COTTON. LLiRKCT Tie T ie V i C-t Swett Teas 'A: h. J LI 11,15 r j $&V Pn & V JToW 19, 1910." ' ;.U3SE E:"iCIGt -; 1THX5U L0DGJS BO. X. OF r Meats 0Try rTniUy ' nilU la Rojsl Axoaaum ' Hall, coins : Broad u Hjsncoak street,' EL H. livr&MBi C C J. H. tenth. K ot E. d S. v VWUiit bnxban mshtsI of ' s" cbsrsJsi; CSATES' iODGB BO. Li.JOfieHTS OF fliEJCOSY Mets JnaVsM ta Weflnssday aJgbts ' la" welt raooUl ta Knight Harmony H'Jl, corner Broad and H-Jioock streets at.7:S0 O'clock j. K. WUUs, Prudent; J. H. Smith. Beoretarr; rotary R. R. Hill. Financial Bec- W00DXEX OF THJS WOBXB KUt at F. of P. Hall corner of Broad and Hancock ttreeta, semi-monthly. FUH enn Third Wednesday nights at f : o'drdc. Vialtlnt Woodmen art lartt d. INDEX 74) NEW iDTEBTISHfXKTi Royal Fruita. Hollister & Cox-Coal. Notice of Trustees Sale Davis Pharmacy-Toilet Articles. Report of The New Bern Banking & Trust Co. BUSINESS LOCALS: NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH 31UST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. FRESH Walnut Taffy Candy, at Me 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. DON'T forget the Special today at RoyalPs. Bananas, 20 for 25 els. Grapefruit 3, 4 and 5 for 25 cts, Florida Oranges go iiijf at a sacrifice. Celery 4 and 6 for 26e all kinds of grapes. Sickle Pears, Pin Apples, Cocoanuts and Apples. The above are cash prices only today at Royall's. THE POLICE have in their charge 8 hogs whose owner is not known. The hogs are marked with a cropped and un der square in right ear. Owner may se cure same by calling at police headquar ters at once. FREE 42 pieces Cottage Dinner Set All you have to do is to bring your card, which we furnish, and have the amount of your purchase punched and whan purchases total $25 00 on this card, and paying $2 98 in cash and the set is yours. Don't fail to take advantage of this ex ceptional offer. Broad Street Grocery Company. TAX is the largest stock of Sawed Shingles of all kinds now on hand. Will tax you as reasonably as possible on prices. See our quality and compare our prices and be convinced. Dry stove wood delivered on short notice. We have the lead on shingles. Big Hill, the Shingle Man. JUST received a fine lot of Jones coun ty Turkeys, Chickens, and Ducks, Ba con, Ham, best Butter and Cheese, Rump and Mess Pork, Buckwheat and Hominy, fresh Eggs and Corned Mul lets, Netting Lines and Twine. Pine and Coal Tar. -Phone 145, B. B. Davenport. LOST One large brindle cow. Finder will please return to Scott & Co., and receive reward. MONEY in Fur, get busy. Bear Traps, Otter Traps, Fox Traps, Coon Traps, Mink Traps, Hawk Trap at J. C. Whit-ty&Co's. BUYING on easy payments does not infer as some seem to tnink that your means are limited but buying on these terms does show that you are adopting the latest practical and most efficient method of saving and purchasing. We, . the De Sato people go to your Jiorae, show you ihe samples, furnish a collec tor to call every Monday for the small payment, putting you to no trouble, you don't have to look us op te-make your puyn.ents. Call our agents in as they pass with their samples and buy 'your supplies. We will treat you Tight. Yours for business, De Soto Novelty Supply Co. " '. PHONE your orders toKafer's Bakery for not Ties for dinner. 5 or 6 doses "668'' will cure any ease - ' of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. ' ; '..RUBBER STAMPS Made io order on ' short notice. , Rubber , Type, Dates, , , Pads, Ink etc. in stock, Patronise home w Industry.-- DONT tend you orderaout -of towo.-Willlam T.jHUL 91 Middle ' St Phone ,268. ; FRESH Buckwheat, Shredded wheat v Biscuit, Cream Farina, .Quaker Oata, V Hecker'a iats, ; Hotel Itojf ibbffee, " Bed . Rosa Butter, last bat 'not least, MossJtoas Flour; Cash count here as . . Well aa elsewhere. 'Hudson' & Cci"",S NE SV; BERN CARRIAGE SHOPS-I am still at fry old place in Church Alley where jf am prepared, to ; build Carta,' W agonal Buggies and Carriages or do any kind of repairs oa them. My ork is all guarantMjL iCl Robinson, ChnreH yiUyifc 1IORSF SHOEING and. blaek smith work. Ihave had yeara of, experience and can give perfect satisfaction shoe ing horses or any kind of smith work uteded. -James ldlett, 4"1 Eroad t, J-1 ,jK.wjh4Uuii a! MIbi Sari Congdon Entertains. . Mial Sara Congdon was hostess at a deBghtf brWge. party, Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Ellis and Miss Burros, the brides to be. The exqulste decoratiuns were in yellow and white and seore-eads in bride design. . , After the game the, guests were in vited to the dining, room which was a bower of beauty, the bridal scheme was, carried out by the artistic arrangement of the table,' the centerpiece being; a bank of yellow and' white chrysanthe mums, overhung by wedding bells, un der which" was eupid, holding his arrow with pierced hearty . . . , The entting of the brides cake, which was a huge .heart,':, caused much mer rimenV Dr. Patterson and Mies Willis each 'cutting a rlngl Miases. Smallvrood and Munger 'a thimble and Misses Marks andJRicbardson "the money, while Mr. ClaypoOl and Mhw Bladea cut the collar buttons.; , ' . . Thi'sridal scheme was further carried oet, both salad anld ice course being in hearts, wedding bells and cupids. - Uri.'. & Congdon, in her gracious manner, presented each bride with a lovely white and gold wedding book. ' 'Those present were: Misses Elisabeth Ellis, Elizabeth Burros, Margaret Smallwood, Eulalia Willis, Jane Stew art, Harrietts Marks, Maud Manger, Henrietta Hancock, BesBie Summerell, Ivy Blades, Armstrong, Mamie Rich ardson. . Messrs, M. -Allen, Vernon Blades. Jesse Claypool, Adolph Nann, W Malbne, Mark Stevenson, Mabrey Hart, W Griffin, Sedbe'rry, Wade Mead ows. D. S Congdon,' Dra. William Hand and J PattersoW v FOR RENT OR SALE One farm 300 acres plow land, with 8 tenant houses. One farm ISO acres, 3 tenant houses. Three farms 100 acres each, several farma 15 to 80 acres, For particulars address '. J. W. STEWART. BDSIISS LOCALSr FOR RENT Two dwelling housea R. A. Nunn. 60, Craven street. FOB RENT.! One 10 room house, cor ner Georgeand Cypress streets, (12.60 pel month; 4 room house, 164 George street, $8,Q0 per month: 6 room house, 166 George, slroet, $10.00 per month, connected with- city water - and sewer sgej. Inquire at office of J. W. Stew- - Quite a number of boats loaded with merchandise from Northern cities have arrived in this port daring the past few dsys. . - : The regular meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy wilt be held at their hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock,-; A full attendance is desired asjhe officers or the ensuing: year will be elected. ; 'v Mr. George E, Suttton, of LaGrange, has. been appointed Deputy Collector of customs at thejmrt of New Bern. The spporatment is -unaer tne civil service, Mr. Sutton having recently successful j passed the examination. ; TIm Iocm up ejpfldit1on-bf - the" Sows town street makes it look aa W there was paving going on instead -repairing the pavements eorecently laid,' Of 'coarse U)0 contractors must make good the bad places,, but why hot try some other kind of pavement next time? This is the reason in wnicn the pos sum hunter can? get as much of that sport aa be likes, Tharsday night a par ty of local sportsmen started oat on the chase,. Early yesterday morning they returned home with three large pos sums. .. . - . Quite a number o' New Bern citizens have signified, their intention of attend-H ingthe foot ball game between the A. & M. College and the. V. P. 1. which will be played ' at Norfolk next Thurs day. The Norfolk-Southern railroad Co. offe-s reduced rates from this city Read their ad in this issue. Since the express drivers strike which paralyzed shipping interests -in New York City a few days ago, has been ended and the postoffice clerks report a decided decrease in the number of packages" from' northern cities. The mails were used to a great extent dur ing the strike in sending out packages that could not be delayed. Some of the .citizens in the northern section of the city have ..been missing chickens and upon an investigation there was found upon the premises of a Syrian nearby merchant, a device for catching chickens and upon further investigation there were found a lot of feathers buried which corresponded to the colors of the various chickens miss ed. It is always the mysterious that baf fles and attracts the undivided attention of the publ e, The marvelous Durno, who will appear at the Masonic Theatre on the night of November 25th. has been called ."the man of mystery." He baa recently given exhibitions of his marvelous powers in several North Carolina Cities and at each place he has been highly praised. Subscription list now open at Waters store. A representative of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals could find a Very fertile field in this ci ty for his labors. 'Mention has frtv quently been made in these columns of the various atrocities perpetrated, upon many of the feeble animals that are used by the local back drivers in haul ing their, dilapidated vehicles. Yester day morning an animal that could hard ly be ealled a horse, fell to the pave ment on Middle street and was badly injured. Several weeks ago this same horse fell overboard and came near be mg drowned. It would be a humane act to shoot audi animals as -this and end their misery. --. . - Deo,-- Jury. May, "New York, Not, W Heir Terk Market - fc -- -. Open t Hi gh. r Lo w Close 1430 -1437, 142S 1428 1425 ' 1432 ,1420 1429 , l: 1466:1460-1446; 1457 Poitlecelpta, 80,000 v.i'r .Irerpool Cotton Market, 3 Opening ' Closing , Nov Dee 759j" ' ' '60 v Ju'y Feb. 758 J 758 ' Sale New Bern fflarket Wl to 14 eta. .42 bales. 25 FEATHER. Beds wanted at highest cask prices, Or will trade for same with No.'; 1 'Felt Mattress. Address 7. O. box!46, Kew Ran, N C. ' . - ' rRABlB0 CU'et-ft. PAiUUSK 3l Craven street-Gentlemen's'clotlies cleaned, -repaired and 'pressed,' Ladies skirts inwseoV specially. " When in search of a re freshing drink try Water's Hot Chocolate. Report on Cutter Service. Washington, Nov. 18 According to the annual report Issued by Captain Ross, of the revenue cotter service 16Q vessels we're assisted into port Or rescued at sea by the serice. . The ear goes of the ships rescued were valued at $1,247,635. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF T&E AT HEW BERK, 15 THE STATE OF JiORTH CAR0LI5A, CLOSE OF BUSQTES9 KOV, 10T1L, .1910. ; .Ti RESOtRGESt ' s ' " Loans and" discounts k '..:.. $468,241.43 Overdrafts unsecured- -.r, -6.608.91 North, Carolina SUU Bonde r 1,600.00 All 'othe, atocka, bonds and mortgiges- .. 23,494 06 Banking, house, furniture- ' sod fixtures ' ,r . Demand Jeans) u " t Doe from banks r 107,438 22 mm penaeia . ?i6,moo 7 6,898.85 'iW Cash items "j V ; 2.731.26 Gold Cou''--' " '827.60 t :' SveteohrttcladJ'" " ' i mg an minorj . . ' coin Icurrency , 4,640 9i i' - KaMonalbanknotesT -and other U. 8.. , 5 t notes ,-.v.- 9,435.0a 124,572.89 Accrued Interest Receivable 7RB.22 'Total STATU OK NORTH CAROLINA! Coanty of Craysn, S3, 1 -1 x ' T, Geo. B. Pendleton, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that . the above atatement is true to the best ''ef my knowledji and l tu f XIABILITIESt AT THE. - -v Capita) stock, . "ir;1 V 200,M0 Undivided Nprofits,.leH cur- I y., ; rent" expenses andtaxes , paid ' m : i'-; 18,438 95 Dlvidenda unpaid . ' T -H 84 00 Notes and bills redisctfunted 83,849.65 Deposit subject to " , y V check r ' 206,827 12 'p - -Savings Deposits 64,658.03 v.- Due to banks and,M -s " Bills payable Time certificates of 1? t bankers. 1-, '"36,610 74 Cashier's checks - ouUUndintf" ' "637.19 Certified checks , - lit 18' ' r t Trust Department 65 08 85C.002 70 'Total ,. 635,875.80 CORRECT:Attest. ,V -t- ' ' TVA. CTICEN, T " " ' JAar-I' .VDt Jr' ' L. II. CUIII "jr, L J. J. vOLi ,: - , E. H. I'EU J 1 3, 1 " ' wm. b. llal: X Dlrecton Subscribed nnd sworu to I ; ; me, tl.ia I7:'i (' y r-f l!v.T . Ledies do not forget thel torset demonstration at Jat jris' one week beginning Mon day Nov. 21st M!LADy:s;TDILE3? THE EXQUISITE QUALITY of cur supplies for Milady's toilet makes them the favorite prepa rations for the exacting and par ticular. Dainty soaps delicately per fumed face powders, talcums massage cream, manicure neces sities, the finest toilet waters, exqu'site perfumes, remedies for' chapped hands and roughness of the skin etc. are all to be had here with complete stock to select from m PHARMACY PHONE 56 ' - OF.pCCESSS TThe rieh men of to-day are tivoaa who saved yesterday-adim'eherey a dollar there-every transaction die. result of careful rftudy. - ,,1'Wbenever possible they bought from flrst hands, direct from the enakeriavirg die middle man's 'BroflL-c''' ' - STIEFFand SHAW PLAKOS" are sold direct from the maker, . at the'factory price, wherever in; any .City, , in. any tate, ihe price is the same, flx theeaaker and sold from' his ware rooms. ?S.Writa tor Price List f,l STIEFF U'- L, CrSTEELkY Kgr. 11 draaby Street Herfott. v. t ! . (Mention this paper.) c--w.ii ,-,w-,,tv ,i r;:),, i v.J , - Official Phu Jamestown Kxpei CAS 61d Fashion Buckwheat, lb. 5c 3 lb. pkge. Buckwheat 18c 5 ". " " 28c Quart cans Maple Syrup 40c 6 Rolls Toilet Pper for 25c .3 lb. bags Rye Flour 18c .7" ' Graham Flour 42a Snow Drift Lard 13c Ives' String Beans 10c Morning Cup Coffee 20c H.C. A Phone 174 Middle St. A RARE MOEERStt ; We are offering today and tomorrow some ten cent and five cent values at greatly re duced prices. - Prince of Navarre, 10c value 25 to the box at $1.25. 1 Caddo, It)c value 25 to the box at $1.25:; - Little Lew, SxTvaTue 50 to the box at $1.80 REMEMBER TO-DAY AND . TOMORROW ONLY 4 r' 1 EDW'D CLARK sm 'i yhiaTaaaacaae ' via tORHAM SILVER We will be glad (o have foit call and isee our new le of the Gorham Silver p.- T"x 7iK ,"r, 1Foil-2'Dozen J, O.Jaxter lj 'Jeweler and Optometrist. , . JUST LIKE MOTHER USED- j TO PUT UP isiwhat many people say of our jellies, jams, pickles, honey, preserves and Other dainties. NO HOME PRESERVE CLOSET, however, ever held half the variety of good things to eat as you can choose from this grocery. Come and see how tempting they look and they taste even better, Eating, not merely see ing, is believing. i-Kice corned Mullets, Mince Meat, Oat Mjal, Buckwheat, Nice Oranges,. Ap ples and Cabbage. The Pure Fond Store where everything is guaranteed. Broad Street Grocery Co. PBk)NE lte NEW BERN, N. C. ICE , Made from pure distilled : . filtered watw. " NBWBBRfr , ICB CO. lft-21-2a Griffith 8b phone 23 JiiOeceiYel i; Fresh lot ofsApplesCalirs fornia'Graoes. Bananas.7 Bormuda Oniony, Sack On- -J ions.'White Pickling Onions Cabbage and Irish Potatoes'. JACOBS &; co.; T " PHONE 86.''"" it coesi sir::! ore:: bis 1 V is when IccArj tt cljccts ncr Ly. TIirjahd scv. I tj trcr-" s t -.3 tt cr:2 to tvr'i eyes, If 3 cj v,U v;::r f1- ::s v! tn j . : eje f!. t ccni- f v . f 1 1 ry t3 it I i ct eiy;-Feed," Sale Exchange Stables ,11. . .. i 1 1 V J ' . ... Largest and Finest stock of Horses aud Mules ever offered for saleiii n lern. A ear load of each just in. Also a complete linTW nuics, v.'ugons, Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels. J. A. JONES Broad Street, PROPRIETOR, New Bern, N. C. the property you want to buy, come to us and we'll save you money in the bargain. We also sell INSURANCE, as Fire, Accident-Health, Plate-Glass, Boil er, -F!y-vVheel, Automobile, Burg lary, Live-Stock and as to SURETY BONDS we've got the largest and best Company in the world. Information cheerfully given. W. G. BOYD, Agt NEW BERN BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Telephones Office 400. House 268 Elks Bu'ldinp. NOTICE! We make Special Prices to citizens on Fish and Oysters. We keep our oysters in a sanitary condition. I can give you the best at all prices a(ld quick service. Anything wrong call us up and we will make good. PRICES FOR STOCK DELIVERED. Largo Fish 10c per lb, Small Bunch Fish 25c bunch 3 lbs. Standard Oysters dry measure 30c per qt. or $1.0D per gal., Selects 35c per qt or 1.15 per gal. We give good aervice-liut we sell for CASH. PHONE 107 HARKBR it TOO KB R MARKET DOCK STEAMING HOT t MIGHTY DELICIOUS A cup of our Hot Chocolate takes the chill from your marrow and puts new life in you. Everything in the Drug line PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY GASTON DRUG COMPANY ON THE COR NER PHONE No. 65 OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE HANDSOME FALL STYLES Thi9 new Patent Button Boot, with Kid tops will appeal to the man that appreciates comfort as well as neatness. '. Price $3.50 S. Lipman Bryan BIoqIc h r . . ..fcs.A. ,111 por.- Middle and S. Front St To Farmers of Craven and :'syiyv:'".' oining X''- i V.- M .-' ....'..Vv-.O - This year is the farrwie Tejolce withott1; ' wise farmeleeis New Bern Is paying more for fann products today thwiny ; town In Eastern orth Carolina and the New Bern STORES "are overflowing with well selected and attractive good that jnay be bought at yery low prices. v- t ;y . j i '-v i ; Now as a business proposition, if Cotton,. $eed Cotton and other farm products are selling high in New Bern and ; the New Bern Stores are selling reliable' goodi cheaply, will it liCt'pay the farmer tov trade in New Bern? -. V." V' llf:::::!l' n Scuro Ceil f ' 'The riev Cem- - - - n ' iv Counties ij ' v? - : :i ';' -