"-...V PAFE1 V.1TH GPvClXATION ESTrYLXEHED .! ' j J. f c V-;. -, - uK'ST. CCHr'XOIlTfl CAROLINA, tJNDAY H0n:ax6.,ACGUS1V i4.l9jO t- : t' r f'"Tr"Tn?nr 1. dLICBlIiESJi ill 4c:h ' t .- I t vac f ' " Cent MM AMI 1 'ff.!m; i -7, it 6 iifto? If- ..v, v: i interest, we pay. If you tuive i saviozs account b ttis strong Cank,r it means taorlo joa thgp merely the four per cent a. ' The fact that yon have money ahead prepares you ' nut only lor emergencies but alsojcf those chances for advancement that come only to those who com-V t roand rady monty.? . v : , - A ybong man known as ; a saver, can command business credit that would be denied to ; one known 4o have ppenufl he has earned Thjnli JtoveruiaV 14 open a favi - eccount here at oncVXV Zg&z? "JAR !. I.S.AnilS. PmW.. ' .TV' JlillRMS. T. Pi.; i Wm. ft. CIiADES, V. Pre. -IEa B-PKNDLETOX, Ctghler y 1 1 p SER -'Ik ELTG Ventilated Sanitary -Durable Restful WHY 0U SHOULD BUY THE SPRINGFELT -It is a good felt mattress, guaranteed. It haa a hjghly tempera) -J spring, guaranteed. The Springfelt coats bo more han a good felt matt tress. You have a better value and save tfie cost of a set uf bed springs . It is ventilated. It is sanitary, Both sides are made alike. It can be turned over or end for end... It is durable It Is resflfuL Physician recommend it Try it for a week and be convinced. Do. not try it' fot ' less than a week. Bed slats must be used under the Springfelt In orf . dering state whether wanted for iron or wood bed. See that the mat;--tress is not too wide or too long for the bed We make the Springfelt only in our best grade of ticking. -.. . - r J . j ,. Price K. Grade Ticking $18.00 - REDUCED TO - $15.00. 7. DAYS ONLY, -FOR SALE BY i T. J. TURNER FUR, CO. ; PRICES RIIIJGE01 . -ON- :- -- THIS WEM Barrington " ! )JLrI!T UUUUJ VUr YV (Mine ? " ; Father." S Pituborsf. . Pa. ; AmU.tTM police are amazed ( tie stoical 'demeaaor mainUlned by Catterio Botti. J3, wM la sow, to jail ie eharfed;'wltk the udr f.Paqukr Vvlpe. 4 r.her grandfather because f bis aJleged u& velcoiM atUnttons to her; r . c- According to, toajost portent txni nation the irirl not ottlV hit Votoe with an aii but she UUrktrack tins eTeraj blaws.vithl A hatchet and; Ibeo, pierced is UfeleM body with afd hot poker. WhaA eonfronted-wUhthJs pew evi dence this aorning jh,ilid rnotobasge' one particlaPt aaldr - r ' ' v Year I forgot to tell yoo atut tltat: After I had- h& him several time wth an grew tired an picked, up hatchet and hit him -two- of three tk&HhMt1tMted poker and pushed hito hli bodr. Be had broken jny Wrti aMI wanted, to break hia. 4" ! 'Although 'itmwilling to believe her cohfession, offleer who-worked on the case today acknowledged her - story has verified in every detail,' 1udf have been unable tor donflrnt their! theories that other " persona 'stronger ?than.. she had commltCed the crime,; " - - 1 - , ( " i i i 11 mil ; 1 4 -High aiajjer Colonial Glassware;4ijS: Whitehurst if For Cotty Commlsaloner. Editor of Journal t - ' i . Having noticed in your columns, i number of sugKestiona,' naming repre sentative citizens for the office of Coun ty Commissioners. ' Ithas occurred to me, that, with the very rapid progesa our City haa made in street improvements, and the -interest manifeated by the' citizenship gen- eraUy. 'in both the city and county, - for good roads, that .the work begun by the county,' improving and building better toads ana bridges over tne county, eoukl well be continued. ' " Goodcouinty roads ;rtll be of great .1ieuvri(BWa',aV'''w as the gaieial public, tnd it would Wwell to continue this good work. . , . . ; - -. , At least on member of the Board-of mmissioaeraahonldbe a famer, .of laiva interests who is dailv in touch countyo '.' '-rj'; .7'. ' '' ' t. With thia view of the affairs of the county, I desire to present the name of Disease. FiadasIjarge Field jkmong Colleg jBtadf nts aid Bolicrs.; LeptareHtjuflay .Night t V The facts being mealed by the book worm investigation u& -C,are start ling. Three years ago w were nef; tnhed over the statement ?thai the dia ease ex' : ted it pit hordervfcen thai esratniiUtlor, of foltege atadeau.4nrmg the past winter showed thatinot,USan one-thirdol 00 ,. student ali exaipuHd ware fnand. lnfaftted .with liiwik worm seose, muchBurprise rws expressed becaused the disease wti only apposed toekUtramong tHei aurat;lvOw of people. J The surprme -was still greater when the Msralhation of about 1300 men constituting the soldier'-if i the State f drstrtihaned at 88 per eeit of those repreiisntingthe western sect Jon of thfr Stats innd- 68 percent of those representing ine UAatcrn aecuon oi we State werei found, Infeeted-with - thai blood, sucking parasite If the class of men representing the soldiers, who are able to bear arms,nd the students of colleges are thus . so heavi'y infected, tnav natqjraDy expect to nod the condition? Bich-rorae among Ihe less fortunate. , This jiaimphasiaed by ex amination juif : completed of the o phaiM totne-'pda Fellows Orphanage at -GoldiboroV ? Ninty-seven J- children were examiaw ana nfy twe were in fected wjth hook worm diaeasev which is 58 bet cent of the total number. . More- ever. twenty of them were infected with other kmda - of intestuisl worms, 8ve of these being infected with a kiwi of tapeworm, j Poee not conditions ot of this' fcincffceSa' attention o the- Com- raonwwHm The manney hi which hook v worm in fection'ocoursil 'remarkable and very interesting. ''- Experimentally, ' the in feclios hai been produced by; many of the SeienUfltr by applying , Vter . or dirt .cfiptfiawltod with the Infecting book Airm larvae which have'iatehed from etogii fXpelled from the bodies e mtectea people, yvneo mis eontsmuat-j d wafer or soli is applied to the skin,' only a day or two is Mttired for a tjlral ground-itch to be setl p. , roilowmf this ground-itcn in nv or six weekt:th- infecting larvae has UaaedJi hbdx.o(.;ie person and have taken Op their domicile in the small jhlestiney : there they sock blood;1 wound W jieahi ahd poison the ayateni of the ptrson,,they are about half an inch, long and about the sixe r or a mo. b threap;-. Tbe jrmdy,' for the diseaaj will kill these worms and thev'are then exaelled fidnxthv tody ia immenae nun hOTaeithai tbejr my ho.collected aa al aaliis other broad haslnesa and financial intoresta make-him eminently tleularlodaJined 111 iafTUieato; -'''heWmaMMea'ei 'Gri.&ttkfJt;: ijf; I ''soLD:omwff :Jf,-, -fjy?-- r 1 ? i nnrr iTom Hege;. one of the beat known men in thia aectibn, arrived .In the tity veeterday from Kew .Bern, where he naa beenHvina for. th j east 8 monlha, He la ptill doing bustsa on the court house sauare. flit baud Orgaa.ia aot In evidence; hot he naa aA candy" .making apparatus which h s-Whe Jbas hnprov d wonderfnlly : Certtiuly U W make iroodcandf.' Ha k stIU arPTOink scis sors and preaching the goepelaaba tees M0IS1HERB! TRAYMORE rTAlLORING- COi PHILADELPHIA, ' PA . - Will have (heir special representative here to take measures and show the Beit line of Upto-Dater Woolen and Cassimeres . FOR THIS SfiA BON3 WEAR ON THE MAR KiT., h We would especially request that' our friends end customers call on day of sale and Inspect j the line,- we will GUARANTEES SATISFACTION to: ntfl1 :tt and Workmanship." August 12, and'lSUi,. ? ., Sl"j';:.t-o. 1 1 tv't 12 " '-'.J. " Oor Middle and. Front StC Tryan Elot-v Tpoi Bei at jua Old Stand. VHM VJmntmA : TrVopoaala tofurnuih'feedfor the eJtjr borsee for next nine montha will be'W eelved at thaclerk'a office until August 25th, by order of the' Board- of Alder- PATTERSON. City ClerJuir Gatherlnl Data ,oa tbelndustrlea' of the 4. TJ? '-"w!.i In selecting your Cook Stovefor Rare'it is it mat-, f te: of importance to you , to get -the best, one that Will wear welt and give'thfi tr:t t -rviccr. Our Sto are 'heavy-weight, evryor u-r-r.UwJ. e r t them up same day Of purchi"', "without c-tri u t. Raleigh, Aug. 13. -There went out from the state department of labor and prtatlfg July I Inquiry; blanks for alt phsiips of industry In .every section ef t en; 'arJthe rf-nses areeomlng in n.ie promptly and completely than 1 1 6 history of taO department and 4 veiy in iortant Wik of aaf cmtling i art axnuuti r, r--tt n tr4u,..'atiorg of . .8 liiuusl.: s of t'..a s.&la TLi gives n fur as t the ),nr and t' w 1 ler tf evry f m." . ' ' en r. rlc ... SCO. i ti 1 Vrf ,J G ' iff I 1 I t c 1 y . c 1 1 r I ' . j t u'Mir 1 i r . n n Irving in District of Colom bia May Get Forty v. Yeaisr -t aahingtoo, D. C., . August 13. The Federal law 'prohibiting the "white aleve" traffic; which was enacted fol lowing the recommendations of Presi dent Taft, will, have ita first exhaustive tost in a case in which will be detailed events transpiring within half a mile of the Capitol. iWaltor i. Bussius is in .the District o Columbia jail today facing a charge which, under Qie new law, in case of ha conviction, may result in sentence of forty years and fines aggregating I6,000. -fThe police, who have a complete nar rative of the career of Mrs. Catherine Berkeley,, twenty-three years old, from Whom Bussius is alleged to have ex- tjrted money, are of the opinion that conditions' probably more - appall jng tjian those exposed in New York or other large cities will be. brought ' to ?ght when the investigation is com feted. While waiting trial on charges of vagrancy r the woman was approached py Bussius in the court-room with a de mand for money. Officers who observed the incident reported it to Judge Pugh, Who consulted with United States (Dis trict Attorney Turner. A warrant! for the arrest of. Bussius was ordered . and jn the meantime the woman' was per kuaded to tell her story. The police- pen were shocked at the sordid narra Jtive. - Banner "Sure Seal" FruiJ Jars (with glass top.) M. JE, Whitehurst & Co. Just a few bushels of wheat planted in the ground be come MANY BUSHELS of grain; so will the rhbney you put in our bank from time to time become a BIG SUM. The interest we will pay yotT will help it grow Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per ct. the PEcjRiM -mm large faesningrto giving fail ufortnation about the worm. vm narmiui action on w oouy, aou. tin method bf treating disease wilt bib fnraished. anyone on reqneat to the Stoto Beard of Health at Raleigh.; NCt Tomorrow night at 8:80 o'clock it Grtf flu Memorial hall Dr. a Ft fitrosnlder! repreeentnul the Stote Board of Healto, D.Utl l! J' -III m t about 80 minutes on the Hook Worm. It wlllbe worth hearing and there should be a large attendancev ; - WLtSrfiPlLM'-'ILES ! ; I'Wlliiwp tndlttW Wnimeptf WJll cure Blind. Bleedihg and Itchiniir Pile. It alww the tumor, allays Itching ft ence, hcia m a'jpoultice;' givea instant reuer, , wyuams' inotan.-iie vinunept private parts,- Sole by druggistsJnail BOe and 11X0..: -WUUama' M 1 gv Co., PropCIevlBhu;;ifiv: ; tf: 'r h, r tevlaed Ust Of Foil ; .BoMfit'-tp In making ap the list of poll.holders that were 'appoirii ed - by .the Executive Committee 'at ; thev couJrt bouse in this city last Friday for the election wh?ch ia to be held on September 8rd- a few namel ware .omitted. , , The following is a correct list of those appointed. Maple Cypress-E F .Adams, Geo Dixon and V. A Dixon; i'; 'XtJ Vanecboro-X Rlpock, A i Gasktns, and .J; H Koonce. f. fX-'?'. f Bridpeton-J P McCullen, 1 S Brooks and C S Dunham, - V CX;' &'; ." Trultt-M D,Fulcher,-. X A .Thomas and J A Edmonston. -- ? 'x Tliurman-J, E . Mljler, Geo, Bryan and II CWood. :? fi3.. ;jst WardTRoland HiC M.K Jacobs and C E rennington.', X'J- '-'. '. 2nd Ward-V'atter Duffyi C JtvIIan cock 1 VV. -r Fulford. . ' ! 8rd Wanl-N M Hooker,' II B Uoore an.lGLCI-.ik. - T-. v , . - 4;h 81 .1 Trice AnJcraon,' Wm Faul r 1 1 C v Ij K( ' ' .-. ' ' ' Dov. 1). II I'arrott, A G Oullaw ti 1 V II Vi ' New York Cotton Market. Spec ial to Journal. New York, Aug. 13 Forecast of rain southwest over Sunday cause" further profit taking in the market to day and prices declined. No spat safes today. Quotations ten points lower. LATHAM, ALEXANDER &CO.!' : Mayor jSaynor Resting Well, New York, Aug. 13. -Another day has passed and Mayor Wm. J. Gaynor, shot in the neck on Tuesday, by -James J. Gallagher, shows no symptoms of blood poisoning. He continues to rest well at intervals, to take nourishment when desired and, according to bulletins his eprgeohs are issuing' nothing in his condition is unfavorable toward ultimate recovery. -The bug-bear of Septicaemia is net?, yet passed, however, nor is the possibility that an artery or a : blood vessel bis Been scraped by the bullet With these possibilities ever present, he isatill in the danger zone and will be for more than a week yet. Wonder Freezers Best Made, M. E. Whitehurst &Co 7 Historical Keception. One of the most elaborate, events of the season, was the beautiful reception held at the magnificent home.of MrsS. H. 8cott, 'on' New .etreet. last, Friday evening from 8r to 11 o'clock, when she entertained la a most royal manner, die committee Of vouna- ladies and the m prejwrwi jwc rue w iwuiuk m Hproviuciai congresamenoi tne .wston; eal float: of which, she waa chairman, vx '-'The elegant' porch . was beauUfuuy decorated withr. il umihated Japanese laoterna.'potted plants, and ferna,,, all earina- the color effect, vellow and red. tne coior acneme pi tne Historical r toai representing the first Provincial Con gress, the furnishings of which were to" mahogany, and the. speaker's hAU: was once owned and used by Judge Gaa- to&) The.aecretary'f -chair ?waer two hundred year old, this Boat; u wtu be remembered, was one of j th three considerea tor ne am priae. ;iv; . rTha,' following,' Congressmen ?,werf present Hon, M, GVeen Speaker, Hon. Geo. N, Ennett, Secretary;, Hon. Leonard Hurly, Hon B. B. HuratHon J. G Delamar, Hon I4 p.Tolaon and Hon.-a L. Taylor.; ... r L', On arrival of the guests they .'.were met by little Miss . Helen Hurly,- who presented each one with a - card.of wel come (with little bow, of ribbon al- tached) which prohibited the use or rgo during the evening. X'..' .y.-s ' .2 ' At 10Q dainty refreshments were survrd, consisting of cream and cake, tf rii-ft the eolor scheme of the Iliutor k.i4 Float, yellow and red. f ,,1 ' ' J CuoBts ' of " honor, Miss t Chrii. ;: t Ui'ine, ot Rocky Mount, N. C, 'ancv, and Mrs. J. B. Uurly. : ' ; ,; ( - .1 ! J., V. Kvrt, Oscar, I' c r 'on a We are closing out our entire stock summer foods AT COST, such as Clothing, Ladles & Mm (ndorwear, Dress Goods, Lawns etc: " J y''"' OXFORDS! OXFORDS!! We have a good stock of Tan andiatent Uather Ox fords to close out AT COST miXtO4'ipik Don t fail to-see us before buying. :.s-'ff? J. J. BAXTER DEPT., STORE . ;-EUi),pi 4S , llfTHE AMERICAN SURETY CO.; OF 'NEW YORK. ' . 1. u'..1- .mm 11 .- 11. . ., COURT and CONTRACT BONP xute mediately, in the STRONGEST and RICHEST COMPANY ip the WOLD. Aseeta over 7,0M,00(M)aji Enjoys exclusive patronage of N,orfolJ( Southern Aliaptic .CoasTLine 2nd Southern Ry Co. Personal suretyship is a responsibility that no man should undertake A bond in thiB Company is absolute protection and the rates are as low , as the lowest For further information see W. G. BOYD, Agt REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, NEW BERN , BUILDING & LOAN ASSN; Rooms S20-321.Eiks.Building Telephone 400 flejB - YOU ARE ALL S-Af Mi . ,. . ... WEI r n iw c AT trmc l Mil STORt eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4e'e ';0-rt: , 0.1O jAooJjovY, mmmi Ov: : r 1 li I. i -l-.v-.l' !;.. , 1 .i-.fi.i- .l1 .- ' il.-KmaJjtw-j'ixV' S. - '.'I at fi-'at'. at i . .. . 1 " sal , -'

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