7--; .-. V3- r 9 il &t'-vi.leet;;i.ie riovn-On -T1:j 'J:l, - - V r-Jai'HaiirdV Bii Hit' W Oos. B. VZlrJ. I's'IZ-.'zd Fir t Fr.:r pss::::.i- caeds i -t 4 t ; : -4T .4- 'lfTWNTVV: SHOP" J ';V rFP .CTl Ir v "THE CANDY SHOP'.' .r i.'i) k v W t" ? "ry "idglit re ., 1 -f' -iVv,T ,v- r v 1 . IV Aft - er the meal from the house the boys and firli weald iteal, IU get dime and yo -hot we'llhaye" , wrV-ta'tiae, - Cor ner of Soon as our street, was the it's dark we can Rights for Canada iccored Copyright, mchix, by JEROME H. REMICK ft Co., PetroU Used Children Cry for Fletchcr'o The Kind Ton Hate Always Bonght, and which has been In use for over SO eara,' ha All Coimterfeltis Indtations andf Experiments that trifle tilth and endanger the health of Infants and ChUdrevxpiudenee-agai Caatorla Is a. harmless snbstltatO for .Castor,: OUV Pare, :. , trorlc, Drops and Soottiing Byrops. contains neither Oplnm, Moihlne:xmr ther Niuroollo: ;: substance. Its age Is Its guarantee.:. It destroys .ICornts and allays PeverlshheBS. . It cures Diarrhoea and.lYlnd;:! Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation, r e and Flatulency. : It assimilates Che Food regulates thtf Ntontach and id JJoWels, giving; health and natural sieeWs an's Tunacea The Mother's Prtend.;;:'.' v,! ' :-.?'. The Children GENUINE? JCASIT0RIAAI1AY5 The Kutd M HayeM i" -t-tm eiirtuoiny, tt kuh -v-?'J S555S55555 f V i' , j- I ic .:.,.,r. - f' - v - i k r tent tJfMv..- lek, T - vThafiaUwe place where we nsed .to meet, spark up ia Cea - tral Park, by penaission, XUSjUT HUSIC Ch law fiii : I Iwrath' signature 6( ;l AA A I and has been made under his per ; sonal snpervlsion since ltoinfaBcjr : ' -Alluvv no one to' deoelve rou In ihls. - .t-c 'j'Ar, r."t:a, ri"; micT. niwvmiiom. ! W "- x 'c. ., keee -a "date"" Was -at Well I it faa! 'da clareJ New York Performiag rights reserved Ye No, 199. 59 Heatuv derWIeate Far H.Uv aav Womaa wbo fbaniiea ooctors M ooobt Us her wo rewna"Ior mak- mm wiu threatened With fetefc Bar f first qoeeuoo waa. "Basil. 1 .loaf inj -Moat Ukaty," aaUl tbs ooetor. , . ' The next day U f oa4 a taao with a pair of aheara atandln at the bedrv OaCI?,;. -"Doctory said the ma a. 1 wtsa toa would wrils out a CerUOcata that tats hair to healthy. The fctdy anta to tell It. Hfie save tt She's bound to toes It anyhow ta thla apeU f dckDcee abo h In for ahe tptght as wall let rift of ft ow while ILwlU brtpr ajood prlca, It she waits tin It falls ont sowdy wiiiv bo jf M Worn with; nice- hair and not nwk money art sniart enougb nowadayi to Sell their hair e soon aa they faU ULi Host dealers ake 4t and no oueetlooa aahed, but I'm loo jcoo- acientloua: .1 want doctor's eeruS tata avery tinw la a case ilka tbia 9a youtl ba &Mtif&J&F&?? , xba doctor wu'aotobUsInK, and tha next day a new doctor ws called jUv- When the atomach faiia to perform Ita fimcUoB.the bowela becom deranared. the liver and the kidneva eonsroated causing nnmerous diaeaaea. The atom ache and liver moat bar restored to a healthy condition' and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tableta ean be de oended anon to do iC- Eaav to take and moat effective, Uold by all dealers. f V To tha Mpervlaore 1 and road over seers of No. One township, od are required to meet at Vanceboro, V. C, on, the first Saturlay In August to make an annnal report of the eooditioo of tha public roads of your township, and. to attend to any Other business, that may corns before aald meeting. You are re quired undor penalty of law, to meet at said time and place, meeting at 9 o'clock By order of the chairman, G. 0. Oaa klna, Chairman, v. , 4 I, 1 t n tonrt f .e y"t , ' ' rU'-'oHtl V 1 Lie'. rrct'y otj i-.vvi t 9 .r mo.irn . i 1' U. " " j i''. ! "n h'-'e :.e I in u'. I v -j 1 1- ,: trm it j c . , i i i ' tii k '. ' ' I a ! ' ' i f - ' 11 ft - er-nooa you vera .ca we can stop for s - , Sy yoa woat b kW, but that yotfr folks '11 let you go, Why I'll take IEQBFDLI -:: t:'f-:"- SCneflUW tnecti' velulyUth, 1910 Trains 'Arriving' and Departing From, Now Bern, N. C. At. 9.00 a. nt' Daily From Oriental. v 9.10 a, m. :r" " Beaufort" . 9.16 am. . ' " , Goldsboro.--12.15 p. m. DiaUy except Sunday from Raleigh. ; ;s -. . '; S.30 ji. m. Daily except Bunday ' ; fr Oriental. c : V , ' i 4.85 p. m. Daily from Norfolk.-. i.l'tBl S ": Goldaboro. id.25 p. m; Sunday Excursion from ; Beaufor;.;i,x':;;... 'V''; ,7.25j. m. Daily from Beaufort," Lvv 9.16 a m. Daily Fqrrdsboroia' . i;teir-Norfolk'; :t925Wia,;iXBeaufortft. 9.60 i,;taV5i except VSunday;-for OriantaL-- iftv'v :'..--iL85 p. nk Daily except Sunday for :v" 8.86 p nv Daily For" Beaufort .- 7,35 pvvnc?v.?.iOital.K i'-.'ST 1 H a I M 'aaa m om' I 1 eaai ylifet F0Rv FLETCHER'S -illSS '. .Some, tamlllea are so ,luckr -'.that when they are praying for boy. baby arrfVH .ul twuu.Ard.'S; ' WORK & B'OURS A DAYI The busiest little thlnps ever made are Dr.'King'e New Life Pilla Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that cr.anR-es weaKness into strength, lang uor into energy, brain-fag into', mental power: curing Constipation, Headache, CbiUs, DyB)cj)Bia, Malaria, :25c at all dru3iata. -:-: :w? a.a, ... ...... .," r : ,- fx Kabt'y al what did the Doctor aay Vifoy Ha ,"Put out your . ton. iua."- Hubvy And then! WUy. OverworkeA;: ''':': '-:. '.;.' -The worU'a nrnit snccesHful mvlicine for bowl ccmplhints' is ChumHfrlHin's (i.c, t i n! ar.,1 JJiHrrhoea iJomwiy. It hes r. ; -v. i r-m- - :n nd eti'Tcrii k', Kil l f ve l r ,fj I.Vi t' ;in eny otlmr 0"' i.rii'fl in i o, ! -''ulii il.lo fr clii r l r "I s Jui-s. ! I i y r 1 1! iU in. .- .,y t ' 1. 1 ' ZT ! ! I i I H M -4-H -j. i i J I I TV Hart mejowa 6nttea:cor aer, ; -r-' w f I'll be wait-injf there for v you, If the :1m J r- ''. :S 1 .. I " a . . . , - : , , ' r' ? a Keel Me Down On Tho Corner. Vn. IOO A al tin 6re to hear this tune n r dt it the Can ay Simp, jot to keen . date, Ind w can hare you to a show, So meet me, l Legal. Notices : ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE North Carolina I Superior Court Craven County Before The Clerk . B. H. Pender, Administrator of the estate of Lewis Williams,, dee'd. ' VB. Florence Williams Paul Williams ' Henrietta Williams, his wife. Bf virtue of an order and decree of sale to me directed in the above entitled Special Proceecbnga ,f pendjng in the f fioa of the Superior Court of Craven eountv which said proceedings were In stituted for the purpose of making as aeta to pay the debta of the said Lewis WWiama, dee'd, I will offer for sale and sell at BubUe vendue to the hlehest bid der forcaah ft the court houee door of said U raven county on Monday the 1st day of August 1910; at the ' hour of 12 o'clock U., all of the following describ ed property,', to-wit:.-..-. - . i; Lying anaoetng- situate in tne 7tn. township, Craven county. North Caro lina, and In that portion of said town ship known and designated as "Grays- vUle 'aa plotted and, recorqea in tne public records in office of Register of Deeda for said Craven county in Book No. 112 Folios 144 and 146 and, bearing the numbers "seven" 7) and. (8 upon said plot or plan, both of said Iota fac ing on Vail atreet and extending into Neuse river. It being the same land conveyed by The Mutual Aid Banking Company to Lewis Williams dee'd.. by deed dated February 10th. 1900. and re corded in said public records in Book No. 182 Folio 494. to which; reference ia hereby aadev;!r&i2 jir i- Thla 20th day of JurieM910 -;-h ?? s-; : .Adminietrater,-l ;R, P'HABAr'.AtVi?:r.:w:3.",V: NOTICE OF SALtiv !; t-."V T , i. .-! j .'rr - 'i; ' ',...-;v :i x'M... i"1. f.ftVCFtH'!?.'- tv elrrna aW Wdi An4kam.fw Smf aTyiJhfl tttafhai iks. Mntekf4 by HMrt-la contrMl Mtanr Into. btwi JHh U BtJ sad ChM WhtU datad July tri. tar tlx fflrnhtu tt k lot tt ton, tbarala dwwlM in which add txmtr the title to Mid land wm nteiMd br Mid Jowoh L. BahD. nattt Um sarnrnaa monar Ikmtm waa paid la full, and dafatlt having baaa nad In tha paymanta of aaU tiuicbaaa monay at tha time pneified (orllaparmant, and tha arid Joaeph I Halm blnar fully ampowarad to Uka twaaaaalj of Mid land "upon ruch default ,and to aaU tha nmaat publieorprhrata aala, . - Vv ;A . Now Tharafora, in eompliana with tha tarn and atipulatlona of aald aoufaraat aa afiaaaaid. tha andarviunnl will aipnaataaala and aall far auh t pn! !iii vxnrfuatotliaaisheatbkldaratthaCoart Houm drir in tlia Cilf of New Barn. Countr of Orv. n. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock U, Monday tk. I L l y of Aonrwrt I ). tha follow Incdancrib wl t-ni evaia lli t i I b'ii (r altuata In tha oity f r 1 'j ti. on t.. -t ia of Cuhank atraet i.(nooi I hi.. I (1 i . d a follows, to-wit: j t. iionio(r at ilia no! j..t eornr of lot No. 124 .1 ron.,1. .- 1 ..t r , w ... . ' ! fi!,.:.. tlia norlharn Una f .r (; ) fot; tlina not h r.h I -! ni.k forty-ana (41) f .!. j . ' w! hi:. InnHlimn lih o r .. v t. lion of a id .. , ( v iMity-ona (;.!) ' f t . .. :.',iiin;.(. j." -i i,. iui:k From v - 'ry one: ; tl U there. of fnu. the 8 day of July, Wit. or thia notice wttlbf plaadad in bar of racovary. Aihpanona iadabtad to tha astata will pbua maka immadiato paymant July sto. UlU - ADELAID WHITLEY Exacutrix. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS 1 1 the Sup', Court. Before W. M. Watson. C. S. C. Stephen A, Hill, andW. F. HiU. Eliza Bier Minnie Baldwin, Warren Baldwin. Johnnie Graiurer. U tiransrer Arralua Vincent and fiuaan E. Hill. To Elisa Bier, Minnie Baldwin, Warren Baldwin, Johnia Granger and L Gran n-arJ Nr F. Vincent - It appearing- to the satisfaction of the court by affidavit that Eliza Bier, Minnie Said win. Johnnie Granarer L Gran ger are non-residents of the. State of Nor- ui uu-ouna,- you are nereoynotmea,uiac a summon end netition for sale of real estate for partition baa been duly filed tn tha clerk's office ot-Craven oounty N. C ln-the above entitled action by stenheaA. ;nin. andw. rv atii. xou are --herebv notified to aoDear -before aaid clerk at tha . c ourt bouse, in New Bern, N.C. on M Onday the 6th. day of September ,1910, at 12 o'clock m. and answerer demur to eaid petition as you may-4eera b est, other-w iaa tha prayer of tha petitioner will ba gran ted, V" J' l '" V ..J ''Vvt-.ji,- - - - - It is ordered that this, notice be pob- Hshed once a week for lour , weeks. ' Thia 28th day of July 1910. - . ?,';: -W.M ' WATSON; " V i'J'-CMt of the Superior Court :UC.: WHITEHURST .inil -a. T . A . in.. , - - Harhu VaHnad 'saaaaatitar of W. B. .fattt ghar daaaaaad. tota ef Crayaia aeonif . H. Otthia is ta notify all yaraaaa harin alafana asatnat tha aetata at the said daoaaaad to vtaaast thaaa for parmant on ar bafor. tka tth day at July 19U or ta aotiea wfflba plaadad la Ur of raeorary. AU paraooa tadabtad to the aatoto WW plaaaa . UnmadtaUpaynant ts. " ''' , v"--.V'V'! i 'v .' 1.-.. -UAAU rvWalUa Bawnor, Jtttfiw v..l-a lata - iSHOSEIESO How delicious were the pies of boyhood. No pioe how Sver taste so good, what'a changed? tha pleat No. Ita you.; You've lost the strong, healtny stomacn, tw vigorou liver, the active kidneys, tha regular bowela of boyhood. Your digi tion is poor . and you ' blame the food. A hat's ncedoUT A complete toning u A hat's needndT A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organa of d(- geetion Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bow els Try them.- They'll restore your boyhood appetite ami appreciation or food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor, 60 cts. at all druggist. . . o -' - . .,..; ?, ), i . '.". . j -- . --y;-''); -i' "" '.' . A New rfeaeon, : 'i'. ' Annette, K-d three, baa two very tnlhatlve little aliitors, and sometlmrs she finds It dlicult to make btrsolf bfiird at the tnble. One day when tJse ol'ii-rs bud ln '-n nmnopolH'.lnjf the Co.i t.o i!..ti lui r tliun t.u likcil An- .!! nu- 1 lit-r BriKor with a wam'nt do do i ,iure and whHrw .1 " half ai ATTOBNEY AND COUNSEL LERATLAW Haghes Building Craven Qtraet : m . Naw,Bfern, TS C. Praetie in State and. Federal court. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. - - y ' .. O. HGuion, W. B. B. Gyion, jfli m iyi ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven, Carteret; Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. ' OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phone 193, -Hsw Bern, H. C. Practice Limited to Diseases of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Washington, N. C. New Bern, N. C. New Bern Office With Dr. N. M. Gibbi, Elks Temple NEW BERN HOURS WEDNESDAYS: 6 to 7 P. M. THURSDAYS: 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. R. A.i)0LVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, , Plans, Specifications. 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. Ntw Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. F. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward, M. H. Allen, WARD i ALLEN AITORNEyS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW NEW BERN, N. C, Office Rooms 401-2-8 ElkB Building Practice in the counties cf Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carteret-Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret Pamlico, Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Court. : . . Office Na. 60 Craves Street. Tslephaa Ne. 97. Ntw Bsrn, N. C. GROUP stopped Id 30 minutes aura with l)r. t$hoop'9 Croup Benuxly. One taal will surely prove. Mo vomltine. no dis A safe arid plnatlngiyrnpmc. liruggista. Ella Her face a peaks for lUelt Btell--Yesf and it U pretty plain talk Chicago Nsws. ' Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ana Diarrhoea Remedy.' AH that is neces sary ia to give the. prescribed dose af ter each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to clean se the System. It ia safe and sure Sold by a I dealer, ; . .- . '4.: ' ti ii - in. ir-.i.i.i. ii iii .. -a. Notice. L6ur .anndal S. -8, ' picnic 'will be at Lea's Chapel Jones Co. August 6, J910, :, ;. . v. Opeasmg -ana rexreaameuis on ne yv. groooda.r5; t:'' ? Coma.frieoda. and bring your dinner; basketa. , . v- , TWENTY-FIVE- CEltS IS TH;S PRICE DF PEACE.' The terrible itching ' and smarting,'; I V t "..;.. ' incident ' to certain akin i diseases; -m'A almost Instantly .allayed by: apply Ing.; Chamberlain's Sahrai Prioe. 26'i-eentsr-; t ot sals by ail deaierv yt "rv',rv.,i'.i "4 f peaking of dealrabla' saightbors kooda of cour wa all doslrs to llvd , - . on Eaay street Cf, I-vatjS V'L . ...... .. ,- , -.,'...(. .. . ,. i r ...fro . .3 GRAND " :.- ' - "i ' t A . . . .... 1 T 1 . I ? at t.a i :xti iu :lit t;-.. ' 7 tt IT " '.:;' IT" ita efa. :v.i-Ui(..1y li-'i nUU. fcZy f.xi'S -lx.lm--f..r. '. ' '"r 1. t i