t J ..:i',.K 7 " . PAPER .WTnl- ):C3RCULATIOK-; ESTABLISHED IN 1878 Timber jJEW BRN; NORTH CAROLINA; WEDNESDAY, MORNING. NOVEMBER, 2 tOiO. TWENTY NINTH YEAR i V I J1 vf V "i The rnident farmer HERE is m. titt deal being; said thcpoghoot Jtbe country abpu( tht importance of farming as an oc cupation, lie fact la, that the great mass of people are just beglnnhig to understand the value 'of land nd the independent position of the farmer. The great drawback to farming in the past has been the kick of know ledge with regard to methods of agriculture and the precau tion on the part of the farmers to lay op money in good years for possible emergencies. when crops fail The farmer who deposits his surplus money in a strong, safe bank can tide ovef a season of bad crops, when it comes. This bank issues Certificates of Deposit, yielding interest at the rate of Four Per Gent. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OF ONE DOLLAR OR MORE ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. NEW BE N BANKING TUST CO. THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Tailored Suits and Skirts. The feature of this week will be the ele gant display of fashionable wearing apparel Suits, separate Skirts, Waist, Petticoats, Sweaters and everything needful for woman's wear. Millinef y Suggestions You can find any shape apd style. The exhibit is one of Sparkle and Beauty in which it would be the rarest occurance whereby you would fail to find a Hat of becoming style and beauty and prices to suit each and every one. r J. M. MITCHELL & GO. 511 (EISl OS lllciiy Seven Thousand More . Folio wed Express ,Men in Walk- m Out Yesterday. New York Oct 8L-Th BtrikiDg ex presa men sained adhereoti yMarday when between 1,600 aba lv80U- workera of theMonahaa'a Expreaa. tha , Boston Despatch luid the Mafihattan Delivery Company joioed 1an with thenw The platform men of the American Expreaa Company at the Grand Central Station and the same companies way bill clerical went eat in aympathy.. More than ten Uuswatxi men are now on etrike . de manding increase pay and shorter boon There were many smaH diatarbancea in varioqa parts of New York city as striker attacked wagon manned by strike breakers. Stones and missiles of all kinds were thrown and several dri vers and their helpers were badly hart William Loy, a helper on an American Expreaa wagon had his skull crushed with a brick and probably will die.: All the disturbances were quickly quelled by the police. Many arrests were made and heavy fines imposed. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Basket Supper at Truitts. ' There will be a basket supper at Tru itts on Saturday night before the first Sunday the 5th. Come, we are going to have a good time. GUESS. CALL AT ONCE AND SEE OUR LINE OF Children's School Shoes BEST ON THE MARKET .Cof Harrington Dry Goods Savodine Cures Burn. "My little boy burned his leg badly on a red hot stove. The burn was about three inches square. He was suffering much and could not walk, I bought a tube of SAVODINE and was astonish ed to see how rapidly he improved. In a few days he was walking about. , I can recommend it for burns" "E. L. SMITH, 196 Queen St., New Bern, N. C. Fllii SAIIDERS ' Syndicate Loses in Fourth Effort to Stop Property of Old. Com-, ;pany from Charging Hands. Norfolk, Vs., Nov, 1-Unleaa the Vabdike Sell syndicate appeala to the Virginia Supreme Court the sale of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad to the reorganized Norfolk and Soutnern will anon be consummated. The fourth effort of the syndicate to prevent the sale failed Monday when judge McLemora sustained the demurr er iof the reorganization committee and Bewport Man Charged With Illic ' it Distilling Cannot be ' Found. Monday morning, October 24, Frank Sanders, a citizen of Newport, was bronghk to this city in the custody of an officer to stand trial in the Federal Court for iflieit distilling. 3' - After his arrival here jt waa found, that the case could not be called at that , time and that unless he could give bond far his appearance on the follow? ing Monday he would be compelled te remain in jail during the entire remain-fdiamiaaed the Vandike Sell bill ing time. He at once began to secure a bondsman and succeed in securing Mr. Kit Jones, of Beaufort, to stand his bond in the aum of Sl.000. In the meantime Sanders had re turned to his home: at Newport. Last Monday morning the case waa called but the defendant failed to make his appearance, and after dilligent search and inquiry, both in this city and at Newport, it was ascertained that San ders bad left for parts unknown, leav ing his bondsman with the bag to hold. Search ia being made for him and it is more than probable that he will be captured. A large shipment of E. P. Reeds fine shoes, just re ceived J. J. Baxter. ALEOPIJ mm ' Following the announcement of Judge HcLemor'e decision in the case comes the-announcement from the Norfolk iid Southern reorganization that the Norfolk and Southern Railroad Com pany has sold to the Central Trust Coin pany $4,460,000 worth of one year iix per, cent, note, the proceeds to be used in paying Off 11,980,000 collateral truRt notes; $1,442,895 in retirement of re cevera' certificates; $47,000 in Raleigh and Pamlico Sound bowls; $50,000 in Suffolk and Carolina bonds, bills pay able of between $1,000,000 and $2,00,000 and expenses of the reorganization com mittee; the reorganized Norfolk South ern $5,780K0 bonds, which will be is sued as soon as the present litlgat Ion has been disposed of or appealed de posited back of the $4,460,000 issue in six per cent notes. SHE LOVED SNUFF. of 'Widow POSTED, HE THAT VISD0W SHQWS, BY BUYING NOTHING BUT and posted he, that knowest the "Widow Hoffman" label which proves5 each suit good and staple. Appearances go a great way. Clothes make the best impression. The first impression is the-best. Come and Ex-4' ;aminethe t v ... v ' . . ' 1 "Widow Hoffman o( riaUimoire4 "Boy Proff aothe. )tnan. x Cor. Middle afad & JFrbnt St,' J"''-" ), V ' Bnraa "Blocb. wvm Rsmarksbl Will and Funeral Quw Englishwoman. The will of Mrs. Margaret Thorny son, which Is preserved as a, curloalty at Somerset House, England, la a trlb. ute to the delights and consolations of snuff. The testatrix directed that In her coffin should be burled with her all her handkerchiefs and sufficient of the best Scotch snuff to cover her body. This she preferred to flowers, as "noth jug could be more fragrant and so re- feshing to me as that precious pow- -oer. .. ennner, me six greaieax snuu 't&fcera in the parish of St-James. Westminster, were to her bearers, Six 'old maids, each bearing in her band a box filled with the beat Scotch snuff to take for their refreshment aa they walked, were to ttear the palL Before the corpse the minister was to walk, , carrying and partaking .of a pound of snuff. At every twenty yards a handful of snuff was to be delivered tothe bystanders,' and at the door of the testatrix's house were to be placed two bushels of the same quality of amiff for gratulterfs dtotrlbution. In order o. Insure he' carrying out of her wishes the testatrix made the legacies given by toe will dependent upon an exact -and literal fulfillment of i the -conditions .above -named. v-Jn closing she-'badeall concerned, to regard snpff as the grand Xordial of nature. '. im 1 1 " one waySint of It r" 1 ' J tie what yoamaki Ill i - . t i J ;The;,wbrld aaya unless-you von krs'not It. - It mfltfo'r lit.' make unless too save Tearularlv and t At , V ' f "ereiure is pox wise w save t 1 I . j' MnMhl Vhl SMI tin k).I ..it.l.. .. i J If T. P.IMIW.I WHWMHIIJ MINI , is good and absolutely aaiet Bv Ukinir stock ' IA ( tW October Series of the NEW BERN BUILD- - IN0! A LOAN ASSOC1AXI0N (eatabliahed 188&). - I-,, 7 ; ' "aw wmcn we now nave on aaie you not only May the foundation rpr a snug som, :nut neconte a factoria the town's hp lift, as the money; circulatV freelj-,1 and 'jmproves'' business conditions r ge,neraily.'W; At the end of aeveri years: Vpen the atock maturos and you draw oh ' $100, $60d, or $1000, to cost only $R4, $520, or $840t It comes ao fasy It's like picking money up oat of the atreet. t - W'- - , Meeting Board of Alderman. The board of aldermen met Tuesday night in regular session, a quorum being present. A petition was read from the Chamber of Commerce, asking that the city postpone action in its suit against the railroads. Mr. L. I. Moore, at torney for Norfolk-Southern offered a new schedule of hours for shifting bh Hancock street, 7 to 8:30 a, m. 10. a.' m. to iz;3gp. m. 4:30 to 7 p. m. Mr. T A Green spoke against granting longer hours than those now in force,' tho' it waa not found that the Norfolk' Southern were observing any regular schedule at present, the new schedule he ing asked for that the railroad might riot be indicted for violations. After Bomedis cussion the new schedule was granted, The gray horse recently used by the Button Co. waa ordered to be transfer red to the Fourth Ward Co. On motion a lease of the engine house building occupied by Fourth Ward Engine Co was ordered for 6 years at $3.50 per months. This gives room for members, apparattusand horse. Overc ats were ordered for police' men, to cost not over $20, each. Al dermen Ellis moved that Norfolk Southern be relieved of any penalty for occupying with its cars the track bn South Front St. during next SOdaJa, Granted., This to help the railroad while building its new warehouse, the: engineers submitted the plans for pav ing Hancock St, recently asked by the board, but no action waa taken as to acceptance of these. 270 Boll Cotton Stalk. At J. A. Jones' stables can be aeen a cotton stalk upon which are 270 bolls, that was' grown by T. T. Gooding on his farm at Adams Creek. It ia a mae- hificeot specimen, an acre of such stalks Would produce two bales of cotton. Rheumatism Relieved In Six Hours Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest casea in a few hours. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and the disease quick; 1 disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. BANKING IN ENGLAND. d.:. - Oenlua and JiladfaorUy. ceraeiiW iO dpi span torrecuy ne language or. wnicn nwes sucn a mae tai'alilcaittef 'Vat" silent ,1a mlx,ed Society. . r ThemlatocIea,":Vhen asked to play; on Jute, said, "I cannot name. outl can make a little; village Into a great lty.r. Addlaeu' was" unable to converse In company. Virgil was heavy colloquially. 4 La Fontaine wa coarse and stupid, when - surrou nded by- men. .The Countess of Pembroke hadV been often heard to say of Chaucer that hla alienee was" mow jigreeable' toi: her ' than his" conversation,'. Bocratea,! cele. ' brated t of ; h Is Written orations, wa o timid that he "never ventured -to ipeak id publl&' ' lrydensald: that nei: was 'unfit for company Hence It has been remarked." Mediocrity Can talkV U la for genius to observe CT CQII01L MARKET nr. a H it s Gloyea you want we riiverieguarahteed XSirn moris Glovd for diesi 'the Baxter. SAVES AN IOWA MAN'S JLIFJE. The very grave seemed to yawri beJ fore KotM)rt Maien, of West iiurling ton, Iowa, wlion after seven weoki in li.e ijdfpiui, Xf-'ir OI l.c ' l i v'iunans ave him up. limn w h "wn li.emnr- vcIouh curative fr cf i I or, i ! 't c -it r ;it I I .1 ; Ji.'.-.l I "IT t i J ; ''. ", I ' I: ( f f , 1 t ' t iv 1 Savodine Remedy for Grip. "SAVODINE in my opinion should be in every household. I have given It an! impartial trial for several ailments jtfor which it la recommended and without a single exception have ' received very perceptible benefit. In cases of Head ache, Toothache or Difficult; BreatEfrig its effect la wonderful. 1 havr had XA- Grippe a riiimbeV of times wnich- kai) left me with heavy cough and also with throat, nasal and bronchia) troubleju ln these cases I get front SAVQDINEa relief which nothing ele has given me. I had a scabby excrescence on both of niy ears; Cowtuiued application balw. moved It from the one and I belie vf will remove it from the other. .Two gtaat points in ita fayor are. that it ia harm less and that it does It work at onck. LAWRENCE E. DUF. Startsd by London Goldsmiths In th 8avntenth Century. - The business of banking waa not in troduced Into England until the seven. teenth century, when It began to be iandertaken by goldsmiths In London, who -appear to have borrowed It from Holland. It was attacked, as lnnova Hons commonly-are. Mr. Gilbert in his f History and Principles of Bank Ing" quotes from a pamphlet publish ed In 1676, entitled "The Mystery of :the NeW Fashioned Goldsmiths or Bahkera Discovered," a passage that -may be reproduced: "Much about the same time the - time of the civil commotion the gold smiths (or new fashioned bankers) be : gan to receive the rents of gentlemen's esrates remitted to town, and to airow them and others who put; cash. Into tbelr hands some Interest for It if It remained but a single month in their hands or even a lesser time. There was a great allurement to put. money, Into' their hands, which would; bear Interest tin the day tney wanted It. and they could also draw It out by 100 or 5aetc.. at a time aa jthey Wanted It with infinitely less trouble than If they bad lent It dut on either 4 real or personal security. The conse quence was that It tjUlckly brought a great '-quantity of cash into . their hands, so that the cbief or greatest of them- waa now enabled - to supply, Cromwell -with money la . advance on the revenues as his occasion requfred poB"great advantage to themselves." i e . bneV Bishop make , fjaho and ; "one iiaiidVrd-Sawing. Maiirfrie. ;; both in f iaDlendid condition. Very ' cheap. Apply or address MRS. J. W. MQOEE, i . . tGem Hotel.' NEW ,,BBttnTvi7.-a r u- ' '. jf .'').. . aiitM Va,l Jam .TorVlTarketiigJi -:.' .Open alga : Low. C!os October-, - "1425 4iO 142ft -1K28 January vxyi408), Mil ;1408 1151 1 May :149,144B t,imWS Fort recelpta, 83,442 tales, Uverpool Cottoa Hartal Open. ,- Not. Dec .751 Jan. Feb. 750 Closing. - 74S - ' SeWBcra JCariet I " inj to 14116 SaleaN ' CO I '3 1 - - -1 ".. A"oth:rf,.i; ntcft' - FOR SALE. URCHILDRENt711CHT NE Eb"Ybu r Mon c Y atlc tooker. ff, ' . - Denocratlc U,:f Bew.ii.v .ye . am, t hereby eitendk' cordial Invitktlon to my Craven coant friends, , Irrespec tive ofvrarfcr. to attend; .SMpKBa' y-Jwhich I ahalt; giy tjo thp npmjneea f the Democratic party of our coupty, on the irwOTwrntdene In New Bern, on Jth evening br Frlcfsy, Nov. 4,1010, $peeches;wlll be madO'b thre cancji date and other1 distinguished Demo orata, " Smoker 8 to CComev' bring your chibouks, and let Us amoke the pipes qf yeace and brotherly love.t - Yours in Ponds, , . J AS, A. BRYAN, Hlesi 'psusi files 1 cure I !md, It a' i i' " o,,i 1 iiia 1 I. t PUT SOME IN THE Bank FOR.THEM N6WjtWiL.L WORK FOR THEM IN THE BANK SUPPOSE YOU DIED TODAY, would you leave behind helpless little children ? You will nut fear for the FUTURE OF YOUR FAMILY if you have money in our bank. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. THE PEOPLES BANK BLANKETS AND COMFORTABLES THAT ADE T. You want good, warm, generously sized blankets of full measure, correct weight and proper weaving? we have them in our North Caro lina pure wool blankets. You want comfortables that are soft, fluffy, properly filled and cover ed and honeatly made? We have them. More warmth and quality for every dollar invested than we have ever be: re been able to give in these two important articles of domestic economy. You may select at will and get t;ood value and service in any of them. Nothing shoddy at any price. J. J. BAXTER DEPT. STORE ELKS TEMPLE ISMOKERS ATTENTION! Just received the largest and finest assortment of Merschaum and French Briar Pipes to be seen in the city. In fact all kinds of Pipes, Shapes and Styles that are exceedingly handsome. Also Coloring Bowls, 'fcipe Cleaners, Tobacco Pouches and all kinds of Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes that are carried in a first class, up-to-date Cigar and Tobacco - store. Confectioneries a specialty. A full line of Cohklina Self Filling Fountain Pons, the Best Pen offered on the American market to-day. - Pipes colored and repaired with neatness and dispatch. Sole distribu tor of the Royal Robe Cigar, the Best nickle smoke' on the market Edward Clark Cor1. Store Elk's Temple. New Bern, N. C. mm a A Dollats Wo tt E0ETTC . of condensed information on the construct ' nnnif 9 am niaaasK f tT nXmaTUWikirA nf A n fimnh. lflfl. X UUUIl A-".- 1UU PUU Hamwvewv w . ... M$Bws3iSfc. STORE tii'" BUlLDINQ'lMATElllAljMfml i. 'VY-'r-wi. H ., . v We" can supply your riee(3sn s of:the above rnentioned, 'also Portland ,;Cement Jand hpst prade Rock Lime. rAnv Building Paintine of ! Repairing to do? : .See us for low prices: '-afjd quick . mi? "V.. Ji,'.", , in Tile Oinlmnt: will l.rj end Itrl.inj Piles, '"i, r' n It. !,!. g at , f 1 I : i( c f f new r"?.M runriNG k loan as:;