Vs. " ( - 4- "'. '-,r -V:'V. At' ' 'V - f ui.inj tt day to ti yesr : ,V-DCir. JIIIMI baUOUg, street. - - . -v - - phokb wo. ,. ' K A RUBS I 'TPTTOR AND PROPRIETOR DBIClfmOS Jn Tr laedTanee.. .. ...... Chj year, not In iItUm.. .. Monthly by carrier to the city l.M Ad.ertielne ollcatlon. rate tvrnlabad on Rntered at the Poatolnee, New Ban S. C m lecond-claaa matter. OFr-?IAL PAPER OF KBW AT CRAVE OOUNTT. BSRM New Bern, N. C. Dec, 16, 1910 THE SOPHISTRY OF THE GOLD BEICK. From those times when the si chemist sought to gain pure gold from base metals, he has not been without his successors through ages, in the various schemes and projects that have been started to get something good from nothing, That human trait, the desire for riches by the quick route, keeps the ranks of imposters always full. It is such a quickening sensation to think that "a sucker is born every minute," and that the afore said "sucker" is full grown and has money or collateral converti l)le, is an added joy to those who live by their wits, usually most dishouestly. The strength of the imposters and the faker's position is, that the person who gets deceived and los os, is ashamed and will not ask for the police or a public investl gation. This makes the concerns op orating the get rich-quick swindle al most secure against seizure and ar rest. There is always the possible success in speculation, that at tracts. The lottery that has du- appeared, offered a capital prize that one person might be forthnp.te to reach, and today stock in oil wells, in all kinds of mines, the bucket shop, margin trading in Wall street and the various ei changes, offer the public seemingly safe routes to get rich quick. Like the apparent go'.d brick, that is offered so cheaply, that it is a bargain and attracts the buyer, SO are all get-rich quick offers. Hu man cupidity overrides human dis cretion, when the tempation offers to much for little. Base and those cieature comforts, so dear .to the flesh loom up, as the possible chance to make "big money" is presented, and the risk is taken. Every argument, all reason is against this advent to sudden weulth, but as well attempt to dis suade the alchemist of old against his gold theory, as to try to prove to the man or woman of today that weal Hi m.iy not be found in the schemes of get rich quick concerns. The answer is in the cure thereof, by the person who has tried to take the royal road to quick riches and failed. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1 A Money talks, but what the "copper aay may not two eenia. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few yearn wu Rurmoitad to he incurahh. For a great many years doctors pro-4 nouncej it a local dmease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronoun ced it incurable. Science has proven ca tarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hll'a Catarrh Cure, manufact ured by F J Cheney- & Co., Toledo, 0., is the only constitutional cure on the' market. It U taken internally m doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It sets directly on the blood and mucus surfa ces of the nystem. They offer one nan' drei dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. . - X The man ka the mooa look like j WOMEN. Vomen of the highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whose diKermnent and judgment gire weight and force to theuf opinions,; highly praise the wonderful cMrecthre and curatrfe properties of Cfoim hertsV Stomach and lit er Tah lets. ThVooghont themanj stages of woman's life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining years, there U no safer or more rellat!. r?.t- thouM alvayt bo used where ' teveral -' people tit, because It does not strain the' eyerof those aitdng far from ltAi The Riyo Lamp Iscaastructed to give , theetfaxlmura diffused white lightr'Every ; detail that Increases Its Jight-giying value faaa been Included, r !- : f : r ' Tko Rsyo IS a lovprloed lamp," You rosy nt $a, fl6 er rren $20 (or other lamp and (t -a pwre exp'Mshre centalner--but you cannot jet 0 bMM Uf ' thaa tb Rsyo aWet. Tala at toa'a Kayo has a new and strenrfh eaed bwr. , A stron, durable shade-holder keepa .Ibajaada on arm and true. Easy to. keep sulfa had, i at k U made of solid brass, finished b alckeL ; Onpa a. Reyo User, Alwmya One. ftaiinaiw. If at yam, mitt for dttcripttm tkrmkrltkimmtatnoiftk$ Standard Oil Company How to Remove Blood Stain. A mother whose cUthlreu bave a. rep rehensible habit of cutting their firr gera and spottlnt; with "blood rtielr besl frocks baa found n method of remov ing blood stains, and she says that the finest white fabrics, will not be Injured by It?' "If the stain Is dry," she says, "moisten It and cover it with dr starch, patting It Into a thick rusl and moistening whenever necessary. Let this stay on for two or three hours. If this does not absorb all the st iln repeat the whole process. A wet stain should be taken out as much as pos sible by allowing lukewarm water to run through the part. After the stain has been reduced in color by this meth od the starch may be applied as de scribed. No ugly stain will reuinin after this treatment with starch." LOST HER HAIR. Woman Almost Baldheaded drew Four Inches of Hair. Here Is a piece of live news from Browntown, Minn., that ought to in terest skeptical men or women read ers of the Journal who are losing their hair or have dandruff or itching scalp. Remember that Brad ham Drug Co. sells Parisian Sage under a positive guarantee to stop falling hair and Itch ing scalp and eradicate dandruff in two weeks. Parisian Sage is a most refreshing and daintily perfumed hair dressing, free from grease or stickiness. It makes dull, lifeless hair radiant and lustrous. "Parisian Sage is the best hair grow er and beautifler and dandruff cure. I lost all my hair througn typhoid fever; j i was almost Daianeaaea ana my soaip was as sore as could be. I tried ev erything, but in vain. Finally I tried Parisian Sage, and after using one bottle my hair started to grow, and has grown three or four Inches inside of two months. I advise every lady who wants beautiful hair to use Pa risian Sage." Miss Meta M. Kruger, Browntown, Minn., June 8, 1910. Parisian Sage is only 50 cents a large bottle at Brad ham Drug Qp. and druggists everywhere. Tho gfrl with the Auburn hair is on every package. A Good Thing. ."That Miss Wllkie has complete! lost her bead over Bobbin," said BJones. 'Well, that's good for Bobbltt," re turned Sllteers. "If she lands bini he'll save a lot of money on bats." Harper's Weekly. The old fashioned way of doe in? a itrsMilr Afrsimanh as srimnlof innr tkit kua or kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Snoop first pointed out this error, This is why his 11 w8 neany cooi to sur in one taoiw prescription Dr. Snoop's Restorative spoonful of concentrated lye and onse ts directed entirely to the cause of these half cupful of coal oil. When the ml ailmentsthe weak inside or controll- i? "rye8, ton't so difficult, says Dr. Snoop, to stremrthen a weak stom- ach, heart or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its con- trolling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail then those organs must sure ly-falter, These vital truths are lead ing druggists everywhere to riippense and recommend DrSShoop's Restorative Test It few days Oat see! Improve- meat will prompt! and surely follow sold by Bradham gCo. 6ha Wasn't Fretting. A fond mamma had found occasion during the morning to reprimand ber small dangbter with more than usual severity. It seemed to hurt the child's feelings considerably. In the afternoon tbs little girl sat on the sofa staring vacantiyiout of the window, apparent ly wrapped In meditation. The mother relented and, coming over to tbe side of the little girl, placed ber hand on tbe child's shoulder and asked, "Wbt sre yon thinking about, dearr 'I 'tut jos' nnkln," said tbe little girl, "if I went six or eight brides- maida." Everybody's. , . GET THE GENUINE ALWAYS. A SkiskartUisfea las a .1.. shift sspecUUymtmclns.The genuine viwj m uiiudi mu mi vurvcuuna and eolds -quickly and is in a yellow !".. accept - no suDeumus, Davis . Agreed Wltb Beth. Horace Greeley was tbe author of a style In editorial writing which bad been often Imitated, but probably iae; er equaled. During bis editorship two Bewspapsrs. neitbet of - which ; was friendly to Greeley,- became engaged la, a 'Tlolett alrercadonr j, "The "argu inent grew warmer until each paper openly, called tbe other a, liar. It was tbe opportunity Greeley bad been wait ing for.'. Be announced In, bis aper that "be tad tbe honor to agree with both ;of hlS dlsUnguUbe contempo raries." ::'.-::. If you areauffflring from billinunness. constipation, indigestion, chronic head ache. Invest one rmt In a iodtl enrd, ont to Ch(imtr!Mia Medicine Co., Din f,"oln-, I V i h your nnmn and !.-- j ti..f on the l-m k, and t' y v NORFOLK-SOUTHER RjlL XMAS HOLIDAY RAT Special Low Round Trip Excursion Fares are authorized account of5 the Christmas Holidays to - various points situated East of the Mississippi" and S ,uth of the Potomac Rivers. These tickets are on sale Dec. 15, 16, 17,-21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 31, 1910 and Jan.-1st, 191 1 , going journey to commence on date of sale. Final limit to reach original starting point not later than midi&ght Jau. 8th. These fares amount to dfcout 8ojer cent of double the oneway fare for the round trip, with the following exceptions tickets to Washington, D. C, via Norfolk and Norfolk & Wash ington Steamboat fare $10.90, tickets to Baltimore via Norfolk is $11.40 for the roundtrip. For further information apply to T. H. Bennet, ticket agent, New Bem, ! N. C, or f B. L. BUGG, W. W. CROXTON, Traffic Mgr. G. P. A.' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR PA Friends No Longer. Teast You say he gives away great many cigars? Crlmsonbeak Oh, yes. "Then he ought to nave lots of friends." "He has until the fellows smoke the cigars." Youkers Statesman. t I SAVED FROM AWFUL DEATH,. How an appauling calamity in his fam ily was prevented is told by A. D. Mc Donald, of Fayetteville, N. C, R. F.fe. No. 8 "My sister had consumption" he writes, she was very thin and palp, had no appetite and seemed to grflw weaker every dav, as all remedies failed, till Dr. King's Naw Discovery was tlH-eL-and so completely cured ber, tHkt she has not been troubled with a couth since. I's the best medicine I ever sw or heard of." For coughs, colds, a Krippe, asthma, croupe, hemorrhage 111 bronchial troubles, it has no equal, 5Jt. 1.00. Trial bottle free, Guaranteed ISy all Druggists. How to CUan Woodwork. The wculwork around my kitchen sink became very dirty, and I wanteft It cleaned and revarnlsbed. This east method of getting the dirt nnd old-fa nish off nt the same time was told nH and proved to be a boon. The instru tions were to make a soft soap fronl rommon yellow laundry soap and wbe tnre was like a heavv naste It was ready to be spread over the woodworf UL v i. .-s,i ,k iu"UWCT1 Ta Instructions, letting the soap remain I day ana hnlf. & when 1 washe it off with plenty of bot water wai j . ,k. u i nish come with It, leaving the cleat wood exposed. When it was dry I vaH nlshed It, and I bad a sweet clean kitchen again with very little laborNpelutlc' the same color as tbe Mrs. O. O. Andrews. . ' I Coughs that are tight, or tickling, ge quick and certain help from Dr. Snooo'i i Cough Remedy. On this account drag aiBis every wnere are iavonng . Ur." Shoop's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of a harmless long-healing moun tainous shrub give to Dr. Sboon's Consrh Remedy its curative properties Those leave have the power to calm the moaf distressing Cough, and to soothe and) heal the most sensitive bronchial meov brane. Mothers should,, for safsty'a sake, alwsy demand Dr. Snoop's- I can with perfect freedom be given ta even the youngest babes. Test it one youself, and see! Sold by Bradham Drag company. - V'v Addison's Esssva.- A fldlsdn wrote bis essayrlo the Spec !?tor to ret1 the tea tables of muu iwwne ur this means to Improve the condition 4 .society. . . ... , -, ., Foley Kidney Pills are tonie In action, quick In result, and restore tbs natur al action of- ths kidneys and bladder. They correct Irregularities.- Dsvls Pharmacy,',- r-X ;-R-, "''.'', ' i ' ! i" ii I.,-' ' . : AJthoggb monsy la -the roof of all svil,' tbe ' most soocsssful to be thOM whs laat tt LL. L-L..1-J-II . '- U-W W m lUu.l, r men seats i i i -Tare Can Platf. : -.' L "Tf after- tailed . Om Irate ilaer. . J'tbw Mwi to t a ollar UM Ull 1 eaa't aecoaot totS .fOlk. tail's jast a Joke, sir." apet Hm the waiter. -J oat a net tbe caaa ke and I kare. ruet e It lied rtaH away, tlRr-.-; c--- -k- -ti.-.V - 'What flo yo neaa abevt -a befT asked toe otner, etaintna aica. -.; ;"WU, sir, 1 bet the Caaba 60 cents yea would see the mistake, and ho bet yea woaldnVso t win. sir." ' ; v . ."Suppose I badnt outU'sd.ttI? i . Be'd bare got tb dollar, sir." 'i,Ob, i see. Olre air roar pencil" A4,be wrote s few Unss on tbs back of the Ml. folded tt n sad banded 9 blUls waiter. "Take tbat to tbe cssb lef." . . ' V'- ' Jflte waiter leaned over the csshJefs sbooldsr as be uurolded thf psper. It read:' . ; 1'U bst yoa SS that when yoaknd this back you don't Sod me." And tbey dWo't-Upptocotfe. Practical Hels. "Mister." whined toe mendicant wttji tbs wooden leg. "can't yea help a jmr. old sailor wot bas bad bis leg bitten. off by a shark r ; ."Dear mer exclaimed tbs kind hearted professor. l betters I can, my pbor man. Come around to tbejcol legst'! .- After hobbling along for ten blocks tbs professor led the way through an Ires gats and op to bis study. f- "Here you are, my poor-man. Now, don't say I never gave you anything.1 ; Tbs beggar almost toppled over wftb astonishment. . 4 "W-wbat's that, strr . J Why. tnsrs my latest book on Sbarka and Tbelr Ways.' If yon nsve that book wltb you when you fall over board next time you won't lose tbe other.-. leg. You'll know Just now to lodge them. Good dsy." Cnkagi News. ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLES To many, winter is a season of trou ble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lipe, chilblains, cold, sores. td and rough skins, prove (h s Bot such troubles fly be ore Bucklen's Arnica salve. A trial convinces. Great est healer of Burns. Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Sprains. Only 26c at all arugguu. . Good Advioe. Don't monkey with tbe mutzle of an old gun or tbe business end of a mule. Pittsburg Dispatch. A sprained ankle will usually disable tbe injured person for three or four wwnir hub is oue lo iscK oi proper treatment. , When Chamberlain's Lini ment is applied a cure may be effected in three or fonr days. This liniment is op's of the beat and most remarkable preparations in use. Sold by all Drug gists. th Milky Way. The Milky way Is nu Irregular liitnl turn belt that encircles tbe celestial sphere uud has the general shape of a irreut circle, Inclined at an angle of lxt.v -three degrees to the equinoctial, ltd luminosity Is due to the myriads of stars or suus composing It, many of which have been revealed to us by means of the telescope. It varies.lu width from four to twenty degrees and at one point of Its course splits up Into two nearly parallel branches of uneoual brightness, which do not re unite for a distance of ISO degrees. FOR THAT DULL FEELING AFTER EATING. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have dons me mors good than any tablets I have ever need. My trouble wss a heavv dull feeling after eating. David Freeman, Kempt, NovaScotia These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve tbs digest ion They also regulate, the uver ana noweis, iney are rar super ior to pills but cost mors. Get a free ssmple at all dealers and see what a spienqed medicine It is. Hew to Held a Veil 8nugly. A number Of clever expedients bave been devised to bold a veil snugly w.u viuii wiinuui KivuiK mn uitiy h.n. 41. A . J.l i. , Hare is one method which ssvee tbs veil also sad Involves hardly any trouble. Get tbs narrowest kind of Te W"1 lae WMte aiasoe witn water coiors ror a colored veil) and whip it evjr the extreme edge of tbe veil, tak mg up only a single thread sll aronnd. Includa sny enf edges, but afterward pars them off neatly wltb a small P'r Of 'sdssors. rutea In back wltb a tlgbt.knot Tbe veil to, slightly gath ered -on the elastic, fits nicely- under thin and over hat and Stretches when It Js raised. . It seems the best solu tion of vexing problem of dress. ;-V. .- . IKVR CARE. Remember that -when your kidneys are affected, your life is in danger, M, Hsyer, JtoChester, . . I. ssys. trouble started with a sharp snootlm Dsia'overmr back which crew woiss daily.; -I felt Hoggish and tired, my kidney getlon wss irregua nd wirre quent, I -started using Foi. y Kklnoy Pills. Each dose seemed to pnt new Ill v aiiu IlIVVKMi WW HI v, WIIU uuw wu -npletely cured -and feel better and anger wan lor years." vara pnar .-, -ii ' i'i i I i i " ii m ' . Fer'the take ef the Causa; C'f rhs dther day a tramp called upon s prbbounced v" advocate of.. womm'i rights, : His tafo was a- very plausible otteT but did not seem to meet, wltb muca tr&,$&UM1i? ;Why don't you go to jrorkr? brted the suHrogette. .:;;t l-', '.-';V I Tlense, mxa, explained tbe weary no, '"I made a solemn vow tea years . .31' that I would never do another stroke o,work till women, was given vote." .; --' . , : . - i. . ; was takea Iu so "was shos-fix ' e,- j' ' ... - ' - - -. - - ; " - ; .. - i . ' i, v.zzz::k, vrrx:- aj:d salt HENRY'S Prespiptions from all physicians. Quickly and Ac curately filled, Alto t fall line of Choice Toflet articles. Pharmacy -' phone m BE Xmas Notice Now is the time to have your buggy repaired and painted for Xmas, when everything ought to be shining. The place to bave it fixed up to order is 29 Craven St., where the experienced' workmen of 14 to 20 years are capable of doing it right .If you are con templating having any work done see us we can save you money. Work done on short notice and satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget the place, 0.1 29 Craven St New Bern, N. a Successor to Williams & Scales Just Received i . Fresh lot of Apples Cali fornia Grapes, Bananas, Burmuda Onions, Sack On ions, White Pickling Onions Cabbage and Irish Potatoes. JACOBSTCO. PHONE 86. 08. 0. L. MQORE DENTIST Office Elks Temple, Rooms 407-408 TIME'S NEARLY UP TO SHIN i CLE It can't be put off longer. That new roof has .to be finished and the -eld roof repaired. A BIG PILE OF SHINGLES is what" you'd find at our lumber yard. Last year's shingles were good butnow they're better. New, improved machin ery for making them and new methods of curing them makes them not only better but cheaper. Don't get any but mours. OUR BUILDING LUMBER, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS are as good as our shingles and our pri ces are right on both. Tolsoii Lumber & Mfg. Co. . ' , New Bern, N. C. 129 E. Front St Phone 430 Steppae ta to mlnntw sure with Dr. Bhoop , CroOD Hametly. Out I m A safe and pllnsymp-urtnijlu I Made from pure listilfed 511 nnnno :'OIAMON0 rW? & - Jt ( - ' '1'- a x '?'4-; i.At i rr ' . . f , . fnr rT?T"Tn'-rKm'6 A n i n.i (a jd nilA ,i. . t w ,.r , . J J. A. Livery, Feed Sale Largest aod Finest stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in New Hern. A carload of each just iu. Also a complete line of Buggies, H'agons, Harness, Robes, Whips, Cartwheels. J. A. Broad Street, just mm ENOUGH NOW TO GET YOUR ENGRAVED VISIllliG CARDS BEFORE CHRISTMAS WE HAVE YOUR PLATE NE man often looks all right till the other one comes along. And he is-wearing a usloni -made suit. Then eveiylxnly sees the liffer-nt-e. Why not Ik the "other uiun?" l et us make you a suit hum one ol our many lianU.me patterns in Shtiflamaxjn (,uaianteel faliries. Keautifui clear linished and soft finlOie.l cheviots in many lii h colorings ; and an extremely attractive line of serges. All ixisitivrly (juurunlecil neither to shrink noi fade. F. M. CHADWICK Mi RCHAM TAILOR ST ! J..M.-3 W W-W-W 1 sa s s s i i i i i i k z mT w w'T x'w s-r THE USE NO TO PURCHASE Soj v or Soy Beans nd field Peas f or which highest prices wjil be paid. Hyde Co., grown Burt and Rust proof Oats, Hay?, Oats, Dairy Feed, Corn, Bmn'4snd ship stuff and all kinds ieed.. CffllRS Wants! Wants! JONES Exchange Stables J JONES PROPRIETOR, New Bern, N. C. EHttTFS - BOOK -STORE t e 103 MIDDLE ST W W W 1 rr'wn BEST OTHER '.' AND .!- . ,. . ..... . Building -Paints, Varnishes American V Field kBencc HARDWARE . re.- .1'' :(.. J ) '8 4 f;'l eve-jv !.-rs ti Z'z I. lane. Ohamberlaia'i Ta

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