1 y . t.'r.:. iTHxiii lodgi no. t jor is- Utrfa wary llwedejr1! WH Arcanum. Ball.. Wfac. Bro4 J.u v flancock a tree t, E. 8. Hardiioo. C CM i j. b. Bmltk, K. of R.d a. -,,. ,Viuag - imthara are amrad CRlTCa XODGt SO. L DIGHT OF " dlBXONTJlMU SnS. a 9ti Wednesday dfnt lifecl wUl Ja Knights Harmony HU, corner proed and Hcjioook triU at T;M o'etfok. j. K. WUUePnetdent; J. H. Smith, Saentarr: R. R. BUI, Financial Sec retary. :' ' WOODMEN OF THE WORLD OCT at R. of P. Ball corner of Rroad and Hancock streets, semi-monthly, Firlt and Third Wednesday nights at T:80 o'druk. VUltlng Woodman ara Uivtt d. - v The People's Bank. .F6r Sale Iron Safes BUSINESS LOCALS NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. ICE CREAM Soda today at McSorleys , 6 or 6 doses "666 of Chills and FeVer. wilt cure any case Price 26c FOR SALE At a bargain, two large second hand Iron Safes. Inquire at of fice of John W Stewart WANTED Energetic, and progressive young roan with college educationde sires change in work. Strictly sober, can apply himself to any line of work. several years office experience, long hours no objection, Write P. a box 538. A FULL assortment of all kinds of candies at ten etnta per pound at Ka- feejs Bakery. FINE soft. Peaches, Seckle Pears, Grapes, Celery, Oranges and Cukes to day at H E Royall's. Phone 33." ANNOUNCEMENT 1 now announce myself a candidate at the request of many friends, and having many years experience in this office, I now offer to the public all kind of sawed shingles, hand made shingles and lathes. Try our prices and be convinced. Thanking you for yonr patronage. W. F. Hill, the Shingle Man. N. C. PINE TAR fif quarts, i gala; and gallon cans, U. S. Navy Spun Oak urn etc. J. C. Whitty & Co. NEW BERN CARRIAGE SHOPS I am still at my old place in Church Alley where I am prepared to build Carta, Wagons, Buggies aad Carriages or do any kind of repairs on them, My work is all guaranteed, J. G, Robin Church Alley. SHREDDED wheat, corned Oat Flak) ami Toasted Cora Flakes, Evaporated Peaches, Apricots and Prunes on! icef Irish and Sweet Potatoes at Hudson Co's. ' . LET the Baker do the work Hetobver willing to do it Phone yout order t Kafer's Bakery. i" .. ' " 5 or 6 doses ."668" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 26?. IF YOU want to boy Household gooda bn easy payments, be sure yon catch our agents as they go around taking at- derftl De Soto Novelty Supply Co. ICE CREAM delivered t:any part at , the city for 86 cento aquatt. Mci SAND furnished parties desirlnaraabd foir building . or Miner purposes applto Broaddut Ives. ' RUBBER STAMPS Made to ordeon - short notice. r Rubber Type,. Dates, -. Pads Ink etc. In aeock.-Patronk home industry. DONT aend your order out of town.-William T.t HilL 81 Middle St Phone 268. 't-i : Xt W t's 53 South Front atreet;. Gantiemen's A.viothes cleaiied, repaired andf pressed .tdies tfclrta pressed, a specialty ', ? -EGISIIITS fACTORI T CLASK9 Tt'-Caa tamiahorcA Colmaa, Colon- -tI ;8tyla, made -of . rtd-haart cnn-sa: ' t'-.-r UoakUnK. Breckata. Prratha.' 8asa.' X'' .j-floii.Wln-eurWorBiMaj J '8sWaVato'aAiaBwrf Co'a J- itwUtora. Orders left Jtberaare addreaaed - ,;to the niwlersigied promptly fllWKJ. M ; v Jtegiator Clarke, N. C tr ; ' Asthma to writ us for free sample el 'S-;;ci,He8avo; crs co.; ? Bern, R CL. CTER state r:::i i Will Begin IU FallGesBion '1 1510.; . ';U A'' rocg Xac?(.y hai baea ancured ' '..'.mtor" ,-c.ta are tiifllcnt for a yoodonen. ' Terms very kw..! Any h .' f..r! " n (' ' ', kr W 3 Chadwick, of Bfaafort, waa ta theeity yet terday, hitti F JarrU tu gone to New York to.atfand to tome coainesa nmiers..-.- MrS W Ferrabee, 6T Stone wall, was aongthaTUltora to th ctty'yseter I Dr John M FaJsoVotFaiab wa among the Mteito tl iry yea terday,-;?,'.:; t' ti lUaaea Wtoooaand Sadie. Nelson, f Morehead atyate visiting fnenda to Mr J H Hunter, of Havelock, upent yesterday la the city Attending to' soma bus in eaa matters, Rar.' Mr, Mar f eld has returned to the eft after. several weeks . absence in New York and Baltimore.' ? . "r .... Dr & 0 V Jonea left yesterday for a visit at Wilmington, ! where he will be thegtfSet of Capt. Crisp Miaa Mamie Warrington, who has been visiting relatives in Delaware for th past few weeks, has returned home. Miss Mabel Chadwick left yesterday morning for Beaufort, where sheiwill visit her parents, Mr and Mr W S ChadwiclU' Miaa Gladys Harrington returned yes terday morning from -Pamlico county, where she has been viBiting relatives and friends: " Mr L 8 Eonett, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Carteret county passed through the city yesterday on his way to Chapel HilL ' Mrs H R Hoggins, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lessie, left yester daymorning for Wilson to visit her son. Mr. Willie M. Huggins. Mr F A Lupton, of Pamlico county, nephew of policeman Lupton, of this city, paaaed through the city yesterday on Ma way to Durham, where be win enter Trinity College. MrC E Wethington, of the firm of Wethlngton & Creech, returned yes terday morning from northern markets Urhera he has been during the past few days in the interest of that firm. Notice for Re-issue of A. & N. C. R. R. Co's. Stock. Notice is hereby given that applies tion will be made to the Directors. , of the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail Road Company for the re-issue of the following described stock, which has been lost or destroyed, to wit:- stand ing in the name of John S. McGowan, certificate No. 8537, ior 8 shares, cer tificate No. 8569, for 1 Bhare, also the following standing in the name of J. C. and F. S. McGowan, certificate No. 8622 for 1 share. JOBS S. McGOWAN. Borne High Cotton ' Seeing In the pjarket telegrams in Mondav's Reflector about the orice of August cotton reaching 20 dents Ton the New York exchange, whjcli waa atated to be the. highest level reached ' alnca the civil war-Mr D E House dropped in to teU. ua Of an instance m which this price wat ia- little more than trebled. Itwas in the year juat after the close of the war. that- his: father, the late Elder Dav VI House, had a lot of twenty odd balea at gin The cotton wa set dnare.by Vaiikeas, nut friendl aaved three bales aa4 hid tnem. - Elder Honae was told where the three bales were ML and he sold them' for j61enta t'a poojadSv In f)rder to make room for 6iif fattanii winter stwk. we arp deposing of our Screen Doors and . Window cree.ns 06s;.-; I i . ' -tMeltvand those who: eaue fh6v"fihone Jiff . . By order of the Craven County Oemr omtkf.EcuUve Committee andjnac. e9tdane4 with; lawnotice ia ; hereby given that siprimary election for ohoos' ing De mocratic nominees for eount of incea.: 'and r House ; pi Representarives wHltwheld'at the psual polling - places in Craven Couatyr Saturday, Septem- Jber rd,,J910!, from 6 (clock . .ni to 7 3,nia oinjpay or uigust Jiu. ri ,-0rmaii f theXraveh f o0 V Dem- L-N- .c,rati4'Execut)'Ya Como.to(S. L..fwLE u-I..EF.iJ f!,..Lr,v..3 AccOant North Carolina Cortfedorate Reunion at Norfolk, Va, Dats of Sale Sept 4, 5, onil 6th, final limit Sept 14, rates fram New Bern for round trip, 3.fii For further information apply to T H, Bennett ticket agent or, " . H C IIUDC1NS, X P A 4 , - W Vf Cr.OXTCIJ, A G P a -.: :Dy."!nt :jf Is a ' f'til 1;9 cti''" I. I (.' i- -11,,.' l-it There will be prayer meeting Itonght at Centenary church. Conducted by Rev I M Wright, of Bridgetoav .- s' .: KCapt Harker'a gaa boat arrived ,Jast night with about 5000 pounds mackerel trout and drum,;, caught in , Pamlico , , X." - - r S . The regular monthly : meeting of the ; Wat. V. wiU be hel.1 -Thursday af ternoon at 1 o'clock in the Preabvterian lecture room. ' A ful attendance, ts de- Ur. W - B Bfedea X houseboat the 'Comfort"- haa returned fromNags Head, where the family and number of guests have been er joying th ocean breexe since August 2nd. J ,' r' There- were only 'two eases tn .the docket In the. Police Court yesterday afternoon and as neither ot these were of any importance' but a short while waa consumed in the session. -H Cititens ftving et and near the corner of Broad -and Metcalf streets vare be coming very solicitous as to the belter drainage of that section. Thi entire corner is a veritable lake fet hours af tor every rain, -necespitatingt pedes triana walking nwly a block 'out of their way, besides endangering the health to all nearby citizens. . . The remains of Mrs. C Wilkjs, who died at Wayneaville, N. C, Ifaesday morning, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon on thu east bound train and were taken at once to Cantenary ctiurch where the last sad t ites were perform ed by Rev. J, M, Wrfght Th inter ment was made in Cedar Grove ceme tery. While playing in a pool of water on West street a few days ago the small son of an Asyrian who lives in that section of the city waa bitten by a lam prey eel and in consequence died a few hours later. The boy waa only three or four years of age and when the . poison from thtite of the eel began to take effect his suffering was indeed Horrible to behold, - DON'T GET BON DOWN Weak -and miserable. If von have Kidney- .or Bladder trouble! Dull head nains. Dizziness. Nervousness, Pains in the back, and feel tired All over, get. a package of) Mother GraytV AUSTRALIAN-LEAPj the- peasant herb cure. It never fails. We have many testimonials from grateful people who have used this wonderful xemedV. A a regulator it haa no equal. Ask for Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf at drug gists or sent by mail for 50 els. Sample KiJS. Aaareaa,-Tne aiotner uray uo Lienoy, r. x. -f - 5 Should Cither Sent Telephone or Leave Other Alone. During the past few weeks, and ea pecially during the past few days Ahe writer has heard a number of telephone subscribers any that if it was not nec essary for. them, to havs a telephone., Tthejr would have it taken- out, as they Were being continually harraased by neighhort dropping in to use the Instru- mdnt:. TheialeDhone -ii a netisasarv adjunct vtc, the businees femiao vbiit when it ia naed bv some 1ve-al(!k Ro-j meo to s sweet nothtags to,tl(e fair J pliet:. and. when ' these conversations usual! f consume from 15 to 30 minutes it is enough to cause, even ihfi most obliging to tear flfeir bair. v'T 1 it Another. famiDar method used 'by the "telephone fiend" ;-te jep into the, residenee of soma friend nqr.after ob uuing permission to use tea teiepnone the fotiowinff conversation takM olace. after it laiM'of a fewWdtea thirihT Bertt secured and the eonvelrsapMk: is contimiedV(l thafo you mind (topping across theatretttndJ aaklng Mr. fo and sh to me' to the phooe.? The poor." wearjittbicriber is then eomoelled- tottrudire'acfosa tM the next house and inform M aV ahA hlra at her telenhooei -This fhlntf Doubt-" 4yo wjimii uiiuij 4iuco . u upjr, iu one tmnkof : the mnvedeaj tliey plae upon'others' It i Well enoegh in UaHitluyif aw aava.M iumvjmii-V ine;v Cjn ease of an. emergency when anaifitance' muatheaecured nrinirUkd daa itut it Pegy desires "to talk ith' J'merldirie the best clan would be 't6 call in trson. A' pleasing, good,- high 'grade, I truly iiavorea, amner coiorea Tsupor Coffee can be had '-and without the real Coffee danger, oc damage W htfalthby y impH , J bati utef;Vr ;? W using Dr. Bhoop.s . new su called 'Health Coffee" Pure, ivhole- some.'toasted eerealit, malt nu(a' etd, make Dr. Shoop;s Health Coffee both healthful aud s&tiflfyitfg, No 20 io 80 minutes tedious boiling. "Mado in a minute' V-aaye Di Snoop; If rv,i(l fin mmuie-.vaaya u. co ee, lis taste wil pert; Sold by.-II will even tnrK arte' j, Armstrong....', . 1 Tn tit rrf-'iTin:i' IU ILL Ltl ..IIJ-UltL.3 Having been adviiied that report Is being circulated that I hav puljllrly dclurod tliat unless I receive a major ity f all vnf 's csst for st rri.T tt llic primary on V ;t 8rl, jbat I will t tire from theconteit rhJ not r k for a scr- ond priinnry, 1 1 tid report, ig ' . tion and t!nt If In a prnnj i'y a, k I r t. , ;. I tvi;r U-at r -j t - : "' " ! ! r i ii T to s' la i! -r!y wU' aiit f :'U-:J to j I j !' tl t :i i 1 - " 1 T 1 - It ;-BEWXRE"-j r of those that Jiave to travel V round searching TJ.aCaanBge; . Jt I they knew -their bnetneas they -r would not "have to . leave-, their h own homes, hunting business. Our Optical department ia the1; best in the city. '51. 0?Baxter t'. :" ' : . !- .Bi,-'J .: 1 4w -'..: ; OPTOMETRIST ' :We Quote you as Follows Regular Hams. 23 and 24c 1 lb. can Pork Sausage Meat 20c 21b. " Pickled Pigs Feet per lb. Sliced Hams Eng. Cured Shoulders Pure Lard Sugar 1 C. Phone 174 r 1WI IF" IT'S A TAKE IT TO DAVIS PHARMACY Jl J HENRY'S , Prescriptioiisf'. from . affj phrsiciaos, Quickly andAc ILurateIy filled. Alsb a fun Uorof Choice Toilet articled P PHOITB K''i?, &-C0. Ulada; frorrf pure " -Vm 'iirii;tcred.'w8trx7 ,-.av 1CBC0.: : l 21-23 Grlfllth 8t - Tbone 23 .41- - .Comparatively jnfj:i-. 1 hi nil " 35c III! 18c 15c 5c II TRDNfi . Middle St. HI PRESGR PIIOII Pharmacv JustReccived pnWin(f the qualify is r:;:y f i iovl 1, are liht Tl.:fS cU'litwi.s aro fa"y j rovi ' we rtfi-r., Vr, in pnrtJ'-ul.-.r im m few r : p. I I: k I: V. 1'or TU rUaa Will the Sweet Teas a fl".::3 this- fall:; .You're probably giving it some thought now. ; There a one .very ; important thing to remembes, T. 5TIEFF PIANOSC are of the very highest grade; the most papular in the South and are-'- " .: '-t SOLD DIRECT FROM THE .-. -w;'- MAKER, i ' ' fully guaranteed by a house with aa enviable record for more than 60 years.- . - s ' Yotf riot only secure the BEST: STRUMENT, but SAVE MON-. EY. Write for price Mat v .C f,l 5IIEFF - C 8TXELE, Mgr;":-";.;: 116 CbrMby Stmt Norfolk. 't.' '- ' (Mention this paper.) 0 facial Plane Jajnestown Expo. - TO OBTAIN Frozen 6 to 8 Degrees Harder Than Heretofore on Our Mar ket TRY Hie Peoples Ice Co's Ice. QUICK and POftTB SERVICE CORN MAY LEAD iOLthe crops of the country, but at ibis grocery it is only one of an Army Wf equally good things to eat, THERE ARE GROCERIES hfofeyery meal of the day and for be tween times, too. Whatever you feci like eating you can obtain here in qual ity unsurpassed, at prices unmatchable. i'We have some extra ! fine Apples and PeVa, Cabb&ge. Fox River Butter, Oat Heal and Mahogany: Blend Coffee. All guaranteed the Best . Srpaii Street Grocery k 15 .r4EW BERN. N. C El- NO-R'EAPY 6 Nrt nave openea" my Job Printing aiMTara aady1tb;. all .kinda of job "printlngt the joweat p.riees.'v. eKrw0fji5 . PROMPT r'ATTENTIOM "GIVEN' b.y.Lana.:&yo. Critnsaa Ci6ver,ya yetfeh; i&X - Xii Dalryeed tori .red Chicken Feed. ;, - Thcne ISi. '-2 i 4 to nearly till poi Vet books, . desia etij workma'hip ' In iVa jewelry towliich 'y I -Iced, extremely if I V u, I I ninn III rlAh in win iw 1! tra -vri .KOWFOR THE i-. mem The Cbainberpf CJommorce oreanizetJ the FAIR AS- SOCIATION last spring and .uaui. in luoBoiig iuc Lx-ueuienmai ceieoruion a success. V. The Chamber of Commerce in response to public de '. mand now calls jupod the business and professional men of New Bern to rally to the support of the Fair Association and make the Fair quick and going proposition. v The stock is selling at $25.00, which is in the reach of everyone. Subscriptions may be taken through the Com- mittee, or the undersigned. For further particulars call upon or address. w7g. BOYD, Sec. Chamber of Commerce ROOMS 321-322 x ELKS BUILDING FINE LOT Portsmouth Corned Mullets just received, nice and fat. Also fresh lot Fox River Print Butter 38c. YOURSrFOR CASH ONLY, J. L. McDaniel 75 Broad St. Phone - :r rr - ' 1 ' " flSffltmrKri-3iJXitfi ii i i in SJSJI IB III nm p - ' I sm - . sk a sail jjwiiii tj (k J'u 11 Special Attention Given livery and Baardinq Horses Stables 103 east front street, near neuse river bridge. STAND BY US i Tell us wha you want and we will Supply you aijd if not satis fied return the' goods and get your MONEY BACK. We make this offer because we can please you and npre than his, we will pay your MONEY BACK for any reason 'and you .need net etc state the reason. 6. S. WATERS, ft. SOUS Has sinoe lSM siren Thoroufih Instruction Under poaitlrely Cbrtatleu Vinflpeocee at the lowest poaslble coat,"--;,.. .. . ' . . RESULTi It it to-day. with it faculty of 82, a boarding pataooage of 828, 5 foatudejtf llydaW, wditoplafll worth 1140,000 Z ' tTHR LEAftlW TRA1N1KO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA 'j1-? I15 pay all chftrgebTdr the year. Incfading table board, robin .Cghta, steasD -beat, laiindry, medioal a(tnUon,"physl(il culture, and tuitlottlnalJsubJecU kiwrit mualn unit Alonitlnn -' VAr oatulnmn mnA nn1lnt(nn kUnk nAAreea ' V. . BLACKSTONITTEMALE iNSTrrUTlV Wackstoae, V, f I 8'' 'i?' ' as. cannon Jr.. lift rh'-ii'- .' 4" - J CClLfOECFr.:OLK:EL. I"EC'"""11 71TS? r- iiitwii v (oily ,' v. , The Stale's college foe' training In dustrial -worker, Courses in grlcul; ture. Horticulture, - Animal .Husbandry nd Dairying; in Ivil, JElectrlcul and Me"hnnlcal Engineering; In Cotton Mil ling and Dyeing; in Industrial. Chemis try; and bi Agricultural teaching. - Entrance examination ateach county cast on thvl'lth of July..: , 4 ' ', ' ;:.;".D. II. .HILL, rronldent, '" ' - West nn!(-:h, K c. ' I had to defer definite action to ib. 91 New Bern. N. C. II John L. Robinson (Formeily With J. A. Jones) Livery, Sales and Ex change Stables. ..At Buildinrmfr mmriofim 'rarhishes Fiehl-' Pj I is

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