K J 1 "it. mi im ciy a Pnbllsa mrwy dr In th tntk apt Mnd7, Journal bttUdla& M- tnrn street.--"-.- . -Vv PHONB 6. i. ." DITOR AND PROPRIETOR n ? nmcaimoir Kiraii Sm Tmt la adraaoe . I4.M On tmt, Ml li tdfu. 7 .' : . afanthly y carrier in th city ; Adrertialn rates (mraUkad P- pltofcttosv . v i. ' - -'' Entered tt FostOoe,-Hew Bern K, C as con4-cU mttr. - - OFFTTIAI. rAPER Or ; NCW BERW AKP CBATBN COPKTT. ' ' New Bern, N. 0. July S9rl10 THANKS TO BI CENTENNIAL HELPERS. It is very little to just express w message of thanks, and yet the people of New Bern feel very deep ly the coming of the Wilmingto- nians, the Kinstonians and the Euenites, with their splendid con tributions to the success of this ci ty's Bi Centennial celebration. To our German -Wilmington friends, the New Bern anniversary was peculiarly a matter of impor tance, for their ancestors, the Pal atines, were factors in America's colonies, and notably in New Bern's early history. In this, year of 1910, Wilmington has not need ed to go back 200 years for the im pulse to help her' friends on the Neuse and Trent, for the past half century has developed times and occasions to cause a spirit of the utmost friendship between the peoples of the two cities. But with all this, the people of New Bern ap preciate most highly the coming of the Wilmingtonians and the part they took to make the Bi-Centen-nial a greater success To Kinston, in the Alfred M. Waddell Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, New Bern has been honored by the contribution, th Richard Caswell commemora tion, and the attractive presence here of North Carolina's first gov ernor's three times great grand daughter. To Edenton, in the help of Pen elope Barker Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution, the great his torical parade was greatly indebted for the beautiful float representing the famous Edenton Tea Party, of October 25, 1774. More than these few words, is the sentiment of pleasure felt, in the help of these, who have con tributed so generously to New Bern's Bi Centennial. The loyalty and friendship of Colonial Days found a repetition this July, 1910, in the joining of Wilmington, Kin s ton and Edeuton, with their sis ter city, New Bern, in celebrating the latter's 200th anniversary. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Although money U tha root of all evil, the most lucceacfal me teeia to be thoae who plut tt $100 REWARD, $100. The 'readers! of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease' that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional aisease, requires a con stitutional treatment Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving ine patient strengw ny ouuaing up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Hs curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for lilt' of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. To ledo, O. sold ny an Druggists, 75c. . Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Hubby And what did Um Doctor ssf Wlfey He said, "Pat out your ton, gus." Hubby And thsnt Wife?.- "OrarwoTts." .' ."' "V: :,- a a aauaaaauaaaW II VailU v v , Every woman mar not hs Hnnrl lome, bat very woman should keep with care the good points latum hag given her. No woman need hare sallow skin, dull eye blotchy complexion, who pay. proper attention to her hes.!.h. , Where con tTpationfl.vcrc!-rir9 oients, blood impurities and c' " ft IrreguloriUe ext, good cost r ! Ion, brisht eye and -ri!J mQvementt cannot exist I.tfroaJ' ; Jerangamanta raveaj thatnalva twnn ay later oo th surface. Ilalh, daiti rings around the ayaa, sallow ' a cost. Itant tired fea)lingmaa !nt I Lm .and diffottive organ arenas drSiru' COrrectioa. I Chamberlnin's 6.mi a . Live Tableta fla t'.la rww-ry I , lht m h nliM! rmn ' . t t, i Hihbii b to fin. i ih,r ..rj , -t. mwm nini ? ' ' ! ' f H " ' f Mow yoa would not wi111u1t pay lot food worAJim would ri? Kin until (hat awdV . . . I .. . ........ nrthJ v.Tun.! knowlui what Dr. buoop" tonti do lor lb. iok, I taj ; to U aaf ttulH awita am reror . y . Jitomuw will a tifiwd aoa sttWd M I BIT Ho that "iXr?! iopitorMiMU nbSU lufr if it fails'. Ut otbMidothaaania-- at M tbau prawnpnu dt. - Ifraa amd son no(U. :U. aon vitaUtr. w ? aTao the iilImpro. BOM TUB. OM u kaMnmura ImproYeaiaut. wmi than tart Dr.Shoop t BaKoraan. i oq wrong, VMM warn vr.wiwv ---- . not ahosSJratn tt taila , aotuaUygTer VO via biui n powwrw w , ' WSbocIj iffll own WUf and helph or-arve?.W ?U bow jS-fiSfi: wk lalikia- fcuida Darrat. AO oi tjiw lua tall why I aa Takla to . "It Iwa U tt tu -! w . ; , it nm at A aa by tnuremarimon oyer . I haTa appointed honert and ntroMfbla UlURglWl la wril ciw jr wniiHiiiiy v 1 auunniiQiwiw .v. - -I Am twiha ARM. AU drosaiata nil Dr. Shoop'i BestbntlTe, . . -.1 I i. J-.. Mil., km. Bo drop no a Una plaaw-ind thai mv ainoaMntinantaiMiaeian. au am auw wimw book tou naad. A IKXHIU WUl UV. - . l i m i. wonld yoni kana pfayildan. My adTice and tha i - - M DOOK IWUW W WUI w-waw. fCKUapC kWOra OT two iruui w win vnm I DP UDon thoaiandi by my Ma4a praolption or penonal advlte plan. My bt aSort b turaly mu ainntanaaMt. Bo write DOW whila Mrkmiailimeoi. i naye oeipoa hiouhuwi A- aaaflfnrlin a-iv you wn n naia in rauut, iw wmwy Wktek It Null I Saia t nl No. 1 On Sytpepal Ho. 4 For Women o.LOntfaaKidna Q.OaJUMnaim. Sold By BratfMm Drug Co. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to action, of Democratic primaries, If elected I will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, H. T. WHITE. Cove City, July 26. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Colored Teachers Examination The examination of colored teachers will be held at the graded school build ing on West street Friday 29th. begin ning promptly at 10 a. m. S. M. BRINSON. County Sup't Anv ladv can sret a silver "No-Drip' Coffee Strainer Dy writine Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Send no money. Simply nek fftw "MAnn" lulnnn iroivl- lesre. arivine vour name and address, Dr. Shoop will also send free his new and very interesting irttie dook aescriD insr Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Health Coffee is such a close imitation of real Coffee, that it requires an expert to tell the difference. And neither is there a grain of real coffee in it Made from pure toasted grains, malt and nuts, its flavor and taste is exceedingly ing. No tedious boiling either. "M in a minute," says Dr. Shoop. Write today for ttie book and ' No-Unp (Jou pon. hi. U. Armstrong. To The Public. We desire to announce to the public that the undertaker's establishment and business conducted under the firm name of Merritt Whitley & Son, at No, 76 Bern street, New Bern, N. C., will be continued under the name and style at the same old stand under the mana gement of the undersigned. We extend our heartiest thanks to our patrons for their past favors, and hereby solicit their business in the future. We stand ready and willing to servo you at all times; prompt and strict at tention will be given to all orders, Phone No. 130. W. 0. WHITLEY, Undertaker and Embalmer. HELP FOR THOSE WHO HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE. After doctoring for " about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly five hundred dollars for medicine and doctor's fees, I purchased my wife one box of ' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much ftood that she continued to use them and they have done her more good than all of tie medicine I bought Deiore. BAMUEt boyer, roisom. lows. This medicine is for tale by all dealers, For Houu of ReprMentitivif ' At the solicitation of many: Temo- crats from all the. townships of the county I hereby announce that I will ntejr the Democratic primary, to be held Saturday, September 8rd 1910,' ai a candidate tor the legislature. 'if -1 ;. L,Kespectfully .''-:J'v . y. .'v'-S R' A.' NUNN l finest silken thread-takes from the uearc in impulse, im power, its regu larity The Stomach also has its hidden, or lnniU narva. It waa n fik first told uff it was wrong to drug a wewc or raiung KtomRch. Heart orKil- nova.' tiim t Mti nfinn Tim Ch.Hl. -j vovivill-"l, aJilWlf V Restorative-is directed straight for iu. ...... .in . 1 1 . um rauna oi uiese aiimcnis w eweaK and filltnrinir Inuiila nnrvaa 1',l. doubt clearly explains why the Rentora tivo has of .late grown so rapidly in popularity. Drupi aay that timae who tfRt thn Rnnlrntitta nun f.. days soon become fully convinced of ita i ... . . . .... wuiiuctiui mcni. Anywny, don t (f " ; tlie orcan. Treatinw ilia rim m r,t o,. l . neas is the only ' .hie and f"-o ! : :,i way. Sold by X;ru ::,nm l-'n .( to. ' A 6treng Plrafto Stery. Id tiit' uiukpuiii at rUDEstoo, Jamai- tl. tliere are some tuOt-red atitps pa pers, brown altn aga and salt wuur, and a small tin canister Theae arti clea. attest the truth ot'tha strangeBt ptrlU atorj Ter-told. In 1709 tb crew of the Nancy brig wart apparent-J ly bouest traders, -but aid some piracy now and then on the slda. One day they found it necessary to go Into Kingston lor sopplie. Before doing so they namrally remoTed all traces of their buccaneering trad. Among other things they threw overboard this tin canister stuffed with papers 4aka from ships tbey had sank, with com ments written on the margin 7 by the pirate captain. Later in the day British frigate was .becalmed near tb pot, and th aaiior spent their leisure catching sharks, -Presently they haul ed ap a big fellow, cut bl open and found the tin case with the papers, in side. These were taken to the captain. who, as soon as a: breeze sprung op. sailed into Kingston harbor, found the Nancy brig there and bad the crew tried, convicted and banged In chains at Port Royal. Payment In Kind. French novelists are occasionally paid In kind instead of cash. Many of the best known Paris newspapers man age to supply their readers with con temporary fiction for which the writers do not receive a penny. For Instance, a novel is published In serial form for which the payment at three half pence a line would amount to 80. This pay ment is always made In space, not In money. That Is tft say, the newspaper Inserts for the author, free of charge. a certain number of advertisements or press notices relating either to his own books or those of other authors. J lie can uceeaO'ln obtatBlns; any money from the fatter he lPt liberty to do so. The Spate varies considerably In value, a "puff" on the front page be ing worth to or $0 francs a line, on the second page Id franca and in other portions of I be paper still less. Lon don Scraps. THOSE PIES OF B0YH00D. How delicious were the pies of boyhood No pies now ever taste so good, what's changed? thepieB? No. Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your diges tion is poor and you blame the food, that's needed? A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of di gestion Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bow els Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite and appreciation of food and fairly saturato your body with new health, strength and vizor. 60 cts. at all druggists. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD BULLETIN. The following reduced rates will ap ply fromNew Bern, N. C, to the points mentioned. In addition to these points Summer Tourists fares apply to Sum' mer Resorts in United States and Can ada. Asheville, N. C. , special round trip annual Mountain Excursion. Date of sale Aug. 11th 1910, final limit Aug. 22. Fare $9.55 round trip. Cincinnati, Ohio., Ohio Valley Ex position Aug. 29, to 24th. Rate $24.40 sold daily Aug. 28, to Sept. 24th inc., limited 10 days. Rates $30.95, sold dai ly Aug. 24 to Sept 24th, limited Sept 1910, Black Mountain. N. C . account Mon treat Cbatuagua and Religious Assem bles. Dates sale July 6-12-20-28, Aug. 3-6-9-13-20-25, final limit Sept 8th. Rate $11.10. For further information apply to T. H. Bennett ticket agent H. C. HUDGINS, W. W. CROXTON, O. P. A. A. G. P. A. A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop, of Racine Wis. tells some plain truths, and in a plain and practical way. Get this booklet and a free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some disheartenedsufferer in your vicin ity,' Make a grateful and appreciative friend of soine one who is discouraged because of the failures, of others to help him. Help me to make this test and in certainly help your sun ering friend. nraonam urug jo. f ha Wolfs Dsn. One of I lie worn, grewsome among animal homes Is ihe wolfs den. This la almply ar hole dug lu the aide of a bunk-or a small natural rave,-generally, situated on the sunpy side of a ridge and almost: lilddcu by . bushes and . loose bowlders. ' flere the wolf lies snug,. . In and about bis doorway lie the remains of past feasts, wblcb. coupled with bis .own bdoe. make the wolfs den a .not very Inviting place Nevertheless . tbere Is something so dread and mysterious about this soft footed marauder that It even lends fascination o-hla boroe.-Rt. Nicholas (, 'FOLEY KIDNEY PltLS HAVE' . :---,'f, '.Vf' ' CUREO ME Vi ' Tha ariAVaY la a:'nnfarlnn' mm a tar written by H. M. Winkler, Evans villeInd, "1 contracted a severs eass of kidney trouble, i My back gave out an.! nainad ma T iacm.fi tn tun. all dtrength and ambition; wat bothered win aizzy epulis, my neaa. wouia swim and specks float before my eyes. I took now perfectly well and fetl like anew l Tri. rT i i man. ruicy jn.iuDey ruts navo curea me," Davis Pharmacy ' u srv FollowM the Lasdsr.T.:'".' ' Usster-Wlio von tell me- whnt na. ful article we get from be whsle? JOhnnio-vrbBielKiue. Hastcr-ltiglit Now, wont little boy or girl knows wnat we get from tiw spmII Toyemy Pealing wnt - l owlon KiTii,a AM ANQHY MUSICIAN. Amusing and Palhatio Story. of Con atant' iffctura, -Too Lstat;" 1" As, auiusiug and pa'betr story 1 totd of. Beiijaniln eonxlaiir'a first pic ture to attract attention. U waa" called "Too . Late" nod ppnA)eined Kortuut nd Glory visiting aa anlMi jiwt aa be bad brentheit lit tant.S Tb artist waa tying ou tho-rfid.. The Ueur.ot Death stood ttetir; 1U door llirunuh. whkb Fortuna, carrying h but of iooney, and O lory. bearlBK fciureta.' bad just 0 reotf.j'x4:;.r' 'ITis. artit wlred' mnny Mtera from tboae wlm.bad wen thp imldtlng One waa wrliten liy a pnftNtr t iuu akv an olii 'in:in. w1m exirw A In touoblng wrdi iIhs mioikm U bad felt at the mikM orth artiia work. Be aKkfd Ciwtut to rtU and lalk to bint about "Too ljiti." .'The invitation tcoh apcnt?d. but soon astha old nrofosaor saw I he an tot be uttered un ejaculntkio, of sur prise and -apger. "Why. you are quite a youthr he eactnlmed. "I thought you were-old and. like myseir.'hsd spent your life in vain endeavor to ob tain reoocnltlorJ of your abllllles. ' I conceited that picture to be the last despairing cry at a mnn as unfortnl nate as 1 am. I find yon are quite young and your eyes are full of hop You are a hiimbus. air. and 1 request that you leave this house Immediate Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA.3TORI A Speaking of desirable reign tbora koods of course we all desire to llvt on Dasy street Pain can be easily and auicklv stop ped. Pink Pain Tablets-Dr. Shoops stop Headache, womanly pains, anv pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula it's fine. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. Poor Product. "I'm a self iimile num. I am." "Writ, tlit'iv in one iliing you needn't worr.v ;iln)i:i." "Wh.n is ilnitV" "Taking out n patent." ! I Tlia Heaviest Meal. "TThPii li yon take the heaviest meal of the dii.v'."" uskei a liachelor of a maiTled mnn. "When rjy wife cooks It," came the reply. "IS LIFE WORTH SAVING?" Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss, Miss, writes that she had a severe case of kid ney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured her sound and well. She closes her let ter ly saving; "I heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. It saved , my life. " Davis Pnarmacy. Hit Standard. A fli.ip drummer alighted from the tmtn ai l'"ar vlllf iinrl looked tt and down I hi' street. I ri'sent ly Vlrk l.ee came Hldiig with a bundle of soiled lauudry. and the drummer hulled him with: "John, how much of a place Is this here town of Knrville?" "Stleet m' evly Iwi'iity nilnule," re idled the I'lilKnmmi - Kvi-rvlimly's. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is neces sary is to give the prescribed dose af ter each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to clean es the system. It is safe and sure Sold by ail dealers. Honest Praisa. Ad honest compliment was tbnt pad to M. de Vendimie who. while com mandlng the French army tn Italy, dts patched a young nobleman to announce to his master the victory, which he bad gained at Suraara. The latter while attempting to 'describe the battle be came several times much confused lo bis narrative, when, although the king preserved bis gravity,, the Duchess'bf Burgundy, who was present, laughed so heartily that at last the young gen tleman said. "Sire, It la easier for M. de Vendome to win a battle than for me to describe It" - ' A FEW SHORT WEEKS. Mr. J. S. Bartelt, Edwards ville, III., writes; 'A few months ago my kidneys become congested. I had severe back ache and pain across the kidneys and hips.: jf'oley Kidney fills promptly cured niy . backache and carrected the action of my kidm-ys, This wss brought about alter my using 'them, for only a few short week- nd I can cheerfully raeommend tbem." Davis Poarmacy ifyf ,r.-i-$:M ths Dishes, ; ; . "Hilda Is at ihe. dlwhes bow.WUI you waitr her,ihwbaald;:V;v.'' Qladlyt" said ibe youug man, think ing ha bad fsuod S prlsev g&iprtfsy- Just iheu a crash cams, from the kltcbes, and agalube became 0ds-cided.-Borfal0 .Biprssav 7y'& . : V"' A FRIGHtFOL WRECK V. ' of train, automobile or buggy may cause cuts, bruises abrasions, sprains or wounds that demand Bucklen's Arnica Salve earth's greatetst healer.. Quick relief and prompt cure result, . For burns, boils, sore of all kinds, eczema, chapped hands and linn, sore eyes or corns, its supreme. Purest pile cure. 25c. at all druggists. ' Notes falling due on Sunday, or on t legal holiday, must bs paid tbs 4t previous . . ... BILIOUO? C0I1STIPATED ? HEADACHE? ;for SPEEDY RELIEF. NearljJ Everybody simmons liver regulator hotYOU? NORFOLK. SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective July 1 7th, 1910 Trains Arriving and Departing From New Bern, N. O. Ar. 9.00 a. m. Daily From Oriental. 9.10 a. m. " " Beaufort. 9.15 a. m. " " Goldsboro. 12.15 p. m. Daily except Sunday from Raleigh. 3.30 p. m. Daily except Sunday from Oriental. 4.35 p. Tn. Daily from Norfolk. 5.35 p. m. " " Goldsboro. 6.25 p. m. Sunday Excursion from Beaufort. 7.25 p. m. Daily from Beaufort. Lv. 9.15 a. m. Daily For Goldsboro. 9.25 a. m. " ' Norfolk. 9.25 a.m. " " Beaufort. 9.50 a. m. " except Sunday for Oriental. 1.35 p. rn. Daily except ?unday for Raleigh. 5.35 p. m. Daily For Beaufort. 7.30 p. m. " v. Goldsboro. 7. 35 p. m. " " Oriental. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. W. W. CROXTON, A. G P. A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STOR I A The man who has so time for hli friends will eventually llsoover tb ha has bo friends for nla time. NAPOLEON'S GRIT was of the unconquerable, never-say-die ninu. me Kind tnac you need moBt when you nave a bad cold, cough or lung dis ease. Suppose troches, coueh svruos. cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It has saved thous ands of hopeless sufferers. It masters stubborn co.ds, obstinate coughs, hem orrhages, larrippe, croup, asthma, bay fever and whooping cough and is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affections, 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle free at all druggists. For Rent Two suites of office rooms in Moore building opposite Gaaloii Ho- UeL One office building adjoining Ar mour Packing Co.s building on Soi'th front street. C T. HANCOCK, Agt. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE With a view of moving West I offer my farm for sale, there are 812. acres, 60 cleared and in. a good condition, Woods land well set with young timber, Public road soon to pass through plant ation,; An exceptional fine stock range. ; Thisfarm ts located ona mile.jfrom railroad near' Tuscarora, CravenCo., Good buildings and two wells of good water. '; For term and particulars ad ares. . '.'.x --',:,.. ,-., v '. VV?i JOHN F. REGISTER, Jr. -' ''.'?. -: ' .,: "Tusearora. N. C Cms 8 horse farm 21 miles from Now Bern on Trent road, farm has on it one 8 room dwelling, one tenant house with 8 rooms and kitchen, two bams and other outbuildings, young orchard bear ing this year, besides 60 Pecan trees 6 years bid. Also Rouse and lot and' Va cant lot adjoining on Main street, in Maysville, N. C." F6r further informa tion apply to -,.. r , MARK DIS03WAY, v 14 JohnBOn St, New Bern, N. 0. ANNOUNCEMENTS t. Nv;; ANNOUNCEMENT t hereby announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Register of Deeds for Craven County subject to the win -of the Democratic Primary. '. I heartily appreciate and thank you for your confidence and support in the past, nd if re-elected I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully dischatge the duties of srid office. Yours very respectfully, STEPHEN H. FOWLER ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic voters of Craven county: I hereby respectfully announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Crs ven county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary soon to be held. I promise the same fidelity to the duties of the office that hB characterized my administration for nearly twenty years and a continued devotion to the princi pleS of the great Democratic party that has safely guided usasa people through the many political storms and vicissi tudes of the past. Very truly your obedient Servant, W. M. WATSON. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce that I shall ngait be a candidate for sheriff before the next Democratic primary, to be held for Craven county. I thank you for your confidence and support in the past, and if re-elected I promise to discharge the iu'iesof the office fairly and impartial ly, with due consideration always for the best interests of the whole people. J W BIDDLE. March 28, 1910. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I respectfully announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promise if re elected to be found at my office in the Craven county court house, willing to serve you as faithfully in the futuru as I have in the past. Respectfully, Freeman S. Ernul. For County Commissioner To the Democratic Voters: k l iiereuy unuuuiice myoeii a cuimiuai; r i L i 1: for County Commissioner, for Craven county. Subject to the Democratic primary on Sept. 3rd. G. V. RICHARDSON ANNOUNCEMENT , To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I pledge myseif to discharge the duties of said office to the best of my knowledge and ability and as near as possible to the satisfac tion of the public Very respectfully, RICHARD B. LANE. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County: I hereby most respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Craven County subject to the will of the Democratic primary whenever said primary is held. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to conduct the office to the satisfaction of the people to the best of my ability, i Most Respectfully, B. B. Hurst For County Commissioner ii I respectfully announce my candidacy for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held. If elected I pledge myself to the honest discharge of my official duties. . Respectfully, ' : H. S. HANCOCK. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I tiarabv armnnriM mvaalf a ram ididate for the office of Sheriff of Craven coun ty, subject to the democratic primary, and if nominated I guarantee to every person having any business with the office the utmost respect, politeness and courtesy, . , , "'', . -, ? Respectfully, A. E. WADSWORTH. r - ,. Announcement. I hnreby announce myself s candidate for Register of Dseds of Craven county sulijnct to the Democratic primary to beheMfpt. 3rd. If nominated and i ' ! 1 I jiromidA to give to the people f ' " 1 bi: 1 rourtnmis service at sll Till COLLEGE FiveDepartments-Collegiatr-Graduate, Engineering, Law and Education. Large library facili ties. Well-equipped laboratories in all departments of science.. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very mod erate. Aid for worthy students. Teachers and Students ex pecting to engage in teach ing should investigate the superior advantages offer ed by the new Department of Education in Trinity Col lege. For catalogue and further infor mation address. R. L. FLOWERS, Sec. DURHAM, N. C. Trinity Park School A First-Class Preparatory School Ci'i i ideates of Graduation Aoceti'- red lor Kiitrance to Leading South- fin t'nlh'pvs. Faaultir of tun orticers and t-brs. CAm)us of seventy five aerea. I(Wttry contain ing more m forts thousand bomid voIoiik'li. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern method of ui structlon. Frequent lectures lV prominent lecturers. Ex penses '.'xcuedmgly moderate. Twelve years of phenomenal sueeeKS. l'oi catalogue and other infor mation add: ess .' F. S. ALDRIDGE, Bursar, DURHAM, N. C. "r'"" '"T-rn-nv MP UMisa DWARE Building Ma terial Paints, Oils A N I ) Varnishes American Field Fence 1 Nm Hera, N. C Burrus & Co. DEALERS IN Corn, Oats, Hay and all kinds of Feed X. X. X. Dairy Feed the best. 13 Middle St. New Bern, M. C. INione 181. THE NOiiTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS The State's college for training in dustrial worlters. Courses in Agricul ture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Mil ling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemis try; and in Agricultural teaching. Entrance examinations at each county seat on the 14th of July, D. H. HILL, President, West Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT TO DEMOCRATIC VOTER 3 r I hereby announce myself candidate for the office of constable for the ehrhth township. Craven county sobiact to tha democratie primary to bs held Septem ber 8d, Mid salt your Support. - ci::ci:esteeigf;llq r d.iwm for tntrjnnTlta A U'aMunu Hkni MLi a la nr .n.l fliu.o ni'lnlllc h"Ff, rnlril Trull limit HihlKiv lilt wo ntn... v,r,,., llmr-lil M..4 a.h f-.r t ' ' - . i i . i V IM-iitt-,t I . ; il. DIAMOND jQ( I feRANO , 'a f

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