a , -s Itt- . ", -' . Sr..--. x 4 a " ' . 1 'i - v- ,''.ri 4 V'& t - I A ts ' 0mm ' ' ' 1 1 , sears w -A 1 ""S us: Jtuian m hibxjjotosm I ,.r . ; 2 1 15:71 Stature JW iiSBl jwitesIMgdttcrfiil- f ' A At r -3:11: nessaddRratfontainsiKiiiH- . "1 l IK Sql 0BnMoriine ntrMnetaL f iAl I r tj Not yARC otic. I-ALT v IS pL a Jjv In I J A J. Use aSI tlon.SourStoraacii.Dlante 1 IkT a- ft aSllf WonnsjConvulskmsJevcnA Jl Lflf 11101" Thirty Years gg Pflwfflplffl Exact Copy of Wrapper. BINGHAM THE BnaHAH 8CH00L, H. C. bu rnpvol Box to ba w tor lit TSiKS. IdMll. na loe.tadoatk.lik.TUton.Hu. 1 mllM from oitr. OrtuteUoa H1L1T1KT tat DISCirUNE, SCHQOL CONTROL ..d CigRUOE. Bo;i uHbl from otku Kkooli sol rmirvt. Ikbv kofi nmt 1793 1910 Addw ooi. i. lwaHtu, smyi., in n. Physicians Advise the use of a soodlaxafive, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested fuod from gettinginto yout system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on the stomach and bowels, and Is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, colic.flatulence, etc. Try VF 1 ffl Baa anos 1894 given "Thorough Instruction tinder positively Christian influences at the lowest possible coat." RESULT: It is to-day with Its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 328, Its Btudent body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charge, for the year, including table board, room , lights, steam beat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition In all subjects ftcept music and elocution. - For catalogue and application blank address, BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. JAS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. . , . , THOS. R. REEVES, B. A.J A,wdate Prindpata' HARDWARE Building Ma terial Paints, Oils .AND Varnishes American r Field Fence NOWREADY ' FOR ' j 1 BUSINESS;. -'V i l.'kl-li. I have opened my Job Printing plant at No. 139 Middle street and am ready to doT all kinds ot Job printing at the West price., New (itock, artistic work: .! ' "PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS.1, r, -5, EJ.LniKltrC6. ! 7 For Infant and Children. Th3 Kind You Havo , . v -. -.-'V .". v ;;AIways;Dc;jghi Bears the ature LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective Aug. 15. 1910 Trains Arriving and Departing From New Bern, N. C. Ar. 9:00 a m Daily From Oriental. 9:10 " ' " Beaufort. 9:15 Goldsboro. 11:35 " " except Sunday from Raleigh. 3:30 p m Daily except Sunday from Oriental. 4:36 p m Daily from Norfolk. 6:30 " " " Goldsboro. 6:86 " " " Beaufort Lv. 9:16 a m Daily For Goldsboro., 9:26 ' " Norfolk. 9:26 ' " Beaufort.. 90. " " except Sunday for '.. ' Oriental. '.' ,' , lUfi p m Daily except Sunday for . '. ; ' . RaleLgb. ' i. , v - ; X, -. " 6:85 p m Daily F6r Beaufort J6:50 " Goldsborcvv. r':i 7fl0 iV-'-'y :. "': OriehtaU -.;W. W. CR0XT0N, G. P. A." '"MMM- Norfolk;; Va- !'?' 'fS.t.t' ' lslisiBBBsas -j i..(,:t;. Bubby aaa irkat did th Doctor jiay ifsy He said. "Put. out: your ton. gua." Bubby-Aad ttsnt Wlfsy OvsrwarkaC t r " ' ' :::"::hstbsp;llo DIAMOND r wihnHMMMun,nwmnin. ; 4,i rr Vrunl.t for CTTIHKt Tfn1 A 'j'AMOND blAND HI.L3 in JRO nt sOi.o upnlllc bore, k.-iilcil wuh btue( 1 HhboK 1 f Kfl NO rtrncn. .( (r,.r'- r'.l .k f. ir .!..- " . v ; n t, . i i- m i-t 1 1. ii, i i r ,. ,H I .i,i, i , 1 M.t , '' " ' r ". Couldn't riser thvn., Tt bKn worried about toy hearing for some time" aid a local banker, who tells tbe story oa himself, "ami finally the fear nf getting deaf became sort of obsession to me, and I de elded to go over to New York to con sult a specialist A tA lhere and went to see (be doctor and be looked wo grave 1 was more acared tbao ever,' and 1 was." feeling pretty bin as 1 walked Idown' rttth". aTenoe r with; frieodr..:-- '' . - '. "J'Soddenrj t w .two 'Rwciai trol Jeya' comluit down, a reas atreet Bile wltb children waring Bags and appar ntl BSrlng an awfully good t!m(. bot 1 Maldu't hear a sound In as In etaot. wjthoul stopping to realise tbat I conld hear all the other Doiaea of the traffic and my friend's yolce, i turned ' around and aelsH blm by the arm and abonted: "Bearena. Jo. I'm def! I can't bear those children at all." "Neither ran 1.' said my friend, wltb a roar of laughter. They're mutea.' --I'blludelpbla Times. The Rod and Via Child. I do not heiii-ve In the government of the lash. If nii.v one of you ever ex pects to whip vour children again I want you to bate a photograph taken of youmelf wlx'ii you are In the act. wltb your face red wltb vulgar anger and the face of the little child, wltb eyes swinimlug In tears and the little chin dimpled wltb fear, like a piece of water struck by a sudden cold wind. Have the picture taken. If that little child should die I cannot think of s sweeter way to spend an autumn aft ernoon than to go out to the cemetery when the maples are clad In tender gold and little scarlet runners are com ing, like poems of rejrret. from the snd heart of the earth and sit down upon the grave and look nt l lint photograph and think of the Benh. sow -dust, thai yon bent. I tell you It Is wrwng: It no way to raise eblldren. Make yoif home happy. Be honest with then Divide fairly with litem lu everything -Kobert J. Inirersoll. 'Can be deoended unon" is an ex pression we all like to bear, and when it is used in connection with Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rem edy it means that it never fails to cure liarrhoea. dysentery or oowei com plaint.'. It is pleasant to take and equal y valuable tor children and adults, bold by all dealers. His Deduction. The Sunday school teucber bad lu explained to the Juvenile class that t first parents were made from dust. "Now. ICdgsr' she said to a Drlpl, little fellow, "can you tell me who th first man was?" "Henry Clay." was the prompt reply "Chicago News. As to Truth Tailing. There Is an eastern saying whlcl runs: "It Is good to know the trutl and to tell It. It may be better, know Ing the truth, to talk of date atones." London Truth. A MAN OF IRON NERVE. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc cess they bring, use .Dr. King's New Life Pills, the matchless regulators, for keen brain and strong body. 25c. at all druggists. Mirrors and Sunshine. Many persoua do uot kuow thnt si shine Is destruitlve to mln-or i. produces that milky appearnu. e wl'.i junnot be got rid of. When 11 mln la being washed the water shniil:l i: be allowed to get close to the tiv for often It will leak under, jrivln; mottled effect aiifl ruining the gi.i. and mirrors should he placed In the sun will not strike them, ir.id ti; . leaning pastes that tbey are polish vlth should iii t be too moist, fur the! .im often tiny spaces that will admit ; liquid, and after this happens the mii ror's usefulness will soou end. Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy S today the best known meatcine in use tor tne renei ana cure of bowel comDlaints, It cures arrininir. diarrhoea, dysentery, and should be ta ken at uw nrst unnatural looseness ot tbe bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures, Sold by ail dealers. A Cunuilstivs Psrsisn Story. . A. hunter finds some honey In the fie sure of a rock, fills Jar wltb It and takes It to a grocer. While It la being weighed , a drop fall to the ground and la swallowed up by the grocer's weasel. Thereupon the huntsman's dog rushes upon the weasel fend kills It The grocer throws a stone-at the dog and kills blm. The huntsman draws his sword and cots off the gro cer's1 arm, after which he Is cut down by the Infuriated mob of Jhe bazaar, The governor of tbe town,; informed of the fact sends messengers to arrest the .murderer.- When, the crowd r 'slated troops were dispatched to the scene of, the conflict, whereupon the "townspeople mixed themselves up In the riot, which lasted three days and three nights,, with -the result that 70,000 men were slain. All this through a drop of honey, - A cteverpopular Candy Cold Cure Tab let called Preyentics-is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In .a few hours, h even ties are said to break any com completely. Ana r revenues oe- ing sa sale ana toothsome, are very one ror children. - No Quinine, no laxative. nothing harsh nor sickening. ' Box of 48-26c.' Sold by Bradhara Drug: Co. x Eiiasne Plsldvs Saroasm.' -, f. - Eugene Field was once presented to a "sister poet,", to whom be .tried to say pleasant tbfnga 'vAt lust the lady inquired condescendingly. "Do you ever write . yourself r " "A little,'' -replied Field modestly. '''And 'What did yon say our name! wai'f'V "My name is Kleld-Eugeue Kleld." , "I have hot heatd of you before. Mr. Kleld." said tbe liidv. with oppressive franVm Silence I : -j .V. The tastioet of QOsery ma rural torery woma is often great hindrance to the cars of womanly diseases. Women . shrink from the petsonal qsettioav of the local pbrsioMa ' which (sen) indelistjSe. - The tboo(ht of ezaminaoon is sb .-korreat to -them, and so they endurv in silcoos a eoodUKM pf diiestS which sarely pro Irenes fross bad to worts, y -r. '-. - k ' .- . : ' . ,t M sia Brt Mtrcm'a pHrlUfr f rare . : y ifmt macr wmm w&o Mar foersa? m iwrSrse ': tf motlestT lm l otitr FREB HMtttK " tlom br-fttfr.- HU eorrtypamdeme tm M ma maertdlr emtldtntlml, address Dr, a. V t;.:; iJos Bsltaffl. Mi T, VV';---: J;T-ri. ' Dc. Piems's Favorite Precrtioo restores sod' regelates the wemanly fonetioo, abolisnes , baia sad builds ap snd pot (he finishing touch of health .oa every weak woenoa who gives it a,lhir trial. ; .j. -' It Make Weak, Women Strong, ' Sick Women Well. Yon esn't afford to aoaet a $ttri aottrnm as a tabatitute lor this aoa-elcobolio medicine or ,nown oourosiTioN. COURT CALENDAR tut Set For Superior Court of Craven County, October Term 1910. MONDAY, Oct. 10, 1910. No 83, Williams'vsElm City Lum. Co. ' 16, Hyatt vb Goldsboro Lum. Co. ' 71, Wooten vs Roper Lum. Co. ' 76, Wutars, Admr vs ' Norfolk & Southern Railway Co. ' 80, Cirter vs Howard. TUESDAY, Oct II, 1910 ' 81 Collins vs Life Ins Co, of Va, '82 " ' ' '' '' ' 85 Elder vs Pearce et a la. ' 88 White vs Holton. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 12. 1910 ' 90 Anderson Louis Gray Co. va Ja cob'!. ' 94 Flanner, Admr. vs Kinstori Cot ton Mills. ' 95 Lancaster et a!s vs Jackson et ate. ' 96 Wimsatt vs Foy. '102 Sarlandt vs A C L R R Co. '103 Pike vs A C L R R Co. THURSDAY Oct.' 13, 1910. '106 Wooten vs Lane. '108 Price vs Harrington. 'Ill Harrington vs Holton. '112 National Bank vs Carraway. '113 Jones vs Collins and Dill. FRIDAY Oct. 14, 1910. '115 Loftin, Admr. vs Goldsboro Lum Company, "117 Jackson vs Hessberg '120 Buck vs Beaufort County Lum Co. '122 Gaskins vs Hancock. '123 Goulding vs Kowe. '129 Jenkins vs Jenkins, '138 Williams vs Woolcott & Kerr et als. '139 Willis vs Sarlandt & Simmons 140 National Engraving Cj. vs A T Dill. '169 Dannenburg va Quinn. SATURDAY, Oct. 15. If 10. DIVORCE. ' 178, Graney vs Graney. 1 93 Jenkins vs Jenkins. ' 181, Beaman vs Beaman. ' 88, Hoover vs Hoover. ' 102 Keys vs Keys. ' 4G, Webster vs WebBter. ' 32, Fonville vs Fon villi'. ' 11, Barnes vs Barnes. 6, Csnnedy vs Cannedy, ' 8, Selleis vb Seller?. MOTIONS ' 109, Price v. N. & S. Ry. Co. ' 12G, Beaman vs, Life Ins. Co et al, ' 145, I pock vs Watson. ' 155, Mutual Aid Bank vs Roach. ' ' 166, Whitley vs Thompson, Admr. ' 167, Harvey vs Bryan: ' 168, Kennedy vs Kennedy. ' 175, Jones vs Collins & Gillett ' 180, Toler vs Bros idus & Ives Lb Co ' 184, N. B. Banking & Trust Co. vb Carolina Paper Co. ' 188, N. B. B inking & Trust Co. vs Green et als. ' 196, Holton vs Jones. ' 37 Martin vs Delosch. ' 25, Wiggins vs Wiggins. ' 24, Clark vs Wiggins et als. ' 12, Arnold vs Ipock. ' 7. Arnold vs Jones. 4, Taylor va Taylor. ' 16, French vs Humphrey & Carra way, ' 20. Baxter vs Sauthern Jobbing Co. ' 40, Coles va Standard Lumber Co. 41, Jones Vs Insurance Co, , 5r. Gaskill vs. Turner. 57,' Cox vs Lighting & Fuel Co ' 66, Deppe vs Atlantic Coast Line. ', 68," Wyatt vs Roper Lumber Co. 4 69, Black vs Carter. . 87,: Ipock vs Watson. 93, HiU y Dawson. 93, Hill va Willis. 97, Frazelle V, Life Insurance Co Vaj WHEN MERIT WINS r, When the medicine 'you fake cures your disease, tones pp your system ana makes you teei netter stronger ana more, 'vigorous than before. , Tbat Is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you. in all eases of backache. hesrlsche, ner vousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness tnat M caused ny any disorder of the kidneys or bladder. Usvts rnermacy, ,;,-.. '. -r'! '.' 'f. ' ' " " ' . '.;; v';5 Ruocimart and Henleyv1 'Tt ta relsteil tbat shortly after Hand- man, 'the' well known writer on sea farers' hihJ ..smugglers' and poachers, bnd bitterly fallen out with W. E. Ben- I... l, lue .loin., It, f yiiiflnn. ' To Usu rer up tmj J " " " ley In- Edinburgh lame and ill, came an Indirect message that Runclman believed . that it Henley would come Snd loojr on him be wouia get wen, ICWtis a dying man's whimsy but Bebley took Ihe train from Edinburgh sod aiTlved iu .Loudon to nod -his friend dead. , - . ' . '. ' , j , j ' ': '" - .. .. , ;':' '. Yn. at m ti 1 c r,, n.-y . it i ir kidney trouble may be Of long iorr, it may be either acute or l t wlmiever it is Foley's Kid y will aid you to jit rid of r 1 r'";orij y,.ur n'tnr'sl 'On') Lot t To r f I APPALACHINEXP0SIT1CN. KNOXVILLB, TENN. VEEY LOW" ROUND TRIP RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Account the above occasion the South ern Railway announces tbe sale of very cheap round trip tickets to Knoxville, Term., and return as follows: Tickets on sale Sept. 10th to October 12th inclusive, with final return limit ten days from, but not including date of sale. Rate from Raleigh, $12.25, Golds boro, $13.70, Selma, $13.30, Durham, $11.45, Chhpel Hill, $1145, Oxford, $12 45, Burlington, $10.45. The above tickets are good in Pul'man sleeping cars, also day coaches. Will also have on sale Sept. 15, 22, 29 and October 6th, with final return limit eight days from date of sale a round trip ticket from Raleigh of $8.26 Goldsboro, $9.25, Selma, $8.85, Durham $7.75, Burlington, $7.05, Oxford $8.40. These tickets will only be good in day coaches. Rates from all other points in same proportion as the above. For all information as to rates sched ules, Pullman accommodations etc. ad dress the undersigned, W. H. PARNELL, Trav. Pass Agt Raleigh, N C. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haie Always Bought Bears the Signature of Wheat. Wheat is the chief basis of tbe na tional nourishment of Englishmen, Frenchmen. Spaniards, south Italians in north Italy maize takes precedence and Hungarians, mid it holds complete supremacy in North America and A us trulia. In German speaking central Europe wheat has a large consump tion, but not to the extent tbat It is used lu the lauds named. The princi pal food is rye bread, uot because of the poverty of the people, but because Its taste is better liked. In Kussla rye bread has a decided lead. THE GRATITUDE OF ELDERLY PEOPLE. Goes out to whatever helps give them :aBe, comfort and strength. Foley Kidnev Pills cure kidney and bladder disease promptly, and give comfort and renea to eiaeriy people. avis rnar macy. Governed by Ancestors. The Gumlios of Sotilh Africa believe that their ancestors, whose wishes are interpreted by the sorcerers, dlnjct t;ud govern every act of the people. They find auguries, too. in the flight of birds, particularly in the night hawk and the eagle, the writhing of the ser pents, the timidity of the mole, the changing colors of tbe chameleon, tbe barking or actions of dogs and foxes and even' tbe circumstance of a pest of flies. If a native shudders Involun tarily the-act is regarded as a sign that some misfortune Is about to be fall blm. SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Foley's Honev and Tar la a safe and effective medicine for children aa it does not contain opiates or-harmful drugs. Got only the genuine Foley 's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Davis Pharmacy. - i !$. Origin of Spoons. Two natural objects seem to have furnished the model for the spoon to primitive man-tbe river or sea sneu and the leaf-of plants.' In southern Cblua shell spoons are still used that re closely reproduced lu the familiar porcelain spoon of that country, while metal , spoons are found in India on which are reproduced even the veins of the leaves from which "they , were Copied. tome, but every woman should keep with care the good points nature has 'given her. No woman need have sallow skin, dull eye. . . . tlotchy complexion. Who pairs ire per attention to ner hea!ih ,VViercons'ipatIon,CvcrderaVP jaieiita, L'aoJ inrpur.Uea and c :ia irre--'jr'Iriexictcooicc--' WtL.i-;-'.t eyes er 1 r Love-lils f ?.r.nct ex!:it i iiirangements rcvrnl t!ie""ii,les soonsi '. j later on t-'.w surface, I iaaiinclisv UI 'rinss sround the eyas, sallow si ; ;, on Htant tire I fat! ng- moan t' "t t ! Slid C '-,.vi ;;. -',s srsni1?' . j t.- Sfie ,itsbr; ,;n g . f vs i s rf I ' f V Legal Wotics, ftsviavoaattstd as ssitafaHstce f Hariak thai a p otttrs pfw bo- OSjd SCtOte MMBt tiWSlIM the osdmicBad mm bafan 8pt. MIS 1811, or OfcaatfeswOI bephoM Iwrcf tbst naor nr. A1 BodStitad to told MUto will b nqoirxl to maka lauaediaU purmant. ' auaa L. BANKS. Adminidn'r. R. B. MIXON.JUtorMT. Sapt ttth ISIS. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. . Hartalf quiiftd as administrator of Christiana F. WUHa doosased, this it to notify all person ha rio( claims scaiact said tstto to prwent the as bis to tha aadarsind on or baton 8apt. End llLcthiaotio.willb,pkdei in bar of their raeovary. AH parsons indebted toaaid aetata will be required to saok immediate payment. This the 2nd day of Sept. 1910. W. H. WILLIS, Admin BTtrator. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Craven Connty, By virtue "f tbe power of aale contained in that certain morirase deed made and executed by D P. Street ami wife Julia G. Street to N T Whit ford on the 14th day of October 1907 and record ed in the office of the Kegieter of Deeds of Cra ven county ii, book 168. page 58 et acq., the under -signed mortgagee wUl aell for cash to the highest bidder, at ue couit house door, hi New Bern. Craven u 1 N. C. at the hour of twelve o'ekk H. oa Monday he Sd day of October. 19.0, the following- c?escriled real estate, to-wit: One piece o parcel of land ad joining the land of Charles H Dougherty and W A Wilcox situated in Craven connty. N. C No. One township, and described follows, to-wit: Beginning at foot of Mouth creek road, running with said road in a southeasterly direction to Charles H Doughertys gats, then with his line to Swift Creek, up and with Bwift Creek to Willis' bridge, then with WUIls' bridge road to Washington road, and with Washington road to the beginning, containing 260 acres more or less. Reserving snd excepting from the operation of this dead s portion of the timber on tie low lands described in s deed fr. m D P Street and wife to Carolina Paper Pulp Co, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven Co, in book page . N. T. WHITFORD, Mortgagee. This 2nd day of September 1910. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. North Carolina Craven County Having qualified as administratrix of the es tate of the late W D Wallace late of Craven county North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the satddeceised to exhibit them to the undersign ed or her Attorney. D. L. Ward, at New Bern' North Carolina, on or before the 3rd. day of October 1911, or thU notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment S. J. WILLIS. Administratrix. This 3rd day of Septeinder, 1910. GOOD FOR BILIOUSNESS. "1 took two of Chamberlsin's Stom ach snd Liver Tablets last night, and I feel fifty per rent better than 1 have for weeks, save J J f irfstene of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article for biliousness. ' for sale by all deal ere. Samples tree. A Selfish Pro J - lion. A geiitleiiiiiii. ieiilini at Harrow, made frequent i-oiiipi.-iiniM to tbe mas ters of the nivm si bix: (here of hi garden bein s:ilpped of Its fruit, even before it became ripe, but to no pur pose. Tired of applying to tbe masters for redress, be at length appealed to the bovs. and. Bending for one to his bouse, he said: "Now. ray good fellow I'll make this agreement wltb you and your companions. Let the fruit re main on Ihe trees till It becomes ripe. aud I promise to give you half." The boy coolly replied. "I can say nothing to the proposition, sir, myself. but will in. ke it kuown to tbe rest of tbe boys ami lufonu you of their de cision tomorrow." Next day came and brought wltb It this replv: "The geuflemen of Harrow cannot acree to receive so unequal share, since Mr. Is an Individual and we at ? many." London Sketch. Not a minute should be lost when i child shows symptoms of croup. Cham b plain's Cough Remedy given as soon as. the child becomes boarse, or even af ter thecroupy cough appears, will pre vent tha attack., sold Dy au dealers, I Like a Man. - She Oeorge, dear;' we've been mar ried Just thres) months today. Tbe Brute Great Scott! Is that alii Conoeltsd. "Is ho rouceltedr "Conceited? I should say be Is. Be even Imagines tbat' be cut some Ag ere at bis own wedding." Detroit Free Press. . Our friends must be more and not less to us in tbe other world than tbey are here.v This world onAr begins frlendshlps.-Phllllps Brooks. Pink Pain- Tablets-Dr. Shoop's stop Headache, womanly pains, any paid, s.itMltAu tit, OA tnlmifM sls-iisaa ,, 1T.mn. Ill vTUEIOl IS nv UllUUIsiSi ' waasi la on the 26c. box. Aik your druggist yr doctor about this lormuia jt s one. Bradhara Ung-CTJ-.ti. .., "t ''k.r A Crasy Compliment'" , Tho superintendent of a lunatic asy lum was strolllntt round the around a few;, weeks alter bit appolntmenr when one of tbe Inmates came up to him and. touching his bat. exclalmed:f,i 'We all like you better .than tbe last one, sir." rumU-Xi, l-i :.: "Thank you.r said tho ; new official pleasant iy. "4ad may 1 ask why f' t. ) Well, slr wplled thirjnfic.yojt. see. you are more like one of usl"- ', " ' i:. V" ' Perslati . Woivreit.4 'v ' In the course of her lite a' Persian tromsn Is aometitnes married forty or fifty tlmesv Mi :;!';: ,; ,"J;teir Don't .ste yoor tnonsy buying piss t -rs when you can get a bottle of Cham' bnrlmn's Liniment for twenty -five cts, i cem of fannel dHmpened with this i .aa X is eivet'or to any plaster for !- ' 't, r.ins In the et.le snd cheat, r. Soi l I y all dealers PHOffSSIOML CARDS . 'eeeeee r. m. Simmons, A. D. Ward . M. H. Allen, WARD S ALLEN AfTORNRYS AND COUNSELLORS AX LAW NKW BERN, N. C, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. D. L. WAD ATTORNEY AMM'OI XSEL LERAT LAW Hughes BuiMing Craven Street New Ix'in, X. C. Practice in State and IV.l.-ra courts. r!ir,'iiit IVan.,,, ( ,i ... . I 4 w.u.b, V.llLClll, UUllt-a Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. O. H. Gui ion, W. Ii. H. Guion, Mil GUI ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phons 193, New Bern. N. C. H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of The ye, far, Kose and Throat Washington, N. C. New Bern, N. C. New Bern Office With Or. N. M. Cibbs, Elks Temple NEW BERN HOURS WtDNESDAYS: 5 to 7 P. M. THURSDAYS : 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Flans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMi'LE. Ws B. PRICE C lit i onsuitinsr oiemeer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico .loin s ami Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal'1 Courts. Office No. 50 Craven Street. Tslsphons No. 97. New Bern, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SOCTuElCV UAU iVAl 8CUEDCLSI 1 N. B. These figures are published for lnformaticn anj are not guars" teod, NO. 21 Leave Goldsboro, N. C, 6.4S a. m., through train with chair car to Ashevllle, connecting at East Durhi.m, for Oxford, Hen-'' derson, Keysvllle and Richmond : at TTclverBlty for Chanel Hill:'' at Greensboro for Charlotte and all points south, also for Dan ville, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Washington, and al' points noriJu. ' r, . ' i ' '''' NO. 139 Leaves tioldsboro, S.05 y. to. for Qreensboro, handles through Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, cos ftr-eta al Qreensboro ; for ' all points north, south and west " :isr" NO. Ill -Leaves GolJabdro 10.45 p n for Qreehsboro, handles pullmao : Raleigh , to Greensboro;' eon ;"j aeoti t Greensboro' pjr Char - lotto, ; Atlanta , New.?'Orleats, ; Ashevllle,. iCnoxyllle,: also for . . DaaviUa, Lynchi)ursirXCharlot : tcavllle Washington, and , ar rpolnta ftorth. : ':- - : " ; - ,! lorU further .firformtlrsa'juiisr southern .ticket, agent or address t" wdersifsed''vi::; :;nv!i J1 '.CART'i?vS;'1c-i. ' : 'C '-'i' Osnaral Passenger gent ;!i-'AT; Washington, D. O. WW W. H. PABNELt, : : aarAll,a. VtiunM, s . Raleigh, N. ( "No. mud hi;,"' s i' 1 ri-M. lof you, l)"t J mi i ' t it ' t ! ! i r f r- f as p is"k sTipiwI Jn J!) m i " . , ! . 1 sure silli 1 r. t . , r-J Crii-i, ',ii, ii.li'

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