.ESTABLISHED; "A IN 1878 .K- r t : CIRCULATION r NUMBER 197. i' NEW i r ? t NOHTU CAIIOLLXA. SUNDAY MOIiNLVfi. NOVEMBER,' 37'19'iO.i twenty ;mlth ;vear A t ft art - -8 1" IS ;Y0UR r,I0NE VSAFE ? ' PTTHE grcatest precautioniii , protecting- ydur . s 1 J I! - ; " . t 1 ' " ' "' '' v ' 1 "J I I . mntiAO nraficr iAccitlA I Aecr ptiAiilllvxk - t" ' '"J L " cised iq justice to yourself, v. The depositors - - t- vI"-t - of this-Bank are protected by the- largest Capital fund in this section of the state, The management of the bank,1 moreover is conservative and ' prudent, its di-'t reaoraie oeing composea oi prominent men. Four Per Cent. Paid on.Savihgs and Certificates of . Deposit. NEW BERN BACKING & TRUST COMPANY It Takes Experience to Make a Success - in Anything. . ' Our popularity in selling the Best Dry Goods, Shoes, ; Ladies Coat SuitsMjssej Coats, Capes andurs, Mil linery a specialty, at a fair pt ice certainly speaks well for our experience and proves that we give our custo mers just what they want at the price they want to pay- : . ; . . . . . Our store is crowded with seasonable merchandise and there is no reason why you should net become ac quainted with our goods and prices. ' . Yours truly '- J. M. 61 POLLOCK ST MITCHELL & CO. PHON&288 ' ' I Ell AVE PRESENT OUR CARD - and beg to remind you that what-, s ever the p i ice of coal be tween -now end next April, it certainly ;v won't be any: cheaper. Ijook' , then, to you eoal bins at once ancR let us fill them up -with some of the beat fuel mined in (his country, ' In sizes to suit your needs,' well c)eanedkfull weight and delivered' -with promptneas. ; - -.j.;-.V-.5ji usi;:g Fn:.:;;:s foh .JUS OF 1MB 1m M iackjd Matter. Seat Out I,"VllK Vol. it filmn.1 J 7 ing privilege by congressmen Beading- out tong( of campaign roatters, ., bs been lodged at the White- House by Eepresentatif e Campbell (RpubIican, of Kansas). - The Kansani wants the president to call attention to the mat ter in hia forthcoming Boeisage. Vfc ''Tons of franked:, matter were load' ed on the "postoJfice department, -dur ing , the last ;campaign4 . Campbell said. ."Congress never Intended, when it granted the franta; hat members should send mail matter free to points outside of their own districts. . But nowadays, the abuse has grown and tons of matter are shipped all-over the country, COLLmiLv KliiG.PROenESS rmera Are iWaruei. of ;the Be - , " i " suits of the"'DevastateD,J"-s- " C Should Exterminate 1th . the cotton boll-weeil is etiH jnakina protest agaiDst the abuas of tbnnkfBtoady -progress through, the cotton MS! DEFEATS. Thousaodd "ITitnesa ;, The Contest. ougnc uame inrougnouvT' growing area and it gives elphia, Pa.J Nov 26, In one of thai hardest fought fames seen tort fives. 0 nr ; indvl this season ths Navy, deeatd the Army cation that it.wiU eventually he. placed firi a ame of football herethfa after-4 in evefy section where cotton is; grown, j iiie Ooll-weeyil nas jiot di8appeared In Texas or any mother sectwoj where. once established. - It h not 'becoming harmless is true that many local ities which" oo'ce 'abandoned cotton n aqcoukt of weevil have agaitt begun to' grow, it,' -and Jn some sections they grow nearly M much as they ever aid. Whether this )s because the weevil is less deotracti ve than formerly, or wheth er .it is because the growers learn how best to escape its ravages ft is hard to aay; but perhaps both these j things are true. "I happen to know that Id the last K But wherever the'' weevi "eomes,4n campaign three car loads of matter of a campaign nature were received mono city in my district and it waf all un der the frank of a well-known Pemo craf.- In all I think nearly one hundred tons of franked campaign material was shipped into my district," " i : Campbell alaa wants the president to urge the increase of Civil was pen sions, according to the plan proposed at the last G. A. K. meeting in Atlantic City. Just received a fine line of ladies long black v Cloaks, light weight. J.-J. Baxter.. Progress in Craven County. .A Peculiar One hundred or mora of the citizens af Tuacarora . and Clark a with their friends aasumbled at the new bridge over- Bachelor creek to celebrate. the union of the two sections mentioned. By thia bridge which brings the two parts of these prosperous ;comiqunitia ; heretofore hindered! by this cresk'now cloae neighbors, and co-workers j the generU progress of" the -dajr. At one is Coal and Jopd Yard Phone, 471 school houseIlheothef p"d 'a good prosperous ehurch three miles diatan I. The new bridge connects theae two prbap'erous communltita. Jit was there fore a fitting time nd place to cele brate the union, and on this 1910 Thanks- fgivisg Day these progressive? people called their friends to meet them, and especially the board of commiaaionera which made it pojsibie to have this bridge, and at high noon undtr genial Indian sunamer sunshine the crowd met on the middle of the bridge, .ti TbanksiivlDK?3alm::w)w:'tt'M;hrJo,in' Humphrey and prayer of iateroession and Xhankegi vm?6ffered,;iiter whlcli a few short talks iir Humphrey. Lane and some of ttl:i4K'mlssitfw era. It was soon. dic,o?ered. tweve. tuat tnost ofiJn,erewd-idttoatjMe houf were thinking more bf.tha barb, cue thaneeechearo a beaatlfjaly fepast -was spread n the bridge and tne imngryjerow eujoyea -tnerepast with keen relish,' and We believe it wss a uoiversa) verdict thstbo Ib.ittef 4ar bf.cue has been set beforekine or pess ants any' where." ; A,f ter vall ; had eaiten not only fragments T but rteai ly a whole pig wasin evidence f the abundance, i Such meetings as this bring friends closer and peighborhoods mo e progrest- r 'better when suffenng frdmaccident; Trj I H i j or illness.than a. policy Tna" good,-, x ; eiiabte'Comany..;:itwQrks wbem ooony a score or 3 to u. TM game wastulayed oh !anklral field fqd thousands of spectators filled the grandstand. ..Among ut m .were maotf. notables, Uoth teams put up . a I game; fight and it Was only by chance -JLJ j . l.t. 1L - . 1 j 1 uj qaru worn, iuiu ine ravy s'lceeato in waning out against their opponents. The weather was ideal for the game, not a; cloud was visinle and the immense throng ws given-n opportunity of seeing tn-ir lavontiea play without any interruption. every state yet invaded, ithu resulted in an almost complete demoralizationxif cotton-growing.fdr from 3 to 5 years; and then when the community does set tle back to cotten again,- it is with more intensive methods on a smaller acrage. more reliance on other crops ani live stock, and not such a complete depend ence on cotton alone. It takes from 3 to 5 yeirs to bring about thir change and in going through such a change the farmers must make considerable -sacri fice. , The weevil fairly knocks the props from under the credit system, at least for a tew years. The tenants and bor. rowing farmers who are never ready t face the new conditions are not able to meet their obligations in th fall, and the merchant) fail or refuse to advance on cotton next year. . , It ii not eur object heTe to discuss the a ppearanc,jhnbl.s and .injuries- of the BoH-weev,n,nr-to discus i .ths wayi in which- it is (Jomatted. ; These things have Ipeen placed befQre the puslie re peatedly andany coiton , f aVraer,'in North-Carolina: can get literature .on the subjtrf by sMriiting "to-.tbi office. But we d i want our f armor i be look' ing ahead and plannin r the course thay are. to puraua when the weevil getaTiere. G ahead jfitUoiton if jfou wiaB, ; but end if this new t oad pear Claris' ttttte ion etardaa'weHbuiH commodfous brk I k -I j A Jlttie WPU .spent money m t he bui ld- insr of "this bridae will noVhat s irt 'few I do-thl wben. the wevil comes ? If so, how? and if ttot what can I grow to replace cotton v ' i "i Of course, we all nope that the bol fWeevil may not reach us. We hope that f it-does reach us it will not be aa de structive as in. the other sections;" but we warn you that we have no basis for believing that we will "be favored in this way. So the "'.poly wise course ia to be studying the methods of meetirg the problpm when it comee. In Missis sippi and Louisiana some, farmers have done this nicely, beginning years in ad vance. they gradually . turned their at tention to other-qrops o td hwstqr eatfle, but kept on raiaing cotton up to. thver'year when1 h eevi Was up? onnemy ana tnenuiey .were preparea ts drop the cotton aliogethe, and make t good itivmr: irom "the Tithef thing. When ibcominunity setUesldowj cotton again these mmers can return to .cotton or riot,' as they wiabr";'';,- The. boll-weevil"' now. occupies all of .Jexaa'..;! xcep thet western porjfaon, neighboring parts of Oklahoma and Ar kanpaa, JIrof Louisiapa and two thirda of - M issisiipoi, and .the southwestern corner of A'abama.; , A llowmg'40'! of . mat increase in the rate of t spread lor the future, R.wems reaaonablo; to be- 'Wit I you can't Jhe Maryland Casualty 1,11 :.Co' ,(assef 4 $3,500,000 CO) offers high , i.j clas profectionfat small cost again- jl physical disabifitvCpf everydescription-' '4f :Z "r5t is Vefdorn a'maa rltegleili toe insure his property against fire;ot his Iife"agafn's;deathX Is; there any," freasOn "why ; h; should npt'alsb -piotect .him? elf while Jiying?;;Thinkhis over and let us explain how easy ; " the plan works! vNo medical examination required; 'W.' O.: BOYDS'"Arrerit REAL' ESTATE, INSURANCE, " , SURETY BONDS i, ' a. CIGARS TO SWEAR BY ,: -3 Tou.' can make your afildavit that the cigars we sell you are jut si we repreaent them. DoV you prefer an imporU-d cif ar you will got it at imported cij;ar priavi, - Do you likeKey Weals, tluit'e what you'll get. In rinm, ,-ntic ci gars nothing can plciiso you bet ter than tlie IJoyal Kolic, wlikh we Bell for 5 c dI'i. years advance, thejyreaifcitizenalit of doui cummuuiLifB. Hourum luo uiaiance lave timetad thus pave the way to the ocial.'lntelle.tuaUndapiritoal welfare , inia new roaq not oniycpnnectainese twoneighborhoods but tha-weatwn end of this rtewroadatihe ehurch" mention ei is, at the eastern end of another road which is partly -built ;and .entirely cut out to'iha Cove section pf . our, 'county and when this western extension is com pleted "the: three section. . .heretofore from 10 to 14 miles . apart by the only travelled route Will only be from' 4 to 6 miles apart : This is progresa. ' Time saved, apace annihilated, friends brought closer together, .' that they may under stand each other better.. ; ' ' ; - '; f,The world is moving nearer together; barrlirs heretofore impasaHble are be ing apannedThe telephone, the auto mobile; end last but not linnt the atro, plane are all devices' v. hereby tlie world gets closer together, - Every -moetiiiij such as We have enjoyed tody,- is cl culated to make the world around us better, ' ' . : .- - . It is surely a gre.it Imiirovempnt on the g'enornl wny of p-riding Tlmi,!:s givlng ty rn-ii j of our (. ; .fnq w :, : ., in i ronf. $ to '10 yearsthaf .is. Irom ;i6.folfir;r j ly,!!but Whi! i ift coiuing $teadty it has iUmpsl-iso itjaeeins tiat wetwiUhve aeyeral years yet id which to prepare tor. ifeK'5?U' All mens' and young mens' ClSthing at cost. - Going out of ithe clothing line. J. J. Baxter. MARRIED. ' Mr.-ff. F. Rogers and Mlts Lorens Diwsonwere married last evening at Mrs Thomas' boarding house. Rev. C. L. Greaves of the First BaptiBt church officiating. ' Mr. Rogers is a j conductor on the A. C. Line, and Miss Dawson ia stenographer at the Arm strong Grocery Co. They will make New Bern their home. Died. Yesterday at Ask in, Cecil Gray infant daughter of Mr. C, B. Thonraa, and the late Mrs. C. B. Thomas, of this city. S-Bi I The Foundation of every success, business or profession, is money. Save your maaey aod a good OPPORTUNirY for you to make a profitable business investment will surely come. Begin saving and KEEP ON saving, and you will get ahead. There is no other waj to do so. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberaUnterest consistent with safety 4 perl cent. THE PEOPLES BANK THE DAIKIIEST OF MAS Ml. FOR CHRIST- Expression of Thanks. You Will Find Them Thli Store. At u ... m n TT : I . Chicago on thesod errand of bringing the body .of his only daughter, Virginia, remained with his sister, Misa Aafy Hatch Harrisod, two day?, He "was deeply-moved by the kind ex press i job Of sympathy from the many friendai and relatives in his old home, i The Lbeautfful fiowera and many courtesies shown by the Girls Friendly, the U. D, lift the sor- C?and friendi did much to row of the hour, He and hia sister wlsH. to express to all their sincere ap preciation, 1 Will Circle World on Stilts -New York. Nov. 26. For a wager. of $3,000 two German acrobats will at tempt to circle the world on stilts. They obtained a promise of police protection from Commissioner Qropeey yesterday afternoon on the first leg of thr jodr- nvy through the crowded-streets from City Hal) to the Jersey City fe,rry and from thera they will make they way to IJbiladelphiB,". The' hour of the - start has not yet beam decided. iiThe rountf mentare Albert .Harder and Bans,' Heeded mp - until recently employed as steward! on a trana-At- lantfc iinerand the purse they hops to win 'Was' raised by the Steamiihip Stew- 4ds "Verem'of Hamburg. j Liame oa comes on-suuaemy ana is dxtremely .painful; It is coosed byrheu mutism ot t'i iiin'lee Qalck'.reireTis afforded y :;apFlv,ing Chamberlain's Limnaent. ; S"ld by .wea.!er,;!.'--;ii Fetching jabots in the new shades. Smart lace yokes. Hand some lace collars. All the new Persian effects. Our neckwear department is fairly crowded with bewitching little feminine trifles. Many -attractive conceits are now intro duced for the first time. Gift seekers are already coming herein throngs and every day many pretty prices are being snapped up. .Choose now while assortments are largest daintiest. Tiny Sums Buy Delightful Creations in Our Neck weat Dept. JUST 26 DAYS TO DO YOUR TRADING BEFORE US and goods fteshest and j. j. BAXTER DEPT.; STORE ELK'S TEMPLE to -Remember, 1 1 da - not. lay ' that; ou tnuat "quit couon. ", i.uq not say mat Uhe weevil Will of certainly tescb us at ll.'-c But X dd say, Jhat) it :jwll vTln 'all prooabimy reaco an, ana ,tnat it. is our business- to be studying the methtds by which we can beat meet it when it does come. '- Meanwhile .keep' on growing cotton if. that Js your preference but keep posted on the progreaa"5f the wee vil, and see to it that you are hot caught unprepared when the time comes. y ' s , FRANKLIN SHERMAN Jr.-. Entomologiat, State Department iAgri- culture, Rah'inh, N. C- I out in tli 1 ' '. all the lii h t 1 f irriH-r of hia Ls ie in ii inn. 1 W I t 1 ; 1 1 n 1 1 y r ,ii tl. A I..-:, l :1 fii) C County Teat! 'rs r,'n(l!1. Next Snlunl.'iv, Per. !?rd, at 12 m in Oriirin Memorial Aiiiiiionum, will be held the r- 'u'.ir monthly mentini? of the Craven County Tt .t-Ii-t.j.. Dr. Fur-r-ll, will (' Hv-.r an address on tin IIoi.l; Worm. - iRe8olntlonB of ptespect.- A t the last meeting o(Wi Oidghters it h nderacy'g thefollowlnir nations Weri pfwented and adopted; i ineeGodjin Hi1nflniti8do(nhfl seen best to tafr from us Miss .Nannie Btreeti one p'rpumosflJbbWredjind, BeaVly"b'e(ovedfflraberwd-Vha'iKW Bern Chapter of. the United Daughters of the Confedoraey. -desire to Jjlacedn record' bur high" spreejatlonc'other worth, and" also our expression bf sor row, that she'.wiil.hojnore be-withu9 In bur meetings and in our plans taproj mote the Interests of thecsuse Jb dear to her heart,"theMfor:iV5rv-.-''": : Resolved 1st That we sVall sadly miss her bright cheery facs and manner, her wise council and her readiness to aa- aum any duty by which the memory of our brave Confederate soldiers would . be perpetuated. . ,; '' 2, That we will endeavor to emulate her cxamp'o of devotion and sjiirit of h f i icrifice so often displnyud in our work ever cherirthing her mrmoty us one of our most sacred possessions. 3, But whila our hearts ar filled with 'sorrow ot ourpreat loia which we will j feel more keenly an the daya go by, yet ! fl i!l bo tiuhmi viive to tha will of our LOOKING FOR SOME THING up-to-date and. handsome in Dry Gooda many people are at this season of the year and we have a display of these goods that makes it easy to select just what you - want at right prices. There ia no - better in town in either price or quality,, with a clear saving in , money and time by coming direct to our store. BARRINGTON DRY GOODS CO. mmm Tal i- Lefte fuffnisy6uyith? wliatTOu! rieed iWe hav$ , theiight rice or. iny ;;QwrititygCairloacJ EUwood ire ferrce-just teceiyd vl bf Period Rur' ber Robfin&we sell - is 'tMeeo:UfPhone or write. OASiaLL: HARDWARE: CO. rt Phone'147, - ': -. '.v''i-NeW Bern, N, C 'y 1'i, t r.-i t,) I.' In -I 'i. tv, 1 r. , lil.'liHVil - . l-n.l to I ' '. 1 ;j that our l( .'iiv; Hint th " ('-( I,-.' i rt r 1 :)W I f f V ! Ii" i Middle Street,"1 It. . A . Tlie BEST of all 'hinds in all sizes,, all SCREENED before Tcavmg the L . i. f r ft 1 e STRICTLY fill l.l, 1

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