::;a:;a. august. 19: iojo.i u IF" If. UP- More t. in X-. or Ceu- m inn? n iv i. I1' ' pr L.. &o:i suspicm: 7 1 If vsit hva vi?tt mtit,it it f 1 "2 r' - t P it means more to you uua cereiy us rear per ecru v interest we py.J ," ' - '-Z': i " " - Tbe fact.t!:ct yea have money thesd prepares you-' out only for eaier;tncie but t!so far c;a chances for advancement that come only to those who ccsw mand ready monyfV.o"'1 , "Ayoangmanknown a$ a 8aver,'caa command business credit that would be denied to one.kcownt - to- have spent rU hi has earned. Ttiak it pvertrJ x : open a saving account here st ence. , " - v. . i Wm. B.' RLADS, V. Pre. 6T" I? r""!!TON, Caslfo- 'I I-1 i ( k1!i: T 1lnlMak.tttMSlhlMlln!t1(w!' Train Small Boy Home Beneath ' - . i - ." ' Trestje by "Bwift Current and ; Richmond, Aujf. IS. Lewto Rockv th 12 year old too of Mr. Henry Kikk r, pf C 5 Beverly trwt.WM drowned In the c ,al between -Sixth nd Sev enth etreete Tuesday aTternoon aboot o'clock. J "' ' -Y- Frightened by amassing ehiftinfr en ciutt, the'littio boy stepped oil the nil road tTrk bensh V tr tie a Sixth street, onljto i.ll into the eanal, where boya swim every day. - lie struggled id tlte water Ura few econ3fl'-nd tha went down, hto-bodybeinj-lrecovered before IT Jeiuihed theatreer:eat,'-toeeV inir of the eanal at Seventh Btreefc. That hia Ufa 'waa notiave to a4ftyty all who Witnessed the drownmgJ -' r A little de?orrod bojWaa eittio'i on the bank of the tanal aearwaere Dittfe Lewiatell io, and raached W 'foot far out id an effort to ave thr drowning boy' ' Several growo-men were ' Stand ins near, but all evident! thought 'the boy-would easily swjm'to Jhr jh6re"orj stride against toe gau au cevenin 01. and be palled 6horij When lie sfiik for the teat timethe people who Enraged : because :Kc Could - Hot Z 8e Hia Wife, From Whom;'; ' No'rf olk; Va.x Aug.". 18. lying upon cot In the Norfolk county -jail with a pistol shot wound entirely through- pis body-and suffering excruciating painis the condition of Charles Akars, ayoung man of HunterBViUe, His1 condition ib regarded as ' serious by: Dr. Ernest, physician to the jail, 'whb-states that an operation 61. .necessary as f;iooh ! as' possible- -The shottnereff- the? lower , WHY YOU SHOULD BUV E:SPRINGFEtT;? J: It is a good felt' mattress, guaranteed It has a highly' tempered j spring, guaranteed, The Sprtngfelt costs no jnore than good feltmst-. i tress. You have a better yalue and save the cost of a set f bed springs, j it is ventilated, it is sanitary. : Botn sides are made al ae. it cav,p turned over of eid forendk - It irf durable-' It ia.1 restfaUfhyiicjana recommend it Try it for a week and be convinced ?Do "not try it fori less than a week. Bed slats must be used" under the- Sprtngfelt i; Inor-I denng state whether wanted for iron or wood bedi : See that the - taat- tress is sot too wide or top long for the bed We make the Sprtngfelt; ' 6nly in'our best grade of ficking. lRfCE K GRADE TICKING c $1800 7 DAYS ONLY REDUCED TO $15.00 :-FOR SALE fit T. J. TURNER FU$.C3.':: S3 Middle St ' Phone 172, " 'f JJaw Bern.riSk C. MsW,HI REDUCED - PRICES a, we ITE - J. I, 1 1 slsW ai LJl .W.'IO,' WV.' THISVEEK- Barrington f Dry Goods had seed hWlp th water cou1dcaree 1 believe he was drowned. ' ' ' John Cheatham, of 6, Church street dived for the body' and trough t H to (the surface. .One of the first persons to get to the little, fellow was Miss Alyer Smith, of 611 thu'rth' Street:-" She'did what she could to rcucUftUr the little teiiow, our ner.enons.. wwe vain. death ret'ulting in ew mihutoa,."- v K crowd af several hundred nongre gated near the canal withbMjmtnutea and none thought the child, should have been allowed tO'drownr. The anal .it 8 feet deep at this point sndT is ibot more i had 80 feet across.' t Mr st cafiv' man could have eulleoUhe attje fellow out. When Ufa was extinct the coroner vaa called, and after-viewing the body and deeming1' an Inquest. :iinnecessaryl be allowed It to be Uaenv to he hlch- Unona burial ettabliiment. - .s f The lonersl services will be ondu; red from the grave Wednesday after noon.. The aged grandfather.of the boy saw. the body shortly-after H was taken .from the water;; It wal'-ha'who brotej the sad news to the mother and fatner 'LJrtle Lf wis was to have beau sent to thi Country Wednesday Jfor hiivaca- tion'jlebad planned many surprises for his ' relatives and.' friends in the country and tuuTlooked forwaA) wkh conaiderabia expectation . to. the lime hen Ite should leave the city:, w y. With 4 mtle f flendrha feft hts hom tiiesdav afternoon, and when it rained be Jock shelter ondee the, ,treaiienear WiUreC-Thepasiing-ei ,tte'shif 1ng enthne Js thocghte to hav-caused aim to loss his balance and fell into the eanal, it either he was frightened and jumped front tha trackaef the -railroad into fhewater. fl f a "i- ..I'-y . . ..... j..; ' "SOLD DNLYBT; CASTON;WGiCOdPAM .4 A" - , (THE REXAL1 STOREll it J r H ON THE GORNIfc?4:4;"raONB-eR V-'. OPPOv POST OFFICE."? TRrVYMoai. tAilortog' CO.i fraLADELnilA; A.'1 Will Jjaye their special representative here to take measures and show -the Best line of tJp-to-Date Woolens and Cassinlerei : FOR ' THIS SEA OWS.WEAR OH THS MARKET. We'would especially request that , our frlendsand customers call on day of sale aud Inspect ths lne, 1 we . Wilt GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in' atyl fit and workmanship. Augustli and lath.C'-. ; , ' . 'tis cot mw SaniJLipmah. .'A good sized, eight oom''4welling. newely painted: and wiut .inodem eon ling."-1 Both these booses "are- in " good neighborhoods , One - office ' building. Several' office rooms In deferred Iocs' tions.- ! '-r ,,." fyr.J- w ;4" C. V.HANCOCg, Ajt; -T1iMrit.lwwlfBrT Sundae ''Rcfirnil" at Rhems held its annual picnic Thursday and it was indeed an enjoyable (Occasion. Nearly a hundred' of the neighbor) wentcntta the County f hool house rfnd If. : s epreiil a dinner; t : ough to have fed five hunJred peo.e to reulc' tia, and it was r.u-.'y h'A products of I' e home fart, rnrl In a wsy only knoWn ' to uk..n housewives ' and iheir dau, Mers. God t'ogs themi i - Teverl Tern f fople were pres et t c . 1 recc ivt 1 the c1 1 hxnd of wel eani ynrl ';ft'' .espro " , ' t i m sale With i 1. " a ! ' to I a (1 ne i to a new c' uri ll.e I u 'i is c 'i fJ, t'o v,r.'r ' ' 1, to Le 8'artud dui jtl Middle and S. Front Bt Er c. !l t ; A, pi., i, , , , " 1 f ! (. .i 1 As Beingt,vA.rHor8e' Thief Three V. Ilours. 8ensation. Diacharge . h Late "5 esterday 4 afternoon Chief - of police Barget' received" a teltigram from Chief of Police-Fowler of Wash ington. N. C. requesting him to be on the lookout for a mm abeot 26 years of age, giving the name of J!, Jones and who was driving a small .black horse hitched to a - new robber tired buggy both of which had been stolen from Mr, B L Susmab, a ltvery man. of that an jiicn left oi tne spme.' r. s Ak ere tells 'a most pathetic. : Story of why he attempted to take his' life, fit was the result of a disargeemenHwitn hia wife, to whom he liadlteeir married for just Ave months.-- v 'X A "jaon'tknow-whyl did iL I was enraged at the time and whether it was an accident or. whether I did it deliber; ately 1 cannot say,"1 said Akers today. All I know ia that!" went to mywiiefs father's home; Twhera i sBS .-was, and. hy would pot let me in, and pie' neit thing I knew, I was shot, ! did it my self and noionee'se was present at the time.'", Akers was brought to the county pri son this morning shortly after 5 o'clock by,Police OiBcer Cowan; f Tanner's Creek district The wounded man is i a clerk, in the, grocery Of C. AMerrill, at 506 Princess Anne .avenue, "Norfolk. He is 21 yeamof -age and a , native of Dynchburg. Me came: to Norfolk aevenJ months 'ago and soon af let his ' arrival here met fciss 'tiayesridaughtes of WilUam jlsye.a,' of U Percy tftreet, Hunttraville- 'They were. $iarriedf five months agosod everythmg wentjsmooth- Iv natll a month ag' declares. -Akers. A disagreement then took place between thanrand they aeoaratecL, f . At an early tiour thisymommg the oubdexf man aaya he called, at his fath er-in-law'A hdma and.asked to be per mitted to see his wife He was denied admittance and within a short whi e the Hayes family heard the report of a pis tol on the premiees! Suspecting that) Akers .had shot . himself, ,Mr. Hayes went to investigate. be :youg man was found lyipg om the floor of an out house on the premises hi pool of his own :blood.' foart of the abdomen.' passing oat 4bouTgplaee, ii The; policemen vwre all! rive borders to be on the lookout for (be man and team and if aeea-to locate him.' Shortly before 9 'clock last night a ftisn and woman driving, a small blaek horse drove up inLfront of the Aftusea theatre and after ) hitching, the animal went inside to see the show,;, They .had nut been in the theatre . for more than nrteen minutes oetore tne animal, was suddenly taken with a fit and began to to rear violently. Several- bystander8 rushed over to the animal and succeed ed in unhitching him from the vehicle before any damage wae done, . An Inquiry wa made as to whom the horss.belonged but it was some time before the man and woman who drove up to the theatre with the rig were lo cated, "j. i ' -' In the meantime some bystander re membered reading an advertisement in one of the morning papers which cpr reSpondedWith the message reee ived by Chief of Police Harget, and upon examination it was found that the ani mal corresponded with the description uui iihw tne venicie. was noi ine same, When the owners of the vehicle final ly appeared they were taken,Jnto cus tody and carried to police headquarter There the couple gave their names avMr. and Mrs. J H Creider, of Aurora and that they had driven through ihe country from that plnce last Wednes day and Were visiting a Mrs. Toler who resided in Bridgeton and who isa relative of Mrs. Greider. The chief of police then made sn at tempt to -get into, communication with the authorities of Washingtoo, . but owing to the fact that the telephone Connections with, that- town could not be made and as there was no defiaate evldenc that the' man Md stole the animal he'waa discharged. - - - ; - The affair created, coneiderabie ex citement and there were at least two hundred ' people - congregated In and around the city hall during time , the eoupifr were awaiting the disposition oi the enjef of police, k.- ' Williams' indari Pile Ointment Will cure Blind? Bleeding and Itching Piles, It absorbs (he tumors, allay Itching at once, acti as e4oultice, gives Instant yelleft f Willlama! Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts,; Sole by druggists, mail 60e ead.ai.00.t' Williams' M'f'g, t Co., '44 "." I" Crastu toFQ. S May be 63.0Od.0OO -New ' i'ork,'" Aug. '43,A Coldmbian Itausucaa nar peen eomparug tne ceo vans figures thus far. announced at Wash ingtod with thoeeof the prevloaaj enu meration. rHe figures that the avrhga gain thus far shown is K.7 pet Sept, l a similar-percentage apblita,, toHhe rest of the country.' the net' gain for the Whole country Will be about 17,300, MA..- . k. j L- I. ,1 i 1. 1L. WW, malting iae unai popuiaijoa oi iiie eonttoenui united sutes oyer :ua,0uu, Dysentery is a dangerous disease' bat Cholera snd Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used In. nine- epidemics Dt dysentary.- n nas never Deen . Known to fail. -It is equally valuable for chil dren and sdu t and when reducedwith water and sweetened, tt is pleasant- w take.... bold by ail dealers '"' ... . . - STiTlVED FOR inn QMfr Womah.Who Lcftljuaband fops v " - .V Unconscious on Ktn Ct- - ' .j New . YoiV, . Aug. is l oo - wet' from himfir to woi 't, too proud to be Vra, Kt a I'iil.crU, 22 yar old wand- ' 1 t4 - f u a wium - t a i In ; l-' f k ' t f "'Ft urn i ,ur-'-:.-W;',i.nv.' r: rJshswwejs IS tf MARSHALL. FIELD clerked la asfpre whenVe was a boy. -He put in e Bank enough ut of his salary ta start a small business of his 6wn.T Today his establishment is the finest in the world. ' His two grandsons win get 400 millions each when they are given, their share oi his estate.' . ; . Make JDUR Bank YOUR Bank. 'L We pay h'beral interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. THE PEOPLES BANK Pictorial Review Patterns ' i - . Out Sept. Patter ns ae in also the new Fashson Book and Magazine, for Sale here PEPT. STORE .ELKSTEMPLE G. BOYD in r Now York .,.'1 Of f,M fi! 1 f. ', 'on h 1 for three 1. Esrly !! iif-nn-K. Ma ;t -I, New York Cotton Market. Special .to Journal :' New.! York,. Aug. 18. Forecast tI fain In Southwestern . Texas caused profit taking today, and the cotton mae- ket had a moderate reaction. Spot sales 1.3Q0 balea at unchanged prices. ; LATHAM, ALEXANDER & CO -J ' v; , ' - - r crnlae Eastern btetrlct , " The government rvaet Mercurv left last night for, Southport, 'and with fa vorable weather will proceed to" More-, head City todays where Capti. Earlelv Brown,, Corps of Engineers, U. 8 A. and Assistant Engineer 'R. C Merritt wuLtaice tne yaent next uonday tot an.: examination; sad inspection ruise tendays ever the Eastern district v Captain Brown and . Mr . Merritt will. leave during the latter part of thf jweek bVrail tor meet: the Mercury, and the cruise will be through --the sounds and rivers in Eastern Carolina. ' ThWis one ofthe annual sxsmination" trips made by the government officials, Jwd laior the purpose, of bi peeling... Waterway routes and securing other information. The trip will likely require , over Hen dsys,and the Mercury wtlljreturn to port Within that time, if the westber is fav- ' w n t r THEY HAVE A DEFINITE PUR- ' " POSE - ; Folev Kidney Pills frive a quick relief in can8 of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs.' Koaa Glaser Terra Haute, Ind., tells the resuit in her esse. "After guiltiru-'r for mnny yprg from a serious eaHe of kidney- trouble and spending mnr-h money lor fifl-called curcy, I found 1 hIi v'b Kidney I'iIib the only medicine ti.iit gave me e pormntunt cure; - I am "in al'le to l.e up and attend to my vnjt k. I bl'ull p'vr hRiLate to reom mond them." l-avi' l'liarma:y.-', v. - EtKS TEMPLE, TELEPHONE 400 REAL ESTATE CITY, SURBURBAN, rqqWNTRY RE. ACCIDENT, v HEALTH, PLATE GLASS, LIVE- STOCK. AUTOMOBILE, BOILER, FLY-WHEEL, BURG , LARY, SpRETY .BOWDS. ; jtyYESTMBNT NEWl BERNi, BUILDING LOAN ASSN. NEXT 'N V SERIES. OPENS .OCTOBER 1st. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee se-eeee'eeeeeieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeee eeee eefeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . v v ' h w asa-v n n i bh w L- - 4 77 nr-af tt r r. n tt . 'Y com 1 1 .- i: k of t ft!' i Arrc" 1 1 to V "rvr A ..t t--u' 1 h, 1- J. I ' Depot j ; 1 j 1 k, f tor a Wrel ' ah tn o rn in rr sr-'- Ji.' it rVIh selecting your Code Stove cr I-. ter of importance to ycu to r-zi t! : will wear well cr i ;ive tl.-j I t r . . : are ;heavy-v.-t;t;.t, cv;r z , . . it u i t 1 y 1 1'. ' ' " : K T ' " , . ' 1 -' -v'! 1 " ,

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