v 'feV. v. - -.. ; . -i. i ' -. -' , -.-..-."-. - . - - ... . - v- Yy" ' 1 ' If N ESTABLISHED ; J w IN - r. c, v ORCULATI0N: WTOFJ YEAH 1 1k 3' 4 t It ... f -..;p j f Hi lfflS Company in a position to. assume . toe care or property for persons wno:? desire to be freed from the anxiety and v responsibility iconnecte with collecting rents, mak ing repairs, paying taxes and other details. ' The ex-"-;: perience of our officers' is road and thorough and -this Gqmpany affords efficient service in every trust capacity. I VA JAS. B. BLARES, Prai. -.;rr A, UREEli. Y. JBro.' ENNfetT'S BOOK r n ' v n 4 , p. ilni . F I BERS WITH TAFT 1 HEREWITH . ALLOW yon just a peep at one of the swag gerest Derby styles of the day it's ' GOLD-BOND Hat lhat selU at S2.00,: but contains Three Dollars worth of value and it is one of the many shapes now in vogue on Fifth Avenue, New York every seasonable color, too. Remember the price, $2.00, with a. signed and sealed GUARANTEE BOND S. Lipman Cor. Middle & S. F. SC: :.Z" B. "Block Assenfbled t White HouBelYes terday for Series of i Wshmgton, Sept, 27. The cabinet hobse party at the Whita House" to in uU twint tonight," Eight ot the nina member of the. President's official family moved in today. f. They held a formal' session b the cabinet room of the' executive officers WurtBgtheferemotf -'and continued theft1 informal discussion of affairs of state at a luncheon which began at 1.30 P. M., and did hot end until nearly 4.x During the late afternoon the vari ous cabinet officers returned to their respective departments, but gathered again at the White .House for .dinner and a long evening talk off the south veranda, J. ' :' J . . The President' forthcoming appoint ments to the Supreme Court served as the- chief topic of discussion today. They were taken up after the depart ment heads had made, brief reports as to conditions in the various branches of the government service. " It is said there are no outstanding candidates for the Supreme Court va cancies. The President "8 keeping his mind open. He has discussed and will continue to discuss the various qualities of men who have been suggested for the bench, but there Ja little chance that his final selections will be made before the time for Congress to convene in December. '.From the time it meets in October, until the Senate confirms a new appoint by the President, the Supreme Court will proceed, without a chief justice. Nothing has happened, to change the well-founded- impression that Gov. Hughes, will be made chief justice, but his re-nomination will' not be announced until the Senate is in session. EOII BEIG! OUHEOOfli CD. F. Jarvis is the only place to get the Royal Wor cester and Bon Ton Corsets Minister Warns - People Against Koosevolt -'Who. Suffers From .. ; 'SweHHead.'' ' Boston, ltU.7 Sept. ZT-Predicting that Theodore Roosevelt as! going to make himself in effect emperor of the United States, ; the Rr. R, S Johnson, in a aermoil on 'Theodore I" xudad a fewideas that . are caosinr not a little comment here among politicians. Dis enteing' the former President and his activities Rev. Johnson said in part; '' Theodore I needs to Decontrolled. He has risen to such heights that there is grave danger that he will forget any body else is living in the world. ' ' "I think Mr. Roosevelt is the most remarkable man in oat generation. .He thinks' ao, too, and that's where the trouble lies. When a man begins to think too much of himself he begins to forget others. "Hitherto. I have always voted for hira. ' I think he is a second Abraham Lincoln; I think everything" that is good about him. He will spoil all the respect he has won in the hearts of many people if h does not follow the example of the illuntrious father of our country, and be content with two terras," The best line of Coat Suits can be found at D F. Jarvis W1H Go To New Bern. Oa Sunday night Rev: 9 F Huske closed his Work in Greenville as rector of St.- Paula church. He will go to New Bern- the first of October to be rector of Christ church .in that city. Mr. Huske baa been -in Greenville two years and greatly endeared himself not only to hie church, but to the people of the town and community generally. He is an a,ble minister and a most excellent young, man. Greenville gives him up with great regret. Greenville Reflec tor. ., , AUTUMN OPENING OF MILLINERY, SILK AND WOOL EN FABRICS. YOU ARE SPECIALLY INVITED TO ATTEtlDOUR mm m )-a .. ' . - r ' - ' . .. . ,y. ... : v nim Saofe ;28:ub ; HOURS .9 A. M. mp.m. 1 Just think what it will mean to you' to come in personal contact with; the ;. most complete line of Fall Millinery and Dress fabrics ever 'shown ihElastern Cafolina'. t vjuY many customers neea no participate. wwiiiibu nun wu. ii rTIIIT llr nnT llllnT uuinuni inmnc l.Jlegations of North Xaroliaian Who Files a Suit For - $5,100, j - Korfolk, Vs., Sept 27th. Claiming that he was seriously hurt because of the negligence of a motorman, who frightened him so" that he jumped from a rapidly moving electrie car after the man in charge had refused to let him in the gate on the left side and that bis failure to get on the right aide of the car was due to hh ignorance of thf rules and regulations of the company, Japer Horner, of North Carolina, today entered suit against the Korfolk; and Portsmouth Traction Co.,. in the United States court here, claiming $6,000jdam- ages and S100 for medical attention. In this declaration Mr. Horner claim that he was in Norfclk on Aug. 1$ 1810 and attempted to board a Norfolk' and Portsmouth Traction Company's car on Main street, bear the Confederate mon ument, but was unfamilliar with the rules and regulations and got on the wrong side of the car. He stated that the gate was closed and that the man in charge not only would not open 'it so that he could enter the car) but would not give him a reasonable time to alight and that while the car was moving-at a rapid rate cf speed, frightened bint so by telling him that unless he got off he would be crushed between that car and another that would soon be passing that he jumped and sustained external and internal injuries that laid bim up for some time and injured his business, causinjr him considerable loss. v E. R. WoMen and Jeffries, Wolcott. Wolcott and Lankford are the attorneys for the plaintiff, whose Buit was filed in forma pauperis. wmt Market Advances. Special to Journal. New York, Sept. 27 Heavy buying by spot houses and southern interests advanced thefuture market sharply again today. Spot sales none. Prices unchanged LATHAM ALEXANDER & CO You run save money only while you have money. When old age romes don't let it be fettered by the foll of your youngei Says. It is pitiable to be old and poor. Bank your moiiey and have your money. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. wakp miR UAMir vnrm raw THE PEOPLES BANK Hon. B. F. Dixon Dead Raleigh, N. a, Sept. 27 State Au ditor Benjamin F. Dixon died here last night at 11:30. o'clock, at Rex Hospital where he was taken a week ago; suffer ing from an acute attack of angina pec toris. Auditor Dixon waa born in 1S46. He was an officer in the Civil war and also served his country in the Spanish American war, being a major in the Second regiment, North Carolina vol unteers. He was a licensed physician and an ordainod Methodist minister. , He was formerly superintendent of the Masonic Orphan Asylum at Ox'ord N. C, and a few years later waa made president of the Greensboro j Female College in 1900 Major Dixon waa elect ed State Auditor of North Carolina and waa serving his third term when taken ill. persuasion dui o oinersjverwouia Bay vJtuiiic ? miu - .t1 t.t.lstfiy fij.JL.f & t'-it V ' , S It vMusic.will be furnished 3y jHe bestrcliestra1 ih(n be had,-this alohewill be ! worth your triplf nothing: moreiCome and tideour time with ;us.;r:;TTiursdayf - : vs We. nave made a' "special, provision for ' out-of-town , people, . have equipped a I aitirborniwim L comb "and brush,- this js , not alone. ror our customers but tor. all who will come, ' : -v .."-." - ' . .. ....f. .. - . . . ,. .... .. , -... ... 1 CHILDREN'S m DRESSES We have put in stock ta nice line of Children's SCHOOL DRESSES and you can buy these Dress es for what the goods would cost you, they are made in the best styles. We are also showing a pretty line of Aprons for lousekeepers and nurses. J. J. BAXTER '2' 11 DEPT. STORE ELKS TEMPLE ." .rj-. )- w Congressman Thomas at Durham. Hon. Charles R. Thomas 'of New Bern. Conirreasman in the third con greasional district for the past twelve years, is in the city today on business, having comedown this morning, from HllUboro, where he has been, spending some meiii Congressman. Tho)naa has made one of the, best representatives in the -national legislative body. $e state baa ever had, and it is a matter of gen eral regret throaghout the sttfte he . is not to be returned by his distr ict. Bat ma iaiiure w again oe.. tne noromee 01 the party in the third district jcomea by his own choice not to again contend tor the nomination; the convention naming to succeed him Dr. John M. Faisoo. of - . 1 1 Mr. Tnoiraa says' toat. conainons in his district are in good shape aC that DK Faison Will win out b fc 'good ma jority over bit ! Republican' 'opponent,' George Butler, of Sampson county, and a close kinsman of "Mary Ann.' Dur ham Herald. ?Hi.;. :;;- K - i," ... . - ..t- .V n'Z. ' 1 .Z -y',. ' , ..- ?':' Mot Known in Tbii City. Th9 following article was clipped from the Charlotte Observer: - ?,f ?;.J , "Roanoke, V. Sept.2iI.'CaI J well, of New Bernr N, C , travellug Id his touring automobile over tn nation al highway; ran over some chickens and pigs at Rocky Mount, Va this even ing. Upon his arrival at Roanoke he was arrested On request of . the Rocky Mount, officials and taken to polire headquarters. It Is believed Caldweii will arrange a compromise and proceed on his way.'.' He has. not been Jock ed up." , . : :': ' f,r. Cslfiwell may hve resliluJ in Mew Utrn et gome time during thepnt " yars, but inti'iirics f .'.' 1 to prov. ' ' i I' ii! it y. It is presunx-1 t!,'-.t ho v 1 (-;,:'' ! hy t' ! ."'' of ''' i -! -n, t ff.!t FALL AND WINTER 5?ai NOW ARRIVING CALL AND iSEE OUR DISPLAY. Bat;rington Dry Goods Co. JsRIuHTEN IJP Tilfc HOME ;;This i aood time to paint the very ffagfitg&iPf Paints and Oils, also Varnish stains ftUt floora- and' Furniture. . Phone orders promptly '-JilledUt jis seodyp'aup a ctlorrard. "t JjiMMsaBiBtsninanttBBBBnnBBBninMsn HARDWARE CO. 1 ISMi Street, i9 ' I '' 1 Phono 147, rtNmBi;i- N.'& I GASKII F'T!M 0 f I r nun UULUI -r!'n- ItU A I All SSli 1SS3 v -0- BSTACUSIIED ;22 , YEARS rfvd.;) 1910, E K. ilSUOP, Pree't, O. IL R0BEST3-E. B. HACKBURN V-Preav JNQ. bUNN, Secretary-Treasurer. fK.i 'AsskLilca'$l':.'!"lr2.",'0.j2"ccu!3 hot do better' thanj :fi; v::t u t!.'; Aruc' Jn's stock tccriia It fa protected' V: 1 1 :e -3 s vi! : ' b city f repcrty; U free from tax i:J i ;. ; f t 6 j r cr t. r r? :- V.: jr:i t ' ' i f.-. '' : 1 r'"v: 'v f-rilst grainy - V : 0'