- - - . - V , . " . -w - " -1 ? ;-, v' V : V " v V : I tPAF:?v V.1TII ' v-KNOWN -', CIRCULATION t : . , ,. . ''-"J "'"?-' ,;r "PI-'J TIMBER 264: JJEW BERN. N0UTI1 CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING. FEEBUAItY. ,10.1911. T WKXTYljmi-: YEAR ArSAVIKGS ACCOUNT; T is well known that a person in ifoor physicalconr : dition is more subject to attacks of disease than a per--. r I son who is strong - It is just as true that a person : who is-in poor circumstances -'financially is : more v U-. able to misfortune than ' one - who - is - protected by-' some. ready money in the bank-. A savings account . is. the best : means of strengthening yourself financially. ;- Open -an acr count at once. Thisbank accepts deposits of one dollar or more and interest is paid at the rate of 4 per cent per . annum. " - N Deposits Subject to Check AJsa Cordially Invited. r NEW BERN BANKING 5 TRUST GO, WE MANUFACTURE , LUMBER. We take the tree on the stump . and turn it into finished . lumber. And because we do all this work ourselves, we are ALWAYS in position to give you the BEST of pine lumber, every dimension and descripti n, at the LO WEST COST. You will make no mis take if you come direct to us for ; your flooring, ceiHng, mouldings, weatherboaiding and all other sorts of pine. - Broaddtis & Ives Lumber Co. A COMPLETE LINE OF EDISOll pj' NOGRftPHS AID RECORDS SOLD ON -EASY PAYMENTS IF INTERESTED CALL AND HEAR SOME OF THE LATEST RECORDS. WILLIAM T. HILL 'THE SPORTING GOODS MAN' Phone 253 91 Middle Street J. S; BlSNIGHT HIlBinfflE-CltrrlitW BBS,iN:C' FAVOR niGREASEs; SIX . ! - " ' ' L'- - . . "... Bill For iTweoty Judicial Districts killed i;i ifi:i; ACCIDE'lTS ,1- .'J'i'J i.- vT' . Raleigh; f& " S-r-TheT- lowe'wift- mittM on ' ialariea'ard fees"has voted unanimously for lavorable report for the senate bitt to increase tba salarypf the governor of North. Carolina from $4,000 ta6,000. r-TIa Wthe MIL intro duced by enatorj.Gftrdner, and" harf al ready passed' the . senate. .Th, com mittee considered the Spamhour reso- lutionto appoint a legislative "commis sion to investigate salaries of clerks in state offieea and put-., them on a more equitable basis with school feacbrs and dollege instructors whose salaries M declares to be aft too low. However action as to fa-vorable or unfavorable report was deferred and ft joint com-H mi t lee provided for with: two from the senate and wo from the house to look into-the' salaries . and duty of state clerks ahd. report so that the need for' an investigating commission may be as certained. V. The House passed a joint Veaolution for the ratification of the amendment to the Federal Constitution for the in come tax by ft large majority and it was ordered enrolled for ratification Senator Green, of Craven, introduced a hill to permit the sale of pure beer as well 'M wines in North Carolina, !:,..,, The bill of Senator Hobgood, of Guil ford, to divide the state into twenly judicial district, gets a favorable re pot t fiom the joint senate ancrhouse commi tee on judicial diairicts and " if passed the committees will lhen rdisV rict the state so as tj relieve the, con gested dockets of superior courte .in many counties hy (he work of the four additional judges. ; ".i - . ' - Tne Rosa bill to Protect the insurance companies and the people of the Slate coming up for third reading, it was strongly opposed by- Conner, Woo tun, Bryan and others end a long contest was, precipitated. The . bill - provides that citizens insuring in companies not licensed to do business, 'in this State shall pay thej B-per cent, tax- on the premiums the l ate , Jt reasurer. 'ihe charge agaiDbt the bill was that itla an infringment on the liberties of .ihe citi zen- end an effort'to effectually exclude all companies from the Slate who ere not in the Southeastern Taiff Asso ciationr . In defense of the bill Mr. Roes in sisted that it is largely a revenue bill drawn by the. attorney general of the State and the State Commissioner of Insurance urd . waa expected to ring into the Statr about 35,0l0 additional revenue and 'would protect citizen From irresponsfWe insurance companies not subject to and actually evading the North Carolina law. There was op position by Kellum, of New Hanover; Taylor, of Brunswick, and Wallace, on the ground that it would prevent citi- zens frohl getting ; cheaper insurance than' the poutheastefrj Jarur ' Asso ciation-providee.'-tHrKoonce raised the issue that , soma companies , now Kving license In the State, might drop cent basis as cheaper than the. State burdenthey how earryt Art's?- v. -ft ;.. 3A. irv iw.m w. V--.fK lllanw Intfiant PaeS(Bienir will fcure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles lit Absorbs the tumon), allays itchUigv-at once,-acta as poultice. giVea' instant relief.,, Williams' Indian pile Ointment Is repartd.for Piles and, itching, of the private partly Sole y druggists, mail 50o; and taiWiUiama'iM'jn Coiv Prop.'; Cleveland. Ovfct Waa . 2,948, Showu. by the Oom sAi.it meroe Boant lor Three' r v : . iMontha. - Washington,. Teb 9th.--Drmg 'the months of July, August and September the number of persona killed , in train accidents was 82L while 8,893 were in jured, , These facts are disclosed in a bulletin Issued by Jthe" Interstate Com merce Commisaton,tbe first nrider the revisad" accident jaw. It includes many, accidents not heretofore included in the bulletins. r-. -i The total number of casualties of all kinds for the quarter was 22,328, or 2, 948 killed and 19,880 injured, on steam operated railways, , The (totals are large ly increased over corresponding periods in previous years, because of the inclu sion of highway crossing accidents' and those to trespassers on the .tracks, etc. At the same time the totals of certain classes -of 'accidents to employes are diminished by.the exclusfooof accidents which are not peculiar to railway oper ation. For the quarter in question this total is 21,180-132 kjlled and 21,002 in jured. , , i , -r. The accident statistics of thoe elec tric lines on which interstate traffic is carried show-146 persons kilted and 1, 07Q,injured. '' - BLIIIO Till"? ELI GAS ."V ID Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest eases in a few hours.. Its action up6n the System is remarkable" and: effective, It removes at once the cause and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Bradham Drug Co. . - ' v ,i mi; Prescriptions a Specialty; J ;ONinE(?OU-; J .''ssj . fe''i-Xi '"OPPOSITE' '. ixtxtj-pke ZKedLX&:'$foiv' TI,E PHONB No. 65 .WUutfcuw, i .'' POST-OFFICE r Raleigh, fb.;7 Af tef spohdln oyer twonours in a general oiscnssi on , ot the farm-fif school till, the; joint seiw ate and house committees on education Wednesday night decided to. appoint sub-committee to revise end change it so as to accomplish the bast results,- There was no disagreement In the dis cussion as to 'the idea of Ublinhing farm-iife schools in thbh various coun tii and. fleral siwechus in favor of the measure were, inade the speakers including State Supt. J. YrJbynor, lr. II, Q. Alexander, president of the State Fanners' union, snd Mr. f.haw, , repre sentation of the union, Rnpri-aantaUvc Spalnhour., of Burke; Sfiiator DhurcU Of Harnett. Senator Cobb, r, II ib nun, and oi hern. The bill hh lg b niii"mll no as tDmt 'tii stvrnvitl of k'.l i-mi- Blll Nye Day in Public Schools. "v v y , C To the County SuperThtendeots and the Public School Ttachers: The uubiie press of North Carolina has alwys-; responded generously and unselfishly to every call of the public schools lor service end no agency, nas been more potent in promoting the de velopment of these- schools and the pro gress oXucatioif;in-ltho State; The county superintendents and the public school teachers now have an opportu nity to express -tHeir appreciation of this service, and. to render at the same time a valuable servjee to a most wor thy cause by en-operating heartily with thtf Bill Nye Memorial ComnXttee"in thefr commendable effort to raise funds for the erection of a central or main building ;at'"the 'Stonewall Jackson Manual Training School," to be ktiown as the "B1U Nye Memorial -Building The committee has prepared ahinter'- ejtirig program for-the celebration of Bill Nye Day in the public schools. An hour devoted to honoring -the memory of such a man,, who loved all children an all mefiwhdevoted'bis splendid talents; tmakihg tliei'iiappier and better through '1iU writingsi , will be properly mad: proRtabl spent i. J earnestly request anl urge the Co. S Jperintendent of eacft'banty;Jto dis tribute thtseprogrSms : to ths public school teachers of the county, accom panied by i letter to eaeh'.tacher-4l rectlng the setting apart of an "hour m the school for ihie celebration, and urging the-hearty co-everation-of the teachar-for tiOBw .The coble work of Stonewall Jscksvm Training Schojl for: giving,, way wsrd boys hi the State a chance to be trained Into good eitixens should Appeal strong ly te the hearts of the- children -ff the poblie schools,' who but for' the mercy of. God might be like therts wayward boys. It is privilege,' therefore for these children to have au opportunity to make a contribution to such a work; It will do' them,, good. t earnestly urge, .therof ore,1 .that county noperintendenU and teachers lend their heartjeo-opera- tioa in secoring at least a penny contri- butiorl from every child In- the public schools for the erection of the Bill Nye Mcnu-ml Building f or increasin the facility at the Slate's school for train ing" way w'sr-J boys, , '. . ' J cl;ni nnt WdneH(liy, Ihe 22nd day pf February, for this celohrntin, I Hiitrewit that the teacher devote an hour BenErinsou, Alleged rWhlskey -.tJealerpiace oa Trial r At the opening of yesterdays session of superior, court the esse of the State vs Ben;- Brinson,.;who: was charged with selling whlskeyvwas called; . "J The first witpess ws W. H. Smith, of Vancebpro,- who is known "as "John Doe'v. Smith said be bar) been on the Vanceboro police force' for about two years, lhat on December, he came. "to New. Bern and (cas employed by Mayor McCarthy as a special officer at a sala ry of $!50 per month; that he kneat the defendant and had been In his near beer stand on Middle street several times: on DecJ 23d was in Brlnson's place, parchased half pint of whiskey for 35 cents, also went, into "Brinson'a one night and purchased whiskey from J W Smith, a clerk. . . - W. B, Parker; a member of the New Hern police force was placed on the stand and said on the night of T)ec. 3d he met Smith, alias John Doe, and ne asked to be Beached; this was done, no whiskey found, walked down, to, Brit ain's place with him, Smith went inside and in aiew-minutes came out with a bottle of whiskey which he said he had purchased from Brinson's clerk; did not know Smith's real name until few days ago, knew Brinson hd U S. license, did not see sale made, I, ; ."' V , , 'i ' w. h. urimn, another member of the policaTorce, told of making a isid pu Brinson's place and finding. 56 pints I and a barrel two-thirds fuU of pint bottles of whiskey and a number of bottles of beer. .. i Tbe next witness, J W Smith, said up I o a few weeks ago he was employed 88 clerk in Brlntoh's place,, that hs had o'ten sold whiskey for defendant; that the sales aggregated about $11.00 per day, couldn't tell, how much whiskey the had sold during the time he was tm- ployed at this place, that be bad seen Brin8'jn sell whiskey to a number .of persons. Mr. C Lupton. a police officer said he had seen U. S. liquor license displayed at Brinson's place of business,, that he knew Smith, the "detective, onlv as John Doe." had seaehed him," found nothing, watched him gqinto Brinson's place; a few moments later came out with pint of whiskey. Mr. F 8 Ernul, of this city, W C White and B R Warren of Vanceboro, were piacea on tne stand to prove that Smith's character was unassaila ble. : Mayor McCarthy said that auei Smith came to him last December and toM him he could catch some , blind ti gers heemnU j.d him at $50 per month. Investigated Smith's character befot employing blm; had nevei; made Smith's real name known to the Bublic""1 r. . ' ; Mr. J II Crawford,' freight agenofl the Norfolk-Southern E ft Co. in this city- produced" bills ofTIad!njrlii9R showed that Brinson bad received bbls of beer id December,vbut' no whiskey had been shipped to him over their rood :; Ben Brinson was plsced on the stand id his own behalf, laid he was 48 year old, (and physically unable,' bad rot worked sny during tbe pus few mo's. that be conducted a near beer saloon on Middle street, and had near, beer license which " had, been " purchase! t bj ohn Gol liog, that J W Smlth.was employee by him, had never seen W; H . Smith har-for the success of this celebra-1 alias 'John Doe.I never sold him liquor. . .4ffivt-.e;V.$ "v &Stl?iH Had. nsver sold "whiskey f to 4 X PAID ON -9 SAVINGS NrVBtRNCN..C7 STRONG J COORXZOUS PROGRESSIVE OUR RECORD Since this bank was established it has enjoyed the support of ' the people of New Bern and Craven County, and so steady has ' been its growth that it is today regarded as one of die strongest u banks in ae State of North Carolina.' In placing the bank on thin v high plane f efficiency the conservatism, the.buslness judgment : and the ability of it management have played a prominent part. If you 4iave not already opened an account with this thoroughly ' sound and modern institution, we invite you to do so without delay. Savings accounts accepted in any sum down to $1.00. Checliing - accounts, both large and small. , WM DUNN PR E ST. ; C.D.aRADHAM VICE PRE5T. TA.U2ZELL CASHIER . SPRING COAT SUITS We have just received our first shipment of the latest style Coat Suits.- SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY i i - ITILL SELLING AT COST We are still selling all our winter goods at cost. If you will see us before buying we will save you money on anything you want. j. j. BAXTER IDEP'T STOftE ELKS TEMPLE WHETS. In looks all coal is alike- black, rough sparkling. But there the likeness ends. For some coal bums unevenly, throws off little heat and makes much dirt. Our coal has proven beat by test. It burns with a hot, steady flame to a white ash and is most economi cal. We solicit your patronage f'. 'on quality alone. Ois Coal and Wood Yard Phone 47 fcnyooe. Wal at home when the raid was mad on his place of business and was great ly surprised " when he wis told that a barrej, of whiskey- Wm found. itt his place.'-, Had never had any whiskey car ried to- hi7saloih, but did have. one barrel of Budwe(ser beer whkh lis had for his own: , VJohn Goldlng, the last wltteas placed on. tbe stand told ' of i purchasing : the Uniied Stales liquor license That ih had never sen any whiskey sold ill the plai. ' w - - Counsel for both the State and the defendant b?th made 'forcible speeches after whkh the cue was given to ihr jury, 'At a late hour last night ni ver dict hsd been rendered by the jury, ; ' The following other esses were dU poHod of:' ' - " .,. . ' ' - . State vs John IL tucker, charge C. C V. guilty he Was sentenced to ti 00 thli day to rea.ling to tlie pupils this j. .k. ,fta,u. booklet and tonrwiHing n entl,imitic Slpta Khe(ion Clrk, charged wl!h Intcrewtln Hill Nye nd his work snJiiiiBn .,.,, - Rh , d.,.(- ,o)lf ELLWOOD ; FSIXf II Ccrni il and tne diTi-rent (!-.-.kers n vttluahle a ' ' : -u -tiniis, v ! i ar t ineiirp'initiol in the 1 : !, v.i;h rv : l l!.' ' i lm wrk (f Trniiiin i u; :. tvciy c fhrt .1, c . f.ft 1 ir f t t f r ;: 'Aalso. a" fuif line Barbed Wire for ho3 and rati! Poulfryj Wire Rubber Hoofing, : Taints and Oil:. Stoves and Kanges and a general line of Ilr.rd.vre. Wtiteusbr call, we can five you riht price?. 0 1 1 I ' -.f.. 1 V 4 1 (-:- '- m t I t f r I r t i t; lil t'l "'! i. I 1 r i v " ! n a . All r 1 I v ( nifwall Jiiikgon'l i !!'.;; tnn i-xpr-?i ,."al f-if a cn in., J l f f i i Hi ;'it n'-xt inirn- .! 1 l,e f r A'ur.l. . r I 1 ' ,IVl f ! ' i ntmiren io inree mimll.s O i tne coun ty r-i.i ! i .. ' 1 .-tie v C gdile and IIoMn, rhsr"-i lirmny, RililtJ. f'f I lu "t C m"iillii anl Hull'4 tr ' i on lie Bmuressmoods 39 c. Siic 26 c. $.rmiBr60pioth 75c. I jarnngtoqiBipGtjops-Co. e'eeeeeeeVVeeeeeeeeW U v All III .1 v.-. . 1 i :.':;, -1. i t ;!- ; eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejeMmee taix our CAi;DYnor.'.i noik;::. i - to the duldrvn u "you 1 f ! 1 To t! f want ja j rftttUs thorn healthy and iappy. Pure confectlonsy.ths 'only sort i v-n s'll rnali? tlie Hooe bf Con ' i rt t' hind tho' dfiors of jfour ni. i t iHinibr. , Yob may puy l.iTA f .a c (,t's worth, a' pound, r f. .i piiuii !. fjnr iniiie and ; . v V! 1 fl j . I t!.e same re- fi. vy. r:i;:i you'll 'sS" Hi f-'u-'-.' ; ;;-,. V:-V. . i-i- t , , '. ' ,' i - .. -

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