PAFER WITH KNOWN j (3RCCIATION :' ESTABLISHED nr 4878 - DUMBER 2b: .; .NEW - BENORTff CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY,ORM.' FEBRUARY, & 191I. !!&4 I i I '1.;..' 4 r.-i ft' A iAlSAViNGS T is well known that a ditlon is more subject to attacks of disease than a per sou who is strong It is just as true that a persoxj ; Hwho is in poor circumstances financially, is more Ii- able Kpmisfortiine than one who is protected by -some x ready money in the bank. A savings account is the best means of strengthening yourself financially. -Open an ac count at once. This bank accepts deposits of one dollar or more and interest is paid at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. - Deposits Subject -to Check Also Cordially Invited. HEW BERN. BANKING & TRUST GO. Broaddus & Ives Lumber Co. A COMPLETE PHONOGRAPHS AND SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS IF INTERESTED CALL AND HEAR LATEST RECORDS. WILLIAM T. HILL "THE SPORTING Phone 253 or u c ... PHONE No;o5 -lu- CARLOAD BUCK'S STOVES 5 RANGES i q" -J. S.-BJL5K1GHT HftRDWAR Prescript ' .'..'..j;v:;.'j.-.i:;.i. a : .I y ' . ...... , ...,'v i fil ;-,w.'. t .. ! ' k". , ll-riri.iM.n,;, ; .,. -; yJm TriJi ELLVOOD .V 'Aitlso a full line Barbed Wire lor hogs and cattle, I poultry Wire, Rubber Roofing, Paint3 and Oils, Stoves and Ranges and a general line; of Hardware. Write us or call, we' can give you right prices. . - 'ACCOUP person in poof physical eetfT. WE MANUFACTURE LUMBER. jWe take the trge on the stump an9 turn it into finished lumber. And because we do all this work ourselves, we are --ALWAYS in position to give you the BEST of pine lumber, every dimension and desrripti n,' at the LOWEST COST. You will make no mis take if you come direct to us for your flooring, ceiling, mouldings, weatherboarding and all other sorts of pine. LINE OF SOME OF THE GOODS MAN". . v 91 Middle. Street E 00, . KEW BERN;, B. C.' & v- RECORDS wnsaSoec laity ''LL'-il -': riJeiiverjV em 1 .' i. . OPPOSITE . aCTMS '... "'Store. POST-OFFICE FENCE e. 3-' t H" Numerious rulicatioas Which Have ' Caused y?sil " Street ' -'-Trouble Change Hands. k .ew,iorr, feo, wn sweet is reaching to throttle thd 'Muemking' magMinep. :Periodical lilerluro iji the future ia to be sugar-codled nd dipped jn fconey and the expoeuw .of "how they got it,", are to be topped accord tag to tht few York Press That pap er givei derails of. tho recent - change ia the magazine field andjhowa Jhow. Wall Street men liave finally aneeeeded in corralling eontrol of a number of the periodicals thai have cauned tbem trouble in, the past. . . J. P. Morgan and Company, accord ing t&the press, "is the firm mosac-. tive in the move although others are in terested. Through Thomas W Lamoqt newest partner of the Morgan firm, that concern is now, in a position lo dictate the policies of periodical with a cir culation of 3,0QP,000. La mon t controls the Crowcll PuHishing Company which marketa't'ne Woman's Home Companion the Farm,anrl Fire Side and which last week secured possession of the Amerir can magazine. ' "Lamont'8 two most impor'ant assis' tants in the Crowell concern," says the Press, "are George H. Huzen, presi dent, ' and -Joseph , P Knapp, of the American Lithographic t Company, who ia a director of the associated Sund iy magxzines. . The periodical lias' a cir culation of more than 1,000,009. There are two or three- publications repot 1 3d to be on the ragged edge-because of debts. Thfre are publications' whosi owners seeing an opportunity to sell out at a figure that will .mike them in dependent may conclude to let go to the trust. The Press states that the Cur tis Publications of Philadelphia, the Mc Clure Publications, Hampton's; John Wanamaker's periodicals, Robert J. Collier's and Conde Rant's magazines will not enter the combination and it predicts a fight for circulation between the independents which will continue their popular fight and those that are owned by syndicate. MASONIC NOTICE A regular communication of 81. Johns Lodge No. 3. A. F. & A. M., will be held this Wednesday evening at 7:30. All resident and visiting masons cordially invited to attend! By order of W. M. . J. J. RHODES. Secretary DIED. Srs. F. A. Crown, of 14 Griffin St .at her residence Sunday afternoon between 1 and 2 o'clock. ." She had been in poor health for somo months),' having returned late in October from Baltimore where she. underwent an- operation. Since her return Bhe had failed . to re gain herhtrength, and other symptoms developed which hastened her demise. . .The funeral services, were held at 4 p m Monday, conducted by r her pastor, Dr. SummerelL - Tbd remains were t.: ken to Baltimore where the. interment takerplace today".' 'J.;1' v"; rMrs. , Brown leaves a husband to moaro her death, t and four , clfildreisj Arthur, who is baggage master ; at the Uoion depot Robert who Vpursumg his itudies at the rtap'.Ut lheoloical Seminary at Imhiviile. ' Ky., Harvey and the youngest a daughter: .A faith fut wife and mother has entered. .into the rede which remaineth for the: chit drenof God. t '.'t'- tV' . -x. Bepresentatlve Small; to lecture, f " Washington; D.C. Fbv t -The Land ueciamaiioB section ct' tne Bogttura Commercial Congress it; All ants,. Mat. 8ih,'flth and 10th, wilt Wf addressed by representative Sma.ll, -of. North"CaroU na. , His subject will bs "Recent Prog' ress in Drainage Legislation,"' and he will .brlng'out, for theuseof the South' era States, (lie good points of the North Carolina, Arkansas and Louisiana laws, Hon. Joseph H. Ransdell,: President of the' Nstional Rivers and II trbors Congress, will address the same section On -'"The Undrained Empire , of the South." lie will deal with the wonder ful resources of the South yet remnln ing undeveloped in lands suitable : for drainage. N . ;'';' Trof. George A. Creiild . nt ef the Ar kanoas Land Congress will addrerthe section on the subject Of . "A F-lral Survey of the. Wt. Lands of the JJouih as an sid in Eutubliithing Drainage Areas Affecting More tlmn one state." The Chalrmnnof the d'ction will ht Mr. Edward Wittncivof New Orleans, President of the Louiiria Alemlii! Company.' - . . RiiCtiHiutUm ncHcvcrJ in Six llutiu Dr. I )f!.-h.(i r-i - f It T- t r i:h. U TO BUY UP r mm BUSY DAY IN SUr SUPERIOR COURT " f -r ' v 'It Large ' Iamber of Cases Dis ; of at Yeate'rday'B Session. Mahy Present AV90 o'clock yesterday morning the secoiji day's session of Craven -county Superior Court; whicli is now in sesewn hire! was eonveneL There was an nno sually large numbee of spectators pres ent, the larger soditoriunf being entirely ll led, and rauch interest was: manifest ed in the procesdings all through the The first case called was that of tJa-f State vs Sam Jones, colored, charged with the larceny of $8 00 worth of fiih from thSrm of Harker & . Tboker on last December," and also the Sta' e vs Jim Farrior, also colored for; receiving the th. stolen fish, knowing that' they had Ibeen ' stolen. The prosecution showed that Jones, who was jn the em ploy of the firm, had purchased the fish from! a catch which they had purchased and had given tKemo Farr.or, who is a huckster, to sell for him on s com mission. .Both the negroes pleaded not guilty to the charge, and although the prosecution, was certain of a verdict in their favor, the jury rendered a ver dict of cot guilty, The next efese called was that of the State vs Sam Smith, colored, charged with the larceny of clothes -valued aU J10 00 I romJohn Ellis, also colored. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the bharge but the jury decided otherwise and he was sent to the county roads for aHerm of of 12 months. Mary Marshall, alias One-eyed Mary, co'ored, the bane of every officer on the force, was next placed on trial charged with resisting an officer while he was attempting to arrest her. "Last No vember the woman became beastly in toxicated and going to a store on South Front street proceeded to clean the"! place out. An officer was summoned and when he attempted to tike her into custody she managed to get his hand to her mouth and painfully injured that member. She was given a hearing be fore the Mayor at the time and- bound over to Superior Courts Being unable to secure a bondsman she was commit- ted Jo jail and has been confined there since that time. She pleaded guiliy ttf pleaded guiliy the charge and the Judge taking into consideration the fact that she had been imprisoned several months .offered to suspend judgment upon the payment of the costs of the ease. This, however, she was unable to do and was sentenced to a term of 60 days in jail, to be turn ed out. by tha commissioners if they saw fit. - The ease of the State vs Addison To- ler, charged with abduction, was called the prosecution moved that this case be continued until the next term of count and the Judge granted the request pla cing the defendent under a bond of $fi0. Toler is charged with abducting the wife of Mr. M. T. Rowe, of Nor 2 towrumip-several months ago. Bond was given by the defendant Wiil Evans, colored, who waas arres ted several months ago Xor the larceny of a suit of clothes from 'Mr. y -C. Bruce manager of New Bern steam laundry, plead guilty to the charge of larceny and was sentenced to a term of 12 roonths.on the county roads ' j Richard Fulcher, colored, w ho is vjell known in police circles In Ibis city and other Eisterh vJnorth Carolina 'towns wks placed on trial charged ; with .the lareenv of a i'bUtoL:hbt Bun. and 113 in monty'frorn Jacob Davis.'also" colored Fulcherleud Dot guilty to trie cbarge out -.cne, eyiadnce sunrmtieq , oy ; ins plaintiff waarsp mcluaive to the Jury tnae tnry prougnt na veraic1; or gtftuy . , . . . . .. . ... and Fulcher : was sept .to ; tbe- ount roadi tot a term of 6 months. VCiayds. Gllcreaje, colored, .plead not guilty to the charge of assaulting Rich ard Fulcher, alio colored, with a revol VeV,' and a'so with carrying a concealed weeponii The proecutidn proved to, the IsaiiaiawoB io ina jury mat we cnargo . was true and they returned a verdict of guilty. The defendaqt waa senteAcud to the county 'roads, for a J ternvof 3 ponth,i :v. ..'.'r' V i!.'- -"' .: ; At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the ease of the State vs. Eroniiis Mpye elrrred, charged wi h the larz-eny of a tub of butter from the Norfolk-South-tra freight' depot . several weeks ago was called.' M'y plead not guilty to tha chare,. 8." II - Ln,- of the Norfolk Southern office force was plac ed on tbe stand and told 'ot the tub of butter which was consigned to Kafer's b'lkrry Ix-ing stolen. Moye . was' thr-n pi iced on the stand and lo'd the jury that li did not know . anything about the tub of buUer; that he went to Tube lldrrh' store In the we-tirn part ef the city to collect $1.50 for 'another mnn t"l tliHt while he was there Ilurrm told him ttm ho hid purchnsrd n tuh ofbii'ter frmolbit mnn anil t-tt nl thmi ,'i i' hd l T.niw.'d to ' y him Tl.r,) f r it that li In 1 cl . r 1 hit t ) t I, !, ! I: l' I Ul SEEN l HEAR GREENVILLE Attacks E.v Ft). - Carrier-JrYith : Koie.' 300 ' Mea ; Bearohing v - K phone from Greenville N, C, last sight sUted the negro West who killed one and severely wounded another of ficer at WilsoDr was. seen oq the road near that city. Yesterday, by a K. P. D.mai earrier, who attempted to stpp the negro. West sprang at the earrier, woknding bim with a knife and then fled to the woods. Word, was sent to Wilson and nearly 00 men came by train being jplned by 100 at Greenville and the woods are being given a care ful search for the negro'. ' Delegates to the Convention Appointed The following delegated heveber n ap pointed by the New Bern Chamber of Commerce to tha Beaufoft-Morehead Highway Convention at Raleigh Feb. 14th. ' C L Stevens, W Dunn, C W Monger, J A Bryan, L H Cutler. J V Blades, O G Dunn, E H Meadows, C J McCarthy, E B Hackburn, W B ' Blades, R A Nunn, J T Hnllisier, J A Jones, M I W Stevenson. . Meeting Board of Aldermen. ' - 'T" The board of aldermen met Tuesday night in regular session. A petition from the chamber ot commerce was read, requesting the board to issue $d,000 bonds for the purpose of pro- riding additional drainage in certain sections of the city. Also the petition endorsing the purchase of a chemical fire engine for the city fire department. On motion the city .engineer was, in structed to make estimates on . the drainage matter and report. A petition from the Woman's Club was read, ask ing that the city take action io matters of municipal cleanliness. On discussion it was found that there are ordinances covering the matters referred to, and it was ordered that 1,000 circulars be printed and distributed to property hold rs, giving warning as to tha or- djpances ana penalties, RePrt of chief flre department for past year, gave number nres 40, on property valued at sisz,4uu, wltn dam age of $102,459 and insurance $92,924. On alderman Ellis -report on paid fire department there was considerable dis cussion, resulting in motion that city attorney draw a bill to tend to. legis lature, to permit city to issue $6,000; 20 year bonds, with a lax levy of 10 cents on $100, for additional fir depart ment expenses. The special purpose being the purchase of a chemical en gine. New Nozzles were' ordered to replce worn out ones. On motion two $80u, contracts for A. and B. electric lights . were , ordered, and to advertise for bids for electric metersv A petition to extend tha fir district on sooth side South front St west to Metcalf St provoked discussion matter being referred. "S. H. Lane preferred charges against officer A- A, Ipock, the matter going to committee for action. . The ' resignation of alder man JC A Newkirk was received and ordered to take usual course of-action BoardHlbok recess. ' ' '1..'; ;T ' PIUS! PIUS I pkES! .Williams' Indian, Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles! Ii absorbs the tumors, allays itebioff; at oncaTwcts aa a poultice, gives . Instant relief Williama'' Indian Pile, OintmemU, is prepared for Pdea and itching of the private parts, ' Sole by druggists, ;' mail 50c and $1.00. Williama' M'Vg Co. .Props.;'CleVeland, Ki'Vrt V .1 - , More renuonr io e raio. An extra tax levy was made In "1909 by Craven county for additional pen sions for indigent ex-Confederate Sol diers or widows j f soldiers hvinjc In the trkl. t. nn a not1 out at once and the commissioners will issue vocheris for each pension; that Is now or the roll, they amount being, for Dich about' $14.00, , which In addition to the $28.00 nsid by tha . State makes a Udy little ium.'rv f-;t'.. ; 7:.Z "This extra pension allowance by the county Is largely due to the efforts of Mr. S R. Street,'. Chairman; of the county pension board, who la very aeal ous in looking out for the welfare and comfort Oi the old soldiers and widows. " This extra pension should have been paid In December but for some cnune the money was paid into the (rem.-ral fund and has onl lately been diverted to tho proper channel. , . wns writ ten no verdict lifts been return ed. " ' Arrhlu Wliitchiirnt WSS fi)';n I F'':'''y Of l.'irc ny lUt S!ltene v fp;..r; Th I iili in lUc'i"' n IV t !.. r..! n I..iv( i, 4 . t S n ' y 1 1 7 I 3r ko::sy in THE Put win the BANK When your MONEY is BURNED up regret won'i b ing it back to you. It is very UNSAFE and it WORRIES you a whole lot to have money in your house or in a hole in Hie ground. Besides 'lopking" time after time to see it it is safe teaches people where it is and makes it very UNS VFE. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. THE PEOPLES BANK NEW SPRING COAT SUITS We have just received our first shipment of the latest style Coat Suits. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY STILL SELLINGS COST We are still selling all our winter goods at cost. If you will see us before buying we will save you money on anything you want. j. j. DEPT. STORE EUisCoal and Wood Yard Phone 47 6VcBPrcss Goods 39c. 50c: Wk 26c. SLtipBrdMcloih, 75c. i:ef.e tin few -of dun speciau prices !Pr.rr::,iionr'Dry. GoodsjCo.' r v v At V .nr. sJ. ELKS TEMPLE COAL FACTS. In looks all coal is alike- black, rough sparkling. But there the likeness ends. For some- coal burns unevenly, throws off little heat and makes much dirt Our coal has proven best by test. It burns with a hot, steady flame to a white ash and is most economi H oal. We solicit your patronage I'.on quality alone. iTAKEOURCANDYnOME , to the children tf you " went to i ma.Ve them healthy and . beppy.' i' Pure confections --the only sort Vw sollmake the House of Con ; tent behind the doors' of your street jaumbrr. You- may' buy h re five cont'sjwth, a pound, or five pounds. Our smlla and' ;- 'a will be Just the ssme re r " is of quantity. Still you'll I BAXTER r ':-: ' '-'- ;-;V'' .- . .... v ,. . gas::ill ii nmvA

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