& A "1 i k t.v 4"; t I J ALCOHOL J ttrt CfcK'r. AVesc "er.-rslontji slnutatu'gttci.. ii-iaJa 7 PtomolesEilestiotiJCliteirjl ness and ResiXontalns nets Ojumlarphine norMueraLJ WOT NARCOTIC. 1 "lift $1 Ljijniriw , Hnn -Srsir stmividi.DlarrbOQi Worms JCwvalsOTisjeYma nessandLossorMxER ftSonifeSiinnwof Exact Copy of Wapper. liffi Eft'1'"' ri BINGHAM thb msaiuM cboou hiuk . c, m trwi to fc ,Nf tir mu Mn. looted am Ut tekidb IWw t kUm In aitf. OnuteUoa M1UTAET for BUdFUKS, SCHOOL CONTROL ul 01HRU8L Sop uyriM from otkar Mboola Mt IIWiTli. MMkuMmt 1793 1916 I "-fT l--W bis.Mwan.s(in. Plitiiciaiis the use of a goodlaxatiVa to'KMp the bowels food from gettinginto your system. : . - . The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentifr, reliable and of a pleasant swnMtic taste. stomach and bowels, .and vol the .greatest biliousness, sick headataej feverishness, conclatuience, etc lif-si.-itz!si v r l nn m n nn U" Mill HARDWARE AND Building Ma- Pante 0ils Varnishes American Field : Fepce I I. Slllli Hew Bert, T.t ; NOW READY; for a BUSINESS. ;v I have opened my Job Printing plant at No. 139 Middle street and am ready to do all kinds of job printing at the lowes prices, New stock, -artisti work, , ' PROMPT. ATTENTION GIVEN ALL0RDER1 ' 139 Middle St'! New Bern, N.C. IssBpa t nt ; l ; W M v 1 V.- .a .. , . Ik .' a- Everv woman mar not bo hand some, but every woman should keep with care the food pointi Mature has riven her.- Ho wrsan need have sa'w t' c''J eye Wotchy corrr roref ftt:'" wi.o ! cr I 1 F'fl 1 f rcrir'tif-ir ib KirJ Yci l:v Bears the Signature tut anrntua ommmt. anniM wt. ' Advise open and prevent the poisons of undigested Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on the possible efficacy in constipation, Indigestion, LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP NORFOLK SOOTHERS W0(D Schedule Effective Aug. 15. 1910 Trains Arriving and Departing From New Bern, N. a Ar. 9.-00 a m Daily From Oriental. 9:10 " " " Beaufort 9:15 " " " Goldsboro, 1136 " ." exeept Sunday from Raleigh. k 3:80 p m Daily except Sunday from Oriental - - - ; -435 p m Daily from Norfolk. 6:30 " " " Goldsboro. 6:85 " " " Beaufort Lv. 9:15 a m Daily For Goldsboro. 9:25 " ', ".Norfolk. : . 925 " " Beatofort !9:50 " " except Sunday for Oriental. 1:45 p m Daily except Sunday for Raleiffh. ' ' !:: 5:35 d m Daily For Beaufort 6:50 " " " GdsboroS 7:00 " " " Oriental.f W. W. CROUTON, -fit Pi Norfolk; Y. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and. tender stems of a Tung healing mountainous shrub, eive to,i)r, ahooo' GouKh Remedy its curative sroperties, Tickinsor drv bronchial eoushs Quickly and safely yield to this nurmy eaecuve Cough medicine. Dr. -Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even very young babes. No opium, no chloroform absolutely nothingbarsh or . harmfuL . it calms .the distress ing cough, and heals the sensitive mem-j oranes. Accept no ouier. uemano ur. Sboop'a,' oold by Bradhsra Urag Co,; Helter Skelter; Helter f akelter! r-;bar : been iragges- ttvely defined as i jingling expression vaguely imitating the hurried clatter of feet rapidly and irregularly moved. Most dictionaries, however led astray probably by the ordinary orthography, have missed the true. etymology of this phrase, - It, should be ."helter kelter." "Helter", itf ih ild word for "bang." probably connected with baiter, and "kelter" is used by old writers la the sense of "order" or the proper state. TbuS Barrow, the divine, says, "If the organs of prayer be out of kelter bow ean we pray T,. 'Helter skeller," there fore. Is literally 'bang order" and means, "Oh, bang order; let us do It. or let It take its cbnnce." Ben Jon son -in '"Every. Ms n in Ols Humor" writes, "Helter skelter,- bang sorrow, care 'tt-kill a cat" and ShukeRpeore. using It to. express rush and hurry. says, "Heller skelter nure i rode to thee." It is In time of su 1 ,iri mi' c'.J mt f--.it CI nn.!.riains I nr ec- r 1 A o r 1 0 e r 5: Thirty Ws: !ulilii3.fi; Ths Faea of th L.1L Not tht Eack, n- rjicataa Ita Valua, ; t-' Despite the cartful scrutiny given every Liu tuat itaves meoureau vi engraving and printing, a number of "freak" notes find their way Into cir culation from time to time,, Such a on wti a note that once cam t.o the subtreasury at New Tork. It had the Imprint of a twenty dollar note on one Bid and of a ten on the other, nut, in asmuch aa the face showed the figures 80, $20 was the legal value of the bin.. In most cases the ."freak" tills that haTe escaped the vigilance of-the bu reau's officers jure national banknotes, which," like the regular treasury notes, are printed there.--- As intimated al ready, the face jalue Js always recog nised when the "freaks"- come"to "be cashed at any branch of the treasury, The Imprint on the back has no lawful status whatsoever, . - . - -. '. I the notes ,re , printed in sheets. Usually there .will begone, twenty and two tens on a sheet They are print ed one side at a time, so it can readily be seen ; that the printer in turning over the -sheet - migor set it npsiu down and "thus put a tea dollar .hack on the twenty, dollar note or twenty OD We DaCE U IHr 4 luo ran.;, When errors are discovered the mis printed' sheet la laid aBlde to be de stroyed. cannot be torn up at once, for erenr sheet has' to he acconntea for. After some formalities it is ground Into pulp; v. ' v - . v r-' Almost an the "freak" MUs that nave been . issued? in the past .nan. iouna their way back to. Uje treasury, mere to 1destroyeU : It is: thought that ery few-of them are now:Bcattered about, and these are for the most part th -the hands of curio hunters. Har per's Weekly. - , Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea f treating the cause, rather than the" effect would come into practice. A tiny, inside hid den nerve savs Dr., Shoon. sroveros and givej strength to the stomach. A branch ulao goes to the Heart, and one to toe Kidneys. When these "meide nerves" fail, then the oreana mast falter. - Dr. Snoop's Restorative is directed specifi cally to these nerves. within 4a hours after siartinir the. Restorative' treat ment patients say they realize a gain, Sola Dy Bradham urug yo. . Trsda In Cobwabt. ' In Europe,: especially m France and Germany, there exists quite a trade in cobwebs to be applied-to bottles of wine thought to call for that additional evidence of age. , The dealer who fur nished cobwebs to the wine sellers has likewise a liquor that softens and "j1 ore the cork to make it assume-the stains of time. These cobwebs are not spread upon, the bottles without due preparation. Xhey are previously steep ed in gum in order tbat they may the more readily adhere to.itne. potue. When they have been laid upon the bottle a little soot is sprinkled upon them, which final touch completes the riARlreA nnnearance of Kreat age. New fork Press., . "IT BEATS ALL" This is ouoted from a letter of M. Stockwell. Hannibal. Mo. "I recently used Foley Honev and Tar for the first time. To say -i am pleased does not half express, my feelings. It beats ml the remedies 1 even used. I contracted a bad cold "and was threatened with pneumonia,' The first doses gave great relief and one bottle .; completely cured me.". (Jon tains no opiates, iia vis fhar "' Nature" tind" Poetriv. Envlronmeut; aids poetry, but .fjoet ut r,nli:lti' Nnturp la the crand 4gent in making poetri ani poetry. present wherever nature is, r It spax- kles on the sea; glows in the' rainbow. flashes from' the lightning and the star. rS:lD.jr1titioa(' fhatrae and Binea la theviimiroetry. fiod'i Image reflected nature,a in a mirror, an, nature lsPent b- ever man ls.-Beiectea i!tjSaainuOie: Aerr.'l .WateWtrMlB' tMKetlieli;nt ally tine dlkes-or border lihea- Instead CASTOR I A 54;v For Infants and CMldieiL ;$v M Hi Yea Haira Mm fear thai . eignatoraof '-Vr- : SiWaHrjbDw apeakttor'-itaelt BtoUa-To; and It Is pretty plain talk TCUoago Nawa.-0:af i'J?l tTTT.T.Ci: MTTPnPRPtr' .'i A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims, ' Uut : vr, '--'King New Life Fills kill it by prevention, Thev eently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging taut invites bpiiuh:iiis, cui iug cuiibli pation, headache, biliousness, chills, Jib cents at ail druggists, ' " Ths Story of "Hard Hit. )tr. OrcUardson, If I thought that by killing you I could paint a picture like, yours I would stab you to the heart" Such ' was the remark . made by Pellegrlnlthe famous caricaturist to the Royal academician, Sir William Orchardson, when at a private view be Drat saw ."Hard mt" the picture of tho mined gambler. 5 "It-was," said the artlut, "the groafput compllnxii I could linve bad." CurloiiHly rnn the niod.'l who f t fur the rulnc f amet'-r- wat 'raii.i ' . fund of cur him-, tl.nt Otic '$ t!if nr. t II': ha I 1 :,W t Of being In orchard; f onf?'tf! y I-' i t ? i ' V; m.- yt '- ' .! a r I fer U . - '- ' n- t - of It. RbooSI r n e vn ooeilnl nanny. -- ind I bo one rv i t t..J sjeant to In tutlertng ur i hiil or. ai4 - D-i "f . yo can um r-i .- r. Snoop's k . i . , . toil nixUJlK (AASt maker da, e n''t I i xljutt at do 6jr f j ' J ndh-n . I rtrttr" to foe. - lr " No v -".-. i a h Bade Dr. BhAOD't B"H' In tlx tend, i i SOiinoswl'- . t .. i avnrraruf wore mKr ke ' nnp'imadtelaathav - j io all over A laariee. 1 htii..t and teepona. f vliiaea very J yourti Thett tlior And 1 1 tbl SrunriF wherf to Hilectra dru hieutoinet wuh h tick im t, unnna But write me fi ret fur an order. Ihai It r but all druiai si aot sutharlwd to s4 r ' So dro m allm. pteus-end that save all dlppolntmt d1 . - BaidtK. rouvlitoeshMltMtvM(et at mm would rout horn phyiidMk. So to fndy nd fully if you dnira. Mysdviotaiul the book balowar youra-nd wlibou com. )rbM e word or two from m will alsar us mm mrtous liment. I hav blidthouoluiOBthouMn) by mi my private. rtMnpuon or pwtonu ecurM RmI Am. th bnrVi win oM WD Mr and Mipnu idM to you. 'iny teu 01 arwiwi kMnv at thA k n hoHMa and fat Bo SI. Allphli ' and relief n told of it. They ti i i , "imid Btrvo nokwswth 1 tin uv WI feat rim to the Heart la tmi, bow die SKimaob and Kidney -aaeh have Uhh? in" it or BOwor narre. Ho UMttonrsnttureiT fHiter when tataa eantroiusj' or matter terry t niaiau. now ut. enoopa eatoratlm ri d t'to tbaat falling tMrrea. and rebuild, ndlyiuv. d rettona tht loat tone ana powrjs eaa siir r bms fob 11 a m within the power of attnm hin the power of menu todo to. wt It turtl y worth your siiple nqnec . while it it fresh Wmlnd, I to do to. Mr bttt sort now. Dettaowrtt- MVaraomea. Dr. hoop. Box U. Wlt, Wkkk Baak Skatt t Stat Tart Co. 1 On Dytpepato ' Mo. 4 For W Mo. a On the Heart No. oFoi M.soiiUMKidMn , t Meoa Sold By Bradham Drug Co. ' " Tosti'a Thanks; Signor Francisco' Tosti, the famous song writer, is . very impulsive . ana quick to; resist the slightest assump tion of patronage. One day a lady called on him and. announced her in tention of. singing two of his songs at a concert "I thought I would Just run round and try. them over with you," she said. Tosti remarked , that be whs pot in the habit of giving lessons in that man ner,' whereupon the lady retorted: "Very well; I will not sing your songs then" " Tosti's face beamed as he advanced toward ber with outstretched bands. Madam,'! he said, "I thank you very much, for thatt avor." New Bern -People Have Found tbat this is True. A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench. A little cause may hurt the kidneys, Spells Of backache of ten follow. Or soMekiregujarfty of tho urjne. A certain: remedy for such attacks, A medicine that answers every calL Is Doan'a Kidney Pills, a true spe cific. -- . . ' Many New Bern people rely on it. Here is New Bern proof. V: P Averyt 80 Grave St. Wew Bern, N, C. says: "JSm fully, justified in re commending Doan's Kidney Pills having used them with excellent results. For some time my pack was weak and lame especially when I first arose in .the mornmgy If 1 sontracted a cold it al ways settled in taf kidneys and at such titnes I . endured aiditional misery. Doan'a Kidnoy PiU procured at Brad- ham's Pharmacy helped me at once and since OBing them I have not had an at j tockof packacheri;:r:;'ftr jx)r saie dj ,au ueaiera, rrtot ev cental ftjsrrlbttra New. York, sole tgenU for tbe United ;:;,Bmerobarui namwvoa a-HHio .v,";"j'-1 :,-TrM':UbeMllty. rj' vv:"He wart always thought"- said Un le Ethan HreBecWngly, "to be one Of toe -: eosniauiesT, nien' id ,.iae, wnoie town, and 1 guess be wasi He always owned a plug hat, for one. .tbIng,,'and I never, knew hln) to refuse to lend. W any oouy. .c.; ," . ARELLVBLE MEDICINE-NOtANAR Get the eenume" Foiey's Hooey and Tar in the yellow package."S. It is safe ana .eiiecuve.a uoniams . no opiates, Refuse substitutes. .Dayis Pharmacy, , mi- . n i . . . Front Tip te Tip, ? Facetious plner (to very jtail and x ceedlngly : ' procrastinating , servitor) For more than one reason you might be called a long waiter. 'vjTt -. Waiter Yes; I sometimes measure . half a day from tip to Up, sir. Bmart Bet - . sJ. ' - v : r FOR CHAPPED SKIN. Chapped skin whether on the hands or face mov be cured in one night by apniyine cnamneriain'i aive. It siao unequal' I fi.r sure nipples burns and scalua, For tale by all dealers. -: Needt No Llnhtnlnn Rod.' -'A bullilin feet above sea leve tliould be protected by lightning rod ono thinks, but the astronomical obser vatory lit Mount Ktnn has lint nd din's not ncd mieli prulcttlnii. Tli Ob iviilniy Is near the niimiiilt of tli vol' .in'), nn. i i',i tit ren in r vyi'or con y r! ,1 f: ;i '. ! enii.-r hi r. V i"!' i, i t' t 1 . C.ii ..LEi....3 Cases Set For Superior Court of Craven County, October Term 1810. . - MONDAY Oct. 10, 1910.; !. No 83, Williams s Elm City Lorn. CoJ ' 15, Hystt va Goldsboro Im.jCft .- i - 7L. Wooten vs Roper Lum. Co. .a--" 7B,. Waters: Admr . 'vs .Norfolk ? Southern Railway Co,' ( ' 80, Carter vs Howard. ; ' TU tsOAY. Oct. 1Z. 1910 ' 1 Isf 81 ColUna vs Life Ini Cor af Va,t - - i82- "-C ,;- . 86 Elder va Pearce et als, - 88 White vs Holton. r . - WEDNESDAY; OctT 12. 1910. ' 90 JUidersoa Loui3 Gray Cb. vs Ja- 94 Flanner, Admr. vs Kinston Cot ton Mills. - ' 95 Lancaster etLals va Jackson et 5 -' ah, 96 Wlnwatt va Foy. 102 Sarlandtvs A C L R R Co. iWPike vs A C t R R Co. .THURSDAY Oct. 13, 1910. :106 Wooten vs Lane, ':. U08 Price ys Harrington, 'ill Harrington vs Holton. 1112 National Bank vs Can-away, 113 Jones vs Collins and Dill. - TFRIDAY Oct. 14, 1910. 115 Loftin. Adrar. vs Goldsboro Lum. i Hnmnonv '117 Jackson vs Hessberg '120 Buck vs Beaufort County Lum. Co. '122 Gaskins vs Hancock. '123 Goulding vs Rowe. '129 Jenkins vs Jenkins, '138 Williams vs Woolcott & Kerr et als. '139 Willis vs Sarlandt &.Simmons. '140 National Engraving Co. vs A T Dill. '159 Dannenburg vs Quinn. SATURDAY, Oct. 15, 1910. DIVORCE. ' 178, Graney vs Graney. 93 Jenkins vs Jenkins. ' 181, Beaman vs Beaman. ' 88, Hoover vs Hoover. ' 102 Keys vs Keys. 46, Webster vs Webster. ' 32, Fonville vs Fonvillo. ' 11, Barnes vs Barnes. "6, Csnnedy vsCannedy. ' 8, Sellers vs Sellers. ' ... MOTIONS ' 109, Price vs. N. &S. Ry. Co. ' 126, Beaman va Life Ins. Co et al?, ' 145, ipock vs Watson. ' 155, Mutual Aid Bank vs Roach. ' 166, Whitley vs Thompson, Admr. ' 167, Harvey vs Bryan. ' 168, Kennedy vs Kennedy. ' 175, Jones vs Collins & Gillett ' 180, Toler vs Broajdus & Ives Lb Co ' 184, N, B. Banking & Trust Co. vs Carolina Paper Co. ' 188,. N. B, Banking & Trust Co. vs Green et als. ' 196, Holton vs Jones. '37 Martin va Delosch. ' 25, Wiggins vs Wiggms.l ' 24, Clark vs Wiggins et als. ' 12, Arnold ys Ipock. ' 7. Arnold vs Jones. " 4, Taylor vs Taylor. 15, French vs Humphrey -& Carra- way.. ' 20. Baxter vs Southern Jobbing Co. 40, Coles vs Standard Lumber Co.l" ' 41, Jones va Insurance Co, ' 6lv Gaskfll vs. Turner. ,' 67, Cox.vs Lighting & Fuel Co. 66, Deppe vs Atlantic Coast Line, ' 68,- Wyatt va Roper Lumber Co. ;f 69, Black ys Carter. 67, Ipock v Watson. 198, Hill vl Dawson. Hill va Willis. - 97,4 Fra2ellev. Life Insurance Co Va raiHioRLr best. Ko one hasever made a salve, oint ment ar balm, to compare with Buck len's Arnica Salve. It s thb one perfect neaier oi cuts, corns, ourns,.' bruises sores, scalds, boils ulcers, eckema, salt rheum. For sore eyes, cold sores.. chftn- pea nanas, or sprains, u s supreme, .... r ' .. . ' . -r In- fallible for piles, ; Only 25c at all drug- gtfta.:4;.?j; T?..j?,-,i-:.:."-i j r ruei -7 - -. i Mother reading)rt',In Ixelan they use peat, for fuel."; Little MargHh-pId they burn bim be- cause be was wicked? "Mauima-Burn whd, dearf Little. Mdrgle-WJiyj, Pete, .of course. Chlcaim Newa.:,'.(4Ti,i-vW4 -Chicago News,: j ti A GENEROUS AND' CHARITABLE -A .WISH. net - wish all might jknow of the bene fit T received from your.FoIey's Kid H.l, " T . XT rM.nM ' IP. M 1 mer. Mo. His kidneys and bladder gave mm so mucn pain, . misery ; ana annoy ance, could not work, nor sleep. r He says Foley's Kidney Remedy complete ly cured him,- Davis Pharmacy, r bwor Knowlsdae.'"- ','-(-' - A senator complained of certain false charges tbat bud been made against a company be formerly represented. 1 :: "The spirit In which some, of these eharges were" brought." be 8ald, "makes me think ef the'. bfackulaHoi Who declared: -. . .... - .--', "'." :'-. " 'Knowledge I pbwer.' ' "Then, wltii a wink, Ife added: 7. "'Yes, knowledge Is power if you know It about tho rluht perHon.' ".. - Legal Notices- 4': HaviaraaanfiaS at tdauaittratae of Kariaa dreea, tUeeuad. tiua k lo aetifyaU penoat hav ins elaimt acainat atd aatatt to pi tut --T to tbe oodenisned or - efm Sect. Uta 1SU. ar thn notice will Be tlamcwd bare thatr itcoi- cry, Allpertoot Indebted to aM aatata wOJto required to ltml immadiata paroan. - . a A fi nti niatratec. . B.JS. NIXON, Altocmey. - Srpt Z4ta 1910. X , . .;' ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. - - ' " u ! ' . Bmvmg qualified at adminittrator of Cnrietiana F. WiUit deeeatad, (hit b to notify all paraoni havtog clatma teainat laid atttto to pitttut thi tamato the nndemsnt4 on or before Bast. 2nd 1911. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to taid aetata will bo required to make Immediate payment, Thtt the 2nd day of Sept. IMS. , W. H. WILLIS. Adminittrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. North Carolina Craven County Having qualified at 'ministratrht of the ae rate of the late W) -V iilace late of Craves county North Carol,. ..i, tliia it to notify all persons havinfirelauna ip'-jntt the estate of the taid deceased to exhibi them to the nndertbrn- ed or her Attorney, P L. Ward, at New Bern' North Carolina, on or before, the 3rd. day of October 1911, or this uui'xe will be pleaded in bar of their recover . All persona Indebted to said ettate will pleate rrf-.e immediate payment S. J. WILLIS. Administratrix. This 3rd day of Sept'-nsder. 1910. Hoarseness in a "liM subject to croup ia a sure indicatio - of tne approach of the disease. If i,hamberlain's Coueh Remedy is given " . oace or even after the croupy coigh i appeared, it will prevent the attach Uuntains no poison, Sold by all dealer Drovkiwd Fish. They have u cm ...is way of catching fish in souie parlj of .lapau. Herbert 13. Ponting lu lif; L on ''Lotus Land .liipun" describes suiue traps which he found in one of the rivers o&FuJL "They were set i.. .ir'iUclally dammed up narrows uu(' "ouaislcj of loug, conical bauilioo osiskets tied to poles. The fish bound downstream rush headlong into tb traps and, being unable to return even t'irn around, Tnre speedily drowned. Curious as this iay seem, it Is j p' but a matter of a few minutes to d.' ivc n (:s h held head downward to a si ''t current." Good results always follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They contain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate tne kidneys and bladder, and to cure backache. Davis Pharmacy. Fairly Puxzled. The professor was In a north car bound for Lincoln park. side "Colonel," said the man sitting next to him. "can you tel! me how much farther 1t Is to Chestnut street?" "I'll lot you know when we come to It," nnswered the professor. "Now my friend, let me ask you something. Do you call uie 'colonel' on account of my military bearing or because I look us if 1 were running a shell game?" The man pondered. "By tbo way." added the professor, "the next street Is Chestnut," Then the man arose and solemnly of fered his hand. "Judge," he said, "that's tbe tough est conundrum anybody ever threw al me. Goodby ."-Chicago Tribune. The pleasant purgative effect experi enced by all who use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver. Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which the; create, makes one reel joy f ul, Sold, by all dealers. s$3i, The Maid's Reply. As William bent over her fair face be whispered: ' - - "Darling, if f should ask, yof French If t Wight kiss you what would you aijsver?" - She; calling up her scanty knowledge of the , French buignnge, exclaimed. "Billet doux-Fxeliange. ' ' butpena. iThere isn't any baspenra about your I Bl,'Caald,tliegte. nlcal critic "That shows bfw ;ou Jump at cone clusrous," -repUed J the author, vtou Just ought to see waltuig for roy . .qesBxcbaago,;; f;i, -StjIJ.;-'" , ';, ."; v ' ' To quickly check ftt:'Ariigiruib ara dispensing everywhere, a clever - Candy Cold Cure Tablev. called Preventica, Preventics at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48-35c . - Cn Ttr, :.By" the iltae-a "Chinese' boy la flv years old; Ws? oii.ier,. has got .a wife picked oui for hln und, thoughhe maj - never see her flnhvfcoJs a young mau. lie h expected' tv 'jiirrx-'her when he la elghtoeti Jf be dQceii't tbe law steps Hi and wants to kooSi 'what's tbe mat ter." There are nf, bachelors In China. jThcy must inflffy oTcome over t America, to no lonndry work. Phila delphia Ledper. ' ,i f - 1 The Msr-I.ge Rste. V -""I" la this country -the marriage rate Is found to fluctuate with tbe1 rise or de crease of exports and of employment " Your "coutrh ' annoys you.1- Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate mem branes of vour throat if you want to be annoyed, hut if yon want relief, want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bold by fill dealers. . ... ' , . ,"w' ... Yr Rapartst. r It ii t why lire you lu uiovirnlngy ,: "Oil. for my sin." . , . '' Ci'c! I (liilri'i know you'd loat snyr ;li-vflaiifJ !.;. ii.T. , . : r:rESs::::ALteASDs I; ewweeaaw4weeaa t. M Siamons, -'i,---VJ D. Ward, JLILABeav SIZOSSiOHBy&VlllLEH AfTORNITS AND;tXUNrLLOS9 KIW BIR3.I. &, Offiea Rooms 401-2-8 Elks Buiklicg Practice In the counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LER AT LAW Hughes Building Craven Street New Bern, N. C. Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. O. H. GuioD, W. B. B. Guion, GUI AND GUI ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phons 193, New Btrn. N. C. H. W, GARTER, HI. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Washington, N. C. New Bern, N. C. New Bern Office With Dr. N. M. Cibbs, Elks Temple NEW BERN HOURS WEDNESDAYS: 5 to 7 P. M. THUR80AYS: 9 A. M. lo 1 P. M. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE - 'tits Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and . Federal Courts. Office No. 50 Craves Street. TelspfcOBt No. 07. New Bern, N. C. RN RAILWAY lOUTuXRir &1ILW11 BCHEDULII N. BTkeea Igutes are published tor tafonnattoB a&ri are not guaraa- Na 11 Leave Goldsboro. N. C. 6. -Ik, throagti trala with chair . car t AahevUle, oonneotlng at - .. t.Bast Durbun, for Oxford, Hen . - deraoa, KeysvQl and Richmond V , at Dalverslty for Chapel Hill: at Greensboro for Charlotte and v an JaU soath, also for Dan " vtlla, Lynchburg, CharlottesvlUe vWasalngtoa, and aU , potato KO. 18 Lsvs Ooldsboro, I.OS p. a. " '.-for Oreensborov handles through ? 1 PnUmaa Raleigh, to Atlanta, ooa " tweta al Qreensboro - for all points aorth. south aad wtat, .j a f- a , NO. Ill-Leaves Goldsboro 145 p m 9nm nvsaaafkatSnm tianiilaasi flnllniiai ; SOUTHE "S?, Raleigh , to Grseneboro, - con ? y . ntcU at Greensboro for Chat ;i . ' ..' Jotta, Atlanta , New , Orleaaa, ' - v'-v Danville, Lynchbura,- CharlotV - loavllle, Washlngtoa," tad all ,-. . t ''Inta north. - -' ' - ; r -r t i J " ,.,"1 - .. . ..-,;.,,: - r- - ' - - - - for farther lnfom" n s-V any .. V)!ithirn ticket z"? cr ' " it1!' id I . . 1 . II. F.'CAttY, , , - C.""'U I r S. 1 ' ' D.O.1 "V V I' ' r ; r t-'. . ; ?. c , . 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