All the timber or every descrip tion of every sort and size when cut, now standing or growing or which may be standing or growing within the term of ten years from the 12th day of November, 1908, upon the following described land situate iu the county of Faralico, North Caro lina, and bounded and described as follows: On lahd conveyed to J. E. Delemar by Emily Barrington and others by deed dated February 15th. 193, recorded in the records of Pamlico County in book 20 pages 62 to tio, reference to same is hereby made; except that 150 acres sold u L. L. Brinsou and 5 acres to John S, Klnsey by said S. M. Delemar: also another tract known as the Banijei ti tract, both said tracts sold byJ.E. Dele mar.to Samuel M. Delemar under deed dated September 19th, 1901, recorded in dook 42, page ao0,reterence is hereby made to same also one tract known as the William B. Perkins-land beeinninir on Goose Creek at a swamp, thence down said oreek to a cypress known as line cypress, thence up Owens Swamp to Line Branch, then with and to the bead of said branch then a direct course to the head of Poplar Branch, and with said branch to the creek, thence to tiie beginning con taining 750 acres more or less; to gether with the rights of way, l ights ana privuge or extension or the sain term, and an oilier rights, powers ana privileges conveyed by S. M. Delemar and Ella A. Delemar, his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Com pany, by deed dated 12th i,f November 1008. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, N. C, in book 50, pnge 534. H. All t he timber ot all sizes and of every description, except the pine now standing or growing, or which may be standing or growing within the term of 18 years from the 29th day of November, 1S)U7, upon the tract of laud situate In the County of Pam lico, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Line Cypress below Mud Landing Cut on the East side of Goose Creek, thence running directly across the swamp on the West side of (June Creek to the Bramble and thence up the swamp to IlopklnH Swamp and with that to the llopkin's Swamp Road thence down Mill Dam to the creek and the swamp down the East side of the creek to the Muddy Land ing Gut, and the Sloughs and branch es to the East side of oreek that makes into the Creek Swamp. All the standing timber except the pine, being 400 acres, more or less, and be ing part of the same land known as the Goose Creek Mill Tract and W. B. Perkins tract, also beginning at Muddy Landing Road and runs up the Owens Swamp to the old crossing and then with the run and down. said swamp to the beginning, and up the branches that make with this swamp on the East side, containing 50 acres more or less: together with the rights or way and privileges of extension all other and all other rights and privileges conveyed by S. M. Dele mar and Ella A. Delemar, his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Com pafiy, by deed tUted 29th day of Nov ember, 1907, and registered in the office Of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County in book 47, page 679; 9. All the timber of every descrl p tion when cut now standing or grow ing, or which may be standing or growing within the term of ten years from the 12th day of November, 1908, on that certain tract of land situate In Pamlico County, N. C, and de scribed and bounded as follows; One tract or parcel, of land known a the Jesse Paul land; it being tbe same piece sold to Ella A. Wiley by S. M. Delemar, by deed dated September 2nd, 1903,recorded In records of Pam lieoCounty in book 87, folio 101; re ference is . hereby made to same; to gether with the rights of way right ana privilege ot extension or the said term and all other rights, powers and privileges conveyed by 8. M . iJelemar and Ella A. Delemar, his wife, to Oarolma Paper Pulp Company, by deed dated 12th day November, 1908, and registered In the office or the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, N. C, in book 60, page 239. ' 10,. All the Gum, Cypress and Pop-, lar timber of every, description of all sizes now standing or . growing, or which may be standing or growing within 1 he term Of 10 years from the 5th day of May, 1008, on that certain tract of land situate in Pamlico County, N. C., and bounded and de scribed, as follows: Adjoining the lands of- J. "W. Tingle and Brltty Casey and" others. ; First tract fully described- In a deed from J. M. 0. Brlnson trt Gideon Dixon, dated Nov ember' 20th, , J868, and .registered in the records of Craven Crounty, book 08, pages Ire add 117, and containing 180 - cres,f morjs or less,';: . One other! tract described In a deed from Levi ! Bush to James MoCabe ., Brinsoo, I datfed "February ;-the;.l4tn. ; J865r.aud also described lr the above described deed and containing 80 acres, more or less; together with the rights of way right and privilege ;of extension of the said lerm, and . all other rights, powers and privileges conveyed by D, II. Brlnwn and LuvlnlaA. Brloson,' his-wlfe. to Carolina Paper pulp Com" pany, by deed dated 6th day May 1008,. and registered in tho office of the Register of Deed of PaiuIIco County, N. C.; in book 46, page 020. - v . 11. All that 1 certain tract 6f land situate In ramllio. Countv, N; C ad Joining tho lands of , Pipkin Dees and others, bounded as follows; On the Worth side of Neuse river and East sine or uooso ; creek beginning at a sweet gum in the branch t.iat leads Into the Pipkins old flold, aod runs acrs8 the old Hold to a nlno fn thn edge of the Old field, ; thehce to a white oak and , from - thence to tiie prong of Owen Swamp, then down said run to tho mudrly landing, thence with tlm muddy lauding gut, to the ri" If, tbeme (Jnwii iu.1 r-rcclt to a !-,: r; liwri-c l,o t.lio. Ix-rintmHr run. 30, page-178, -records of Pamlico Ooun. ty;and ceing ine same land conveyed by G eorge Hick a H e n n i A . Hicks, t IB TD i fill W .1 il.at 'DJeiitat Dnl Aa... his wife to Carol iua'Piipef f dig Coju-f pany by deed dated jqLh diy otgctf ocr, iwws, ana regisierea totne omus of the. ' Register of Deeds of Psmlioo CountyVlf.iCMiD book0,Mgewi ' iZsi All the- ttpnoer of every aescrlp-1 tion and oT all sizes bow Uiiaing or growing, or which. m-be standing or growing, within the term ot ten years from the ism flay nt January 1908, on that, certain' tract of land situate in " Pamlico Doufnty,- N. C, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Muddy Landing Gut, and running up Owen's Swamp with tbe run to George Dees line, thence across the swamo to the hill on the West side and then down the swamp to the beginning, including the branches, containing 20 . acres more ar less; also another piece on the West side of Goose Creek adjoining Win. Nelson's land and being part of same land bought from D. M. Brinsnn, and others containing about 5 acres; together with the rights of way, right and privilege of extension of the said term and all other rights, powers and privileges conveyed by George Hicks and Lennie A. Hicks, his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Com pany by deed dated 18th day of Jan uary, 1908, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, N. (!., in book 48, page 219. 13. All the timber of every descrip tion, except the pine, poplar and oak, now standing or growing, or which may be stHtiding or growing within the term oi 15 years from the 14th day of November, 1908, on that certain tract or land situate in Pamlico Coun ty, N. C, and described and bounded as follows: Situate, lying and being on the West side of Trent creek ad joining the lands of Tully Spruill, Jno. P. Redding and others, begin ning at a stake on the Eastward side of said land the deviding corner be tween tlje heirs at law of John Daven port, Dec'd and runs West 152 poles to a stake, the corner of the 100 acre trat and in said Redding line, thence N.B3, W. 183 poles to a corner in J. P. Redding'8 line, thence N. 8, B. 132 poleB to a corner i thence S. 03, E. 133 poles to the dividing corner of the heirs at law of John Davenport, Dec'd, thence with the dividing line S. 42 1-2 E. to the beginning; contain ing loo acres, more or less, being the same land conveyed by deed January 23rd, 1872, of Holloway A. Armstrong and wife to John P. Redding (father ot ivirs. ci. a, Brown) and being a par cel of land better known as the Merin go Land; together with the rights of wav, the right and privilege of exten sion of the said term, and all other rights, powers and privileges convey ed by Earnest A. Brown and Ella Brown, his wife, and Elizabeth A. Reddlng,tO:Carolina Paper Pulp Com pany by deed dated 14th day of Nov ember, 1908, and registered in the ofllce of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, N. C, in book 50, page 424 14. All the machinery, boilers and engines, equipment, tools, etc., form erly used by said Carolina Paper Pulp Company, in connection with its piant and factory; also the equio iiienL of an electric light piant and a saw-mill outfit. 15. One tub roof cement, one box asbestos covering, 3000 tire-brick, 19 bugs alkali, three drums caustic iiida, 275 cords of gum and pine wood, 80 tons soft coal, 4 bbls. rosin, 220 bales unbleached sulphite pulp, 7 1-2 bbls. alum, 30 Jumbo rolls of paper 10 bundles of white paper, 5 tous of ground wood pulp, 5 tonssulphite pulp, 1 gas boat, 10 h. p. Lai In op engine, 60 yds. canvas dryer felt, 20 cords of pine slab wood. 16. 2 1-4 tons tire clay, 3 pair plat form scales, 2 boxes Fourdriner wire 1 buggy, 1 cart, 800 lbs Journal grease 0 bbls. Silicate soda, 3 cedar tanks, 1 iron safe, 1 wood stove, 1 roll top desk, 1 tall otlice desk, 8 chairs, 1 stool, and other office fixtures and furniture, 1 heavy built digesmi rnnr-borl rlrtwn 1 lnrnmrit iua Wilier two yard trucks; 2 flat boats launcher etc., etc. This 18th day June 1910 THOMAS D. WARREN R. A. NUNN Receivers of the Carolina Paper Pulp uompany. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE North Carolina Superior Court Craven County Before The Clerk H. H. Pender, Administrator of the estate of Lewis Williams, "ee'd. vs. Florence WilliamB Paul Williams Henrietta Williams, his wife. By virtue of an order and decree of sale to me. directed in the above entitled Special Proceedings pending in the of fice of the Superior Court of Craven county which said proceedings were in stituted for the purpose of making as sets to pay the debts of the said Lewis Williams, dec'd, I will offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bid der for cash at tbe court house door of said Craven county en Monday the 1st oay or August mu, at the hour or vi o'clock M., all of the following describ ed property, .to-wit,; Lying and being situate in the 7th. township, Craven , county, North Caro lina, ano in. that portion, bf said town ship known and designated as "Gray ville" as -plottedand recorded in the public records. In offtce .of Register of Deeds for said Cravea 'county in Book No. 112 Folios 144 and 14$ arid bearing the numhara. aavan l.lTi Aulrl ffft hnnn aaid plot or plan, both of aaid: lots fac ing on Vail . street, and extending into Neuse river; II being the same land conveyed by The Mutual Aid Banking Company to Lewis Williams deo'd., by deed dated February 10th. 1900. and re corded in said pubue records- in -Book No, 132 Folio 494, to which reference Is herebv made, . , ' This 20th day f June," 1910. '',." ? i,:HvjL PENDER,, ,'jt;,6jiisr. ., j ; javuniniatjrator. : t;H ; 'Inoticb OFdAtr' f -t ! ."; WW'' Jtri"S - -.C: Mtj'U2,h - Sr ytrtu of th Abthartty eeaferred apea the nderaicned hy a eertatn cuniraet entered Into, between Joseph U Ilahn and Chaa. White datod July fad. 1108. for the Borahaae of a let of lead. therein deeertbed la which aald aoatract the title to laid Und was retained by td Joseph L. Rshil, until the pwrohee BKimy Overef or wee paid la full and default baring been made M the pkmente of aald purr has Money at tbe time epeclfud forttfyma, and the told Joseph h. Bahn tlng fnlly amnnwarad to tak pnsais of said land unon each default and to asll the same at pl '- or private v la, ' h 7 - - '-a. In i- i.hie w''h Wm, 1. , - ' . ,i 'is! ,m of fw Beta, a the wen aid af boejaded and dnwihsd aa follows.' burte iBahMtx.mtr?rrfi0tN.tt4 . . " . . .. . anf ruWnc westward! skew tbe ssnherauae of aaid 1st ebto.fear (at) feet; the nor. warh parajisi with Eabaak ferty-oaM (40 fast: these aaatward parallel with aaid aartharaBoe sf lot No. 124 WfXPrea. tU wast una of said Eabaak Street (iwac southwardly ftrty-ooa (ilj feataiore3awfsaorsecljiniaa;. iusisafyoIjuneUU). i J.Q8EF I. BAHN. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified AS esgecutrix of tba last will and teatmantof Msrritt Whitiv. deceased, lata of Craven County. N. C this is to notify ail per sons having cleans against the estate of tha de ceased to present then for payment on or before the 8th day of July. 191L or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. AU parsons indebted to tbe estate will please make imntediate payment July 8th. 1910. ADELAXD WHITLEY Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE CAROLINA PAPER PULP COMPANY, A CORPOR ATION. To the Creditors of the Carolina Paper Pulp Company, a carporatioo:- Notice is hereby given that by a judgment of the Superior Court of Craven County, N. C. entered in the case of New Bern ftwlHng and Trust Com pany, at al vs. Carolina Paper Pulp Co.. et aU, at the May Term. 1910. af said court. Thomas D. Warren and R. A. Nuno. of New Bern. N. C. were appointed Receivers of the said Carolina Paper Pulp Co. and that all creditors are required to present and' make proof to such Receivers of their respective claims against said Carolina Pa per Pulp Co, on or before the first day of August 1910. and all creditors and claimants failing to do so within the time? .limited as aforesaid will be barred from participating in the distribution of the assets of the said Carolina Paper Pulp Co. This 21st day of May. 1910. THOS, D. WARREN. B. A. NUNN. Receiver of Carolina Paper Pulp Co. Teething children have more or leas diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera art! Diarrhoea Remedy. Ail that is neces sary is to give the prescribed dose ai ter each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to clean ed the system. It is safe and sure Sold by ad dealers. EXKCUTORS NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of W, H. Petti pher deceasod. late of Craven county. N. C thia is to notify all persons hsving claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them fur payment on or before the 9th day of J uly 191 1 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment to ISAAC POWELL. Exe;utor. July 9. 1910 8peaklng of desirable r.elghtbora aooda of course we all desire to live on Basy straet. "IS LIFE WORTH SAVING?" Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss, Miss, writes that she had a severe caae of kid ney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured her sound and well. She closes her let ter by saving; "I heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. It saved my life. " Davis Pharmacy. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective July 1 7th, 1910 Trains Arriving and Departing From New Bern, N. (J. Ar 9.00 a. m. Daily From Oriental. 9.10 am. " " Beaufort. 9.15 a. m. " " Golisboro. 12.16 p.m. Daily except Sunday from Raleigh. 3.30 p, m. Daily except Sunday from. Oriental. 4.35 p, m. Daily from Norfolk. 5.85 p. m. 6.25 p. m. Beaufort 7.25 p. m. " " Goldoboro. Sunday Excursion from Daily from Beaufort. Daily For Goldsboro. " Norfolk. " " Beaufort. " except Sunday for Daily except Sunday for Lv. 9.15 a. m. 9.25 a. m. 9.25 a. m. 9.50 a. m. Oriental. 1.35 p. m. Raleigh. 6.35 p. m. 7.30 p. m. 7.85 p. m. Daily For Beaufort " Goldsboro. " OrienUI. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. W. W. CROXTON, A. G. P. A. ' i Borne families are ao lucky that when they are praying for a boy baby rrlv8 aa girl twiaa- When the stomach fails to perform its function, the bowels become deranged. the liver and. the kidneys eoneosted Moaing numerous diseases. The atom ache and liver must be restored to a healthy condition - and Chamberlain's Stomach and L ver Tablets can be de pended upon to do it, . Eaay to take and most effective. Sold. by. all dealers. The inaa.who Jut ao time tor hla orieoda wUl eventaally jlsoover that ha has , o frlende tor ale time. im-nwwvta ..if f nlk , la laeaasaaareraaa1,1- II VsssaeU 1 cvenr woman may not bm heuid lom vfctViyT womsvnahonW keep Wilis' care the) food point Miirao Lat pveiiJber.J.No wotttui iti have) aa!!ow aldn. dull ev' blotct y coir- Ijoion, who " pyi proper rt'.r- ..on ta her health, t mcr.ta, L ' J luri'Jea and othet ' jrrfi-v i exit, pood Minpta , ion, , t: ' t, eyea end fprig htK rntyvernei.! cannot cxUL IntMital Jerancemor'a rrT" l tWe1 aoovMi V w let on t i S'livacsx I ie!Jej, dark . rinff aw- S n eyes, t,'.',iir lin, a cjbbh !.( :.'. i ( ia- et the bra -J J - . f . lMrpaan4 "r I ( -'a ; marl) an ' - r i i s t IS -., 'i A ,. , . 4 I it i . (.- I .. ill ..m. ij l.'-i.

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