- 1 I LLi3 A. v 4 r V ' 'X i ,u - 1 fl 'vl". v:y. '4:?,vFRESH Kew Bern, K. C Qct 9, 1810. ; ' : AlHEfU L0DG1 BO. 8 K. OF P '' Maetvery .Tuesday, sight b Koyal : -u?;5"-ti.wMi f BU,'."ooMr;';:BrDaif and Haiok''MeCit H Hartison, .( C. v.$;.. H. SmltX. oB. ead ftvYMtlng ft'S,roQw;'i! awed 'Ui-mtHtmUat L CRAY1S i LODGE HO. 1. OI6HXS i flJLRMOST Jnd. and 4th Wednesday' aJghti in " nronttJn . Knight Pamonr. . JWl, oier Bw4 and Er-acock toota a J:3ft o'dock. " j. K. WWI. Pwetdenf : J; H. 8mH, fecratarh B. R. Bin, ITnaacial Seo- WOODlKf OF TBS WOBLD MMT at K. of IV Hall corner of ; Proadi Hancock treet, lemi-moutlily, first ana Third Wadniaday nighta at 7:80 'deck, , TWttag "Woodman are tayb ad. False Report Denied, . Eaton The Optometrist. , GaskUI Hdw. Co.-PainU, For Sale Summer Home. Broad St Grocery Co-Groceries, J. C. Whitty &CoWaffel Irons. BUSINESS LOCALS s NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN advance: ICE CREAM Soda today at McSorleys 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. WAFFLE wid Wafer4 Irons at J. C, Whitty & Go's. PhOne 98. LOST Between 19 New street and the Western Union Telegraph oflcO, music medal, inscribed "Marietta Hewitt." Finder please return to Western Union Telegraph and get reward. PROPERTY For Sale-Whitford cot tage, 22 Change street; Deppe cottage, 11 Change street. Also improved prop erty, Av. 'A, Riverside at bargain pri ces and good terms.' See me quickly, W. G, Boyd; Elks Temple. - PARTIES who would like to have some fine New River Trout can got them at Harker & Tooker's Fish House. WANTED-A good six or eight room house, centrally located, with modern conveniences. Address P. 0, Box 477. JUST received a fine lot of Irish Pota toes, fresh eggs, joung and grown chickens, ducks, best butter and cheese, regular and Picnic Hams and Breakfast Bacon, Rump and Mess Pork,- Stock's and Gamble's Pattent Flour, Oars, Lan terns, Pumps, Piedmont Cigarettes. B B Davenport. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished front room in private family. Bath, Tele phone privilege. Short distance from Post Office. Opposite good Boarding House. Write Box 613. FOR SALE Six room house and two lots, located at Bridgeton. A bargain for cash. Apply to T. W. Moore, at Journal office. WANTED-Plumbing work done, work guaranteed, estimates cheerfully given. 'See D. W. Hurtt, 65 South Front St? WANTED To buy two 'yoke of oxen with carts, must be young fend sound, Write- Broaddua ft Ives Lumber Compa ny, New Bern, N. C WANTED at once loggers. Apply to C B. Wetheringtotv Askfa, N. C . ) WANTED to buy mill cut of pine mm- ber from good jmilL , Writ fully, ; ad dress VMill Cut'l , rZu ICE CREAM delivered to 'any parf of the city for 35 cents aquart.-McSorley THE prices of f.o&7products. eoatinue to rise in prices, but the priaes and ,.;es always remain the same ai ICafer's I MISS OLA FEREBEE wfll 'begin the -1 an yetm oi ner music Class sept, aitn, .1910. Paoila nlaaaa aonlv at one.! , Buck wheaCShredded, wheat a -. Biseult, Cream Farina. Quaker Oats, ;-Hk'tit,:ote'-. Astor Coffee, tfEed.- .Rose Butter .last: but not least. - 'jffi Moss RosaFlourV;sCash eoonta herias 1 :yHriAjWa',M'',eWOT" ;:.f'AIOuN(awr-i;iibir; announce S:;jtydt i candidate "ft the ''request! of J'any friends and having ,'tnany; years :f::-rtxpwetet in this office, I now offer to ' s T the public all kind of . sawed ahingles, ''f&QfytotvMfo shlnglei fend lathes. Try bur 17 Pr'CM be convinced. Thanking you tot yonr' DBtronage.-W. F, HUI, the , C or 6 doses "666' of Chills and Fevec Will cure any case Price 25c. r RUBBER STAMPS Made to order on short fiotice. Rubber Ty pe, Dates, Pads, Ink etc In stock. Patronize home industry, DONT send your m ; -a o it of town.-WiIliara T.I Kill, Bl i:;j "a i.i i,.:.L... f 'CHRIST EriSCOPAL CHURCH, j 'Christ Church, Rev. J.W. Fulford. Servkss 7:45 a. m.. Koly Communion II a. m.. Morning Prayer. : ' .,- i - JTOp. m., EveningJPrayer. ': Sunday School 4 p. m. i 1 j. ? AU seata are free,' A cordial welcome U extended to all -1 '-fk "i i? - -S , ' MISSliONART; ? APHSTjf The Firsi Baptist Chureh-Servlces irorning - and . evening . conducted t by the pastor, Rev." Charles L. Greavea. ' Sunday School at 3 o'clock in tha af ternoon, S. M. Brinson Superintendent t, You are ordu01y invited .to Attend t. First Cnareh of Christ Scientist, : '. 8unday service 11 a. m. and 8 p.' in. Subject-; "Are Sin Disease and Death -'Sunday achool at 12 m, :' . Wednesday evening testimony serv icaat70'eiock. ; " ' i x Reading Room, which is in the church ti opta dairy. . - All are cordially welcomed! Trappers take notice, The Basnight Hardware Co., has iust received a full ; line of Victor and Jump steel traps, from raf to otter sizes. Phone 99,67 S. Front St. NOTICE. All you need to repair the worst puncture or blowout you or your chauf feur anybody , can. permanently repair any puncture or blowout in either tube or casing in just a few minutes and without applying heat All you need is Marvelous Tire Dough will not melt clown on the road in hot sand, makes it solid as ever. Price for outfit $2.00 Guaranteed by the company: The best on the market Try it you can get your money back if you don't like the outfit Sold by. ' " W. T. DUNN, Jeweler. Opposite N. S. R. R. Co's Depot You Cause Hard Timet Almost anybody can make a living on the corner of Jerkins Alley and Union Sta, at depot A splendid living in business.. For rent cheap. Apply to, ISAAC H. SMITH. There is More Conviction in a single gallon of trial than in a whole barrel of talk. .One gallon of, will convince you more thoroughly and more quickly than .a whole column in a newspaper.. If you are open to convincing PROOF-, . Try Davis. ASK YOUR DEALER, . . ,, or Write . THE H. B. DAVIS CO.. BALTIMORE, ' I v'";.' MD. ii for all occasions, Elates Rea sonable, Instrumentation, Pi ano, violin. Cello,- Bass and Snare Drams.. Address; , ; BoiNeBerrtC. Klnacf Externals .it introduced Imitators j nave tned to imitate, ( and (substitution, has ) VCGI! UllCIIipiCU. DUX once GO WANS always Gowans far Jbflammation and congestioak 'r? - '', -'- ;"';: t Rlrw viphMim to recom mend Gowtna Prepur&tion fot InOammttioa, ' ispecinllr of the tnroat and chest, t We ht sol, I Uownm Preparation for many jreara mid nvr hmJ eomnluial. V pUULimTON DRUU VO.i : v- -it Burlington, If, C, niniixi kaveitih:: c:i All DrM!.L. 1. 60.. 23.. ' es-ix r-.;"Ht0 tvr.ut a. c. JAYTW TP""" viyni ii e is its a-r.H MUSIC FURHISHED t f t. J Eggs are still sellicg on the local mar ket at 25c , , ' Bradham's drug store will be open to the public today, r :r -.j " There were 65 bales of eotton dispos ed of on the local market yesterday. The price paid was 14 centa. , I The Sunday school of the First Bap tist church will boat 8 o'clock hereaf ter, and evening worship at 7;30, j - The Barseca Bible Class of the First Baptist church extend to you a cordial invitation to come out and study the lesson with them this afternoon at 4 o'clock. ' A pleasant hour- with a good teacher is promised you. " ' ( Hon. Marian Butler, passed thrbugh the city last . night from Vanceboro, where he addressed a large audience yesterday-enroute to Wilkesboro.N. C where he will address the people atrthai place tomorrow afternoon. , , - A boat load of fish and oysters ar rived in port yestereay morning rend were disposed of to local dealers f and eonaumera. The supply of both of these water products just at -this tinie is fully adequate to supply the local de mand. " Don't fail to see M. E. Whitehnrst & Co's display of Crane's Stationary in their window on Pollock street This is one of the most elaborate displays of stationery ever seen in this city, and similar displays are being com mented c-n all over the country. ' -r Tomorrow morning a one week term of Craven County Superior Court jfor the trial of civil cases will convene WithJ Judge G. R. Ward presiding. A large number of cases are on the civil docket and it is more than propably that a few of them will have to be carried over un til the next term. ' The New Bern Banking and Trust Company, ever alive to up-to-date ways have presented to a number of their customers specially printed check books which are individual checks so far as thfl recipients are concerned. The re ceivers of these check books greatly appreciate the business favor shown them. f Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest cases in a fefe hoora Its action upon the system i& remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene- fita. 75c and 81.00. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. To our many friends and patrons, i We adopt this method of extending our thanks 'or your liberal patronage through the past Spring and Summer season, and we earnestly solicit a eon tinuance of the same. ' Our fall and winter line of goods is now ready for inspection composed of all the latest fabrics of the best tort eiga and domestic goods. We guarantee all -work to be up to the best American tailoring. We have had some thirty, years ex perience. We make suits, 'trousers and overcoats to your measure and there is no blind tailoring in it "You can see your clothes in the making and have a chance to try on before finished. We make any style you want We give you every, thing up to date and save you from 10 to 15 per cent, be your own Judge and you will save by it ; ''Work done at short notice, . Order suit one day and get it the next Order panta in the morning and' get thm at night ; Thanking you 'in advance for eondideratioQ. RespectfuHy your,' -4 : ; t R." SAWYER. ' ' - . ' ' 61 South Front St, NOTtCE, Certificate No.-1942 for two shares and Certificate No: 2611 for one share, of the capital stock of the ' Atlantic & North - Carolina Railroad - ..Company, standing In my name on the books of said Company, having been lost or de stroyed.: NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made for; the issuance of new Certificates, -V This September 29th,' 1910. Jy REID ,WHrrFOftD.ti ' ;A man or. woman who spend aH they make without regard to their future welfare vlll amount to very little out side of their own sphere. Its regularity insavingno matter how small, con tingent of course upon a safe invest ment that creates independence end makog one a factor in the business world, ' , --- 1 vThoNew Bern Building and Loan Association whose 38th series opens on Oct' 1st, and which is now on sale by th underlined, has laid the founda tion for many a fortune. There la no t'" r known or safer ln Vffitmwit for t'.e smil or lur -g lnv t or. Its 2 j( ; a of r: ' ' .1 r irf i : en i!'y r ,-t.-' !. 1' y " r i ' J i 1 ' 1 I y f. t i j v: a- r'.U f y ' 'f ' t s ' OUR ; LETTER con i.: lUi . EEPOliTED BY v- J. R. BALL . CTT0k EBOKEB ; NEW BEEN, s yX.C. Kew Terk Karket,; J r ' Open High - Low Close October,. 11456 -1456 1445 .1445 January ' 1468 1498 1460 " 1493 Majk. - J1493 ' 1498 1488 . 1498 Port Receipts, 50,503 bales ' - -( 1V t X 'll ";iJjerpool Cottom Karket, i . s Open. , : ' - ' Closing, : Oct JJov. 792 f 768 S Jan.-Feb. 796 - TO Kew Ben Markets - C ' Htol4' , - 66 bales Sales CASTOR OIL"PCin am tarn it J LESS mAirr I "I I mm ' -PDOMISSS ' 4UiVM IfBEST AND SA.FCSTC PANACEA , SPOS WATER. "SOLE AGENCY a DAVIS PHARMACY PHONE 66 Ng(MsMMI Ideal ' SUITS .UL MMDS WE LL EXCHANGE IF IT DON'T SUIT YOUR . STYLE. - J. 0. Baxter THE JEWELER A RARE OPPORTUNITV TO SECURE : an IDEAIJOR Ifal CHEAP v IN HILLSBORON. C s An Oldr FamiiyHom stead; 5 Acres : of: 'Land Commodious ; Dwelling, All Necessary Outbuild ings, Fine GardenVAm-, pie Lawn,' etc. 7 - ;! ': i PRICE $6,500 Address OVBox 48 .lb Hillsbord - ' ' ST. O. M J-TO OBTAIN Frozen 6 to 8' Degrees Harder yii&n Heretofore on Our Mar- ' -" J' 'i..i nntr a. . li.j Ft.. .i l3 iC3 s "1 fyUJCIC aad rOLITM prsvicu 1 pr Waterman FottotamPen - n .1 tie Sweet Jose -i it v;::th i ONE GENT? to secure full particulars about a complete line of pianos, includ ing prices delivered to your home and terms!, ' T " - ; - If sv just drop a post card to us, which will bring it .."-i We positively SAVE YOU MON EY and give, you other advan tages yon cannot secure else-, where.' Just a post card is all it costs you. y i DO FT TO-DAY. ;.-..... .- . .. . : ' 1 ST1EFF " L. (X, STEELE, 1st. Ill Granby Street. Horfolk. r. (Mention this paper.) Official Plane Jamestowa Expo. I EXCEL IN GROCERIES is soroething I want you all to know. There is one sure and best test try me, My stock is composed of the CHOICEST AND BEST food products that money is able to buy. Your order will be filled exactly as you expected it. v Trading with me is a pleasure. To you, because yon will be satisfied; to me because I have gained another customer. School Tablets, Pencils, Ink etc. Oat Meal, Buckwheat, Apples, Oranges, Blue Ribbon Extracts, Rub-no-more cards redeemed. Come to see us. Broad Street Grocery Co. PHONE 166 NEW BERN. N. C. , ' j - Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BE RN ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith St Phone 23 To Those Who Use "horning Cup" Coffee. We will give 1 cent in cash or merchandise for all 1 lb. Morning Cup Coffee bags returned (to us in lots of not less than 50 bags. Hotel Astor Coffee 35c. Best Flour - ; 3-1-2C -;jij.roTfiii Phone 174 Middle" Si flENRY'Si . , ' v. :c W Prescriptions front : all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately Ded.' : ' ; i -: Also a full line of Choice Toilet articlci, X-- .... n . ' -. .. ' I,, . r '.n - ' a,, ...-.'. ..- '. Pt'.armacy rnoNH 173 n n ti::r..i j r: V iTilE'BEST ' v USE NO Fox River Lwuliu Received From The Dairy Every Three Days, Only 39c. lb. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. McDaniel 75 Broad St. Phone QUICK SERVICE Minutes count when you are waiting for medicines. That is the time when QUICK DISPATCH in the drug store is appreciated. Prcsciptions fiom your physician by telephone receive extra attention. GASTON DRUG COMPANY ON THE COR NER PHONE No. 65 PRICES CHANGED If you come to New Bern to buy any thing in our line and pay 10, 15 or 20 per cent on the dollar more than we charge for the same thing, then you must blame yourself for not coming to see us. We can serve you with a brand new open Buggy at $35.00 and a top Buggy at $45.00 and we know you cannot buy one any where else in this state at this price. We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We have over 200 customers, make yourself 201. With thanks for past patronage, we or yours truly, G. S. Waters & Sons BROAD STREET ::;V.i.. ; NOW The Chamber of Commerce organized the' FAIR AS SOCIATION last spring and had to defer definite action to assist ia making the BCentennial celebr4tion a success. .' The ChainberrCommerce in response 0 puWic de mand now calls upon Uie business and professional men of New Bern to rally to the support of the Fair Association and makf the Fak a qiilck and going proposition. ! fvThe stock is iemat $25.0flt wWcti in tW reach of everyone.K Subscriptions may be taken through the Com mittee, or the nndcrsigLed. f . For further particulars upon or; adoV " W-B0YDSec. IClipibldfpfMmefc ROOMS 321-322 f$M FOR SALE Crimson . Clover, ' Rape, Vetch, Rye," Hyde Co. grown Hurt and Rust proof C , frc.a " Barley and. Vl.:i. OTHER Print Butter I 91 New Bern, N. O. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE - . . NEW; BERN, N. C. FOR THE : V -"'ft $$&$W. fitJILDING I r. a D-iry rc?J II , 1 i i ' 1 "'. ! 'Mil

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