' . - , ESTABLISHED 1 t i j 1 CIRCULATION1 NCW CLU.N, XOILTa CAI10LLVA; WEOXESDAY '.JIOHNIMi. FEBRUARY; 1 191 7 'TWENTY JilNTlU YEAH mnrr,i onUTiTPM .; o r r " - -'--f 11 C7n T is well known that a person ia poor physical con dition is more subject to attacks of disease than a per- Kftrt whi is strnno It is , - who is in boor circumstances, financially, is more Ji- f .able to misfortune, than one; kV vrv-, i ' x 1 M . 1 it.. I 1 rcauy money m luc-uan a savings; account limine-pest f i Jb j T K -I. " , ' ,- v w ,-''-,.Y-', V means of s-treiigthehiDgrjourself financially Open . an .'ac-C t count at once, t This Eank accepts deposits of -oneollaf " or more and interest is paid at . Mnnm - - - t 1 Deposits Subject tcf Check Alsoi 1 v :,;::CoiaialI:ltmtea; f : a :EW BERHBAHKlfie: 8 GO.- I Broaddtjs & Ives Ltimbef Co; A .60MPLETE EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, I SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF INTERESTED . CALL AND HEAR" SOME OF THE . LATEST "THE SPORTING GOODS MAN" ,- Phon 253 . ryv jj.q Middla, Street lRLOW;pjSIOVESRnllGES " ... ' ' TV . : . Aalso.a f uil line' Barbed Wire for hogs and -cattle, Pffultriir StoveS and Kahges1 and a general Jirie' bf fjardware. 1 WrUe,uscall,'e can give y6u right 'pnces'V'. j QASKlLi: HARD WARE CO. Middle Street' v J '; V . Phone 147, ' " New Hern, N. C. , A-;)) , i ) . ( m ( -i sThc BEST of all !-5:u! i-i all all SCREENED before lc-vip iiict ntf fniA that v a - nprsnn ; who is protected by some iiA '.J'- .v, . . .1. L ' the- rate of "4 '-per cent -per 1 ',. STRAIGHT FROM THE x STUMP , to colnei the lnmber we sell. - Our own mill aw and dresses it So, whether you Want flooring, -ceiling,, partition, weatherboard' i "Ing, moulding or what no you': can rest assured that it bt pkk .,' duced from the best selected-Pine - if you buy "it of us It will payv - you to deal direct with us. Larg i est retail yard in Eastern Caro- LINE OF RECORDS. " the i r SUE Action": 1 Postponed Ou9; Week - GraduaV' Uxpans ion , of Prop.,?r evty and'Lhics. ' I The "fitocVholdew'f meeting ' olthe Norfolk-Southern ' Railroad called ftr today to authorize au, increase in-the company's bond issue. from a precept maximum of $12,TMX.00Q to 135,000,000, was postponed for wetweekrrs'.3' It is not 'the Idea to Issue bonds at once to the authorised limit, ot 35,000,- OOO' if thil propositfon, carries,- but simply to make it to tnat UiavWortolk Southern caa expand and. grow by ex- leosion of its own liner or v the acquisi tion of other lines. , 1 V" ' . the capiUl 'etockof $16,( 00,000 will remain just aa at present, .Or the pre sent, authorized bond issue of 912,000, 000 there are outstanding "55780,u00i3lu8 i,z2u,wv to lane care or underlying securities. With only an authorized tf suance of $12 000,000 this - would "give the-' Norfolk-Soathern J but $3,0"J0,000 upon which to work, - Tbii was deemed inadequate and thus the - program to provjide for aa authorized:.- bond issue of tniriy-nve millions oi aoiiars. - a -When ieartbquakes and cy clones strike New Bern dort forget the best place of'rs- fuge will be in' J. J, Baxter's storewhere he wilt selPyou goods lower than he has ev er offered them. - No danger! in our store? See J; X. Bax ter. ' -t , t - Business Meeting at Church Tonight. This Wednesday night is-the' regular annual business meeting of the Taber" nacle Baptist- church, and the pastor and deacons are making a special effort to have every member in- attendance; Many questionS"of importance, relating to the growlb and management of the church and its affairs will be up for Consideration hence the urgent request that all members be present. Carrie Nation Near Death. , , Eureka Springs, Ark., Jan. 31-Mrr. Carrie Nation, vthe. saloon smasher, is reported sinking raptdlf Berdeatb is said to be imminent She suffered nervous collapo two weekB gx,-'"rr-.t PILES CUREfr IN 6 TO' 14 DAYS 1PAZO OINTMENT, is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Jilind,' Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to H- days or money refunded.' " 50o. :. Did You UtpecstAnything Different? i The North Carolina General Assembly ( has passed. bills to protect opossums in Kandolph and rainbow trout In uraham. while sheep In, every county of ihe State is left to the tender "meri.'ieiot the sheep-killing dog, -Salisbury Post The Greatest Calamity ver Happened la NewJBern, Colonel A; .A. Monsch walking fdown Middle street in his long tail jsoat," fivp yomen got; weak in their -knees and falnted. six men went stark Wind, sev en meu butted their heads against the -telegraph poles rubber necking at,his long tail coat ' They were all hurried TtJfihe hospitals Herbert K..' Land, .and Johnny Parker and Eugene Hawkins helped pick them up and they 'sald am sorry that your long coat tail has caused etV much troubletf and all that "vTere; hurt - the last; thing, they "said, for Heavens Sake gi ve.us ZEPHO that is the only .thing' will help Sold by McCullough Coi. 48 E. Huntor St, Atlanta Ga...X:?;-.- Circulating Library Financial Eepoit The following report of the Circulat ing Library has bet n audited of receipt and dnburHcments for year Dec. 1, l'.i09 Dec. 1 1910. .'' f . . .-. Receipts.'"; .. " liy balance Subscription n4 fines City Incidentals $ 52 17 ilC. Son. C2 Total receipts ' IJi'itiiirRrnirnta. To books and man iiu-a riirian . ' V t r'urn:i!iii.:;i ' ' I'...!: ' ' " r:i -li on liiind $741,2:! j $ 1MI K i ' ivi.c . 71 c;;:.:iLES '. III THE TOILS Of tlie" law: Ch arged ; With Rob- V bine Iho Postoffice at' Cal- - ' " ; , lison vp ramlico Co. : ; Uponthe complaint of Mr. J?0a oorne, poatoffice Inspector for this dis trict; fjharles Bray, a young white man about 18, years of "age was" arrested yesterda? jin Pamlico county by U.' S.J deputy Marshkli,';W, j3mallwooooo a Warrant - charging bim-with yiolatmg sectios J599 of the postal laws and reg ulations by breaking" ioto the postoffice at Callison, Paralko eountyj and steal ing postage atampand eaaa5'?J - Bray was -brought to .this , city last Bight and carried beforetJ. ST Commis sioner C; B.' Hill who continued, bis case until Friday, February S; Jn default of a $209 justified b6ni the defendant was .committed to the Cfaren county jalt Rheumatism r Relieved ioT Six Houre t Dr. Detchonli relief, for Rheumatism usually relieves severest cases in a few hours.-.'Its action qponth system is remarkable- and effective, It removes at once thb cause and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene- QtsTSc and $1.00,- Sold, by Bradhanrj Drug Co. 4 j The Journal jhal -published the local weather report of maximum jmd minr- muuv temperatures to J8th the follow- . 18 H3 28 38 , - 27 ' 20.r. " - 44". - 29 21 ' 50 29 ; . 22 1b -. 46 ' " '23 - - H 24 ' 61 , ' ' 24 25' - ,50 " -29 26 ,6f 43 ,27 ---- 60 - 51 28 71 - S 49 29 - ,73 ."32 30- '66 V 65 81 , , ' " ,76 ' 32- 1 Mi1. Hyman Hacker, ofjiis city ' pn the 25th" of January raaZfifr general as signment for the benefit l of, - creditors, withouf any preferences, , hamuig the undersigned as trustee, -who , Wilt for ten days . take -an - inventory - of r the property of said Hacker and file r same as required by law. -All creditors will file theif itims; with- Clerk Of - Court of Craven county as provided by law.--' -Tthls 26tbof January 1911.' - Trf I &. Trustee. -1. ' . f" ' i-l I '.'! f : The . Duke of Connaught will, sue ceed Earl Grey of Governor-General of Canada-.nextSepteinberr 7- y eOtlQNlMARKET UEPOltTED BY ;4 OOrrOlTBBOKBB?;: 1 LONG PITTANCE! 'PHONE NOy 8. ' 'C 'llWw Tork HaraA?'- " aDpen-: Hi(h . 'Low: Close T ' - t 14671407 .1498 1491 , 1467 Msy1"'-;j:.'l495 July,-, vi"9 , 1198 I49?i 1492 . 1499 Port jecetpts .41.952 baief,i ;fT .-t ;JJTerpool Cottoa JUrkett '';$-'Zyxjt.' 'X-' ?:f January 31- ;;Qpening;:;;;:i:.; Closing! Jan. Feb.' 7 781 if' v'C . "77D1 Tt782i .t-Vfv Ke'w .Rem' Market 2 ; (tJir'J-January 31. V::':''- - .T ;;v s. 12J tol4J Sales 10 bales." ' ' " v V .OICEB J ; - TrilllAvi: A ri A marlnan TtftmrinaffrTT K tion tho Cause, fslauda J , Tf ? aa a Kaval Base, ,' . Washington,' Jaru 81. Negotiation for the Jeace by the United States Jrf the Galapagoi Islands, for naval purpo lies w it probably' be sukpended5 indefi nitely, il was said at the State Depart ment following tbereport of the AnrV americao demonstrations ia Guayaquil, The reported pledge of President Es- traded, given to a mob of "eitizenr' who surrounded his residence, that be would drop the matter, la taken here tamean thj enj of the pJaa for"thfl present at lea t !r As the negotiations were 'opened at the request of Ejoador,;the State Department feels that they' cannot joe pressed py mis country in ! uur eppoak tion-in-EcuadotT --- It was proposed that the islands "ba leased for 999 yeari aod W tfed by the United States as a Jiaval base for defense of the Panara' Canat andanyH utner wrauuna ia tne racirie, .ne project is looked upon here largely as a, monif -makiog scheme of the ' Ecuador raan adrntniBtratjotia, Several preSH ae!Ku pi fnar, country nave enaeavorea to consumate tna ileal, -tun the other hand there is no great toteresf 'la" VYaehington, even'amoug naval eirclas. in the proposed acquisition: of, the-Hel ands., . - " ' T, ' t According to t plan the $15,000,000 suggested as the price of the leae. wa to be -used in pi icing ' Guayaquil la a 8 anitary condition. - - -i. . av .1 mssv ak. '"Wit : "'' nuts i riJ-ts i riut$ i Wifiiams' Indian Pile Ointment . will cure Blind, feeding and Itching Piles..' It absorbs the tumors, Ilayaltching at once-, acts as a poultice, gives-lnstaht relief. Williams; Indian Pile) Ointment is prepared for Biles ana itching of , the private partsr . Sole by druggists,', maili Props., Cleve'andO. ' v. ""'d Most Dellghiful Entertainment, -i Elbwt Poland and. the Italian',; Boy's presented a program of exceptional merit at the Urimu audiwriumt las night All the pieces were heartily en cored and usually there 'was ' Second' recall, inereaaings of jar. Poland were more than that? the- parts' wacted andlreaCThfr musical selections r were such as wouldappeat to the'muaician as wen as to a popular taste and not a ear tectioiirat Was enjoyed, ..This remark ble boy soprano - was - well up -da that class; and the Lyceum Course fat to be congratulated again -for the- excellence of its program. . .Every, thing1 in cour" big store: wjlj W :soid at Cost for the" next- weejc ,'or - ten daW. Clothing "and Ladies- Suits at rrii; t.j ' ."-t V' rL . sCaraway-Blddle. ' u IA. beautiful wedding was solemnized at RosLHill farm,- near Port B irnwefi, N, C, pn, Wednesday-January 25th, at 12:30 o'clock. The.contracting parties being Wat Helen ,Biddle,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' John Biddle, and Mr Gor don Bennett Carawsy of Lenoir Co., Rev. Mr. Hueke, otNew Bern, offlcia ting. The parlor wai 'artistically ar ranged In potted jilanta and Southern 8milaX,'witb numerous tapera peeping forth. -i-.; iVv- -.;-: '-.r 4 ',-; - ; At the Bwett strains of Mendolshoa. s wedding - march, beautifully rendered by Miss Mabel Weat,.Mv Dover, the bride entered with her father who gav ber away.; She was handsomely attired in - white' embroidered chiffon, ovef s foundation "of meahalina trimmed 'in point lace and hand "made roses; il.i carried a shower boquet of -lillies of the valeyt brides roses and ; maiden inlr fern snd wore orange blossoms in hri huir, her only ornament being a dia' mond broorh, the gift of the grot! 1. the was attended ly her.ruter,. " -limn Didillt', as niiii.i of h-mor, I r srown was of white f n ' ' ' II' i .'"I S'ie carrii d "pink I.-i I t,i"i r'iei 'r.- frtico !!. Cr;1 i! fnifini sc'' I us I ; 1 . -i !y fif r , : '.. i in: n an 1 i ! C ii ',..u'-' 1 ,: I i , a r i t v ', I : . ( r cl t r iin, t:,..y v era j t; - i - '-! - PUT IT IN THE 7 i& ?:1 When your MONEY is BURNED ap regret won't bring ! " When your MONEY is BURNED ap regret won't bring ' it hack t6 you- It is.very UNSAFE arid it WORRIES you a jwhole lot to have money in your house or in a hole in the -ground; 5 Besides "looking" time after time to see it it is jsafe teaches people where it is and makes it very UNSAFE. l 1 Make OUR Bank' YOUR Bank, j We pay liberal interest consistent wjth safety 4 per cent. VntiEPBOMBS BANK L T i While the time.' has come to j elose our sale, .we find that we t still have a large stock of Cloth- wg' uvercoats, mens ana uoys J JPaots, a good manyShoes, Blank -- ets; Dress Goods, Mens and Ladies , Underwear, and all -ether winter goods tbat we don'l Want to carry oven ' T$emi continue selling these " goods aalongras they last at Cost sfndaome lots of Clothing and Shoes at about half price V.'e Have 21 Udies Suits T to jytW Price. - v... . V- .t '...L'T X ; J. i DEPT. ; STO R . - t " i'i 1 1 Tfi i "x i1 i(i it ' , J .' ' ' " " Tt ("V w" asb'and "la'tnost economi . ' iy ;..wVl :lcal.r,WeJ solicit yonr patronage" k!Z kL ' " n lity alone. " HKstoal anil boiAJPhM fr: -5 Oc. t- :?SjtIk m2&c. , r, 1 M:Broadciotlv5c. ::::f" qt a FEJ.tt-a-stm-faffs'. BAXTER ELrtSTEMPLE ' In looks all coal is alike black, rough sparkling. But there the t likeness . ends. ' For some coal burns unevenly, throws off little heat and makes much dirt Our coal has proven best by test It i burns"with a hot,' steady flame to t ) t:,e children If' you want to rr-nke them healthy "and" happy, ' !v f-i '' '-a the only sort ' '1 m.'' 9 tlio lloiina of Con : ' '.'1 t'.e doors of your ' r r. V...1 ii...y buy '. . i!i, a i "mil, ( ' S I'l 11' ' . .-i.V-r.7w ;- I j;'.3-' 39 - : ''rf?' v.. .. .'v .'.,!Si '. --'ri.'V'. ' . J'C.' "4.r' . ",r ,.,'. .-! f. T,-:..;f ""'.' wK.''., .Si- v4 -'V ' i- t.V K V yard. and all 'weights an: f; I GUARANTEED.

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