.': r.:.- .'fCX'ij-'?,! "V:VV -'" f : ' ' ' .'rsz-et.v.p-x.i: o ? 'Arapthot ItltmtCf r ' T y ' rA"- 'Ml .... fy.r "SI- 'V-' ... v.',.. . "r..i - ".: CV t r Jf '',7 h', 4 1 i' f' vvr j Paerishee -rry day ta the rw ept Monday, Jayaal-fcnlMlnfc Se-et Cravta etieet. '- i ' 'rPHOK wa . ; - -r " ; , ' . v cajJUJBa wtTBTBUis, tolTOR AKD PROFRIITOR UBJCMPTIOX UTUi One Tear laadvaaea . Ob year, not la advance.. .. Monthly r earrter th city Advertising plication. rate furnished oa as Entered at tM Peetemee, Kaw Ban IT. &. a eopd-da matter. OFXT-TIAL PAPER OF OTW BBBN i AND CBAVB COUNT!, r New Bern, N, C. 8ept.??9, 1M SMALLER INDTJSTMES MAKE FOR POPULATION GROWTH. A notable feature of the census of 1910. is that ra the exhibit which shows that the most marked examples in population growth have been in those cities where the local industries turned out the fin ished articles, such as in Detroit, where the automobile is largely re sponsible for the increase of popu lation, and to Akron, Ohio, "where special industries have been estab lished, and Schenectady, N. Y., where electrical appliances are manufactured, and. South Bend, Ind., where vehicles and farm ma chinery arc made and Waterbury, Conn., increased in population 59 per cent, due to the manufacture of watches and articles made of copper industries which appear insignificant compared with the iron and steel industries and their allied trades. It is this diversification, both as to the farm and equally so as to the city, that counts for success that makes prosperity and growth. The farmer with his several crops, instead of one crop, wins out. The city that cau have twenty to two hundred industries, tho' these be small, in the way of capital and number of employes, yet there will never be a year in such a city of general depression, for with diver sified industries there will be a cer tain demand for the greater part of the finished products that are manufactured, and this will create a healthy local condition among wage earners, and in commercial circles. In this smaller industry estab lishment, New Bern has the loca tion to do much. The Chamber of Commerce is doing what it can in the publicity line to attract atten tion to New Bern's advantages. But equally important to local development and growth, is it nec essary for each citizen to be a com mittee to act In the publicity line aud help attract to this city capi tal and buildeis. Children Cry FOR ELETCHEITS CASTOR I A :rj - ' r Although-money U tha root of all evil, the mott auoceaarai mra to ba thoa wha pbutt It A RELIABLE MEDICINE NOT, A .NARCOTIC Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joo, Mich , says Foley's Honey and Tar saved her little boy'alifo, She writes: "Our littla boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cure him, I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar in which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well as the chok ing and gagging spells, and he got well in a short tima, Foley's Hooey and Tar has many times saved us much trouble and w are never without it in the house." Davis Pharmacy. Monty talks, but what tha "ooppaf says may. not be wrt& twa nu. km Pale-Faced Women a Tobvfadles, who have pale faces, sallow complexions, dark circles Under eyes, ' drawa fcalim tad-tired, worn out expressions, you need tonic. .x ?Tb tonic you need Is Cardal, the woman's tonlc: 3 - It -is the best tonic 1or. women, because rit3 Ingredients r are specifically adapted for women .needs. They act on the. womanly organs and help to give needed strength and . vitality to the worn-out womanly frame. . : : - . . - - Cardul is a vegetable,' medicine.' , It contains -no' min erals, no iron, no potassium, no lime, no glycerin, no dan gerous, or, hablt-formlng. drugs of any Idnii-Av s"' , It I perfectly harralew and safe, tor young and old to use. ;,;.-,'-,Tt3,V,c ARef''dfJdoriiad doits t:ik??ald hecot;?dfor rne writes Mrs. Vvn. Milliard, cf Mountak bur Ark.,-"I took Ccr- &J, on the advice cf f LZlOTt t" .'Z ' t J-;.-. i t 11-' 'i .1 &x a r v - Jr . ' 5.1 i m ij.fr &U&ii3M Notice. Notice is hereby given that the school committee for No. 8 township will meet in the law office of P. M. Peareall in the city of New Bern, N. C. on Saturday October 1st 1910 at 12 o'clock m, for the purpose of employing teachers for the public schools in said township. September 22nd. 1910, P. M. PEARSALL, Chairman. W. K. BAXTER, Secretary. , STOMACH FEELS FINE Two Ml-o-na Tablets Drive Away Dis tress from Stomach. Get a 50 cent box of MI-O-NA tablets at Bradham Drug Co. today and learn for yourself how easy it is to put your out of order stomach in perfect con dition. MI-O-NA stomach tablets give In stant relief and do more. They build up the stomach so quick ly that in a few days belching, sour ness, heartburn, heaviness, biliousness headache and dizziness will disappear. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are guar anteed by Bradham Drug Co. to cure Indigestion and all stomach Ills, or money bacK. "I have had troubla with my stom ach for two years. I tried everything I heard of. MI-O-NA stomach tablets did me more than $25.00 worth of good They are the best in the world. "Den nis Stephen, Coudersport, Pa., Feb. 1. Fifty cents for a large box of MI-O-NA at Bradham Drug Co. and drug gists everywhere. for Rent. 1 dwelling on Hancock street, $15.00 per month. 1 dwelling en Short street, $8.50 per month. 1 dwelling on Griffith Btreet, $8.50 per month. 1 office building and a few office rooms 1 dwelling on National Avenue $15.00 per month. C. T. HANCOCK. A MAN OF IRON NERVE. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc cess fhey bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the matchless regulators, for keen brain and strong body. 25c at all druggists. D. F. Jarvis is the only place to get the Royal Wor cester and Bon Ton Corsets V end it 1 ired r:c so r: 1 uf.:-.J tcr.i t:r. ". . i l ; v; . . - t: Grows HaiPt - , and we can - v' PROVE IT! PVANDERINE u to Ae hair what be thowen of rain and tunahine are to vegetation. - It joe right to the roiuy in vigorate and (trengthens them. It exniU- lating, stimulating ana uie-aroaucmg prop. ertici cause the, hair -to grow abundantly long,' strong and beautiful. It at onte Im part! a tparUing brilliancy ana v ivety ofUttH to the hair, and a few week V ue will cause new hair to prut an over the scalp. Use it every dty tor a short time, after which two or three times a weex wiu oe sumaeni complete whatever growth you desire. A bdr tnm St. Panl witta to sahstaBMt as folfeww "Wtm I hegta athia Dudarins my hslr voald out eoa to mf tboaMen sad urn It Is sway bslov ay hips, "l hsr beam mist DsntsrliM ttgii- lsrly. wses l smnanM w i hid vary 11 Ms bUr, now I hue. the most bMatltul long and thick hair aayoea woold waat Id haT." NOW at all dm jglata In fore alsea, 35c. SOo and $1.00 par bottle. Danderine enjoys a greater sale than any other one preparation regard less of kind or brand, and it has a much greater sale than all of the other hair preparations in tne world compiaea. Frtt To ho hew qolokly Issasrlas act, wa will aand a lante M.M1UH0 BJ 1 U.U1 U WWW Iwho aeada this tne coudod to ta TMl (sTNOWl.TnN OANnERINE to Mi ducaao. UL with their nana aad addran ana 10c t iHTtr or itampa to pay potag. School Notice The city school will open on Monday October 3rd. at 9 a. m. New or conditioned pupils will be ex amined on Thursday Sept. 29th. at 10 a. m. The fee for book rent is thesame as heretofore and are as follows payable in advance. 1st grade 80c. adv. 1st grade $1.00: 2nd, grade $1.20: 3rd. grade $2:00: 4th. grade $2.20: 5th. grade $2.50: 6th. grade $2.80: 7th. and 8th grades $3.50: 9th. and 10th. grades $4.00. Pupils may obtain books on and after Septt between 9 and 12 daily and all pupils are urged to get their books be fore the opening of school. Instrumental music on the piano and violin will be given as last year to those who wish to take-tuition $3.uo per month. I will be in the office daily from 9 to 12 o'clock and will be glad to tee par ents or pupils in regard to the work of the school. H. B. CRAVEN, Children Orvy FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Trappers take notice. The Basnight Hardware Co,, has iust received a full line of Victor and Jump steel traps, from rat to otter sizes Phone 99, 67 S. Front St. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except an pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as me uaiuBge mey win - uo iir leu om to the good you can possibly derive from them, Hail's Catarrh cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and i taken internallly, acting directly npcm the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. In buvimr Hall's Catarrh Cnra be sure yeu get. the genuine. It is taken eternally and made in Toledo, . ' Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c, per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip ation. Republican Senatorial Convention The Republican Convention f the Eighth Senatorial District is hereby called to meet at New Bern, ft. C, October 6th. 1910, 12 noon to Dominate two Republican candidates for talld dis trict and to transact such, otbrfc bust nets as may properly eoma beforjs it -t.W. F. GILBERT, T, B. BROWfi Secretary, . '7 -; Chairman, , DONT. BREAK DOWN. Severe strains on the vital onranfcvlik strains on machinery, .cause-- break- downs. Yon can't over-tax stomach. liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves cwith jout serious danger to yourself. . If you .-are weak or run-do whi or under f train of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matchless, tonic medicine. Mrs. J. E. I Van de Sande, of Kirkland, writes: '.'that 1 did not break down, whin en during a most severe strain, ' for nhree months. Is due wholly to Electric! Bit- ters'- Use them and enjoy health and strength, - Satisfaction poBitivelyigufir- anieeu. ouc. at ail oruggists, . : r o s - Notice Bids wanted for forty cords spot pine woou ior county noma aeiivsred. v - r. a V. riChardso, , - i 'fyu .Com. , ' '-' " r -.'U Dovtr, N.C. WHEN MEHIT WIN3 Ine you tp'-e i no your . 1. r 1 . 1 ' ' 1 mi Sept 17. Our people are busy pkk- ; Thi cotton crop m triis section Is cut off at bast one-third.' 77 " ' ' -V V- Sirka last writing wa" have Itad two couples to get married. Mr. Benjamin Brinseo and Misa Julia Daw, both of Arapahoe, were united In marriage last 8unday week ago. Justice of tha Peace G W Brinaon officiated. Mr. Lather Lloyner" and Miss Deeaie MfHer were married Saturday 17th, Mr, G W Brhv son tyeing tha knot. Mr, and Mra Brinaon era both popular young, people of Arapahoe. Mr. and Mrs Joyner are both very popular in this community. Mr. Lea Sadler who has been teach ing school at this place hars closed it and returned to Lynchburg, Ya,, where ha will resume h i studies at tha Virginia Christian College. Mr. Harry Rawls, of nr Arapahoe, accompanied Mr. Lee Sadler to Lynch' burg, where he will enter school. There is a good bit of sickness in our neighborhood. Miss Manda Rawls, of near Arapa hoe ia on the sick list. Mrs G A Banks, of Arapahoe, is sick Mrs H N Banks is visiting friends and relatives at Bridgeton. Mr and Mrs Ira Brinaon spent Sunday at Baird's Creek visiting relatives. Miss Clara Sutton who has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. Brinson, of this place, returned home to Vanceboro Sun day accompanied by her sister and children. Miss Sudie Cay ton is visiting in. our community. The Free Will Baptist held their an nual protracted meeting last week with one addition to the church. Rev. Ev erett did the preaching. "NIXY" Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTOR I A A Prominent New Bern Banker Says I am now using Savodine and am well pleased witb it. I bave never tried any thing I like so well for nasal catarrh. It is cooling and soothing to the air paasa geB and makes breathing easy. I gen. erally use it before retiring. T. A. GREEN, Vice-Pres. New Bern Banking & Trust Company. New Bern, N. C. Thrsa Clocks. The best three clocks iu tbe world are ut t lie inivul observatory ut Wash Inglou and tbe observatories at Oreen wlch aud Berlin Tbe former two are tbe best uud sbow u uieuu devlaMou of blleen uue-tliousiiniUbx of a aecoud a day. Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr. Shoop.s Cough Kemedv. And it is so thoroughly barm. less, that Dr. Snoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a Tung healing mountainous shrub give the curative properties toDr Shoop.s Cough Rem edv. It calms the couch, and heals the sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to miure or suppress. Demand Dr. Snoop's. Accept 'no other. Sold by Bradham Drug (Jo. GRATEFUL AC KN 0 WLED 6 EM HI Chicago, III July 1910. The Savodine Co. New Bern. N. C. My Dear Sirs:- I have for many years been a great sufferer from an accident in which the vein between my ankle and knee was severed. After a while the flow of blood was stopped but the impure pent up Hood produced an eruption earning the most intense itching which began to spread over my body. After trying every remedy I could hear of I -was persuaded to try Savodine. This gave immediate relief and now I can sleep in great ease and comfort which has not ben the case for sevarsr years. Tbit testimonial I send In grateful, acknow ledgement aad. will take pleasure hi recommending it to my friends. , Very sincerely, : r n M. E. JOHNSON. Formerly of Chapel B 111, N. C ' Valuable lot, corner of Broad ana Middle Stat, 107 ft 6 in by 80 ti. j . 1 . ? ' B, C FEREBEE, ' i '. M.. Hf HARRISON, . - 11 pv O. A. PHILLIPS,. -, ri i' ' ' Committee.'" .V iieyo.' 1 i 1 mr.im Fm If "1 -.1 4 '1 V 'J r What Ti y V.TJ Da Ut Y , 1 They wUlojre your tacliche, ttrersthea your lij -ya, cor- recturir-rylrrf;-.:'-!!:-, n, t-iM r?"t'- wen c-t t r-1 r ' Sbi ffll 1 I : 1 iiriti mn mm m or i 1 1 1 m 1 1111 i s rpr i II II ILJ . i liwdcl . iiVL I m s;,,MpsiuJi , h. iimbu I il III so. sj Our Ladies' Tailoring Is WE are pleased to announce that we have opened a ladies' tailoring department. You can now have your clothes made-to-measure to suit your taste at prices that will fairly astonish you. They will be made in Chicago by the American Ladies Tailoring Company. We have hundreds of the latest fabrics and all the newest fashions on display. Come and see us today. Made to Order h 'itrht take your measure ments together with all the details peculiar to your figure. Your garment will be man tailored in one of the finest shops in America under expert supervision. The finished garment will be ready promptly for your try-on and inspection, then you can see how man-tailoring will bring out every lire and detail of your fig ure, then you can know the joys of wearing high qual ity tailor-made clothes. Satisfaction Assured ZTtt your figure and to accent your individuality, and you are certain of satisfaction. Style, fit, fabric and tail oring are guaranteed by ourselves and the American Ladies Tailoring Company of Chicago. Our Fashion and Fabric Display Da not miss this remirkabla exhibition of all the latest styles an 1 hundreds of new shades an 1 pilt 'rns such as the best dressei women will wear. There is a style and fabric for you in this marvelous (.isplay. Such a wealth of styles and fabrics has never been shown. F. M. Chadwicfc JetHTU BE00CE0 RATtS VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD VIRGINIA STATE FAIR. RICHMOND, VA., Tickets sold Sept. 80th, to Oct. 8th, limited to return until Oct 10th. Travel Via Norfolk, Va. BAPTIST HOME MISSION- CON VENTION. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, Tickets sold Oct 8rd, to Oct 8th, limited until Oct 14th. (Certificate Plan. ) CHARLOTTE, N. C, Grand Session Good Samaritan and Daughters of Samaria, Ticketa sold Oct. 8th, 13th, limited until Oct 19th. (Certificate Plan.) Trains via Norfolk Southern Railroad direct through Raleigh. CINCINNATI, OHia, General Assem bly of the Episcopal church, Tickets sold Oct 8rd, to 6th, also Oct 10th, limited to return Oct 80th, trains via .Norfolk Southern through Norfolk. CHATTANOOGA, TEN., National Lea gue of Postmasters, Tickets sold Oct 10th,- and Uth, limited to return Oct 17th, trains via Norfolk Southern di rect through Raleigh. For further particulars - apply to any Norfolk Southern ticket agent or ad- dress " : - " - ' . D. V. fcONN, d: P. A. . -,,' y-r'v Raleigh, N. C. r.W. W. CROXTON, Or P. A. XM ?vMX Norfolk Va. , would have been about as welcome to ki Cooper of Oswego, N. V.r as a mer ciless lung-racking cough that defied all remedies for years. 'It was most troublesome at night, '.'he writes, "noth ing helped me till I used Dr. King's New Discovery which cured me- completely. I never cough at nighf now.";. Millions know its matchless merit for stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore dungs-, ' la grippe, asthma, ,. hemorrhage, croup;' whooping cough,.. or -bayfever. It re lmvei quickly and never fails to satisfy., A trial convinces. 60c,' $1.00. '. VTrial bott'o f-ee. It's positively guaranteed ty ail t;.;ur"'pU. ....... ' ' 1 r f . ' A radical Ch. "!." '',''''. "Do I t.iva ( pxcli weilillnii ! ' ' '' '.If mm mm ? at Your Service experience! fitter C. .1 1 D It is interesting startling Low r rices t0 Unow th3tin our ladie's tailoring department you can get exclusive attention; get the the work of a skilled man tailor; get a garment made to your measure at reasonable pricts. in our store -will ft u : uA Livery, Sales and Ex- ?&tiGsmigtx Special Attention Given PHONE 261, STABLES NEAR NEUSE OUR LETTER To our many friends and patrons. We adopt this method of extending our thanks for your liberal patronage through the past Spring and Summer season, and we earnestly solicit a con tinuance of the same. Our fall and winter line of goods is now reedy for inspection composed of all the latest fabrics of the best for eign and domestic goods. We guarentee all work to be up to the best American tailoring. We have had some thirty years ex perience. We make suits, trousers and overcoats to your measure and there is no blind tailoring in it Yoo can sea your clothes in the making and have a chance to try on before finished. We rnske any. style you want1 We five you every thing up ro date and save you from 10 to IS per cent, be your own judge and yoq ril) save by It. :-w .'4 r Work dona at " ahbTt natiea. Ordor suit One day and get It" the next Order pants in the morning and get ".them at night" Tharking - yotf io advanca for eonBlJeratioo.i-;;lV;v:;.ci s" V,.v -2; R RawvlTR ' fit .S-i;j;$;.:: El Bouth Front St ' - i.V..i.. It's a pity vhen sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Heart and Kid neys. That is all wrong! A weak Stom ach, meane weak Stomach ' nerves al wayfl. And this is also true of the Heart ana Kid nova The weak nerves are In-' stead cryinir out for help. This explains why I)r Hoop's KoHtnrative Is prompt ly ln'Ipii'fT l-'t'unnch, lienrt and Kidney :!;! .1" i.i;l.' '1 !') KeBto'ti" r- 1 -8 Out ! r ! 1 1 rf t r f Department I Suits $13.50 and Up Coats 10.00 " Skirts 5.1:0 " Dresses 12.00 " Capes 7.50 " These are the prices that we quote you for high art man-tailoring that insures satisfaction. - Merchant Tailor 103 MID )LE ST. 1 JUI111 L. mJulllMlIi (Formerly With J. A. Jones) change Stabh cnange otaoies. Livery and Boarding Horses 103 EAST FRONT ST., RIVER BRIDGE. Just Received A FINE LOT OF RED YAM POTATOES JACOBSCO. PHONE 86. A Handsome Woman 3 EtrenT wokxuua mf not be hand tomv but ererjr Woman thouM keen with' rara thai bmmmI nAints I Mtture has given he;- No woman aeea nave aauow tldn, dull eye. Motchy complexion, who 1 peri mner attnt!nn h Iim ka.Klk Where constipation, liverderange nenta, blood impurities and othet brresularidea exist cool conmlen ion, bright . eyea end prisUj movementa cannot exuL Internal iarangamanU ravaal themaalvaa sooaai latar e Uia surface. Headache, aad ring around the area, aallow akin, a eoak' slant tirwl f ;.!! g-m that tha lire! Mid 11' orsana ara naadins t'u aJ rorrcc)'nn. lChn.itrla,i a Stomach ana I ivrr It' t'vm t ' v' 1.'.

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