''TV". - PAPER WITH Vlv KNOWN CUIATION, - f V it xr MT1UBER 44r. 11 .NEW BERN. ORTfl CAROLINA, ' TUES DAY, M0R1NGSEPTEHBEI ;r 91 O.f- TWENTY NINTH YEAR ' V ESTABLISHED inj r 1S7C I Vs - it V I 7 J k k 4 J ftx I l ' - -v- Tj, jrUIS Company is in position to assume - ;Y 1 1 i toe cue ui yrupcujr tur ptrsuoa . wuu II.-. - 'r . desire to be freed frum the anxiety; and responsibility connected' with collecting rents; mak- ing repairs," paying taxes and, other details. ; The ex- - perience of our officers is broad and thorough and this Company affords efficient service in every trust : capacity. .IAS R Pl.infd Pi' T 4 UUVEN V Pm Wm. R. CIADES, V. Pre. GEOR PENDLETOX Cwhler ' jgtft I IF : J 5c. 8 c and 5c. ROUND HAIR RATS 25c. CALL AND SEE THEM J. M. MITCHELL & GO. FliiCES! Exiio;:onATED Woman Who Caosed -Crawford Soper's Death Now at ' v . -. . Liberty. , On the 23rd of lasl Juljr Crawford Roper, a eolorad employe of the John L? : Roper . Lumber Company, beeame eocaxed in an altercation with Franeea Boyd, a colored woman of ill repute who Uvea od KUmdruJj street, and dur ing: the melee which followed he was atabbed several tim with a large wire nalL. and which a wielded by the Boyd woman. - Roper Was taken to Stewarts Sani tarium where he hovered between life and death for several days' and Anally succumbed to his injuries. ; An autopsy was held over his body and the verdict rendered by the coroner's Jury was that bis death was caused by a wound in flic ted with, some pointed instrument wielded by Frances Boyd. After this verdict bad been rendered she was taken into custody and placed in jail to await a preliminary hearing. . Yesterday afternoon she Was brought before Mayor McCarthy and Justice of the Peace W K Baxter and this hear ing was held. It was proven by a number of wit nesses that Roper had gone to her hotline to beat her and that aVthe lime he was stabbed had heron the ground and was kicking her unmercifully. Af ter due deliberation' the court decided that the woman was justiged in her action and ordered her released from custody. RECKLESS: HI SBil The best line of Coat Suits can be found at D. F. Jarvis Tan Deals Death Blow. President Taft dealt a body blow to the "piece meal" policy of river and harbor appropriations at the convention of the Ohio river improvement associa tion recently held in Cincinnati and em phasized his position on waterway im provements as outlined in bia memo randum to Congress in giving his rea sons for signing the last river and har bor bill. President Taft's emphatic protest against sporadic appropriations in the river and harbor bills of the future em phasises in no uncertain manner the position of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress on this subject, and when this-great body of waterway en- iJfthMiasts meets in nation's capitol on CPse. 7, 8 and 9 it is confidently expected that the President's demand for a com prehensive policy of waterway better ments will be enthusiastically endorsed. m HEREWITH ALLOW you just a peep at one of" the swag gerest Derby styles of the day it's-a. GOLD-BOND Hat that sells at $2.00, but contains Three Dollars worth of value and it is one of the many shapes' now in vogue on Fifth Avenue, New; York every seasonable color, too. Remember the price, $2.00, vrith a,' signed and sealed GUARANTEE BOND Coryiiddl Dr. Duffy Tonic Mixture HAS A REtORPiOF 75 lytW success; guwnteep w ciiey;case OF CfflLLS AND fEVER OR MONEY JaUNOED. F. S. 1 DUFFY rC': m v UUI IJUU VlsJ IS' w n WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS " Have you neglected, your Kidneys! Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladderf Have you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder! Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially nnder the eyes! Too fro quant a desire to pass urine? If so, Wi iiams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at LDrnggiat, Price 60c. Wimams" MTg Co., Props,, Cleveland, 0. natnea Devour Hotel . i Goldsboro, Sept.5 26-This morning at 4 o'clock, fire destroyed the Eagle cafe a Greek restaurant.' the restaurant of Henry Guess, colored, and after devour- ing theie buildings ' the heat was so great that the third -story of the Te? minai hotel; took, flro and tha building was alsodeatroyed ; ' Great heroism was shown on th part of the firemen , in their - atraggla with the raging flames, which .was s battle that called for , strehvous eudurancei The loss to the guest of the hotel was very, heavy while thft fire .loss wm a moont to about 916,000 tatsida of ..fa Auto PluDged into Basin- Canal ' Near. 2w pricans. Bnd Four . - Occti pants Drowned. New Orleans, Sept. 26 All four oc cupants of a large touring car return ing- from a Lake Shore resort to New Orleans early today were drowned when the car rounding a curve in tbt West End shell road at a high rate of speed, shot straight ahead and plumged into the new-basin canal. The dead; W. R. Freeman, 36 years old. New York City. Thomas Boettler 43 years old, of New Orleans. Dorothy Hall. 21 years old, of New Orleans.1 Marian Giblen, 25 years old, of New Orleans. A laborer was the only witness to the accident He said the car passed him at such a clip that he was un&ble to know just how many persons it con tained. Late this afternoon it was definitely- established that the four per sons above mentioned were the only ones in the car. Freeman was a traveling salesman representing a New York perfumery manufacturing concern in the South, Boettler was engaged in the automo bile business. He was a native of Kent Ohio. The Hall girl came to New Or leans three years ago from Baton Rouge, La. The Giblen woman is said to have come to New Orleans from St. Loois. " Although the bodies remained at the bottom of the canal, but a few hours, shrimps and crabs disfigured them to such an extent that thry were barely recognizable. The identity of the wo men was established largely through their wearing apparel and their hair. I BEHIHD THE BARS Joe Credle Captured By "Offioersl Bunday Morning. ' Shoots m at .Officers. Joe Credle the negro man -who ser- lioualy wounded his wife by firing two bullets into ner body at their borne on Smith street shortly after 7 o'clock last Saturday night and who later attempted to kill policeman W. B. Parker with the same weapon which he used in shooting his wife, was captured Sunday morning in the colored schoolhouse in the north ern part of the city after an all night search and yesterday afternoon was given a hearing before Justice of the Peace W. K. Baxter on a warrant charging him with an assault with tent to kill an officer, Two warrants had been sworn out) for Credle, one for an assault on his wife and the other the assaulton officer Parker but owing to the fact that the wounded woman was unable to appear at the trial that case was postponed until this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the warrant which charged him with shooting at the officer Credle plead not guilty, claiming that the shot was fired by another man who was assisting him to escape from the clutches of thelaw.. This story however was too thin and he was bound over to court and in default! of bond was remanded to jail. D. F. Jarvis is the only place to get the Royal Wor cester and Bon Ton Corsets. Strong Cotton Market Special to Journal. ' New York, Sept. 26 The increasing demand and light offerings of new cot ton resulted in a strong market for futures todsy. Spots sales 7000 bales at ten points decline. Latham Alexander & Co. Mr. Watson Improves. The news from Baltimore concerning Mr. W M Watson, is gratifying to Ma friends. When taken to Baltimore Mr Watson was run down and enfeebled, but the i est there has greatly benefitt- d him and his conditisn shows improve ment each day. The newest and hand somest Dress Goods and Trim mings will be found at D. F. Jarvis store. Historical Papers About New Bern im oiirjiiobirisol 1 (Formerly -With J. A. Jones) ,"... . i LiyryvSales arid Ex ; change Stables. ; " ffj tt"f P!"1 Ii""TU ""I P" "-t ?' i tuw.l lilL.l..l Li it. I LI 1 4,1 J L..J I ... jl ,v j Washington. Sept.. 2B-tr.' Elisabeth J.'.Mitchell, instructor IttT histology and physiological chemistry of Howard unl terslty, who also is one ofthe scientists attached to the Smithsonisd Institution, is, working! on tbe problem of obtaining a specific for pellagra. She is the first scientist in the United States to stuck the problem of finding' a remedy forth disease, based on the serum theory. -'Definite results ara hot ready to be announce said Dr. Mitchell today.; "If a remedy for pellagra Is discovered from these experiments I shall be glad then to give it to the medical profession without reward of any kind,''. : Raleigh, N. C , Sept, 26 There was a meeting of the North Carolina His torical Commission last week during which many matters pertaining to the general work of the commission were discosBed. It was decided to proceed with the publication in book form of the valuable historical papers of -De- Graffenreld "bearing on the founding of New Bern. These are papers recently discovered in Germany. It is believed that the papers will constitute a hook of sufficient proportions to have it bound in cloth instead of torn ing it out in pamphlet form. Prof. M C. S.- Noble, of the University of North Carolina .-was the only '. out-of-town member of the commission here for the meeting. Other attending were Colonel J. "Bryan Grimes, W J Peela, President D H Hill and Secretary R D W Connor, )-- u ' ; . Oct the Most For Your Money. Likewise the best ! ' This is especially good advice when one comes to buy a big Sunday newspa per. Aside from its many departments of news; romance, fiction', art, comedy, late song success will go free as a. feat ure of next Sunday's NeW xork Wld. The song in question is "Thtf Gay Oos. soon," made famous by Fik O'Hara in the new Irish musfcal romance, , "Toe Wearing of the Green. 'f. Add this popu lar song to your musical collection. But it will be best to ord,er next ; 8uday'i New York World from your newsdealoi River Steamer Sunk. News reached the city this mornmg that the steamer Duplin, valued at five thousand dollars was sunk at Broadwa ter Landing, at the 41st mile post on the Northeast river last night. She was tied up at the wharf to receive a cargo of shingles and had just been loaded. The load was such as to cause the boat to be top heavy and it sunk. The boat is owned by Capt, D. J. Stokes and was in charge of Capt. John Sellers as mas ter. Preparations are being made to raise the steamer. Wilmington Star. If it's Hardware or Buil ders Supplies that you want, see us before you buy. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Hall unhersandIluES low figures t6 close ouquick '. .s t- A Prominent New Cern ' Eanker Says . I sm now using Savodine end am wtll pleased wiih it. I have nevr trii-d sy l! ' ill '..e so well fur 1 catnnh. It T to t' e air pas:a ' ( y. I gen- roEt! t'j and 8'Vi' ' - i end n 1 eilr , ' "y v a it I " r PHONE 261. STABLES 103- EAST FRO r IT -:;r': IHAR KEUSE EIVEU EH inn". r T. JrJ.-Baxter. .ia ; y, . - in 1 1 i '""v-'-W." l ; , ' - . aoona BcasoninH v-. - - , .Cotton growers should bear in' mind that cotton will keep. The merchant or manufacturer who buys it now, Intend ing to hold it nntil June 1911 knows that it will lose the weight and that he will lose the interest on the money (ocked In it until It is used." Therefore, the mer chant or banker expects the cotton: to enhance In price sufficiently at least to cover the loss in holding it. The farm er who is anio to noiu ens etcnn may saf!y set upon the same reasoning sn and if the ri'ii:.k number of 'farmers aold, so (' 1 1 1 a pi'irlc tii' of the crop A Valuable Bulletin of Grape. Scuppcrnong No one's education is complete if he has not learned to save his hard-earned dollars. How many times in your life have you wished you had the money you knew you had thrown away foolishly. Dollars planted in the bank are like seed lanted in the ground; they grow. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety I per cent. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. THE PEOPLES BANK CHILDREN'S 11 DRESSES We have put in slock a nice line of Children's SCHOOL DRESSES and you can buy these Dress es for what the goods would cost you, they are made in the best styles. We are also showing a pretty line of Aprons for housekeepers and nurses. J. J. BAXTER DEP'T. STORE ELKS TEMPLE The North Carolina Experiment Sta tion has juste issued a very important Bulletin on "Self-Sterili ty of thescup pernong and other muscadine-grapes." The results reported in this bulletin show conclusively that these grapes ara r elf-sterile, that is, will not produce normal fruit unless feriii zed by pollen from male grape vines. These results were obtaineaby (1) covering the bran ches daring the blooming season (2) a study of the germinating flower of the pollenr (8 tnicrosnopie study ofthe dry lien. (4) examination of the stract- are.of the fAwer, and (6) tbo Influence of male pollen of the crop. ' - - tt The second part of the bulletin dis cusser the application of thtse results. It deals.wHh the kinds of male vines to plant, where to plant them for best re sults, and the number of such vinea re quired in a vineyard. It also discusses the influence which weather and pruir- ing have on the yield. i Ono of the most valuable subjects treated is that deal ing Wie the! growing of these grapes froas" seeds. '5'MS S This ibulletln, is Noi and la for! frea distributkm to Residents of North CareHhSf te it can be had by writing to Director CIVB. Williams," Experiment StatibCtWest Raleigh . ; C.; FALL AND WINTER mm NOW ARRIVING CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY. Barrington Dry Goods Co. IMM1NDP THE HOME C.TUaisiagfXtune to paint. We sell the very ; highest grades of Paints and Oils, also Varnish stains 'foCflbors and 'Furniture. Phone orders promptly ffiliwfciat usend you up a color card. MELIIMDIARE CO. iU r Jew Bern.N.. C. " I will I ) '' ' I I'm.. , 'iot t t'.S peri od of t 1v " t " ', tho n ' i org will I f i 1 i f - j . If t' Lull, ift it r i c. : n '-'SaVodlna B&f Itertt t' 't .The Savodinrf C6.,-Nsw. Bern,N. C. 2.1 ! wish to V'aVld'a word oi'tonv mepdatlon for your: SavodineV .Having used it in my family for Croup, Colds in the head, throat and lungs, Neural gia, ; Piles, ' Cuts, Sores, Boils and eczema, I ' unhesitatingly pronounce It, "one of the best ' remedies ever used by me, and wouli recommend it to any one as a'valuahle family remedy in such cases. I find that asmall quan tity placed in the noee upon retirii affords a 'restful nij;lit, and by an ccss ional application that way I have boe 1 practically cured of hiHomina. ' Your Eavoiline hits great merit. ' Very truly yours V. 0. I OYP, U '-MiAMk feTMfc-tt .l;Phone 14TK rE. Accident,- iieAWI plaice glassliv CTCCX, AUTO::o:aE, C0ILER, FLY-WIffiEL, JBURG- . . , . , lary; surety bunds., ; v ''I LOAN ASS I NEXT li .

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