- v 1 - - . V JPAlria YrTTII r; " KNOWN "CIRCULATION : ;fE W BEUJ NORTI CABOMN ATR IOA Y 5I ORNING.. JAXUARrOl 9 f I. ' VriMBEE 246 TWENTY" NINTH ;YEAR ESTABLISHED !i l.'l , n - - i - -f h , ' w ft i t. : ii i, Sc " - 5' f ( V- t '1 ''41 '--1,-4. SAVINGS NT IT. is well known that person in pooj physical cdn dition is more subject to attacks of disease than a per ! son who is strong! ': It is just as true that a person u who is in poor circumstances financially, is more li able to misfortune than one who is protected by some ready money in the bank. A savings account Is the best means of strengthening yourself financially. "Open an ac count at once. This bank accepts deposits of one dollar or more and interest is paid at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. -Deposits Subject to Check Also Cordially Invited. MEW BERN BANKING a OR A si. m OF REFUGE UNCLE HIRAM SAID He was an old-man and had many troubles, but most of them never happened. But We Can Tell You What I is Going to Happen. WE ARE GOING TO DISCONTINUE HAND- v . . h LING THE AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSET, HENCE WE WILL SELL WHAT WE HAVE ON HAND AT THE FOL LOWING PRICES. $1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 Quality For 75c. $1.00 1.25 2.25 Many women fail to make the moat of their figure because of indiffer ence or lack of knowledge. Every dress maker knows the importance of a properly fitted corset to produce stylish effect in a new gown. You .will never have trouble with an American Beauty Corset i .' All Sizes 18 to 36 X JW. MITCHELL & M 61 JPollock St. Phone 288, mi J'J---ii r-l'iLM Large Delegatieo Yfeiti Washyigs V " ton City in th Interest " In This Project ' . r Thedelecauona from New Bern, Morel head City and Beaufot, appeared) be fore the Board of U. S. Enftineers in Washington City Monday Jn'the inter est of Cape Lookout as a harbor oCj ref-ugajjid-coromerce. . Thia board has in charge the matter and their decision .controls.. ' ; In the delegation there were: from New Bern, L. I. Moore and S. M. Brin aon. From Morehend City, W. - L.: Ar- rendell, G. D. Canfield. Daniel Bell and G. L. Arthur. From Beaufort, W. S. Chadwick, C. L. Abflmethy, ' W. A. Mace, T. F. Duncan, Alonro Thomax, Ben May, CapU A. I. Lewis, Capt H Masotvand Capt. Oscar Noe Senator Simmons and Congressman Thnmas accompanied the delegation. and both made speeches. Messrs Moore, Brinson Dnncan and Abernathy also ppoke. Messrs Arthur, Noe, Lewis and Ma son, all oi wiiom are laminar witn con- di'ions at Hatterus and Lookout, eave strong testimony favorable to Lookout as the proper location 'for the 'harbor. At aboutone-third the cost 'of break water at Hatleras, a safe harbor for the largest vessels of the world "can be made at Lookout. The delegation returned very much i ncouraged. , It is believed the woik will be under taken at Lookout. When the appropriation is made the Norfo k-Soothern will extend its road to the Cape. With the completion of the Panama Canal and thecon truction of this har bor, which will be the best on the South Atlantic coast, a very great commer cial development willcorne to Eastern North Carolina. ''v. HOLIIHEIIlK iilipi Pepsi Cola- Botaera Enjoy first There wag held- yesterday in the "Home Ofllce"andfactory of the Peps' Cola Company 4i this;' fl t" . . meeting IllOIiS 111:01 -. " t " (HI SCHEMES Nine Trains Held Up. One Hun d red Postmasters Arrested I During Year. Washington, January 19 Interesting .t k.,.i..:h. .fc; K. J oi irouoa are ioki in ane repoix oi who art designated In their business aa ', w -k"- the bottlew and were fa'hujhWr 0fflce "foment. to7lhe of different StaUvNoVtftoa Sotirfc; TT for th fi9CBl yearnd51 Carolina being well-represented, .'TheJ""" -m.j ;.;- - l7ii;r3l J"bbed. compai-ed with 1969. in the. ZTS'STiI J "ere were 236S arfesfi the first annOiaconveoOonbutari were " Z7 ZrrVtil interested in the Inspeetioil tirUftTnitt'T . ' EC oargiars. ' Of those aTrested, 100 were postmas ters, 36 assistant po-itmaBtnrs, 9f5 cjeTks PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded; 50c. New Fraternal Order Organized. Last night Mr. T. S. Grady, Special Supreme Deputy, organized in tbis city a Local ifuling of the Fraternal Mystic Circle, of Philadelphia, with the follow ing officers: WJ Smith-W. R. Dr. O. L. Moore W, V. R. Rev. A. C. Schuler-Chaplain. k R. Mallardr-tW R. Dr. Z. V. Parker-Treasurer. M O Torain-W. M. , W. G. Mallard- W W. . E- CTTJadale-W. G. . W. S. Lamru-W. &. . V Trustees-prt. K.Pottock. R. F. But ler and O. L. Muore. . ... , DOVER"DX)TS. Dover, fuC'lS.'-'UrE. ICWeet,'of Terrapin Section, was. in "Dover y ester day on -business. Mr, Cicero Garner and daughterMiss Annie, of Newport, Wer; visiting- rela tives and friends in town last week. parts of .l plant-making an interesting sight. The address of welirorrie,tin-beharf of" the city was' made by Mayor McCarthy and his speech was heartily applauded", Tbis' was followed by Mr, W. MjOeasej ot Schenectady, N. Y., who ftpoke on We Are GUd to be Her."., IjB-eon-cluaion Mr. C D. Bradham, President f the Company, addressed the. "boy i" as "The Pepsi-Co a Family," and his addrtss was a fine presentation of the means of business success, and was applicable to any line of business. He made a special point on the value of the ''Human Interest" in their' line of work, giving somehumorous and valu able anecdotes in illustration. The con mention adjourned for dinner and at the afterncon meeting a number of addresses Were mad", the following being in the program, Mr. H. Gamse-of Baltimore, Mr. D. W. Davis, Elieabeth City, Mr. H. W. VanDoren, Virginia, Mr. P. B. Beard, Salisbury, E. V. Gaines. GafTney, S. V., and Mr. F H Shipp of New Bern. Mr. J. D. Far riorof Wilson, N. C, Vice-President of the company wis present, A very enjoyable smoker was given by President Bradham at his residence last night and proved a good time. The convention continues today with a meeting at 10 o'clock at the. Home Office, in which the discussion will be on business lines. At one?:odl4ck the U. S. S. Elfrida, Capt. TV :tTbanie!& will c,arry the guests to the itonfid and this' promises to be a feature' of the meeting. . : - . M-, - , . f j: s. .baskishOardwar e ; co, new bebm. :n. Our Shoe stock must go regardless of price this week, Great Shoe bargains. J. J. Baxter. Lee's Birthday Observed. - .will manoractnte gum principally; fish fwifi K&?m 'Chief, tU&WmffiC&& f 1 OMPLETE.tlNEOF 1 i-L,' 'S r icoiras : SOLD. ON EAP IF JTORESTE t'cALL" ND IlEAR, SphlE OF THE 4 4 Latest records. : M sa Luby' Weai, rio.QiDal of Sand Hill High School,., spent Saturday and Sunday with her" mlBM,.Mc: Laura . Mr W ti. tMnMM 'Vi hpmt p few hoars' iq- wnearJrdtry, on his way borne from pew, Bern 1 - ."tj ji.'n.i'.; There U a ruraor.on the atrec ts ' that plan are on.foof to erect a large coop erage ptnt bttreWtr. andisratand that jf perfected, the eomt'iany . will w quire tea acres 6f land f6r" ibnll site and will employ. severe! tombed band, .,di Theaniag'HaVdwotd JuinW Co, a commence npejtIon'hetehortly Thi firm making to Ne Herd Tuesday and placed J aim in the Craven ! cbunfy"Jalt : to;. a waifc a htarmg Jfor.,Uaaulting another - negro neartHarkji' i jfetyabji'" RevJjU. .wDargao aod wife' relW ed noma Saturday aftersp'enduig ,sev ralvdiys iaitloir.. Tylatfces Jn'Snow H1U Mr, Dargau filled his regular ap pointment at Cova City Sunday morn ing and preached An Dover on ' Sunday night to a largti wngregation. 'r, k A debate between Dover High School and Rlchlaadi High School will be pulled off in DoVflpSih tho'nignt .of ; Waahjngj ton's birthday,--The boys who will rep resent Dover od this occasion 'are hard at work. A debate -between . these, two ; schools wa held in Richlanda Jast year I and Dover wore off the laurels In a very pretty and close eon tcsf. . ,f , The Lee-Jackson exercises held yes terday afternoon in the school audito rium were well attended. The follow ing program was rendered: Prayer Rev. B- V. Huske. Song, Robert E. Lee-Children of the Confederacy. Address Con. L. I. Moore. Chorua-"The Morning Invitation," by High School Glee Club, v M Hsic-rOi chestra. Collection for- Arlington Monument A Song 'The Old North State. " Benediction Rev. B. F, Huske ' ' Mosic Orchestra. ': - As the Children of the Confederacy with white dresses, red ribbons, bearing small ftiigs, entered tht hall, they were greeted with much applause, they were followed by the Daughters of -the Con fedtjracv, who; marshed in a body to 'pay tribote to their two brare leaders, ;:HojL."L Uo-made a ma pUrring address rhich waa4reatly ' eo joyed by the enUre audience. . Toormueh praise could noi-be giTeatO the High,'. School Glee Club and tfi'efr splendid selections, and Mr Carawa v is to bis' eonffratula;-! Ucd on th anecesathe Is making w the ow music departmental the"; pchobl Tha .epilation taken for'tbe Arlingtop mopamebt jimountf d ..to, H-M,! ; AM Words of Prai v' Having ekprrioneed wonderf u!!y ruliof the ur-q' of i'voinKE i i ' COiighs end brum liinl i,,rcct.;i (i. f t fl'wH to Ml a won.l of prairo i. V t t r 'v. ' ' in post offioes, 25 railway pos.offie' clerks, 85 city letter-carrierc, 37 rural letter carriers and 19 nMit-earriers," Oi -the total number, 1570 were persons not Connected with the postal service! Train robberies in the West ooclirceo with alarming frequency. Since March 1909, nine trains have been held Op and. robbed and a large amount of register ed mail has been stolen. In 'alii nine men h tve been arrested anoV eonvicte-5 for these train robberies, one" being sentenced to fifteen years in the peni tentiaryand a fine of $3000, one to for ty-three years and a fine of $3000, two. are to serve five years each and five were sentenced to life imprisonment An importai.t cae recently handled by post office inspectors covered the operations of the fo called Mabray garg The iclipmo was worked by.an oVgani zation of confidence men by means of fake horse racrs, athletic contests, etc. People in all parts of the country were robbed, and it is estimated the promot ers obtained approximately $5,000,030. John C, Mabray, principal head of the gang, and ninety-three of his asso ciates were indicted and many convict: ed. A scheme to defraud, international in its scopa, known as the "gold brick" swindle, by which it is believed the swindlers obtained over 11,000,000, had been in operation several years. The promoters of this swindle Cam eron ttostetter. h. A. starkotf and GeoigeW. Post, were arrested.. Bos tetter was -convicted, sentenced to ser ve fdnr years in the penitentiary at At lacta, Ga. and pay a fine of $1500, and Stark loff and Post forfeit their bail of $23,000, Every effort is being made to recapture. Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon- the. system it remarkable and effective, It remover at once the cause and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene sints, toe ana $i.uu. soia oy uraanam -PDrugCo: ' Southpprt'S Sallroad. aiaribeSailin.And the gleatesi;SaIe;;"ev.er ;hafe In'ChfJihfFnV' oargai ns. -eyenf lo tnc ' iasi. After sutpende J activities for., about three months, work on tho -railroad from Nava84 .- to Southport was .re sumed yesterday morning when a largf force of hands began grading at a poiiji just below Bolivia, to which place the road has ' ali'eadv 1 been constructao from Mdvaisa; The work'l8 being done ty contractor Jonesj, and informal from; Brunswick county Ja to the effee that the company bailding. the road hopes to have the road ' completed bj -Uunelat. . The road has been constructed from Navassa to Bolivia, via Town Creek", distance ot about 15 miles, and the' road haa'been used" during" the : past few! months' in .transporting' ; lumber ! etc'i Two-englnee are uaedon the road. (a only about 14 miles frorav Bolivia to Southport and .'people In Brunswick Co. I see no reason why the xc! cannot be completed by the time setby f'tbe bffl crof the company, 1 9w)cC: Ht$Z. w. wniteneaa. oi wurmngura. w pres ident of tba pam'wIifeliLli? tuildtaf the road.It i said thattberwaie tin bills and. ho stream of oneqen3e be tween Bolivia and Sou thpbrt -toil this rr 'J.-.. it.' M-;OOTtt);iuU)KfiRvv. WNQStANCR JPIIONE NOa vMfiIw..Trlt Market,' t.r;l'''y:'-;.':;' '.-"'V January'' lft. ' I" '-j :' -'" ; Open - High ; -Lbw Cloie JTaiH :'''' -'Vl4G I 1409 1-tBO ..'. 14C0 May.,'Jt;'-'160l--'15C3"- 1-109 '" : 1499 July, ''' 150.r-ilSOr'1500"-'J'l501 Reci ju' 25,000 i -ain?t 1,900 bales last ytaf. ' ' ; ' 1 1 fulton r X Closirig. v f A II K H I Lmnch leae- tima- thaa-waa jequlreBVto board ani Coat . line t,-Kavaaiv . " trmidht r.mnl.f MAtlr CM.BMW Mtwmfrmmm nvm "V- ",'s'-.h' ; Sir Knighr; 4Yo ar j hereby notified ITJdM JL JUT 2, N WV v v HOME SWEET HOME can only be for those who REGULARLY deposit in the bank a part ot their incfnn s and save enough to buy a home. Make OUR Bank YOUR. Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. THE PEOPLES JANK BAXTER'S GREAT CLEARAKE SALE Comes to an End Saturday Night at 12 O'clock. Bargains are Still Abundant in Every Nook and Corner of the Store. . 100 Suits of Young Men and Mens Clothes small sizes, v prices ranging from $8.00 to $15.00 now $3.98. 150 Pairs Mens $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes at $1.98. 100 Pairs of Ladies $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes at $1.79. PRICES ON MENS CLOTHING TAKEN A GREAT DROP THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS AMONG OUR WHITE GOODS. J. J. BAXTER DEPT. STORE TEMPLE COAL FACTS. In looks all 90a! is alike black, routfh sparkling. But there the likeness ends. For some coal burnft unevenly, throws off little heat und makes much dirt. Our coal has proven best by test. It burns with a hot, steady flame to a White ash and is most cconomi solicit your patronage on quality alone. Hlis Coal and Wood. Yard . Phone 47 1 A v- s 39 c. Silk 26 c. thkt ther will be apcial conclave ot St! Jdhrt Commsnliri Noi(' 1 K. : T held at Ihs Asylum tonlght,'(Frlday) at 7:30 o'clock sharp, V'i";-. ; ' f Ths beautiful degree' aP-. th' Tsinple will be conferred irt fall form. -v" TheJ Eminent'; Commander requests evsry member to 'attend, and. in nl--form, Visiting FfAter courteously in vlted .';:-;' yr- i f,.'..;.,; Ifv ordt-r ' ' yj"- ,iJ : ' '-', " --. . J 3 11ASNIGIIT, B. C."'' ' ? ' ,; : ' A. HENRY, w RerordT. For nitlior whM or -! ; AfSj '"cisartlt " hiDderatc : i ?A vpilccs!-'0 We 1 haVe r))Id yod jr'CvSt Jur Royal Robi 5 cent 'j'tizk h iheiincstnjoko for r.'.wHfy: that' you " ever t't'w V-t t" ,"sr..Jvr.'K-Tryt!.is good cigar. : f " ! , ..' ' C r. ;:..iU:!t Tempt . .' n. c. 1 - ' - r - .4,' if.K-

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