PAPER WITH , known ; ;: CIRCULATION -..-IN - yVrs, ESTACUSIIED : 1878 -V.; -V 'EW BERNf NQRTfl CAROLINA, THURSDAY-MORNpffliJANUAR ' . I ':a,-& TO a FEW people still cling , to "the practice of haying some secret hjding place for their , money. How. long will it take to learn that therskillfui thief tsf justj as sharp about finding money as the owner can! ; possibly be in hiding it. The best and safest plan is to de- " posit all of your moneywhh this bank where it wilt be pro ectcfl by fcvery. modern banking safeguard. Wheaf yon ' wish to use some money either draw your own personal p check or calf at the bank with YOUR PATRONAGE IS ' CORDIALLY INVITED. HEW BERN III SPECIAL INDUCEMENT s ' ' ' IN LADIES AND CHILDREN S OUTING UNDERWEAR s THE LEAST BIT SOILED NOTE THE ORIGIN AL PRICE AND NOW . - THE REDUCED PRICE. CHILDREN'S OUTING GOWNS. Former Price 75c For 50c 65c " 45c 56c " 34c OUTING SKIRTS. Former Price $1.00 For 63c " 65c 38c " ' 50c " 33c 35c 44 22c Ladies and Children's Muslin Underwear will be In cluded in This Sale. J. M. MITCHELL & CO; 61 POLLOCK ST. mmmm Ellis Coal and Wood Yard Pfohe Ii r "" ; ' f rSl I, f mmm aaaaaBBgSMsaBMBBasssg your pass-book. 1 ft TRUST CO. PHONE 288 COIL FACTS. In looks all coal is-alike black, roogh spark ling. But there the . likeness ends. For some coal burns unevenly, throws o(T little heat and makes much vdtrt. Our coal has proven best by test. It ' burns with a hot, steady , flame to a white ash and is most economi cal. We solicit your patronage on quality alone. ' , THE LIGHT OF r r '.S THE'NIIW, YEAH ' at the end of one of Clark's Special i 56 hind-made Ha-; yana filled cigars is a guar- ante'e of a. Icn?, sivcer1, hap- : py srpolie andif jcufcso!ve to jrnoke these only here-' cftcr 1911 will be the red letter year ;f yosn Kfo. HELD LIABLE Shlpmefit,' Freight -Lost by Them Must be Paid " ;"-' y For. ' Washington, Jan. 4 The new policy of law,, making an initial carrier of in terstate commerce liable?- for Joss, to shipments while in transportation not only on its lines, but on those of, con necting' carriers,' is.- declared constitu tional by the Supreme court : of the United States. The policy was incor porated in the so-called "Carmack amendment" to the Hepburn rate law, enacted by Congress in 1906. Justice Lurton announced the opinion of the court Strangely enough Justice l4mart who yesterday took bis place as a member of the court, argued the case before theourt on behalf of the rail roads, One objection to the law was that it interfered with the freedom of contract Justice Lurton replied that there was no such tiling as absolute freedom of contract. Contracts which contravene public policy," said Justice Lurton, "cannot be lawfully made at all, ' and the power to make contracts may in all cases be regu'ated as to form, evidence ard validity as to thjrd person. sThe power of government? extends to the denial of liberty of contract to the extent of Tor- bidding or regulating every contract which Is reasonably calculated to injuri ously affect the public interest s," The constitutionality of the amend ment to the the Hepburn rate law was attacked by several railroads on two broid grounds. One was that it inter fered with the liberty of contract not only of carriers, but of shippers. The other was that it Imposed Jiability upon the railroad company which was the initial carrier for loss on connecting lines when the former had no part in the management of the latter nor any control over them, in etfect, it was said that the initial carrier was made responsible for other company's wrongs. Warns World of Great Seismic Up- heaval. Mobile, Ala., 4. Almost continuous trembling of . the seismograph at the Spring Hill college, near here, has cause 1 Prof. CL Ruhlnam to issue a solemn warning to the world of a great seismic up) eav'l.whicb, he says, is sure to come in the immediate future. Constantly.' increasing tremors have been recorded ht Spring Hill college wince December 23, the tendency being south to north, and these say the scientist-, forecast a disturbance 'of great in tensity and wide range at no diutant date Krom the tremors it is believed that the center of the disturbance is about 2,00? miles to the south. Trinity College's Oldest Building Destroyed. . ' The Washington Duke, building of trinity College,,'- locate'd ai; Durham, waa totally destroyed,: by fire between 3 and" 4 o'clock Wednesday morning. . The building waa the home of about seventy five of the students, many of whom came in on the early morning trains and witnessed the fire In Us last stages. Some of. the students arrived i'Tueaday aftarnooa '-. andwere rooming in the building when the Are broke oah The aiarm was given iA time for all of the boystd.get out and save the ma jority oftheit belongings, though some of them reached the campus 'scanjly attired. In thia building waa also the majority of the class rooms Of the reg ular academiovdep'artmahta, 4he depart ment of Is w, the college offices and the literary odAy..hi:4f;rC7?k. ; The college' carrlei insurance to the amount of $iO,000 onlhia building, n unices the policies have lapsed in view of the fact that the building was to be ao recently torn tfowtf tbia will alleylate tome of tha'ioBS .tbat the, college will sustain. Tne i(5reatv Piercing: Arrow Sale at J; J. - EaxtertBar-galns"-nothing but 'Bargains' ehtif e stock; Must;. Go. j No fake but Stern reality; it$. J. Baxter. ' ; , - ' 1 , , JBonei Brought up from Battleship "Havana, Jan. 4, The first human re mains from the wreck of the battleship Maine were brought to the surface yes today by a dredge. They consisted of two ribs and some small bones, appa rently bones of the hands' and thf y were carefully placed in a receptacle to awsit recovery of other purts. 1 t The dred(e also brought up some 8 iochshul!, a large quantity of coal ard a portion of th coal lunkers, lying o(T from the phip, which is conRiih rod pns Bility Confirmatory of the theory of itn pxtcrnitl -Xili.ion lf:i'!"r t' c I in : Thin howvr, r-''",t. v ! v . 'i HEW OFFICERS ARE irJSTALLED Mr, G; T, ; Harrington New Chief . , of the New Bern Fire Qe -;. partoteut . ' At the headqaartera of the Atlantic, Steam Fire Company last night the following list of officers were installed lor the pwenV'yeaiffJ ''"'' ' i Ux. 6. 1 Yv Harrington : Chief, Mr . M.L. Hall. Asst Chief, and Mr. J. C. Parker, Secretary, Mr4 C Parsons was elected foreman, of the Atlantic Steam Fire Company and "3. C. Thomas and E. F, Richardson as ropresentativea. Mr. J. C. Barker was elected as Fore man of the "Button Company and R. P. Sparrow Asst ' Foreman, T. D. Davis and E. A. Gaskill were elected as representatives; TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. On To The Waterway Celebration. The taroedo boat DuPont leaves for Oriental this afternoon, there to take on the Naval Reserves, and Friday morning te-earry these men and invited guest to the Waterway celebration. The Elfrida leaves tomorrow at 8 o'clock, sharp, with New Bern Naval Reserves, and guests specially invited by Capt. T. C. Daniels, the command ing officer. The Houseboat Comfort, Capt. W B Blades leaves sharp at 7 o'clock tomor row morning, and will carry the busi ness men who were invited by the Chamber of Commerce. Any business man wishing to take the .trip, please address W. G. . Boyd early today. All who are going p'eaae note time of leav ing and boats that provided and get on board the boat where your invitation comes from. After Norfolk- Southern. Raleigh, Jan. 4 District Attorney H. F. Seawell Tuesday lodged criminal information with the clerk of the United States District Court here against the1 Norfolk-Southern Railroad Company, alleging that said company violated section 5. Act of Congress in 1894 by failing to open draw bridge between Morehead City and Beaufort. The matter will come up before the May term of courin this ci(y. Creatorc and His Band -Masonic Opera House Wednesday Jan. 25th. A rare treat' is promised the music lovers of New Bern, in the event of the appearance here of Creatore and his band. Signor Creatore and bis artistic organization are meeting with their usual overwhelming success while en tour,. ancUhe -band, is .being received With .more enthusiasm than, ever. The tour of New England will be a short one,' only the principal cities being via itei" A program of exceptional merit will be rendered here on Jan. 26. Don't fail to see Creatore and bear bis won derfulband. : . V ' T' , ' ' .Mrk' J. Leon Williams has securefi 1 C f eatbre, the famous Italian bahdmaa ter wth hijr organization it 'bve - fifty musiciaiis, composing one of the resljy creat bands of -tha world." The - band will tie hearts Jan, 25thwneq a prd gram of unprecedented excellence will be rendered. vrudent: patrons will .do well to secure their seats in advance. :The new hat Creatore is- coming her sWrtly with he hand that has Won international fame will be welcome newa to the many admirer of the fa mous bandmatterVand hit men." The great band Is at its itest now and Crea tore ha so replenished his; library; ' at the foreign publishers that he Is pre pared to offer programs on . this tour' fairly replete with noveltiesAf ' t-z There ia probably no bandmaster in the world who Stands in. the limelight more 111811" Signor-Guiseppe . Creatore. A. glance at his program shows that he Ubdertakei such an evening's work as no other conductor would, dare to at tempt.' Creature stands unique alone his band is up to a high standard full of richness of color , and ,powr, -.while tha playing ia full of expressiveness ar d poiiit. la his conducting his work may appear to be 'spectacular,' The fi nest effects are produced. , First he ts pleasing with his men, ' then " threaten ing, then urging, then almost praying, then " soaring to, empyrean heights. When at the climax, the audience is al most treathlcsB, then a gasp, then thundering 'applause. Those in Beach of a new sensation may well be recom mended not onlV to hear Creatore's band but to see how he conducts it. The organization plays here on the 25th of January. Scnts will he nerved on the entire firnt fionr of the M-mnnic Opera Iloii' n at H CO cai Ii. I wo ot tf. r-! hi-hIh rmy In ( ii't 4 fir C !.( 1 I ; ,.,.;!.;; ' f r 9-ut .1 l . V: ' 1 rv offbl: ft . : USES ON CENSUS NeWern'a.Population Given Out : lis Thousands Below Bsti- . .' - mates. Th'Joun)aI received the census re port for New Bern from Director Du rand at Washington; yesterday: and the official count is given as 9,961, against 9,090" for 1900, and 7.843 for 1890. This enumeration will come' as a sur prise to the citizens: of this city who have been confident of a large increase. It is safe to say that it will not be ac cepted as correct by any one rfamilmr with the changes that have taken place as per figures on this official increase of 9lj per cent, will be interesting. ' The pos office census as sent in a year ago indicated that over 17,000 peo ple were served by the city mail car riers, These lists are rnade out with great care'and while some may have been outside the strict city limits, the nnmber cannot be far wrong. The post office receipts for 1900 were $27,918.87 against $11,273.02 for 1910, an increase of 147 per cent. The- tax valuation for 1910 is $4,750, - 000 against $2,169,173 in .1900, an in crease of 120 per cent. The school census or attendance for 1910 is 1.622 agninst 8?7 for 1900, an in crease of 90 per cent. It is indeed din cult to understand an increase of 90 per cent, in school children with an in crease of 9J per cent, in population. The city directory for 1908 contains ovef 4000 names, and at that time it was figured as showing a population of over 14,000. Some facts of the taking of the cen sus here may explain some of this dis crepency, In one district there was an enumerator for whites and an enumer ator for colored, leading to confusion, In another district the position was re fused and the count was taken late. It is Bupposable that when the count, was sent in for this district it waa never in cluded. - However, the official count will stand as it is, and New Bern will keep on growing, paving with brick more of its streets, using its 25 miles of eement sidewalks, riding on its 24 daily pass enger trains, having 20,000 people on its streets at one time to witness a pa rade, and continuing to be the metrop olis of Eastern North Carolina. A Suggestion That Should be Acted Upon. Editor Journal: As Beaufort, More- head City and Oriental are to celebrate on Friday the 6th inat. the opening of the canal connect!),? Neuae river with Bogue Sound and the ocean and have in vited the New Bern' public to partici pate In their celebration, it would be a fitting mark of appreciation of the citizens ot those towns making our Bi centennial celebration so grand a suc cess, to say nothing of our appreciation of (he many advantages afforded our ci ty by this canal, if our people would attend this celebration in large num bera. -r ' ? ' ' ..Special rates are offered by the Nor folk Southern and low rates are made by Various boats direct to the celebra tion.; Saeeehes by, prominent men from various parts of the country and ah oyster roast with a great big welcome on the part of the hosts will provide en tertainment for all who go. It is to bfc" nopea tnat our cititens win take part in tnts ceieDration.- , Jjv;'.y,. W. G. BOYD, " ' '''.- Bee's'. Chamber of Com, Million In Gold. Boatoti, Jan. 1 One million .five hun- drM thousand dollars a third, of it bright and i yellow gold, Vibe rest new yellow-back gold '. certificates arnvrd at the subtreashry In the federal build ine from Waalungton.' '"--'' - i This7 money Is to paid to the sailors pn sixteen battleships which have been visiting European ports, and which are expected to reach Guantanamo, ', Cuba soon for winter maneuvers. - The gold coin was of f2.50, 5, eagles and double eagles. - Three aharesXNew Bern Banking & Trust Company 'a stock, your best of fer, Apply to P. O. BoxlSi' " y-; ' .r-ff A ' ;J'; Cont of living Hits Army J-' ; Washington, Jan.' 4-The Increase coat of living is being more noticeably felt by the army ' than heretofore. ' A year ago WarDepartmentufTicials went far wrong In ficutin,? estimatfs of what would be necessary to' feed the army. There was ho concept ion of th- rxtent t") which fond prices would gi to. It wns nncpRary to ri'uire a dofioimiry ap r,,ui;it;.m of ? 1, 125,000 to moot thn S'lvillVi'il pi iccH, In m-iH-mlmr l.'f..ra 'the llon io r.'ili- t n y A, ;t.i'in (: i..'! I t(i f 1 1 r, i : . h in- f ' . I' r-t i - (. NEW 4 o, PAID ON 0 SAVINGS ESS AT often depends, in a large measure, :upoji ttie degree in hich friends manifest towards each other their regard, wishes ot, welfare and good will. Thecustom of giving tokens of "remem brance at this season is a most del igitfiil oTtS because 'ft evidebces that you have given careful thought to the aelectioft of the gift Youxan open accounts in this bank with jl.Oj) or much more as you wish to give. The bank hooka will b4. issued p the namea you designate, (enclosed in special holiday envelope) and (nailed with your card so they -will reach the persons for whom they are intend ed Christmas morniner. ' 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings. W M.DUNN CD BRADHAM TAUZZELL f-atsv. vice pncST. dASHIER WAIT THE M&gHB FRIDAY at 9 A M starts the Great Piercing Arrow ale at our store. The Greatest, Grandest and Largest Clearance Sale ever held in New Bern. Bargains that will open your eyes. Be one of the first aid get the best pick ings. Entire stock to be sold at ridiculously low price. Our, winter stock "MUST" go, we need room for our Spring Stock. Come where the crowd comes and keep your mon ey until our doors open. This Sale is Real, No Fake. J. J.' DEPT. STORE - Aalso a full line Barbed, Wire ior hogs and cattle, Poultry Wire, Rubber . Roofing,,? Paints and . Qils 1 Stoves and Ranges and a SI . ii . .:: w rue us orcaiu .we can give ypu ngnx price?, - nAQtsrftf- A bn uxa dtt rn Middle Street, Phone' V-S . "ST TIME ENOUGH Y- Mmm visni::s 1iiyit by:. V . Jv WE HAVE YOUR PLAtEr;;.-, v v.''; A COMPLETE IV'S C? EOlSOil : Pll0uCiii..Iii3 i...J"jLbJiiuS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF INTF"LSTED CALL' I f , 1 ; C7 TIIS ERN..N. Ci - W " V STRONG' caDPrrcnu?r VI P a i. j i ELKS TEMPLE WITH OUR BST WISHES fer health, prosperity and happi ness for the 11, th year of the 20th Century to. everyone, we also while. extending, our New Year greethi whih to call . your atten tion to the surpassing excellence of euTBpeciBl line oft Ladies Mus lin Underwear. These goods are as new as the New Year, of the latest styles . -e'S'.prt :M;1 Sltifwda general line of , Hardware. : j '.'. ; . - . m,Xill.& NswJJarn,! CHRISMS BAXTER UaiTlDQIOH OFS!!' " - r - . -..r. i '- ' ' y v-.': i, '3 4 7 IV f s . -I Cor. More f.;!.s !