1 ,-r - V- i;.fl " If, . ' ; . Y." '. Mi ."1 i' w v . - & .a I -- ; , 2 'y '. l'.-iii " " i ' ' ' i 'i s r --- n r.'. 3 W . i : Always Bought ALCOHOL I PEft CtMT AeftaUePreomrtaiCrAt. simliadng tteFtafamlRrttb tingttae SiomadisandBowasaC ness and uratconoms nesw OramuMQrphittt BorfiaraL! NOT NARCOTIC. flewJhnr"- Aperfect Remedy for Corettpt tion , aour awuitwui'wiiuM Worms JConvulsioBsJevmsi nessiulLossoFMF- FacSinde Siutart of MEW XUKr. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 THI SmaBiH geSOOL, lika.UW, X. C. looted m U. likorlllo fl I nllM CONTROL. kod CAftHUUK. aon upM absolutely I ; : ALCOHOL I PEE CENT, i , mm i TT.HIT I I rii mixb B i ll lllti Exact Copy, pf Wrapper. W1 amTOM aMnuni, vam ear. Physicians Advise the use of a good laxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from getOnginto youi system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, genu, reliable and of" a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on the stomach and bowels, and is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, coUc.flatulence, etc. Try VP 1 5 n Has ainoe 1894 given "Thorowgh inatfocdoa under positively Chris tJan influence at the lowest possible coat." ' RESULT: It is to-day with Its faculty -of 32, a boarding patronage Of 328, Its student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charget. for the year, Including table board, room .lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects ttcept music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. J AS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. ) . , THOS. R. REEVES, B. x.j Aatodata Principals. i HARDWARE AND Building Ma tcrial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes American Field Fence t nafe vpenad'my Job Printing pVanf at' No.'139-' Middle street and am readjr to-do-all kinds of Jo'prjntini: t th lowest pricW. .Ne Wtock,,isiicork. .. PROM PT L AT TCNTIOJi; GIVEN ALL DR3ERS. .--' ' ft :-.;. IE W. SMALIWOOD. &jjBS8tBSSSSSE38BSSSBBSSSSSSSS3ISFQ INOMRHADXI -'11 y w U W LuLJ For Infants and Children Ths Kind You Have Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years ku praprad to b for JIT TUK8. Idatllr trtm elty. Onoatettoi M1LITABT br D1SCIPUHC, fiOB otkw MkooU mot naHTM. IHMi Kp 1 wulMUd. Uinm COL. I. RI50HXJI. mt.. Sos T5. LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP NORFOLK SOUTHERN MILROU Schedule Effective Aug. 15. IS 10 Trains Aniving and Departing From New Bern, N. C. Ar. 9:00 a m Daily From Oriental 9:10.." " " Beaufort. S:16 " " " Goldsboro. 11:36 " " except Sunday from Raleigh. 30 p m Daily except Sunday from Oriental. 4:85 p m Daily from Norfolk. 6:30 " " ' Goldsboro. 6:36 " " " Beaufort. Lv. 9:15 a m Daily For Goldsboro. 9:25 " " " Norfolk. 9:26 " " " Beaufort. 9:50 " " except Sunday for Oriental. 1:46 p m Daily except Sunday for Raleigh. v1 " , 6:35 p m Daily For' Beaufort . 6:6a " " " Goldsboro.' 7:10 " OrientaK W. W. CBOXTON, G. VK A, Norfolk, va. - ' Hubhy And what 414 the Doctor aar JTlfer Ha aW..-Fut out yovrto. ." Hubby And (ant Wtttft OvsrworkaC.. IIK-!,t::"2CC M IT' C:r Gc!:r J SLt3cril;rs 'JCTiJKtCWjhss V-- Fermi Cfaeaoat TxW t W hm on Btndalph SC. : Fanml will b condttct d from Pint Btptbt. cKwch, colored, this tftornooo t 4:90 o'clock. GEKAT MASS MEETlSo 15 KEW - BERK, Ji. !. Dr. M W Gilbert, Pastor Mount Oli rt Baptist Church, New York City, will speak at the First Baptist Church, R. ALE Weoks, Pastor, New Bern, N. C, Wednesday and Thursday nights October 6th and 6th. 1910. Subject for- Thursday night "The Function of Christianity In the Solution of Race Problems." The meetioK will be in the interest of the New Bern Co legists Ioduatr al In stitute Farm on wtich will be develop ed farming, poult -v and stock railing, and the making o brick. $10,000 has been subscribed towsrd the enterprise,- an J every citizen who wants the negro to do something', should i present. Everybody invited. Admission free. Pledgee and Sihcer Offerings will be in order at the close of the meeting. REV, A. L. E. WEEKS, Principal. pleasing, good, high grade, truly flavored, amber colored cup of coffee can be had and without the real Coffee danger, or damage to health by simp- using Dr. snoop, s new sudsu ute called 'Health Coffee". Pure, whole aome, toasted cereals, malt, nuts, etc. make Dr. Snoop, s Health Coffee both healthful aud satisfying. No 20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling. "Made in a minute", says Dr. Shoop. If served as coffee, it,s taste will even trick an ex: pert. Isold by. M . Armstrong. According to 8cale. Mrs. Wiiuder-It seems to me that that music teiu-her Is always asking for money. Mr. Wnnder That's perfectly natu ral. His s-ale. you know. Iieidus and ends wttb "dough." Baltimore A men can. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tab let called Preventics is being dispensed iy druggists everywhere. In a few nours. nevenucs are saia to DreaK any cold completely. And Preventics be ing sa safe and toothsome, are very tine ror children. No Uuinine, no laxative, nothing hfrh nor sickening. Box of 48-25C. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. -i i 1 - The Slightest On. Mrs. INewlvwrtl - Before we wen married you suhi thai mv hIIk'iipp wlxb should he your law. Mr. Newh wed Exai-tly. uiy love. But you huv. so many vigorous aud well di-reiopei wishes that I mil as yet unalile to dr cide as to wblrb U the slightest. IT SAVED HIS LEG. "All thought I'd lose my leg, "writes . A. Swenson, of Watertown, Wis. 'Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors uia not cure, naa at last imu me up. fhen Buckten's Arnica Salve cured it, ound and well. Infallable for Skin Eruptions. Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils. fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25c at all druggists. Cheering Her Up. Maud-Did you observe that Ou Arvher rntvu me bis Hint duuee las eveulug? hlbyl-Yes; be told'me luter on thai be believed always In getting die agreeable things doue with as soon possible. Children Cry . FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA IB pollUca tke proof of th puddlni in the dlatrAbmtoa of the plnmt Mrs. JaCJb Wilmert. Lincoln. Ill found her way back to perfect health. She writes: "I suffered with kidney trouble and backache and my appetite was Terr rtoor at times. A few week 'a ago I got Foley Kidney Pills and gave them a fair trial They gave me great relief, ao continued till now I am again in perfect neaitn. -uavis rnarmacy. Benefits of Music. "Do yon believe that music prevent rimer "To a certain Mtent." replied Mfc. jtlnulck, "When a man keeps bota natids and Tila breath busy with a cor net you know be can't be ph-kituT pock tta. attempting homh-We or slandering ids oelgnboraVV-.wasuliigton 8tar., , A Pirioeless Book. y V; Ispnan-Riita, Terala., has a copy of lb Kotaq wrtueu ou snbineut and bennd lu mlld ild.i;:;Kl ' ; ; SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDRltN Folev'a Honey and Ta I a safe t nd effeeiiva medicine for : children as it do pot conUin opiates of bar rr ful drugs. Get only Aha gen line. Foley' Money ana Tar in tn yeiiaw pacssga. Davia Phannacy...v:i:;r,.:'r 'ip-V: ?v; i i ,;:' v:?,t ttapartao. i BotIwbyar you 1o"moflrattif'n.'- 1 'Oh, for m sins', .t-. j vf" C (ree! I didhT koow pm'A lost anyr K;Ievlaad iJnmK'Tn t v. . ' " -t "-V '. Siam 'Wisdom Lft, .;.-X; Too didn't fell the barber you were iu a .... v 'ht "JJoi 1 flldn'i wapt, hlin to knowjt. rlttstiurg j'ot.; . . ,, , ; x Blessed I the' man who bus found hiswork. f. hlin Hk ho other Wes- ednesS-Tboiiiss "Ckrlyl. ? " Do too fed week, tired, depBdeoC, have freetoea bead x acbes, eoatad ' tonue- bittar or Wd beart-bura. bdcbiul tea. acid fisiois in throat attar i .aatint, stoaaaeh nsw or ban; ioui breathy diixy saallt.' poor or variable appetite,, awnsaa at ub and -Jatofr . If 'ya fcav '.asny cooaidarabl mmabaftt At abvre symptoaa Ta ara aaSarin froaa biliw eas, torpid .Utbt with jjdicarion, or dyspepsia. Dr. PSaree's Coldaa klrdisal Diaaorery ia aaade - ap of the atoat valucbla saedieiaal prinaipi kaveww to racdioal aeianee for the' parmaaaat -aura of such ebnoraaal aoaditioo. It M a aaoet - oSoient Uvee lovigorator. atomaeh tonio, bowel ragiUatar and aarra atrenthenar. The "Goidea Medical Disoovery" Is not a patent medio! or aaerst aostms, a full list ot iti ingredient being printed oa its bottle-wrapper and etteeted under oath. A glance at these will fapw that it contains ao iaobol, or ham- ' ful habit-forming drugs. . It it fluid extraet mad with pare, triple-re fined glycerine, of proper- strength, from the roots of native Amerioaa Bedioal, forest plants.. World's Dispensary Mdiol Assoeiatioa, Props., Buffalo, N. I NORFOLK SOUTHERN RA LBOAQ BULLETIN. The following reduced rates will ap ply from New Bern, N. C, to the points mentioned. In addition to these points Summer Tourists fares apply to Sum mer Resorts in United States and Can ada, Atlantic Citv, N J. American Street and Internrban Railway Association. Dates of sale Oct. 6th, to 9th, inc.. lim it Oct. 18th, rates via Norfolk $15.40, via Goldsboro, $18.80. KnOXVille, Tenn. Appalachian Exposi tion, tickets sold Sept 10 to Oct. 12th, final limit Oct 18th, fare $15.45, tick ets sold Sept 15, 22, 29th and Oct. 6th, limited to 8 days. Fare $10.40, not good on parlor or sleeping cars. For further information apply to T. H. Bennett, ticket airent. W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. CURE YOURKIDNEYS. No Not Endanger Life When a New Bern Citizen Shows You the ('ure Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint. Lack- ache, urinary disorders, lameness, head aches, languor, who allow themselves to become chronic invalids, when a ci tain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to -use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work If you have any. even one, of the jymtoms of kidney disease, cure your self now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright 's disease sets in. Read this New Bern testimony: J. R. Bowden, 29 Hancock St., New Barn, N. ('. says: "I do not hesitate to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as I hive used them with the best of re sults. I suffered from kidney trouble for a long time. My back tched con stantly and on account of the severe pains in my loins, it was difficult forme to stoop or lift. At times my condition was such that I found it almost impo.--nble'to attnd to my work, I finally obtained Doan's Kidney Pills from dradham Pnannacy and they soon re lieved the backache and pains in my oin- and strengthened ny kidneys." For-sale b; all dealers, fries 60 nts.. Foster Mllburn po., Buffalo. 'Jew York, sole agents for tbe United 1 tats. Remember tbe name Doaa's and Hke no other. Ella Her face speaka for Itself Stella Tea: and It Is pretty olaln'talk Chicago Nawa. Don't waste your money buying plas ten when you can get a bottle of Ckiam berlain's Liniment for twenty-five ctr, A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment is superior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and cneat, and much cheaper. Sold by all dealer. 'The newspaper la a gigantic mlrroi in whicH tit whole world aeea reflsot d Ita Joy. and sorrow, lu ambltloa and Inflnano It snnraa aait fllri Don't risk tvm k'permy-wdit health Irtt retwriu.. And iToeah Jnst sxsotlr that 1 am th dd physician who says to the iriok "1 wlll.oototmyown pocket, pay tor sou meal sine If -ft lallt to briny jon belpl . . And tor so yean Dr. Shoop e medlclnei Dave wn used andreoommended in every city and i' . rTi- 1 rf. Ih.v are noil lively staud- ard In every oommunltr-and everywhere., . Thoo whypay th m&H and t four.tiak. to other nnented and uncertain medlcltjeet Jit i fthMionnru have in uia I niVin UlLSUSBAIiUS lim v w aee aureesiruiir usea y. . v-ia. When tli Stomach neryos, or tlio lrtor K14- Bey Mrves mll.theseslckones 9SlCKViioeuuw " -'-". iti wlU brine them back to ZLtoZiL WMtfaK idV pontic tut OeeU nojf hkw- neyrish whatever .ni know " ... I , . Htm ,a lyinKenomo, the.; .w.noa Shoop WU I?'ur.i'L', 'V,: ;-"- nav Uia dhi i it tor ' thn T ' An,i St teat a lull SO day treatment Is Ireelf mntd. But writ me first tor an oraar. inn win i,,, ' " . . a ll dnmhita sell Dr. Hhoop s IlesioraUve n Dr. iaaiap Bhonn's Rheumatlo Remedy, but all ar list u thorlied to give the 80 day testrrlo drop me a Una Dla ease for l have appointed an honest and re sponsible aK 1. J. V eMTTo lmol M which book you ' f need. ,T1!,b?lt bolow will surely open tip new and helpful ldas to those who are not well. Beside yon are perl lv I in eoniiilt inn iiut os you would jour home nhrslolan. My edvlc and tb book below ar vours and without cost.-. . - ' Perhaps a word or two Trrwn me wITJ elear n nmeturloiia allraeut, I bar helpsd thomtsnds upon thousands - - i VT my Pf''?1" prw.rlptlon or Twional advlc pl.n, ..y b-.t f- a rl'i, a1"" .l worthyoiirtimpls Ja aow, while yon liave It fresh In niinn, for U'ori ow never oomaar, Shoop, Boa U, Radne. Vila. I - .. " Wkltk seek Uall I Is4 tt Ko. 1 On Dyspeptl ; v Ko.aOd thellmrt '' to-1 On the Hklrmys KcaforWomea No. 8 For Men Ko. 8 On IthaumM'jnv Get Wett First .ft ia noraini, APPAUCHIANEXPOSITI0N. KNOXVILLE, TENN. VEBY LOW BOUND TRIP RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Account the above occasion the South ern Railway announces th sale of very cheap round trip tickets to KnoxvHle, Tenn., and return as follows: Tickets on sale Sept 10th to October 12th inclusive, with final return limit ten days from, but not including date of sale. Rate from Raleigh, $12.26, Golds boro, $13.70, Selma, $13.80, Durham, $11.45, Chhpel Hill, $1146, Oxford, $12 45, Burlington, $10.45. The above tickets are good in Pul'man sleeping cars, also day coaches. Will also have on sale Sept. 15, 22, 29 and October 6th, with final returrf limit eight days from date of sale a round trip ticket from Raleigh of $8.25 Goldsboro, $9.25, Selma, $8.85, Durham $7.75, Burlington, $7.05, Oxford $8.40. These tickets will only be good in day coaches. Rates from all other points in same proportion as the above. Pbr all information as to rates sched ules, Pullman accommodations etc. ad dress the undersigned, W. H. PARNELL, Trav. Pass Agt Raleigh, N C. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hate Always Bought Bears the Signature The Great Cond. Tbe great military genius Conde was a precocious boy. At eight be under stood Latin, and At eleven be gava out a treatise on rhetoric. When fourteen ho bad become thoroughly conversant with the principles of warfare and ot all military tactics. GOOD FOR BILIOUSNESS. "1 took two of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver TabletB last night, and 1 feel fifty per cent better than I have for weeks, says J J Firestene of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a tine article for biliousness." For sale by all deal ers. Samples tree. "Good men" and "Qoodwoman." A pleasiug foi'ui of address that wat common lu the seventeenth centuri has gone quite out of use, probabl because of Us restriction to "Inferloi persons." The "Mr." was then a pre tlx to which only gentlemen were en titled, and among tbe puritan father' of Njw England the deprivation of tut right to be so addressed was Inflict ed as a puuishment "Ooodman' or "Good woman," by contractor. "Goody," was tbe address of those Ion In the social scale. The term Is pre served in some old songs. Londop Family Herald. Your kidney trouble may be of long atrtndintr. it raav be either acute or chronic, but whatever it ia Foley's Kid ney Remedy wilt aid yon to gat rid of it quickly and restore your natural health and vigor. "One bottle of Fo ley's Kidney Remedy made ma well." said J, Sihbull of Grand View, Wis. Commence taking it now. Davia Phar macy, Abntmindd. Mr. Nunop-Dear. the baby I gel ting to look more and more like ycu every day. Mr. Mip labaeutijK Well, punish him yourwlf. I can't bi bothered wltlitiile f his ousts nl misdeeds when I intiie home ilred am1 nervous. Cleveland liilr "Can he deneoded UDon" is an ax 1 :- .11 1:1.. M Lai A.t kin It hi used in connection with Chamber hln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rem edy it means that It never falia to cure diarrhoea, : dysentery . or oowai com ntalnta . It la nlMuant in laaa anacauBi ly valuable for children and adult. Sold oy an aeaier.' . ; fr s-. .' ".Pane and Cookflahtlno. . -'That a pee boald Indignantly detty the Insinuation' thnt h faror 'cock flgbtlngabowa how, time have changed since 1884. when thl fporr,,wai (-made Illegal. Hew. HtU Ul. hao. Been thought of It earlier 1 showp by the atoTT that. ElUatbefb Fry.'.th' great Quakereea, In visiting a ilick Quaker found him rapturously watcning main between a pair of hi beat birds en a table by his bedside. Pierce Egsn In his "Book of sporta." published in 1832. acclaimed Newcastle as first of all places In the world for cocklug, for It Is calculated that at tb termination Of tb present season op ard of 1,000 cocks will bat met tneir death.M- London Chronicle. -;',v. - : Your con ! r l'i r ' ! I - '. ;i!ixlon as we'l ri l ynnrtem 1 p Ma I - ( ' ' - 3. jybiicezM AZaONOTRAXO&V NQTKX , ; BarUcqaaUW a diBitjata of Maria OravaiosMtl this eotirraU pnaoa W- w acaiast uit stt to enatot tttaM sat aiiilgwid a or baton Sea. Utk tiu, sa talaswttaswUI alwla n bmraf tbaV neori A lanasaasMalt said astata wiUk rsaukaJ t saska-taiiwalaW aawnsat HUGH U BAMU, aaitnisrra'.or. B. B. NHON. Altornw. 8pt.tta1H0. -v ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. Having QnalUUd ss administrator of Christian f, WUH deeaassd, tttis hi to notify all pane bavins; slates against said estate to prsawt the sam to th ondorsisnsd oa or baton Sept. tnd ItU. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tbetr reeovenr. All persons Indebted to said estate will be required to n.ke immediate payment. This the 2nd day of Sept. 1910. W. H. WILLIS, Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina. Craven County, By vb-toe of the power of sal eontained in that certain mortgage ded made and ax seated by D P. Street and wife Jolis 6. 8treet to N T WnhV fsrd on the 14th day of October 1807 and reoord ed in the office f the Register of Deeds of Cra ve county In book 148. pes 58 et saq., the under1 eljrMd uertgtF will sell for cash to the Aigbeet bidder, at th out bouse door, in New Bern, Craven rounty S. ' '.. at the hour of twelve oduk V. on Monday 'he 3d day of October. ISIS, the following dee."i vvi rml estate, to-wit: One piece or pn-f i of land adjoining the bad of Charles B Daagherty and W A Wilcox situated in Craven eonnty,aN, C, No. One township, and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at foot of Mouth creek road, running with said road in a southeasterly direction to Charles H Daughertys irate, then with ins line to Swift Creek, up and with Swift Creek to Willis' bridge, then with Willis' bridge road to Washington road, and with Washington road to the beginning, containing 250 acres more or less. Reserving and excepting from the operation of this deed a portion of the timber on the low lands described in a deed ft m D P Street ana wife to Carolina Paper Pulp Co.. recorded In th '.nee of the Register of Deeds of Craven Co. in .ok page . N. T. WHITFORD. Mortgagee. This 2nd day of September 1910. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. North Carolina Craven County Having qualified as administratrix of the es tate of the late W D Wallace late of Craven county North Carolina, this ia to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said dece wed to exhibit them to the undersign ed or her Attorney. D. L. Ward, at New Bern' North Carolina, on or beforo the 3rd. day of October 1911. or thi notice will be pleaded in bar of their rivo-.vry. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment 8. J. WILLIS. Administratrix. This 3rd day of Sep tender. 1910. BEST TREATMENT FOR A BURN. If for no other reason, Chamber Iain's Salve should be kept in every house hold on account of its ores'- value in the treatment of bums. It alleys the pain almost instantly, and uolss the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. j,n-a Salv is also un equaled for chapped hands, sore nip- plea and diseases or the skin. Price 25 cents. For sale by all dealers. Thotfc I'CiJ' 3. U lIlM . laiiui d: "Hello, .lin e:: ou wearing glaase What's th:it for':' Jones, uuunyed r.t the foolishness ot the question, uuswered irritably: Corns!" Cbaaftberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy is today the best known medicine In use for the relief and cur of bowel complaints. It curea griping', diarrhoea, dysentery, and should be ta ken at the first unnatural looseness of the bowels. It is equally' valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by all dealers. Wiiolaasl Peaking. A man wag arrested aud taken be fore a judge. Tbe charge was flgbting Tbe Judge linked: "What is your occupation?" "I'm a wholesale packer, your honor." "A packer." exclaimed tbe Judge In surprise. "Uogs? "Yes, mostly." was tbe reply. "I'm a street car conductor." Detroit Free Press. THE GRATITUDE OF ELDERLY PEOPLE. Goes out to whatever helpa give them we. eumfort and strenirth. Fohv Kidney Pills cur kidney and bladder disease pron.pt ly, and give comfort and reues toeiacny people. iravia Phar macy. Sensitive. "Miss Pnway is furious with tba society reponer." Wlyaor . "fie published the announcement of her approacbiag wedding uWJer, the column beaded 'Late Engagements.' "- Pink Plrt;: Tablto-Dr. .Shoop'a (top naaacnr- womaniy pains, any ain, anywhere, i:i 20 minutes sure Fonnu- la on the 26 v box;. Ask your drua gist yr uocior aoouc oua lormuia w on. Bradham Drug Gov v t fAUl Warns Atehne-bsA been onodtr paok tnd tent to bed. "Bait " hi mother cam U wa . aaaeo . bow h was feeling, v-v-v - maii. mamma." b replleO. -1 reel Jnst like I'm altilng on a tnuatard put--." Waslilnirton Star. -:. ,i, lUs k--VJ (.fc m- m f . r rictrpu'ft A, V V...- 1 .U I'll -I ia r n'!i to a- Ivi--. ... 1 " I -u-K ') 11. .. , n f.O . . ! - -r V ,. 1 . . e - v . CARDS ) P., M Simmons, a. D. Ward, U. H. Allen, lilion 9 iiiru triunj. nnnu a rlllh ArTORNEYS AND COCKS:!. LOBS AT LAW RXVT BXSlf, R. C, Office Room 0l-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret. Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COI WSEL LER AT LAW Hugb,es Building ( raven Street New Bern, X. ('. Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret. Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. O. H. Guion, W. B. . Guiou, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phone 193, New Bern. N. 0. 1. W. CMR, LL D. Practice Limited to Diseases of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Washington, N. C. New Bern, N. C. New Bern Ollice With Dr. N. M. Gibbs, Elks Temple NEW BERN HOURS wtDNESDAYS: 5 to 7 P. M. THURSDAYS: 9 A. M. to I P. M. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Office No. 50 Craven Street. Telsphoa No. 97. New Bern, N. C. GROUP Stopped in 2(1 mlunte euro witti Dr. Sbop a Croup Remedy. Ou test will Hiirely prove. No vomit inr. no di tress. A safe and pleaaluguynip 50c. DrugisU. SOUTHERN RAILWAY BOUTuEBir RAH (VA1 SCIIKDlLnl N. B. The figures are published lor Information and re not guaraa- Ntt 11 Leave Goldsboro, N. C, MS a. bl, through traiu with chair ear to Asheville, connecting)! East Durhkm, for Oxford, Hen-, darsoa, Keysvllle and Richmond at TJklTaralty for Chapel H1U: at Greensboro for Charlotte and all points south, also for Dan rill, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Washington, and al1 point - iO. 189 Ljsavet Ublasbbro, 2.05 p. m. far Gresnsboro, handles through . ' PnJImaja Ralaigh, to Atlanta, ooa 1 -U ' ai . Greensboro for all 'olntt orth. south and wait v ,ir ;.'?':'--, . " . Hid; lll-ts OolJaboro 10,45 p in y tor Orhboro, bandlea pullmaa ?;vitallgh' ,' to-: Orenaborp, "'OOn Zi oU gt' Orain'abor;, for '"Char . lotta, Atlanta) Jlw Orleaaa, ..MsrlllV KnoxtUI; : also lor ); tbajiyill, Lchbur VCharlot-' '": vawtllar VtiMstlm'! .asi aTl , point aortlC .V'j- -tor tortaar inform kta ut any Inform kti& ul Southern ticket agent or addrass Gst ililraigal '. . '; j I ? H. F. CART, ' . , i ' Ganeral Pas '.-'Y' .' " .". trash? II. PAWr: T. '; " . . . I It:: ngefAgaat 1 'oa, D. 0, n ,r Ajr-nt TTot a min :f8 phoijl;! YD li t. V . (

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