..... . .1 ' : Legal Notices eeeeeoeeeeeetaaeee v . M 1 i . . v . F.-iffss!:::.'!. ess lit V i ' 'I Al COUOLJ FhK CiNT. IVomotesDitfestionlltfifat ncss and RratContains neiihr OpiunuMorphine norMioetiLi KOT NARCOTIC, " ' JktUkUb- 1 J- Apetfect Remedy forCmsflt1 t ion, sour sujn(Uiuiau Worms jL'onvmsioiisjevenst ness awlLOSSorauJ-r- NEW iDkK. Exact Copy of Wrppar.?yi BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 a -uiiiiiiuBWBB .......... u u u M U. MM U TBI KsaHil SCIOOL, IiWtIIK R. C.,.kM pml (a to U w fcc I1T TURS. Italh' looto m.th. Abulia IhtMa. I Bita f ttf. OrmlnHw BIUTA1T toe BUOIPLUiL 90HTBOL J CAKRUOt - on miM twttwllwH o wotlw. TMM bn WJ wkadlmnrat Butag bMtritlf miaM. . . - 4 . ' .MmiOaLa.wmaui,fcpt.. aicit. Physicians iAdvis the use of a goodlarfative, to-keep the bowels' open aM prevent the polsonso) wtdDgesWd food from gettfnglnto youi system. , '--, v . The latest product of science is VELVO Uxdtlve Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, geni, reUable end of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on Ihe Uver, as well as on Of ; stomach and bowels, and Isxrf the greatest possible efficacy "id coostlpaOon, indigestioo, I - ; biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, coBc.fiatulence, etc. -try mm mm aaHMMM nn TRIMTiY COLLEGE ;'i Five- Departments Collegiatq, Graduate, Engineering, Law and Education. JLarge library facilU, ties. Well-equipped laboratories .: in' all departments of. science.; Gymnasium famished' with best apparaljis.'' . Expenses very.mooY .erate. jkii tot worthy atudenterl- - iniflwiid 'lwWIgatilth ' irtr;MMjW; offer'-? tl 'i ky trr ha; Oeparlmant i For, cabibgup and, further infor-" I''i:- mation address. - ; ; ; ,,DUEHAM,XN.,C, NOW READY . I hayeopened my Job Mntirtg planj; "at- 8o43. Middl iireeV and afn (ready to 'do. 'all kinds ,of job yrintlng at the lowest prices. Newtoclc,- iirtistic" work. .-- rikjv PROMfT 'JtTrENTIOJI v'.v'.i: '-a i hDnros 1 ELand&Cb;: 139 Middle StV1 Klew Bern, N. Ik vwaW ; II v.mhuI I!vf tf woman may not b hand -trt tut every woman should v '. car the good points a a given her, Uo woman : ve ta'.-ow akin, !U eye i y cor.- n t her 9 )i 3 r c . .'W-S r -;i r ' ir i r- 1 r I it Tj . i ft p " ,;v ""V ? Beara.the y". Signature: Vy J fJ)r 111 u For Dvor Thirty Years tut nram wniT. mw wm otTt. VP1 POPjlUB JFXGURSIOIT , To Norfolk and Virginia Beach Tuursdvy,8ept. 15th, via Nor folk Southern By. Vefy .-i ;hpap Rtes From ' vV , Pajeigh, Wilson, Greenville, Wash ington.-Belhaven, Columbia, Oriental, Beaufort and Morehead City. " , . .GOING. . . TjckeU sold for all; regular "morning tr&itie, eept. ioULo r. innTn riir a. -Gbod to ieiCve Norfolk 'ri toy Miliar raW,pe.7.'i.;3a; the'splendid Batlre Ship Fleet how engaged In target pttfee; on;Yli'ginIa Beachi-ft;;.,,';;?? Get complete information from uear-, est ticket aivt.v.v;'.;:-Vr-, :.t-. :5c v -(, r w. CROXTOtf . G. P. A. ' ;::;; .tiy.-. Norfolk, Va. . . . r If OR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A Arthirr; had, liu ; wrtindly vpanked ud a-W. tHiv Half nn Tour afiw Juki like I'm Htitlittt off a mustard plat- .tr.'w- WaulniHoiMtarv -z: J- . nrnnu WtfitftYMt mKfA Sp" - S' i Jwhoit the -niediclne you . take cum yoar oiseate. tones op your system and makes you feel 'belter atromrer and more vigorous than before..-. That i what FoUyNiiidnev Pills do for v you. In all cae of 'backache.- headache. ar. vouaneas,Hos of apefetite, sleeplessnert and ft 'moral weakness that is caused by any disoraer ot the klaoi-yi or bladder, vavia, rnarmacy, TRUE COURAGE. True courage has so Utile to 'do, with anger that there always Get the strongest suspicion against k where tlus patuon ijlngliert. True -Courage t cool and calm. , ihe bravett of men have Ihe least bul lying insolence and in the very time of danger are found die most se rene, pleasant and free. Raye, we know, can make a coward forget himvlf end fight. I' at what, is done in (ury or angct can never be ( !. ed to the account of courage. V..!- bury. UP LAXATIVE iivF.n SYRUP mm m ; mm m m hls . liiolher; turn :;b '(eojblo .'bow 'be; wh'h fWMoj'&SSi fro n b b. n. tj 7 p. m.' i.-r t:.eK e o'r c' i lor f .. T, arJ ! ..... - - - J managers: .. .... FOR MAPLE CYPRESS. , ' - J J Dixon, E F Adams, G S Dixon. V -., VaNCEBORO. ' W T Leucasttr, N B I pock, W B Ad- ami , " . y ' TRUITTS. ' N T FulehfT,J A Evermgtw, ' J A '.-" Thomat. BRIDGETON. , - SW Brooks, J U Tingle, St3 Dunham, TAYLOR'S STORK. " inf"- ' J -8 Morton,' Claud Taykr..C C 8ell, f?4l Aws fabm,":N J B Hunter, J B Williams, Ti E Hey- H C Wood, lililctr, Alex Hrdior. - ' ",f FIRST WARD. , & R Hill, J- ,3 Hiir, M,l Jteobft, , " tOND WARD.' , Georga MeuOith, ' Q Kfitncok, M t ' 'tDiowy. - y ' 'S ; .THlRlJ WARD. "-.''' G L Clark Harry B, Moor, J D McCoy FOURTH WARD. CfcGatlin, J 6 Brinson, lC femltn. r BURN PRECINCT, R J Diaosway, J H Stanley, J W Dowdy' FORT BARNWELL. p H L Arnold; G L Moore, Geo F Pearee. DOVER. , T W. B H Bltnford, P T Nobles, D B Parrott ' r' COVE CITY, ; John L Ipock, W E Jonet, S E EwelJ. JASPER. ' 0 H Parry, W C Davis, J E Wether- ingtoo. - Guifow ' M M Shute, J E Wilcox, B B Scott. PLEASANT HILL. J B, French, Danie( Lane, W T Ci viels TISDALE3.. . y. W H Bray, 0 D Uwwf W F Croakett. It was moved and carried that the ex ecutive committee meet at 12 o'clock M. SaturdayStpt. 17, 1910, for thepur-j pose of canvasslog the returns from said-primary election and the managers are requested to file the returns before that hour. . On motion the committee adjourned. S. H. LANE, T Chairman. A clever, popular" Candy Cold Cure Tab let called Preventics is beingdlspensed by druggists everywhere. . In a few hours, Vie ventics are said to break any co(d completely. And Preventics be ing sa sale anq toouisome, are very nne ror children No Quinine, no laxative. nothing harsh nor sickening. Box of l8-25c. -sold by Bracujam UrugtJo. - " ' .' "i". ;'-! '-g , A Uok .ef prde. .. . 1 In . compKrisoa '"With, the English tongue forehtn tonguee seem 'fierslrao nionr in sbrue ways of expression and wasteful 10 rtbers.. ..i,;cTj-i For tasUnce, It la ' impossible, to "kick"; a nuta, jit French. Tou must give htm m "blow with the foot. .The Portuguese do not "wlnVat oue' 'They "close and pen the eear-.;J,. ; In. (he languages of the American Indians there lsuo word with' which to We. the (dtwfMltnpa: nape oeraqse idt toea or propeny is so vague. . it Is related of one of the early missionaries that In attempting to translate th Bible into. Algonquin he ceqld And. wi worcj. to express J'love' au was compelled 'tenyent lt?. .'y;;, lfeaW'-lewQa : Knlckef-iAYnar 1 neuient s state or salad? .Boi-kerHe tmsn't anyv lt'e a tTHtwKrw.:Tott--Mait THE v GRATITUDE OFvELDERtl SE0PLE.&-)'?, Goes out to whatever help's give them ease, comfort-and atrengtbV Foley Kidney Pills cure kidney, and bladder disease promptly,- Ind give comfort and teiies . to eweriy people. -riiavis roar mart. !'; Didn't Waltrthe Attsek. ft 4iUhiirii'durlii jj royot reception Hiie' mrs sk a uuoiEer of - English adle lit their aiirlety to see ever"-iblng- preitspd wllli aut-tt force against be Soldiers ho "were keeplog the tliiej tlunr the ldlre' were forred'vto five way;aiiii ltenerally Wore, as p lleemen aayr Mhluderedin I he execu tion fot their Outy.'..'fl'he officer.;; lu coiuiuaud. obiterTlng the state of af- Mire."; called ; out; ,"Oue . roll " of the Ulniml- If they dou't stand back kiss Ibein alir After abe nrst sound of Ihe drum the Indies took to flight : If they hud liven French," said a iTtrlHlun JimrnuX .they, would have remained ti n Wonmii.", . "Can be dppnded opon" is an ex- PregBion we ail hke to hexr, end v. hen it Is ud in connection v ' h ('l amhrr lain a Colic, Lhiilura and Uiun -dors rem edy It mtars il t it never fails t.i cure liarrhoea, dyn iitery or bowi I ri ' i plaint i. It la plcar1t to ti.V e li--1 ly vNluiilile fur cli.kheo and s .uU.i. . by ail cLalera, - ' Rather. Tbe subl'dned Itoia e Kmirb newHpjjier: -"'1 : 1 was fmm 1 lo n..s.-rt '-!"( tl-ii bfi'iy of a I'll n;c!.a it i - t'ed W!a 0I ,l s u f cru e f ...c.s J kindness aieys aseoci ::i:Lui bet- a tu bo siuit a Ciir&de, no tton.aa null li'nuat wLat tba re garj n a i j.ur 1 necr. 'J t'.ere is no woman who wuld not . y It Ins (rum ti rtuirinf period oi fiata. JBj. fjerce'M Favorite Prescription jnies' , weak women ttroal and tick wooota ' well, svd &lve thtra freedom tram taia, " . . It establish molarity, tutduea talim ' ; matUa, Aeas laceration and curat iam z : soaie wcaioess. ' Sick wonsea are InviledVto comult Dr. frt.- All cerrmpoadence strictly privite-na aacredl confidential. " Write without fear and without W to World's Diipeaaarr ModV ' teal Aaaocietioa, n..v, rierce, ra. ia, rreiiaet, busaio, ri X - V , If yon want book that telle all about womjui's dueaaea, aad bow to ewre ' theta at hfaie, seed 21 one-cent lUmpi to lit. Pierm to pay Coat oil aaailiag fly, and he will send you frt copy of hia great thousand-pafe Ulnatratad -Common Sense Medioal Ail viser revised, np-t-datr wlitioa, ia paper sot era, ' la bandtoriie cloth-bindiog, 31 atamps...- , ' . -- - : - -United States PoA Office" ' . ' r By direction of the pout office depart ment, the attention of. patrons of this office la Invited to he'advahtagea "of providing faicilities for the receipted toeir;maiij py erecting conveniently accessible boxes . of -cutting suitable slots in their djom,: Suc action would enable the postmaaler to. give a promp ter, and better delivery service with the means' at ' his disposal, ' since the ear-' rigrs csneover mucn more territory in less time if hot compelled to wait for a answer to their ring, Private recep tacles lor mail are also a grttat ' con- venieuce to the householder, obviating the necessity 'of responding to the car. tier's call at inconvenient moments and permitting the sate delivery of mail in ths absence of members of the.-, house-. hold. They also prevent .the occasional necessity of a carrier's proceeding on his route , without delivering mail be cause of failure to 'answer; his ting within a reasonable time, and enable him to make deliveries to patrons Jiv- iog on ''pp near tjie end of the route at an earlier hour; 'It has been shown by actual experi ence that the benefits derived by , pat foris of city delivery from .the use of such receptacles far, outweigh the small expense involved. As this office is interested in furnishing the. best pos sible service at the least expense, your (compliance with the fqregoing' sugges- willbe much appreciated, r, Respectfully, ' - JESSE S. BASNIGBT Postmaster. Note. Neither the postmifsjfir- nor any of bis subordinates' authorized to act aB agent for boxes. Children Cry MTR FLETCHER'S C'ASTORI A , , Ella Her face speaks for. ItseU. Stella Ves; and It is pretty olain talk -Chicago News.' , . .-. THE TISTf HEBli; New Bero People are Giveti Con - Vidciog Proof. ' jHq better tesjt of an article can b made than the test of time and t his is particularly true of a kidney medicine. Dean's Kidney Pill have ' stood' this .tewijl pt.voio vtt )-;WeIp."'.,W.nat 'Mtfm proof ef ; the 'imeritsief this emedy could-yoiKd-jmandthan i the statement of New Bernesidt nt .who' has been cured and has aiyatlnied?.;;-.-s Reidtlie follpwlngj;; v-V-" I CP, PartHng,;136 Middle afreet. New ; Bern, N, C ! esysi ?;s-' $ ac; f'l Can recommend Doan'e' Kidnev PiUsJust aa highly todsy .Ju f did T sevr eral years ago, after they .cured me of a severe case of kidney, trouble. ) eur fered considerably from backache and nalna' thrmiaH mv Inins often" liftlno- In id fuch a condition that I Could not at tend to my work.vThe kidney secrsiions tecame very: unnatural, :showiagahat my kidneys were put of order, . Learn ing of Doan's Kidney FiUty I procured a bok at Bradham'ia v f haf mkcy.' ,;They went directly tcvtbe seaf bf.'ar? trouble and I had not taketrhem long before !. was cured. During the y ears whichhave since passed,' I have never bad occssfon -to use akidnoy rerqedy, as my.curejias tMsen permanent'"'T;y,.-'f: For ;.eale".'b71;-:idsaYere,Pfl 60 ce'F6ator-VMn New; York, sole SgenU fof tbs Unite states.:';', i, c Remember the ' name poaa's-md 'V t. --.-.-. i-V.--,...i-lw taae no ouer, . "vwu--.; vr WslWut'.Tre BcVders, Ttaiif iri'Vs iit'4ln.iMlierlauds'MHii. ally Uue dikes r Imrder Uues iustesd of behnf lu rtivliard foVm;V ii ' ;X';'' '' -' " '" :' 'C ''J; j? v.?. . jr'-''i:"'.' ' Your kidney ' trouble mJT be of long standing;' it rosy ba either acute or chronic, but whatever it is Foley's Kid ney Ramcdy will aid you to get rid of it quietly and reaioro your natural health inl vi('or. . -'One bottle of Fo iry's Kiiinf-y Remedv made tne well," said J. Sil.bull of Grand View, Wis. Commence taking it now, Davia rhal mcy, : ' '' Tbs BewsifSper is a g'.-int'o mirror la which the whole world sees r"j Ct rl lis J -y and sorrow, IU s" '.::: ti)f!.i- -.ce Ha niivMi and ?;!lurn 1 Pierc by Ur, . iv -- - i kstoxviijLB, :". tens,' yebt : LOW EOTJND TfEIPBATES 7 VIA SOUTHERN K - RAILWAY, .Account the above occasion the South-j cru Aauwajr euiiiwuuicva Hn nn umj cheap round trip tickets to KnoxjrQle, Tennw and return as follows; J--fik j TicVeU on sale Sept 10th to Qctober l2thiciusive, with, (final returnNimit ten days ffom,but not including date b sale, Rate from Raleigh, 112.26,-Golds-boro,. $18.70 SelmallSisO, "Durham, $ll.4.o:iChhpe iHiji, ?U 46, Oxford, S1245, Burlington, $10.45. The above tickets are good In;; Pul man sleeping cars, also day coaches.. ' ' Will slso have on sale Sept. l&, 22, 29 and 'October 6th; witft final return limitight days from date of sale a round trip ticketfrom Raleigh of $8.26 ! GoMsboro, $9.25, Selma, fS.85, Durham $7.76, Burlington, f 7. 06, Oxford $8.40. These tickets will only be good in day coaches. -Rates from all other points , in same proportion as the above. For all information as to rates ached ules, Pullman accommodations etc ad dress the undersigned, W, B. PARNELL, Trav. Pass Agt Raleigh, N C Mrs. Jacob Wilmert, Lincoln, III, found her way back to perfect health. She writes:"'! suffered wUh kidney trouble and backache and my spoetite was very poor at times - A few week's afiro I not Foley Kidney Pills and trave them a fair trial. - They gave me great relief, so continued till now t am again in perfect health." Davis Pharmacy. V - Teaching a Parrot. Don't tt to teui-h Polly to talk un less shy bj iter feet I7 tame aud quite ronOdin. -' Begin on a one syllabled word without th" w "th" lb It; then let her pronounce ber hume. Repeat the word, you're trying to efach her endlessly : aud always' m exjtly-the same, tone of voice. If. as sometimes happens, Polly cno't be taught to talk repeat over and'over agatii a whistled a. catcall or anyVtbf. auusual eound. This will teach her to imitate, and s be amy from that go to repeating words ana sentences. ouourimifite. . Not a minute should be lost when i child shows evtnptoms -of croon. Cham' berlain's Cough Remedy Rijyen aasooO as the child becomee hoarse; or Svendf ter the erpupy cough appears, will pre vent the stuck, sola oy an aesiers. :,:- '"f Consoierioe Money.' :J',, ConsFlence money" lu Great Britain Bi$?emeAUi4 annually. Tne-nrst sunt noticed was boval arch 3a 17t0). when- 300 was car- Hedo jthfpuWr? at quenc oi a note n9;iveu vj- ujs jiuau eellorfeTbeHter'wrtblwubied;ui Imptored him. vhis aa honest man, to .conslderthe tnoneythe property J)f the nation eua to oe so. just as to appiy It to the use of the state in suca a toanner thai' the nation may net sntrer by 1U harlng been detained dud thus CASTOR I A A Tor InfanU and QaLitmLglg, T!"j IM Yp'i V""1 ffie P""M kd tiJ IbJ.l.ie Aikw ta"l "Hum V.a -jriff m . 1 L ' " Bears the eignatute of ?'''i."l-- -Tt w,tery wronr)vt0',iela Talse- hc.'liajd bin , onxbr ;H llttfe-lm-mlft; wTJougr bad t,'uutrlit iivoiiij ' ; i'JTbeo weVeliotb jpffiir nfiiuens,' ala't wenmtr'wl S "BotlrJ What do you IneanV'-tV: : yS.i y.ottrtoldr:Mra.C.aWttAf' terdny fl&t you hoped she'd raU-agalq, an' a(er she tvus gne you said you wished sbed never' pome, gsln,,,,; ;:;f.Tbe HobV'ln'the Pooke'' ;;V V The most dnnperons hole In any man's pocket Is always tbs one at the top. London Mall Don't waate your money bnylno; p'ss tera when you can p-ot aittl of Cham bnr' tin's Linim -t for twenty-five cts. A X of fianncl .':impcni:J with this l,ui,'n"iit is p;i" i i.'r to any phiater for lutiie I; and ruu k, t . q in t!i cii.u and cbhjt, c! , i r, Sold ty all dti&ly The Dston' I jobts.' ; "1 "lt ti r J ri'iK li ii Herman '1 't C I" l ii. i. vmi 1 the vtiloroil d'-.'scoi). "(HI t 1 lii.'ilioj no (' in! tit ' 1 i t'"I n I t' ease the -eonscieuce or; an nonest '''-v'-?" :V; : A'-; ADMINJSTRATION NOIICE. '- Esrias auaiasd as admlnistntsr of OrisHana r.WUlis dwasi,ihfs is to notify tlrvmri btuc cistms sssiost ssid aUti to pnunt the to ths usdenisasd oa w i it on Ami. Sat lStLertnis notice wiHbsslesM in barofVtsir peaons Makesdssaid estate wl s naalced to BMks apaMdiste pament, This tba 2nd ear ef Sept. ISIA, -. V i t , - . W. K, W4LLBC, '; . Ateiaiauatob. "3 notice' op sale: NoAk CareitnaZt:S.- --'. CntM CesWiv--;?i'rf5J. 'J ; By irtus ef tba power of ask saptalard uTtnat eertala ssorarsee deed Dade and. exetntaaVlqr D P. Stmt snd Jttlis 0. Stmt to N.T WUH fordaUel4tkday ofOctol) ISWand neord- e4ia the office of,th RtalstereC Deeds, of -Craven eotratjrta bouk MS, pes 8et sq . the nndet sljraed awrtansee w IB sell tor essh, to the Hthest bidder, at the eon-1 lioase door, la Jivw; Ben. CrsTen - eanty. V&. at the hoar of jhrelvee'ei k ILottMaodar U id day af Oito&pr.Jn,, Ihe lonowme; oesonoM nai estate, to-wit: . -One piece er panel f land adjotniaf tie laaof Charles H Dsocherty sad W A WUceasltustil ht Cravea ooanty. N. C. No. One toVrnship, and described ts fcDoira, teewttt Becinnlua at footef 70 gate, then with his Hse to Swift C.k. up and with Swift Creek to. WUlis rid, then with WUlii bridss road to Wtshlnrton road; and With Waahinatoa read to . the begianioe, "ootsinVia KOscres suae or Jmn, lteseulm and exeepUnft I from the speratioaaf this deed a sorttoo of ibe Omber oaths hnrOnds deseribsd is ssUedfr nvj U r street and wife to caroUna Pspsr pulp Co., rsoorded in the office tit the Register of Dsedsof Crarsn Co, jn tMk pace -. N. T. WHITFORD. Mortgases. This 2nd dsy of September 1910. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. North Carolina Craven Countr Having qualified as administratrix of the es tate of the late -W D Wallaeslsts of Craven hooanty North CaroUaa. this is to notify sil persons havir (rltims against the estate of the said deee-sed tq exhibit them to the undersign ed or her Attorn By. D. L. Ward, st New Bern' North Carolina, on or before the 3rd. day of October 11L or thia not tea will bs pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please maks immediate payment 8. 1. WILLIS. Administratrix. This Srd day of Septa odor, 1910. the United states of Ameri ca, eastern district of north carolina. WHEREAS, on the 29th day cf Ansast. 'S)10 Tbe Lske Dromntond Canal and Water Company a Corporation created under thslawsof Virginis Sled their libel in the District Court of the United States for the Eastera District of Norch CerJina against the Steamer Blanche her beats. Hackle, apparel and furniture, in a esnss of Coo- tract uvti ana suuni me. AND WHEREAS, by virtue of process in due form of law, to me directed, retnrnab e on the Mtb day of Sept 1910. I have seised and taken the aakt Steamer Blanche and have her in my custody. ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a District Court will b held In the United Sta'es Court Roost la the Cltv of New Bern, on the Utb day of Sept 1910,' for the trial of aaid premises and thV owner or owners and all persons who may haws or claim any interest are hereby cited to be and appear at tba; time and place aforesaid. to. shoW cause. If any they have, why a final deerat should ot pass as prayed. -:- - CLAUDIUS DOCKERY. - '-'t ''. . U.4.MarahaL ADMlNIbTRATION NOTICE. - bvWaaaiUedas sdmliiistrator of R It Brock iletsassd.i tlibt .fcc to" notify -mil persons baVins etanaa aaalnst ssl astete tar-present the same to the aodersigaed oskr before 8ejfc 1st; tl.r this nottea will bs pleaded in bare their recovery aUpWsaos indebted to said ta te nisae imajeaiau payment Tlita;thalday1 ASrast,190. ' , ' W atoUtratot-e 8.M Brosa daseaaeS. ENTRY NOTICE Nettb qsisiisa. :' -'SeGJ i. Joaaa Coaatf, . . '.. V '.' - , ",.V';.;::. ' .BntrrNo (tt Tost P Putssv, Register of Dssds and sa-oSJ. sk. Enttr-Taksr Is Jones CoaaWr Tbe padas-slswsd q Ptoy of eaiai .CoaatjM norw (jarenoa. eaters aaoj ma eauraa .sat. so folfewiite described pieee ar sparest el hunt,, a White Oak Township," Jones CoonWi Stapt of iKerth .Carolina, the aamb belna,eaaant and an. SPPNpiiatas mad. Bad aubjestto entry Sao. H-Ine-sad beisa- on the Berth side ef White jOes rh-er and East side . Blsok Swsmp Wtnates at s stake In the poblic road aaaa- tbo seloiedl 4 ehureh runniia north 7 E 110 poles, tbea votf- slog south is B 100 poles,, thou ruoaing ST. SV tOO poles, thea N. It W. 100 Bets, tht running liiV:rMaARe'.:ef DosdV and. eHoVnra tnr Taker fyJ:0iX. Pink ParnvTabfeto'-Pr. BhtaVtopi Hesdacbe, Womanly .-pains, any. pain, anywhere in 20 minutes sura.. Formu la on t s C'cV box. . Ask your drlv gilt yr docw t nmx tms iprmuia iv nne. SradbaiftLktfg Covx Why He Couldn't .WyVi: was a switcnmap in a smau town up state. w ben it came time to pay his boar bijl the' flrst week he complained that work-had "been scarce and he had not been 'able 'to sate enough.- . Bo bis " rundlady, not wltb'any' too good . grace, agreed , to wait '.; T',; .-, fr ',;--,- It was the same the neir week; snd the landlady. f" hoplnar, kept him. The third week ahe felt be hfd had every chunce. end '' was determined to get at least soiue of ber money, the stated ber request '' ... ."Well, I did fret some ; work this wee't." t admltted..'bnt It was r 't-Ij- f : ' 'use empty cars, and we don't r I. . ! tijipUi.s." south n West. U poles ts the Vfjpw.' ;'vnts ttuyAsf,'! p.TTOttNEYANJ) COUNSEL- If: LEH AT LAW Hughes' Building' Craven Street 'New ern; N.C. " , "; ' ".t -,. '-rv " i- T , f-J-r.-a i Practice in State and , Federal courts- Circuit Craven, Carteret, Jones . and Pamlico and wherever services are de- sired. O. H. OuIod. W. B. Ik Ouioo. ' MM fiUION ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where' service are required especially in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamllcoy State and Federal Courts. ..OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phons 193," Nsw Barn, N. C. 1. W. CARTER, 1 D. - . Practice Limited to Diseases of The' Eye, Ear, Hose and Throal WasHingfon, N. C. New Bern, N. C. New Berrj Office With Or. N. M. Cibbs, Elks Temp's NEW BERN HOURS WEDNESDAYS: 5 to 7 P. at. THURSDAYS: 9 A. M. to I P. M. K. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, ,- Plans, Specifications. 417 ECKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE - 31 Consulting Elngineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Barn, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. F. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward, j M. H. Allen, SIMONS. WARD S ALLEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A'i' LAW EW BERN. N. C Office Rooms. 4U1-2-3 Elks Building , Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir," Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, jn the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. .?. A. NUNN AHORNEV AT LAW Practice' in the counties "of Cravsiik, Cartel amlico Jones and OnsloSy ahd liirliie .State Supreme and Federal doubts; Office to.' I TslephMs BO Craven Strssl. Nsw Barn, N. C. i'.I , ttkiiiaSa! TS - sbUTitKSlf Bill ff II 8CHIDDLBI ki.N.,- t-Tbese flgurss are published tor Information sad are not gaaraa- leefcV? '' ''. ''"V : '' '-wllati;:lM.dsb-N; 0,, 8.4(1 ; ' . WlB. to ChatI ,j; .'.'V-'eav tft Ash evllTa connecting ttl SQIJTIIE RN HAlLWAl Z t" Beat . Darhtm. 'for Oxfoid...Hn. r ;-'J 'iMfmmfia and Rlciinond- - . V ' , y 0 - nviveraiix rortjaapa htru; v ; ft Ertene foChttiotte aad V all JOJnti soutal alstf tor Baa - f JrUIe, lbo 1 0j Ise-Uaves wKausboro! l.0 vvav rr Pullman fisJelfirh. to Atlanta. eoa y ' p , jf-r jw t v at; jJtesnsboro ;'4or al)."-, i-. i)olatf;.ori.B ;"" NOL 111 -Leaves -Goldsboro lO.stp m Zt'H iJ., i" tor Greensboro, handles pullmas ' . j ;1. Raleigh ', M Grsenshoro,' eoftw -; . aeots at areehsWo, for Ch 1 1 ' A v : I; lotu Atlanu i" Nsw v! Orieaaa.c!-A. : :C 1 Ashevflle,1- Kno jvllle,.i.alao- tor-, h"ii. uanvuia, LoaDora jChartot-;, f ;ii tsvlIle.Washlngtpa, tsd ,afl,v r . ,, . -v points iOs1a.V;';i:!3l.'v,t, 7 '-v. itjU ' . or further InforwsiJ n asl; t&yv H , Viuihern ticket agent or addTeas OreS . ' in lerMjfced. . " . 1 ' ,v, ) 'IlrF. CARY, " -."'' ' a f ' riseni r nt ,1 ' 'r ,oa, D. 0. ' 4- - " '' . ' ' , , V ra ; . - r .Aeat ' -.-, r ' u. a . . . v X 'S- .- -',;.-.. -r- v' - - ?-r V i- '.rij)'.'. if . ..V . v GOOD FOH r iMOU "1 1 U two of f 1 ; ' ! -h I I.iv-r Si.! ' i .It : r r ' ri I n J J I ami I rp I i h sil I ) pi i f ven U(t is i f r.n i V f1 I

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