ESTABLISHED -f IN 1878 NUMBER 105. j NEW BERNc KOBlfl CABOLlNAtSIIN DAYaOgING mtfttgfl 9 1 TWENTY NINTH YEAR PAPER WITH r .-KNOWN CIRCULATION I ' -1 V- y iV ..-. V . .. r. . jf Advance Adstments; There are lew families who could not meet a tea per cent reduction in income without material sacrifice- . ' ' '. : ;K Most single young men could cut their expenses ; 20 per cent easily and be better for it . : Why not fortify your finances by making such a readjustment NOW and saving that 10 per cent or 20 per cent in this strong Bank ? If you save when you are not forced to you can spend when "others are forced to economize. We pay 4 per cent on savings. TA R 1(1,4 HP Prwi T A tiWVM V: Pm Wnu B. EJiADES, V. Pre. GEO B PENDLETON. Caahier SSik iiieodedw tiqiial go;;veutiqii Just Received For Bi-Centennial Week 2 CAR LOADS 2 in TURE Which You Can Buy CHEAP FOR CASH OR ON TIME T. J. TURN Phone 172, Eft 93 Middle St. FUR. CO. New Bern, N. C. Colored people From AU Over the .State Were Here, , ' Last Week ' The colore taterdanominationl con vention which has bon in aewioQ in this city durin; tha past few days and which colored people from all oyer the State attended came to a close .y eater- day: . In address ing the Colored Interdeno minational Sunday School and Educat ional Conventional, Hon. John C.. Oan ey, ex-recotder of deeda for IheDia trict of Columbia, paid a tribute to the lives of Or. James E. Shepard of Dur ham, and Col. James H Younir of Ral eigh, president of the conrehtion, for their useful careers in christian activities. The American influence upon the foreign element in this country is large ly due to interdenominational activities and this spirit is uplifting the negro," was forcef ully enunciated by this col ored statemanand orator. The convention, by -resolutions, en dorsed the National Religious Training School and Chantanqua at Durham. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Col. J. H Young Raleigh, president, Prof. W G Pearson, Durham, first vice-president: Prof. W W Lawrence, New Bern second vice- president; Rev, J W Cotton, Hender son. third vice-president; Miss Annie F Hayes, Charlotte, recording secretary; Rev. J W MacDonald, Prof. S A Smith Winston-Salem, corresponding secre tary. Prof. W H Jackson,. New Bern: chairman executive committee, J Hen ry Warren, Charlotte; Dr. J E Sbep ard Durham, -treasurer. The convention convenes the second Tuesday in July, 1911, in Clinton Met ropplltan A M. E. Z. Church Charlotte. Addresses were delivered by Mr. C. C Spaulding, of Durham; Rev. J. L. Taylor, of New Bern; Mrs. JosieTay lor, of Wilmington; Miss Sadie Harris, Raleigh. Cor. 33 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT far away customers who.- By special request of a good many of my could not get here In time to attend my GREAT SACRIFICE SALE ... I have decided to continue this p;ieat sale 10 days longer so that they may have the benefit of my special Cut Trices. DON'T FOIMiKT THK PLACE Sam Lipman. Cor. Mkldk! aud 8. Front St. Bryan Block. POPULAR PREPARATIONS, roil SUMMKIt TOILET ' The care of the Rkjn on the hands and face is of greater importance now ihan any other season. ;5EE that you. are supplied with the purest an I beat TALCUMS, FACE POWDER and CREAMS, that means OURS. Get a supply; then you need havo no fear of Sun or wind. PRKSCUirriONS CAUKFULLY COMPOUNDED rf Gaston Drug Company ON THE CORNER SEDI1EI1UY PHONE 05 !55 MANAGER. OPPO. POST OFFICE.,: YOU ARE ALL - Cl,YrTT(l1 WELCOME Omili5U0B5g! Rliill Bi-Centenial Celebration and Fire- ' men's Tournament Comes to a Close. The great - Bi-Centennial -Celebration and the State Firemen's Tournament is now a thing of the past and the major ity of the thousands of visitors who attended this momenteous event have returned to their homes. Every train leaving the city yester day was crowded to its utmost capacity with passengers. Several of the fire companies who stayed over night after the conclusion of the tournament also took their departure. The past week has been one of the most eventful in the history of New Bern and one that will lone- be remem bered both by the visitoi-3 and the citi zens of this city. Bannec"Sure Seal" Fruit Jars (with glass top.) M. E. Whitehurst & Co. "Dakota Bob'.' Off on Another Jaunt. "Dakota Bob" the renowned pedes trian, who has been in the city attend ing the Bi-Centennial celebration during the past week left last night via the cross tie route for Kinston "Bob" as he is known to his thousands of friends is one of those specimens of humanity whom Diogenes would have been glad to have encountered during his search for an honest man. An affectionate disposition, a kindly face and an lnde latigueabie ambition to oe on the go are his chief characteristics. His stay in New Bern was brief but during that time he made many new friends who in company with those who knew him years ago really regret to sec him leave Bl-Centennlal Post Cards Wooten's Studio has post cards with views oi tne various ci-uentenniai parades, floats and scenes. Send them to friends, 6 cents each. Died Mr. Elijah J Clark, who resided at No. 12 New ptreet, died a the sana torium late yesterday afternoon from a complication of diseases. Mr. Clark was 64 years of age. The funeral ser vices will be conducted from Centenary Methodist Church at 4 o'clock by Rev, B Hurley. The interment in Cedar Grove cemetery. Worked Him Hard . Mr. John Bambalis the efficient man ager of the Busy Bee Cafe has just Ibeen able to recover his breath after the rash that he had in his cafe during the big celebration. From morning un til night the popular restaurant, was crowded with hungry people clamoring for something to eat all of whom he tamed away satisfied. The Busy Bee has a daily menu to offer to its patrons that .is unequalled in the city, the steward securing every day the very choicest delicacies that the market af fords. - Grand Stands Will be Removed. The work of tearing down the two large grand stands that wre erected oo each aide Of the race coarse on George street will begin : tomorrow morning, and by the middle uf the week the two structures will be a thing of the past. It is estimated that these two stands seated more 'than 23,000 people during the past week. '. Don't fail to give us a call when in need of" Ribbons, Neckwear,"- Hosiery. Under wear, voiiars,' bnirt8, riats. Clothing etc. J. J.. ? Baxter Elks" Temple.' . i AT rf.UUUft;-?:;; STORE 2 : r ''i ' .t ..i,1 ... X - . I J , ' - wmiiii i minimum) ui n . ' " ' . ... . L. k 5emi-Paste Paint We carry ill'shadcs cbd the best paints on the raarkef Yarnish Stains In all colors. T': ttock ; of BuUdifizlatcrialt UOofing and Wire Fence. Czi tlve you good prices. Alfr visitors to the city darisj Coming week Vdl find a cordial, welcorae iit oar store. ".A"- .;.; to th fubll.i ?Xca'toa WtD Ohrt fall i Thf Baracea Clau of the First Baa- tlat Church will give a, sail tomorrow night' complimentary" to the ladies of the Aid S Kiety and the members of the Philathea CIms. AU of ' the visiting ladies are cordially invited to attnd, "'?o -'; We desire to announce to the public that tne onderttker a" establishment end business conducted undrr the firm name of Merritt Whitley & Son, at No, 70 Bent street, New Bern,' N. CL, will be continued under the name and style at the same 6td stand under the mana gement of tne um!rni(rnef. We extend our heartiest I' ' ( r pntrons for their rapt f , ' f;roby solicit thnlr is'' ' -re. .'. We ,i willing to sorve you f ' , i comj't sr.:l dtrir.t st : . . i lie given to au oruera. i ' 4 Ho. V' W. O. WIIITl.r.Y, , ' Und.-i . kor and I'lnt-tiluu-r, AGEDILIIOE Shot Heard Near Humble Home in Late Evening and Visit Reveals Murder. Lynchburg. Va. July 30 Another mystery, stirred the people of Nelson county, when the body of an old man named McGann, whose first name is thought to be Meredith, was found ly ing on the porch of his lonely hut about two miles from here this morning by a passerby.. The brains of the dead man's head . covered the floor. There was a hole in the top of his head. Although no weapon was found near it is supposed that he was killed by a charge from a shot gun, and the ab sence of a weapon leads to the belief that he was murdered in cold blood as he sat upon his porch, This belief is strengthened by the fact that a neigh bor heard a gunshot in the direction of McGanns place last evening about dust, and it was this same neighbor who took the pains this morning to come to the hut, which is off of the road, and see whether all was well with its lonely inhabitants. McGann was between sixty and sev enty years old and from all accounts was a respected citizen of his neighbor hood. No possible clue to the cause of the tragedy has been found this morn ing. He was not known to have any enemies for he had been living on his little farm for many years and was regarded by his neighbors. Not much is bnown of his past history here, how ever. It is thought that he has several children and his wife is believed to be dead. He had lived in a small house: by himself and was to all appearances a harmless and decent old man. No inquest has yet been hold, aa the matter has just been reported to the authorities here. The entire absance of any reason for the murder, ns the circumstances seem to unquestionably indicate, was the case, leaves the au thorities without a single clue to follow. "High Grade" Colonial Glassware. M. E. Whitehurst & Co. Umbrellas this week at cut prices, New stock in. J. J. Baxter Elks Temple. Denounced Willlan,Stone Chief of Police Hargett received a letter yesterday morning from a paity in Virginia in regards to William Stone the young man from Baltimore, Md., and who in company with a Miss Nellie Small was arrested in this city a few days ago on a warrant charging them with immorality, which, if the facts in the case could be proven would put Stone behind the bars for several yean The writer stated thut he had known Stone for several years and that he a engaged in the "white slave" traffic and that if it wbb necessary he could give the names of several girls whom Stone had lured away from home Be also stated that Stone was wanted in several cities, for running confidence' games. ' Judging from all reports the man haa left quite alad record m his wake. Kinston People Gratified. Kinston has sent nearly a thousand people to the New Bern Bi-Centennial celebration, first and last contributing thereby to a large extent to its success. Kinston people as a rule are good spenders, so far as their means will admit and in this way they have also helped our neighbor city to make the celebration the great success that it was. New Bern citizens are fully ap preciative of the above facts and have manifested it in exceedingly great hos pitality to the visitors from this city. Kinston Free Press. New York Cotton Market. Special to Journal. New York, July, 30. Cotton sold off moderately today on forecasts of rain in Texas and Oklahoma. Business was dull. Spots quoted ten points lower with no. sales. Latham Alexander & Co. Pictures In Costume. Those who took part m last week's parades, in costume art requested to call at the Wooten Studio next Tuesday or Wednesday, at night, if not eonyenl- nt in the' day time,'- and have (heir pictures taken in costume.-. This is done to preserve the historical character of the float? and parades,; if a bookletOf tb Bi-CenUnniar should be issued. Ms m ...iV ...r,-,.,;,.-,.,. ....... -.Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure Bllnd Bleeding and Itching Piles. tt absorbs the tumors, allays itching , at once, acta as a poultice,' gives Instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment b prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, ' Sole by druggists, mall 60s and 4L0O.: v'.WiUtams'. Jl'f'gi: Co., Prdpa.V CiewlMd. O'.- .T-' .V:'- U Republican County Convention - il; Much Progress Beta g Madjkli ' Nothing haa been said about the new anion passenger depot during the past week, but during that time the work men who are engaged In the erection of th structure have bftm bufiily engaged and much progrem has bcei made,. This buili!!npr, whrn completed, wil be one of Ue hiiniliiorneet in the state of North Carolina, and one that the people of New Uerne w'll bo proud of. . . ,i . i f l! o niim-tn, whether in 1 1 y vi iii nt exrrciHH or irmrv. W For Rent. Two suites of office rooms in Moore building opposite Gaston Ho tel. One office building adjoining Ar mour Packing Co.s building on South Front street C. T. HANCOCK, Agt peoples Bank 4 NEW BERN. N.C. 0. PAID ON ' STRONG COURTEOUS V 'a. a aa n a I s PROGRESSIVE SUCCESS depends in s great measure upon the banking connections which a man establishes -especially a young man just starting out in life. If, in paying his obligations, a merchant, business man or planter pays them by check upon a bank with a reputation for conserva tism, it immediately raises him ip the estimation of those with whom he has dealings. The Peoples Bank of New Bern is known for the sonservatiHin of its management and the sound business judgment of its direc tors. Checking accounts are cordially invited, small as well as large, and saving accounts may be opened in any Bum down to $1.00 and will draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent, compounded twice a year. W M.DUNN C.D.BRADHAM TA.UZZELL PREST. VICE PRE ST- CASHIER Pursuant to call, delegates from the several prcincta met at the court house Saturday noon to hold their county con eaUo8va.i5..; r ' ' v '' r -bit Was seen in the beginning that the Baahlght of hew post office f action was In the majority, so the Haneock faction lay down, and the convention resolved itself Into a mass meeting- of. Republi cans and near RepubHcans:i'-, '7 ,:i Delegates were selected for the virl ous contentions, ,f coUnt"eommittoe was elected with Clyde Eby as chair man, and a county ticket putjooti :, Mr. R.JB.,Nlxon was. bamwj f ot rep ., resentative to the' next iegislaWre; y'jt. ' Foley's Kidney Remedy will euro any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can , do more..-Davis Phar macy, r:,: -.v - ,.;.--,-. Notice '. To" the sapervlsors and road over aocrs of No. One Townshipyoo are nquirod to meet at Vanceboro, N, C, on the first Saturday In August to make an annnal report of the condition of the public romla of your township, and to attend to any other liuninesa that may come before oni.l mwt injr. You are re- I I i. ' ri ;:ti!ly of luw, to liii'ct fit li' . . ' ' t "i-t in;; t 3 o't:' -., O. 0. r - L1NENWEAR HOSIERY THE BEST EVER 25c. If you once wear "LINENWEAR" Hosiery you will wear no other, they out wear two pair of ordinary quality hose, every part exposed to wear, the toe and heel reinforced with the best linen for men and women - at 25c. the pair. New shipment just in. The best 50c. Silk Sox ever sold. J. J. BAXTER DEPT. STORE ELKS TEMPLE WE HAVE JUST. RECEIVED A LOT OF RIBBON FOR DECORATING We Have Your Favorite Colors Boy Before The Rush Barrington Dry Goods Co. SURETY BONDS -iNTHE AMERICAN SURETY CO., OF NEW YORK. COURT and CONTRACT BONDS executed immediately in the STRONGEST and RICHEST COMPANY in the WORLD. Assets over $7,000,000,00. Enjoya exclusive patronage of Norfolk Southern, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Ry Co. Personal suretyship is a responsibility that no man should undertake A bond in this Company ia absolute protection and the rates ara as low as the lowest.. For further information see W. Q. BOYD, Agt REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, NEW BERN BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. . Rooms 820-821 Elks Building . Telephone 400 BINGHAM SCHOOL.: 1783 , mo TBI BtMaUl SCSOOt, AblK M. C. ku tmfi Swt kWla h. lit 1UU IM1, www mm i ' naM, miim timm v. OOKTmOL4 G4JUIUUL Ion tipl.1 Omt MMMf MIUtikT fct DUOVLIKI. lUmi ooL a. tnwm, Swt,, mm n. THE BEST i'J U , i ; ; it'' ! i; '";. kn - J Hill UUUL 1 swi.ia 'jiitiutHwiii a ikl mmtX"..'-y' 1 j,". ' ' ',. - I .3 1 1 " . v iT ' "'I k 'i , a v. j i- ' ; .j ! I y 1 !ip f rni in ' : h i..! I i. !. -H . I

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