T.' ' V Willi. Cirxi'LATION ' ESTAELISIIED- fSf 'f W -new C A.T T U D A Y 1 U 1 1 ' 1 N 0 II 11 E II D Eli. 1 7 4 1 3 1 0. y 3.;. -: TWENTY 'NlNTHYEAjU ' Yl A 'A; f! 4 Service c7i"rHIS Bank places at tl.e :posal of ituja-;' i ; J 1 Irons, its comoete modern eauiDraent aod v- the service of its trained f.orce of employ-: fees. 'If is the aim of its management to render every , : possible assistance and persons desin? to transact , any financial business are invited to confer with cur, officers , Capital is, a Strong element in detcr1r.ir.in3 ' the safety-of a' bank. It is. this fund which stands as " art impregnable bulwark between depositors and an? ' possible Loss. This Bank" Jhas larger Capital than anjT bther financial institution in this section of the state ? s JAS. B. BliAOKS, frea. - A. KkEN, V. Pre. "Wnu H. IAl)KS, V. PV ttEV B PENDLETON. Cashier W A 4 Vu "5 Minutes count -when you are.: waiting for. medicines.' That is Wtirne wenv;QUICK DISPATCH1 bribe -drug store is appreciated, 'Presciptions fiotrt your ftysiciaii-by-telephone receive extrattentiont ; . y ' W?- GASTflNMUMPANY: ATHE REX Atl STORE) 5N HE CORNER - - PHONE 66 OPPO POST, OFftCE. ' "CJ il ii: 1 ''i '",', ' 1 ,' 1 '" 1 ,iIii .1 Victim of MMad Pace Set by JTew CYorVcrs'? tVants JEarlj , . " " Trial' for Theft, '"r1 "j" "1 T , i , Naw.York, Sept H From hJjxeU inthacity pri n today; Adolph Roih- b. th, the )mp inurehaaf who Wi blJ to borrow S3 J!t,OuJ from severs! of, the those pftn)im't an'it to Hew York on hii owirpersoiial ifotMj writ an urgent appeal to DiilrieS Mtproey Whitnjan, begin serving hw is-iteoce at ooco. nis aiah will be graowJ iuultb grand, ju ry asked mrtuwiirjKtaaota jmioaJfi atelj to whUib.Rtabrth' sya hewifi plea41guiltyA ' - " - 1, ' Ha Will not be proaeAitad on 'alt the charge againat him.- The big banks wbicb lost moneill accept bia pl?a ot guilr to grand larceny in connection with the 134,000 tie secured from the Mercantile National bank. On thla hei cad get 10 yean,;: being a Aral iffetder he ia likely to be kWn ' an indetermin ate aenteneeW A - ' -- ' .'" I The victimized' banks will urge the apeediat poeaible diapositjon pf 'thtf cast af their officers openly expreea f er that the : ease . with;, which s Rothbarth worked hla game, may SMrae thein"tuf ther trouble from, those who feel that they are clever wough to go, the Get- j mail Bwiuuier uiw umuir. w vv ' ' x At the Tombs today, a close guard i Seing kep't ovetthe prisoner, whose de- j ction is realty pitiable.' Ha :1s Hmd-'in his lamentariona and blamea bia. down fall to the "mad pace setby New Xw ers ' and to bi- desire: to J become . a' millionaire in Wall street ' v;-'i REDUCED PRICES f- MMaaapaiaaHMaaaaaaMHBjBjBMsiMMaaia - All 1 0c. and 1 2-1 -2c. Goods Now 8c. 1 5c. Goods Now '10c. ' ,20c , " W 15c- Harrington Dry' Goods Co, r 'W HEREWITH - ALLOW ; r..- you just a peep tit one of the awag-' gerest Derby-Bty'ea-of the day it's a GOLD-BOND Hathat eHs M buttontaina Three DolTora- worth of t -value aod it is one Of the many ahapea ' noWin vogue on P(f th ? Ayenue, Newv York-every eeasonitUe color, too.---' r. - Remember the price, f 2.00, with a signed and sealed GUARANTEE BOND" SSLiprfian: Cor. Middle & S. F, St-,-: -B. Block' .."t ,,.j.,.iifa, New York Cotton Market. Special to J. a-cal,- . New, York,. 8pt. 16-The cfitton market comioued to -advance todav on Heavy buying by trade interest Spot aalea 700 bales at ten poirits advance; LATHAM ALEXANDER & CO he New Bern Banking A Trust Co, speaks in- tha advertiaemni oo this page of tho aervkloe thai a bank rend ers.- Few people apprewatfr .alLjhat a bank iloes for its' depositors, and " the. community at largs Th acC is that the bank is the financial Jieart from whkh fl"owa the resources that develops manufacturing and other enterprises, furnishing' employment udi' gvnaral commercial activity v ' - Charged With Retailing. f'hnLv Robinson I ( c- ;' (Formerly With JA. Jfones) Livery, v Sales "and Ex-; - change Stables, t; " 1 Brown Peterson, colored,' was given ki preliminary hearing efore V. S. Com missioner C. 8r Bilhvesterday after noon o a warrant charging, him , with retailing ' without4 a' United States li cense Two wUneeeeaV were placed on the sund who testified) that t ihey had purchased whiskey frojn the defendant but at the conclusion of the triaU Comf mi laioner Hill Informed the defendants attorneythat he would r reserve- his do cision until he could further myeatigate the case. A Well Knows Citizen Says; I find Savodine ti W almost exeelleAt remedy for nasal vatarrholda, head ache and nturslgu re nuickly relieved a,,1., J. 3. TOLSON, - J CittrTa Collector. New Bern, N C cm of $150,000. : xv : iHartodsburg Ky., ; Sept. I6--The So- oiety of Shakers, whose estate U locat ed near Hlghbridge, today transferred t Col." George Bohon their holding of 18.000 acres of the beat land in Meicer co nty and their personality. The '-es tate ia valued at , tlSO.QOO and in ad dition to a cash consideration bf 95.00, Col, Bohon binds himself to support and care for the individual members of the aoclety during the remainder of their lives. There . are only 13 of the Shakers left and their ages range from 70 years upward. , - : . - -y To Patrons of the Post . Office PHOE 261, 'STABLife".!; EAST "FRONT ST.. y "''fNEAR NEUSE-RIVER DRIDGE. ' s.l . I..J Li .ullj1 IL, Llli '. r r I i i i . : -a . '1 villi REFUSE OF PflESIDEIiCf He; Will Leave tHear , FiW For ' - Colonel KoTisevelt 1 r -T- - v -j . -. , v j 1 Beverly Mass., ft ptj lfi. President Wm. H, Tall has reached tha conclu sfoh that Theodore Roosevelt laying plars to be tha neat,, president, of the United Statea. fie 1 1 determ.rfed that so fair as the present incumbent of the Whits Hduse is concerned Cof , Rpose vr't Will have clear -ft Id. Mr. Taft doea not waTIt-anothorltnv-if, ; While the above ia not an- authorised statement from PresidentTafl, lteomea from a, source close enough to the pres ident to- have distinct value. The atti tule of President aft has been.made apparent during the pwt few days ty the effsWta ot hil friends to atir ium to activity against the present-movement of Col Roosevelt. '-v. ' ; U can be atatedjuthoritativ'ely that! President Taft wlllv make no., public stitement or no offensive move against Col. Roosevelt andY the-- Uttar oro- ects, op natter. What tactica may be made bt the latter, - a 5 - HDlgmBed ejience" sums op botn the defensive and offensive measures 4hat will bo employed by the President He has made this known ia no. uncertain term! to those of h!s -friends Who, du ring the last few d&ys, haverepeatedly urged him to j'go after'-' hU predeees--aof -V" o'i. 'f". s It 1$ pointed out -here that nractwairy all of the reform- for; which Ropaovelt snouted through the mtddlOv westrr have Either beea-uqdertaCen atrmdy by Pre idenVTafV or; form a part of the legist lative program on wncn ne working ffor the coming session of .Congress. ' It isaaeep guarded mystery why these Ideas when, proppundtd- bythe Presi dent go by unnoticed only to be received with hurrahs and unbounded enthusi asm when' enunciated by their more Strenuous champion. '1 . A number of tha President,'a advisors ar still urging 00 him the fact tint his adtninlstration la not being vrelt adrer tisejd and that the Crarie-Norton idea of keepinri but of print ia ot success. They have urgecThim to learn to "aa' the nW8papers and torosorito the tac tics, which havV enabled Colonel Roos- velt toroonnpoliss more, first page news papsr spacotban any other character in tho,world s history. Totiate, however, these people have not succeeded in Carrying their point and there is every reaaonjo belivo that the soft pedal policy of the) adminiatra tioa.wMl continue. - j- A-jiericau Banker Against Guar a'ateeing Cotton x Bills of Naw Yorkl: Sept 16-American baak- era decldeoHiere today 'that they can 'not assent to the plan for guaranteeing bits ore lading proposed by British bank, era. Instead they asserted their inde pendence, denounce!' the British pro posal as Unsound finance sod insisted their .own plan -of a! validated certiflc i eaieraay a committee 01 London and.' Continental - bankers announcr A their refusal . to. accept American cot- tw bills after October Slat, without a American. : 'bank guarantee." Today sub (ommitUe of ft American Bank era a,f?ociation nut luelf on record, after a long session, in the following cables CWI'. I "vi f v, we aeepiy regret yoor deciaioa and cannot but feel sthat it was reached through misapprehension. We have accomplished much in securing the vali dation certificate, 'thus placing the busi ness on a safe basis,-; Further eonajder ation of .bankers guarantee is absolute ly out of the question, being IncompatK ki mitt. l. J.i.-. : This, ia final Situation could, hot be changed Jy our : committee;' golQ U uurdon;, but or course, we would wel come your deputation io,- New York where SlI data hnd Information are oh tamable ard where railway and cotton people, abo couLl .be heard. Wo-are confident this would lead to better understanding wah mutually satisfac tory results." " . Their decision is of great inpoitan.ee not only to the cotton, Interest of the 5utB ana ot Mew iqr, but , to, rail raadi find business in general. - It ter minates a long debate in which all the 1 yils pf the prtsent systtm and the da feels of the vaifousy re en eo its propysed nave been set forth m full. We are ajiowing'this week a beautifiil line Art Squares, Hall Runners and Rugs at low f ijgures to close out quick Lj,X Baxter. K 1 s , j-SaA tndlnd oK Romance Memphis Tenn.;'Spt 16-Endfbg a romance which was to have' terminated in marriage, but was disrupted by death hi Memphis, Mrs. Olive Weiler, a wid ow years old,- wired her mother to day for funds to return home to Phil delphi..r : " She had come to Ibis city to marry John Gregory; the Bailor Whose body waa found 'Wednesday floating in thei Mississippi river.a Mrs.JSVeiler read the news of his death.in a local paper which she had purchased with her .last nickel . - . -.'-1 .1 - . . -The remains of tiregory were sent to Warren, R, I , the trains bearing the body oflmtendeq husband and the happy would-be, bride passed each other en- router --4. 4 - A Prominent New Bern Banker Says I am now using Savodine and am well pleased, with it., I have nevtrr tried any thing, I like,so well for nasal catarrh. It is cooling and soothing to the air psssa Kea ana mBKeBreainmgasyvxsei! I ally use it before retiring.- '- Vice-Prea. New Bern Banking ft Trust . Company. New Bern, N.eC - In thef Supreme Court. Raleigh,' Sept. lfti-In the Supreme Court yesterday the heerlng of argu ment in eases ,frora the . third, district endd, the cases argued being; 7 . - M, D. Frazell, appellant, va. Life In surance Company of Virginia.- aposlee from Craven. r8immons, Ward & Allen,' for .appellant; Guicn & GoToa for np- pellee.--- - t Nathan Simmons, kpp ellee vs. De fiance Box Comoanv. apoellant.- from Cra,veo.; W.D; Melvev; forappelIe; "Simmons, ward AUen,-H. UGlbbs, for. appellant; J- u GoldsDore .Lumber Co. appellant n, Hinea Bro there Lumber , Company.ap- peljant, froin Jones,: Warren ft War yen,. Simmons, . Ward Allen for ap- v ' Notice . -Bids, wanted for- forty tords split pine wood for county home delivered. . - i' , ' G- V. RICHARDSON,-1 1 . ' i "Com. . Dover, N, C. -t ,.0 t--v - "r V H vfti , mm ! 1, J.UJi- 1 rVl,.rL V. ' r . t 'as t t . jinenoie in tne grouna, ine crevice in trie wan, a mentis "popket book or jour own, is not as, safe a place to keep your money nf as is Our bank, which is fire aod burglar proof. iWe refer those who haveiot bankecj withTus to those : who have.' - - ; X !i,W pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. f - MAKE OUR BANK 1 OUR BANK. THE PEOPLf S MNK 1 4iy. ( ii'fi ' fl A . : IT I r it .. 1 ... - LAOtES ATTENTION! . 1,1 1 "; f " 1 ', Another large ship ment bf Ladies Coats ahd Suits just received -pf Stylish, Up-to-Date Garments We can save 'i you money on these goods. See our line of Ladies Dress Goods and Silks. pellee,vLofthvVarker & Dawson, Rouse s liana lor appetiani. WILUAMS KIDNEY PILLS v Have you; negleeted your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervOua ays tern and cause4 trouble! with your kid neys and bladder I Have" you pains, in loins, side, , back, , groine and bladder! Have you a1 flabby appearance Of the face, especially under the eyeaf Too fre quent a desire to passwinef If so, Wu Hams' . Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c - Witflama' M'f'g. Co., Props.; Cleveland, U. . x; j'-v required to re boxes for tbp 4 -v Ar:y?2!::i!':5tp:(bj , U eo, let us sell you.;;) Vou will find our , stock complete;; High grade ' Paints, - all colors. Levis White Lead and. Pure Linseed Oil, Ghss and Putty.' .' TIIONEOR'SEND US YOUR 0.':i)' I.:;. letter carriers are quest patrons to provide fMivery of their" nsU at their re9in.e or place of businesai ": Such boxes should he attach" 1 to t!.8 building, where tha earrli'r .m.y safely ! ,-.u:t the mail and -hs on v it'1 f . Tiii3 r t is hot prinmrily in t' iatprf-nt rr f.tr t' f-'.veni.-nfie of t' 4 i m, tut f t 1 i i , vcr-:- cf . " Advice About Cotton. ; Farmers are urged by buyers not to gin damp or greon cott6n, but to let It he in the housn for several daya and drv out before crnni"tr. That" this nil! be to , ths Bdvantarre of the seller ia pointed out in tlie following reaauus; Cotton ginned greon or damp makes a very no ' .iiuldo stdpla. both in grade a;J qni.i;tyv for it ia liable to bo g'n C!t; V. 9 iVmnnd for this elnna of cott-'n I is v!!"y -t or i'lj at rtsutn lower ,n-f-i. Ii 1 ;s a I : s t '!' frir."r of f.o:n ; I.) "1 a l 'n: (-..Hoi li ft in t' ! r s".-jr ( : t!;nu,-.!i a Uio . ; .-i.vh t' r";i.' ,ond ar -in a out t-; "t 1 " l-.it; CooicDlJcovered Near. Pole . 1 y of New York, Sept; 18-Dr. Fredrick A. Cook; the discredited- Arctic explorer, Is bow enroute to Etah, on the north hwest coast of Greenland, to recover re cords which ha left there on hla return from the North PoUaccording to the Copenhagen corresj ondent of the Cen tral News. . . -y. ;v. i Dr. Cix k i abosid the yacht Beauty, belor;;!i to Mr. John R. Eradlcy, who ' lf.l hi m ii 1,'a Inat Polar hunt, I si ot i 'r. -Cook wb.8 brought t) Ci- p; i.iir.g't'n by a 'ship tl.at eigited tl e I" ofy r ' !"-"" 1 of t!e doctors n.I;i- sion faun V-d t !m i-r 1 - I;r. d ' l-i 1 r n-- 'i v.l ;.h 1 -1 v .1 ; ")ve I U r' '.n to Loii jt t! : ' , . ; t'.rt f 'i : '-. - 'I IS.' . 'K'f' ;''' 1 1 ' i ' ... 1 1 J. J. Ml DEPTV STORE I - ' ELKS TEMPLE 2 3.1 W. i ELKS TEMPLE, 'i-yunxa f:-i't nil 1 BOYD PHONE 400 REAL ESTATE COUNTRY QTY, SUBURBAN, INSURANCE riDP , ArnnT?NT - HPAITH Pf.ATR-'fiI.A.N I IVK.- STOCK, AUTOMOBILE, BOlIjER, FLY-WHEEL, BURG . c Slaryvsuretybqnds,"' :n-; r. 1:jSvbstmbNT : ' NEVVw BERN BUILDING ittlOAN ASK. NEXT series opens October Mmfc il ;-. .i .j ...... v ... v....v V.".-" " .-Hp",i-fc-. .- '.N' n swssMsasmjsMMMW fy -'.-!- -r-r--r-,1- - ; -,.,,..Tr-rj, jjjj-jj r lfriTt r-' ' ' - '-"M-i'- l ..... .... ' .rry 1 ' $m 11 m ilfc2fe,yWyf J' it. ri. "NJiSraii i-i',';A:l',':o7----tfwnT!iir.';r' .'Ife''W il ; -'.;,.''-TrKI': PT'i.;-?St! tf ' . ... .-. .irTwvs ! ' , - "J w v r ' . iV.i . i 1 'v ' . -. ,5v,f ' ;" ( ' - j 1 , : ' '.... ) 1 J.

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