-t PAL : IF,-.- T v.. ESTAELISHED : -V 1878 sr: KmiCER 200, ni:. i : .ji; ca;.jli.va.i..i; i y ::,.:m:.c;. i ciMiii. i ioio. ; TWENTY NINTH EARgJJ Si s x 1 IS: YC"J?LCI -SAFE ? ; -i greatest precaution' " in - protecting your . money against j."fi-,..;-, I I Ugduiot uuaaiuiv ium suuuiu yv i-v' ' I I 4 J ' - ' V t - - ' -T JJm &ed in justice to yourself, r The depositors ti - " -f y - - ' - : -.'"J ,'yof this Bank' are protected - by the largest Capital fund In this section of the state. V The management -;of the bank, moreover, is conservative and prudent, its 2 rectorate being composed of Four Per V Cent pedd. onSagsViand EW BERN , TRUSTlCOMENy; ,It Takes Kperience to MakeJ a 1 ' Success in 'Anything. Our popularity tn selling the Best Dry Goods, Shoes. Ladies Goat Suits, Misse Goats, Capesr and Furs, Mil linery a specialty, at a fair pt ice certainly speaks well for our experience and proves that we give our custo : mers just what they want at the price I they want to pay.. , n( ,0-1- ..""'" Our store is crowded with seasonable, tnerchandise and there is no reason why you should not become ac quainted with our goods and orices. ; " ,1"- 61 POLLOCK ST. - ' " PHONEYS '4 )' nnrmt jf "" 1 ",vvi auii : i 111 vrrr"': 1 .."I'm1:1:.,1,, , ii;ji:,ac:a'.i.l:iijaifit,LTrafc. i ill' -'reliflWft Cmnanv.'v,ft'wfirt-whpn-'. I , M I J m I r1 ' j , .733 $5,5000(100 of fers hreh 1 i - -j! -fxi ciass protect ion ai smau cosi again st priysi disabUity JDf ee - It is seldom a man neeiects to insure his against fireir oriiis life against Ndeath la thefeanjr reason whyXeounoi'also. himself;, while - living? J1bink this'byef avnd lis "explain hbvv easy ; the plan worksVVTNo medical "examination required. . EEAt -ESTATIO"' INSURANCE,- -; -.- " SURETY EONDS '( . v.. possible loss should be exer prominent - men; BANKING & E3ISES f TJVO, STRONG ARGt in favor of our coal service are ' these i , We attend toall -orders .promptly, and. we sell high-gradv'r j -wen screeneaooar, uicourseit s ir et to order coat ahea of your ? "needs but if yoajieglect ,hie i? andfoull seethiogsdonequickly. t at. better when soffenng from accident E you can v ine Maryland tJasualty property. c v. . can be ruml" i ''I Jby a m lecliin) nf f;if : 1 f torn our 'ovmi miju-ii stock of Crr-ii M, TmI ..., (". .1-. -t ', 1 ij , !,i i a 1 .. -. LL ' - - ;::2Les Charged Many Times The Price , of Evcrjthiug While ip The f w , '"v.. Ports of Frances -New YortlNov.': 80th. Lelle ' re- eeived here fwm the member It the. American battleship fleet now anchored t Brest and Cherbourg give details of the recent troubles thoAmerican Jack-: iea )&va had 4t those porta on account J otthe" rapacity and even thievery of. French tradesmen find shop keepers. ;Not only have the Amit ican sailors been charged four, and five times tbel ord4oary price lor every t in(f, but apa- riouj r rencb fflooey haa been passed on them jn'qunntlties: " Even the French newspaper bave Ttalijed the. folly of killing the goose tbat lays" the golden. gg and hve urged tluit th& robbery of Americans stop, . else touxiata .will ahun France '-f ' -1 ' V ? , C r" Jt ia'conceded that, the American sail J ors have conducted tbemselveaawitn rre gnod behavior in the face of great provocation. - -tl3 'V ,T0 CURE a COLDJN 0E W ; Take LAXATIVE BROMO : Quinine Tablets; - Druggists refund money if it fails tff cure. JB.. W. GROYE'S sign$v ture is on each box. 25c . " last Night's Pla. , The Four PickerU gave r.Mdtnst at the Masonic Theatre last night 'to ra large, house abd. gave entie satisfac tion.-. To anv one who can stand !OhU da" tne play is delightfully thrilling. with Dukes and Princes as . t- Amrl can giri to represent freedom's happy land. v " ''". TonWht "Ross of the Ranch", will be given, Friday night -Beyond" Pardon" from Bertha Ciay. v , . ' " "- , The Dancing Classes ; Prof, rllmott wilt hold his usual dan cing classes m Stewart's Hall,Thuraday and Friday, at 3:30 p. m. aod 7:30 p. tn, each day. , " - Disappointed at Ooldsboro.- t Quite a number of New Rem people went tip to Goldsboro (yesterday morn ing to witness the flight of the Blerfot monoplana, ' which .' was scheduled - to take p( ace there yesterday, bat they were diafippointed. yf The machine and the Aviator failed to make-ths-' propei connection at- Richmoui-and.did not reach there until late yesterday after poon and the proposed flight bad to be postponed until today, j-j" , f ' - - -1-.,, j: Z I ' Eczema Yields: to" Satouine. t ' "-vEastnia, Ga, 1, The Savodine Co., Gentlemen: . Enclosed please find stamps to .the amount of 26 cents for one tube of your preparation. -Tbroufrh . 3ait:JHirsh, who travels fonwroi R cWarner & Go. got ft, tube of; jt and have applied it several .times to a very stubborn ecze- mtvwhich has yielded jplenjjidly- to the treatme.it, " Kindly" forward it immedi ately dpon receipt of th-sv by -mall and Mr?l ARRIE.pTTERlollRG l New.Bera Will be Represented y " ft is confidently expected that the State of ifortb Carolina -will be; repre sented by -sevdral -hundred prominent citizens at the sixth annoal. convention of the -National Rivers and Harbors Congress, which will be hfifd In . Wash ington, D. C i next Wednesday,: Thurs day and Friday, j This nreting prom ti es .to ba the most largely attended, and most important ever held by the organ ization.. '.Hon; Cha. R. Thomas .will represent New Bern at this convention. :l.!'!(E;LIFEXCTHir.';"j r:r''$-Baji I'.': Elilef diirtfil'ngbmvi.ii When pue healthy blood . courses through every vein and s artery of the body, the OrganB are in a healthy con dition, nnd a strenuous active life 'i3 a ploaHure to man or woman. Tut if the'tlood is impure and sluft giali, th8 appetite poor. .digestion weak snd vitality, not up 'to the Btandard, lifa is a burden: thn you rood Vino!, our delicious cod liver and 'iron tonic, I without oil. twn cviiimoe ns cww ! f rtjm ITftiry runnltif-hnrn, pMi r of -'! ,:ipt.ist Church, K lio cOnvitiripr. I!' I ! n an 1 v f n-1 ku" 1 I.. ('., , "1 V i ' 1 1 1 . i ! v t 1 i V7"': r"" r-. till... Has llcferen ce to Proposed Appiv j.;"prIationa for Government IV-vt 7' ,5 partment, '7. Washington. 'Nor.' - S0--Presidenl Taft yesterday informs J his cabinet of ficers after scrutinizing the final draft of the estimates of the various govern ment departments for the fiscal year b ginning July I, " 1910, "that there-must be a further - and deeper cut in them. that they , would not do In their fresenjt form, . , v - . jr In response ts the urgent demands ef the President the heads of. the various departments- had- held their estimates dorol0 what they considered roclc bot tom figure.- The President today, how ever, pointed out a numbef", of places where he declared .the pruning v knife could be psed to advantage, t j, 2 "f ' i Representative Alexander.: Jof New York chairman of the Uotfie Comnvt tee o3 Rivers and Harbors,' and General Bixby, chief of engineers bt the army, participated in, the conference,- At its conclusion Mr", Alexander announced that the river and harbor bilh.to.be re ported to CongtesS at the coming ses sioq wouk) carry approximately $30, 00000 In appropriations and anthori- The Riyera ana. Harbors Committee will meet tomorrow to consider, the sub ject of appropriations to be incorporat ed In the ,. bitL Chairman' Alexander's conference with the President resulted in a general understanding as to "the character of a bill ;that will meet tne approval of the present andac its first meeting tomorrow the committee will have fcefore it the estimates of the War&epsrtment and the general plan of action to which the PresidentTs fav orable.; This la the first bill to . be pre pared -under he plan - fori the annual river and harbor bilk ;at la expected that the bill will be much smaller than any of those of recent years. Estimates of appropriation needed for continuing contracts- amount; t about 47i00Ok0OQ, wjuie tne war ueparunenc as recom mended further, appropriations of about $2?,000,000, r- - Tl"'t WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PLLS Have you neglected your Kidneys Haveyou pverworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble 'with your, Klo neys and bladdert iHaVe you pains in loins,ajde, backr" groins and bladder? Have yon a flabby, appearance of the face, especially under the eyest Too fre quent desire to pass urmeT If so, WL'. nama: Kidney nils wui cure you-at Druggist Priced -Williams' MTg Ce Props, Cleveland. O. i -J. 5 J- MRST BRlNSON'S YAKf ERNOON : v Mrs. "Samuel M Brioson was hostess yesterday afternoon, at a beautiful tea at her home on Broad street given com plimentary to. her charming -sister, Mrs. Richard Henderson; of Salisbury, Little Misses Mary Steele firinsoaand Matti Be!o Moore, opened . the door and the guests were -cordially greeted in .the ball, nr : Mrs.H' N BakeiV - at tired in lavender silk. , " ff v Southern smilax and pink rosesr.were the decorations in the 'parlor where Mrs.' Brinsoo, wearing1 a. band braided cloth gowOfTeceived ber guests assisted by Mrs.1 Henderson; in pink silk Mr?. Thomas J . Mitchell m "black aad white silk and Mrs. Thos. J, Mitchell Jr. in a gray mesBaline gownt Mrs.' James A. Mitchell, in a blue silk- frown lecTthe way to the tea-room which presents! a scene of . beauty with itaopen log fire, many lighted candles and yellow ehrj banthemams, wreathed ,? by' smilax, banked everywhere. The tea table was presided over by Mrs. i Luther. Lewis", clad in gray messnline. j -' -v-i i . i -Mrs, J l Mock wearing greon nies saline ami Mrs. EJwatd Eii.hop in white satin draped in black marqimelte, ser ved to each p'""t the refreshing cup of tea. ', Toe diuii'g room was beautifully decora .d In j ! 't "i c'e"a end un ah- Mv '- '1-1(1, rqxt . v . I v . .,r,-cii lu.i, ' , -a 1 q. ' ... becouui: j v. ti.ur" ' A-.-:;. 1 1 ia f. i. rm fr ui ic, rt-cvivi. ', r- !, V. hfir 1 v I -V 1 1 : c i . VOLT; SF.1EADS IosurVectos . Cut Wjtrei 1q ilata- pras ao4 ;Tamaulipas". "Lariado Texas, November 30-Re- hable information reachioghere this mornfig that all telegraph wires lead ing into : Matamoras and Tmulipi, Mexioo were cut about 7 o'clock last evening?; ' Washington, Nor.v30. Oustave A Madero,4 brother of-the, leader; of the revbldtion-in Imexieo whev Is here re preaepting the intereitj'of the nsur- rectlcftiaU.iesoes a statementdeclaring that only skirmishes , hate taken place thai far with government troops. that large bodie of Volunteers are constaoV ly angmenting the revolutionist forces in Chihuahua, Durango and neighbor mg states and thatthe- revolt m Yoca taA, fismpeche and southern Mexico la even more serious than in the north, -''Nearly 9,00ft prisoners were in. the priao&Sin Mexico City," says the state meb'and there have been-recently min secret executions, severalof them youny army officers whose loyalty was unde suspicion, v General Diaz, is reported ia inside circles' to be prostrated and, has - threat ened to demise Senor Cocio, the minis" ter of war; because of the magnitude wnicb the revolution bar assumed." , Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hour -3 JD& Detchon'a relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest cases in a Tew bourse Its action upon the systeri fe remarkable and effective. It removes at ones the cause And the disease-quick ly disappears First dose greBtly bene fits? 75a and $100. Sold-Tjy . Bradham UrugUo, ' tit : - : 'liglslatlve Wheels are Turning., f Washington, Nov, - 30-By Sunday nightpractically the entire membership of the senate arid the' house will have reached Washington. Already the leg islative wheels are beginning , to turn. Tterev were hearings yesterday-, on tne legislative dhi, wmcn earrjes ae- proximatoly 132,000,000, and on the bill foe the maintenance of the Indian ser-. Mde,rhich requires about ,000,000 a yean -With tne arrival of scores of re-. prseentatives, some success tul and some defeated for re-election, there arrived also considerable gossip and recitals of experiences. . ':. -' . Cravea County -Teachers Association Irhe County .T rhers Association; wlll meet at 14 m. rturday Oeff8nL t-fAn,.: interesting program has been pj-epared and ,i . ful .attendance of teachers is unrd Attendance t hose meetings iare onured of the count teacners, ? J- -f. ' ' '& Sf, BRINSON, 5 i, . - -"' Countv Sunt. rj-V ii " m I ."rs:v A" Mother Goose lair, f The Mother Goose fair that will take til ace next Wednesday Deo. 7, at'Chrlst Church Parish House; binder the auspi ces of the. Parishf Guild, will be. one of the mos f novel as weir as most original entertainments ever attempted 1 herer 914 King Cols and His Fiddlers Three will ;be - there for the amusenieht of the, children' and -Little Bo-peep, Mary and Her Little Lamb and Little Jack. Horner There will be many oth f r Mother Goose characters represent ed and a good time 'is promised to old as well as young." There will be a varied assortment of handsome, articles .from 10 cents to $1.60, suitable for Christmas presents and a flower booth where one can buy potted plants at yeiyv reason able prices.; Refreshments of all kinds FOR. RENT pR;JSALEii; f One farm 300 acres plow-land, with 8 tenant houses. v-;;SMj;;i;';,.i j One farmBO acrr s,' 8 tenant houses. Three farms 100 acres each,seyeral farms 15 to 30 acres. . r ' - Z,, For particulars address . . .' - ..'- J. W. STEWART. Ask For Receipts' for Registered . Matter.'":': '.....' '., iont no! ir rt V ' , 1 in , e rli'ii 'V 1 -8l 1 ( will be served during the entire;, even r r i in The Foundation of every success, business or profession, is money. Save your mnney and a good OPPQlVPJNirY vfor you to make a profitable business investment wit surely come, Begio saving and KEEP ON saying, and yog will get ti'aheadv .There is no other MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. 4 per cent. THE PEOPLES. BANK -A -Setisibk Gift lot a lap You can't go amiss by buy ing a Suit of Clothes or an Overcoat, now'Vhile our EN TtBH stock of Suits and Over - -- -- . -coats are selling at cost. A ' gift of this kind makes the man feel on Ohrist'mas morn 1 like the little child, watch the jmile of delight play all over his face. A useful gift, TTts they really like makes Christmas rthe happiest day in the year. 23 MORE- BUSINESS DAYS -- CHRISTMAS. .MORAL-- Do Your -Trading Early. .DEp;T..ST0fl , fi'. (If HARRINGTON msAmnd Cement II SSBMBBMslaBBSBBlBBsSSBlSBJSlBBlSSlBBfBBBlBBBlBB , M 5 1 Let us fumisrr yoa withhat you:tieed;,We1iaye; inei rignT, price of any-quanxuy.! wtre"fence justrecei?e GASKlLLHARDWAllBiCO:. 1, "". '' ' ';':';. rhono f I 11- LEST of : A rCrvEENED : : 11 v. v.inua t 1 V v-i way to do so. ELKS TEMPLE , LOOKING FOR SOME THING . up-to-date and handsome in Dry - Goods many1 people are at this v season of the year and we have a display of these goods that makes i it easy to select just what you ;i want at right prices. There is no better In town in either price or (V- quality, with a clear saving in money and time by coming direct '? to our stori '- ' - " c - v - r i. DRY' GOODS CO. - 14t.-'V';-r-'f.i; New JCprn, N.C" r3 :. ,:..N. . ; .41 l BAXTER all Idnda iri all sizes, ' before ; leaving " the aeSTi;::;TLY :i f-:-.-v.. Si'' 7 1 K '-."..iL- ';f iV :'f':'t 1 1 !

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