.111 L.'ll J t.. it..: ;..3 1 : : .1 1 'Uae" 1 t Ii 1 -T Well l.1 yott fed -1, you sLou.l m - VL:'. Published rrr Uy to t ytjr ,.; ' l-pt )tnuv. Joara&l buliuiu, 4-t : .. 'v Crave street v ' - - , . - -.'" " . FHON KO. . r r VI- .4' r f r..- 4. - CSAmtJCS L. TKTXXS, -TUTOR AND PROPRIETOR' -i . SVBSOIUPTIOII kATBfli r- ( year,' not la tlnadx Me .- Krathly br earrter -to tfc eitr-" -. AATertUias rate .rural p " BnUre t tt"0tome,. WW Bern I. , u Mooa4olaaa aaattec. OFFTCXAX PAPER ofr -, KBW BBBN AND CBATESf COOKTT. New Bern, N.vOcL, , 1910 MARION BTJTLEB OPPOE: TUNIST.., ,t Has Marion Butler, ex "several political parties, ex-Senator and other exs, and always Bpecial dis turber of the North Carolina demo; crate, come back t Judging from the Democratic newspaper organ at Raleigh and its seconds, the smaller democratic newspapers, Marion Butler is back. The press effort is a mighty one, of itself it can fail in results, and only as the democratic voters shall meet the test at the polls, will it be known how public sentiment stands and whether Marion Butler is back. The men who have made the big sensations in history, were Oppor tunists. . There is no special-call for honesty and sincerity in the successful Opportunist. For this reason the Opportunist is a danger ous opponent. Marion Butler re turns to engage in-active politics after an interval of fifteen years. He is the same Opportunist in his dealings,, in his feelings, in spirit. Despised by his political oppon ents in his first charge through North Carolina political lines,, his career was meteoric. Returning after this lapse of time, his victory over the regular Republican State organization was so over-whelming that it staggered hjs own followers. It left him Master Republican of this state, and as such practically the only mark, tho' a bright and startling mark, for democrats, to make the issue upon in the present campaign, to fell this leader, and like Goliath of old, thereby put the hosts of Republicans to -flight There is nothing to tell the democrats of 1892-1898 about Marion Butler. But the ten years of this twentieth - century has brought forth a generation of vot ers who know not Butler and his former ways. An,d unless demo crats can show these new voters something to their special and in dividual interest, they can . easily be taken in by the Butler crowd, -for the Opportunist may offer much, and give little, but youth will credit a good deal, if the out look is promising. ' Marion Butler is pot an orator, he does not entertain an audience, but he draws crowds. -During this campaign he is left alone to make statements that pass unoontradict ed by any opponent, that make, an impression, but. which if they were met on the stump by a democratic opponent Icould. be. upset, and his ' speeches prove valueless. ' But as an organizer, a political strategist, a ceaseless 'and tireless ? worker, Marion Butler has no equ&l in this . state In the present generation, As an Opportunist, heis egotiscal and optimistical,. It made him sue cessful fifteen years ' ago, it can lead him to political success again. Marion ButrerVon 'the stump, is a l blnfiybut he is 'making good be , cause democrats fall to meet him. ; ;' But passing this, , there is quiet , wor going on- that democrats fail , -to realize. Marion Butler' "'storms, . -jravescautsl tt is a cloud of dust r1 ' vthat looks 'oftxi9 avail,tmt those :-.-- iwno vppuseu iuia eivme man piwen , years ago, remember too well that l " rtha sama ostpntationn and Affair sive ButJerism raised dust enoqgh . deceive voters and- to : upset the democratic party. Beware the .h,. Opportunist) ,Match him by great (,-er and. better things, if there are td be votes secured, and demo cratic stability assured! - "u ,Thi au la moon loci V3t , WitnbaU when t'a f-Jl U j.j ' '." . 1 i . I 1 " -- 1) ' . Livnn nr. cu l at on t..r,.I;.T - , .... . .. . - . " . (THI POWDEB FORM) rJ ' It pena h bowelf, weetna the itomacb nd aticngthem the ' dlgeetlTe orgmt. A Htm taken t bed time jetore 1 fine teehng ol health and energy, ' .N. ' Si :..-v v' . - ' w ibim . mH HUM '. j;.f. .- " M M IM IMlH t ! M C N fen hlKL )lTM MUM in mit w . m fMMlHMtk look to MMIliM,, r. ,.. , -.' ; -f 1 4. H. XEIUN 4 CO., JPNOM.. T. LOUt.' MO. - l"' Savodlae Bas Great Merit.. lv 'i ' "-. i'iii.- !' , 1 ' The Savodine Ck., New Bern, N. C. ' Gentlemen:.; j ' : '"i I. wish to add a. word o J com mendation for your" Savodine, Having used it ta my family for Ctoap,; Colds in the head, throat and lungs. Neural gia, , Pile," Cut, Sores, ' Boil ' and eczema, " 1 unhesitathigly pronounce it one of the best .romediei : ever used by me,' and would recommend it to any one as a valuable family remedy In such case. J find that a small quan tity placed in the nose upon retiring afford a restful night, and by an occas ional application that way I have been practically Cured of insomlna. "f $J Your Sajvodine has great merit . ''' . Very truly your - W. G. BOYD, . Secretary New Bern Chamber of Commerce. Hotiee. Norfolk-Southern Railroad freight de pot will be kept open until 6 p m. for delivery and receipt of freight until Oct 25. After the date asm will close at 6 p. m. :- . . t Until then freight for Raleigh Wash ington N. C. and intermediate points will be received up to 5 o'clock for foi- warding tame day, . " . ? J. H. CRAWFORD, Agent Better thai Spanking. Spanking does not cure children n bed-wetting. There Is a constitution, al cause tor tola trouble. Mr. 21. Summer, Box w, Notre Dam, ton, will send free to any mother her suc cful home treatment, with, full In formation.' Send no money, but write her today ft your children trouble you In this way. Don't blame the child, the chance are It can't help tt This treatment also cures adutt and aged people troubled with urine dlmculties by day or night For Sale. I will sell on Oct 31, at auction, a one-horse truck to collect payment for repairs on same. ;. -i"- :' How ThiiT- J., We offer One . Bnndred .. Dollars Reward tor. any case of Catarrh that cannot be onred by Hall's -Catarrh Core. F. J. CHENEY A CO- Tole do, o. ;;- ;-'..r--i;"C; 'p'K - We, the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for: the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable m ail business transactions and fin ancially able to out anyobli gationa made by iJiriA -WAIDINO, :JSBjlSAS;Jlk NABIN, 'Wholesale Bftiggut,' Toledo. 0- Halr!; Catarrh 3nTe takeavfa ternally, raein j directly t upon th(l blood and muoeug uxf ace . of the system. ' Testinionial cent free. Price- 7(50,:. per 'taiBdJbjran Diraggiata. i Take- HalTs i; J,ajniffllj(: for on- stipatioh."'?. &v&$t$$$?k$ : .The. great mtutary genius Cond was a precoclon D6y. 4 eight he under stood Latin, and at eleven be gave out a treatise on rhetoric. : When fonrteen he had become thoroughly conversant with the principle f warfare and of PORCED: TO; LEAVE" HQMEV; . Every. year a large number of poor suf ferers wbose lung are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another, climate, j But this is costly and not al ways sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King' New. Discovery cure you at home. "It cured tne of lung trouble," write W. R. Nelson; of Calamine Ark. "when all else failed and I gained 47 pound in weight' It surely the King of all cough and lung cures," Thousands owe their live and health to it Its positively guaranteed for Coughs.Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup-all Throat and Lung trouble. 60c ana $1.00. Trial bottle free at all druggists, ;; & A It Used to Be. ' Mfldmay 1 a phUoHopuer in bis way. The other evening Mrs. M. gave him scolding that would have made a), most any other' map crazy.; But Mild may said never a word In reply, n only tnurnvjred "to blruwelf : . . "And that, la the woman I used to bold on tny knee and call my little tootsy wooliiy!" ' . .' ' V" . ' ' Cenareu. ," ,-" ' . First r""ar WL.-it r yon tf-.rj 1 re, r-I thon-' t J-f.mr nr 1 wy rn t' e i' . f 1 I ; ;r-( I 8 t - t I ) I: J 1 1 PI a ' ' " t- v. - f I ' f. - .; DIAMOND, CUT-DIAMOND "i. v ' 'V - a zi O. -Henry Wee Shade Smarter Than 4 the Maaailne Man. -'. ' i ' A friend of the lata 0. Henry write of hun: '"He was reckless In spendmg money and frequently gave- elevator boysand bellboys Ave and ten dollar notes. - But bo wasn't "easy despite bl Anahdal .regardleeanesvsfe:. a, "His friend recently narrated aaln cldent showlng'the man' shrewdnfew. A magaslne noted for "slow pay,' thiy eald,' contracted with him for a tnree part story for which he was to receive $1,500.. Be got 600 advance befor starting t. work and when he turned in the second installment (none ot; it bad been printed yet) got $500 more and asked for the third $500 -to ail advance before finishing the tale "The editor tnan effort to aave mon ey apparently declared, that, after ail, the story dldnt appear to". be worth more than 11,000-thla when he bad the two installments In his office. ; " 'All rlghf aid O. Senry; 1 won't write the third one. then.' And foe didn't He laughed at the eidtor.7' WJrWell, then, aM the . latter, 'Ipn ran the two part and then let our readers have a guessing contest s to how the story ends and put up. perhaps, a $500 prise to the wlnner. "For a moment the author thought he was outwitted. Then he said: 'fto ahead, end I'll win the prize.' He In tended to win It toor Boston Hernia Children Cry - f OR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ' ', ""'V it'.. ' 1 ' - Settlements Woric. "Cajne into a fortune, didn't her Tea, a big one." vi "Whafti he dob' these daysT"" . "He has become Interested In settle ment work." , "Well, that ought toieep him occu pied for awhile; be owed everybody: Houston Post Served as coffee, the new substitute known to grocers everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, will trick even a coffee expert.1 Not: a cram of real coffee in it either. Pure healthful toas ted grams, malt nuts, . etc'r .have been So cleverlv blended as to trive a wonder fully satisfyiog coffee taste and flavof. And it is 'fmade in a minute", too! No tedious 20 to 80 minute boiling. Tet it and see. Dr.;Shoop created Health Coffee that the people might have a genuine coffee substitute, and one that would be thoroughly satisfying in ev-' ry possible respect Sold by H. G. Armstrong. J. , ... .,. . '. "For the lev of beaven, Amanda aid the Bev. Dr Fourthly, calling ts) his . wife in tones" ot -thunder, "come and take this squalling baby -out of the room before she drive me ray. I'm writing a Sermon on Bearing Oni Another'a-Burdens.' "--London Tl Murflla-.De yoo conalder' engag meat, blndlnar? MUUcent-Certalniy If one didn't, there ,wonld Jie no fu la breaking tbenv-IUusUated Bit,-1 ' :' -1 inttrtaii f3v vnii" t r u any callinar of Hfe. demands a vlitori oos bodv ana a Keen Dram. - without health there is no nieces. But isiectrtt Bitten is the greatest Health Builder the world ha ever known. It, eompeU perfect action of stomach,' liver, kid-? nay bowels, purines and enriches the blood, tones and invigorates the wboty system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. "Af ter months of suffering from Kidney Trouble." write Wi M Sherman, of Cusbing, Me., "three bottle - of Elee- tne Bitter made me iee like a . new man.", 60c at all Druesrist. A'-sxiia Herradih'a :VgtaMe. ,?n Germany horseradish Is freqnent iy made into an excellent cooked tege table which goes particularly well Wltti boiled mutton or chicken fricassee. Ii is made as followa: Orate a usual and stew till tedder In butter; mtt wel: with grated Parker House rolls, on cupful of the. latter to three of th horseradish, and. boll up once more, adding a heaping teaspoonful of sugar gorved with . very (Irmly Jollied cur rant Jelly, scooped out with a teaspoon and laid in solid little ovals like wreath round the white mound ot horseradish, this delectable dlab looks almost as good s it tastes-Subor banlto, ;'..,,.' v-. ' ':;: more tiian" enough 13 too : :. much.' '' - -. To mainttiln l.d'h, a P"tre man or woman rice-;! j'li-t 1 i .1 I ) r - the 'e an 1 p - -y i. 11 -h"!t. '1 li t .1 r i i,l mora f xi l ! ! r r s -. r nr. '!!!(' 'i ' ' i Report of the 29th estk of the dis trict conference Sabbath School and Christian "Endeavor Convention of the New Bern district N, C. Conference A M E Zion chureb In session at Mays- r -.v i" SECOND DAY ;t , 'Oct 6t at t " m, the Theological (Srele iret. . A paper on the education al outlook in North Carolina was read which said fa par? that th educational outlook in jNorth Carolina' wa very bright; Three thing are needed - with an education, vis: honesty, purity and refinement, education has done this for all nations of thepasVandfaatUl do ing for the aatious of today that which make greatness, happiness and ' proa- Drr W M Hamilton says the greatest thing iri the world is man, and the greateat.thingin man is mind' and edn cation.- It was a great sermon. Rv, W M SutbM, AM DD. , : : . ;j Rev I C Jackson and G C Cowell re sponded in word most fitting Dr Sut ton said Inhme. year 63. undergradu ate who are now preaching and teach ing, and 23-SO regular graduate have gone oiit fronVhis ichoLl?&?-?'-M JDi S D Conrad, of Clinton" Chapel. A M E Zion church, of New Bern NC wai introducbd to the Conference ' : At 12 m Rev I T Jackson preached the temperance sermon from Proverb 23, 2&-3a .: - The speaker said in part temperance means a moderate indulgence of the ap- pertite an abstamance in the use of spiritual h'quors. u " :f There are other ways to be Intemper ate but he would put special Stress on the nse of snuff and tobacco and im marality. Rev. W H Sutton. D Dmad a grand speech, ' .- : Xy Mrs, P A.,District Vice-President of the W H & F Missionary Society, read a' paper and lif ted a collection f $18 00 for the society. t Then she and Dr. Sut ton left for Dudley, N; C. The teat of the Goldsboro District conference Sabbath School and Christain Endever Con vention presided over by Rev. J H, MoBley BDPE. All national Charge asked pastors and P E for the return of earns, -.' '-' - -j '. .''; '. y (To be Continued) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A . Heavy Rsturns. What buslnes brings the heaviest returns?" asked the man who wanted to kaow. -''-'' ''-:;.. " :"!.-iv;' ("The literary tmsmess," algbed the struggling author a be opened a two pound rejected book manuscrlpt-Phll- adelpbla Record. , - . Weight and Strength Regained by ; - :" savodlne:' - . . : I had alhorrible eac- of - Catarrh, Nasal' passage and throat were always inflamed and I was more or less always expectorating.v My Cough at night an noyed m. greatly. . Loss of appetite and v mdJgestion-soon Caused me. to lose weight ; and. atreogth rapidly. -1 wa advised to try Savodine.' -1 did Jo,' I need it internally and externally." It enred my "Cough and. Catarrh.;;! now eat .'and. sleepy well.; My , wefat-and strength I have' regained. Sayodin was pf 'untold benefit 'to me.i'fe'il ' jj&JFRANKjBURCH,': v'Wi-vV Toledo Ohld, Cenvnfi' English . Custom-.--fnr England: a small carafe, of -water ever. the top; I'al way kept in'every bedroom, and, freshly Vfflled morning andt night iThis I a mostlconvenlent custom Where there is not running wa ter" ltf or near the room, a one will often go without the Wished for wal low after a disagreeable pUl or to re lieve a sudden cough or sneese rather than trouble to end for.lt: Children are always -"wanting a drink," and they y-can be taught to get It for tlMm l ire.lf:'It;U; alway In bme- eon- ,linf nlauk tnA Irani' frm frn'm dl1H selves venient place and kept free from dust by the overturned tumbler If far bet. ter for them , than water In an open pitcher;- T -'". ' , i X " Trz7T?dt 7 CAP!. , BOGARDUS AGAIN HITS ' THE BULL'S eye ' v Thia world famous rifle shot ' who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons In 100 consecutive shots is liv ing at Lincoln, 111. Recently interview ed, he 8ays:-"I suffered a longtime with kidney and bladder trouble and used several well known kidney medi cines, all of which gave me no relief i'"til I started takinl Foley Kidey 1'iils Before I used Foley Kidney Tills 1 had severe bnfkaclied and pains in my Moneys with huh cloudy voiding. On tr jn.r J would Ret dull Ik I have t-'tfeu thf o I '.viilnew Tula v-"i f I J 1 1 am ri wr . ' ' VS or I ' ' ' - ii ! i y own b :f." - i ..us 1 re-iion and a r in the m,'"-n- ' l.e.i. l ow a s of I (.: y i J - r cent I ( t t v i i i y i if II. e "7- i Tea r l - V ! ; t . I Is wm ',' SSSSlBl WE are pleased to announce that we have opened a j ladies tailoring department. You can now have your clothes made-to-measure to suit your taste at prices that will fairly astonish you. They will be made in Chicago by the American Ladies Tailoring Company. We have hundreds of the latest fabrics and all the newest fashions on display. Come and see us today. M m. " 1 An experienced fitter aae rc wraer nghtin our store-win ' take your measure ments together with all the details peculiar to your figure. Your garment will be man - tailored in one of the finest shops in America under expert supervision. ; The finished garment will be ready promptly for your J'try-on and inspection, then you can see how man-tail-oring will bring out every line and detail of your fig ure, then you can know the joys of wearing high qual : ity tailor-made clothes. Satisfaction Assured iTJXt '"' your figure and to accent your individuality, and you j are certain of satisfaction. Style, fit, fabric and tail oring are guaranteed by ourselves and the American Ladles Tailoring Company of Chicago. Our Fashion and Fabric Display Do not miss this remarkable exhibition of all the latest styles and hundreds of new shades and patterns such ; as the best dressed women will wear. There is a style and fabric for you in this marvelous display. Such'a 'wealth of styles and fabrics has never been shown. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILRQAD V, : . BULLETIN. . sbsIb1 ' The following reduced rates wHl ap ply from Hew Bern, N. C. , to the points mentioned. In addition to these polnm Summer Tourists fares apply to Sum mer Resorts in United States and Can-da.:?yv-;,..; . '. Atlantic CHv, N. J. American Street and Internrban Railway Association. Dates of sale Oct 6th, to 9th; inc., lim it Oct 18th, rates via Norfolk $15.40, '0o1dlMMl,:;-V s- S KnoXVilli, hifc" Appalachian tion, tickets sold Sept 10 to Oct 12th, Anal limit Oct' 18th,: fare ti5.45, tick; etr sold Sept 16, 22, 29th and Oct 6th, limited to ,8 day. V parr JWa40, : not gw)d on parlor or sleeping cars. . For further information apply to T. H. . Bennett, ticket agent . w:W , j --Wf -, m: Nprfolfr. Va. ; . ' ' - . . .-. 1 "fr ' ta politic til proof of the'puddmi I in th dlatrUratlon el the elumt. -. Lake Dramrnond Caaal & Water Leke Drummond Transportation -' ? fill 'XWrfrSlfc'1 Dismal? Swamp Candt fi5t. An Inland Route, Protected from Storm; Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth '.. :f:'- '-, ' ' Always. ." :y,X;f Quick Transit for Trafilc prompt 'i Towing and Freight Movement "7. For toll.i, towing and freight rates en 'y at oIT.re in Eoubonrd Bank Build s 1 1 at I p Creek Lock, Va. K. i: r. ::. J. A. SBC. J. J. T. T. 1 1: ex. Ladies' Tailoring at Your Service Startling our ladie's tailoring department you can get exclusive attention; get the the work of a skilled man tailor: get a garment made to your measure at reasonable prices. Suits Coats Skirts Dresses Gapes APPAUGHIANEXP0SITIPN. KNOXVILLE, TBNN. VEBY LOW BOUND TRIP BATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Account the above occasion the South ern Railway announces the sale of very cheap round trip tickets to Knoxville, Tenn., and return as follows: Tickets on sale Sept 10th to October 12th inclusive, with final return limit ten dayr f rom.but not including date of sale. Rate from Raleigh, $12.26, Golds boro, $13.70, Selma, $13.80, Durham, $11.46, Cbhpel Hill, $11.46. Oxford, $12 45, Burlington, $10.46. The above tickets are good in -Pullman sleeping car, also day coaches. ' Will also have on sale Sept 16, 22, 29 and October 6th, with final return limit eight days from date of sale a round trip ticket from Raleigh of $8.26 Goldsborb; $9.25, Selma, $8.86, Durham $7,75, Burlington, $7.06, Oxford' $8.40, These tickets will only be good in day coachea,---' :- -' -- :: -r Rates freni all other points in same proportion as the above. ' ' i : For all information 'as to: rates sched- ulesV Pullman accommodation etc. ad dress the undersigned," 'r $'0 , : 'Uiyti&- PARNELL, Trav,: P" Ag mm FO R :- F LETCH ER'SK- CASTORI A; nte roof uown, 'nr.. "V?)xii we must do.", thundered the politician,; Wftililutt rapidly down fne stt-fotbvMlde hlH bored , acquaintance "what we KngllsDoieo must do Is ts put our foot down finally on these for eign I in ports." And, to show that be could practice as well as preach, at that moment he put bis foot down on the sklu of an Imported banana. And his filond walked on alone. London Globe. ' J .' . ' I Department Low Prices : is interesting know that in $13.50 and Up. 10.00 " 5.50 " 12.00 " 7,50 " These are the prices that we quote you for high art man-tailoring that insures satisfaction. Merchant Tailor 103 MIDDLE ST. GREATLY REDUCED RATES VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD VIRGINIA STATE FAIR. RICHMOND, VA, Tickets sold Sept 30th, to Oct 8th, limited to return until Oct 10th. Travel Via Norfolk, Va. BAPTIST HOME MISSION CON VENTION. WINSTON-8ALEM, N. C; Tickets sold Oct 8rd, to Oct 8th, limited until Oct 14th. (Certificate Plan.) CHARLOTTE, N. C, Grand Session Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, Tickets sold Oct 8th, 18th, limited until Oct 19th. (Certificate Plan.) Trains via Norfolk Southern Railroad direct through Raleigh. CINCINNATI, OrflO., General Assem bly of the Episcopal church, Ticket old Oct 3rd, to 6th, also Oct ' 10th, limited o return Oct. 80th, train via Norfolk Southern through Norfolk. CHATTANCOGArtEN.,4 National Lea gue of Postmasters, Tickets sold Oct .lOthpand ilth, limited io return Oct tfth'traln .rectthrough'i'Raleigiu'-- ,i?j.r F!or further 'particulara apply to any Norfolk Southern ticket agent or af dres ''S-i'x'&A f r. y.:coNN, '&t,tfZv ';;; ,'"!?';;:X''RaJeighN; C. vmWNorfoiVai-f. houHcliold favorite for coughs, colds, ", and ailments of the throat chest and . :'f6h"more,-than; ;,thrbi3 v&&'-i Foley' Honey and Tar 'jhaa 'Jteen'ia lungs. Contains no opiate.JDavif Phar.'.'J mscy. ' , , . Xr;, Notn falling due on Sunday, or oa a Io- 1 r.oW.y, must b paid , the oast rr; 0

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