'4 - 4 - . 4vM : v: v. IT Our Ladies' . TaU6r.rig Department 1 WE are , pleased ta'anriourice that we havef opened ; a ? : ladies tailoring department. You can' now have your clbthe3 made-to-measure to suit your.taste at prices thatwill -t fairly, astonish you. They will be made in Chicago by the V American Ladies Tailoring Company. We have hundreds . of the latest fabrics and all the newest fashions oif display. Come and see us today. Made to Order ttoP2T5IiSSS' " take your mea ure ments together with all the details 4 peculiar to your figure. Your garment will be man- tailored in One of the finest shops in America under tvexptifupeVviBioD' . x ' , . ,t The finishfed gartnent will be ready promptly for your tryjri and ihsppctlon, then you can see how man-tail-b oring will bring out every lire and detail of your fig- 1 ure,, then ydu can know the joys of Satisfaction Assured MmaT'S youf figure and to accent your individuality, and you are certain bt satisfaction. -Style, St.- fabric and tail- coring r4 guaranteed by ourselves and Ladle Tlljrinjt Company of Chicago. f.-. man-tailoring that insures satisfaction..' ... Our Fashion and Fabric Display Da n3t miss this rem irkable exhibition of all the latest styles and hundreds of new shadesand patterns such as the best dressed wonwn will wear. There is a style and fabric for you in this marvelous display. Such a : wealth of styles and fabrics han never 1MLIE6E .t J 1 ,j .... fcwe pepartnlento-Collegiate, Graduate, Ehglneering, Law , and Education. Large library iaeili-ties.'- Well-squipped laboratories, in. ; all departments of science. Gymnasium furnished with, best miarstiiii. EinenMS verv mod-,' B erate.- Aid for worthy students.' a' Teachers and Studenli jx- ' V; peeling t engage Injeach :. ing should Investigate the,., eiiperrot IdweriUget offer- el by the-' new Oepartment f . r of Education in Tflntty Col- v for 'catalogue and further infor ' matlon address." ' " Trinity Park Sche?! ' . -1 1 - " r '"' ' 1 i A, Fu-st-jQlass Preparsry: ' ,??f'; School j.y.s ' Certificates $f GrattuatioiuAcce'rt, edfor Entrance to LsadirigfouU)-', ! Colleges,'' r r. t . y 1 - ' - f ' ' Faculty of ten ofik! i -.teachers. Camoul of e . . -.five acres.' Library',-contain- 1 -'ing more than forty thousand - bound volumesWell equipped gymnasium. : Hitrh standurds - -I r- ' -rn metnods of in- t i i. , Frequent lectures 1 by i .ent lecturers. Ex 1 1 . s u ceedinely moderate,' . , l veie years of phenomenal s'"'c: s. - For catalogue and1 other inf or mation address ' . ALDrJDCS.'nurssr, rT'"TIAf, -N.' C. ' l: I'M- Is at Your " Service Startling Low PricsliaS our ladle's tailoring department yon can get exclusive v . attention; get the the work of a skilled man tailor; get a garment made to ypur measure at reaionable prices. Suiti' Coats Skirts- Wearing highqual- ape the 'American These are the prices that waiuoW you for high act; been shown. . . , ALCOHOL 2 Elt Mfi i AgclablerVrpsrfitonErJti Slffl&irirfiltvRuff'minMpM UngateSuraiacttsaadijOvbaf 1 1 H I " ., m Jr- 1 ,,, "! pl'lliniiTriirr;";:' -yiu.. - s . , tzT- . m. i; (- j PhnifitesDiSpstiona-KfJ nf.7v 'A ii't r-v' nessandRratontal!iKa S't:tMtl-fl IM St'.!:'v Opiumiiarpluri norK-sol --jf -".f-. VH ' Not Narcotic piPJ'''- , ! J P Ac .- r " 1 " t' ;,...' ji-T ' J . i j -J. : Aperffcir'yf 'f-" I l - . llon.S" r. !:I 1 ' , ,rs ' ' " . ' t' ire of a r f ;ii f.ciTl P T 8 I r ' ' f $13.50 and Up. 40.00 " 5.50 ' . U.00 7.50 4" . iyierchaJitfcTailor . ;. 1UJ MlUULfc 51.- 9V: w i For Infants 1 Children, TbKir.dYcy.avo if. ! find Lun Viewcj Cond tiona From Cr posits S'.an ,;oinU. Te'y j -.s uci, utiya i ts Chicago A anre, a d nr.ga yonut doctor in a l::rre city wns visited once by bis olj fdtuer. vbo tiime up-from a rural C.-'tict to look Jiftw bin boy. ., .,- "Well, son," be said, "bow are TOU getting alonK!" f "I'm not Kettlng along at all." was' the disheartened reply. -"I'm not do ing a thing. '- f The old nmn's eountemmce fell; but he spoke of euurage and patience and perseverance.;-' Later t:i AUe ' day be went with liU son to the" free, dis pensary.'.wlirre the yontig doctor bad aa nnsalarii'd position -and, where he spent an botur more every day.-, The father sat b.vrullent but intensely In terested spwtatofi .while twentyrflve poor unfortunates received help. The doctor forgot his visitor while he bent bis skilled energies to st he-task, but hardly bad the. door cloxed on the last patient when the old mun burst forth "I tbougtt :you -told me Ihat you were not jloing anythltuJL'Why.'lf I had helped Iwenty-flve: people m a month as much aa-Rou have la one morning I would tharik Cod myj life counted r flomethlng.;' -' ,.' , - There": - Isn't any - money la ' It, tbonh,m explained the, nan. somewhat abashed. JHoneyr the old man shout ed. stUl scornfully. "Money! What Is money in comparison with being pf Use to. your fellow men f , . Never mind about money.' To4 go right along at thla work; every, day. " J'll go back to 'the farm and ."gladly . earn money enough to support you as long aa I live yes, and sleepsouna every night wttb the thought that 1 have helped you to help your fellow men." STAGGERS SKEPTICS - That a clean, nice, fragrant compound like Bucklen'a Arnica Salve will instant ly c relieve a bad burn, cut, scald, 'wound or piles staggers pkepttcs. But great cures prove its a wonderful heal er of the worse sorea, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema, skin eroptionr, ss also chapped hands, uprains and corns, Try iW,25c at all druggists. ' - A Locomotive's Breathing. The ''Juow idling'.' of a lorouiotlve tfiat, ls,.to' sny. the number of puffs irlveir duriiiK h Jcurm-y- depends upon the cln-unioinuces , of .Its drtvlni! wheels andi'-thelr spoed. , No mat ter What the rate of speed may be. for every one rouud of the driving -wheels a locomotive will trlve four nuffa two out of each cylinder, tuo cylinders being vdoublo. If the av erage -,-eircumfereuce of the drlvlsg wheel la twentv feet liml the speed per hour flftv miles, a locomotive wilt giv4, golug at express speed, 8R0 puffs per minute. 52.800 puffs per- hour and 1,066 puffs per mile. London Stand ard. A clever. Dopular Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preventics is beinir dis pensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours, Preventics are said to break inv cold conmletelv. And Preventics being so safe and toothsome, are very line wr emmren. wo yuinine, no lax ative, nothing r harsh nor sickening. Box. of 48-25c.. Sold by-Bradhatn DrugCo. Rathor. iv-.. 4 US RlllMIMllt-u The ..-ft. t . r. . . Hem appeared inr a FreDcu uewnimiier: , 'There wi found In the-Tlver tliin morning 'the body of n soldier rut to pleres' and xetved up la.e xack. -The clrciHiVMta'iirvM Hoeui to .preclude any auHpk'iou of Buli-Ide." , - ' , - V ' " Customs and Habits, v- 6nr, cumouw flud liitbtta n.-e like .the rut lit rtwdH.' "The n lieelK of life Bet tlelnttt (heni. Hnd wv'jog mIouk througf the inlre inWu1i It Is too niiicli (rouble ' iU Ot lllVIW7' -' - 4 -If your liver is sluggish and ofit of tone.- and vou feel dull, bilious, constt- nnitArl. tmtt ' si -rlrMA -, of r.rtamrwrlnin'a Stomachy and Liver Tablets tonight be - T'WiFalki'nd(tftlnndif are atnoni the least known tfud most out of thejray eoraers of toe widely K-uUered- Brit ish empire. 'Thejr fomi "Sort bf-ijrttt Ish suburb of the south pole, some ftOO miles fromtbe arjtarctlc eBdrAuieri ca. Cape Borh.VA former irovernor of theTalklaud islands, f-late Sir Wll', Mdmrtpblnson, -used' to I Say thatV-'ho1 would nave comraitted suicide wnlie rthere If be could, bare found a treetaU enough to' oane hlmse'If. oo.-ljOndon Btandard.; '"f. '":'-;-"' 1 PI ,Vrin Tableta-Dr. Sboop,s-stop ' i. ,e, womanly -pains, any pain, -ii in 20 minutes' sure. Formu- ... i t i ::..' box.;- Ask. youR'ntgjrtot: or' i i aiiiHit .inia lormuia ii,,8 uiie. I ' ,..n I'ruff-Cq. ','"-' . ; - . s- "4 v iiiiJersiniiil . jrout-antnitimlst Is 'you' every liiuiie be IMIuk. iff V- Jl. V',"rpill(d BtMiator KoikIiuiii hi iv. .'But- In" lnlim'f IliUcfct of - 8 toiuLuliu v."- W.iMliiiiKtinj Stur. ' f " - Much In Liltli,V , , ' Tommy Voi. whm dm- iininum in pnrvo mean': 'J'oinmy'K I'op-Miiltnu) lit jmrvo l T.tiiln, my wii, It in!nn er-w'll. Imieii'i ymi rVi'f wen it fni w-onmii In n IhiMiIii Hulif-l'hllmli'l phld It't-'iriV;, ymr nniind; to avoul to cnii""rv i i- h' ! ; " l. t y i y. lit, the morning: Sold by all dealers. ,f iJ1 1 Vl -, , V Y- '-VH'J;-2lrMa)rataraBtrM - . J ', .v. A j' -f " i .v Uri'lX- K'' 'j i' ' - Underground- Hotels. V '.. '. 'v., The Falktand-'lslandaC - An estrawrrljiiury , notrl is that In i Fast Efciu Eealiz.-d by wBern f -f .-i'oopie. ? r - ' . ,t A lilt backache at fl'it, i ' ' Daily JnortMing till ttw back u'lame and weak.. V '- " - " Urinary c borders quickly tohwl i . Diabetes and finallyjarigiit's disease. Thii f te downward- course of kid ney utsi , ; ,? . :- .- ,v.: " i y ir ,v Doa'8 tike this course. Follow the advice af a New Bern eitiien' i ' i i Jamea E. Aiskin, 14 George StrNew era, li Csays: ,t ,,Wlhfle to the army Bern, receiyed a severe strain and after that I SvaeT8uiiect to attacks of kid ney, trouble. My hack ached a great deal aid as time passed; the trouble became(vmuch ' worse, jltirled many remiediea. -but seemed - unable to- ob tain Tefief and finally hearing of Doans Kidneyi Pills, f obtained a box at Brad- ham Pharmacy.. They gave me more benefit? than I had ever received X- fore. , "They not only stopped the pain in my back, but strengthened my kidneys and improved ray -general healthl'" For 'sale by all dealers. Pi-ioe 6' Qents.3 Poster Mllburq Co., Hutfaid New Tork, sole agents for the Uniteo SUtea. - Remember the name Doaa's sue take go other. BOND ELECTION CALLED By The Board of Aldermen of The . City ot New Bern; Be it Ordained ; And Resolved: That wh raa the Board of Alderman of tha clt)' of New Berit have concluded to improve tha following streets of the city of New Barn, by plaolnft thereon pavements of brick or otheJfcper manent material tiwit: Pollock street from Queen to Hancock; Pol. lock from Craven to East Front; Craven street from Broad to Graven street from Craven to Mid dle; Griffith street from Guion street to Avenue A: Avenue A from Griffith to George street: East Front street from South FrooMJf Union, the same to be paved in the order aa above-named and other streets to extent of the balance ot the pro ceeds of the fifty thousand dollar (50.000.00) bond lSBue. The same to be paved 1n order as" above-named; No therefore, be it resolved and ordained; That an election be called, to be held in the city of New Bern, on Saturday. September 8rd, 1910. at which said election Is to be submitted to the votea of the people, the question of the approval of the issuiance of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000 00) of bonis of the cit j of New Bern, to pay for theaaid improvement, at which said election those favoring- the proposition to issue the said bonds shall Vote a ballot on which shall be printed "For Street Improvements", and those who shall oppose said proposition shall vote a ballot on which shall be printed "Against Street Improve ments."' The said election rha'l be held at the same pol. ling places at which the lait election waa held. and'for said election the following election offi cers are appointed : First ward: R. H, Hill, Registrar, Merer Hahn Fertile Caskill. Poll Holders. . Second Ward:- W. K. Baxter. Registrar, Fred Scotlt, John Russel, Poll Holders, Third wards-C, W. Bell. Registrar, F. B. Lane, C. 0. Hill. Poll Holders Fourth-ward:-J. E. Gaskiil, Registrar. Wm Parria. J. F. Heqdecaon. Poll Holders. Fifth W.rd:-E. L, Smith. , Registrar. C. T. Hancock, H. D. Smith, Poll Holders. Sixth Ward:-JT. H. Stanly. Registrar. Helen HorT. B. F. Dukes. Poll Holders. That the resolution and ordinance shll be forthwith published in tha city papeva. as notice of the callinir of the said fetation, and the ' Chief hof Police shall forthwith notify the registrars and poll holderrof their appointments. And tbatLthe said election shall be held in all respects aa, is provided by law. and the City Chart. ', . . F. T. PATTERSON, Cit Clerk. Castor i a ? vIor Infants and Children.' , ; Tha Kind You Have Alwajs Ccsght pears the. JBlgnaarpf tha BewerH -or -'oriBJiuniediately- he- -low the,,C4ikiin li tff at Madeleine, .it was bull! Dud is. conducted solely- for he enentuf.l the . sewer:' workers. . jS'ea rly.tiT- bund red mea I s' a re provided evw flfi vrrind1 fhr the sum-of Ti.10 $ f- iDfiuLcuu 'At VomfortabljJlpuned and ru luren- yvrai iu iui Kiuauuc qnun- K sVcry slplllflf-is the hotel which-cir- (era :forf Weitors 't the coal, toloe of- St Pierre at ttonsf'-.lt is to bs found J atths boUoio of the mine. ,600 feet Wh low, fte earth, and, W carved- ou of Solid coot The' electric ; light on he glltteringt )livck : walls."' which hataf been ; leftjuijinpftfed, IS extremely foctlve, Cnree J rece" tlon'j and ' bed rooms splendidly Qttet.Up are provid ed, and the hotel even ooaau tbe" lux ury t J swimming batb.-v i4 ' v w . " 1 f -" 'V1 ' v! 'a i , FOLEY .pDNBY-fatts Tonio in qualify and action, quick3! In results. ',lor backache;' headache, diz tif!ir, nnrvo'umssa urinary irrpffulari t!ia and rteumHti8m,--Davi:: i'hurma cy. , . ' -V" ,' .. ... , . . i(ii LliiK' of oealrabl'e Jr 'ht; bonds of coe-se ws .all deVirs on Easy street " - 1 , to Uti Altbougti money Is the root of al evil, the roo-r 'jw(--fu-mea sie w bs ioea v... I'nt It ' - Legal Noticed ADMINISTRATION NQT1GE,;,,; Etvtes- oHfid at nfantnirtimte of I U Brack dMa..thfai b to Botlfjr oil moo harts cUtan winrt mM t-U to pr nt the mm thoandenwaadoaoc feofoc Boot ijt JsIL ot Uiio ottw will U ploat4 In trot thoir nourm t AB ponoos faidobM to ou4 oitatowillbinquM to Bwko na1aai's7Mos.-.'.-V.',v ; TW tbo IS day of A.aaat. 1911 ' - ' i B. B. PARBOrT, - ' AdmUUtrDT of JL U. Brack rl..On.d. ' SALE OF LAND. Byvirtaaof pawerrut sate eoataiaed la that oartain deed of trust made by Aaroa, Carter to the undersigned as tnuuea to secure a note of ovoa date therewith, node payable to John & Garrett, the said not lofaut for the pnrthais nmisj of the land baainftcr described, which said, dead of trust is recorded hi Book number l&.paco 102, in tha office of the Register of deeds ot'Cravse Conn ty.'and theaaid JohnS, Garrett, having duly as signed the said note to Jamas U. Harrison, and the aainote not having bean paid and no redemption of the said land ha vina bom made as provided la the said deed of trtut, and (he said James at. Haz rison. assignee of tha said note as aforesaid hav- Ing dlrectvd the undersigned trnstoe as sfneaaiil to sell the said land hereinai teraMrlbed accord ing to too terms set out in theaaid dead of trusT, to payoff and diacharg said rvote, therefore tha undersiged, as Bros tee, named in the said dead yf trust, will on the 6th day of,Septembet, 110. at 12 o'clock of said Jay. at toe court house door in New Bern. N. C sell to tha highest Udder for cash 'be following described lot of land: One lot of land situate in Reuensteinville on the south side Elm street and beuur lot No. ISO in the plan of tha said Rouenateinville, which plan is recorded n book No. 106, pages 66 and 57 in tha office of too Register of Deeds of Craven County, and being the same lot convertd by deed from Chaa. Seizsn- steln and wife to John S. Garrett, dated January 21st, 1898, and the same conveyed by deed from the said John S. Garrett to Aaron Carter, which deed is dated January 23rd. 1899. August 6th. 1910. R. W. WILLIAMSON, Trustee. ENTRY NOTICE North Carolina, Jones County, Entry No. 542 To R. D Dixon, Register of Deeds and ejt-offl- cio Entry-Taker for Jones County: The undersigned C D, Foy, of Jones County, North Carolina, enters and lays claims to the following" described piece or parcel of land in White Oak Township, Jones County, State of North Carolina, the same being vacant and un appropriated land and subject to entry via; Ly ing; and being- on the North side of white Oak river and East side of Black Swamp beylnninr at a stake in the public road near tho coloted church, running north 76 E 110 poles, than run ning south 16 E 100 poles, theu running N. 16 E. 100 polos, then N, 16 W. 100 poles, then running aou'h TS West 210 poles to the beginning. Entered this Aug. 6. 1910. & D. FOY. Claimant R, D. Dixon, Reg. of Deeds, and ex-officio. En try Taker for Jones County. MORTGAGE SALE OF LOT IN 8ROWNVILLE. By virtua of power of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed made by Frank Boyd and Sarah Boyd, his wife to . Mark Disosway which said mortgage deed is recorded in Book lH Rage 418 in tha office of Register of Deeds ef Craven county and which mortgage deed and the note thereby secured waaMduly transferred and assign. ad to tha undersigned John S Garrett I will on the 5th day of Seotember 1910 at 12 o'clock on said day. at the court bouse door in Craven coun ty sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described rot of land; On tho north side" of Scotts Creek and south aide of Trent RivertTbeing lot No. 28 in the plan of that part of said Craven county state of North Carolina known aa Brownville, said plan being recorded in the office of the .Register of Deads for Craven counly Book 143, Folio 896 and bounded as follows: On the aort by lot No. 27. on the east by lot No. 86, on tho south by lot No. 29 and on tho west by BroWn street the said lot being situate on tha east side of Brown street and be ing the land conveyed by deed from Austin Brown end atif to the said Frank Boyd whleh. dead is recorded la Book 152. Page 12 office ee1 Register of Coeds of Craven county, . ,. -, , . , JOHN 8..QABRETT Aoguat Brd. 1910. s MORTGAGE SALE. FeTSuant to a power ot aalvpontained in ttat oartaia MorUrsse executed by Wuttam K. Dodge Abbott to 8. F. Paisoa bearing data tha 21 da of July 1909 the same being reoorded m tha pffloe of the Register of Deeds of Craven Conntr in hook 176 pas 478," I will sell at the Court Bouse door i New Bern. N. C. on Tuesday tha 6 day of 8ept. 1910 at the hoof ef IS. o'clock at to the highest bidder for Cash. eU-rftta followl" deacribed property aa soovayed in the Uortgare aiarssaid. to-wttt-All of my interest is that certain piece or parcel of land that I have nor. or may bavo Af I any time before this debt ia fullt paiaVarT and dls chaiged tying and beini situated o the WaaM " .... . .... . r ) U -r Ueaar street.-rwanoeu aa follows; tm-UMXast py Oeonra-'N'ni the Sooth by KdoBed? lot, oa. the Weatiby thevAttjnore land, oa tha North bx land of Sara.ltx tkmtalnlng and Ning the old ,hoiitasW t"j(Abbott, where he died. Io a fall sad' cor&rHeCe deseriptioa ref eranea is hereby aaada to 1 B; Abbott dead which If daiy roeocded in the records of Craven Juop at y, t , a. r. FAiaoN, Now Bern, N.C. Aug. 1191. liortgagaa. ' .PUBLICATION OF SUMMC MM0K3 1 North Carolina t 'ii.; a. . rv,w 'Craven County j Io S. f "i - before W, M.Wataon, C,B. (l Stephen A, JJlll, anliWJ F4HilL v r -j- J . vs. uuca uipr- Minnie naiawin, warren Baldwin, '3ohrnie'Granger,- L, Grander Ariralus VLent and SnianE. -1 .1), To Klira IMW, Minnie I'ril.' vin, I" -n l!vin, Jrvhme Granger nd L' Oihn' -. N" h Vinctnt. ' . t f 1 1 earing to the , lion of tsie mart by rHidavit tl t Lua liter, a. ' iwin,JohnnleGi.inerLGran pi-T i . e vr -ni'-rits of the fctate of Nor th Curon.ia, you are herebynntifluJ.tLar a aiuiiri'on ai d petition for sale of real i te for l rt. "l l-s ben duly filed rit eclL-iti'a o.ace tf Craven cous.fy N. C. In the f'mve etitld er-ton tv ,'.on A. 1. '!. snd..'. i1'. LiU. 1,. ..re barely noi,... J to r r-jmar' b ' m ,i'l ciwlf. at tlie court hon-is in . w -i, N. I'., on r t e otn. c, y t,t-r Ml, at li o cluck -m. ; .( f or lU tli- r tO tfs. i 1 -Li , i I ! y ' !i l.i -1, tjt'-.'-r-v . , r c-f t i i . -.r i.;i a f i- ees-sseeee T I iwl I iiii'i tewstsseaeaee WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL- LERAT, LAW I Hughes Building; Craven 8treet ; " New -Ben, "8. O. Practice in State and Federal courts. -Circuit, Craven, Carteret, .Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de- tired. r - O. H. Guion, W. B. E. Guion, s J ATTORNEYS AT LAW v Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. - 'OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Pnons 193, New Bern, N. C. D. Wr CARTER, I D. Practice Limited to Diseases of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Washington, N. C. New Bern, N. C. New Bern Office With Dr. N. M. Gibbt, Elks Temple NEW BERN HOURS WEDNESDAYS: S to 7 P. M. THURSDAYS: 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. La, colvin Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Plans, Specifications. 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE I Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern; N. C. 9 Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. V. M. Simmons. A. D. Ward. M. U. Allen, snm ward a alien ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW HBW BEEN. N. C, Office Rooms 4U1-2-8 EIUb Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Puplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. ' R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties lof t Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. ' Offlc Ns. B0 Crsvsn Street. Tslsphsn No. 97. New Bern, N. C. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective. Aug. 15.1910 : Trains Arriving . and Departing Front - ' New Bern, N. C. Ar.-9KK) a m Daily From Oriental. 9:10 " " " Beaufort . 9:15 " " " Goldsboroi. f ' . 11:86, " v " except-Sunday frora j Raleigh. ' 8:30 p m Daily except Sunday from Oriental. ' -- A .OK W. n Tic?!,, M.ll, " ", '' Goldsboro. 6:35 Beaufort. t. : Lv.9;l5 a m"tviiy For Goldsboro. 9S " ,, Y .". Norfolk. - 9. " , . . Beaufort s 1 tJSO . " except Sunday fo !j Oriental -' '--, - , . --i'"-:' '' J:45 p in Daily except Sunday for r: Ralsiarh. ' iC-" . S5p m Daily- Fot Beaufort. v , ''eO.f-. , -'"yifioldsboro.-'V a;HUdGlN3, g. p. A: c iS-Z W. W.- CROXTQN, A. O, -prA." .Mm SaMNtmtwawsv I Veaa4 " ' Every woman may not 1m han t tama, hi t every woman she! J v'". care the pood poL-."i at s s 1 (ivr'n hen No vromz.3 i'tl I.Z.V1 ti'Iovv skin, clull eye, I" .c! y canIexion, who fyi r. . . to her hc! '., " ' " ..' n,KverJ! " -c ", I" 1 i.-.-uri';csar 1 i ' If", 30 1 C " rxJ , - 1 t... a -co, (..'--' r, a, a ' . a ; i -ws t t i - r . C" si m r -j f t f ft -t 9 f-.i-r 1 ,

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