: ;v V.. --' :r V" 'if '. f'is : ."'fXjl ' -'''-i.,''''- ,,,tV; r-, ' "jet-. f'.Vl.l'.-'.t. J. 'Zfi Vv'"' - ChiidrcCry for Fletchers The Kind ow Have Always Bc;feti and wWch has btn In ilae for;o?er 50 years, ha -borne tuo slcrnature of and has -Jf-A-S1-' sonal supervision since lis Infancy. ' ,."r Allow no All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good' are but Experiments (hat trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, i)rops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. Ii destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbo Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 ) Bears the ' The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI CCIHTiUS COMPANY, TT MUBBY STREET. MEW YORK CITY. SAVE MONEY Buy your lumber direct from the manufacturer. hand in Good Grades, Prompt Service, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Broaddos & Ives Lumber Co. L.G.Daniels HAS JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF MULES I S. Front Street, PRICES If you come to New Bern to buy any 'thing in our line and pay 10, 15 or 20 per cent on the dollar more than we charge for the same thing, then you must blame yourself for not coming to see us. We can serve you with a brand new open Buggy at $35.00 and a top Buggy at $45.00 and we know you cannot buy one any where else in this state at this price. We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We have over 200 customers, make yourself 201. With thanks for past patronage, we or yours truly, G. S. Waters & Sons BROAD STREET I To Farmers of Craven and Adjoining Counties. This year i9 the farmers' own. ' We rejoifce with you. - A wise farmer; seeks the best MARKET for his products. Kew Bern iljjaying more for farm products t6day thin any town In Eastern North Carolina and the New pern STORES! are overflowing with well selected and attractiveoodsthat;) jnay bebought aterlow pricesiiggll'i Nowa business prbposition jf oUon Sed (tton ? "aderra prodirciare ;'U tvot pay;the' iannei1 &M$frti?00k !3 been made under nu yi- . one w aeceire yuu w uus. Signature of Large stock always on CEILING, FRAMING, FLOORING, PARTITION, MOULDINGS, W EAT HER BOA R 1 ) I N G. I CHANGED NEW BERN, N. C. m ) New Bern, N. C. . .Z.-" i UnaWr h Oraterls &pIL ".ivv" 1 3 JtJKtW ttrfF:V oocepeaklng Of tt rfxnit of John . B, ; Uoosh. ; "1 wookl (co botiif wfter bearing bJe eiov thoroughly elafod,- bat when" my lother w mother asked fne srbat Gougbtiad :ikT( could not tell then! foe tlie life al oift 1 remember owe at a. Tale" cwDtneneeipeot-along In the fiftie. about the time tbat f was gradu ated there, ai.lDcident Illustrating the fore -of personal magnetism. Qonsb was to deliver en jpatlonL He spoke, of ceurs, on temperance. There was a dlstlngulshed'audlence. On the stag were man; of the venerable, notable faea In New B:i yon of That day. A lr.'c spnee was clear about tbe table. for Gougb liked to walk -back and. fortb as be talked. Be described bow a druDkard bad hen ten bis wife and came to bis climax with, 'Any man who would kick a woman ought to be kicked out of tbe universe!' "lie emphasized his words wltb a vigorous thrust of one foot, whereat every person on tbe stage. Intensely wrought up by the orator,' likewise kicked outward as did Oough." Kan sas dig Journal. When Tabby Raises Her Battle Cry. Despite tbe cat m softness, laziness. fiurtlnesa and puri-iuy amiublllty, ber piercing warcry in the night startles antl exasperates us beyond all beating not by its loudness, but by a certain vicious, weird, naif terrifying, half In furiating note In It tbat makes us spring to arms with tbe bootjack or other substitute for tbe boomerang, as 1 tlie warwboon of our tribal enemies did a ceutury or centuries ago, says !. Woods Hutchinson in Success Mag azine. One of Mark Twain's wise old fron tiersman bad caught this note when be explained to tbe tenderfoot that an imal speech had rules of composition aud grn inner. Just like human speech, and that "the reason a cat riles ye so ain't on account of (be noise she makes, but on account of tbe sickenln' bail grammar she uses." And be was right, for the grammar of scalp lifting and the whole alphabet of battle, mur der and sudden death tingles and screams in tlie rasping cry. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Ppsin, I'epsln is produced from the dried Inner lining of the stomach of a healthy calf. Most Active Volcano. Tlie lnos active volcano in the world 1m Mount Saugay, In Ecuador. It has been active continuously since 1728. YOU MUST READ THIS IF WANT THE'T.FNEFIT. YOU .1. W. Greer' Greenwood, I, a. pull'er d wiih a severe case of lumbago. 'The pains were ho interne I waa forc ed to hvivodermie injections for relief. These attacks started with a pain in the small of my hack which gradually became fairly paralyzine. My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidnev Remedy and 1 am tilail to sayaf ter using: !, this wonderfol medicine 1 am no limger bothered in any w by my old ewrny Uumbago." Davis Pharmacy. No Extension. "Is the wind due cast or duo west today?" asked on evasive creditor by way of changing the subject of Ms debt. "It's due now, nnd you'd better hus tle to raise It," ivas the unfiling re ply. WANTS TO HELP SOME ONE. For thirty years J F Boyer, of Fer tile, Mo., needed help and couldn't find it. That's wry he wauls to help somr one now. Suffering so long himself he feels for all distress from backache, nervousness, lo s of appetite, lassitude and kidney disorders. He Snows that Electric Bitters works wonders for such troubles. "Five bottles." he writes, "wholly cured me and now I am iv e 1 1 arc hearty. 1 is also positively guaranteed for liver trouble, dyspepsia, blood disorders, female complaints anj malaria. Try them. !" V at all Druggists An Expensive Pretant. Young Wife Yes, father always gives expensive things wlien he make presents. Husband-So I discovered when be gnve you away. (And thou he went into the library to vrrito n check for the monthly millinery bill.) A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD FOR MOTHERS. ' Mrs. D. Gilkeson. 326 lncrlea Ave.. Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom b experience.' "My little girl had a. se vere cold and couched almost continu ouBly, My sister recommended FoleyV Honey and Tar. The first doe I gvte ner relieved the Inflammation . In her ihroat and after qs ng only one bottle ner throat apd lungs were entirely free irom inflammation. Since then 1 al ways keep tbotUfl of Foley's Honey snd Tar in the house. Accept no sub stitutes. Davis Pharmacy. All AboutTt;"' . . V- ? To oirprgclate. f,utly this scrapf din, Ibgne quoted froi I.cnilon. Pnnch ow! Should hp the pro tdd pbhraoter)i en i&gei la ft. ;ATPirently tbey parted satisfied,, one that bt. had vtImpartetl Me real Informalbintbe other thnt be had rece1vetf'Sonie.t,(ild ne mooi" ""D'you, m pllec' cldwot'a 'is namr 'Iaa with-the collar?';.. ' IITO ol.o'.t ilmV : i .'aa"tp- Tro. dowijVictsr jof. I th nend-you nowi Thef' glviIni iril pqu cair ifsnatf ikrt git it, I flon'i -:-Beelyr ':''f !': - VKhVif otl Wd, (hen fW5 '4 did Jest (tomcfink, but bo details, cot afore, now.", " " v. ' VfS'iWroi MO T WBEsVweu ai feel 'Mat' and tired and ( licconraged, yoo should ttee (TBI rdWDU FORM) ' 7 Jt opens the bowels, aweeteln ' digestive morgans. A dose takeA at rof health aad energy. A A fr lhn With tk anlk KM VJ Ml I pil.llMIB.- mbimi I.ITW im, Bflr NT UW 1 U liquid ! r I. I ill w It. 1'tiM, au iw kMtk. Itauk to Um kttx lakcl. 4. H. ZEILIN 4 5? Pen, Chisel jnd Brush. t Holmaa Hunt spent seven yean a his great painting, "Th Triumph l the Innocents," and then was not ht all satisfied with It, while "The 8 infl ow of Death" took him three years. Sir Moses Ezektel has been linniji mou8ly chosen 'by the Confederate MemorlnJ association to model the monument to the sonth's dead tbat Is to be erected in the National cemetery at Arlington, just outside of Washlig ton. - " i Paul Johann Ludwlg Heyse, tbe vet eran poet And novelist who has Just been awarded the Nobel prize In lit erature, Is firobably best known to the general public tbrougi his play Mary of Magtiald" and his novel of the WoNd 'Children IT'S Y8UR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake the ('ause of Your Trouble. A New Bern Citi zen Shows How to Cure Them. Many people never suspect their kid neys. If-auflferiog from a lame, weak or aching back they think that it is only a muscular weakness; when urin ary trouble eta in they think it will soon correct itself. And so it is wi:h all the other symptoms of kidney dis oidorsr- That is just where the danger ttep. i ou must cure these troubles or they lead to more serious ones. The bet,t remedy to ufo is Doan's Kidney Pills, It cures all il's which are caused by weak or diseased kidneys. New Bern people testify to permanent cure. U A. Smith, 13 Griffith Street. New Bern, N. C, aays: "Backache caused me a great deal of suffering and i had other distressing symptoms of kidney complaint. Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured from the Bradham Drug Co , completely cured me. I have publicly endorsed this remedy before and I am now pleased to confirm my former statement, Our son, who had a weakness -of the kid neys, also used Doan's Kidney Pills and was relieved- For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.. Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for tbe United States. Remember the name Doam'sr-and ke no other. . How to Avoid Burning Saucoi. A large marble- boiled In sauces, cus tard, milk, etc., Will do the stirring ns the liquid cooks. Any chance of burn, lug vrtll 'be prevented, and thus the trouble of constant stirring and the faxk's time can be saved. How to CUarrTt Furnace. A small piece of zinc placed on the bot bed of coals In a furnace will quickly remove all tbe soot. i Served as roffee, the new coffee substi- tute known to arrocers everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee will trick even a coffee expert: . Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Pure healthful toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc, have been so eleverly blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying coffee taste and flavor. And. it ia ''made in a minutes,' too. fo tedious m to 30 minutes boiling, H. C. Armstrong. -' : Matter af Intelllgenoe. - Mrs. BubHrps-Jobu. did you call at the Intelligence ptUce today to Inquire about a maid, of all work Suburbs Tea, my ; tin. 8uburba Coulda't you And one) Suburba-ObJyea: I fous4 'doseo. but tbey were all too Intelligent td coma out to this tlacfc Chicago flews. I CASTORIA Tbs Kind YolKari Alwajs psu "''I Melted butter fnay be.ui In jtn .emergency' Instead of oUTol when 'tnaklaf ttaIlarVV.iJi'';r't lyfr hh )"' V' '""""'5 J BANKS O SURE THINO NOW s "I'll netef be without Dr Kln' New Lire PUIS Sgaln," writes A Uehin gect. 647 tm 8t., Buffalo, N. If. 'They cured ma of chronie constipation- Whew all Othars Taud, Jnrqualed -Jor Bili ousness, jaunoice .inoigmtiorv neio- acho, Chills, Malaria and UebiUty. ibt at au aruggista. Elfa Her face e's r ; speaks ' for Itsetl Stella Tea; and It is prettr-vtaln talk CblcT3 Nawa, - "i '. the stomach and strengthens the bed time restores a fine feeling Lb I. II r.unol ,rl It rrmlt to . w. wlA b r.l HIOPS.. ST. LOUIS. MO. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective Nov. 6. 1910 j Trains Arriving and Departing From i New Bern, N. C. An. 12:25 a m Daily From Goklsboro. I 9:20 Goldsboro. 5:30 p m " " Goldsboro. I 4:05 am" " Norfolk "5:15 p m Daily from Norfolk. ! 9:00 a m Daily From Orieutal. 3:30 p m Daily except Sunday from Oriental. : 9:02 a m 5:30 p m 11:35 a m Raleigh. from Beaufort. ! " Beaufort. j except Sunday from l.v. 12::t0 a m Daily For Norfolk 9:25 ' Norfolk. 4:15 a m Daily For Goldsboro. 0:15 5:35 p m 9:25 a m 5:35 p m 9:50 a m Oriental. 6:00 p m " Goldsboro. " Beaufort. " Beaufort, except Sunday for Oriental. 1:45 pm Daily except Sunday for Raleigh. Pullman Sleeper to Norfolk For further information apply to T. . Bennett, ticket agent, or, W. W. GROXTON, Gen'l. Pas3. Agt. B. I.. BUGG, " Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Down on Hi Luck. "Oh, JoUu,A she exclaimed b observed him gettiug into bis coat, "I hope you're not going s she over to be out again toulght!'' - "I bope not," he replied abseuttulud edly', "i)ut It's quite likely. Tbe card nave run very badly for uie lately." Many persons find themselves affects e J with a persistent cough an attack of influenza. As this cough can promptly be cured by tne tiBe of Chambe lain" Cough Remedy, it should not be allow ed to run on until it becomes trouble some, Sold by all dealers. A Mere Beginner, Caddie Well, old man, Yonj;ltv'i In your class now. Popley How do you mean? Gaddle H's a proud .papa too. Popley Huh! H't only an auiateur. CatboUi Standard and Tliuets. The grt-atcst danger from influenza is of its resulting in pneumonia. Tnis can be obviated i y using Chamberlain s Cough Remedy, as it not only cures in. fluenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumnonia. Sold by all Druggists. 8avd by" Drsam. 'Hlots conveyed by dreams are oc casionally worth heedlug," aaya the London Chronicle. "The late Lord Dufferln when In Paris dreamed that be was In a hearse on the way to the cemetery. A few days later, as be was about to enter tbe elevator of a cer tain botel, he was Htartled to And that tbe attendant was a double of tbe driver of the hearse In bis dream. He thereupon promptly left tbe elevator and Walked upstairs. Tbe car ascend ed without him. but ns it neared the top something lo the mechanism gave way, and tbe passengers met tbelr death.'' Bad they also, one wonders, been forewarned In a dream?" Worse than an alarm of fire at night la the metallic courh or croup, bringing dread to the household. Careful motn era keep Foley 'a Honey and Tar in the house and civs It at the first sign of danger. It conlaTbs no opiates. Davis . .' Onfslr. The Tailor-Married er alngleT ;Tbe Customer-Married. Why? The Tailor Then let me recommend my patent safety deposit pocket. It contains a most ingenious, little con trivance that feela exactly' like a live mouse. Chicago Newa. - The peculiar properties of Chamber lain 'a Couah Remedy have been tboi oughly tested during epidemics of in- nuenss.-ana wnen it was tatM in time we have not heard of & ainglf case, of pneamoniaasqia by mi dealers..,.' t ' 4 Kissed Off." H Whom hv-hts made a fool h Plays' a lotlng earns of pool: . I:: Wbn hs'd pocktt b wUl mlss- ';, .v'l' And edaflectsd by a "Waal'Vr : 1. -"Tie has core1 money than sense. . ' "Well. ''that doesn't - slgnlf great wealth." Hpoknne apokesman-Revlew, Notices STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA v DEPARTMENT OF STATE. CERTIFICATE OK DISP0I.l'1'hN. To all to whom time presents may mma t't't-' Inr. Whereat) it appears to m? aatiifaction, by duly athot'cated record of the prurerdinir' for the vohintary diaaotution themnf by the unanimous eoaaeut of all the atockhnldera. rlnivMitMl in my ; office, that the Pollocksville Lumber tkjrnnany, a corporation of thia State, whose princ ipal i llice la situated in tha town of Pollockevill.. county of Jonas, Stat of North Carolina (E. IS Klliott be ins the asent therein and in ehanri theruuf . up-; on whom proceiw may be ser.ed) ha i omplil with the reqnirententa of Chapter 21, n viwl of 1 1906. cntitied "Corporations." preliminary to (he I iasuiniipf this rertifirate of disaoiutioti: ; . Now. Iherefore. 1. J. BUY AN ORlMK'i. Swrcia ry of State of the8tate of North Carolina, riii : h-rehy certify that Ila sriid r-orirht ion ilitl. . on the 23d day of November liilil. fiie in my op j fice a duly exerut(l and iittesleil ronponl in , writinfr to the diHnolution of amd i-firporntion. executed by all the Rtnrkhokh'n theroof. whi,-h said consent and the record of the prorecdinp-ii I nforesaid arc now on Tile in my saul offu-e as provided by low. in testimony whereof. 1 have hereto et my hand and affixed my nnViulseul. at KuKikIi. thia 2-id day of November, A. 1). I9KI. ' J. BRYAN CHIVIES. eciet iry of Sl.tto. MORTGAGE SALK. Ily v'rlue of the aata contained in t!mt rortain mortKiir do-'! made and c-xecotcd t y T S. J;o k koo to T I A-hford and l! H Hall trading :i New Ufi a I'ruit Company, on the 2lh. doy of I ruary, 1(J09, wbich uaid niortiraifp drt-1 - m-onl-txi in the ofiife of the Itegifltei' of Ih -dn ul' 'ra ven county, in book nil uatie 2G:V 1. I. C. taiio-ls. j to whom th said mortiraire hua boen asinncd, I January 7th. lt)IO, will sell for cash to the hiKh- j i eat ladder to satisfy the mortgage indebtni- at ! the hour 12 o'clock M. on the tilth day of Junu- J I ary 1911. at the court house door in New Hern Craven county, N. C. that certain trart or earctd 1 f()lofland tyinar and hoing in Craven caunty .-;late aforesaid, in No 1 township and deii.i.'d as fol I fows. to-wit: Adjoining the lamls of T. S. J:ick- 1 i son, L M Morris. 1 G White and others. boKin- ' ning at L M Morris'touth. ast corner and running north with her linto W A Cleve's land. Th with W A Clevi to (I T Whit.- nnd Wm. White's line, thenco with their line to K r' ! : White's line. Thence with K F White's lim lo j 1 Haul Run, then with said run to T S Jackson ' j : line, then with said T S Jnckiion's line to tin- l - tfinninv, corner of I. M Morrts coot inning two I a res more or less. j This 7th. day of Dec.!mlir 1910. J L. t:. DANIK1.S. Assigne-1 of Morlj;ng' ENTRY NOTIC1 North ('arn)inrt. Junes County. To R. D. tlixon. Ite(riter tif DctHls und Kx-1 tUficio Euti y Taker lor Jom a ;unty. Th- un-1 dersignt) Amite M. Noble of l.noir county, j North Carolina entirs anl lays claim to tin- fol- j lowing deftcriWd piece or parol of land in While j Oak township. Jones county. Stair .f North I itr Una: the same bein vacant nml Hit'roi.n4tel land and subject to entry viz: l. ir r, un-1 liclmt on north side of White Oak river nntl noiili hula j of Black swamp on the head of I In- upper m.d lower areat branches. licifinnin ni tlie n.twl southwest corner of tieo. Polloel. thirty-two hundred acre farm which lies on tdo heuilof Black swamp and runs with David Allison putt. 'fit line S 70 pules to the line of RiKdon itt U.-t d. division thence wilh the line of tiiiii! division to the moat nnttheast corner of Haid Jivini'.n in Cyrurt B, Gliver'a line then with Cyro-. (ilnvei'ri line reverse to the aforesaid Pollock line then With the aforesaid Pollock line r.?verne-to the befrinninjr containing ftO ucres more or less. Entered this Nov. 21 11110. AN NIK M. Ily J. K NDI'.I.K. NOHI.K, ( 'laitiiiiiil Ft. I). DIXON. Ks. of Dae. la anil Entry AI M1 N ISTH A Tl i li'S N i ) I' 1 r K. TU uiutaraiffnail havitiir duty i tin lif j.-.l tv att ministratur at Mary K. Itamaon iL-coaMtl, notr fle all peraonB Ui whom ahe way iml.-btcl or haveclalma aaaiaat bar aatutt to ptrHPiii I li- aamt to tha underalKned adminiatratur fr eay- mnt on or b.fora lha 4th day at Noy. 1911 duly authenticated orthifl notica will b plead in bar of their racovary. All perna inilfbt-d U the decaaaod ararequirad io make imn'diate pay ment to the underalffned. JAMR3 M. IIARKIStlN. Administrator of Mra. Mary E. llan i..n ilec M H.C. WHITKHURHT. All., rimy. Nov. Sd: 1910 Prvenlic8, the nw Candy ( '"id Cure Tablets are said by dniKRistH to have four special specific advantages over all other remedies for a cold. First -They contain no quinine, nothing harsh or quickening. Second They give al most instant relief. Third Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth A large box 48 Preventica at 25 cents. Also fine for feverish children. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. England's Newspaper Tax. On June j lS5i, lCugltttul's news paper stamp duty was abolhdad, and tbe &gn of tbe cbeap daily began. Tills "tax on knowledge" was first Im posed in 1712 aud was made most se vere by tbe net of 1820, which Hied it at 8 rantit u sheet, with 87 cents duty on ench advertlsentcnt. Tbo VVIiIks reduced I lie duty to a penny In isai, but when, tbe Crimean win broke out and every, one wauled the nws even 4 penny duty was found to be Intolerable.- its repeal ia called the Magna Chartd of' the llrttlsb preax. Lake Druramond Cabal & Water Cake tVommond Transportation Lake Drammond Towing Co. ' DlsthwSwamp An Inland Route', Protected f rota Storm. Mine Ft of , Wtr Mirilmuni Depth Quick Tranjitfor Trafflo. ProUiptr ', Towinir and Freidit Movmnt.kT Towing and Frait Movernont.V '. For. toll, towlnjr and freight ;rs.tes ar,nl t office Irt Sahnnrrl Honlr ftottj! 'rv - . 1 , ' ins and at Deep Creek Lock, va :r ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS K. M SimmoiiH, M. H. A. IK Ward, Allen, ' v. WARD & ALLEN ATTORNKYS AND COI N'SKI J.ORH IV LAW fKW HK UN, R, C, " Olliee liootns 4ol-l-3 Llks Building . Practice in the counties of Craven, I Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico ami Wake, in the Su preme ami Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. D. L. WARD ATTOKXKY AM) COUNSEL A'Al AT LAW Hughes I'.uiltliii"; Cnwen Street New hern, N. ('. Practice in State and Federsil courts. Circuit, Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired. 0,1 II. M. DISEASES OF THE Eye, ar, Kose and Throat AND General Surgery Olli, in Elks Temple Next Dr. Galon, New Bern, N. ('. DR. ERNEST C. ARMSTRONG OSTEOPATH OFFICE HOURS HI a m to 12 ni, 2 p m to 1 p ni, 7 p in to 8 p m, ALSO I!Y APPOINTMENT. Offices, 318319 Elks Tfrrtplc ). II. Guioii, V. It. It. (iuion, 1101 Ai GW ATTOUXKYS AT LAW I'ractice wlien- services lire rriiiirod especially in tlie counties of Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, Slate and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 RR0A0 STREET Phons 193. Nw Bern, N. C. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PR1CE CONSULTING ENGINEER and COUNTY SURVEYOR. Room 316 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Lands. 7?. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones an I Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Office No. 50 Craven Street. Telephone No. 97. New Bern, N. C. Tell Some Sick One It Is Free If It Falls. Will Jon do an kot of Humanity? Will yon toll tome tick frlinl ol thli. lay remarkable ottarf Toll Ulm or her, that Tou have lirnl of a medlctne o certain that lu uiaker ilarn mx to tlx alek. "It la abeolutol awl unromliUouallr f(M If It fall"." And. too. no doabt. alreouy know (St Dr. Stoop i HeMoratlve end in popularity. For 20 yean It ha been Uie utanditM renv. edv for Stomach, Kidney and Huart allttrcnU evory where In America. When Ui ' 'Imlda" or controlllnc nervea of theMTlUlonranabefintofall. It 1 Dr. Hl.oopl kMloratlve tluit hai qulokly vlullzvd. ami tr.-ii-themd, end 1rouflit theas uvrvea and orgaiu back to hoalth again. 1 do not doae lha Stomach, nor ittmuleM lb Heart or Kidney for that It all wrong. ' ' pt. Bhoop't KattoratlT se dlmrt to th eWfOWoftlioe allmnt th fntllnt, faltertnt, 1nltorrantrollfnsnrvs. And herein llei th keyoote toniy tucceai. f. When Uleea twrrei era acaln made welt n4 Krone:, Utw Utt U th aartaia, ul of all auolt ', tUikoM. - Tome It tt a treat tathtaotloit that I theonly bhyitelau able Ml aay to Ue uBerln f ikk. "Tkk my preec rlptlon for full M) day. au4 i If It latll Ui help you. th uUr xyue la !o uotyoon." . . Tlnii whvthould th tick 'takt ami- cJuinct on any othtr tntdicint. whot$ maktf 4ar not back itjuMta Ida by thii rmarnaci4 onrK- lallOhaaRheuMttoUimcdT stiiltrmt ftmedy tt eafmvil fcy th toua klenttoij . HaJ: : r'u baip, no ar aroteotlv plan. - s- . -.' ...'i;. . 'Beit(ic,yoaarfiM toooniull nut hut S ,.,,; foa vitulil tout bom phyticlan. My edvia and A Ui cecaotiow eta-yeiue-aca wiicout cok. Periiapi a word or f word or two Iran ni will clou alimeut, I AaVblpedthoamDde bi itnt prlva ptwrlptlon o A aorue ajrioiu lot poo thoutanot penotial adyta plaa. Ky UMeaoiti suisiy . -y rorUi yQurjlmpl rqiMt.. iiiaiie w um tick friend. ; , , U f JflS" iSSS..a h ' x ve i ntsa t esaa nuueai sauu s uv vri iiir ui m , ret to wtww you caa euavwuanuy t tot u - "t, a.km for th order, fct alt dws day ten ltttariiotnuUiortwdtoilVtlMi8Udiiytett. 1 so wrii u.e nowaud v aiinuari. R -.1.1 If A'.; l r hi: n-v, ti, haul, Yi Its Off r

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