a,: .1878 WTMBER 22.1 deccibcb, 24 1910: TulIbT (L.ljLS L.d Li.. 1 L.i.mjL....) P1Y5: .7 WHAT tCULIX ' YGU-BJ) ? .. .... n ,: J:'.,f . t' 1 K Li. W J v a er i. .BeSi : CTXULATION " 1 -V (4 'iJ 4 r 'nr.' '- 7 , 4- , OUR Jncorae is the flf.tvWbat would ped by sickness of ? x w: ybaafe feasonabIsure.tnat it will top swn?' junkt'Didyou em think' what jrou would du then?' Why -not begin preparation for; the day when; the income 4 ma; , stop by saving just alittle from what you have now ?3?Tv r4' A savings account at thisjiank will pay-you 4 per cent - interest, compounded semi-annually.;., r$ CIS COMPANY ACTS IS 'flOSSIWOUUBIIIl " i I . l , ., .. I I III .Ill III I II; Never displayed to the Trade a Line of More Vital Interest Than . 1 "" - -:'-..' . .... - ' -.- " . "i " we are To-day : in LONG LADIES ANB SWEATERS J .1. MITClEi &G0; 61 POILOCK ST. i S.: M " ' S wSff"1'51' "iff ' EUis' "CoalWi Wood YPho'ne' 47: G&RLOAD ; BUCK'S STOVES I RltlGES . i )7i .j.:s.;.E!s::;::ff i:::::he 1- only support of your fanK. you do, if it -should Be stop some other trouble ' " Well, " N rr COAT SUITS COATS PHONED 288- 1 S - A CHRISTMAS CALL" . - ' .BY SAiTA CLACS r 1 . if he has some first-das coaT to his pack wiQ be welcomed beyond wojds by many a family in need of creatqra comforts these cold days -and colder oighu.3: If yon , don't v'want 1 0 ha knawn In &o -matter - just leave an order and the pnoe; for a ton or towithos thenarae and address of the amily . you- motif fhoonxl Wnnr : uHnhon will - "be respected and' earned out, cium eedh. c. wYTHEqmisTMAs nuHi for our confections has been 'y fu"y'.-Jci;2ted crj vietre 'j r. f;:r rrcrtfj ' ! c: Cr'I 3 ! ' n SealshiptfJb. lias Bought p the svPriaclpafBecU oa the At-.-. lantlo-Coast. f Th? jNew York Commercial publishes the following r t-Va ' v Behind th ntrnce f Irtorant banking 15 fereta Into' thalDirectpfate o the SeafcMpt Oyster Sy BtemJ a & eern which bgao modestly enough' In tbo bulk oyter traH a-bort4iai9 ago, is tin ambitioofl platt to ;pracUcllyjno nopolimtha entire" byitosr businesa of the Atlanta Coasts jj; - The company aa been quietly liuy ipg up oyster. b(Ja in thia jart-of the country; nd no pwioa, fa , addition to 30,00a acre jofnnder-water, i'yster grounds along theSountfj and iaNirra- gansett Bay, some 14.000 acres, or 95 per cent 'lof tha Bine Point beds in Great SoOtb BaysWith thrradditioDal capital assured by the entrance, of new interests tnto the company, ivla the in tention ofvthe trostto carry t its opera' tiona into the Chesapeake oyster' fields and to handle thein the-shell tjade in j the same way that the WMk oyster aie- tcibation has heen organized. V- SS The company, wilt take over thia aea- aon, aj existing Ibises expire, the Great South Bay beds, ,rh1en are the -only source of tha -Blue -'Point 'oyster since theNew York legislature -passed laws against the- misnaming oloystera., r ,i ".Tha company's grasp, of -the retail distribution, ia ' evidenped .by- the -iact that they have already 25, OOQ agencies handling tbe bulk of oysters under v the syetm of diatribuVon undor-.a'trade mark 'method.. AU of these jagente sell at a uniform price and arevalloweda uniform profit, the company V policy being to attract buyer to ita. product by. a wholesale -ad vertisioa; campaign and exploiting sanitary methodaof cul tivation and- ahipmrnr with . certified bacterlological'.ahalyaeB . ' The hew members 6f the' board -in clude AndrewW.-Preston, president pf ibe United Pruit Com&any' which liaa practical monopoly u of the banana trade in thia jeountry. $ It ownf and leaieB nearly half SY million acres of fruit landaTand: operatet . 1 fleatol steamers," -The. other new directors are m. u, uiiaerwooa, premaeni oi -tne WilliamUnderwoo Company j' Henry Hornblower, of. Bornblower & Weeks, Hi EL Rica and Alvab, CrecaeK v ' ' The oyster beds of the company at their present extent are valued at S3,? e00,000. and besides thai Ureat. South Bay they hoh sunder, .water lands'- at Greenport Nortbpoit and Huntington Bay on the north shore of Long Island and,, at . South - Norwalk, Bridgeport; Conn,, and ta Narragansett, Bay, R. L Fine Christmas Stationery M. E.tWhitehurst & Co, - , i " Prizes f rlve;Tollars Each for - Es- x lays on Hookworm Disease - and , ? General Santtatloid .' -T1-. vMra.W. U Hutt, Chsirman-df the tieaUh'Bpartment of the SUtefed eration.of Womens Clubs; has offered three;: - and may perhapr onerjnore, priset of five dollars each to be . given for thffbest essays on HnooRwerm Dis- eae and GeViertl Sanitation The, prises onerea as lonawa:- w v r. KiviC tiDlIars to th?3oy ir jtlrl underji4 bythem fife years : of age. : for tboJwst essay onf nk;rt J, , i , Five" dollars to tha boy or girl over 15 years and urider-21-years for the "best essay on Hookworr Piseaae. Fivedollata to the oy , or girl under 15 years of age. for the best assay on General Sanitation, w firsdlnd .of Esssy es Hookworm' DUssse: English Composition 'i ,- 15 points Style and neatness - 'J. 15 points Knowledge of the disease, how1 -'ysH -' it , may ' be acquired, 'the- t" ? harm it may produce, , l . . where it may exist, etc 35 points Origirtaliy displayed in propfs d ; scheme for suring the sufH,v' . r ferers Jn your countyand ' -correcting.'" existing condi- ; v., tion so thatthoae who are f ree from the disease may- ;.. ' v not be exposed to it - 35 points ' The contest will be pen January 1st 1911, and close March 1st, 1911. All who enter th onteRt. should nend in their essays to Mrs. W. N. llutt, Chair: man, 1 Raligh N. C. The grading of the essay a'on General ? rii!:iuyn will I mmiiar to tne graairj oi t;.a ei on Hookworm DiiiuaBft. ' -- It la hoped that all local eW i or oilif'rcivic lcngucs willmuke alwi': r of fers for" their own-coiu!i.i m, ; ovortl.ii ! '! tl'i r'. ' ' ii t r'jiinty r'-. t' t I' - v i r r- 'i;!y liR omi ' f r t r f" i ! n i h-nipn for one or , ,r ( r t .;:,!' - ' v : i a'i..-' f 1 t.i ifaaretania- jrakc8Eonnd Tri Across1 Ocean ( in. 12 ivji J s t" ' - -! - r f ' Fishguard, Wales; ta. Maoretania which- left Liverpool,1 ember 10th in an attempt ,to make f record! voysjre. toJew York tfnd retoA I hk twelve dass. arrived here at 10:22 d m. Thursday Tbe qqick.royage aeoA theitcean fnd back andTthe rapid M ing on bf cargo at New York,' enabling the continental: ttassemrera r to reach their destinations before. Christmas, tsl a source of greatest satisractkwN popi among the -passengers and those whs gathered here to meet the steamer"!" It was the .first time 'that a diaeri barlunant at night by feJtlg, liner has beed attempted: at this porVi It was a novel scene. Ther hajrbor .ftu altlase with ? searchlights, flarea and vocket, ysseto blew their'-whistles, ' aiterja brayed and the. crowds cheered ai tbe Mauretajjia Steahted in, hef .band tag aou ner necas crvwuea, jviut, pas sengers The weather throughout: tne eastern voyage was favorable, "ty tlfe aid of four sawh1ighfa the ai hundred passengers and tha inaihi were landed .wiw too greBimtfuitieuiuuit- -jmeinw sage of the vessel oocupied fonr tlays, fifteen; hours and. flftyseven, minutes. She maintaihedC ind avtorag -speed of 25,0t knots.. '.&' ' i Si.-.- ? 1 is) li ii iiriMsaMeiaasasl l. WILLIAMS; KIDNEY PILLS 1 " iiave you negieoteo jroir .idneyST Have you overworked your nervous ays temand ctse trouhle' with youx.kki neya and i bladder? Havo; ;you pains In loins, side, bwk, groins and bladder? Havo you a : flabby appearance" -ofj the face, especially under the yes? Tootred quent a desire to pass urine? If so, U. Hams' JUdney fills will- core- you-kt Drugtist, Price 59c' Williams' ' M'f'g. Co., Propa,, Cleveland,' 0, ' ' r , - " m - ' i Suction tfrt&it leaves Motchsad The auction 'dredge .'Capo .JFeajr' which has - been at work atlMoreheaoVj Ciiy and Beaufort during tbe fiast eight months , has .been transferred to tne mouthof the Cane Fear fct Sonthport The' appropriation funds for Beau 'or t anj lfforehead was exhausted--. " i 131.. rrom One of NewBern'a Best Having used Savodtne. freeh accord ing to directions Idt my; family, Ij on aider It tha best, remedy 1 hsvever tried Tor bruisesr lor cold la the head, throat and chest, for rheumatism; i for sciatica, neuralgia and catarrh After IT two year's test T recommend Savo dtne to all who suffer from -any of the abova complaints ; " , . ' ' , i MRS. P. C-BOBERTSLv" f ? (f new oarn, , i., ii" "" Hew s. it. loach Room.--f rj ' Amonsr thelnahv feathrea at theriew Uhion passenger, station; is an ,ui to- dat lunch room. ' This plaeei. which la under tha management of,'; the affabe u. muma iHyiurnt ayrupriai iy iq- catecMo' serve the -wants of tbe gravel mar nublic and . will be hichlucanorech. 3 in rorsAifi:.;;' 'three shares' New Berk-Baikirg & r i rust tympany's stoeir, your teat oi ier, f Appiy w r. u. vox os, -j- A- nu;!iuOi;(s Aino:;ip Latham . in Monoptano Follows tj - Flying Birds 'and ; Ilags " . " "-a 'Few ' V" Los Angeles, Cal.,; Dec.; 23-Ilwhort Latham, the 1 i' "' h aviator, went duck t-...: j .. T . T:.-1l..i. !.. nuilllili; Ut I: a I V VIIIU n III" a . - i . .. i t .. ... . nionopii.na. ie cue. i over tne ieea- ingf grmin of the wild fowl, .d ivinR his r 1 ii j i t a hijrh"rate tit ppecd. -1 f V''i IjirJci into the i 'r in tiff . i , I.a-till- i t i t t o I ThfSptrtt of itf jdnha Air and ;.Kveiywaerer:r-Jronigb.tTh6u3- ; -andsrrfJ.UrchlnaV Will f v n - Christmas is almoVtJiere lnthedii- i. f tance the shrill whistle nf the boistsr oas loathbetakens-its approach-; on tbe streets .the merry laughter of the bright eyed lass1 gives signs of "chmlng,-cheer; (ar down the river; the; rising sun be comes deeperJtinted with theominjr of each suceeedmg morn, as if Jto "embody withirrjitself fhe glork)u Roso'of Sharon) busi'y the merchants display their 'painted wares to the wonderment oi the passim? child who knows, even though he is not tokv .that something out of the ordinary is coraimr to oass. cheerfully the 9on. of toil follows his. plow, ior is not the very air laden with refreshing thoughts that ' - check the njay-ipesaimisstio woe and bring tidings of great joy, Christmas is not far away. Out on the marshes and the bank of the riveH where the mellow moonbeams pierce the leaves and the ; shadows dance upon" the grpund beneath, the echo of some weird -call, falls opon . the ear. But weird it Is-not mournful. It is the ex pression of Joy thatis welling up In the hearts of tbe "tired "old negro, as he ia returning home the 'possum" hunt with- his sack full.- And the loyous entict-4 ation ofrrpostum and "Uters cause such distortions of his homely counten-, ance that the" moonbeams checlf their fanciful "playlngs and liidebehind the foliage above, Old Tlgewho; thin With ihe tiM economy1 of the ast year, howls ah accompaniment to the weird call of his msster, no doubt fancying that his tones are the symbols of the hneny thoughts that they are having! for does he iiot see the visions' of the- coming feast? Jn the section ot-the city where the Eihiop bolds hia. Way come merr cries as the little pick amues chase each other and. then closing in groups wish, and Wi h. and ; wish, till their 'desited for limekilns new.; hecQmes almost Croa- UveJ . And asthe eye Tails upon their joyous poverty, we- are .remin 'ed, ' Chrfstmas come? tut once a yean" tven sow taey tevel in thesnucipa in of the joy ' that - has not an S may not come, and the chicken that y.t roosts in some neighbor's yarvV Yejj. Santa Clans is coming. The music, of the universe rushes in and drowns our; sorrows with Jta welling wains.. And wo Jcnow that the World is happy at Ihli tun, 'or ii it not true that the worll of t me portrays all our ills and joys? . ' . The birds sing no note of sorrjw, save thef wl that dwell In the realm of darkness. All the air. is alive with song. All around us we sea-tight up, we lea mothers Jiopeful; father gay, and cbil- dren jnerry and we feel, after all, that there is something more- in thjevent than an opportunity lor comrneroial giin j thaW fter all, the stars' are slm utgovef Beth,leh?m. " fJ X heum4furff Helieved" in Six Houn . r, i-T iU' " H. pc Detchon'erelief for Rbeumatfim usually relieves severest cases' in -f ew hoorsts action upon" the system Is remarkable, and; effeetive, -Jt removes at once the- cause and the disease quick ly disappears,' tirat does greatly bene-Btaf-.76e and 1.00.VSold IbyBradham DrustCo -". '-S L- -.Ji BrsQslreet'a . Weekly .Trade , Report, Richmond,- Vs.- Dec 2J-Bradstreet's Saturday will say for- RIchmohd aa ) vicinity:- C. ' i With th'Tianltniif linoa affM'ai) Ej the holiday tJra1e, wholesale ; trileJ has the aspect of the pre-in ventory s son. Wholesale : grocersr confection ers and dealers In holiday goods report business as up to the average. Pro luce and fruits are high but in good deman . Relail trade shos activity and dalrs in jewelry ani kindred lines report sales In excess of recent ye rs. Weath er had favore I tha handling of knje to baccoant baIcs havo been unuiually hsavy, pricei are- good, sonns of the-l pr a aullinfr as high as thirty ns are fair. ircvAVcr6c!rrrceFori Ssv- V." in' I. hi -n, N. a r 21, 1010. Ti,. tQ5AV!NGS TWPPINESSlliI often depencte in alargfrweasure friends jnanifest towards each other their regard, wtehesi.welfare and" good will. The ettstom "of giving bftlWoka U tokehfa of remem brance at this season is a most llfaiif&.imaaS'4t evideoeeB " that you have giye"n careful thoughts lh selection e the gift ' ""-Youan ophi accounts in this, bank .h l. 00 qr-aauh owe as -. you wish 6o give. The banfc booKs wMIe Issued in the oames you designate, (enclosed in special holiday envelopes and maihMrwith your card so theywill reach tho'persohs' for wliorrl fthey. are intend-" ed Christmas morniatr. ;..'. : m '-' , i Per Cent Inter esjf on ' dyings. W M.DUNN pre sr. C D BRADHArvl VICE PRC ST. arid Christmas morn will break, forth all oyer this greafland 'of ours. So we mention a few of the many, many useful as well' as appre cjative gifts from this great stock of ours, gifts that make Xmas merrier. A large stock chiefs, Initial Handkerchiefs, House Slippers, Knit and Silk Mufflers, Nifty neck fixings in Lace Collars and Lace Yokes, Umbrellas, Shoes, Belt : Buckles', Gloves and hundreds of other useful gifts. Just come Jn any time and let us suggest and help, ypuT J, J. BAXTER TJET. STORE VERY SHEER mm BINE ' A Very Fine JUaco Hose 35c; 8 pairs for $1.00. The nicest line of all tieerHand'Bags irom '$i.'0Q toli60.jrvec.Leyira in. New. Bern. A 7 lew fine Caracue Coats received to-day.' 8EE THEM. v' p. ;:.: j, ''L " ".r"- j-'Vc.-j' . iA-i "j '- ...i, mam mmmmMmm . less 1 L .' 11 1 ' vor RangeawiilX one QfKe.;xarid raosf'iisefuV. "things y6tf catf put in your home AQttart off the New. eimiiW0v 'sen ;;We ptiU ' ;.navc a uitc, iiuc v Wa aiiu vvuuu iicatciSf, ju ii;xi versjand Perfection Oil en Ware; irIfgsHir??. GASKILV: tiARiVAPKB CO. Middle Strort. ; " : : ., Phone COURTEOUS " . 4.- rw. 'ii TA.UZZEUL t A S H I E R" Bath Robes, A Suit of Clothes, An Overcoat, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Rain Coats, Gloves, Sox,, Hats Caps Handker chiefs Suspenders' Silk Sox, Knit and Silk Mufflers, Ties and a great -many other fine Christmas gifts Tl? of Fancy Handker ELKS'TEMPLE 'mJm HOSE 50c; and!,$l,00. 4 ! OJSkjl.,''V,- 117.. fc-v fcrnfcN. C. AND I I r 7"r ' rr.v!f : .'5 5 1 Si. "4 0? i a. 5? ; t C ;:; 1 ', 1 (' ih. Rifles. tKr.u , . .j, i ..... . i v.. y i