...I F... ..j EiE..b lit Tiae Wl.h Us Sweet Teas V 7. -fir .-..-t.i,'. , ... . New Bern,iy. C. Spt. 27, 1810. ATJOIU I0DGS K0. l t OF IV- rT Tnely s Royal Aicaora ,Hn, ner V Bwa4 r Hancock itmV E. H. Hardkia, ft CL '-J. H. BmK, X. l B. B.'i YMtln rothArt , an mnt, of kmUar CKAYES ; LODGE JfQ. 1 WI6HT8 OF . E1EM05T Me 2n& and 4ft We6aasdar.icM " to inKatt J Knights Harmony B'JI, corasr .Broad and B. acock ctsvota. at f :X0 tfcloek. j. K. WlUtt, Pmldrati X'JBmKk: Bocrstary; R. B. Bm, Knaaciai Sse- ff 0ODME5 OF TEE W0E1-3I1T at R. of P. HaJl-eqnar ,of Broad n4 Hancock tret8, tmI-inoUly. Tlrat and Third Wednesday night fct t:l B'olrck. Visiting Woodmen" ani Jarlt ed. PiDEX 70 NCW ADTlRTISIlrtKTS Wanted Position Wanted Mill Cat Kafer'ji Bakery Jlread. Strayed or stolen -Male. Davis Pharmacy--Mineral Water. BUSINESS LOCALS NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. ICE CREAM Soda today at McSorleys 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c WANTED to buy mill cat of pine lum ber from good mill Write fully, ad dress "Mill Cut" WANTED Young man thirty yeara of age wants position. Competent of doing most any kind of work. Would travel. but prefers work in New Bern. Six years office experience. Now employed Can furnish references. Write p. o. box 536. STRAYED or stolen from our stables Sunday night one small brown mule, end right ear clipped. Branded on nip. Reward for information leading to re covery to Broaddus ft Ives. THE prices of food products continue to rise in prices, but the pricea and ai- zes always remain the same at Kifer's Bakery. MISS OLA FEREBEE will begin the fall term of her music clasa Sept. 26th, 1910. Pupils please apply at once. FRESH Buckwheat Shreded wheat Biscuit Cream Farina. Quaker Oats, Heckor's Oats, Hotel Astor Coffee, Red Rose Batter, last bat not least, Moss Rose Flour. Cash counts her as well as elsewhere. Hudson ft Co. I WILL not undertake to tell yon all 1 have, but I will tell you this much, I have got without any exception the largest assortment of all kinds of -fruit I have ever had, if you do not believe it come and see and be convinced. B. E. Royall. PLUMBING Now is the time to look after your plumbing. I do any kind of pipe fitting and guarantee my work. Give me a trial. -D. W. Hurtt, 55 So. Front street, phone 286. N B Changing occupation, will sell cheap, or trade for a good horse and buggy; one gas boat 11x28 feet, 10 b p engine, in working order, a good pulli and guaranteed sound. Also 12 ton sharpie, suitable for oystermg. Ad dress W H Mason, Journal office. N. C. PINE TAR In quarts, 1 gals, and gallon cans, U. 8. Navy Spun Oak um etc. J. C. Whitty ft Co. ", . announcement l now announce myself a candidate at the request 'of many friends, and having many years experience in this office, I now offer to the public all kind of sawed shingles, hand made shingles and lathes. Try oar prices an i be convinced. Thanking yon for yonr patronage. W. F. BilL the Shingle Man. NEW BERN CARRIAGE SHOPS-I am still at my old place in Church Alt y where I am prepared to t build Carta, Wagons, Buggies and Carriages or do any kind of repairs on them, My work is all" guaranteed, J. G, Robinson. Church Alley. 6 or 6 doses "666" will curs iany ease of Chills and Fever Price 25e. r: C " .L:'1CB CREAM delivered M M part it ? short totlee. v Kubber Tvosl Dates. y 'l J&rs Fads, ink etc. In stock. Patronize home Of,town.-Willlam ,T.IBU1 U Klde Phone 261 J??M& tiEa&M etc- n,' riEssi-. i m nniiTJi-, VTMit ' nfMr. , iAnr Airmn'i d- - M ' '"1 i. , i . it a t'ptyi Mdiw wcirto retsed, specialty. wezVWtm tAjCtost at air "3 rU';4.f-3aa iurntsh Porch Columns, C- 'vVf'-aU Btylay .ttada' of red-btrt err v 'Jffyt Mouldings,; BrackeU, TI. s f ; :.' Doors. Windows. gtar Vor';, l -i Sample stock at CorIU I" :: ' :;-3tore.' Orders Urtt' r- - r ' , I.il C5:OIi; '-- : ""; - 1 V Chief of Police Rouse, of Dover, was fc tc tjr yaatarday. '".-' ' lira,-J H Simmons returned ysster- day to. .Fnmaynursr, SiVi -i .;Mr 8 II Baker, -of Trenton, . spent yesterday to the city; lb; Clyde Harris, of Marahalberg; is la the city M buafneaa. JlrvJ T Bollister baa returned from a fiatt at Black Mountafa;, ' j.: -Bishop Robt. Strange, $t Wilmington pant yesterday in the ty, : :v Mt George H Roberts, Jr of Orient, ? lite M)iUaHeaUirturta4 iaetnignt from moral veesa'irfelt r lAshaylUe. ' Mii AJlee and daogttw'Edilh 're tamed yesterday from Princeton, N P. Judge Henry IL Bryan, baa returned frotn his summer's visit at Black Moun tain., :. :' ; ' Mlaa Jessie Wyatt ' returned yester day morning froma visit to Morehead cay. .,., . , Mr. W $ McGreggor, of , Goldaboro, was among the visitors to the city yes terday. Mr Ed J Land spent yesterday at Goldaboro, attending to some business matters. . Captain Stephen Harris, of Marshal berg, made a business trip to the city yesterday. Misses Lillie Smith and Lillian Bill returned yesterday from a short visit at Riverdale. . Miss Kathleen Griffin who has been visiting relatives in this city, has gone to Tampa. Da. Miss Lillie Walker, of Sneads Ferry, who has been visiting in this city, re turned home yesterday. Mr and Mrs Chas. Taylor returned yesterday morning from a short visit with relatives at Barlowe. Mr Eunice C William, who has been spending some time in Princeton, N C, returned to this city Sunday. Miss Annie Randolph, of Kins ton, who has been visiting Miss Mary Tur ner, in this city, left yesterday tr-orn ing for New York. School Notice The city school will open on Monday October 3rd. at 9 a. m. New or conditioned pupils will be ex amined on Thursday Sept 29tb. at 10 a. m. The fee for book rent is the same as heretofore and are as follows payable in advance. 1st grade 80c. adv. 1st grade $1.00 2nd, grade $1.20: SnL grade $2.00: 4th, grade $2.20: 5th. grade $2.60: 6th. grade $2.80: 7th. and 8th grades $3.60: 9th and 10th. grades $4.00. Pupils may obtain books on -and after Sept between 9 and 12 daily and alf pupils are urged to get their books be fore the opening of school. Instrumental music on the piano and violin will be given as last year to those wno wian to take-tuition fS.w per month. 1 will be in the office dally from 9 to 12 o'clock and will be glad to see par ents or pupils in regard to the. work of the school. y H. B. CRAVEN, Tappers take, notice, The Basnight Hardwire Co., has just received a full line of Victor and Jump steel traps, from rat to otter ses. Pffone 99, 67 S. Front St. Barrisburg, Pa,, May 24, 1909, Daring the yean we have been ban 11 icun ws have had no complaints. If gives general .satisfaction. ' When 'ones man usea.lt ha will continue to bnyjt - lours very truly.V GOBL'S PAINT SUP; CO- tfnv P. GohL A Car VAf to 'IM? a i ri -, -MP'-on bite.:.i:'c-;.. TlffiaBDAVISCO.; BALTIMORE, - f; a MP. are one of the most profit able crops you can plant in the falL " Can be used for green pmohi " during the winter and spring, or make a '- splendid crop of., dry .onions for market early in , the summer. V e have abo Ytlly; Vzzvzzz, trjT ' . ether varieties for f-U- ' Write for f'-i r-- our Fall Cat lS, giving fail 1.,; '.'.on about II ! L till , ti "n7i Five bales of cotton were fold on the local market yesterday. The pnde paid was 13 cents. - . . .The local market was welt supplied yesterday with shell oysters that were brought la ty local oyster dredgers. iThe quality of thee oysters bowever still remains poor..-.- - i--'- 3." Messrs M. E. WUtenorst ft Cdmpany have one of tho nwst attraet window displays of stationery ever seen in this city. The designing of the exhibit "was originated by Mr. WWtehurst and U very weditanloly Jir?J d Baxter; one' of New- lternvS loading Jewelers, is making" extensive improvements in his stow -on Middle. street 1 A new plate glass window is being placed Jn position and thit entire front being repabted. .: , - i Another large Bhipment of fish passed througn - this- city yesterday morning enroute from Morehead City to ;towns in the western section of the .state. The shipments all during the pa4 week were exceedingly large. the young people of the different Sunday schools of the city are cordially invited to-meei at the' Sunday school room of Centenary M. E. Church this afternoon at 4 o'clock to practicq-senge for the W. C. T. U. State eonvee tion. Earn day sees Mew Bern s new Union passenger depot that much nearer o completion. The weather during the past few days ' has been excellent for the carpenters and masons to push their work forward and they are making rapid progress. , The "White Ribbon," or state1 con vention of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, will meet in New Bern this year, beginning October 1st Ela borate preparations are being made by the New Bern league for the entertain ment of the visitors. Practically every day now sees a new case added to the criminal docket of the next term of Craven County Superior Court. Already there are more defend ants in jail than can be tried at the one week term and they continue to come, A special term will have to be called. Quite a large number of .people," bo tH white and colored attended the corner stone laying st-St Cyprian's CRurch yesterday afternoon. Included in the program were several addresses byf prominent white citizens and these ,were greatly enjoyed by the entire audience, New Bern's amatour photographers are doing much to push the city to the front by advertising it in some of the largest periodicals in the country. : Re contly-several photographs of various events and places have appeared in these . publications and they have at tracted much attention. r This promiscuos ringing of the fire alarms is becoming to be a decided nuisance and is a dangerous thing, as a number of accidents to the horses and and members of the company during the past few montks have proven and if the person who, causes the alarm to be turned in is captured he should not be Kiven the least consideration. Mr. H. C. V. Peebles has a dog that has adopted a young brood of chickens. At firatr when the dog manifested Such interest in the biddies, Mr. Peebles feared that he meant to harm-them, but the canine exhibited a fondness that soon won the little chicks and they clambered all over him and neatied. to him as though the dog was their moth er. Kins ton Free Press. j Shortly - before 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon a horse which was hitched to a dray and - which -was standing near the Cotton Exchange on Craven street became frightened at some trivial ob ject and dashed off down the street toward the river.' Losing his foothold on the pavement he fell and slid clear across the street In doing tbk be ras badly bruised. No other damage done. vX: ,,; , ;' . . ; V . , - 'it The writer 1 was informed yesterday that thero were liow soventy-ooa.ri'js- oners no confined" in Craven county jait Of this Bumber forty are awaiting trial at the next term of superiat cojirt and thirty-one are road prisoners hd there only ' st night Such a nombei; of peopM confined In. such a small, place cannot but fail to produce unsanitary conditions which of course breed varl ous disease germs and acme thing sbqpk) t j ij .t.! iM ai.t :'-' w ww wivum tun ii poBSivie,.'!.;;,.' i iWnlle engaged : Jn conversation WitV another gentleman, yesterday morning and in the meantime smoking his pipe. Mr J C Rigdon, who is connected with tha Cutler-Blades Bardwar Co., s blinded by a flash of fire from . the bowl of his pipe. Upon investigation it mi found that a 22 calibre cartridge, -f which Mr. , Rigdon ; had several In lis pocket at the time, had in , Soma way become mixed up with the smoking to bacco and been placed in the pipe. The bowl of the; pipe was entirely demol ished, but fortunately Mr, Rigdon Was not injured, v F. Jarvis has the largest apd best ltn6 of ' Rugs ever brought to New. Bern. - ; J for c I c Cv. n-Vl. Ir r-.o, Vi' Tii rrHn Two AnneDlans Bun-Across je- Lowell Mass.; Sept, 26. Fleeing to this country io escape trial for mur der charge in far. off Armenia,' Moham mad Ahamid and Ahmad., Mpry' to lay unexpectedly found thelf nemesia in the husband of the woman . whom they er accused of murdering. As a result of this meeting Ahamid lies dead from a bullet from a revolver in the hands of the avenging husband. ' Moory is fat the hospitaTfatally "injured from another bullet at the bands of the same man. Bogoa" Matsukiao, the husband, who did the shooting to in jail.' Be catrnly said, as he lighted a Cigarette; "They killed herT I killed them; it i well, I am glad."v s- During the recent massacres Ur-Ar menia Majsukian said the two men had attacked and maltreated his wife, af terwards killing her. They then fled to Lowell, not knowing' that ths hoabind was there. CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY. Mothers wl.0 value their own Com fort and the welfare of their children. suoiua never De without Dox or Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, for use throughout the sea son. They Break up Colds, Cure Fev erishness. Constipation, Teething Dis orders, Headache and Stomach trou bles. THESE POWDERS NEVER FAIL Sold by all drug stores, 25c Don't accept any substitute. A trial package will be sent FREE to any mother-who will address Allen S. Olm sted, Le Itoy. N. T. FOR SALE Valuable lot, corner of Broad and Middle Sts., 107 ft 6 in by 80 ft. E. C. .FEREBEE. M. B. HARRISON, G. A. PBILLIPS, Committee. fARVISio" Sou rear and look afar with equal facility, but no one ob teryea that you are wearing bifo cal because the usual flineaf are absent . Wear the ffenuiae KRYPTOKS awhile and you wfll never willingly retutrn ' tooldU rtyle bitocal g JOBAXTEIt OPTOfWTlNDjUFJIC- TURiNS MAKES FR1EKDS EVERY lHERE'IS USED&J 1 0 ariH rScaivff - Ill- V ' ' I llW.l J '' Phone 174 ;;:B2JJ:e St. II PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER. SOLE AGENCY DAVIS PHARMACY r sncrzj . m m a laaaea. For ' Miss Fteicnlnr ae six, seven, t'z' t sets c'f t! wt!l n a t' is tt e::; ;c.:.." T :' ' ys c !.,-; . ::.c nr:y v.: 4 1""" IFFL'L " e,,:,:,,',;;s-i:i fusos Write to-dsy for information about a few- special bargains in Some Staaffs that have, been used a short tuna and some of other makeethafwe have traded jn. Afl have been put In thorough good order by our experts and. are REAL BARGAINS. ;'Easy terma. If within three" years, you wlBh to exchange for a new piano, we will take back tha old and credit on the new all 1 yon have paid. Write to-day. f,l. STIEFF ''"Tr L. C STZELB, Mgr. W flranby Street Norfolk, (Mention this paper.) Official Piano Jamestown Kxpe. 1-I.l-M--U-Ufe YOUR ORDER is the one that we want. The confi dence in knowing that you will receive exactly what you ordered will be well placed with ua. PROMPT SERVICE is our one next hobby, but it does not supersede the courtesy of our clerks. To please you pleases us. Try our Coffee, we also have a lot of Oranges, Apples, Cabbage, Fruit Jars, Jelly Preserves, Brown Sngar. Come and see Us. Broad Street Grocery Go. PBONE 156 NEW BERN, N. C. TO OBTAIN Frozen 6 to 8 Degrees Harder Than Heretofore on Our Mar ket TBY The Peoples Ice Co's ice. QUICK and POLITE SERVICE Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac- &Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. 'fc, i r - CnmnXloyefc Rye Vetch, Hayand Feedis of all kinds. "vXX. W Dairy Feed for ; Horses and Cows," i Prepared Chicken Feed. ; BURRUS&CO. 31 MicUieSkiNewBerai'N.'C. cr r.'-.s t!.cre is ncthir.j that res3 Ml: cf her crty drcs so 'rt rJ'ei. TT3 :v::ir:i '. 2 r::rrj s I I I - I - I-., r .rr., I, ICE HENRY Pharmacy PORfSAkE THE v 'T. .pn i - i USE NO PORTSMOUTH J CORNED MULLETS! Extra Choice Lot Just Received YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. McDaniel 75 Broad St. Phone PRICES CHANGED If you come to New Bern to buy any thing in our line and pay 10, 15 or 20 per cent on the dollar more than we charge for the same thing, then you must blame yourself for not coming to see us. We can serve you with a brand new open Buggy at $35.00 and a top Buggy at $45.00 and we know you cannot buy one any where else in this state at this price. We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We have over 200 customers, make yourself 201. With thanks for past patronage, we or yours truly, G. S. Waters & Sons BROAD STREET QUICK SERVICE Minutes count when you are waiting for medicines. That is (he time when QUICK DISPATCH in the drug store is appreciated. Presciptions fiom your physician by telephone receive extra attention. GASTON DRUG COMPANY ON THE COR NER PHONE No. 65 NOW New Be The Chamber of Commerce organized the FAIR AS SOCIATION last spring and had to defer definite action to assist in making the Bi-Centennial celebration a success. . The Chamber of Commerce in response to public de mand now calls upon the business and professional men of New Bern to rally to the support of the Fair Association .and make the Fair a quick and going proposition. C The stock is selling at $25.00, which is in the reach of everyone. Subscriptions may be taken through the Com mittee, or the iindersighed. v -For furthor particulars call upon or address. W O. BOYD, Sec. Chambeteof ,ROOMS'i32t-322"t: Tfi O Made from pure distilled filtered watfr. F!BV BEST : n OTHER 91 New Bern, N. C. NEW BERN, N. C. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE FOR THE n Fait I Commerce EtKS BUILDING , A FINE LOT OF " RED POTATOES Jilst Received ,