j- .; t - - 4 4, ' -1 J PAITIt V.1TII ' KNOWN ' . CIRCULATION' 1- ESTABLISHED v ,v!878 " - ' ' 1- NttMBER 238. NEW BERN. NOIVM CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY HORNING. JANUAR V. Jl 19 1 1 -. -f i 1 - '.ft. -, if r - ' H! ' .'te 1-. 1 BE .PRUDENT RADUALLY get together a small sum in "the 1 safe w J keeping of i sound,' substantial banking institution. -and you will experience feeling of secunty . and . hr? ! freedom from future misfortune. s ! f- : By.adding to .your account as often as possible and caKi itulating the' interest which the bank Allows, your " savings i will soon grow.into a substantial fund. This" bank aids ia saving money, by accepting deposits of one dollar or more and allowing interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum." DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK. Also: INVITED. ' iNEW-BfeRN; BAMiNG 8 TRUST GO. J 4 ' DON'T "CUSS" US IF 10U DON'T GET YOURS, IT'S COMING YOUR WAY. 50 Pieces Woolen Novelty Dress Goods at 1-4 Their Real Value. , The Following Fabrics Will be Offered in 36-42-50: and 54 inqhes at the Following Prices. -I t. 36 inch Novelty Wool Suiting Reg Price 25c Jor 12Jc ' 36 " " " " 25c u 15c ."36 - " " 50c " 35c I- 44 " Silk and Wool Fancy Mohair $1.00 " 75c ; . , ;. 54 " Wool Suiting Reg Price 65c " 35c h In Blacki Kavy, Brown and Grey. : 27 " Fancy Waisling- Reg Price 50c M 22c " " " " . 75c " 25c ' " " Silk and Wool " " $1.00 " 38c An Ounce of Comparison is Worth a, Toti of Argument. Q 1 It's not going to take any argument to convince? VVU Vi t AlV AlsCA V&UV V WAV .UVIV Tf HVM JVU WV.VJ- - - : - ' ;:::'.:, ., . .. .. -""wr i-.--- Vji'ij-'.ij I M MITrHPII 61. Pollock vSt;-vJ;;,,:::;.-:f tPhorie;.28 9 1. At Durham. More Than one .Hun dred jCases in The !ityr T- T", 2ffo Deaths. ",l"-,fT ! Durham, Jan 10. Smallpox epidemic id two counties Durham -and Granville threaten .to terropt v eommanlcation between the two and "quarantine noti ces have nee,ienkinit.-'if,.;-'-,vVa-.!j!.r. One hundred and fifty casea to" the city of Purharo na: more, than that number in Granville "have canted the medical authorities io resort to com pulsory vaccination.. It to being resia td"by many people The entrance ,inlo the schools of the city "ha been mde dependent hpon successful vaccioatioiu' There are many white cases. " - A case recently discovered in the city market caused quarantine of the marvj feet man. He bad declined to be vacci nated andjboth the father and the' son contracted the disease. There have up to date been no deaths. " , The State board of health,, backed by individual counties, will ask the general assembly for abolition nf the quaran tine laws thus making vaccination com" pulsory -everywhere. ' . j " . The mildness of the attack has mili tated against an easy handling of the situation.- Many have contracted the disease, passed through it in all stages and been cured by nature before discov ering that they have it. Teachers Examination, A public examination , for teachers certificate will be held at the office of the County Supt. on South Front 'St. Thursday and Friiay of this week. White teachers will be examined Thursday and colored teacheres Fridsy. S.M. BRINSON, County Supt. SMIlS CIO -.i-t- ...... .MM4 ...,:..-. . Remand For fOOO Ignored 4'- v-tenaft ta Vreck fitore. ' ' Chicago Jaa: JO. r-Within t wo hours after the. expiration of th-tm; set Jtor Paul Figaro to-deposit 4,Wd Tn he mail box at Cnfcago avenue and Larra bee street to satis?? the demands of Black Handera a bomfc was' exploded in the basement of his dry goods store, partly wrecking the Store and. DaHding and throing the- residents of- the North Side Italian into sstate'of panic " It was the second bomb' aimed bVthe members of the Black Hand af Figaro. Five months ago he refused to secede to demands made pa bim end 24' hoars after the: last, warning was given- s bomb was set oft In the same Spot where the last explosion caused BOCh damage. j , "I sm thought by some people to be rich, "bat I am a poor man and did not have the money Five months' ago the same men made a demand for!3.'000 and said they Wonl4 blow up my plare and kill mj family if I refused. I did not have the money then and I haven't the money now." t - IIOSEOES , Greatest evertoday Um brellas Ladies and Gents 25c Come early and get the Bar gains. J. J. Baxter. ; ill ICARUlAqiBUClVSISTTO olo o o o o Captain Cossett Writes Letter. New Bern, N. C, Jan. 10 1911. The Salvation Army eorps--f New Bern, hold meetings nightly at their hall on Pollock street. We would be delighted to tee alt of our old friend and any new ones at these meetings. We believe they are of such an interest as to make them thoroughly enjoyable as well as profitable, to old and young a'ike. Come and see us and brings friend with you if you can; if you can not eor"e to the meetings, perhaps you would liae for us to call ipon you at your residence, we. would be glad to do so if you would like as to," We-can and would be pleased to give you : some. in formafion regarding our worlc in this and other cities.. We are doing our best in New Bern to -raise the fallen and spread the story of Jepus and His love. " W have, thank God. ; met with much success, but there is still a great deaf before us yet to .accomplish. : Would you. not like- to help- nn T W Woud appreciate any; assistance you can give, eitberaBancial'oOther-" wise-.: Quarters. at-7i .B"road street, phone No.. 446. 'y -Wit ; . i ,? Captv wdrc GOSSETT, ; T :3ifBMrtTniBrge;- r Special today. A new line Flouncing, wll put irritocl? Snd isbid I-',1 - 1 " 1 - 11 Schools Close on Account of Messeles. ACs meeting of the board of trustees of the Goldsboro Graded schools. Sator day afternoon after learning that : t2f pupils out of 1010 were-out of school on account of measelei in the commu nity; it was aeeioea tnacine scnoois of the white children be suspended for two. weeks' in order' that the situatiod migbthecome relieved end that 'prac tlcallytha children' might be; able to return to' school. It ' was eHSC ordered that these two weeks be made' up ;at the end of theteim.-rGodsboro Argus, rruni uuc ui new ueiua-pcai 1 IJ r 1. . -. - . Battleship Intercepted. Washington, Jan.1 10 The fleet of battleships attacking the United States in a mimic war hae been intercepted by the defending scout cruisers. Rear Ad miral Staunton, in eommand of the scouts, notified the Navy Department by wireless today of his success. Uncle .Sam and Canada Dealings, Washington, January 10-The second session of thoTeonferenses looking to tariff. ,racipreeit between the United States ond. Canada ; was held this after noon at 3 o'clock ; 5 Ministers Fielding and, Patterson, of the Canadian cabinet, and Attorneys 'Pepper and -Andersen, of the State"4epartment, attended. Se cretary of State Knox was present diir wg part of the meeting. . - The negotiators maintained the silen ce which- they .have preserved , since the; first conference on Saturday. It is now believed possible the conferences may be brought to' an end bythe State dinner on- Wednesday evening at the White House for which President Taft has issued invitations. ' HOTICI. A regular communication of St John's Lodge No, S, A F. ft A. M4 trfll be held "this Wednesday evening Jahy. Ilth.st7;89. : ; - - -;" f v Alt resident and visiting Masons eor jc.ltn I it. 1 a. .1 1 ... - ' "if t i By.' order- f-'vW;, 'MV ;.'V . V.ir k -v '; i ' -;f i-y;vSecretary. . ' - ; ''" ' - ' .V; " . v; . -,-... . ., f . Creatore and His Band; ; Creators and his great band gave two concerts In the Colombia Theatre Waah- ington, p, ;lastUhdayfthb:iB what'the, Washingtpn Post had. to say about tbaeonoertt Monday: V v. t ;;' -4'That Signbr Giuseppe Creatore holds a firtn plsce in the' kffectiona of Wash ington music lovers was proved yester day afternoon'and last night at' bit band concerts at the Columbia Theatre.' Both performances were well attended, and every number played by the famous CreatoreT. Italian band f jwss: reeeiyed with genuine enthusiasm and spprecia- 4.' -r -' 1 V -L- v - v''.r " -.-'v.-.'t.- ;M ': -- -t, ' Creatore haa lost rone of his artistic power. He is still- filled with th fire that first attracted attention ' to him In this country." .Jf anything he has gain ed In skill and power, while his band Is kept up to us original bigb standard . : Both in the afternoon and evening he gave programs" sufficiently diverse, to 1 I Speaker Canoor Reverse '? Pr- cedent EstabllBhed 1 Last t - - -! ' v i r j- "March 1 ' - . Waahingtouj January 10th.-After a wordy battleon the floor of the hoose, Speaker Cannon yesterday reversed the precedent eatablislie4 Jby ; the Morris rules resolution of last March,, that the house as a question of constitutiooaJ privilege can at any time' consider or amend its Own oles. Mr. Cannon de clared that the contest last Marth; was maiierjr personal action, i against himself as a member of the rule com mittee 1 -i 1 1 'To cure an alleged , wrong being done by the speaker and the-conunittee on rules," Mr,. Cannon said, Mthis re volution was carried on, fostered by a' press, both periodical and daily, j that knew nothing of the rules, ; , , " "Under this great parliamentary re form, "he shouted, swinging his gavel, 'there is no way to amend -the- rules. except by a revolution. It must be doreon the floon" - - ' The fight resulted from a split Id re gular ranks over the construction - plac ed upon 4he; insurgent ''motion to" dis charge committees" role. ij ' j Representative Fuller (Republican) of Jllionois, introduced sesolutioo amending the role to prevent thefmo- uon to oiscnarge" calendar taking pre- cedecce over "suspension "fit tharnfesv" Mr. Mann Reuublican),-f kUUnoia, made a point of order against Mf2 'Ful ler. In an impassioned address, MKFul- ler attacked Mr Mann, f He deekred that Mr. Mann had by placing il07;hllla on the "motion to discharge"caJendar, and cut off absolutely" alt chaneft, for a suspension of the, rules'lat this sion. .. : . . t Other regulars joined in the battled! Regular Democrats lined Up with the opposition to the insbrgent rules. Un derwood (Democrat), of Alabama, aad Fitzgeral (Democrat), of .New York. declaring the Norris resolution was die 1 " 1 I -THE LIGHT OF : ''S-tllE NEWvYEAR'-! 4.;'; ; ..CI r-Vfi j(J I at the'end of one of Clark's..'! (S K " j- f ' va:n i;i!cd c:;t :rs is a r.r- ! ' A j ) j snlcc cf alcn,:, swerf, 1. 7- '?.v'o.'V"'!t,.' Vf- J.)"ir,'-3'--y ...1-. t-i---;- v-w'-fr-- - . .,11 lo;PAit.ON b SAVINGS 'VI 'liTa V.- STRONG COURTEOUS -PROGRESSIVE often depends, in a large measure, upontihe degreetn which friends - manifest towards each other their regard, wishes of welfare and ,good will., The custom of giving hank'booka as tokens ef remem . .brance at thw season is a most delightful one because it evidences . that you have given careful thought to the selection of the gift You can open accounts in this bank with $1.00 or as much more as you wish to give. The bank books will be issued in the names you designate, (enclosed in special holiday envelopes) and mailed with your card so they will reach the persons for whom they are intend ed Christmas morniop. 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings. WM DUNN PRCST, CD.BRADHAM VICE -PR EST.. TA.lZZELL -CASHIER result of a flelit in a snecial case. ... I When put to a vote by an appeal y Mr. Gaines (Republican), of Wasj Vir ginia, from the decision the ' speak"er was sustained. - i . Over $7,000 worth of Shoes at ridiculously low prices.1 look will satisfy you. J. J Baxter. Assignments of Supreme Court Clrcltftaj ". ' Made; ."r ' ",.'.lV''.a Washington, Jan. 10-Chief Justice White today announced the reaasgji- meni or-memoers oi too supreme court of the United States to the vatious ; To - thls assignment " Ch ietSiusttce White takes the fourVehcuiLjnctdd- ing Maryland, Wsat Virginiai iNdrth Carolina and 8outh Oarolins, Joitice Harlan, the sixth' elrcillt incfudih'ibhio oaicnigan, jentucxy ana wi'epi Justic4 McKerinSt ; tbef ninth S consistinar of the Pacific eoast Stai Justice Holmes; the first clrcutt'lde ing MameTNew Hampahire, Msssscho setts an4 Rhode. Island ?Juetioe Day,' the seventh eircuit- taclbdin 'Indtstia, rilinois and Wtoconsln-yusUee Lurftw, ths third circuit, iricliKlihg'Ne Jerdey, Pennsylvania - and- pemwareiJuslice Hughetf the second circUit-lncludihg, Vermont Connecticut and New Yol-k, Justice VanDevantef, tl)e elghth;cirduit Including Minnesota, .Iowa, r Miasoari, Arkansas; NsbraskfL'ColaratH itsnsns. North - Dakota,; South ; Dakota,!, :OK la- home, Wyoming, Utah fchd New 'Mexi co, and Jastics.XamarV.the fifth $lr; lit; including" Georgia,) Florida, tjUahai Mississippi. Lbosiaha and Tessa, ' . ! . I ".It 6 N, C, U R. ,co;71MtldeadJ-! ' L Gol Jsboro. N... U. r Januarv f. T--Al fffl BARGAIN AIIEAKCBE , IS , THROUGH DUB HiTIRESTOGK. We have a limited number of Umbrellas for both Men arid Ladies which are now Selling ior 25c each, also the 'better grade for 79c and 98c. SILK HOSE BARGAINS Mens half hose pure silk 25c t&dies pure silk hose 39c Clearance Here is Real Complete. Come early and rteap the extra advantage of selections while assort- Nmentsare at their best. j. J. BAXTER PEP'T. STORE ELKS TEMPLE 35 8 TiTKtiAW i mtmWfoW&u tow ,. J .l'..L ,'T ' ' ; - ' i' t IT if i iV' ' i; l"in'"ri ! , iV in t'nlT n ' I tAI meeting of the director of the, Ai.'ftN. j V. K. . jjo, in, this city; today. a semi-annual dividend -of 4 per eenti on the capital ttgck of eakl company vifaa declared, ' payable a the olTlce of the treasury of said company in GoMoboro, please any audience. In addition to them. C. on January Ju. 131 L Books for Having used Savodine reely accord ing to directions in my family, I' eon aider it the" best remedy 1 have ever .tried for bruises, for cold in" the 'head, throat and chest, for rheumatism, for sciatica, neurslgia and catarrh. Aftor a two year's teBt I recommend "Savo dine to all who suffer from any of the above complaints,'-" "-r;-"MRS. F. C. ROBERTS, . ' New l:rn, N. C,'. concerted numbers, were eoloe by ;'g nors Pascal!, Robs!, and Curtl. Perhaps the most enthusiastically received nun ber was the "Tannhauser" overture, which was given at both performim- ces." - J Creatore'and liis band ff. over f.fty musicians will c,va a' concert -in New Bern at t'o -onic Opers House Wed nemlsyni,:l.tj -'n.. ;y2r,ih, 1311. You can save $1.C3 I y en!.-; Tilin;; for two reserved Kiili at Viat'-'ra. bufore 3 v uary 13th. .. t . I will Pell lit J"J :.ii kt 12 m i.t v ilis on Jan. E'ili, iit at Y-it'M Ft. v V -ni, M, C, ill T. I", f ii-:' the transfer of stock to close at 1Z M January 10, 1011, and re-opon at 1? M on January 15, 191L - - : ; - - C ; c v 5 ;:x'D' 'is BROAbnuRsr, . '.' : ''''. : ; Sec'y and Treai. : "1 - . ,.n : - '. .The 8ong "Kit" of i Creat fi'aow, "On ths Old Pee Fsw" la the i cf ths snnjr tl.st JTOf s f 9 V ! ? copy of next Eun-'-y'e NewYo-'t 'i It la t!.' '!,( t!,t h;;r.l-,: '- ' . i h 'j to Li ii - f ta iy-irv P-vi;"," riv , k.i i Y'oi '4 City, din V ' ' ' i v ri'i c v I.:' t ! I. ' r r 1 f: If J 1 i "' r v. y y 1 . cv'V v L - r ' t f Aalsaa full line Barbed' Wire jforhbgs-and cattle, i JttltryWffe;rRubber ' RpFing;. -Paints and Oils, "sfnnaand Ranges and a eheral iihe of Hardware. !: Wnte us 6? call, we can give you right prices. W5 Vhflle'StreeC, -.Phbne. I47t I k o -NeW.Bern, N..G n - z SIJ nvftr rn in s x t-WSTBSE' ENOUGII NOW. 'i - TO GET YOUR t l.YE IIAVE YOUR PLATE VTO?" t f A l A A r 1 a co:.:1LLTE:LL"OF;"': '1 T,? .4 Ik. ... SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS i -"n nrnnnt:r' i; i. T) i,Ai;:.T :.: 3e . , " - t v i .,: .;. 'VI . 1 J 4 J X V si X' ' 5 , , V - - THE , - Tj ssr.oxe una u jcurt:;: :ve ) j totRioke t!;rfc c.'y l.rrc-' !' ' J cftcr 1911 v.; ! le C t rrJ . .':;;SMT I-ttrr yrrr ! yi. j ' .

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