iw.:...iY. eC a. Via i ' H 4 every ay In ths year ex- n..y. Journal buUoiag, PHONS NO. i'v; CBARLE9 U ITlVKJrt, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR - . SUBSOiUPTIOaT tATMl . '-' ! n Yar 1b tdTMM f4:W one year, aot U 4Taoa..,',..-i4 nthly Hy carrier ta the. elty --- Advertising nation. -v . rataa turaUhaO e e- Entered at. the Pwrtotfoa. New Bra I, Cu eaoond-elaae matter. c " " OFjfIAI. PAPTER OF' KBVTtoi9aUl AND CRAVE OOPKTT: .; ' ' New Bern,N. O. Septal 1,1910 JMMaaMMMiiawaaMa'awiaMaWMaiaiay " mad over the; ;iia3tioa pkfwpula- : tion, . whep "WgtilBg againsti f w 11 amber in a n&tfchborine City. A s:'-'Kew jBernians' discuss " Bt times, how many innabite-there may 'bein theirdty, :j&o.!Me,ip X tion here has qe'visr prdvofced y '' serious' discussions. But look at 1t from a materlaJi' soeial, industrial - of finandalHlfiew nere , numbers aronot important. "Wheth i r New Bern has 10,000 or 15,000 inhabitants is not a reason for.aoy . ,4"one living here,. But there are rea sons which if they can be. satisfac torily answered,-, will r make for a - i larger and continued growth, in population, whether the social, - business, and economic- conditions inajfe it superior to other places of .residence; whether its health' is . "what it should lie; whether its pro tectioa to life and property is am ple .whethe it is well governed t and its' laws well administered; , whether its taxes are levied equal v ly upon rich and poor, and wheth- et these taxes, wheat1 collected, are wiseiy spent, v' Answer these in the affirmative, :s and New Bern with 10,000 popu , la tion has the elements that will 'give it a much greater population ' i as the years pass. If these cannot , be affirmed, with 15,000 popula tion, there will be ' stagnation, v a standing still with every likelihood . of. going back in populatfon. Fam " v ifiest are shifting about seeking cit 1 ies where local conditions make for '.personal uplift, for. individual op ,, portunity, and theydo not ask v first, as to population, but to the social," educational, business, in dusCrtal, conditions. The quea- ? tion .of population is determined ti by the good . reasons for living ."'there, and these good reasons are -,i demanded if New Bern shall in '..crease in population, andihose ma , terial affairs that go along with .-population. 'Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A f 1 ' i I, , - in an . u 4 , i- I Ths newspaper LeLa-gigantle mirror ' r- la which the whole world oeeaefle - 4 Itr Joy and sorrow. Its amblUok - ana luflnenoe, 1U sooeess sag failure BEWARE .OF OINTMENTS FOR . - V CATARRH THAT CONTAIN - MERCURY. "as mercury will surely destroy the sense ' of smell and7 completely derange: the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Suchi articles , Should never be , used except on pre ' ecriptioasfrom reputable physicians, as " the damage they will, do is ten fold to the good you can possibly .derive from them, nan s uaturrn cure, manursc - - tured by F. JvCheaey ft Co Toledo, v v., contains no mercury,- ana as Kn ; interngllly' actina: directly upon the blopd and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, in noying Han sjUatann uure be , sure yea get tne genuioe. x is-taKeq - (flternally and made in Toledo. -- v . t 8old by-Druggist. Price, 75c, per : bottle.--,-. Tae Hall's Family Pills for eonttip- Wv-:.:: .....v.. ..u.-.... "c.j - Vou can wash 8: P. S; flat waU Pihish:withbut darha- mg your yixi fiuKmmi Cailicw'tv'Sa forcot- or cards. ; J. S. Basnigh.t Hdw Don't waste your mony buyint; plas ter when yon can get bottle of Cham-' licrlain's Liniment for twenty-five en. A piece of flannel dampened, with this 1 uiinent is superior to any. plaster lot lame back, pains IB the aidtt ancj chest, and much cheaper, bold py ail dealers. -?-r- " , "T man la the moon looks l:Ss :-.ll whn he'a fv'L Yja. bqutheeneailWAy to ; CINCINNATI; .OHIO.'. .. - Account Ohio Vailey Exposition, Cin- cflnatl, Ohio,; August 29th-September 24th; 1910 :th' Southern jRsllwuy an noiucea tha al of round trip tickets Aueaat 28th, tor Sept 24th, with fi nal return limit ten daysfrom ; dat of aala. from Raleigh $2a40, Goldaboro, ?23.40, Selma, J20.45, Durham, 120.49 i Auimst 24th, to September 24th with final return limit to reach the original tarting potntDot later thart Ssptem.- ber 29th, from Raleigh 6.90 Goldsbo- ro $27.95, Selma (26.98, BUrfianj 526.98. Rates will also' bo 1n feffect from - all other, Btationi, ';r .rFor in InformationM; to rullman accommodabonfl, ratea vacneaujea au drew tfe' underBigne(isi:f ill W. H. PARNELL, '' - j-'X; V. TMv.PaBAgtr; v' ' ,Raleigh,N. C,;3 j Better Attn Spanklngt! 'Spinking does! bot cure tWIdren m bed-wettfagSThere is ;a conatttntlon. al t(eauM''-Wtlih;,.'tron1I.'(-' Mra; M, guumera. Box, WNotre Daine. Inft, rwfll aehd free, any motherher; sue- Ceasrui noma ireatmem, wiui nui in fornutioiC. Send .no; moneyf but write her today If your children trouble yon. In this iway. Don't bfame' th? chd, th Chanc64ire itfint help It. Tils treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night . Notice ) Bids wanted lor forty cords Bplit pine wood for cCUnty home delivered. G. V. RICHARDSON. Com. Dov-er, N, C, . DON'T BREAK .DOWN. Severe strains cin the Vital organs; like strains on machinery, cause break downs. You can't over-tajr stomach, liver. kidnevB. bowels or nerves with out serious danger to yourseii. it you are weak or run-aown. or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matchless, tonic medicine. . Mrs. J.. E Van de Sande, of Kirkland, 111., writes 'That I did not break down, while ea- durinc a most severe strain. Tor three months, is due wholly to Electric Bit ters. Use them and enjoy neaitn and stren ffLO. oauaxaction poaiuveiy guar a ti ra a-1 .m j.; 1 - ... teed. - 5Uc. at aij druggists. 1 In order to make room for our fall and winter stock we are disposing of our Screen Doors and Window Screens at cost. J. S. Basmgh't,'Hdw. Co. THE LASH.OF A J-1END would have been about as welcome to A. Cooper of Osweco. N. Y.. as a mer ciless , lung-racking cough that . defied all remedies for years. "It was roost irouDiesomeamignt, newnies, nocn ingJtelped me till I uued Dr. King's New Discovery which cured me completely. I never cough at night now." .Millions know its matchless merit for stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore lungs, la- grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whooping cough, or bayfever. it re lieves quickly and never fails to satisfy, A trial convinces. 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. If s positively guaranteed by all druggissts. " JTOTICE. The School Committee of Ninth Town ship will meet at Jasper Friday, Sept. Mitt m muv'V viwa. vuifl. jucvvmn aa for the appointing of teachers for pub' lie schools in this district, ten to be ap pointed, Hve white and five colored, Candidates fpjUeachers will please send in tbenr applications. ' j ;t r, 11 W CARMAN, , . A E WAD3WORTH,, OHWETHINGTON V ". tv'.-'"-''". Committer, SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Foley's Honey and Tar is a af and effective medicine for ' children as s it A w..: 1 ii 1 J.-l auea not uoiiutm opintea or narmiui drugs.: -Get only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar m the. yellow package. uavis roarmacy.i. ; -v,v;;., 0U8 : UITER ? .7 . . ,to oar many irtenas and patrona, v. , ..".We adopt this1 method of extending our thank for "your Jiberal patronage through the1 past .Spring; and Summer season, and we earnestly 'solicit a con tinuance, of the same ' A- I Our fall and winter Hnrf;of g6ods it row ready for" inspection composed of all the laWst fabrics of the best for eign and domestic toaZ$$ts? We gusrenfeeall work to bis tip io the best American 'tailoring. ;y '.t-S- f1 We have had some thirty , years ft perl once. We. make .suits, trousers and overcoats to yout measure and there is no blind tailoring in it , You $n see your clothes in the making and mrve a chance to try on before finished. ; We make any style you want- We give you every tl.in up to date and save y ui from )0 to 13 nr cnt,- be your own j i ' 9 and you will gave by it ,otk dwne at nhort notice. Ordr quit one Jiy ami gt it the next' Q.dcr , in' in tUe moraing and gt th m at r,', ,'.t Thanking you In advance for CorwiJisra'ion. 1 ' .' -Vf'. ", ; Ret-p-jctfully yours, -' - ' V'.- R- SAWYER, ' ' ' r.i South Tfont r.t, -Itl3 Frea II It Tollr. WniToadoanaetef HumniiiryL ' '. Viil von U U torn lick trie-jd ot 81U. tat iell him or her, that jto ls5v Utuod of a mediciae ioourain tot ii naikr Sur mi to tie tic k, It U UolutiiiJ aiui uucuuiuuuiuif tncUitluli" ' ' ' -n vnn. doubt, alreiulr kUowolI. Bhoop'i Keortit bud in Bipuixr1tyj. - . - -. -For Mreui It has betu the Mattdard ran edy fc Siomaeh. Kiduer aud Umn aiiwouu every where In Aiueiv. f 1 When tha liwfcie or coubwiuj owtw ui then vital oivkm begin to fcU, It b Dr. Uhoop t Beitonuve tnat hmquk'i Tioua.aia thuiwll, ana Drougu uieas i hrlt tA hlLh aaaln. V. Darvee iu-i wsaui . f Aniwitdnaa tha Stomach, not tflnolata tba Heart or Kldneyafor that ii all vrous ' Br. Shoop't ReatoraUT toet diroct to tl COtW of th aUnnt tha tollirwS (altarln , Inside oronirolllnc nema. AM beraia .im ua kauototoinrauccea. : i . : '. - v Vhca them nefwa are atata inadj wen and ttrant.Uienthati tUe certain end 01 aU audi auikaesa. -; -n y- . " ' .Tome It U a treat aatunonon ,inai 1 u IheoW phjfcioUn able to ar to 0 auflerlns tick. "Tale my preacrlption tor frill M dayi. and U It bllo Vlp jou.i entire fexpenaa li ehanct on any other medicine: whom maker dean not bach if just ail do by . t Im turn a Rhnnmade Kemednd that (emedr U-tovered br (be aatoe toAiaeaT Mo . Besldea. ou are tree to ronroH Jnat yon wotud your home physician, nt auvio Ow book belt a ward or two from to win near c adtaaaeriota ailment. J haTehelped Uititwanaj worth jr our EimploreQtKt,' -' t ' flnMmaaMidTOBanordarat onea; TaJU tbemesmgetosomeiicklriecd. . "lA postal wiu onnwine cipputmuutj, . v T-min h.n an hraiM and tmgtwbnhrdrtia. cist to whom oq can,conveniaor to4or tna w 1 But flratfask me tor the order, folr all dna- etett are not authodasd Jive the S0a teat. DO w ri nitj uui wmi . '. nienibor that tomorrow never eomef. eVddreai u;. bdoov. mum iw ... WUcfe Soak SkaU t Sw4 Teat ' . JTo.l On Vf anopsia , Vo. 4 For Women No. 2pn the lioart no-ororMen - Mo. 1 OntheBKUttya . tnuuminwimanin Said By Bradhanrpru Co- CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST, . First Church of Christ Scientist, Sunddy service II a. m. and 8 p. m. , Subject-"Substance" Isaiah 26:4. Sunday, school at 12 r. 'J Wednesday evening testimoUy serv ijav,OiwvwtyWt. , ReadineRoom. which is in the church is open daily. ' " ' Ail are cordially welcomed. OhildrenTOry FOR FLETCHER'S ' CASTOR) A POPULARUBSIN To Norfolk and Virginia Beach Thursday, Sept 15th, via Nor folk Southern By. Very Cheap Bates From Raleieh. Wilson. Greenville, Wash ington, Belhaven. Columbia, Oriental, Beaufort and Morhead City. GOING. Tickets sold for all regular morning trains, Sept 15th. RETURNING. Good to leave Norfolk on ny regular train, Sept 17th. ' V FOLLOW THfiCROtyD See the splendid Battle Ship Ffcet nowj engaged in target practice off Virginia 1 . - . 1 Beach. . " ' Get complete information from uear est ticket agent . . W. W. CROXTON. G. P. A ; Norfolk, Va It's a pfty when sick "ones drug the stonach or stimulate the Heart'&nd Kid neys. tnat is ail wrong 1 a weas; oiora ach: means weak Stomach nerves al wava. And this is also true of the Heart and Kirlneva. The weak nerves' are in stead crying out for help. This explains WhyOMV snoop SKestorative is prompt ly helping Stomach, Heart and ,&idney ailments. . The Restorative reaches out for the actual cause of these ailments tthe failirfg ''inside nerves.": Anyway bestow vvaurcibiTc w uuuib. - ttvai cure so soon as that' but vou wilt sure- know that help is coming. gold by radbam Drug We are showinc: thisbeelc Hali:Rurinersand;LRugfa' low.iiguries iq ciqse out. t- i--rWHE.N-MER1TWIN3 t.f:&& When the medicine you' take -cures your aisease. tones op. your ajaiem auu makes vou' feel better Stronbr-and more - vigorous than before.. .That Is , what Foley Kidney Pills do 'for tyoa. in all cases of backache, headache, ner vousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness that la ca lined by any disorder 01 tne Kidneys or maauer. Uayis t4armaey.f;.:f-.-M v&r$,"5: & rP r T' 1 P if ' iff THE IrJPCHEB j. ' ejaBaaa-BBBaaaaa ' " ' B, . . ,1 ,1,.', . :. ,,r,m DuriiH. it aiiBva ine pain elug advised that a report.is be'r)K.glnl08t in8tantiy, and u,l)(,Ba h, inj,iry circulated throughout the county thatl (ja H Severe one, h-als the parts without have stated that my defeat at the pri-. living a near . ThsS4lvig alno un- m'ary held on' the 3rd was due in, great equaled for chipp-d han, sore nip- part, Biddle and that he knifed me It the polls. I hereby beg t say that 1 made no such statement and denounre the re port wiuiout foundation and infamous ly false. , .. s'v T 1 " -Rcnijeclfully, , "- - ' V. S. i;"VUL. It Waa Vary Cong Cna, tut It. Took ' . " Only a Fe Mfnutes.' Dreams are curious tbings"-! re- Biarked the amateur - psycholos.'Ut Time does not seem, to enter -Into their composition at all. For lustance. the .oilier day I was. sitting on the porch of hotel with a friend of mUe smoking after lunch, ' Itwaa drow sy day, and conversatlonlagBed. Pres ently J saw my friend sod ding in his chair.- Ha had duxd off, holding bis highted lgar In ' his, left hand,' which was folded -over ms ngni. r us len baud relexed, and the end of the cigar came. In gentle contact with the right hand, Inflicting xllght bum. o ' The devil It won'tt excUilmea-y- friend, waking with a start- ? v, - The sentence aouoneo so- incongru ous that I burst out laughing.- 'Won't wuatF 1 asKeo.-" ,- n - How long have ' been asleep IfTie asked. 4 " 'Not more, than couple of min utes, I replied. ' , " - - ' T 'It doesn't seem possible,'-be said. During that time 1 bad a dream thai. pretty nearly - took -me around the world. - I bailed for Seutbampion, did England, France,; Switzerland and part of Italy. then through the orient to India:; ;. It was la inula that I be came much Interested In one-Of the native nake charmers. JHe had. the snakes "crawling all over him and of fered me one. to fondhi ; I told bim' I was afraid if would bite mev He sujted me. that it wouldn't,, and I took the reptile in jny naniLit promptly fastened its fangs in. me.? I said," "Ihe deil It won't!" and dropped it, and then rwoke up.' V ... "I exRlained the episode of the light ed cigar concluded-tbe amateur psy chologist, "and we both laughed." New York Sun. ' Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A TAX' SALE By virtue of the tax liBt of Bridgeton Craven county N. C, in my hapd sVor cpllection for the year 1909. and in de fault of the payment according to the provisions of f.be existing law, I have levied on. the land of the following name persons and will sell the same at the city hall in- Bridgeton Craven county at 12 o'clock noon Wednesday Sept 24 1910 to satisfy said taxes and costs of the same. Adams W A Barrington W A Barrington & Baxter Coward W C . Dowdy D W Thompson L G Wallace A B . 2 kits 1 ' 16 ' ' 8 4 ! 65 ' V 2 1 ' 4 ' W. R. HOPEWELL, City Tax Collector. THE GRATITUDE OF PEOPLE. ELDERLY Goes out to whatever helps give them aase, comfort and strength, rolev Kidney Pills cure kidoev and bladder disease promptly, and give comfort ard relies to elderly people. Javts fhar macy. "" STATE OF rDRTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certificate of Dissolution. To all to whom these- presents may come Greeting; ,. v . Whereas, It appeara to my satisfsc tion,. by ddly authen,ticated record f the proceedings for tha voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous eon- sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, ' that the Burrus A Gray Company, a eorporatioD'.of this State, whose princinal office is aitusttd at No, vVz-T-rStreet Inrthe eity ofNew Bra 1 county of Craven State' of North Carolina. C Felk ' Harvey being the agentxthereln and ia. charge thereof, upou whom process may he'aeryed, has complied- with . the .:reqalremenb) v of chapter revisaj df 190bVri entitled, ''Corpprationa,'.'. preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate otDitsolulion; SNow Therefore, I, JBry an Grimes, Secretary f . State of 4he SUte of North Carolie do hereby certify that the said corporetioa did, on the 2od-dsy of epf. 1910, . file in my office a duly executed and attested consent - n writ tog to the dissolution. of sald corporat ion, executed by all -the stockholders thereof, which said consent , and the record of the proceedings - aforesaid are now on file in my said offlces: provid ed by -lw.'7;..,;:w -v;,-. In Testimony Whereof, I hare here to set my hand and affixed my official seavat Raleigh. ',.?.?: ; This 2nd. dsy of Sept' A.. ID. "iftldt Secretary of Stilte. BEST TREATMENT JFOR A BURN. If for ho other rrnnnn. Chamhprlnln'i SalvS should' be kept in every houne hold on account of its (rteH. value in the cents. For sale by all tl 13. . Hi Opinion. The liear Glil-l am really ii it ' 'i ti to lienr .V'oli ndvnnee tbe pro!--- '.'.-a thin 11 child uliiui! 1 nut le corroi.-! 1 m the iri'eii e of kIi'hh 'Vrs. The Piiviiire r,.n-lielor-lie xhoii'd 1 1 he life Di'i il It iclll'l- 1 1' he h if -IfilU id uevi tlm he 1 i t 'n V, l.y. . .,'... , . ... .- - . . , - t . ' . .-. -... . - , : ... ..... .. . . ... -- - . ' " J j -? ?: ;' 1 SI 1 (II I pur Ladies' Tailoring Depa I Is at Your WE are pleased to announce that we have opened a ladies tailoring department. You can now have your clothes made-to-measure to suit yourtaste at prices that will fairly astonish you. They will be made in Chicago by the J American Ladies Tailoring Company . We have hundreds of the latest fabrics and alt the newest fashions on display. -Come and see us today. Made to Order take your measure njents together peculiar to your ngure,. Your garment will be man tailored in one of the finest shops in America under expert supervision. The finished garment will be ready promptly f or your try-on and inspection, then you can see how man-tailoring will bring out every lire and detail of your fig ure, then you can know the joys of wearing high qual ity tailor-made clothes. Satisfaction Assured fSrSt your figure and to accent your individuality, and you are certain of satisaction. Style, fit, fabric and tail oring are guaranteed by ourselves and the American Ladies Tailoring Company of Chicago. Our Fashion and Fabric Display Da not miss this Temirlf able exhibition of all thlatest styles and hundreds of new shades and patterns such as the best dressed womsn will wear. There is a style and fabric for you in this marvelous display. Such a - wealth of styles and fabrics has never been shown. THE TtST Iff MERIL New Bern People are Given Con , , viucing Proof. . No better test o( Ian article can be ubub uimu ww teat ua tune Mitr i ihb w particularly true of a kidney medicine. made than the test 0 time ana-ibis is Doan's Kidney Pjlls have stood 'this test and stood it well. What better proof of -the merits of this remedy could you-Remind,, than the statement of a New Bem reskLnt - who has been cured and has stayed cured? '' n r' Read the following: - ' ' CL P. Wling, 136 Middle street, New Bem, N.-Caeys:- , - - - "I eao recommend Doan'e Kidney Pills just as highly toda as I did 'sev eral years ago, after they cured me of i severe ?asa "of kidnejrt rouble. ?I auf fared eonstderably from backache and pains through' myloina, often haing io In such a condition thst I could;not U tend to my WOrkC Tbe'kidney secretions be?me very unnatural,; showing , that my kidneys were put of order.v Larn- ling of Doan'e Kidney Pi'lv.I procured box at- Bradham's pharmacy..-, They went directly; to the seat of my trouble and ! had not taken them long before J waa cured. During the years which have sinpaased, Ihavenefer had occasNp T to use a kidney remedy, aa my cure baar tiWamnt.. 5. been permanent.' t; ,.J;..V'i-f.-W'; For sale bjf'aU dealers. : Price 60 cent.. Fostr--Mllb(irat Co., riuffalo, Navf York, aole, agsnta for tbe United atatee,:'jyQS::fiv, Remember 1 the -asVno other. name Doaa's-nd f.v ''" The mad who has ao time for his rHsnds will ersntually Jlscover thatl h has so' friends for nla time. Not a minute should be lost whom a child shows symptoms of croup, Cham bfcrain'st'c !i k.-medy Riven as soon ss the c! II . nui. hourriP, or even af ter ti oc' f Cf" 1 appears, will pre ve!,t t:,e t k. 1 1 ly all dealors. ? t ' , but i t I t .u r 3 tr .9 "coppaf 9 fnt. Service fitter Startling Low Prices lZ our ladie's tailoring department you can get exclusive attention; get the the work of a skilled man tailor; get a garment made to your measure at reasonable prices. store will with all the details Suits Coats Skirts Dresses Capes These are the prices that we quote you for high art man-tailoring that insures satisfaction. Chadwick NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD BULLETIN.- The follpwing reduced rates will ap ply from New Bern, N. C, to the points mentioned. In addition to these poiote i . Summer Tounsts fares apply to Sum- I us? ivcDuio 111 uuszu tDixix:o oiiu Kjaif ada. . Atlani'lC City. N. J. National Encamp ment G, A. R. Pates sale Sept. 15tb, 19th, inc., rate via Goldsboio, $19. 80 via Norfolk $15.40, limit Sept. 20th, 1910. Atlantic CUV, N. J. American Street and Internrban Railway Association. Dates of sale Oct 6th, to 9th, inc.. lim it Oct.. 18th, rates via . Norfolk 16.40, viaGoldsboro,$ia80. Richmond, Va. The Grand Fountain of the United Order of True ..Reformers! Dates of sale Sept. 11 and 12th, final limit Sept. 22nd. tf aw W 60, via Nor folkr or GoldsDoround trip. . Krj0Xille, .Tenil. Appalachian Exposi tion,' tickets soliSepfcTO to Oct 12th,t nmii limn ucw loui, jare fio.ao, uct- eU sold. Sept, 15, 22, 29th and Oot 6th, limited to 8 days. Fare $10 4j), ' not good on parlor or sleeping cars. : H.C. riubtilSCw. W: CROXTpN, j : P. Sa.;;g.'P;a. A clever; popular Candy Cold Cure Tab- let called Preventice is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. lrf a few hours, Pi even tics are said to break any copj completely.. Ana reventics be-, ing sa safe and toothsome, are very fine ror children -No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Box 0 4825c.- Sold by Bradham Drug Co. - ' . . True Llbaraljty. . v-Mrte waa'.always ihougbt," said On cle EiluiD retlettlngly, "to be one of the charltu blest' men In the whole 'town, and I 'guess be was. He always owued a plug hat, for one thing, and I never knew, him to refuse to lend It to anybody." ;'..' . ; , .. rtment $13.50 and Up. 10.00 5.50 " 12.00 " 7.50 Merchant Tailor 103 MIDDLE ST. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedulefffective Aug. 15. 1910 Trains Arriving and Departing From New Bern, N. C. Ar. 9:00 a m Daily From Oriental. 9 JO " " " Beaufort. "9:16 Gohisboro. 11:35 " ' except Sunday from Raleigh. 3:3Vp m Daily except Sunday from Oriental. 4:35 p ra Daily from Norfolk. 6:30 Golduboro. 6:35 Beaufort. Lv. 9:15 a m Daily For Goldsboro. 9:25 'Norfolk. 9:26 " Beaufort 9:50 " "except Sunday for Oriental. 1:45 p m Daily except Sunday for Raleigh. . 6:83 p m Daily For Beaufort 6:80 " " " Goldsboro. 7:00 " " " Oriental. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. W. W. CROXTON, A. G. P. A. Notes falling due on Sunday, or on a legal, holiday, must .be paid the i- ravtouk. THE. NOATHJ C 4R0LI U . i ' COLLEGE OF .SBICULTUBE !D IKECKCtmSilt ,Ai:r'.i Thi State' college 1 Vlfortraininjr ln- dustrJfcl workers, v Courses in Asriicul- T mre, nurunuiuini, Auiiuai. nuauanary; i; :?,x.t-( and Dairying; In Civl Klectrical ; ling and Dyeing;in IndustrlaJ Chemis- Ui .f- try; and in Agricultural teaching. - Entrance examinations at each county :$'B$ seat on' the X4th of July. '.' Jiv ;D. H.'HItlV President West Raleigh, R'.CJ. V; It T.' -r