-.-fx" 4 . - 3T if e eTHihi B . Via" I rr- i ' 1 r itt-T' r 'Itl ll'H 11 i ' r tl 1 1 1 r , , Afrgp!allp Prprnreftvi r- ( similatiiigiheFbodafldRefiula ting Ute SiomactB andBowos i iVoraoles DigestionJCfo prM nocc urtrl Ricj rnntilncnpitiwr Opitfii .Morphine norMiucraL m Mi WOT In ARC OTIC. .1 Omfitit Surr htnla$tm llurnr. I Apcrferl Reuvly forTrmslip i wn Kiww stnin,iHi.l)lnrrlii.iC3 Wmyiis Convulsions .Feverish- Iicss and LG S3 Or MJJii. FacSirA Signaiure of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper PRICES CHANGED in nil' '' ' . If you come to New Horn to buy any tiling in mr lino and pay 1, 15 or 20 per rent on the dollar more tlian wo charge for the same tiling, then you must blame yourself for not .coming to see us. Wo can serve you with a brand new open Huggy at $:!.". (10 ami a lop lhlggy al- $45.00 and we know you eannot buy one any wle-re els.- in this state at this price. We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We baveov r 20.) customer.-!, make yourself 201. Willi (hanks for past patronage, we or yours truly. G. S. Waters & Sons NEW ARRIVALS Nice lot sm.ill liu! ! inJ Hams 23c. per lb., Libby's Tripe 20c- c;w., Hcclu rs Loose Oatflnkvs 5c. lb., Fresh Fx River Print Butter 39c, also Ikckcrs Prepared Buckwheat. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, 75 Mi'O'id St, Clump !lt L. G.Daniels HAS JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF MULES hi, Front Sir.'et, To Farmers of Craven and Adjoining Counties. .. . . ... - - - This ytar h the farmers' own. We rejoice with you. A wise farmer seeks the best MARKET for his products' New Bern is paying more for farm pro it cts today thin any town in Eastern North Carolina and the New Bern STORES -are overflowing with well selected and attractive goods that may be bought at wry low prices. v Now as a business proposition, if Cotton," Seed "Cotton A "and other farm products are selling high in New Bern and tha Npw Rr-m StnrM are m Uintr reliable coods i encaofv. will V mvm mm v - w - itibt pay the farmer to trade a Anal rauiiiuiiu For Infantumd TCMldren. In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CINTAUfl COMMNV, NEW YORK CITY. NKW HERN, N. C. Tho Kind You Have 'Always Bolght Bears the A' , Signature All of AaiT f M AT . McDaniel New Hern, N. O. New, Bern, N. C -m - f V m w. 'M in New Bern? , f'V-11 v t.' 'book's' keed cleaning; . Book are frequently rnlued throngh caroleKSuesn. Thta t tesa In the han dling often than Upon th sbelves. Mauy a reader who would acorn to bend a book tack when open wttl put it to worse strain oil the shelves. Rooks q hoirtd not be packed tightly ou ji shelf. It 'rnlna the backs and causes them to tear loose with the strain of putting In' and pulling out. Often it forces the leaves to sag to the shelf when pushed unduly. It Is .lust as bud for'books to be too loose on n Hhelf, as tiiey 'arp and the spreading leaves encourage dust. A bookcase with the oonteuts at every angle. Is not a pleasing siht. There are some housekeeirs who think a yearly dusting of books at houseeleanlng time sufficient. This is bad enough when they are kept under glass; when on open slmlves It means ruin to valuable books. It takes little longer to dust the backs and tops of UuLs on each shelf very day. Use a oft cheesecloth or siik duster and sn!f It fre-piently Many valuable books nre ruined n! housecleaninK time. This should In jvlee a ye.ir and is imi a burden if systematically done a slclf at a time. The old plan of heaping the contents of a library indiscriminately has noth ing to recommend it. See that shelves nre dried after washing, as books arc ruined by dampness. In dusting the book itself clap the backs lightly together, then j i (he outside. Never use a damp 1-71 on a boek. If K has been wet absorb nio; of the moisture with a blotter and soft cloth. Uien dry under pressure to pre vent warph-. Forbid young people tV handle books uutil they know how to protect (hem. II is well to use covers to protect a book when held by grimy young hands. These can now be bought in different sizes to fit almost any book and cau be used repeatedly. Coughs that are tight, or tickling, get quicK and eeTtain help from Dr. Snoop's Cough Iitmedy. On this account drug gists eveiywhe?e are fovorinir Dr. ! Sho ip's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of a harmless lung-healing rr.oun : tainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative uroneitie:'. Those! leave have the power to calm the most I list reusing Cough, and to soothe and heal the mobt sensitive bronchial mem- r.rane. Mothers should, for safety's' sake, alwav demand L'r. hhoop it can with perfect freedom be given to even iheyoui'geat babes, lest it once youself. and set! Sold by Bradbani Drug Company. Get Up Befreshed. The doclors say one should always be glad to get up in the morning. To , want to He in lied is a sign, they Hay, (hat your nighl's rest has not re- i lreshed you that you are accumulat ing faligue. SAVED FROM AWFUL DEATH. How an appauling ralumiiy in his fiim- ly was prevenled is told ly A. D. Mc lonald, of Fayetieville, N. C., F;. F. D. Vo. 8 "My sister bad consumption," no writes, she was very thin and pale, lid no appetite and i-eemed to grow weaker every day, as all remedies failed, ill Dr. King s N,:w IJiscoverv was tri ed, and so completely cured her, thai he has not been troubled wilh a cough unce. Us the nest medicine l ever saw r heard of." For coughs, colds, la- rippe, asthma, croupe, hemorrhage all ironchul troubles, it his no equal, !()?. fT.Od. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed l y ill Druggists. "What's to prevent me from kissing your demanded tho bold lover. "My goodness!" exclaimed the girl. But It didn't-Smart Set. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Hi Lit9rary T f asures. "Jones took me to bis rooms tfsee n collection of rare and curious manu scripts." "What were they?" "Receipted tailors' bills." Cleveland Lender. YOU MUST READ THIS IF YOU WANT THE BENEFIT. J. W. Greer' G-eenwood, La. suffer ed wi h a 'severe case of lumbxgn. ' The p . ins were so inlerte I was fore d to hvpidermie injections for relief. Tnese attacks started with a pxin In he small of my back which gradually became fairly pa'alyzinp. My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am gUd to sayafter using this wondcrfol medicine 1 am no Ibng-er oothered in ary wy-by my old enemy lumbago." Davis Pharmacy. A KIcV. "lie's nlwa:s kicking about some thing.". "What's the matter now?" "His wife -is going to pay 42 mor9 for his Christinas present thls'yenr thno last year, and lie can't. see where the m6ney'fl.n)4 going to cokie from." Detroit Free Press. . ,Prnveniies, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablet w said hy jdHiggists to Tisve four spcfclal s7ecitie lvantages over ill otlur remedies for' ' oqld.; First- I'hey e intsin no qninioe, tiothlna harsh or qulckenlnjf. SeooftaV-Tney Kjvu l most instant relief .' Thfr I I'lesSant to the tiste, like candy. Fourth -A large oox-48 Preentics-i-a 25 cents, Also tine . tor -feverih -children. ? Sold by Ursdbim, Drtjif 0 ,--;" -v y .';; . ' "' H"-' Ths only umt tmt rneudi sre csndlo when, They hare somethlD d Is if re bl to ui- v : L'For Backache, Hhcv: bavins Bri.fa : -r- . WKDt.yOM fOOO Wa KOT . . , T " f ' J - 'htate'-' and tired ud discouiaeed, you should ' " f v- ' . . X !. . . SIMMONS ; RED'S". C Cl V E R R E C U L AT O R , (TBI P0WDEB FORM) . It open, the bowels, sweetens tlie stomach ami strengthens the digestive organs. A dose taken at o( health aad eaergy. ou av wum. miick, ukRos packaok. i.o. Atl fr th mln with th Kl ZWthp lahol. H oit rmm'.t ,;,. u rml i .end by HtKl) p.tiuiil. Sinintom Liver II- p'tiMtor U 0t ttt ul.o 1 ji I ,,4u i,l fniui i. r tl,m II. frUa. lual Mx botllu. hook lor tho K, J . Ul,. I, J. M. ZCILIN & CO. Sur of His Oats. Young Centaur I'd fike to have your daughter for my ruunljig mate, old hoss. I Old Centaur IT in! What are your prospects? Young -Centaur Why. yesterday morning, before the rallblrd-s got busy, I reeled off a mile in 1:2(1 fiat and didn't extend myself either. Puck. WANTS TO HELP SOME ONE. For thirty years J F Buyer, of Fer tile, Mo., needed rrelp and-eouldn't, find it. That's wry he wants to help sonic one t;ow Suffering so long himself he feels for all dfstress from backache, nervousness, lo s of appetite, lassitude and kidney disorders, tie bhows that Electric Bitters works wonders for such (roubles. "Five bottles," he writes, "wholly cured me and now lam will ftr.r1 hearl v " l'ts ubn nosirivelv guaranteed for liver trouble. dvsDep; bloofl aisorners, lemale romplHints if 1 1 malaria. 1 ry them. 5()c at oil Druggists Unappreciated. The comln;; of old winter Make.; ciiwiirds of u:; .ill. We creep Into mil' o eivoa! a And foi" our nitilllei's cull. We wish we Wele ti,.i.; iillis That we iniKlil liiliei-ii.tte, But it wmihl lieli a trill- If dad would erill us 'ate. I'lltsbui' Dispatf Theil- First Christmas. Mr. Nowlywed (luuki'.ig at the r-'T while and blue neeklle his wife !r. put on the tree for liinn - Well, denrie you are. like mother in one respect. Mrs. Newly wed-In win!? Mr. Xewlvwed You eive the film kind of ties that she used to ;,i.e. Judge. TAKE CARE. Remember that when your kidnrs are affected, your life is in darger, M. Msjier, Rochester, N, Y. says, "My treujle started wi!h a sharp slicntine piin over my back which grew wmsc duly. I felt sluggish and lind, my kidney action was irregmar aid intre quent, 1 started using Foley Kiiln y P1II3. EacoV dose seemed lo put new life and strength inti me, and now I am completely curod and feel be' ter and stronger than for years. "- -Davis Phar macy. How to Make 3 Christmas B: Take two wooilen hoops ami. placing one insiile the other so ih at right angles, make a nofwi ofl wire aroiiin! I hem so ns to form a ho! loiv ball. Stick lut 0 this coiini,.," briiiebes i f belly and sled it wilh ber l ien frosted v, illi snow powiler. I'as;. 11 ribbons to it from which to susp-ml lie presents. Hang the ball fn in the 1 eil lnc by a pieMjtf ribbon, whi-li : n I:: run through a hook so (he lmj! can Lr raised out of the way uulil it is I Pur to distribute I he presents. The Christ mas ball Is a yrctty and Inoxpcnsi' . c substitute for the Christinas tree. BANKS ON SURE -THING NOW. 'I'll never bo without Dr. King's New Life Pills-again," writes A Schin ge:k. 047 Km b.t Kutlalo, N. y. prey cured m-s ohronic CMn3tipatio when all others failed. Unequaled for Ilib ousnesa, Jaundice Indigestion, Head ache, Chills, Malaria and Debility. i'SfX at all druggists. His Angel Seitnon. "'Long 'bout Christmas lime," paid Brother Dickey, "I don't want folks ter put mo off by tellin' me dal de angels 'II come fer my relief. De In use I llve:i in Is no place fer angels, ka.se de win' blows le soot dowJTo sieve pipeau' de oi' stove smokes so de angels would fblnk dey ,wuz in de yuther place for sho', u.u de soot would make dor wings too'btSl; ter bresli de pearly gates. "Sides dill, Ongels is clot lie-too tldii fer winter, an' dey ain't got no blunkels or nP o-vercottts ter give 'way. Ilowsoiunver, de lmimin angels Is nil right, aiV I makes lip re jections to one wldvjl hum lo Ids liaiir- arf a ?nck er Hour 'under his firm. Jet de wings go. Dcjangels wld two good walkin' foots an' a full tin ii Is good enough fer1 frier.' 'Atlanta. Constitu tion. . If you are Buffering fronybilliousnesp, constipation,nd gest on, chronic head ache, invest one cent in a potrtac. rarci, sent to Chamherlnirt MeiV,Ckt, Dcs Moinei, low' witbypul" naiffe and ad dress phinly en the backhand they wili forward ou a. rrea-samDie nrtnuimher. Uin'e Stomach, aril Idvir. Tablets," Soldi by all dealers. n'.- 'N'- ' a J A .i? ...i. .. ..iNine Feet of - Wateu - Mm mum Denth four jof rosin In .0 lift prUl.on back ot range; BtlrntJL. FpH mUed. 'rulj com la ootuea, 4ira nrmij'f tnon ,im rert tbe.too pt tottle tn-thA ; Ktft ItdjiIA" " '" -Mft " .V '..3'J-' '"l .'-'",-.": 'J ., , Foley' Kidney Pills are tdnic in action,' quick tn.retult. arid reslbrtf the-na'ur l action o( - the sVpn.ws ahd. b'a'di r. They ' correct Irf egaluriUtn. . Da ta Pharmacy,: w-. , r-'rt'41-. Money talks, Dili w'itat.'ihi'fc'oppei wya may not hr? wf tf nU. i ' -s -.- '-- i mati-m,'K5dncy rr.J' rbdd.;f - orv' ' Di.bct-i. Corntfuceijaay r . - CIST well and yoa feel' use bed time restores a tine feel in PHOO.. C!T. Louic. Mo. t i no to r: Co-n fv.h 'iv ih c; aid ii I ; d(-;i, ,l I'rjescnN tluin i! lind c f, 'iil-Milc ! Yl. C!V i!: jet enji I IT' li' V.ith lice, hoops df i'. i Tlfi fasten I c.'-l :'l il . - r u. i ii , "in-kc The s; fr. i mi , 1,1 i !i:u!ii . d . l- ;'. be so- ii d v 'i After I' a lii'i'i" f ,i bj-. i i ;h wire nuiki form i to the f.i- P me; -In ! u c.:i! Inc !'.' Mm- I'd ins it taut, i lu ll the ou!' ii!" of l copla Is linishi" I' I .ii" ':" f ra mo and I lie How to Ke? Where one v. :- P.-rr. s (,i wintix u-.. unci in oven villi I ' . r 1 ll i 1 open. Par to gravii d I Kliolllil be kept, if p , ilile. a!! Ibc III, KNDS WTN'1'KR-S TUOI.I ! . I.I ! T. many, winter is a ason nl In n- j idc. The trust bitten Iocs an, I In, cm-', 'chapped hands and bus, chill lams, lo, .ore:', rid aid rough ileus, ro-e ill s Hut such troubles lly I e ore l'ucl.l.n';. ArtniTv S.ilvi . A trial i eiivim e:i Cieai-e-.t healer ot liurns. leuis. I'll, s, ( " 1 1 ; -. , S.in , iOczcma and tiprains. Only at ail (Inicitits. No; local ,.r. cp falling due on Sunday, or on . holiday, Biust be paid l- d-- CAS Tor Infants aud Children. Fhs Kind Yon Have Always Bought Boars tho tii(nuturo of I The tran )u ilnnbaP rh n the nm-in full iooug likn FOR ECZEMA, LETTER AND SALT RHEUM. The intense itching characteristic of those .1 1 1 iTi ' nls is almost irslantly al layed by Ciiamberlain's S ilvo. Many severe cases have been cured by ll. For sale by all dealers. The man irho has so time for hit frlendii will eventually ilacover th' h- has o frienrlu for alt time. A sprained ankl - will usually .disable the injured p rs in f-.r three or lour wei ks. Th s is 'ue o lack of proper treatment. When Clcimberlain's Lini ment is app'i 'd a ' lire may be effected in three or : ui davs. This liniment is one of the best, "i cl most remarkiiblc preparations in use. Sold by all Drug; gists. Alexander the Great. Alexander the Croat used Ids sword against women ratlin' than for Jtheni, rmd one of hi - favot'ilo pastimes Xvns boiil inir his wives wHh Ihe tint if his steel tihide. I .-MI. TI R'f A ll'AMJND IiKaKH I fl I'Z.O . la 1 li : mt V ho-.'i. led villi l;luc-.' Kl. 7i:, '. t!.:r oleiurVJ Ik ISr t .'li t iiJS.Tf.lt S V Gdi.u metallic l' lruftffin6 rrt.fl nxk A)ioivi) DhAN r rr.r. fl i-tv n rt 11. iM. , AliVIO' SOLD BY ALL U!jUG6IS C EVEKYW.''EHE iv;ii!i'." I ! ' Lake DrumrhonJ dnal & Watf r .Co. (ake Drummond Transportation Co. Ltke Dfummond Towinc Co. Dismal ' ;V Swamp A, Nine FeeX.of-Wateiv-Minimum Depth '' :."''. Always.-.-. ''. - -.olck Transit for TrniTip. Prompt .t, Tolm.hn4,Pwght Movement ' . For tol)a..ttowinff ertd,, freight rates apply. atollce-ih i5eab6ardvBank Build Jng and tt'eep .(Lwa.j M. K. KjjjM.j( MHten, tc. t Whitehur'sf, Truffic M'a'naaei1 Norfolk omce.'bell fhone 621J,;; 1 Disorders'. Do nbt risk'.' and ba vcU. OJAMOfJO f '' 0. l - 0, r- Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE, By vrtue of ttx nl eantamd in that certain mrtns-e deed made and exec uted ly T. S Jark- 1 son Ui T P Ariford and C U Hall tradir? as Niw j Hern Pruit Company, on the ;Gth. day of Fili- 1 1 uar.. 119. v iich vml rnortKKc dl is rrccnl ! eil in tho offl'-o of the Keuiater of Deeds of Cra ve-! CMinty. in i. !. !M pif y,-, 1,1. G Daniels, to frn tli.- t I pi-irt:'-iso has Ik1 -m asiinet J111.ii.1ry 7th. (..!, will s- II for cash Ut tne high, j . est bidd.T ti inli'fj. the- morlKaK ' imliUit I the hour 12 j'c1 .ck M. on the 10th rlav of Janu- j j ar- Ifll. ut thi- cuui-t liijuse dour in Ii'fw Hern Craren coanty, N. C.t'iut certain traitor parcel of land lymff :ind b 'in' in Craven county state afouaaM, in No 1 township and defined aa fo). fciws. 1 -wit: Adj liniliK tho lands of T. S. Jack sun. 1. M Mom,. I Wh't- ai,d olhers. boKin i.in : at 1. M Moitm" louth, ast (vrn-r and tuni,in(r north with her lii to W A Clevc's land. Tnen.-t with W A fle-oa t . C T Wl ite s and Win. Whii I. no. t er.ee with their line to E F Whrteii line. Then e with E F hite line t.. Maul Hun. then Willi sad run to T S Jackson's line, then with said T S Jackson b line to the be ftinninir. corner o&. I, M Morris' containing two Tin, .'ti. ,l.i of J eccmbcr 11 U (i. DANIELS. Assignee ol Mortauo. i:Ti: V NOT1CK lt. 1 1 M. of I),o.!s y i ounl y ft !..:: ys ,1: T, .' I i.f !n I i.nd F.r 'I l.e im- r itiunly. .i the fill- i i, n i ,i. 11:''.. 1',- Sla- it. l I V vs I.- k in il i v 1 1 . 1 1 oil ill.- Ii ;i . .1 l.i.in. I . All, t : L cm mo" ,,f y,-o. head of I ho ia ;.. ru.il 1: V al 1 lie m.i.-l Ikn k"s llmli-two Ill Ml, I lil.l. i In,.. :: i din- . ! iIh in ,i a. re faiia which l.es on Ihe h, a,t of .'an.oand t lie-' w it It I lavid Allison oal lent '. l. . I.OIi.- hneof Kiirdnn llewitl dc d. ' ih- ii.',' Willi Ihe line of said division to ! h . Ihe'isl corner of said divi i.oi in Cloy , '. lire 1 hen wil h I 'yrus lilovcrY. l ie lo Ihe aforesaid l olki, k line then . il.. IV1 ii.1 I'oll .,-k hue rev.-rie lo the ne , iinl'iiiiiiiK I'.'! n. rei; more or ess. nil Ih : Nov. :'l lOln. AN VIK M. NOIILIO. Itv J. F. NHHLI'. 1 ' laim nl I). 1 !XON. Co ir, of Dee in ai Kntry Taker, w: ui' i'iiii.; i'i:i:'s sai.k kf vuw. i:i:i'Y. the power co! 'eil lo the ifn.l.--. l:co. l,ys, (; wile, at-,1 .iilv eit;'. I' of le. d l l'.. ,.- '' 1 '. 11 1 of th" 11 I'.y r t, lain, din I he Deed sicned. en Ihe 21th tllllicrt and Mai Ka le - rded in the of- , if lavisl count V, : In cause of default ll d-'l-leilncss thereby f tile ho dor of '.he let lidness. I will sel o the lechesi huUler lie l . 1 0' !l'.n. I ii'"": 1 1 " imi.) i,i ( . tiUiMTt, nc:ir N. ('., i,1 liic I' uar 'if 12 ufl .ck m, en I'Jt'i Liv f I.-ci'InIk r. l:U:i. :ill th 'scrilxil propci ty, t.i-u il: rse power I,;clcll h. iL'r. one .t) hf .t Ri ,! K. ( '. Cilocrl MnntLiy the f.ll.wi-' .I One !) hd ixuve- t iVVJ' A He lves ll Allaa niue. one Ameri Her. oiler.') Im, e pur, one Aniei'ii'iil eiltfrr, I o twiilK mi' ut saws, cmnpiele, cm1 l lack- unl h .simp I'nuipni , tonls faii, etc, nnc l -r;; iiil' nndiinc. ilijt'vt to the Ik n helI l.v t Iv 'T ('um,ii'v: ulh.i tine i5 horse eh i:i fee.' fiiini ciiciiniliranee, r i n t-T in leaine. whit:h is suLjei't all of vine ! FnxhicrH l.iunl power I'liRii.c w!i :ilsno;ir liver lo (o Ih' li-n (if Hi tMic l-.jf train UU .f K, H ILMir-s Ilyinan Supply Company, alse y, which is niLjecl to the lien in I the hen of the Pnnlucer- I ainiln'r Con: pan . also all t he railrouil and train rnjul ti ii;inent. iik ImJiOK rails ami rnathincry ;in.l IihiIh of every U i nil ami all the too!.-., t -juip" mcnt, mai-hineiy ami property of i very Kiml uwil in ami uretimrJic unit of sml S. ('. (Jill.i'it. Hit it ate near "nve (5irV N. n.L hereinlelore spT ilically inentiitiKvl. all of which ih .suhji'.'t lo t he lien pnir i f the I'nulueers Lumber C'tunpany. Saul l I y heiii jiil the person ilty owned b saiil i in sai'I ctiiintv' of Craven. :Mh .lay of Nt.v.-mher. I'.UO, h. A. NUNN. Trustee. MORTGAGE SALE Nt.rth Carolina t'raven County Hy virtue of the power of sale contained in t bat certain mnrt(rajjr tleed made antl executed by .1. M. Khler and Kannio Elder hia wife to C Mr-r' K, I'rnrec on t h Ht h day of December, I!HI;, which said rnortKUtf'' deed i;t reoonletj in the oflice of th Kecrister of Deeds nf ("raven (unity book 1(12 pane ltKl. I, CeorK i- I'earco. Mnrttra;eo. will sell for ra:b t the hitfhi'H bid der to Ratinfy the moi tRago indebtwlnefia at the hour nf 12 o'clock M.,on tho 12th day of Decem ber 1910 aL the court house door in New Hern, 'raven eoun1 v. North Carolina, that certain tract trf-parcel or land lyintr and lwirtt in the :tid tuwnphip, ('raven county. Mlate of Ninth Carolina, known and desittnatwd an folawi;. Ili'Hinninc at an iron xtnke rn the canal th-n to iron stake on the tnrkdn bod John Carl tun V corner: thencn wilblinc made bt W. B, f'earci and J. M. Klder to a corner made by them; then northwardly eourso to a cherry tree on Neu.Le road; then to the bead of the Swamp Ditch; thonee with the said dilch to the canal, then up the ca nal to the tteinninit containiriK 8.ri acres) more or esu, Thin the lot h tlayyof November, li10, (JKO. V. I'KAHCK M or Urnir oo. ADMI M ISTltATOK'n NOT1CF. The Uii!eMimcd hnvintr (luly qualified on ad miniH' ralor of Mary K. Ilan ison deceawil, noti" lleiidl KfTS ins to whom she waj indebtM or have cltimM ntrainat h-r entate to prevent Ihe game to the untie -biff net) ndniiniHtrator for pay ment tm or b. forest ho 4tb dav of Nojr. I9II dulJ nuthenticutetl or thin notice will b plead (n bar of ibrir rcaovery. All perrons ndehtod to the dftcgflwl are require 1 to! make Immediate pay ment to the uncicraumoij. JAMES V, HARRISON, AdminiWattlr of Mm. Mary E. Harrbmn doe'd H.C. WHITE HURST, Attorney. Nov. 8d: WI0 ' " ServerTas coffesl, the new co(To vuhsti iute knonn to erocaiH everywiiere as Or- Srfmp's Health Coiferfvwill trick even a colTee. expert: Not a.eroin ,nf real eoffw In it either.- Pii'fl healthful toasted grsins, malt, . hutd, etc, have been so cleverly 'blended -as to itve a wonderfully saihirvihg oflea r'eand flavor. . "HUid It fa '.'madeia.a nm'ites,' tooi -Nl tedioin 20 ta SO minutes, bodlnir. 'J-H. CArmatronjr. v. " ; ; " i yoil ' find !ottf,rtaq5rthi' motor iccidentr AWp '"Kot ejtactly"A Hut wUda -Dc; -MtM tlie machine' and" creareaViw'aiftHe wreckage We found that a. wotnuu wfli at .tha bottom ot n.st.1. ijou: yon t)UPat;;;.i:; - X The peculiar properties of Chamber. Iain's fuh Itemedy have been thor- oinrh'y (eKte l diirimr epidemics of in f'.icp' and when it v tnken In tine - ' ' 'If.'. ,, , ( I PR0FFSS10ML rCARDS I F". M. SiInmon A. D. Ward, M. H. Allen, SIMMONS. WARD & ALLEN A TTORNEYS AND OOtTNSKLLOBS AT LAW KEff BERN, H. C, Office Rooms 4U1-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Dltfdin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL LER AT LAW Hufjlios liiiilding ('iiven Htrfot New Bern, N. ('. Practice in State and Federal courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de -urcl. OP. 0. I. MOORE DENTIST Ollico Elks Temple, Rooms 407-401 DR. ERNEST C. RMSTRON - T j OSTEOPATH OFFICE HOURS b a into 12 m, 2pm to 4 pm, 7pm to 8 p m, ALSO BY APPOINTMENT. Offices, 318 3 T9 Elks T-mnle O. If. (itiion. W. B. U. (iuioi., ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phone 193, New Birn, N. C. R. A. COLVlF Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. R. A. NUNN" ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Office No. SO Craven Street. Tvlephont No. 97. New Bern, N. C. Hubby And what did tfie Doctor sa Vifey He said, "Put out your ton. ue." Hubby And then? Wiley. 'Overworked." Get Well First Don't risk vm Itrst rttwm. i penny until health And rmean Just exMtlr thet. . .ailu., ahn uti tl thn II rk "I 1 mil my " in n..A.r ,,u,n nvlrt niLv for vuur ineul- iflnl cine II tt lulls to brlnf jou help I And lor 21) ye" Hlioop i uedlclnBii have been trted md rftonimended In every city and hamlet In America. They are ponuymy niaua- i i.. Mmmnnllr anil avarvwhere. Ill III W TV J . , . Thn ihT par tire cajk. and at JW' rlk- for Tlioivii upon thouaandt have In tl pail iucceatullr uwd Dr. Bhoop t Rettoratlve. When the Btomaoa nerres, or 0e Heart or Kid ney owes tU. these tk one know how quickly Vf. Bhoop'e keetoratlTe wiU hrlnf them beck to health ai.tn.flttl beUqfalL thty potitiw Iji tnkew money rik tohonr- They know that, whearl beeJlh talli to rreturn. t. I f g W fj W " slat lor that leet. And (or that (leat a full iT treatment a fraalf footed. Oil aaaMVA Vmk itm9 CLat fllYW. ftn.iai Hlrl mtm Aatla Anil A laKBBnliiteiainfti rwuvo ang uw oi iiu. a a Una DonilbU drur- (lit In JmoBt every! eomnuuv f- ' llr. eTerywliew, tolniM my no W rm voeip, no par, niedtetnes to the U V Hok.Tvll matin whlcft liook ton I. ee4. The booke below U1 eurely Opea snd-fcelpt ul Id u tothoet whi are not wU.ealayoaaae pert ot. ly Ire to eoweult ton yoenyowld y our home phyetolaa. Ur advice, A. M book below an yourirxiraa ttfceuooe.. , j, ; ferpBPiaWord or two lresa tne will ekr n orrre eerloot ailmasi I War helped tbotuentn 'upon tlioutandi i - by mt ; uttoel -avwtkyonrilniplea : W rwoeet. ortt- .rvfl, Idle yoa ' Uy it frasHUr? rnili . tomorrow BeTSt loeiii lo.jhoua. Boa U'ltaeutSkWUv.: -.' - - v -:-r I'j VlTM teet ttm t lest Teat ' 1 fl tinnault Ko.r Woaa Voi'i On IM Heart Mav-S Ca tha Kldnnl t.iroMeo '' Ke-aOn . - - - - r ,.."ITT,'"I - - I All dniMiBta Mil ut, Mnoop Metcorwuvo ShooB'i Hl)umaUo Remadr. but all ar tt.nU1 (rt a4a lhal Si Am.W Ud. Ao dmn til avl k mjSmJttr I have aVtVl ntjktl Afl ll.UIMt I $ f-i''.-.- 5-- - y' ' - . "'.'.' -V '' "'Vt'