PAPEIt V.'ITU . KNOWN : CIRCULATION ; ESTABLISHED w - i I . .. f-V. , NUMBER 109. NEW KOIlTfl CAROLINA. FJIIOAY MORNINfcAtJGUST. ViJMO, , i'- , .TWENTY NLNTB YEAR 7 - .4 5- J g J 1 i P ,'1 n ? '.." 'fljlDi-iliii'' 1)1' livMbi .... ST "" . T' " . J TV . . . i .'. J. A uinr1 man j Mr i pnr . v elf you have a pavings acc6unt Id this strong aiik. it mew more to yon than merely the four per. jent -; , interest we pai , vV"T -.." ' - C j The fad that you have money ahead prepares you - nut only for emergencies but also for those chances?-' for advancement that come only Jo those who com mand ready moifey. - N ;.,A young man known as a saver, can command business credit that would be denied to - one known : to have rpenl all bet has - earned. - .; Think it oyer and i , open a savings account here at nce2; . : ; JAS. B. BLADKSi ftta. T. A. GKEEN, Ti Vtt. S Wm. B. BliADKS, V. Pm GKO K PENDLETON, Cashiep m Urn 1 lat IP . MIWLI. W ff' i vOeatii i:i quahhy Blinded by Premature SxplonioQ : xaen lee 4?rom ooconu unargo Roami Vi, AiiKiMt 4- While Vw' tog ink quarry near HolllM yesterday flereoon, P. If . Fluke end W, C. Bis hop were injured by premature blast They were iryinz to spring e hale, with mall amount dynamite preparatory to placing heavy, charges, i. The hole ', ,ws hot -from a previous blast and the dy namite exploded. . . , . v Blinded and In agouyjjiamendid not forget that the fuse of another blast twelve feet away was banfing Poke leaped down a precipice, and Bishop scrambled up, scaling a well that he never could have negotiated with his eyes open. They escaped tfie second blast and bier were , removed to their homes, where they received medical-attention. - They are not dangerously hurt, - ' 5IE.CO0 Yacht , Harriett Staled. r Morfolk, Va. August 4. -Mysterious ly missing, it is reported tonight that the combination sail and gasolene yacht Harriett; of Philadelphia, was stolen from the Norfolk harbor Tuesday night The police are, working on the case, but are maintaining a silence concerning clues, if they have any, as to the where abouts of the yacht' The Harriett is a 45, foot craft, and disappeared while moored near the wharves of the Farm- era and Merchants' North Carolina, line. P. McHorney, local agent of the line, reported the disappearance of the yacht to the police. . , . - The name of .the party owning the yacht could not be learned. Ballots For Slate And .Congress - " lionaUTickefcs Pre- i 1 X J - scribed. . v . Raleigh, Aug. 4.--The State -Board of Elections in session here, prescribed: that the State ticket for the November election sbrll be 3 hylQ inches and the Congressional ticket Si by 2 inchee. Tne board, al memtT8v bemg present except J. D. ; Elliott, f Hickory, also appointed the county hoard of elections. The members of the State Board; pres ent w re Wilson S. Lamb, Williams ton, Secretary; J. JC. Clifford, Jumv secre tary ; Clarence Call, Wilkesboro, and B.' Freeman, Hendersonville, the last-' two Republicans. : The county boards appointed with the postoffiee where available, and with the names of the tw4 Democrats given first in each instance are as follows: ' , , Craven-Wm. Dunn, Jr., L G Dan iels, New Bern: Charles B. HiH, NeW Benu t' ' - v . Carterot-N L Willis, 0 E Longdate, F Duncan, Beaufort Onslow T B Henderson, 0 K Bur ton, Jacksonville; Marcus B Humphrey, Jacksonville. - Pamlico D 0 Hooker, Bayboro; C A Flowers, William D Alfred, Bayboro. FOR SALE BY T. J. TURNER FUR. CO. 93 Middle St. Phone 172, New Bern, C. For Rent Two suites of office rooms in Moore building opposite Gaatou Ho- teL One office building adjoining Ar mour Packing Co,s building on Sovth Front street. C. T.HANCOCK, Agt Stin More Praise. ' A Bip Van . Winkle may have been asIeeD in New Bern for some little time. If so, a fact that one has been sleeping .there; we have the evidence that he woke up last week and shook himself., The people of New BernKnow how to wake up the sleeping when they take- the notion. Last week!, was great week for New Bern and will mean much for the old town, and its clever and patriotic people. Snovr Hill Square Deal. ':, . ; - . ;'. Banner "Sure Seal" Fruit Jars (with glass top.) M. E. Whitehurst & Co. New York Cotton Market. Special to Journal. New York, Aug. 4. The cotton mar ket opened off on reports of rain in Oklahoma and North Texas a good de mand developed on the reaction, and, prices rallied sharply and closed firm.. Spot sales 2,500 bales at unchanged' prices, Latham Alexander & Co. POPULAR PREPARATIONS FOR SUMMER TOILET " - The care of the skin on the hands and face is of greater importance now than any other season. SEE that you are supplied with the purest and best TALCUMS, FACE POWDER and CREAMS, that means! OURS. Get a supply; then you need have no fear of sun of wind., : PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY: COMPOIINDEI) Gaston 11. R ON THE CORNER Drug 'SEPBERRV, PHONE .65, MANGEUyvi .OPPO. POST -OFFICE. Com nan v SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT By special request of a good many of my fat could not get here to time to attend my ; .,'" , : awayVeustomersj yho. GREAT '. have decided to'ioutina aWreftte''y;ionfei, sb'ttattthey may have the .benefit of "my special. Cut PHceli; 3' f4 4u ' 4.;A, Plans Being laid for BUj Fanners' Contention.-J Raleigh; Aug. !4;The'aUtFsjrinT ers' JConvention held aonusli $t the A & it College nert wui open- Aug auip, continuing to 8epUmbr I, with. Indica tions that the program Wi'J be pne of the nwrt profitable yet provi led,. There ill be three expert specisUita fromjhe United States department at WnhHg. toi Their thera- "will Wr'th college men of the faculty and the heads of the division in the State department of g' rlcultnre aU -iaklng. part from day t day, ' The " prominent farmerr 'n ' fcn parts of the State are being - Invited to addross to coavenwon en one. ana bitm other ohase of agsieulWre ; Tha farm erswhojwniC furnished with room! free as heretofore; and arranger menu will be1' made for all to get. their meals at the college dining-room.- undl cation! ire for quite a large, Attend r7'- -v:--'-:'f.i. A,: JlaVi Mom for big .shipment of Toilet Bete I .shall ell at following prices as long aa.they last Blue Tints with ; rose decorations 12 piece set at 14.00, 10 piece set $2.0, Gold Tints at 14.75 12 piece set,: 10 piece set $3.00,. You will make no mistake to buat above prices. ZZ',-:i ;fe:U.-8.iMiLLER,?; The FurJ1 Man,-- .' .87 A 89 Middle St ram bits , J - - f i;0T EVEII GIRL AIIEIiDSJlL J pf Suicide' Encased -in JBox Interred by City Without - Jorfolk, ' Aug. 4 Without the least amblanee of ceremony and without a tear the body of Elgar H, Shrock the young man who fired a bullet into his brain-July 25, was buried yesterday by the city in the public cemetery. ,Not even Hias Elizabeth Butler who was to have ' become his wife was on hand to see the plain wooden box con taining alt that waa mortal of the man she professed to love, lowered into the ground, v-- i Mother and father dead, the young man had no one left to shed a tear over bjs body. No one thought enough of him to save his.body from being buried by the city. j. Miss Butler declares she would never have married Shrock because she had come to the conclusion that his mind Was affected. She says the man's cor rect name was, Fredrick and that' he committed suicide for fear of being ar rented for some crime he committed in the wSt seven years ago. Aiumal Meeting A. & N. C. R. R. Co. Morehead City, Aug. 4 The regular annual meeting of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Co. was held here today. Outside the election of George Summerell as State director to succeed the late J. W Grainger, L. H. Cutler was made director for private stockholders to succeed C, E. Fuy, tho business was routins in character. There was a tair attendance. The following officers were elecced for the ensuing year. President L. P. Tspp Attorney S. M. Brinson. Sec-Treaa. D. J. Broadhurst. Expert Chs Dewey. Auditor W. L. Barrington- Surprise Marriage Friends here will be much interested to learn of the surprise marriage at New Bern of Miss Ik Adele Rountree, the attractive daughter of Mr, and Mrs Rountree, of thin city, and Dr. C, PriJgen of Raleigh. . While the wed ding transpired several days ago it was not generally learned of by friends un til yesterday afternoon- , . The bride waa Visiting her aunt-Mrs. William Roun tree.'- Her engagement to Dr. Prldgen was announced some time ago, but jt was first planned to have, the wedding latefln the year. -The ride.accompaei ed by her father and mother were visit ing relatives in New Bern some days ago. The bride and groom then decided to be married, at that place and the ceremonv was nerfOrmed. r Dr. Pridgun and his bride will make their home at Raleigh, where the groom is practicing his profession. The bride is a young laay oi many accosnpnan menu. During the past scholastic terra sfie was a student at Meredith College, RaJeigh, t rom '.Wbtch ' institution 'the was graduated with bonora. Friends ia Wilmington will wish' Di. "and Mra. Prldgen a long an4 happy wedding life. Wilmington Dispatch, we fake'pleasure in' presenting he fore, the Democratie County Conversion for county commissiopers, lor tne coun ty of CravewU: H tCutleiy? BrL :GvV Richardson, J( J Lassitrv N M Lanfcaa-. teri limMm-k CKKitt St "High Grade" Colonial Glassware. M. E. Whitehurst & Co. Rich In Historical Value. Says Wilmington Dispatch, Aug. 3. 'We wish to add our mite, in praise of the big celebration New Bern presented to the people of North Carolina and also of other States last week. This word of commendation may appear to come somewhat late, but often times it is better, from a standpoint of conserv atism, to give expression after the ex citement has subsided. So now, in the calm, we can well add to the expression (-already made that New Bern's Bi-Cen tennial celebration was one of the great est events the Old North State has ever known. It furnished employments thousands, but it was of even greater importance It was of rich historical valuer and It taught to hundreds of grown-ups in North Carolina a bit of interesting,, vital history. The people of. New Bern deserve t high praise for the excellent manner in which they handled the mammoth affair and for the hospitality they lavished, on the stran gera within their midst" i- C. VOTERS. From No", I townabi ....... - , y. , r Not-Candlaal To the Editor of TW Nsfr,:Bern i DdWotrmNeed an Ice Cr cam Freezer? t : - Order - one from us today. New Perfection ; Oil Cook Stovesi Water Coolers, Screen Doors and Win dows, Screen Wire; poultry Wire and lota of other surnfner goods. . .; ", ', " ' S. W Bends, of Coal City, Ala., aays hu struck a prfect mine oi nplth in Ur ' Kinor' Nw Life Pills for they cured him of Livor n1 Ki.lney TrouLle after 12 yira of su;i-rai;r. Thy re the bent j'i'ln m earth for Conot aii n Mabria, 1 l.-i-he, I ysHjsia,-- UeUi ty, Zc. atall dr!-;;rti:iu. ; , Where they ETioulJ Fpcnd the Eiimmer : FIlONt Bern Jdurn- '" Will" you please allow, ine. space Id your valuable paper to express the posi tion I occupy in regard to being a county , X bays noticed in recent issues if your paper, indorsemerit for county commissioners, and my nam api eva among the list, I do not know who the gentlemen are who signed the indorse ment as Craven county voters. , 1, now waV to say to ihprn.. that! heartll appreciate and thank them for their confidence and Rood wilt. ' But I am not a can ''.late and have no jlesire whatever to be a commiBftioner. . , ' There fore, gentlemen, I rtq'ient that you witli'lraw my name and put another in it'll ! - . ' . The i :(r arc full of ahnouncmcnts ukf 1 1 fa. . .r.!g. wLkh 1 ive be. n cuni;. win r I V be. , . -3. i ue I I'll ' a I t r I a i V V ...! i.) I'.. by diiTerent feel euro you i'a one. i i'l ever exj" f ,T (" . ir L. et to C. ' Dakota Bob at Greenville "Dakota Sob' known ' throughout the South, East and West, as one of the' champion long distance walkers, arrived in Greenville i Tuesday . afternoon on a second JtW.!1-bayinjer: beer here; about eleven yea" ago Bob Says he hardly recognise Greenville now, suchchanges bave taken place since M" was here be fore, He has just finished jaunt, from TAmpaFloridreenvnie Reflector; Wlamar liian Jpile Ointment rwil core Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pile: It absorbs the tumors, allays Jtcbing , ai once, acta as a ponlticev- gives instant relief. WUllams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, oe by druggist- ;mail 60c and L0O. , Williams' M'f'g. Co., Props., Cleveland, 0, 2, Si: -vv. V V'w "lss"sWapasas t n:---' ' " Hobo Ranks Fast Thinning.' A few yesrs ago North Carolina; and especially the eastern aection- of the State, was overrun with hoboes,: put during the past year or two it has been noticed that the supply of these,, lo some caws, degenerated specimens of niifrrftt'ig humanity is fast decreasing, and it is now very seldom that a genu ine ti carat member of this perambula ting f ralei nil y is seen in this section ol tho t.jiintry. Tho question is what has heennts of them, have they all dicdot huvo l!''-y seen the error of thoiewsys i!' I r i 1, or ia it L' at the mil r. ' i i .) v , ; U t! ' y s''i!e tSeirrMen, ! ' 9 , V ' ' " 1 that they .f 1 I i '' t h" r i t : Mcatmci' ' " f r v ' rii i? Md -, ! ; t ! 'T j :veri to thif i'n, t a i ' M T hefe6plsMnk At NEW BERN. N.C. 0. PAID ON STRONG SAVINGS COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE SUCCESS depends in a great measure upon the banking connections which a man estabuhesesiecially a.young man just starting out in life. If, in paying his obligations, a merchant, business man or planter pays them liy check upon a hank with a reputation for conserva tism, it immediately raises him in the estimation of those with whom he lias dealings. The People Bank of New Bern is known for the conservatism of its management and the sound business judgment of its direc tors. Checking accounts are cordially invited, small as well as large, and saving accounts rnay be opened in any sum down to $1.00 ami . will draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent, compounded twice a year. WM DUNN C DBRAOHAM TA.UZZELL PREST. VICT PRE ST., CASHIER LINENWEAR HOSIERY THE BEST EVER 25c. If you once Wear "LINENWEAR" Hosieiy you will wear no other, they out wear two pair of ordinary quality hose, every pan exposed to wear, the toe and heelteinforced with the best linen for men and women at 25c. the pair. New shipment just in. The best 5Uc. Silk Sox ever sold. J. J. BAXTER DEP'T. STORE ELKS TEMPLE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF RIBBON FOR DECORATING We Have Your Favorite Colors Buy Befote -mafc Rtish Harrington Dry Goods Co. J SURETY BONDS IN THE AMERICAN SURETY CO., OF NEW YORK COURT and CONTRACT BONDS executed .immediately in the STRONGEST and RICHEST COMPANY in the WORLD. Assets over $7,000,000,00. Enjoys exclusive patronage of Norfolk Southern, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Ry Co. Personal suretyship is a responsibility that no man should undertake A bond in this Company is absolute protection and the rates ars as low . as the lowest. For further inormation see W. O. BOYD, Agt. ' REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, NEW BERN & -BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. - "Rooms 320-321 Elks Bulldfng'v v-- '.r J ; . Telephone 400 H 9 THE BEST t J ..'.. : V' r r - r- - 1 M ' . v rfci ,V - 1 ; f . 'i immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmummmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmm , U.M a Ik, iA.tlll. I1M.U, ? Bll b d. Ornl IILRKT k, DlUCIPUNt ' SCHOOL CONWOL ud C1U1UUI. aonWfMfroataMlHkootolwIMllrf. VWMknB0TCd 1733 i.jr 1910- "T !,,M- Tr -om.Iu anwaAa. sm. x - 11 .. " ""T.. . , .. . . . , .- , kw .' 'Jv r- T C

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