jr-. ??.Ci! :!rc:i Ci7..Ccr-FIotchcrfo 1 The, Kind Yes par Always Bought, and which has been ; in use for ;4t er yean, has borne the. lgnatnre of,r- All CoanterteltfmlUtlons Experimental thai trifle with infants and. Children Experience against jsiperinieuu Castoria Is iv harmless substitute f or Castor Oil, Pare gorle, Drop's nd Soothing Syrups. Vt Is Pleasant, .t contains, neither Opium, Morphine nor other KareOtto , substance IS age is Its guarantee It destroys Worms' and allays everishness. It cures Diarrhoea andr "Wlnd " Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ---- -- '. .r ) Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought lri Ui For Over 30 Years THt CCNTAU CMMHT, TT MURRAY RTRirr. WIW VORSI CfTT. PRICES CHANGED If you come to New Bern to buy any thing in our line and pay 10, 15 or 20 per cent oq the dollar more than we charge for the same thing, then you must blame yourself for not coming to see us. We can serve you with a brand new open Buggy at $35.00 and a top Buggy at $45.00 and we know you cannot buy one any where else in this state at this price. We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We have over 200 customers, make yourself 201. With thanks for past patronage, we or yours truly, ' - G. S. Waters & Sons BROAD STREET THE nn mm USE NO ifiPfir JWULSL-iilia eeeweeea4eeoewee I A DnlUesWoeth : FHiNflTS I :esa arnaa amw "a- m jaw ava saaw . -m J of condensed information on the construct . f ? i'ah manitrnafiiaa ft A t fnmnKi 1 Aa I M mnrtfnatuf Infnrmat.inn ftn the I Fot 25c. f STORE:.. eoeeeeeeeooe (NE man bit'efr looks alt right till the other one comes eJong.; And h ts-wearipg a rus.tom-made suit. ' ' fc ; The everybody ss the difTncnea, - - .w. viny Roi w ina r -yurci iwut . - .r j.. r ' , m jmaka yoo a milt from one-ol oureiany )raBtocae pattemi h) Shactamaxen Guaranteed fabric,' " r.: v beautiful clHr-finbhad and soil finlihed cberlort In maay deb' colorings t and an emwmely sttracn'ra line of serges, All positively goarantosd netther to sbnnk nor fadev - i - " " w . "'.:! V F.'lCHADWICKr;: Ml RCrlAhT jTAILOR i-l03. MlODLt 1 r I D Pi t ana nas Been maae unaer nis per :: tnnul amnAFvtEtnn slnM ttn-infancT. -AllovnoonetodecelTToalnthLk - and Jn8t-as-goodV are bat and endanger the health of Signature of NEW BERN, N. C. BEST OTHER ' w A SIISBIB m sf .fa (VmirnifM; T . finnif T ME1 - . Tht hnU snake. I vpeciet of pine Voake, inhabits tbr sHdy pin woods long tha Atlantic coast from New Jef eey to Florida, bat ether specie arc found almost everywhere except in New England. Toe trail, snak Is quit harmless, bat to a powerful onstrlct-i or. kit lays eggs and feeds spaa blrdsj rodents and egga. - It swallows as egg whole, .and after the egg bas passed a few inches flows tb throatwhert It forma a large rweinng-rtne serpent Ufta Its bead.-elera tea tts back and exerts a downward pressure until the shell breaks, - Owing to a carious con striction of Its epiglottis its bias is so loud and so well sustained as. to ra sembla the sound of redhot iron being pranged Jin wateri Tbe-.: maximum length of these snakes is seven and a half feet? Their color to whiter with tha xceptftm..of the head and back, ! the fanner being spotted Mack and the latter brow. Wide World-Magaslno. ' - ". Baaoar and BaiidaaaM-'''-' It was a case In which ftret aid to the. injured -was imperaqta, but do onei-present knew how to extend the sld. Presently a , bandaged beggar who bad been slttln'pn, the curb, cast off his pretense of helplessness Out of linen , strips provided by the wo men in the crowd he fashioned band ages and applied them skillfully. "Where did yon acquire all that skill in nurslngr a bystander askedr - "It is one of the first things the men of our profession learn," waahe can did response. "Half our success de pends upon arrangement of bandages that makea us look as if we had been half killed. No doctor can be depend- d on to fix us up, so we have to do our own bandaging. Every successful man la the business practices on him self and the other fellows until he can turn out a first class Job." Naw York Sun. Mr. Otto Paul. Milwaukee. Wis.. says Foley's Honey and Tar Is still more than the beat. He writes as. "A'l those that bought it think it is tha best for coughs and colds thev ever ha J and I think it is still more than the best. Our baby bad. a"' bad cold and it cured bim in one day, Please accepts thanks." Davis Phaimacy. His Own Great Fooliahness. Nordy Your wife seems to think you'll get imukocd if she lets you out jot her sight. You must -have once done something very foolish to have a woman looking after you like that. B ufts I did. I married her. Louis ville Courier-Journal. Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask vour doc tor if there is s better one. Pain means congestion blood pressure somewhere. Dr. Snoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pairs, womanly pains, pain any where. Try one, and see! 20 for 25c. Sold by Bradham J)rug Co. No Wonder. -Mrs. Puryetvr (explosively) That Mrs. Urown If the sniiillest minded woman I've evet situ. Mr. l'nryear Well, her prodigality Is to blame for that. ' Site can't meet any one without giving him n piece of her mind. Chi cago News. v A HQUSEHOLD MEDICINE. To t really valuable must show equally good results from each member of the family using it. Foley'a Honev and Tar doea just this. Whether for children or grown persons Foley's Honey and Tar ia best and s if eat for all coughs and col is Davis Pharmacy. A Reasonable Phpoaltion. Bumper You owe me X30.000, which you say you can't nay- Why don't yoii marry Miss Oidgirl? She's worth twice that amount. Jumper No; 1 can't do that. But you might marry her yourself and pay me the differ ence. Pllegeude Blatter..: 1 Ohildren: Ory fOR FLETCHER'S CAST 0 R I A 'Miss Jeptni Ulft Jwklng at all Ilka herself IhU efVnlng." 'Ob, no; ah never doee.'t Clerelund Lesder. juanv acnooi cniidren suffer from con stipation, which is often the eaure of seeming, stupidity aUesaon. Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablet are an ideal medicine to give a child,- for they are mild and gentle in their effect; and will core even chronic constipation. Sold" by all dealers, . v. - - 1 - Ha Took the Blame. "Tbe guilty man always gives ttm self away," said a detective, "for, aike tbe cbap" who. bongbt. tbe" forty-cent bathing, suit, be'iao't hide his guilty conscience.;- The chflp J have Iff mind entered 'the water at Atlantic City- m a forty-cent suit of bine flannel.- As he splashed about hit was Joined by a girt friend. ' The "girl flashed- her bright eyes, over, the tumbling expansa of setf and then wlth a sigh of delight sbs said: ; i?m.1mft tbs water iloe today f 4lVu shameful. snld "tbe man.wltn a hot 'blnshi .It's perfectly ' shameful how -this cheap bathing flannel runsr "fij'jCT 'V. , I ' :'' . The old,' old story; told times Without Dumber, and repeated over and over again for tha last 86 years, but it ia al sys a welcome story to those in search f health There ia norhinv in h f world that cures coughs end -colds as 3uickly as Llismberlain S Lough iime-y,- .Sold by all dealers.; - i.Ci-W-: - What's the Usat '-Waep and you'ra called a bnbf, i ' Laugh and you'ra called a tool. ' Ylld and you'ra called coward, - Bland and you'ra called a mula, Smlla and they'll call you allly, Frown and they'll cut! yuu iinff, ' JPut on a trout like a mlllluumi And soma guy calls your Lu. .1 ..-- .. Yuck. ally. the I now a VIieri Pi ti paia which many wmttm sperienee with month it makes the genUaaejee aaad kindness eJwwya i ated with womanhood mm' to bar - While is teaercJ ae woman rebels alainst what she ra-- y garne ae m ntuny uivmiir uvrv m nw not gladly Mire from Utu leoamng Senoe of asiaw..; . Dr. Pi tree' a Fararita Praacrlptlam mtakaa ' ? mtemmg mm atck waa . ; well, mmtt glram tbarn trdom from palm. . : r 7' It aatabUabaa raiulaHtr, aabdata . J . mmtlam, fteml , smmUm mmM fa v -:-.Jj;wuim wmmkmmmat if--': Sick woaea ars invited to cowult Pr. Piero by Wuer, ' tr. - All aarranMMkdanoe atriatlv' orivata nk.aetdl ' eoaideiitial. WriU without fear and without tr to World'slDiatMiasarr Mad. Vrieal Aaaootoioi A. V. fiact. Id. D., Prcw, 8uflo, N. Y. ;'7"H Ta want, a took that taOs afl aboat woman's dUaaaes, and how to sera v them-at hftoit-aead 21 oatoent ttampa o Drf iaraa'to pay aort of mailial " 1 J v .11 . A A... t 1 I jh 1.1 ; Goaaaum. Seat Medioal AdviaaT raviaad, tiawf-datA adttioa, m-ptamt vcr 1 la haadaoaae olotA-Cioaiaj. i SSijifJ snail never marryjaDeiu. made - yon com to . that : deculof? AUce-eUi tst to ibe. gypaiea t Blackpool, .and one of tbem told ot I should.' If evet t married "have ten children; ....Jane-And l .snppose the prospect of such a family frlgbtena yon? AU Ohr no; but if there were ten children, y husband and myself I should sever be able to invite moth er to stay with us, as I couldn't live with thirteen in the bouse. London Answers. OF Interest to Now Bern Readers. For months Maw Bern citizen have seen in these columns enthusiastic praise of Doan's Kidney Pills by New Bern residents; Would these promi nent people recommend a remedy that had not proven reliable? Would they confirm their statements after vears bad elapsed if personal experience had" not shown the remedy o be worthy of endorsement? No stronger proof of merit can be had than curea that have stood Uje test of time. The following statement should carry conviction to the mind of every New Bern reader. L. A. Smith, 13 Griffith Street. New ' Bern, N. C, says: . -"Severer yers go I gave a public statement recommending Doan's Kid ney Pills, after they had cured me of severe attack of kidney trouble. During the time which ha elapsed. It has not been necessary tor me to use any kidney remedy, a my cure has been permanent. Recently our little son was having some troume wun bis kidneys, irregular passages of the kidney secretions being the principal syraptcm. - We procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Bradham 's Pharmacy and ithey effected' a complete curs 1 know several other instances where this remedy has been used with the same good results. For sals bi all dealers. Price 60 '"-foents.. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. ; Remember the name Doaa's and ake no other. Church arid School. . In South Africa the Congregational ism.. Presbyterians and Baptists have reached a ground of union. The University of Santo Tomas, Ma nila, is the oldest educational Institu tion under the American flag. : . Oxford university has been given a fund to provide annual lectures as a memorial to Hallty, the discoverer of the comet which bears his name. St. Peter's, at Rome, reared centu ries before th,e hfo of steam and elec tricity began, la still the biggest of churche. the most colossal of all places of worship. ;" Lame back comes on suddenly and ia extremely painful It is caused by rheu matism ot the muscles. Quick relief is afforded, by applying Chamberlain s Liniment. . Sold by ail dealeru ,- ; . A .CHEERFUL FACX. ",To Wear. : cheetlul lace'when the jieart is aching is not deceit. When V"good Jiousekeepef idcans the fronf steps and porch before she sets the house to rights she does not mean to deceive patienby.I J She. merely-shows tome! pride In her .home- knd some conrderation for het neigliboTS. ! s We conquer our heatlaches more quickly when we begin 'by conMdeiing the friends who are near tit." i - " " JL, t-This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach,; and can be cored by taking Chamber. Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.;, Gat . ire sample s aeswrs,,.;;..,-. 'jt 'y'f, African - Gresleks.--?--?i'';V" v-'Thesoeiul.grosbecks of South Africa live Id lure societies. ' They aetect.a tree of considerable else end literally! cover It with a grass roof, under which their common dwelling Is constructed. The roof serves the double purpose of keeping off the bent aud'tb rain, and 400" or COO pairs of birds, are known to have the same shelter.,; The nests Jn this aerial dwelling are built iu regu lar streets and closely resemble -rows of tenement houses. " ' , ' , " . , A Financial Genius. ' -"He la a finmidul genius. In a res taurant the oilier dny he spilled B cup of col '; over a fellow's gray -frou- sen d. ' '- "AnJ "V.!" I'd! got out of puyltig for them. !"J trt" a i Cl iff 01 her fallow A CORROBORATION with ovary. - 'J aaTSamoai -J, a miracla.'.r. ; almost wvsiio wuq wvur. SdUTHEBli RAILWAY SCHEDULE tfEW TRAINS BETWEEN KEW tOUK, VASHINGTON, AUGUSTA and JACKSONVILLE Effective November 27, 1910 the SOUTHERN RAILWAY will put in ef fect new train service between New York, Washington, Augusta and Jacksonville,- schedule of which will be as follows: ' No. 31. Lv. New York 1:38 P. M. Ar. Washington 6:10 " Lv. Washington 6:20 " Ar. Augusta via Blackville 11:35 A. M. Lv. Augusta via Trenton 11:46 " Ar. Jacksonville 3:45 No. 32. Lv. Jacksonville 9:00 Ar. Aueusti via Trenton 8:(X P. M. Lv. Augusta via Blackville 3:15 " Ar. Washington 8:53 A. M. Lv. Washington 9. -05 " Ar. New York 2:45 P.M. - The above trains will be known as the SOUTHERN'S SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED and will consist of Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, also Dining Car Service. This train as well as all other SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS will arrive and depart from the New Penn sylvania Station, Seventh Avenue and Thirty-Second Street, New York City. s ime, address the undersigned. H. F. CARY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C. CASTORIA ' Per Infants and Children. Tbs Kind Yob Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Largest -Cemetery. At Hook wood. Australia, largest-cemetery In the world. irs over 2.000 ncres. Is 1li It cov Savodlne Has Great Merit. - The Savodine Co., New Bem,N. C. Gentlemen: 1 wish to add a word of . com mendation for your Savodine. Having nsed it in my family for Croup, Colds in the head, throat and lungs. Neural gia, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Boils and eczema, I unhesitatingly pronounce it one of the best remedies ever used by me, and would recommend it to any one as a valuable family remedy in such cases. I find that a small quan tity placed in' the nose upon retiring affords' a restful night, and by an occas ionat application that way I have been practically cured of insomina. Your Savodine has great merit. Very truly yours W. G. BOYD, Secretary New Bern? Chamber of Commerce. A Landmark. Be My dear. 1 don't want yon to wear that dress you bad on last night again. Bho (i .dlfferenllyi-WUnt's the matter wltfi it? He-Rr-well, Pad dlngtoh came up to me and Said, "I can see your wife's back from Paris London Pnurh. ' J- DofH'riti mjiwir-W( ktiltk nru rswimi.-.,.5.i, AnSl 1 aiaaa. inst axaotlT that I am tba on pbyalclan S-bo tayi to tha tl WllLoutofmy own aoltV a?,. f And lor at) rra Dr.. 8Uoot atedlouw hava baan utftd and recommended In aTery city and hamlatta Amarlca. Tnay ara eoaltlvaly stand. ,..n mA tip tUiiuB'i RMtnradra. Whaa tl Blomaoh nerrat, or tlia Haartor Ktd. )i.n thaaa sick onea know how aulckli Pt. Snoop's i"iraOa wUltoinS nam bark to baalth acaln. Invl fast 0oZl ttUy postKW lytaktw moneprUK WkWw,ny know thai wh.ftf-j-l 1 : Jjaalth lalls ta raturn, Dr. I -. y Shopp wtH lit tor Uiat p- And lot Uiat a tuU W day tnatmant is traaly Saad. But wrtta na tint tor an order. 'vi, --".i ' Till will aura rtelny and dlwppotntroani : All dnmiita tell Dr. Bhoop'i Iteatomtlva and St. Shoop'i kheumatla Rml)r. but all ara not a tliorind to 1t tna SU day teat. So drop aia a Una plean tori havaappolutad an hoqiut an la. avontibla dni- . - (1t In alrnoat aery aomuuin. fa nr. avarywlnra. toluua luy o f fl TTlwlp, no ly, maiiiimiae totliai V J aick.TeU tneaira Whlcb book you a' iw(l. 5 ha books bolow will turaiy onn rtmrnd faalprul Mu totliou who am not wll. bililionarpr((. ly to commit maliBlaityou wMnd your homa phTaiulnn. k r elvie and tba book Uiow aia your and wi.ooutvoat. -.. -v ' .j, -a Parhimia word or two from 'tna will claar na iit a-'mut, i hava tipped tuoit)it iiiuaiot lr vt priia n fir i ' i- .ritoi.Hl ailvii-a Ul""l t"onii.,oi p ' m n t p 1 I t i D(W. V '.lr KOI I '"'I aural y , J it, r-rnint. So wr.la lull It Irwli iq I . I 'l. for tomi.uuw nayarcumea. r.Siiuop, ' ' ... 'M-k Suk IkaU I To1 -V.JV-; rT.10nI)ya("P!a .' No.Ootlil.-nit ". o. I On V a 1 luait Ko. 4 For Woman r. Vo. For Man , Ko. S On 1 ..i.iratl:' . " ""W 6mt Iff trd In avary oommunira-"-anq varjn- x Than, why pay tba caih, and at yo risk, lot othar unviarrantad and aneaitain aaadldma Thmiiirii moon thouaanda hava la the past .ItotiCeofliBei.- ! United StetN of America;- . Eastera District of North Carolina, MFharaas. a the 27th day of October, iu.,.inapafe Knglneermg Company, a corporation eraated and existing an der the kwsJot Maryland, filed their libel In the Strict Court of the United1 States for tha Eastern District of North Croiinay against the gaa boat Pearl, her boats, tack J, apparel aadfurnitura her engines, hoilsrs. machinery etc. And afhareaa, by virtua of proeess in da form 6f law,' returnable on the 9tb. day of November,;i910. I have seized sad taken the said gaa boat Pearl and have her in my custody. Notice ia hereby given, that a Dis trict Court will be held in the United Statta Court room on the 19 th day of November 1910, in the city of New Bern, for the trial of said premises, and the owner, or owners, and all persons who may have, or claim an interest, are hereby cited to be and appear at the tinie and place aforesaid, to show cause, if any they have, why a Final Decree shall not pass as prayed. - . CLAUDIUS DOCKERY, U. S. Marshal. MORTGAGE SALE North Carolina CraTen Couatr By virtua af tba power of sale contained in that certain mortcase deed made and executed byj.ht BMor and Fannie Elder Ma wife to George F. Faarea on tha 8th day of December. I 1906. which said mortaa deed is recorded in j tha office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county book lt pace 160. L George F. Pearce. MortKaaae, anil sell for cash to tha higheal bid der to eatbify the mortgage indebtedneaa at the hoar of 12 o'clock at., on the 12th day of Decem ber 1910 at tbe court house door in New Bern, Craven county. North Carolina, that certain tract of parcel or land lying and bring in tho 3rd township, Craven county. State of North Carolina, known and designated as follows via; Beginning at an iron stake on the canal then to iron stake on ' tha tarkiln bed John Carlton's corner: thence with line made by W. B, Pearce and J. M. Elder to a corner made by them: then northwardly course to a cherry tree on Neue road; then to the head of the Swamp Ditch: thence with the said ditch to the canal: then up the ca nal to tbe beginning containing 83 acres more or leas. This the lth day of November. 1910. GEO. F. PEARCE Mortgagee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having duly qualified as ad ministrator of Mary E. Harrison deceased, noti fies all persons to whom she wai indebted or hava claims against her ettate to present the earn e to the undersigned administrator for pay ment on or before the 4th day of Nay. I9II duly authenticated or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased are required to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. JAMES If. HARRISON, Administrator of Mrs. Mary E. Harrison dee'd H.C. WHITEHUR8T. Attorney. Nov. 3d: 1910 MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to a power of sale contained in that certain Chattel Mortgage executed by A. B. Steelman and C. C. Steelman. trading as Steel maa Bros., ef Craven county and Durham county Stateof North Carolina, to J. W. Stewart bear- but data tha JSth day of June 1909 tha same be ing recorded in tha office ot the Sogister of Dreda of Craven County in book 176 page 807. I will sell at tba court house door in New Bern. N C. oa Monday tha Slat day of November. Itt.O at the hour of 12 o'clock M. to the highest bid,.'erfor cash, all of the following described property aa eoaveyed in tha mortgage af ore- aaM to-wit One complete steam laundry outfit, including oaa boiler, one angina, one extractor, three wanhers, one champ km mangle, two shaper, aeatn daaaptner, Ironer, stare hers, tuba, stove, flat Irons, ironing boards, ate., gasoline tank, and oaa complete LltehSeld gaaoline gaa angina, one laundry wagon, also all book aeoounts, supplies machinery and other apparatus and equipment of tba New Bern Staam Laundry, located in a brick building en Pins street . known SMUaobln- ery Ball. New Ban. N. C October S9th. I9ioT J. W. STKWART, Mortgagee. MORTGAGEE SALE. By virtua of aha authority contained in a oer- tain mortgage deed executed to J. A. Jones by Benry Bill and Louisa Bill ef tba county of Cra venCo,stats of N.C. dated reby.ltth.I90S and re corded m the office of Register ef Deads of Cra ven Co, book 1M page 178. to secure tbe payment of aeertaia note, and tba atipulationa ef said lutlacts diss- sot having been complied with. t Will expose for sale at public auction for cash at tba Court House door tn the city of New Bars on Wednesday tha 2Srd. day of November, ISM at n O'clock M. aiT that piece or pared of tbC stofc '"ft"?1 lr01 south side of Neuse river. nwio n unaiania .ihis new eaiaei Ookooqacareek, East aide of tittle John creek adjoining the lands ef Ben, Bryan, X. T. Bryan and tbe Cox Ha deeded to Henry H)ll by L. H. Catletv eoateining Uaarca, - Ttua Sttkvday of Oct IMa , A, JONES. , Mortgagee. ? NOTICr OF SALE. ' ' By vbtaa 'af power of sale contained la tha dacdof trnstaxacotad, by Mary U Arnold and husbandvJ. JC Araeld. to ass dated Dacca bar, 16th, 107. and duly recorded in the Reg latere ef- ftoaof Cravea Cera book les.paaw t90,which is We by referred to. defsntt having been made la. the payment of theaebt thereby aecurad. I will sell, at tb Court Bona door ta Cravea County, ea Tuesday' the Bos Say of November, 1910 at IS JO o'clock a. for cash to tba highest Bidder, an that tract or parcel ef hud tk Na, Itowneaip Cravea oounty bring en the South aide at Swift creek, and on both sides of tha Washington and New Hera Mad. known as tbe Sarah M. Malaaa land eontaininc Two Hundred arnd futy acres, more or leas, and being the asmc land whloh Is more fully diaerlbed in a deed from F.B. V&a Ebersteln, Commiaskmer, to IdaC Brawn, dated Marsh. 13th. 1897. and duly reeorfed In tha Reg Istnr.s office of Craven county ta kookSl, page 4u7, which ia hereby referred W all andi- vldad one.balf Interest therein bavins been owned by the ea Id Ida E. Brown and the ether one-half by her husband, W, B. Brown both deceased; ii being also the same property upos wsici M in. eated the farm, dwelling, atnra, gin and Other bnll lints and Improvements erected thereon and fiirnerlocciiilJbtlhc cald W, E. Brown and v -erd b : f a'wi tlie aame lftiid conveyed by SIX v. ' C- mm!: .!..fr. to said I try ! ' r-.t '.d in tl'c'a--'d l-.g. aaae - r PROFFSSrOSAr CARDS I ; r. JL Simmons, A. D. Ward, M. H. Allen, . WARD & ALIEN AFTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AX LAW !HW BIO, I. O, Office Rooms 401-2-8 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ver services are desired. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AM) COI'XSKL LER AT LAW Hughes Building Cruvpii Street New Bern, X. ( Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Crnven, Carteret. .ime(, anil Pamlico and wherever nerviivs are de sired. dr. p. i mm DISEASES OF THE Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. (I. A. Caton, New Bern, N. C. O. H. Guion, W. H. K. (Juion, 6U10N AND GUION ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 8R0A0 STREET Phone 193. New Bern. N. C. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. ytt r ThrhTr VYc B. rKllfc Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federnl Courts. Offlo No. 50 Crivsn Strsst. Telephone No. 97. Now Bern, N C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY 80UTiEUN BAIL mi SCHEDULE! N. 8. Those figures are published (or information and are not guaraa taot NO. 81 Leave Goldsboro. N. C. 8.46 a. m., through tralu with chair car to shevllle, connecting at East DurhUQ, for Oxford, Hen daraoa, Keysvllle and Richmond at DUrerslty for Chapel Hill: ' at Greensboro for Charlotte and all PuInU aouth, also for Dan ' villa, Lytohburg, Charlottesville Washington, and al pothta oordh. .fA t tan 4I.I.W.U ssl A 4.' . for Gratnjiboro, baadlei througli Pllllmsln'PaljaJavtl tn' A vJa.fa aa ; m. hiihibjii aaB)wwsA a a ara, veoje)iS vse vw v aWta al Oreeniboro tor all 'txilnta norUi. aoofh aad watt -v NO. Ill Lmvaa Goldsboro 10.41! anir for orecMhoro, nandlaa pullmaa Ratal ghvto r OmaaborOt eo L v. a acta at Oraanabora for' Char ; Totta AdatkU r Naw Orkaa'a.- ; 4shrflla, Enoxrllla, alaofot: OaDTflla. Lraobbnraa , Chariot toarllla, Waahlngtoa, tad f ail . polntaaor. "7 ' -p, 'lor" IfortHarj lofornaUkA aaany tnnthar ttckat agant or eddraaa tha tadaralttadt' , 4' . - ML P. CART . f w jV. j 'C.Qanaral faaaaogaf int' " j 'Waahlngtoa, Tk Q' W, H, PARNELL"f - ' ' 1 iV' t -TraTalltig Paaaangar Agant ".-' fc 1 Ralofth. N. a