t, "V v- - - V - PAPEHYITH x.;KNOVNl CIRCULATION- 'h J, '( . T r'Ar-yi ESTABLISHED - r i h i 1 ! V in- A MA - i - 4 - 4 - 7 3 ' NUMBER 245. iNKW PERN. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY, I - 1 TWJ:KTV4NINTH- YEAR IMLOOLUl:): n 4 5 j 4 !, 'J - it'-. , v 1 i 1 J" i it . jr. T is well known that a person in poor physical con- t- "v. dition is more subject to attack's of disease than a per- son who is strbng ' It is just-as true that a person - who is In poor circumstances . financially, is more Ji to misforUme than one who is- protected by some A igady money in the bank. A savings account is the, best means of fctrengthening yourself financially. Open an ac count at once. This, bank accepts deposits of one dollar or more and interest is paid at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. Deposits Subject to Check Also Cordially Invited. 1EXTRA SESSloa AREVOLT Prospects For Completing , deeded INCH HIRAM SAID He was an old man and had many troubles, but most of them never happened. But We Can Tell You What is Going to Happen. WE ARE GOING TO DISCONTINUE HAND : LING THE AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSET, HENCE WE WILL SELL WHAT WE .HAVE ON HAND AT THE .FOL LOWING PRICES. $1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 Quality For 75c. $1.00 1.25 2.25 Legislatioo Not Good Queer TPolitiail Lme Up. . tf Washington Jn..' J8--WiUi another kioK tied in the ous' tule and wt more days a month taken .away from Kenefa) lgfaiativ basineaa, ihe House leaders admitted that they will have bard work disposing of the .routine work before the end of the session .on March 4tb, .The possibility of an extra session, immediately -after the new Democratic Congress comes fa,r,1ooma - Representative Tawney, 'ehairmari pt tne nouse Appropmwma, aicor - sum-, ming up the werk yet to be done on ihe regular appropriations - bJll; : declared that tbn measures, would demand at least twenty-eight i thirty more gen" oral legislative days.- In the last ; two wefks the House Spent two days in fighting over the rules, and - there' are now only eighteen days left On hich the appropriation bills ean be eouaider ed. Either a aeries of night lessions or ah extci session seems imperativa In addition to the pressure- of- ;time the House is Involved in the queerest line-up of parties hat has marked this checkered Congress. Insurgents joined the Democrats in over-ruling. Speaker Cannon. But a week ago the; fino-ci-its refused to join the insurgentson a similar proposition.. The JJeraOcrxts seem to be in a position tocontror the j House, almost aosoiuteiy as yiey win after March the 4th. ... One result of the tangled situation predicted by some ltaiers is that Pres- dent Taft will. secure no; tariff commis sion legislation of consequence; and that the administration legislative- program will -be loit in the wild scramble to clean up routine business,. ' ... Eoobomy Polidy, of Postmaster General Stirt Eaiirottd Hail ,; . " ' tlerks. , -.. Washington, Jan.18 That the ecoa Oooy policy of Postmaster - General Hitchcock has crippled the railway mail service to inch as extent that the clerks are on the verge of a revolt to all parts of the eountry, and that the matter, will fce taken-' before "Congress i the de claration of a representative oit the railway mail clertnV' - Aside from the atrenuous'and dangerous nature of their -duties theTailway mail clerks are tom- petled to do much; studying and metn orialng. routes and schemes for distribu tion, eretofoe the orders permitted lhemth.e:nceeBer)imeto study. The clerks were given ja I week for rest al ternately.: The recent order by , Hitch cock r quire all elerka to make an average of six and -a half hours daily active duty-s; , . " " Many women fail to make the most of their figure because of indiffer-? ence or lack of knowledge. Every dress maker knows the importance.. of a properly fitted corset to produce Btylish effect in a new gown. Yota" will never have trouble with an American. Beauty Corset ' All Sizes 18 to 36 :a J. M. MITCHELL MO 61 Pollock St. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, great est bargains ever offered, fa Shoes, this week at J. J. Bax ter s; ' v . i CARLOAD BUCK'S iSTOVES;lJ.AHGES A Sailing Shoe Sailing and the, greatest Sale ever hap- pejied ends this weekmany Bargain evert to the last.; J. J. Baxter. A Heal- King is Refused Admission America. i , South Carolina Mill Tq Urge Curtiill- ' ''i went. ; Spartanburg,' S: C. JJbb." 1-Me'pabera of the jCotton Manufactorri. A8Ccta lion of South Carolihaitl, vitm said; be advised by thi xec'uRe-i?OmmiJ.te'e radically to Curtail . t$u outputrof hir mills when the association meet here to day in response to acall oftha,c2m mitted. The. last previous, meeting of the asocistion 'was' fcek) ia June of last' year, atwbicn ttmtr was fgcoiWadr Jlhit the. mills.' shtif doWn fgi.a cer- taiaflamber of weeks , m "the autumn. T4iis,i;ecpmetl0ffjjWil'i CouiiewlthjDUt ltsald TKe nUw: that still mordvaalie iiictfonia.quired to aecseaBe tne pronaetmn.' .. , ADuai. to menranvan uriecun im l tend the meetg.J, wiich jA e !held in-l the rooms of the chamber of conferee A hincheoh at the : Club will follow the business session ix1 flour f;r4ew-Yrk, )an. 18th. -For the first tihi64perhaps in the history of the. Unit ted States, a Jtjng of a nation ' with which this country is at peace was de ported yesterday ak an undesirable alien. rne ooara or specmi inquiry on.: tana IsunJ'wOuWn't let in Petru Lucas, one of the ta'atiy "kings" of ' the Kypaiesv and he went back today with his wife, his step-son and his adopted daughter- n law by the same ship he came over in. King Petru, who speaks English flu ently, confessed that be had formerly lived in this country but quarreled with his wife, ,lef t her, .went bqck to Bosnia, and there bought anew, wife for $110 andia fat pig. Because of these liberal Views concerning matrimony he was de parted. "r- r htiiitouttaRitloi RMramatlsm usually Hiiovea aeverest cases lam ww ikodl. Its acton,poii,j;)ie system is itb dnVeHtofo and the Pfce quick ljT iiBpwXt &ts.;?oVai.fV7.TM ;juri i Drug Co,:;.- j- ""fiij .1 .V-UNION TO1N1TJTEMS. CartOTetntj to for Erection State Administration Building. Sentiment r '.Favorable. . 1 Raleigh, N. C, January 18-DapS- ate bills were introduced In the Senate and the-. House of the North Carolina General Assembly, proviimg aif.OOOf ow aamimstratioa Duiwing Tor Ttira state,the ruildmg to occupy tbesqnara north of Capitol Square, ' bound4 .by ttdentop, uaiitax, Jones and Salisbury Streets,- a part or which is now the site" of the Agricultural - and the Suoieftnr ICourt building, whjdh -are to bee way to give piece to tne new structure lit will tke about 150,000 to buy ap-thf privately owned property on the square: The bills were Introduced in the Sen ate by Senator Hoyden, of Rowans audi ii the House by Hon. Ashley Horney O' Johnston county. Both made S.tirrlg speeches in advocacy of the meaeire which provides a (1,000,000 bond - issun' It is believed here that this movement has every indication of enactment uV6 law. It was just this plan that Ex Governor Jar vis, of Greenville, so strongly advocated last week tn his ad dress before the North Carolina Liter ary and Historical Association and the members of the General Assembly. The building is to provide for all the admin istrative departments, of the govern ment, including the offices of the' Gov ernor, ao that the present State House will be left entirely for the legislative branch of the 'government, The1 'Su preme Court and its library, the Sate Library and the Agricultural Depart ment will also be domiciled in the new administration building, as will be the Hall of History, the State Museum and the archives of ttee State Historical Cimmission. mmwmmmm. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY . Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 26c Banks Close To-day. To-day, Jan. 19th. Lee's birthday. being s legal holiday, the three banks in the City willbe closed - All -paper maturing that day will be due the day following. . Tht Athens Will Equal It. A ,w. has; eSM'pgc. QUmpi jgoq:i)Wa;.-tta witillieir work., cuttifi". valeartnsr' and making readyiiot: iflbeaiftij;! , mr ana wr. rouara, are- in our Winston-Salem, Jan. 18-1 he finest Vaudeville house in the State, sal US projectors - assfert, ,; will be the Oew?Li- Deny neater.-wora upon wnico na;.oe tui' the cojitraethavlng been awaWed to tne uentrai construction uompany. it wut oupy a ptoi on nonn (iioerxy street bit Ween the poetoffice and 'the square aiid Will represent, excluBivl of lancf;-aa.inve8tment of $18,001 ,WM Robert Hancfck manager of the Amuzu moving picture place, will bs the niart- agef' of tK Liberty.; The ' theatre will have its own lighting, beating am re 'riirar'atinir fatantalt The -honsa Will ba brilliantly j lighted Inside, and Jputj i vA retirlngrooin for ladies and a smoking iroeQifor inen.wil( be furnished. - A bal- 'tm7ltMJ?Bttnf for colored ,iec Froin'ibisor LKi-Jiis'BSt" .Havlngsed SSavoduie freer actor Ine to directions io y? family.Vlii!ori aide it tb ibest ejnedyi I? havaNnrer tried roe cruises. io com in; ine neao. throat and chestr for. theumatlsnfor sciatica,, neuralgia shd" tslarrnt' "After a two. year's test ! roerfnmend 'Savo- dine to u ho suffer ; xrom any or Several days ago a young man.claim- ing to be from Maysville, arriedin the city to, Tia he said, spend a few; dsys with some of his relatives. After his arrival here he evidently ran but of funds and in order to reimburse his pocketbobk began to give out checks signed by the" manager of the1 Maysvllle supply iwmpany. remaps stuu,' worm of these checks were -cashed by local people before they Wen returned. When the checks arrived at Msysvilje the gentleman whose name adorned them promptly pronounced them for. geries. In the meantime the man -who receiyed the money for them has-disap peered and no trace of him can be found. i -"" rrT " I COMPLETE LINE . OF 1 J'At 0 n EHD5 ' If INTERESTED : CALL " AND IIEARSOKE OFTHE " ' , , - lailst nrcor.DS. Mra"nd''Mrai B'.'E Gann, jon and daughr, of .Warf w Spent a xw days IUII. UW.IIIIVUM1U HUKUb..nUII. Ts, !a ajiajlDf i"riida.lstra;fcj;-. I fJKr..nd Mrt'l'M IJ.AJaoD, spe'nt 8at. nrday night aftd Sawlay '.with Mrs. Mann'p Uqjher, Mrs. C J Simmons.)-, Ma; . iuMier immonV-of 'Morehed CiU.Tipent a .coiipte' vt days here last waeS With.'hji' irt-bther.-Mr.Ci; Sittr Tjomrfti our noys weni on a; wild est honf Katurdnv nlchh- The caueht an o'possum; and the dogs had ji big fight wMch-jipoiled the sport','(-; t - . . "' .We are (find to say that tnoat of our people liiiu. flrei enjojtng good health Misses Callie Ball and Floy Cannur havfl n turned hom forn a Cliri -A mm vi ut with frii'iiilsr. " " . . "' ' r.LUE LULL. aboy? cpiioplaintt 'f-WA-ffihW&X Bern, K Oft .MARKET ffM TiEronfED irf:; f .' COTKW BROKER LONG DiSTANCK FHONE NO. 16. - Few lor KarkeU."' -- Open Jan,:. '--1455 -May, ' ' : 1131 ITM July, ; . M.'3 luu5 Li-rolpts i ' Jfi'-ipoil (V"."ii J ..I '. 7'1 January 18 High : Low . Clne UWit.f It i in: l: jrn 1 hnlci No Funds Checkslssued. -. WILLIAMS'. KIDNEY . PILLS - Have you neglected your1 Kidneys?? nave you overworaea your nervous ays tern and caused trouble'Vith your ald neys and bladder? Have Jon paipa: in loins, side, back,4- groins and- bladderr Have you a flabby appearance !iffjWrr lace, especially unoer tne eyes i .too ire quent a desire to pass urine? If so, W- banur Kidney Pills will -sure' you-t DifuggistPrice 60c WUliains'; 'tz: irs. tiOMEWEEt .HOME can only be" for those who 'REGULARLY deposit in the bank a part ot their incomes .and save enough to buy a home. Make OUR Rank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. THE PEOPLES BAM i-JJl !LH n a vTrn 4 Ui.-f. ;.i GREAT CLEARANCE S A L E Comes to an End Saturday Night at 12 O'clock. Bargafns are Still Abundant in Every Nook and Corner of the Store. 100 450 100 Suits of Young Men and Mens Clothes small sizes, prices ranging from $8.00 to $15.00 now"$3.98. Pairs Mens $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes at $1.98. Pairs of Ladies $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes at $1.79. PR CES ON MENS CLOTHING TAKEN A GREAT DROP THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS AMONG 6uR WHITE GOODS. j. J. BAXTER DEPT. STORE CEUCS TEMPLE Z. To Hciur Argument Wednesday.. kaleich. Jan. "1 8.The house eommiti tee' on ihjuor traffie aimoane:tbatii will heir inrumentWedaeeaay oraex week for and against stttf-yids:-proWH biton of near beer and. pthei;sdrinks of this classTnabUi: tinder , ednsideri -tioA.li that by representative. Itepti of IFnVEastent CaroUn. League Remains f--..i,v. , . " , -saaisassiBBisw -v-', i - X ilelgiwan Ebero Cina,asebaU learfue-jyes- tfrdJjfi'lds(;iii; .JtsJ tad league ,' fntaej fpry the seasoh; itif , 19lf with teams representing, Ealelijh, wU- mtngton, : Fayettvil!e,-6cky Wilson hnd Gold'sbort.' Jb'e VaUrj limit will be reduced and iac sjuV will bs required by stringent rules noto'exeeed it ; It H to ne a vU'game f ejeon ana me directors are enthusiastic oyer the out- loo K. ' All six lowna . were represw i at the meeting at which', plans were mapped out looking to a eucceusiul sea son. v.-'- :i 1 i . !? I ' Attendirig (he meeting hBidS 'the president, ; Dr.' , Jotl B. .V'hitlier,'tf RaleljjhWere' J C Esglrs,, of T'ilso, ; W. R. Gwaltney. of Vilnv-rniu; X -sre Kin.T. of r.oKirtLi.ro; G N. f . '.or, I'nyxtivill, 3 C Levy, 'of f ky i-lou -t snd Albert L Cut', of. I .' ' h. " c... ri i. . J ( an items. In loots all coal is alike black, rough sparkling. But there the likeness 'ends. For some coal burns unevenly, throws off little heat and makes much dirt Our coal has proven best by test. It burns with a hot, steady flame to 4 a White ash and is hiQgt economi v caJLsr.We solicit your patronage ""on qtialit "alone. ti1 ' u Silk 26 c. ;00JBro. Wcimh mm0MsWmm& ibises A:.i T .a, ' and tkrie s;a!n that we sell :rQo&?cizt$ it moderate c;triccsf Welllve tdi yod V thnt cur lie J Uofce 5 cent friar is the f2tki:sr.:Gkefor v' 1" 2 raoaey thst you ever v'..u.tr.i rlw.' U.w'yoiir :;Vr i'' -lVy tagcidcisar. .."St-, i . ' -a,l-" -' "v WILLIAM T.-l: lit