4 t ' , . 1 1 , ' . " Sk"V r'fyfci&W- A" ESTABLISHED : PAPER WITIU v;;CKNOVVN? ? CIRCULATION '-. -'i'i i --T'l:' x, , i "--J - r; J-i'V jmMBKILS7?:? ""7'!V rEW BERN. NORTflXAROLINA; FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER.; 9 i9Q. tfl-r VX TWENTY NINThVyKAR STATE BOARD IS ACME: OF i I - WW s" -iv. r L 4 i ft I IS YOUR MONElf SAFEfi ' PTTHE greatest precaution in protecting your 11 money against possible loss should be exer- J L cised in justice to yourself. The depositors of this Bank -are protected by the largest Capital fund in this sectioo of the state. The management of the bank, moreover, is conservative and prudentrits di rectorate being composed of prominent men. Four Per Cent Paid on Savings and Certificates of Deposit NEW BERN TRUST THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU AND tHE WHOjE COMMUNITY That we have in stock all kinds of Hats, Pat. Hats, Untrimmed Hats and Trimmed Hats, an enor mous stock to select from. It's not a question of price. Come to see us and you can get all you- come after and maybe a little more in the Hat line. - J. M. MITCHELL I CO. 61 POLLOCK ST. -. it- or property of any kind we are thfc medfurrt through which it may be done promptly and cheaply. -We: have a call for two homes to cost not over four thouv sand each. If you want to sjelL lets hear; abou't ,t immediately. Ourlist of bargains is well worth your ' time and considcration.,,Satjsfaction guaranteed.5 , . ' &EAI ESTATE, 7, GENERAL" J ' 1 ,u i ..r BANKING & COMPANY PHONE 288 Skss TWO STRONG ARGU MENTS in favor of our coal service are these: We attend to all orders promptly and we sell high-grade, well screened coal. Of course it's best to order coal ahead of j your needs; but if you neglect 'phone and you'll see things done quickly. rd PHONE 47 even the savage and wild beasts have a longing. No matter how .hum ble, the rose smells sweetest and the fruits taste best when plucked from the branches "around the" "Home Sweet Home." j, . r If Vou want to biiv or sell a home. " INSURANCE, ' SURETY BONDS . rmWE -SMOKERS . aa be made ideal by a selection af gifu from "obr .Vown superb " tte, ripes, tc., also a large w line of elegant article used by smokers and particularly adapted Department of Agriculture Re ceipts For Tear 1910 AmbaDt t ed $164,439,40 , Ralejeh, Dee. 8tk-TJbe Stale Board of Arlcultore is io eession in this city with the following members In attend ance: : ' V W A Graham; Chairman; H C Carter, of Fairfield; Kty Barnes, of Laeoma; William Don,f New Berfi; H EfEd- Lgertonj of Loniabiirg; tt w bent, or Melville; A T McCulium, of RSprinita Wm. Bledaoh, of Gale; W G Stmford.1 of Hickory, and A Cannon, of Haroe Shoe. , -J Commissioner Graham read his report which.Mo part, was as follows; The year we are closing is on a of the most notable agriculturally in the his tory of the state. The largest wheat crop and the largest and best in qual ity corn crop have been garnered. The cotton crop, while not equal to that of last year io, number of bales, will be" around six thousand bales, and the price will probably make the amount of mon ey received as large or larger. 1 here has been great advance along all lines agriculturally; better prepara tion of the land.better selection of seed, more intelligent application of fertilizers, and more attention to re atre fertility. The 'average' of pro duction of corn is thought to have reached twenty bwihels per acre, where it wts reported as only fourteen bush els four years ago. The average for the United States is put at twenty nine bushels. North Carolina can and will reach, and perhaps surpass, these figures in a few years, a number ' f . counties have exceeded it this year. large, corn crop must be accompanied by hogs and other stock to consume it in order to receive the greatest reiurn for it. Leather Bound Poets Christmas Edition M. E Whitehurst & Co. Notice. A special communication of St, Johns Lodge No. 3 A. F. & A. M. will be held his Fiiday evening Dec. 9tb. at 7:30. Work in the M. M. Degree. i All visiting and residtnt Masons cordially invit- d to attend. -- By order of W. M. . J. J. RHODES, Stcreta'y. Lumber Camp Robbed of $3,600. While the people at the Goldsboro Lumber Co's plant, near the Jones and Lenoir county line were at supper on Tuesday evening, some one enteredAjr e of the shanties and sto'e S3 600, belong ing to Mrs. Bettie Watson and Mr. Lowery, both of whom are in the em ploy of the company. The . money was sewed up in thg bed lick , of Mr. Wat son's room, and the thief rnust-hAve been fannliar-with the fact An effort was made to secu-e blood hounds from New Bern, but without result. There is uo clue to I he robber. -Kinston Free Press. 7th. ' Notice Notice is hereby given that applies - ilon, will be made to the general as sembly of North Carolina, session 1911, to amend the charter of the city of New Bern. This Dec. 4th 1910. Opening War on frusta. Washington, Dec, 8 A bill opening the war on trusts, one of the first measures to be introduced at the final 4egfiion of the sixty-first Jrongress, was ntroduced yesterday by Representa tive Stalling of Illinois,-, ranliog mem' ber of iha house ,: judiciary committee. The bill gives' coogresa the power 40 prevent all monopolies -throughout the a on whether interstate or Intrastate, . LtTTlll BAIDSPOTS. k W Be Sensible, Dont Lef 'it GrtD j- v , More Consplcnoafc 1 -TlfTou are beginning to Worry about that spot right on top" ot your head, whtra the balr is thin or", has, disap peared nUrelyr lJ Z"v T"a" ' Go ,to Bradhami Drjig Co(4 and get a 50 cent bottle of Parisian. Sage. -lf that won't check the falling hair. and cause new hair to grow nothing on this earth' Will.; i -. Dandruff 'cause balr to fall and tftldnegs dandruff germ cause 4an- uruit. . .. JPaHalan AnfrA Villa 4hj finrmi' Arail. lontes dandruff; stops falling bafr and Itching scalp, or nroney back at Brad' ham Drug Co. . It will cause the hair to grow; It the half root be not dead, ' ' i It oansea the hair to grow thicker, more luxuriant, and puts so much now life Into It that It grows Iutitroua and beautiful.; -. 1 1 . The Rlrl wlih the "Auburn hlr on ".7."'' :;-.itmm-l Jl: Milwaukee Pj.ani -For 'Free "Hob pitata, Doctors And , - - Plumbers - MUwaukee,4Via.J-8-mplet home rule lor Milwaukee- onier itt city's "socialistic admlriisatkm;f.itti proviiiion for the establishment of list of municipal undertaklnts witBouI parallel in the histaWf oi anr: Ameiftcah Community, is Ji'kmOSki cil the coloration attorney UdatojIeM the. protection of up bills to be submitted to the legisla ture by which !Mnmui aifOiN? ferehnum of IU ciUzena. Jdllswn lih JJtieBaWcftn party and, the right all its civic utilities and which may provide for the establishment of many novel adjunct to the local gov ernment. ; : Among these wiHvbe municipal slaughter-hiHisea, four mnnlcipal hosf- pi wis, one maierniiy norae, iree meai etl clinics; free lodging-houses fpr file p6ort the employing of city Vlumuers to do private plumbing and sewer work and the appointment of a municipal forester. Christmas Cards and Bock lets at M. E. Whitehurst & Co. Remarkabley Dry and Cold. While there is no complaint to be found with the. weather this Fall, it is remarkable in two particulars, dryness and coldness, Before November, sev- I era! days earlier in October, the tern ... :-li- 4sikJiii'5 5 wf i i - peraiure whs ai. injeiin anu ueiuw that boint. Darftig NlSyember, dtys when the temperature was at freezing or lower, were freauent. And the uh- usual arvness.oniy ,w pi an incnrainiaii during all of November,' about the- record, . . : s; Thus far in December the. minimum t tmperatures have been s follows on dates given. Dec. 122 degrees. - 2- 20 " 3- 17 " 4- 25 " 5- 29 6- 39 " ' 7- 28 " - . 8- 25 This is good winter weather, and with the absence of wetness is very enj pible with clear aides and bright sunshine. Professor AUmon's Dancing Classes. Dancing lessons today at 3:30 p. m., and 7:30 p. m. Soiree at 9pm. Sat urday afternoon lessons it S;30 o'clock Eczema Yields to S&vodine. -. Eastman, Ga. The Savodine Co., Gentlemen:- Enclosed piestse find stamps to the amounts 25 cents for one tube of your preparation. Through Harry Hirsh, who travels foi WniiR. Warner &jCo. I got a tube ojplit and have applied it several times .te a- Very' Stubborn ecse- ma, which Jias"Jie1ded splendidly to the! treatment ,- Kindly forward, it immedW ately upon receipt of th'B, by mail and oblige. . - ;. Yours truly (Mrs) CARRIEH. OTTERBOUGR - v 1 . COTTON MARKET , RBPOltTED. BY J. r: BAIL COTTON BIIOKER ' LONG DiSTANCR PHONE NO. 16. . ' "'W:-, . . ' New York Dee. 8. N.w Tsrk Market iOpen jfflgh Low Clot Dee, Jan. ' ':j473 Mn t452 -1452 Port Port receipts 63,000 bales. r".-.'i;V Uvernaol Cottea sTariteL. V TJpenlng; "l 1 ' -fi'. Closing Jan, Peb. 787i ;D ri aew uera sfaraei Sales i 40 bales The government rtpotrt gives 10,139; 000 bales as afnotii.t of cotton pinned to Dec, laUTuSt year 8,876,S'!8 bales. Goverrment s sollrnat on 'crop will be iasued to d .' -l II r t ( i Probinetit.Bepresentativo Makes Bold Statements In Begards , to.5fatters. ? Mhtaon! bee. 8. Representative Jmferw'oodo'f Alabama; who is expee jd bft.irnan of the Ways, and Means' Committee in the 62d Congress. tfatt Aeabjotaed tsieinent. when asTc'edfor JUs views on the tariff feat ure of ib-wessage of the President: riHe: lre8ident'B message iiuiigain the manufacturers' profits very clearly define ohftt , the great pruiciple8 op Democratic party differ on the tariff questioni It is an issue on which the Uemocratic party need have no fear "t a1)0jjrtumeeting their Republican opW- nents in, the- campaign ot 1912, and Vffot M If Bttla doubt that If the Re- puoucan pariy continues io maae tne issue before the country the protection of manufacturers' profits' the country wilidecidethe issue against them by an overwhelming majority two years front now. 'The President advocates the wri ting of a tariff bill in detail; that is, of writing it one schedule at a time. Years ago the Democratic party advocated this proposition and were severely crit icised by their Republican adversaries for doing so; but there can be no ques tion that the only intelligent way in which a Congress or a Ways and Means Committee can prepare a tariff bill with due regard to a fair adjustment of each schedule is to take them up separately, rive careful study and deliberate con sideration to each item, and adjust them with a full knowledge of the business conditions at home' and abroad, which can only coma after very careful inves tigation. Preparing for Closing Exercises. $ Only a few weeks remain befo-o the various public schjoU in this section f the state will closs for the Christmas holidays. In the meantime the pupils are busily engaged ii making prepara tions for the usual exercises which are held at the close of the school, In this city the pupils of the white , graded scho il will present an amateur theatri cal performance of the "Merchant of Venice" at the closing exercises. Pqcket Knives in Individ ual Christmas Boxs M. E. Whitehurst & Co. nrg A Timely Suggestion For Employers, The Christmas spirit is a very beauti ful thiag, this fellowship with all the world, and makes one's heart sing PdUca on earthy good will tow rds men.,' While tbare are many in New dwii wnu urp urgiuuiuK uf euju spirit and are, happy in planning happiness, of others, yet .there . are. a large number of young men and young women, who, since circumstances keep thenv in offices: and other places of bus iness from1 8 a m to 6 p m., with one hour for lunch, hav no time, to do their shopping or paj; their plans for Christ mat Into execution,; Since early shop ping Is being urged upon the people, it might not be amiss to urge those em ployers who cab do so to give one,-half of each Saturday before Christmas to their office force that they rosy not only take advantage of eirly shopping but that the employer may thus sh iw his appecbiti to of the work done by those under him; This would indeed be show tegihe mistmar spirit; for no em- .1' 1 i J .L- k.J piojwr can ijuue uuuuniivHj um luiru ahlw. the sacrtflcei made by his em ployees in tbair, efforts to pa, tun, aty in the.opee, duty at home to loved ones. to say nothing of the duty they owe themselwsv ; , . !- e TJhere la not a man or womtn employ ed In an office today --but wJiO'-will do better work bv being. kIvto' this, half ft hi hopwi tha,t each. business man who! reacts (mi iiue, unjf "V," yui ma spirit needed toaose him to put himself in his employees', "place for a little while that he may" Know, wba); grsAtin such a favor would mean .1-1- , j ' NeV Words of Prafee orVSav- :;Vodine.;, :! i ; Wlnston-Sarem, N CT v s . 71 " November 21, 1910.1 The f?av'odinrCo,,"Gantlemen:',5' :" have been a snfTerer frOrfL asthma for 28 years and had to do a lot of my slew ing sitting up,' could no lie down. Your repremiiitative placed two samples of Savodine in my hands which I used, s I much to my surprise, for tliey gave it relief. now usa Savodine at night I down and sleep well. Use my narnf k v way you wish, 'and refer any one PHILLIP D. ARMOUR, the King first saved one hundred dollar from his earnings on Sie farm. He went from New York to California, there he got $5.00 j day for digging ditches. He still SAVED saved a few thousand dollars. The first savins was the seed from Which his vast fotune grew. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent . THE PEOPLES BANK titer Pices The Handsomest Line Ever in the City. A laige or small round or squ are piece or a long for the side board. We have all sizes from the 72 inch round to the rtoilley, all on pure linen. " Over two hundred pieces to se lect from and one piece makes the most acceptable present, saying nothing of a whole set. Let the whole family tfive mother a set anil see htr smile and enjoy her Christmas more. Watch Our Window Displays USEFUL GIFTS. J. I. BAXTER DEPT; STORE BARRINGTON . .. i, Weather. X We still have a good supply ofHeaters, both Coal and Wood, from which you can get -a good selection. t jOur lirxf of Cook Stoves, ii complete., Stoves put f extra clarees.'" "" . ; QAStCiLL iHARDWARM 01 D ' Middla Street. . - '. "' Phone 147, --v-yewflernWr-CV- r. r-r- wy. .... 'Ihictp- I r;?.TnS;BESTipr, yard arid all : weighare STRICTLY-, great multi-minionare Meat For Christmas For ELKS T JgJVl PL E LOOKING FOR SOME THING up-to-date and handsome in Dry Goods many people are at this season of the year and we have a display of these goods that makes it easy to select just what you - want at right prices. There is no r better in town in either price or quality, with a clear saving in money and time by coming direct to our Btore. DRY GOODS CO. Warm This Cold Ranges and Kitchen Ware up same,day..bought,-.no. T 3 ".4 I 8', jack 1 1 St. r , ! n in ' ,for presenls. o. XA'i '1 J t V I n i v 'I Ic Cor. s:oreE:!$Tre "4j BdvPTr1 C!

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