ESTALLISIIED-- CI .L'w LVIIOM NEW lillliN. NCILT11 CAROLINA. FRIDAY JIOILMXU. LECEMBER. 0 1910C' mm. in nil 22 ; .: V. TWKXTY. NINTH . y:..( , , It t - .... 1 : vr ii i IAT. WOULD: YDU. BO? tune OUR: income is the only support of your fam ily. vWhat would you do, if it should be stop- ,'ped'fcy sidtness or some other trouble?" Well, i you are reasonably sure that it ill " stop ; sorn,e Did you ever think what you would du then? "Why , not beghl preparation for the day when the income may . stop by saving just a little irom wnat you nave now r " ' - - - , ' i ,i. - ' - A savings jccAunt St this bank will pay you 4, per cent : "interest,' compounded semi-annually. x- '' . . -IBIS COMPANY ACTS AS ADMINI5TRAT0B, : OR A8E8T.' r- mm-MUE & TRUST CO. twf IF YOU ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO BEAUTY 1 QUALIJY See the line of Ladies Black M. Satin Shirt Waist, all sizes, only J. 1. MITCHELL k CO. 61 POLLOCK ST. ' - . PHONE 8 1 . i 1 1,1 STATE OYSTER- -f.;E!rsco;;.i;iTio: ...r, vn, fit: rrni a If Ellis Coal ahcl Wood Yard " Phone 47' A CHRISTMAS CALL' BY" SANTA CLAUS If he has some first-rfaBacoal ' in his pack will b welcoroeS beyond words by many a family in need of. creature comforta these eold days 5 and coldet nights.. If .you don't ' want lo be knuwn in the matter jutt leave an order nd the pricftv for & ton or two with w the name u and addreewf 'tho family y ou t want cheered'. ''Your wished will , be respe ted nd carried out Most Important Session. Demand " For Change in. Present System ' State llanagement. - " The called convention for the oyater meneld at Elisabeth CityNm 28th, was not largely attended but (he con vention entered upon a work of reform in. the State oyuter industry,, : . that promises -to restore this most Important industry that at present baa declined to a point of almost ! nothing. , Elizabeth City was1 as is usual most 'generous in hospitality ' Every provision for enter "Smment waf ample, - and the courtesy of her citizens made, every guest feel at ease. 'The gathering was held in the courthouse, called to order at 11 ft. m. by Col. E F Lamb, President of Cham ber of Commerce after prayer, by Rev. J, D. Burday, an address of welcome was tenedered the convention ty Bon. E. F. Aydletk'The election of per manent organjationresulted, Chairman Mf. Thos. J. Markham.Sscretaryies C L Stevens, New Bern, W. ' R. Rowe, Vireinian citizen. Irvington, Va. H. R.- Houston, Hampton, Va. M. C. Crowson Elizabeth City. " - 1 . NMr. G. N." Is, of Nw"Bern made the first address on the Past Present and Future of the Oyster "Industry, sound, practical one. that embraced personal experiences' of years. It cauRht the convention and was justly applauded; Mr, L r uersteih ,of Nor folk made interesting address, some discussion following, the convention ad jurning for .dinner..- At the afternoon session, Commissioner of; Fi heries of Virginia, W. McO. Lee, spoke on the Virginia Oyster Industry. It told of therimmense advance made is Virginia, and the almost perfect observance of khe oyster luw, a retenue of over two for one for the expense of conducting the Fisheries Besides Mr. . Lee the convention was honored by several prominent gentlemen from : Virginia, associated-in the oyster industry. Great disappointment was felt at the absence of Mr. W M Webb, State Oyster. om missioner, who sent a paper that was read by CoL Limb. It was a depres- Ising document, showing a continual foi- lowing olt n the caren xt oysters dur. ing the past ten years, with the conse quent loss of revenue, that did not al low enough to grve protection of Uie oyster grounds, in maintaining the law Dr. J. H. Pratt con Oyster Legisla tion, maie an address that commanded close attention and received the. hearty approval of the convention. Among those present were Congressman Small aid Col, W. F Beasley who made short talks. At night the convention ,as given atanquet by the Merchants At socialion and Ceamber of Commerce, that was enjoyed by over one hundred. - v C, L, S."J - . i - i,' in. -f - PILES CURED IN 6 101 OAYJ FAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure ny cas of Itching, Blind, Bleed' ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c' y VI 1 1 J-1 1 ' ". '1 111 - i-J J.' - 1 FciLliiiiMiP MKjaMuw.ji'B''j!'j)ti.i'u.i'i'i im, ji,amurmim mi it - :J. S. ES'isBI Mm CO..' KB CEP, (I. C. Ti'FT'llLOE ,. :ext on- Ik is Announced That Roosevelt ;VilI Support President. pifl erences Patched up, , . Washington, Dec 29, Jhe . word has gone out definitely among the close friends of-President Taft that he- wilt be as active candidate for renomination in 1912, according to a -story in a Wash- inrton afternoon paper. ,:i;".' ThAe who have been entertaining the belief that Mr. Taft might not be a can didate for another teiuvight as well give up Such An idea ?rThe President's close friends know that ho intends, t run. r Not only that, but' steps'" Are be ing taken to clearthe wy of ' Taft't renomination.' The : rough places, are being smoothed over where tbia is pos sible and friendships are being sought rather than enmities. x . C Not alone the renomination is heing kept in mind, bat also "the re-election of the president. - As a mattejf act, j the men closest - to the - president; are worried more over the election than they are Over the nomination. They feel confident the president eon get the necessary majority of delegates in the next Republican National Convention to insure his nomination. But Che Dem ocratic drift displayed fn the election of November 8 causes them anxiety. ' NOTICE. if .. -Those owing me money and will not pay bills upon presentation will please call and settje their account1 before January 1st, or all meats after that date will be gent them C O. L. Respectfully, ISAAC COHEN. Coast Line Market. New Industry For Vanceboro.' Raleigh, Dec. 29.r-The Bland Farm ing Co., of near Vanceboro, was-.' char tered to deal in real estate - etc The authorized capital-stock is $ .0,000 and commences , kuainess. with $7,000 sub scribed. J. L. Bisnd is the principal stockholder. . . ! Union Passenger Station Opening. S Next Monday January 2nd, the Union passenger station will be open for the traveling publics At night of the same day, the station will be lighted through' out. and an .invitation is extended to the citizens to; .inspect ;th9 building, Ladies are skod tt attend and bring their husbands. , f-"Zi FlneFlsl W. S. andgam!, Parsonsjook WflshJ from their nets in Neose river yester day mornings -weighing 294 pounds. These nets are 20. yard? long and there were 15 nets. and were located between here and the mouth of Duck creek, one and a halt miles from ' town. The Ash were sold to GeO. N. Ives and at 161 cents a pound brought t48.4L : '' ' SOCIETY FIRST Ell; v ;: WAS CONCLUDED BRIDGE WHIST CLUB; At her hospitable home, on Graves St. Mrs. David Congden very" charmingly entertained the Bridge Club ytsieiday afternoon,?- " Aa the guests arrived they were invi ¬ ted intoho dining room, "where Miss Henrietta :.r Hancock - served " delicious fruit punqh. v At the close of three rub- bera an ice course was served.-'-. . . The ecore cards were loveiy Chrisl- Unas tarda, with .Christmas: greetings . Mrs. ondnJon's cuests were; Mes- dames Monroe HowelEdward Bisnop, Guion Dunn,-Richard "Duffy, . James Mitche'l -Wi liam Dunn, David Jarvin, Ramond Pollock, Barr, J. K. Hollowell, Thomas Warren. Samuel Eaton, C. D. Bradham, William Hand. ' " v Miss Adelaid -Myers, Mm .: EulaUv Willis, Miss Maud Munger; Miss Bettie Windley, Miss Scliench,' Miss Harriett Marks, MiBs Mpmie Rtcharrtson, Miss Sara - Congdon and .'Miss Henrietta Hiniwk. '- i yesterday Morning, f Five Other Atleged Whi8key Sellers Bound '-0er to Superior "tjourt. ; "OneBkips Hi$ Bond. - At 10 o'clock yesterday morning the preliminary hearing of- the alleged re tailers who were arrested Monday morn ing and which had been continued from the preiiouB day, was resumed. - J. ' W. Smith was called, and be stated to the courtlhat he "was merely a cletk for Brinsori and Goulding and that he had sold liquor by Instructions of the firm for which he worked. Smith was bound over to the, next term of court under a $100 bond. No other evi dence was introduced in his case, his own testimony being deemed sufficient for the court teiiold him. ' - T". CCHdward was -ruext called, and officer Rowe testified that he runs a5near-b4er stand and. he -said he thought, he had a U. S. license. Had aeon some people come out tf there f Ith whiskey. He said he sent a man in there that bought two half pints and he also v saw another man go in there and buy some. '; Officer Bryan said that he also saw a man go in there and buy some whiskey. Officer Bryan further testified that the U. S. liquor license was in the name of 'Hawk & Phfllips.' Howard asked the court to ask Mr. Crawford' if he had received any whiskey for him in the last four years. Mr. Crawford was only prepared to tes tily as to liquor received in December and he stated that the N. S, R, R. had notreceived any liquor for Mr. Howard 14-the month ef December.' -j, Mr. Howard stated that he was mere ly a clerk for Phillips & Hawk. Tbe court required a $250 bond for hfs ap nearancc at the next term of Superior Court of this county. In the case-against J. W., Stallihgs Officer Rusaell testified that he has seen liquor bought at Stallings' place. That on Friday Dec. 23rd he saw a man who said that he wanted to btfy some liquor and told the officer to yatch him get it He saw the man go in Stallings' place and come out with the liquor. When Officer Russell was examined J by Stallihgs he stated that when hr seurched Stallings' place he did not find any liquor behind the counlei. He found liquor in Stallings desk which Stallings claimed was forhis private use. Mr. Russell also testified that Stallings grabbed him when he attempted to get ihe liquor out of the desk, and also at tempted to kick the liquor out of his hands, and did Bucceed in . kicking one bittte front bis hands. Mr. 3 . H. ft wfrrd testified that in December he delivered to the order of 41 - NEW BERNN.C, . ri OSAVINGS HAPPINESS M COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE XL. . often depends, In a large measure, upon the degree in which friends manifest towards each" other their regard, wishes of welfare and good will.- The custom of giving bank books as tokens of remetjj brance at this season is a most delightful one because it evidences that you have given careful thought to the selection of the gift . You can open accounts in this bank wjth $1.00 or aa much, more as you wish to give. The bank books will be issued in the names you designate, (enclosed in special hofiUay envelopes) and mailed with your card so they will reach the persons for whom they are intend ed Christmas morning. 4 Per Cent Intetest on Savings. WM DUNN PR EST. CD BRADHAM VICE PPEST. TVA.UZZ ELI-CASHIER , , PILES I flLES 1 PILES t .Williams Indian- Pile Ointment wi cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles,' It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williama' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, Sole by druggists, mail 60c and $1.00. Williams' M'f 'g. Co,: Props., Cleveland, O. . , ;, ,' i THE .CHRISTMAS Mill for been fully j!r.iki;o.tcd arid we ere rrcpnrc;! srfrlj a,'! !' Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usually -relieves severest cases in a few hours. lis action upon the syatnm is remarkable and effective, It removes ;it nnrn the cniiHO and the diiM use quick ly diHnppears. First dose greatly bene fits. 750 and $1.00. Sold by Bradham DrugCo.,. Deer Chase in City. PLOT TO D LO VJ UP IMS W, Staltiogs 5 c sea and 5 barrels of whiskey, and that he now has at the station 12, caws of whiskey, 6 barrels ot whiskey, and 6 barrelsof beer, con signed to b ra. ; ; L : . Stallings was. held under a $250 bond, '-' ':" . - :' Juke Moore: a nemrn. waa next tried. Officer Bryan testified .that he has a place, on Middle street That on p eember 1 23rd a man came ud to him. and said he wanted some liquor and told the officer to watch him get tBe i said he saw nlm go to vake Moore who , was standing in i frontj of his place,: and he sar them go into the place, and this man bought some whiskey and came out with.ifci: - Mr; J, Ht Crawford es'UM that in December be d livered to. the order of Jake Moore 29 caseTorTwh'skey which was consigned to hinV That he has now on hand at the station consigned to Jake Moore 46 cases of whiskey and 2 rbarrels of whi8keyi.fej.S.v Jake was houn! over under s $250 bond;"..'vN;:.;, Sam Simpson was brought into court charged with retailing liquor. '. City a' torney Mclver asked that "this case bi postponed fpt twenty days and as Simp win's attorney, Wilson, did not object, Simjison was recognized for bis appear- anco In 20 asys.wr.-;,,f;.r. w,r2'i;i Prominent Greensboro Man Tells . I of Savodine. ;V ; a. f. r C; !! VO SI Ahhevillo, lui'l a fmo t i Dec. 23-:ver'il liiintcni rifj yr:i(cri).iy in i of a t' i fr B'ven-1 A Disoovcry Made Tuesday (k)ii -. coctedby Japanese. - . ' Manila, Dec. 20 A Japanese pint to place a mino in Mnnila hnrbor for I lie the purpose of blowiriff up Amri ;in SMILE" The Newest thing in a Hat, just from the Smile block to our store. The correct hat for the smart dressed man. Stop in and let us show you this new hat j. j. BAXTER DEPT. STORE ELKS TEMPLE LADIES FINE SILK HOSE all A' V . VERY SHEER 50c. and $1.00. A Very Fine Maco Hose 35c, 3 pairs for $1.00. The nicest line ot Leather Hand Baes from SI. 00 to $3.50 ever shown in New Bern. few fine Caracue Coats received to-day. SEE THEM. REMEMBER THAT WE SELL EVERYTHING FOR LESS id? i?arlge3 w1 b ne of the best and most useful things you can-out in your home to start off the. I?ew . f. YearA-We guarariteweveryone we sell. , We still . have a nice line of Coal ahd Wood Heaters, Oil-Heat-! tefsand Perfection Oil Cook "Stoves Enameled Kitch . 'iliddie"'Street's-":f;vPnW .Cl wnr.'.i.' PV'.t cf li' at t'eir nicli(irn!'e ' f-t V"" 1 1 III the an mill 1 I v3 - " i i c.r- T. F. Causey, a Greensboro merchant doing buHiness'at 713 E. Market street, ssys: "I have ben ft great, sufferer from neuragia forv several years, aa every one in my locality knows. SAVO D1NE is the onijr thing I have ever found thut would give mo relief. I can't say enough for it." - ' , T. F. CAUSEY. Cam o Kcnr Losing VAa Eye. 'V ""V'-w ;Wi-XlUfUl.O- t ! i-lf-rhi A tO GET, 0jWfcptyf tfJ:'r' ; v; V . I I.U-I U ll l. . z r A r;"n if ""y i! i not re.-1 : ,1 'It varii'ty, lirn piii.v it 1 evi-n r t) :. ; i: ' y tifit fee. I ll'U Wi Full 3 ' cl' ale and retail largest and i;ik::::st stocii intiie ciiy. Etocic of Loaded Shells, Guns, l5istob, Rifle Hcntin-Cloil.i-- Razors, Poc!.xt Knivc "," r '-. r-vin-' Glove.:, K " t j 1 v.;

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