v. . PAPER WITH , :;. KNOWN . CIRCULATION , 'N; ESTABLISHED r 'IN V 't - .;-.V;' .1878 7t t NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY, 4-1911. 1- r T WEXIXlMNTtt AR S. 'I' V- f r' 'fS 1- ir- I n V ' ."-"il1' fl ' t j ft , s : ' A'.' ASSAYINGS 1 1 V. f. K T is well knbwn that a person in poor physical con ditioo is more subject to attacks of disease than a per-' son who jfe strong, i It is just as true that & person " who is in poor circumstances financially fe more li-l" - -? able to misfortune than one ready money in the bank. A savings account is the best means of strengthening yourself financially. Opeh an ac count at once. This bank accepts deposits of one dollar -more and interest is paid at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. Deposits Subject to Xkeck Also : Cordially Invited. NEW BERN BUI Broaddus c Ives Lumber Co. A COMPLETE E 0111 PHONOGRAPHS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF INTERESTED CALL AND HEAR SOME OF THE LATEST RECORDS. WILLIAM T. HILL "THE SPORTING GOODS MAN" Phone 23 .... 91 Middle Street. ii" iibwwmmmmiiii in ... mim, - I.' s. Prescriptions aSpecialtyj We" Call": For And Denver TW Gaston Drug Company on toe cor-' Wr "iifi ' tan; :.Thf:cMlL Store ELLVOOD FENCE i-.ygE -Aalso a full line Barbed wire' for hos and cattle, Poultry"' Wire Rubber Roofing, Paints and Oils tove3 and Ranges and a general line of llardw.;:?. Write U3 or c.ill, we can give you right prices. ACCOUNT! who is pr6tected by some I1G 5 TRUST GO. WE MANUFACTURE LUMBER. We take the tree on the stump and torn it into finished lumber. And because we do all this work ourselves, we are ALWAYS in position to"givevyou the BEST of pine lumber, every dimension and desrripti n, at the LOWEST COST. You will make no mis take if you come direct to us for your flooring, ceiling, mouldings, weatherboarding and all other sorts of pine. LINE OF ECONW:BEfiH.;N.C.- ' " . ' ,h' T" OPPOSITE " - THE POST-OFFICE RECORDS PROHIBIT SALES mwm beer Law Will W Effective After f ' " the'jat oi TbiarTeanv' V ; -Toto 91 to 7. . V r' - - .. ..- ISC'7'. -W. V . Ral igh, Feb 3, The House passed the substitute Kent bill to prohibit the ' ale of near beer, beerine and other like drinks in North, Carolina the amend ment by the, author of the bill substitu ting "or"; for ''and," in the second par agraph excepting medical preparations so it shall read "or which are mann- faclufed and sold as medicines and not i as be erases. '.' ' ' ' The second reading vote was by roli call and stood 91 to 7. r Oo Gnat reading the bill was amended by Kellum. to make the bill effectiva June 1st, instead of March 1st, this amendment beig adopted 1 ' . - Kellum urged this amendment be cause in all fairness the State, counties ciiies and towns should carry out the contracts they made with these people when theyook their money for licen se?. The amendment waa.adopted 59 tO''42. ' :.'-;..'... '. The House passed t,be Quiekel to amend the hours of labor. Law of 1907, making both railroad company and em ployes guilty of a misdemeanor for an employe working over sixteen hoars, an amendment being to relieve the- em-ployeoj-the misdemeanor charge so the employe of the injured working Over time can lave a standing in court for damage suits in view' of the Supreme Cjurt ruling in. Lloyd vs, Southern Railway. The bid for providing an annex for the wives and widowf of Confederate v teraas at tbe Soldier' Home has. a favorable report from tha Pensions committee and was referred to the Ap propriations committee ginie it carries $5;000 special appropriation and $2,500 maintenance. The Battle 'bill to allow cities and towns to amend charters at will for commission or other form of govern ment came from the Judiciary commit tee with a favorable report and in view of its exceptional interest 500 copies were ordered printed. , m The House committee voted 13 to 3 to report favorably the bill creating Hoke county which . has already passed -the Senate The Senate committee voted 12 to 2 to report" favorably the Avery county production out of Mitchell, Laid well and Watauga. Protests Lodged Against the Coffee Washington, Eeb. 3 The existence. of an alleged coffee trust has been call ed to the attention of the Department of Justice. It is charged that the mar keting of Brazilian' coffee is entirely, in the hands of a; committee coiur lling the market and i planning an advance of four cents a pound The statement to the Department declares (he com mittee is preparing to market 79,000, pounds of beans at an addi iional pn fit of $3,000,000. " - r I .' TO CURE h COLO 'id ONE DAY ' .Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure..' E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. ' School News of the Week. Thej new terra began Monday and 33 newpppila -entered. The enrollmei.t last term was 824 as compared with 801J lor the same term one year ago. j ire total enrollment thif year slread857 as compared with 819 for- the whole of last year' At the close of the first term this year there were promoted 65 "pupils and 239 were "left; over',' largely on account of absences or removal, in oth er words 70.8 per eon? were promoted One year ago out of 770 enrolled 528 were promoted and lM left over, ' giv ing B per cent promoted. a against 70.8 per cent this jeRr. .(, v ' The, next, number -of - the Lyceum Course will be the Metropolitan Grand Concert Co. on Feb: 25th." This' should be the best number on the progrim or it is the mo8txne.ialve, cottirg 22S.O0 for the one ' night; Tho company has taken part in many, of the music fenti valS held throughout the country and has a high reputation, It rom oied of-Mrs. Frederick Murljn B8f, Mr. J. Humbird Duffy-r-Tenor, Jme Lucllo Chelson Ohrman Soprano,- Miss Adah Camball tluajey-r-Contralto, Mist Susie Ford Pianist. , ;, .... . ' The first grade has ben running w attendance cmteHt for eevcrul wi'i U this week the hoys won.' . . S !Vtrr of ho grades a"o vnry largo tlii term and crowdwt. TIkto nre fei!on$ of several cr imen yet the 4 grTlmnn are nee iuji us every room 'ii th Imininjfl ! u'ivI, .IH! can d' n. . Tis;.1 iih :r,l . 1 . i ;. sr!y C I : it. ttlid ia tui'V tlivi ' :'. . ; " h 1 ir-fi.t P"-;.tl . . , v . . i . U I: t ".!...! r f i June Mm " " AT Serious Shooting Affair There Late - ' YesWrdayJ:AfternooD. " ,.The fads of a serious shooting.affaif at Ailson late yesterday afternoon was received at this office last night by long distance ' telephone, ' Deputy . Sheriff George Mum(ord was killed and Chief of Pc'ice Glover lies in the hospital at the point of death.'. ' " - ' ; Th shooting.; was done by a negro nameq Henis Wwt who had '.broken in to a store and ' stolen goods. The of -J fleers were attempting to arrest the negro when he opened fire on them wilh Colt automatic revolver. The Sheriff was shot seven times and the Chief of Police twice. . After the' shooting thev negro made his escape and aciat report he had not been captured,. allhough every effort to Apprehend the desperador was being made. - - i Mall Close. The evening mails for east and west bound trains Close in this office at 4:55 m, instead of 5:05 ae heretofore. J. S. BASNIGHT. Postmaster. -Bound Over to Court. Yesterday morning Charles E. Brsy, the young white man from Pamlico Co. who is charged with robbing the post office at Callison, Pamlico county, was given a hearing before United States Commissioner C. B. Hill. After hearing the evidence in the case Commissioner Hill founi probible cause and bound the defendant over to the next term ot the United States District Court under a bond of $50.00 which he gave and was released from custody Bray enter ed the office at that place several weeks ago with a skeleton key and stole sev eral dollars worth of postage stamps which he proceeded to sell to -pome' of his friends at a greatly reduced price. When the robbery was discovered the father of Bray paid the psatmaster for the stolen stamps and endeavored to stop proceedings, this however proved to be fruitless and the young man was farrested and placed in jail. Lieut John Rodgers, of the cruder Pennsylvania was lifted 400 feet from the deck by kites Hay. Not be Necessary Theory That Taft Kxpeets It. Canuon w Believed to Know. Washington. Feb 3-Speculation on an extra session has taken turn with the boosters working on three direct lines ot argument which they asserted, supported the movement, - r First and foremost was the action of President Taft in cancel! ng his engage menU for his projected Southern trip in March on .account of "anticipated pressure of business.": Etra session advocates declared that the President would have jno ''pressure ' of business. after March 4,, unless he contemplate calling an extra "session. v Speaker ; Cannon Ti . declaration that there will be no action on the Canadian reciprocity agreement this session -fur qiahed-another angle for extra session argument",' s V?.-"' The declaration of Senator tBrpwn in thu Sonale ' that "runleM the Lirtmer case,' the jsuuoway. repawn . bin, tne popular election of Senatore anjl the Tariff Board bill are acted Ton by that body an extra sossion wilt he fore d, waa the third argument quoted for an extra session. 1 'v, ,"; j Ai.y two or thread Senators, hjf fill bustering against' a i tingle appropria-. tioa bill, could en 'ore the call of an extra session to pass the measure.'. V in r irlTITJE i i .... -I WILSON CBOEflOMffi lv MERGE LIEETKld An Interefiting Session Last Nigh I; Annual Reports. Tote of' sfi f . Thanks. ' . J; "' j ... ' "i. Jhe regular annual "'meetintrTof this Chamberor Commerce- held last night at the court house.!-. The reports of the various committees were' made andsav era) new 'matters were up ' for 'discus sion. At the closa the annual ,eleciim- oi id directors was held, and the pre' ent board of directors was unanimous re-elected. The board will elect the officers in a week ot. two, .the seaaiem being so long last night, that this waa d;f-rred-A vote of thanks to Secrete ry Boyd and the officers were offered for their services duringthe year. ine long use oi yearly committee re ports took a considerable , part of the nearly 2J hours," and, a number Of the reselutions were offered and passed on various subjects. Especial attention was given to the subject of drainage, it being agreed that large sections in the Uy-and without Were badly in need of it. and the way to have it done was discussed, Finally all agreed that the board of aldermen be requested to es timate the cost and amount of work re quireAby consulting enginees, and if deemed advisable to have bill intro. duced in the legislature authorizing I vote for $15,000 drainage bonds. . It having beep reported that a cen sus had been taken of this city . lately, inquiry was maae it una waa true,, ana if so bow the city showed less than jone thousand increase No one eoiild x pluin this, the fact was cited that -tne past year 127 new houses had been huifl ine uepm oi water in neuBe river came up and a resolution passed -thai the N C Senators and Representatives he asktd to work for a depth -equal to that in the Inlapd Waterway Canal. The committee in charge of the Bi centennial reported that all defita were paid, the final balance being met hf the railroads and that the committee held vouchers for every item Tnis committee was requested to report to the next meeting the cost and ; ad visability of putting in hook form the data connected with the celebration and the history of settlements The Harbor of Refuge at Lookout was reported on by Messrs Moore andBrini son, who recently went to Washington to speak on behalf of the project . and they reported that they were, encourag ed by the attention given them. Senator Simmons having also so expressedihinn self. It was said that the Board of Engineers would be down in a body to view the situation, the time of such a visit not yet determined. The BeaufoaL-Aahevilio Highway waa endorsed and delegates urged to attend in Raleigh Feby. 14. l. , Mr, Ellis reported ' qn the subject of a partial paid Are department giving figures obtained from other cities of the saving in lessened inoorance premruma. The meeting endorsed the report which was the use of a chemical engine; with ths employment of a chief - and, fyikr man. It was stated that in Charlottif 95 percent of the fires wore put out hjr the " chemical. 'The coat waa- put at $5,000 yearly the engine tocoat 15,500. The discussion of city all afcra actupied the Usual space and aa XuUaithat Jnabik ity or disinclination 'to admits that the munipal matter and electric planta .were a oity asiet was manifested. - 'ws stated that these plants , paid pnfft -The meeting was of great interest to1 aJreltisens, and It is of vital hnpejrtahea to the interest of ,tae fcity, that; thrf v". -3- , Sl", MNSHMseeaiMWMssi'f. .. ' , ' i-" "r?s ' v. ' rHara you oegleeted, your. Kidneys,? Have you overworked your neryeus "aya tem and caused trouble with yoOr kid neys end bladder! Hare yon paint in loins; aide, pack, groin and bladder! Have you a flabby appearance pf. the face, especially under the eyes t-Too ire quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams'. Kidney Pills will cure (you-at UrageiBt, Price 500.. Wliuama' ,MTg. Co., Propa., ClevelandV Ot v a :; I3L Postoni;e Makei Gd:d Showing, --,- ' ' i v rui - . ''T, . Poptmaster Benight hat eomplet id his report of the receipts of the New Bern office fo the past month. The report is of most intareatin nature. It shows that there has benn a steady in crease in the business of te local pos office for the month of January 11)11, over t'10 same period for the f reci ' yenr. In January 13!;) t'.a rri'.iu tho Ni'w IVrn IVi ti-"" a ''.! !'. llZMjil. For tlie n- 'i . i t v. c! ) l"d at tiiii!ni,;lit Tin ',',( r Cr", f-t Rinmirit.-.l t) (' n ' -t "f C l,"7. T! i f ' " cif imo f r J i-iu'ry lilt r ! r f 1 1' 8 Pllf IT IN THE BANK ar- When yotif MONEY is BURNED ap regrets won'i bring it back to you. It is very yNSAFE and it WORRIES you a .whole Jot to have money in your house or ip a, hole in the ground. Besides "looking" time after -time to see it it is safe teaches people where it is and makesVt very UNSAFE, Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. Wepay liberal mteresl consistent with safety 4 per cent. WEW SPRINC COAT SUITS We have just received our first shipment of the latest style Coat Suits. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY STILL SELLING AT COST We are still selling all our winter goods at cost. If you will see us before buying we will save you money on anything you want. 1 i . J. J. BAXTER j JfJEPT. STORE , ELKS TEMPLE laiiiiiiieiffiiiii sit; i ",t r 3 ra :6Oc.Messi06(Als 39c. -JEE-'i'Ql; i'jFEH'i'lF' 01 SPECIAL , PRISES ; rltcnlJIffiooilsCo: r" fi T. ji ' "r; In looks all coal is alike black, rough sparkling. But there tho likeness i ends. For burha,unvenly, throws off littlo heat and makes much dirt Our coal has proven best by teat. It burns with a hot, steady flame to a white ash and is most economi cal. "We Solicit your patronage on quality alone. Sm TAIvL Ll' to the children if ' you want to .make them healthy and ' happy. Pure connections the inly sort "' " we sllmake the House of Con tent behind" the doors of your . ( ,v.. st.. t-t nu,nbr, You tnay buy 1 f v rritV worth, f pound, r-r five f minds,. -Our .'im(ie and 'i will be just the aamoJ re- )U-n of q'lnntity. ', Still you'll ." e - .1 s.- .: " " :r"iSi; -71 n i i "Ik 1 fi J '-'v,." V ,i - lJKV. V"'

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