3 - e 3 I -'.J' 1 if ;ChII(Ircn Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Hvt Always Bought and which h&sjxeea -In' use for ever 00 ':jxu,- hair borne the. slsrnature of All rnnntnrfAltaL4 Imitations , Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ', Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORiA Castorla Is a harmless snbstltate for Castor Oil, Pare ' gorlcT Dropi and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. -" The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. genuine CASTORIA Always .1 pBdars the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years thi etntaun ohpht. tt mubrav street, hew voaa city. PRICES if you come to New Bern to buy any thing in our line and pay 10, 15 or 20 per cent on the dollar more than we charge for the same thing, then you must blame .yourself for not coming to see us. We can serve you with a brand newopen Buggy at $35.00 and a top Buggy at $45.00 and we know you cannot buy one any where else in this state at this price, -v We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We have over 200 customers, make yourself 201. With thanks for past patronage, we or yours truly, G. S. Waters & Sons BROAD STREET THE USE NO EEKS nnrpnr ' r A Dolla s Worth : fflllTS. of condensed information on the construct! ion and manufacture of Automobiles, Fot 25c. 7 One looks al1 r5e,lt11 the othr one c,me3!on?-. 'A-' Anil lie w wearing a custom-made suit. : Tlien eviSffWiy sees (lie dilTercnce. ) Wliy ikA be th "othef man?" . . . lt! 'hka you a suit from one of our many handsome pattern in S .n.mir,H iAn..&nWhA anrl anlt and nft ixb;emiy attractive line of serges. , All podUvely CBatantesd.. 0f to shrink not fsde. ''"' J i . , - 1 ,r j " K 1 - -' ,1 -11 it 1 MM and hat Deen maae unaer nus per-, sonal nperrlBlon since Its. Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. and "Just-as-eoodV are but 4 Signature of CHANGED NEW BERN, N. C. BEST OTHER STORE finliliMl rnevtnfs In.man ncn COtorlnnt '103TM1D0LE JT; ufl -Mc All'fvl'tl.ji'' Mffajriftfr.; ? y.: Current Cc.7..t.:.-.L: . "Bow Is 'appendicitis' prooouoceaT Wen, cQtl reader, mart surgeons pr aonnea It Mlacratlre.? PMlAdelpbU lav tjulretv, ; s-: - V, -- 8obm manager prwpoa to (It com- I ie opsim - without ebons girl. - Thai - PredVrUonTlhat tt bora' must go war tied year since, pot the interest In tha- hay and oats crops baa not abated in tha least Washington (Star. The cturent record of football and automobile casual tie snows that land sports hart ioet none of their laurels to aviation. Thenars aaQ the old re liable sources of accident New Tort World. - ' , Wireless Whispers. Wireleaa telegraphy baa driven car rier pigeons from tbe ships of the French nary after many years of serv ice. Tbe ownet of department stores in New Tork and Philadelphia has In stalled wireless telegraph apparatus In both so that patrons on vessels ap proaching port can do their shopping before tbey land. Greenleaf Wblttlcr PlcKard la one of the young inventors who are giving their time and .talent to electrical re search on tbe lines of wireless commu nication. Be was born In Maine in 1877 and Is a grandnepbew of the poet WbitUer. "I suppose a newspaper baa to print something for everybody." "Tea," said tbe editor, "you must try to interest all. For Instance, our aide talks with girls 'are making a big bit with our men readers." Kansas City Journal. DRESSED IN "BLACK AND YEL LOW." Not "Football Colors" but the color of the carton containing Foley's Honey and Tar. tbe best and safest cough rem edv for all couebs and colds. Do not ac cept a substitute bat see that you get the genuine roley's Honey and Tar in a yellow carton with black letters. Davis Pharmacy. Horseshoeing In Chile. Methods of horseshoeing In Chile are still primitive, the tools used being simple mid few. consisting usually of a hummer, n rasp, a pair of pinchers, a crude knife and an anvil. There is no need of Are. for the workman beats the shoe into shape cold. f Mr. Otto Paul. Milwaukee. Wis., says Foley's Honey and Tar is still more than tbe best. He writes us. "A l those that bought it think it is the best for coughs and colds they ever had and l tnink it is still more than tbe best, Our baby had a bad cold and it cured him in one day, Please accepts thanks. " Davis raaimacy. The First Business Woman. I Wo don't ftniernliy nsocliilp the P.i lite Willi Imxlueiw mutters, but if yo- were ttml to minie the first bimlner woman mentioned In the HIMe whin woTVrt you sny? It wus Plinruoli's daughter, becausi ibe took ii I'ropliet out of water. HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE Is the name of a German chemical. one f the many valuable ingredients of Folev'g Kidney Remedy. Hexaraethv- lenetetramineis recognized by medical text books and authrities as a uric acid solvent and anti-septic far the urine. Take Foley' Kidney Remedy promptly At the first sign or kianey trouble and avoid, a serious malady Davis Pharmacy Too Risky. They growl at the country. The slim chunce to rlae. But won't risk an airship , And speed to tbe skies. But mebbe they're fearln" The angels will say: "Ob here we don't know you. Go 'way, man; so 'wayf Atlanta, ConsUtutloa Many school children suffer from con tiDation. which ia ofun the cause of seemintrjatupidity at levsona. Chamber lain a soxnacb ana Uver xaoiets art tn ideal medicine to a ive child, for they lire mild and gentle in their effect, ina will care even cnronic constipation. Sold by all dealers. ; - - . TJuiek 8prlnt. Snndy Tike Dat rkh guy tn dt bungalow. rook quite a fancy to me He took ine around to de stable, fhotr ed iue de tSAOO bulldog be had. just bought and asked nVe if I could beat It. Orlrty Ueorge And what did yon say) Sandy Plkes-NutUa' I Juat'beat It--Chicago News. - WILL PROMOTE JBEAUTY. Women desiring; beauty kt ' wander- fut help from Rucklen's Amies Salve. It banishes nlmDles. skta : sruDtions. sores and bolls. It makes the skin soft and velvety. If glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips, chap ped hands. Best (or burns, scalds, fev er sores, cuts, bruises and piles. , 25c, at all druggists. ,v. . , ' . , Wsuld De His Best "' - VI believe 1 am to be placed In Jux taposition with "the general," whisper, ed the "influential cltlsea at the ban auei w H -';-' ' r " ' !!WhT-r-1 can't quite, do that, yovd know,? said the bead waiter,, with a vague smile, ."but 111 seat you right nest to hlm.rCblcago Tribun s- ,; . sn i i" ''.v1;'-: ' SHALL WOMEVOTEt '"- If tney did. millions' Would voti l Dr. King's flew Llfr Pills the true remedy tot women For banlahlng dull, f apged feelincrs. backache or headache, consti- jation, di'DellingcoUla, imparting appe ite and iojiing up the system, tney re .nprmuleri. Lasy, safe, sure. 26c. at Doti't monkey With the tutiKzi of an o!! gnu or the- biinlncMM tutl of a uiuie. -I'lUiihurg Dlspati U. " -? twit r" 'v r Ttr'V erd U J-.- " I - i It quickly elves heat, and with steadily ior nine hours, without smoke or smell. Has automatic-locking flame spreader which prevents the wick from being turned high enough! to smoke', and is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be cleaned in anlnstant. It has a cool handle and a damper top. Anlndicitor always shows the amount of oil in the font. It has a filler-cap which Joes not ne,'d to be screwed down ; it Is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device In construction, and consequently It can always be easily unscrewed In an instant fur rewlcking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in )apan or nickel. It is strong, durable and well made, built for service, yet light and ornamental. Dtaltrt Evtrwhm. If not al re rw swrejr ejmty 0 isc Standard Oil Company SIGNS OF DISTRESS. ' ' L' New Bern People Should Know How to" Read anil Heed Them. Sick -kidneys (rive many signals of distress. The secretions are dark, contain a sediment. Passages are frequent, scanty, pain ful. Backache ia constant day and night. Headache and dizzy spells are fre quent. The weakened kiJneys need quick help. Don't delay! Use a special kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney. Pills cure sick kidneys, backache and urinary disorders. New Bern evidence proves this state ment. E. E. Harper, 68 Metcalf street, New- Bern, N. C. Bays: "I used Doan's Kid ney Pills, obtained from Bradham's Pharmacy and they promptly removed the pain in my back. I have no hes itation In recommending them tu any one suffering from kidney trouble. For Bale bj ail dealers, rnce 60 cents.. Foster Milburu Co., Buffalo. )NBw York, sole agenQ for tbe United States. Remember the namo Doaa take no other. A Good Thing. "That Miss Wllkle has completely lost her bead over Bobbltt." said BJones. -Well, that's good for Bobbltt," re turned Sliteers. "If she lands bim he'll save a lot oJV money on hats." Harper's WSekly. Rarl the "nam formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your doc tor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion blood pressure somevrtare. Dr. Shoopia Pink Pain Tablets check head pata. womanly pains, pain any where. Try one, and aee! 20 for 5c. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. Friends No Longer. Teast Yon say he gives away a great many cigars? Crlmsonbeak Ob, yes. . "Then he ought to have lots of friends." ''He has until the fellows smoke the clears." Yonkers Statesman Croup ia most prevalent, durintr tbe dry cold weather -of the early winter months. Parents oi young children should be prepared for it. All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's Cnnirh Romailv. . Mahv mnlhm srS never wvnoot it in their nomes and it has never disappointed them, sold by all dealers. r v. ' . ; . VdjR FAULTS. ' You vHB finer it Jess easy to up root faults thaii to choke them by gaining vutUesvJDo notthink cf ; your faults,' ttiil lest of others faults." In every person who 'Comet near yen look for what is good and strong. "Honor that, rejoice in t :Snd, SI : you can, try to imitate it and -youf faulti will drop offjike dead leaves, ' when thmrjmie comes.-Ruk:n. ' Tin Shoop's Health (kffee is crested from nure oarched irrains, mslt, nuts, etc.-no real onffeo in rt. Fine in fla e.,eia Mmada in a minute." No 20 or 80 minutes tedious boiling. Ssmpls free -H.a Armstrong. , ' r-,;.. . f Ths' iiswspaper ts a giganOe wlrroi to whic. the whols world sees reflsot d its Joy and sorrow, Its. ambltloa eat lDfluanc tu eooMias Sd failure tSYcdine-Cures Bur n.:p "My little boy burned- his leg badly on a red hot Hove, Ti e burn was about three im lie was suffering v. ..:k,' I bought a much i t N tube of; 2 and was stoniah-1 i.lly ho Inprovtd. In i wa" ' T '''iut. I . . . ho t , l 1 ' V. : td tO B' i a ft-w d i r ' like j Illness, , 4t ; UK often - newMiry ouicflv to rafser the temrterarurs of ' ',- w : a"-" w - -. i " .' rwu'-ror insiaucc, la.inose noun bctwen midnlghr and dawn, vhen J the dtay temperature his been allowed to dop, If you are called upoa to cei w, thetrpni: Is chilly and cold. It talcs a long time to start up a Jfurnalce or. fire and Taise jEeTelnpera- ture ordinary means. . You' can Instantly heat a room to . any desired temperature with a RFECTI SMOKELESS I B m i -1 ' jtetalstefy smoJctlest and odorless one filling of the font burns jutrrs. writ far itteriptivt ctrxular NOTICE OF SALE. By ftrtae ef power of sate contained in the deed of trust executed by Mary L. Arnold and haefasnd, J. H. Arnold, to me dated December. 15th. 1907. and duly recorded ia the Register's of fice of Craven Cain book 168, page 190. which in here by referred to, default bavins been made in the payment of thedebt thereby secured, I will sell, at the Court. House door in Craven county, on Tuesday' the 22nd day of November, 1910 at 12:30 o'clock M., for cash to the highest bidder, all that tract or parcel of land in No. 1 township Craven county 1 ins on the South side of Swift creek, and on both sidee of the Washington and New Bern road, known as the Sarah M. Nelson land containing Two Hundred and Fifty acres, more or less, and being the same land which is more fully discribed in a deed from F. H. Ven Gberetein, Commissioner, to Ida E. Brown, dated March. 13th, 1897, and duly recorded in the Register,! office of Craven county in book 121. page 407, which Is hereby referred to, an undi vided one.half interest therein having been owned by the said Ida E. Brown and the other one-half by her husband, W. E. Brown both deceased; it beini also the same property upon which is lo cated the farm, dwelling, store, gin and other buildings and improvements erected thereon ami former! occupied by the said W, E. Brown and wife: and being also the same land conveved by F H VonEberstein. Commissioner, to said Mary L Arnold by deed duly records in the "said Rent- ister's office. Thin October, 22nd 1910. A. D, MAc.l-EAN, Trustee. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of la politics the proof of the puddm. ts Is the distribution of the olumi SICK HEADACHE. This distressine disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach. xnd can be cured by taking Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at a dealers. Its Capacity. Kuleker-How inauy will your motor car bold? Bocker-1' ive and a cop.- Sew York Sun. The old, c4d story, told time's without number, and repeated over and over again for the laat 86 years, but it is al ways a welcome story to those in search of health There Ts nothing in the werld that eorea coughs and colds as quicklv as Chamneriaip s Cough Kenne dy. Sold by all dealers. - Lavishness. "In. days of oul luxurious people had cloth of gold i placed beneath their feet" "yes." replied Mr. Chugglns. "Bui those times -were comparatively eco nomlcal. Now we waut nothing, less expensive than rubber tires between u and the earilk"-Washington Star When sold becomes settled in the jiye tem. kwlll take several days' treat ment to cure it. and the beat remady to use is Chsmberlaln's Uough Ktmdy. It win" cure Quicker than sny other, and false leaves the system in a natural and Healthy condition, oid by ai aaaieri. Speaking of 'desirable 'celghfbors oods ot course ws all desire to Uvs sa Easy strait ' ' i V Vi. mi n ' . is , y Kla HstTtace speaks for - ltasll tells Tes; and It la pretty -nlaln talk Lchtcaan Vm.?, ' A II 1 W a iieU.vai;c mViim ; Every woman nuir not be hand tome, (rut - evenr woman should keep with care the good-poinU) tature has given her; No woman leed have sallow skin, dull evei VIotchjr complexion, who pa s proper attention . to her he Whereconst'pation,liverdera. je .nents. Llood impurities and o'Sta irrer'arilics exist, rood complex lion,tr:;Lt eyes and sprint!) movements cannct exist Internal Jerangements reveal tlie .olves sonnet yr later on the suriaca, l.eadnche, dark r trs around tna eyas, sallow skin, a con- t tiied faoKnjf mraa !t tha llvai 4 i "iLn "'"'"l are nee-' 91 he'p am: -r i. lt. i...c' '.'a ttu.nach ana. ' ' t a necf ry l, SI Notices MOIJCK 07 ntOBTBTS SAU '' SETT. OF PHQJJ- - . Brvireaeef the pew contained tn the Deed of Trust executed to the aadenened. on the Ui it ef toaarr, ISM. W 8. C, GHbert end kUn,-e ret Gilbert, bis wife, sad duly recorded in tbe of fice of the KesleteT ef Deed of OieTro eoaatr. N. C in book in. pe 1W: beeaute of default madeja the peynent of the iiuWXedneu thehy end by the request of the hoderof tbe repreeebtins; such lndebtedneea. I will eoll for eesh. at pubHe suction, to tbe hieheet bidder at the mill site of the mill of 9, C. Gilbert, neer Core City. N C. at tbe tour of 12 o'clock n. oh Monday the 19th day of December, 1910. all the following- deecribed pro pert to-wit: One 40 hurme power Ledell boiler, one 50 horee power Cesey A Bedares boiler, one M hou pooer A ties engine, one America edaer, two Bwing-ina cut off saws, complete, one blacksmith shop equipment, tools, fen, etc. one loasilna machine, all of which is subject to the lien held by the Producers Lumber Company: also one IS horse power ena-inewhich is free from encumbrance, also one Brer logging msceine. which is subject to the lein of the Hyman Supply Company, also! on. 1 train lokey. which i, subject to the lien j of E. H Hodges and the lien of the Producers Lurnhftr ramnanv alast till tries and 4m ' rabdoq jipment, inciudinfr rails and machinery1 and tools of every kind and all the tools, equip- wai, niticninery ana property oi every ktna used irt and around the mill of said S. C. Gilbert, situ saA P.,n Clt.. XI r I 3S .,!.. .,1 . -v.-u VJ. auii; urenui'iicu, ail U w HIV 11 in BUUJtJft n lllr) lien of the Proluters Lumber Company. Satd propcity bemar all the pearonality owned by said Gilbert in 8 lid county of Craven. Ihii lth da' of November. 1910. R. A. NUNN, Trustee. Notlce of Libel. United States of America, Eastern District of North Carolina. Whereas, on the 27th day of October, 1910. TbeJ?age Engineering Company, a corporation created and existing un der the laws of Maryland, filed their libel in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, against the gas boat Pearl, her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture her engines, boilers, machinery etc. And Whereas, by virtue of process in due form of law, returnable on the 9th. day of Novemby, 1910. I have seized and taken the said gas boat Pearl and have her in my custody. Notice is hereby given, that a Dis trict Court will be held in the United States Court room on the 19th day of November, 1910, in the city of New Bern, for the trial of said premise, and the owner, or owners, and all persons who may have, or claim an interest, are hereby cited to be and appear at the time and place aforesaid, to show cause. if any Ihey have, why a Final Decree shall not paes as prayed. CLAUDIUS DOCKERY, U. S. Marshal. MORTGAGE SALE North Carolina Craven County By virtue of the power of sale contained in that cerUIn mortaratre deed made and executed by J. M. Elder and Fannie EUler his wife to Georsre F. Pearce on the 8th day of December, 1906, which aattf mortgage deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county book 162 page 1B0, I, Georae F, Pearce, Mortgagee, will sell for cauh to the hiKhcsl bid der to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness at thv hour of 12 o'clock M..on the 12th day of Decem ber 1910 at the court house door in New Bern. Craven coun'.y. North Carolina, that certain tract of parcel or land lying and being in the 3rd township, Craven eounty. State of North Carolina, known and designated as follows viz: Beginning at an iron stake on the canal then to iron stake on the tarkiln bed John Carlton's corner: thence with line madeby W. B, Pearce and J. M. Elder to a corner made by them; then noi thwardly course-to a cherry tree on Ngupo rovdi t hen to the head of the Swamp Ditch; thence with the said ditch to the canal; then up the ca nal to the beginning containing 85 acrea more or lena. This the 10th day of November. 1910. GEO. F. PEARCE Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE Pnnraant to a pewer of sale con tat bed in that certain Chattel afortaase executed by A. B Steeloaaa and C. C. Steelman. trading as Steel mae Bros., of Craven county and Durham county State of North Carolina, to 1. W. Stewart bear ing data the 26th day of June 1909 the asme be ina recorded in the office of the Becister of Deeds of Craves County in book 176 pace 807. I will sell at the court bouse door in Now Bern, N. C. on Monday the 21st day of November, 1910 at tbe hour of 12 o'clock M. to the hta-hest bidder for cash, all of the foliewing- desoribed property as conveyed in the mortsaae afore - Lsaid to-wit:- One complete steam laundry outfit, including one boiler, one engine, one extractor, threo wanhers,' one champion manic le, two shaper, seam dampener. Inner, stare hers, tubs, stove, flat irone,' Ironing beards, etc., gasoline tank, and on .complete Litchfield gasoline gaa engine, one laundry wagon, also all book accounts, supplies machinery and other apparatus and equipment of the New Bern Steam Laundry, located In a brick building on Pine street, known as Machin ery HelC . -New Bern. N. C. October 29th. I9i0. J. W. STEWART, Mortgagee, A DMINISTB ATOR'S NOTICE. The nudershrrjed having dni qualified as ad ministrator of Mary B. Harrison deceased, noti fies all parsons to whom she was indebted have claims against her aetata to present the aanvrt) the undersigned administrator for pay- ment on or before the 4th day of Noy. 1911 duly authenticated orthts notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. Xu persona indebted to the deo eased are requirel to make Immediate pay ment te the undersigned. ; JAMES V. HARBISON, Administrator of Mrs, Mary iV Bsrriaon dee'd H. C. WHITKHURST, Attorney. mortgagee; SALE. if virtue of tha aathorlti' ebntalaed to a tain mortgage deed moon ted to- J. A Jooesbf- Henry H.1U and Louise Hill ef th county of Oa- Co.atata of N.C. dated Feby.lstajm and re corded hi the ofllee of Register of Deeds of Cra rea Co. book 1M page 87K to seeur the payment of a certain note, amT the ' stlpajatiooe of said mortgage deed not hating beea eompUed Wlthv t win expose for sal at public- aaeioa for cash. at the Court. House door in tbe eity of New Bern ao Wednesday the 2SnL day of v November. 1910 st 12 o'clock M. all that pleeo or parcel of land bin oa the aonth' aid of Neuaa river. county of CraTen stabs of N. CL West side of 1, Cohooqua creek, Esstslda of Little Joa srrek adjoining the lands of BenJ, Bryan, IVY, Bryan and the Cox line, deeded to Henry Hillsby h. H, Culler, eonlaiaina Slsaiiaai .'if "'V V: .'' This SM'h. d-r of Oet. 110. . " ', "J J. A.v"1. . PROFFSSrOXAL CARDS f M. SiniraouH. A, Simmon it, M. H. DWard. Alien, . WARD & ALLEN j A TTOKNKfS AND OOITNS.L.OR! AT LAW NBW BEBN, H. C, Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks BuildiDg Practice In the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. D. L. WARD ATTdP VPV iYH PHI'VCPr A 1 1 ""f" V A M U 11 IN Sh I LRU AT LAW Hllghos Building j NW lien Kl-iuen Street N. ('. Practice in State and Kcrirral courts. ' Circuit, Craven, Carteret circuit. Craven, Carteret, Jones anil ramuco ami wherever servinw sired. ire rte- Oi. 1 1 DISEASES OF THE Eye, far, Nose and Throat .... AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. C. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. O. If. Onion, W. H.e. (Jnion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where serviceB are required especially in the counties of Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courta. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phone 193, New Barn, N. C. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE 1 S S Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven. Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Offic No. 50 Crivtn Strati. Teltphont No. 97. Ntw Barn, N. C. A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. To be really valuable must show equally good results from each member of the family using it. Foley 'a Honey and Tar does just this. Whether for children or grown persons Foley's Honey and Tar ia best and sifnst for all coughs and col Is Davis Pharmacy. Honey talks, but what tna "coppai says may not ba wet two earn IF SICK-WHY PAY Unless Health First Returns. Hera la what should and can be done I Now you would not willingly pay lor food was worthless would your Then why pay for medicine until that nieiii. tins first proves t irst proves to yon its actual woitli? FosftlTely knowing what Dr. Hhuop's Rn. storaavoeandolorthesick, I say to all "Uou I taytuuesi health first returns". And I Imck mv Restoratlva with a signed and sealed SO day "N help. No pay" contract. tbafi i posiuyeiy pieqge to tne ucg evorywners "Dr. 8wop't Restorative is aUtvlute- ly ftM ifitfaiW. Let others do the or else pass their preasrlptlont by If yon need mora strength, mora vitality. mora vigor .or mors vim. y Kestoratlva a roa ars and note tha Immediate Improvement. When tha Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys go if, then test Dr.Blioop's Restorative. I do not tHaStomach not stlmulatetha Heart or Kid- oose Ihatlawrona. Yearaajmloastawiiv tl.nt nljtaken idea In medicine. The books below will Mat tell you how 1 am Suoneedlne. . Theaa books also tell of a tiny hidden "In sldaner," BO larger than a sllkan tliread. Tliey wu now scat nerve, nntu it tails, s .lie. aettialle rlvn tiHhs Heart Its nowsr. its tons, lta neraivendlua Sotton or impulse, V y , .Thees books win open np new and helpful iaeaa roots wno ars not well. Thoy tell-now Uie8tomaoh.an4KldnieachhaveUieir"lnld" er power nerves. They, toll how tha Rostoratlva waa especially made to reach and reeltallzt these week or tailing Inside nerves. All of these facts UU.whiT ant able to say, Jit ts fret li It mid". .'-. Titty Is why I say "taks no chance on a mtdtcifit ichoti niaktrdart not back U JuHXALfa oy thU remarkablt offer. Y'Y lwnM BM voaAf lat to order, ' 'i. I Hn appointed honest and ro smmutf In nearly every onunnulti to r 'A rospobatbla to usuatuy ' . But writs maSrstlot tha etoar, ' Alfdrunrtrtstell Dr. Sbooa'l 1 rativs, Dataller not authorised to give the in y test. v jiworop ma a Una Wsaie and that lav uMpyuiauneaiana oaiaia, iau m sustt Wlrfoa beuk you need.- ' ifl. A,Bi 4tl Will da.; '!'? v; Vf' -j' ' 1 '- Bdes. yo are fret to cental! m as yoi worddyoMt noma physician. My advice and lbs book heleer tM emifs .ami a-ltluit Auat. PfrUpsa wordortwo Irom ms will sleaf .rfv'TC'il' hpsnmasuilousalluient. 1 have helped thousaiMlt. ' apott thov nda b: da by my nrlvste prescrlptlun oj-' oe plan. My best eSort Is anvely- mole reqneit. 8a write Bow whlla prnt4 Stivi 'i ill tour Sim nle raaneit. 8 write Bow while jm i n ina in mine, r aiorrow larrsl Svaies.;!. Slrooa. Jto U.iiaclite, Wtt. ., ' )": -.., Sl.S St Stall I Seas Test ;'.;' Ko, 1 On ))yfi"tia v . - Ko. Fot WomaSi ho. 2 a tie i.rl :'i Vt-tfot M.-n , ':-.' ko. I On ti.e a. .iwyt ' by. t Oa lujKuniaUabs,' r ! f- , r . n.-i ":4';: U i ... ... L . - . 1 . .

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