-t .' . , BttlS .11 Fi.:i WLZi LI El';: it j Tks" Plana ITU tts Sweet Taae 1 i - V :v i t ti 7f .. t t, Kew Bern, N. a Sept 29, 1910. - ATHIS1A .LODfll : HO, 8 K. M ?H Marti Trr TwUy 8UW b BojraJ J. H. Bmttk. K. .tt & 8. TMttai Motlura r aaawaa ot dtmUer CBATJEH . I0Ca HO, p : v IXI6HTS OF' fllRMOST HM Inl. n4 4th Wednesday alghta la & at 1 Knight Harmony Bn. eonit Woad and H ucock atrasta ftt 7:SQ jrttoek. . K WllUa. FriWeatiJ. H,i Smith; Secretary; retary. R. BT tOiir naaaolal 8a- 1F00DMEX OF THE WORLDf MM at K. of P. Hail oonur ot Broad aid Hancock treeta, aeml-aumthly. Fir it and Third Wednesday alghta at 7:19 n'rftxi. Vlaltta Woctoen ara larfc NDKX TO KIW ARTIBTISIXXKT8 Wanted Office Girl Notice of Certficete, For Sale Furniture. J L McDaniel-Butter. B B Davenport Chickens. BUSINESS LOCALS: NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH- MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. ICE CREAM Soda' today at McSorleya 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c WANTED Office girl, one who can read, write and cypher. Hoars from 8 & m to 6 d n. one hour at noon. Ad dress No. B. 1531 South Front street. JUST RECEIVED a lot of fine pulleU and hens, suitable for breeding purpo ses, Best Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Picnics, Best Cheese and Butter, Bump and Mess Pork. Piedmont Cigarettes, Pine and Coal Tar, Mullet and Drag Netting. B. B. Davenport IF YOU want any piece of Antique Furniture drop W H Kibler, care Jour nal a line and he will call on you and show photos. He can furnish any kind of piece wanted. See him. A NICE line of the Celebrated Simonds Hand Saws just received at J. C.Whit ty & Co's. Phone 98. WANTED To buy two yoke of oxen with carts, must be young and sound. Write Broaddus & Ives Lumber Compa ny, New Bern, N. C. WANTED at once loggers. Apply to C. B. Wetherington, Afkio, N. C. FANCY tomatoes today at Royall's WANTED to buy mill cut of pine lum ber from good milL Write fully, ad dress "Mill Cut." WANTED Young man thirty years of age wants position. Competent of doing most any kind of work. Would travel, but prefers work in New Bern. Six years office experience. Now employed Can furnish references. Write p. a box 536. x . THE prices of food products continue to rise in prices, but the prices and si zes always remain the same at Eater's Bakery. MISS OLA FEREBEE will begin the fall term of her music class Sept. 26th, 1910. Pupils please apply at once. FRESH Buckwheat, Shreded wheat Biscuit, Cream Farina, Quaker Oats, Heckar's Oats, Hotel Aster Coffee, Red Rose Butter, last but hot least, Moss Rose Flour. Cash counts here as well as elsewhere. Hudson & Co. PLUMBINGNow is the time to look after your plumbing. I do ftay kind of pipe fitting and guarantee my work. Give roe a trial. -D. W. Hurtt, 56 So. Front street, phons 286, a i ANNOUNCEMENT I now announce myself a candidate at the request of many friends, and having many years experience in this office, I bow offer to the public all kind of , sawed; shingles, hand made shingles and lathea Try oar prices ani be convinced. Thanking yoa for yonr patronage. W. F. 'Hill, the 8hingleHan.. .!- -. NEW BERN CARRIAGE SHOPS-! am still at my old place In Church Alby where l am prepared to bud .Carts, Wagons Buggies and Carriage, or . do any kind of repairs on them; ! My work is all, . guaranteed, 7. G, , Robinson,. Church Alley. ; . . : ' -,i it; 6r 6 doses "666" will cur any ease of CWUs nhoJP'eVef; -'Priea 25c K V i ICECREAM delivareal hoy part of the city for 86 cent aquart-MeSorley 63 SouthIiontstr ' clothes elear repaired and presaed, v.- indies Skirts pressed, a specialty. , i. ... 7 , I, RUBBER STAMPS-Mad to order on short ; notica. . Kabber ' Typo,' .Dates, ads. Ink eta. in stock. Patronise home Industry.'; DONT seni your ordess out of towo.-William T. HlU, fii MkUl U18TJin tACTOST IX CLaXZJ ( -Caa furnish Porch Cr'ns, Colon ' ial Btyle, mad ot rsd-l art err-: : .. Wonldlota, BracVota, T:;tXt f -; boors, Windows, F.'r V .;rr V i, Sample stork at C ' ','.11 " f ' Store. 'On! rili ft t:...;er a r " A man or woman who spend alt they aiaka without regard to their future welfare will amount to very tU out side of their owa sphere, Its regularity in savinc, so matter how ;malL eon- tlngent of - course ;npon a safe' .invest ment, that -creates independence and makaa ooa a factor hi. tha business world, t?-? s''f 'Tb New Bera Building and Loan Ajssoclatfon wboM 88th series opna oh Oct 1st and which is now oa -aala.by tb Jtodersigned, has Taid the ioonda- tk for many a f ortone. -7 T 1 t". There is. no Vtter known or safer in restment for tha small or large Inveet or Its S2 years of wonderful soecaas is aaaQy understood. Every dollar inveet- .d,l backed bjf firit aortgage on --rahH aUs dty. property' under efficient" and coiaarTatlva pianagemant Did yog ev-; er eonsider that 1 f'.' i- " Oar idea is to gat wise and take, on a few shares of this stock and assist in celebtttmg th Association's 22nd an- nfottaary. It may make your fortune, who knows t It has done so for others. Call oa or address W. G. BOYD, Agent Elks Temple, Office phone 400, house phoB25& Hobble Skirts Blocks Trolley. Philadelphia sept 28. -That much maligned importation of fashion, the hobble skirt created a block and al most a riot on a southbound Seventeen th, street trolley yesterday afternoon. The car, one of the paywithin variety, had reached Seventeenth anj Arch streets when the catastrophe, for Buch it was occurred. A woman arrayed in the latest hob, ble, with a package in one hand and a parasol in the other, stepped, or rather hopped, from the curb and attempted to board the car. Then several things happened at once, The lady made an ineffectual attempt to master die one foot raise of the low ered step, lost her balance and fell backward into the waiting arms of a portly gentleman about to enter the car. Umbrella and package fell to the street from whence they were gather ed up while the hobble-skirted lady made another attempt at the step, but without avail. Passengers craned their heads out of the windows, the motor man rang his bell impatiently, while the conductor-offered suggestions. Finally a short consultation was held and as a result a trio, consisting of the conductor, portly gentleman and a vol unteer spectator, joined hands and bod ily lifted the lady, hobble-skirt parasol and all, Into the car. . The trolley bowled merrily down Seventeenth street followed by half a dozen other cars in close order, while the conductor, wiping his brow, forrou lated a scheme wherewith to aid the lady in getting off when she arrived at her destination. Savodlne Has Great Merit The Savodine Co., New Bem.N. C. Gentlemen : I wish to add a word of com mendation' for your Savodine. Having used it in my family for Croup, Colds in the head, throat and lunga, Neural gia. Piles, Cuts, Sores, Boils arid eczema, I unhesitatingly pronounce it one oi me nest remedies ever used by me, and would recommend it to any one as a valuable family remedy in such cases. I find that a small quan tity placed in the nose upon retiring affords a restful night and by an occas ional application that way I have been practically cured of insomina. - Tour Savodine has great merit. . Very truly yours W. G. 30YD, Secretary New Bern Chamber of Commerce. We arc showing this week a beautiful line Art Squares, nau .Winners, and Rugs at low figures to close out quick J. J. Baxter. U 'i IIUUIU for all wcaoni'RatsRea soluble, Instrumentation, Pi ano, Violin, Cello, Bass arid Snare Drums. -Address,- ; l"g;.schaff Bprl8. iNewBeriM.C, -tferfcMl)f the h8t profit-, able! Crops ypu can plant in ; ?gie(Epi ;bnicin6 ; duringr the . winter and Spring or make plehdU;.fc'Jdr. onions for "market early in ' the summer. We have also - v - - .'-i .. . i,-a-. . wit ;YcI!r.ir Bznvcrs, cai :: ther Varieties for fall 1 . .. 1 our Fall Cat. rmat'on about Write for pries a let, glvlry full 1. nun HUSHED Several bales of eottoa were sold oa the local market yesterday, Th price paid , was H eentc-;.-;,: Jt: " Ea-Senator Marlon Butler will speak at JNew Hem, court house, .Ot ?th. night. Vanceboro Oct Sth.day, I .- An extra large shipment of fish pas sed throug bia city yesterday rnorniog anrouta from Morehead City and Beau fort to'citles in the western part of tin; Every lady in New Bern is extended a cordial Invitation to attend J k Mit chell 4t Company's millinery ' opening which wit) be .held today. Musw will be' furnished throughout : the day of Prof .Sbaffei'a Orchestra. ' Hundrels of bushels of grapes are being brought to this eky each day. The local demand however is not large enough to consume the supply and large shipments are made by tpe pro ducers to cities in the western lection of the state; " ; Mary Kennedy, colored, will be given a hearing before Justice of the Peace W. P. Hill this afternoon on a warrant charging ber with being inplicated in the,, murder of her husband Clayton Kennedy who was killed at bis home on Cypress street a few weeks sgo. Mr. and Mrs A Arthur, of Durham, N. u., are In tneeity makmg prepera tions for the establishment of the Sal vation Army, Doubtless they wjll call on you today or tomorrow soliciting aid in starting up their new quarters and any amount given, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated. Next Tuesday evening and the follow ing day the Jewish residents of the city will observe the Rosh Hasbanah' or New Year's Day of the year 5671 All their stores will be closed, those of the orthadox faith including Wednesday in the celebration of that festival. The Day of Atonement or ' Yom. Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, falls this year on Thursday, October 13th. Among the improvements noted Arminrf town ia &n nM ahantv. aa vpn. table old eyesore, on Eden street, ieing torn down. It was sandwicked between two comfortable, neat looking houses on a residential street, but ha not been occupied for several years. It ought to have been condemned "by the city long ago, Another dilapedatefi old snake den next to the gas works on South Front street is being torn down aloO. t The large force ot workmen who have been engaged for the past few week in laying several new sections of track on tne MoriQlK-southern yards pear their shoos have comDleted their work and that company is now fully abje to take care of all the extra cars that arc brought to this point Before these tracks were laid it was some times found necessary to place the empty cars on the main line, and this caused them much inconvenience. j If you should happen to see a crowd of youths and men wending their way . . i i : l. . ii m, wwaru uib city uan Buy siiernoon iubi before 2 o'clock you may sure that some very interesting (?) and spicy trial is scheduled to come off. During the past xew weeas a numoer oi cases nave Deen tried there in which the evidence of the witnesses was not very chaste buf in tne audience were numbers of small boye raanyof them under ten yearof age and the interest manifested in the proceedings by them was remarkable. No wonder if they develop into hard ened criminals. Pittsburgh Field Fence IS growing in popularity all the time. The welded joints pre vents sagging, the wire ri$ made of the best steel, heavi ly galvanized. Give it a tral and you will use no other. Basnight Hdw. Co sells it A Talthful Servant Gone. The humble spirit of a faithful color ed servant took its flight and found Its reward when Fannie Chesnut Toole died yesterday morning. ftv; Through three . generations of the writer' tamily thia .faithful servant .rebderea &f&''&Z&krtA ' Whether in . the earlier year other Mfs as a slave, or in th vlattehhhlf if her days as a bired aemnt;-througti tha whole of her more than three score land .ten JiearaSih'r She perf erined her bumble tasks with fidelity aad, discharged wit scrupulous honestly every trust committed to her. Faithful. In time of pesc and fat time of war abe; filled well . th sphere that nature fitted her forexf;''; Sea. untutored mind : was not vexey with 'theological problems but wiw simple faith ah followed hkn wbq Is the Savior of th0 kwly;: well as the exalted.' tiSJsS&t$ The passing of the old and f aithf til colored people is a .source Of regret to all who have felt their kindly rnlnif tries and been helped by their Jhumbte fajth;;;;''';''';.''''" -1 & n a." If.. RRiMsnw J. crrtEETx:: x:::rw Weak ' and .miserable. -If vou have Kiilnpy or J imldor ' troublo. Dull h (i t'RlnS, I)iZ71IlCR8, NorvoiiHW" Bins in tbe back, and f.tol tir 1 1 Al . . ..AMA "; 1 W, the , ' re. Jtr 1 ' '-I V e 1- v r. " I 1 1 v t-!li.il." Mr. X H Mills," of Mayavilla,-spenti yestordsy mib,ittriiy:"A??i'i Mr 1 E Delamar returned yesterday from vkit to" Oriental. 'i --airs.M.-A tfansoeld, Mansneld, spent yestordsy jo the eityyte'i. i" .MriC. t Ives , returned' yestordsy rem a business trip tol GToldsborof I Mr W JB Blsdftes Seven Springs where bis fanJly is now soawmung-...ji;- zv : :Mr and Mrs. NT rVTaylor, of Bogue, who have been visiting iq the city re turned home yesterday.. 7 v i Mis$ Marguerete Archbell, of Kins ton, who has been visiting Miss Sadie Whitehurst returned horn yesterday. Mrs. Arthur Mkiyette, of Oriental. spent yesterday in the city the guest of Mrs. Joseph Newsotn on Pollock St ' WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder n Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too f re quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wi'- hams' Kidney Pius will .eure you-at Druggist Price 60c Williams' M'f'g. Co.,' Props., Cleveland, O. The best line of Coat Suits can be found at D. F. Jarvis. MINERAL WATER. SOLE AGENCY DAVIS PHARMACY PHONE 66, " Kg " FAR X11 C-'-i Without Hue in ft lens ISIORV Yoxi read and took afar with squal facility, but no one ob serves that you arewearinff bifo cals because the uaualT lines' are absent Wear the genuine (CRYPTOKS awhile and you will never willinglv return to old ityle bifocal glasses. J.O.BAXTER OPTOMETRIST AND MqNUFAC- Morning Gup Coffee MAKES FRIENDS EVERY WHERE IT IS USED 20c lV B.&M. Fish Flake IQ and 1 5c can iillili PJimel7igjMiadle'Sf? NEW BERN 19-21.23 Griffith SfPhone 23 TURINB OPTICIAN - -i.-i- 'Wfilterewatr l4ifMis5pMicuiar,4Si ;age six, seven, c!;fct cr n-e there is. nothing .that 'wis 6ff the fhrfy wlcnt:s fca" prtyj dress so , . y wt :l es a f :' .y Lttla is a 1 for Czv - a JWrlte !fo-day for "information; "about a few special bargains 'in. pianoe.;VV i .1--' - . .... p "Some .Stieft's that have been used a short time and some of other makes that we hava traded" lnAli have been put in thorough! .good, order by our experts and ju REAL BARGAINS. 'i"s Easy terms. If within three years, you wish to exchange for. a new piano, we will take back the old and credit on the new all -ybu have paid. '' Write to-day. Si STIEFF U C STEELE, Mgr. 114 Granny Street Norfolk. (Mention this paper.) OfQelal Piano) JamestewaF.xpo. ""YOUR ORDER is the one that we want. The confi dence in knowing that you will receive exactly what you ordered will be well placed with us. PROMPT SERVICE is our one next hobby, but it does not supersede the courtesy of our clerks. To please you pleases us. Try our Coffee, we also have a lot of Oranges, Apples, Cabbage, Fruit Jars, Jelly Preserves, Brown Sngar. Come and see us. ,Broad Street Grocery Co. PHONE 156 NEW BERN, N. C. TO OBTAIN Frozen 6 to 8 Degrees Harder Than Heretofore on Our Mar ket TRY The Peoples Ice Co's Ice. QTJICK and POLITE SERVICE HENRY'S , Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice toilet articles. PHONE .173 FOR SALE primsdn Clover, i?ye Vetch, fresyItust ' Proof pats, Hay'and e'etls of-ali kinds, Dairy Feed for &s:and;C0ws. - ;;Prered fiickeiTI'eed. ' 31 Middle St New Bera; K C gzli ztt i?A ch"!a. : Th!s a . grc7;a-crs '-wtsse nciccs OA CE Pharmacy THE 1 USE NO JWLljO Dr. Daffy's Tonic Mixture HAS A RECORD OF 75 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SUCCESS. GUARANTEED TO CURE ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND FEVER OR MONEY REFUNDED. F. S. DUFFY Pharmacist. Fox River Print Butter Received From The Dairy Every Three Days, Only 39c. lb. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. 7 Broad St. Phone QUICK SERVICE Minutes count when you are waiting for medicines. That is the time when QUICK DISPATCH in the drug store is appreciated. Prcsciptions fiom your physician by telephone receive extra attention. GASTON DRUG COMPANY ON THE COR NER PHONE No. 65 - . -i 77ke $GcdIL Star PRICES If you come to New Bern to buy any thing in our line and pay 10, 15 or 20 per cent on the dollar more than we charge for the same thing, then you must blame yourself for not coming to see us. We can serve you with a brand new open Buggy at $35.00 and a top Buggy at 45.00 and we know you cannot buy one any where else in this state at this price. We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We have over 200 customers, make yourself 201. With thanks for past patronage, we or yours truly, G. S. Waters & Sons BROAD STREET ; NOW ; The Chamber of Commerce organized the FAIR AS ; SOCIATI0N last spring and had to defer definite act'on to assist in miking; tht Bt-Centennial celebr4ton a success, e The Chamber of Commerce in response to public de, raand now calls upon the business and professional men of New Bern to rally to the support of the -Fair Association and make the Fair a. quick and going proposition.' "f 1 TkX ".iv.l U -tl! tn 'ASVsrtJ- t.V - everyone. Subscriptions may be taken throush the Com mittee. or the undcrs!zi.ed.' i !V"'.'i r i" i ; ' For further particulars BEST OTHER McDaniel 91 New Bern, N. C. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE JEW BERN, N. C. FOR THE call upon or address,"- v CHANGED G. B0YD,;SecEi

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