o 4 U i y - us " , t ' i - . tin lt.lt - Published svary day la t jr it rapt fetd7, Joarul tl..,..i. - i - -phonb iro.1 -.: cslablks u srsross, -. fDTTOa AM) PROPRIETOR M Yss la advaaoe . ...., I4.M Cm raw, Mt h Uvim. . atanthty hr curler to tke city J dTsrtlslas" rstssruralaW yllcktlom.. r,-vvn - ?'Htm a the PoatoSlee. Maw Bwt . C M MeMllM MtW. '.- OFIT2U1 PAPIR OT x VZWr' BERN AHD CRATE OOOMTf.' ' New BenN. 0. Tfeb.itt, 181t THE v TOEEENS ' SYSTEM FOB this STAm . : The resort of the Tomns Land Title CtommissioD, that, ws'ap pointed two eara ago by 5overos or Kltcbio, -parsaant toca joint resolutioa of the'General Asaesat ly of 1909, recently preaentedto the legislature, is a document wdr thy the most careful reading of every land owner, xr prospective buyer of land in North Carolina. The General Assembly of 1909 In asking for this commission, said there was urgent demand for legis latiod, such as was proposed uo der the Torrens System. v The North Carolina Bankers Associa tion, the North Carolina Building and Loan Association ' and the Farmers' Union, all at public meet ing$ have endorsed the Idea of se curing reform in the State's land laws. . ' ' The Commission in its report says: , " The law should provide som ade quate and conomlcal preedinj by which the owner of lands maj know that his title is good and indefeasible, not only as against his grantor, not on ly as against his neighbor who gives no tice of an adverse title, hut also as against the world. The owner of land should feel as secure of his title as the owner of stocks and bonds. When his title becomes involved in litigation, the land owner most now rely upon records, which are often defective, or upon his possession, which is not always easy to establish, in order to defend his title. There is no proceeding provided by the laws of this State by which a land own er can have his title, whether he relies on the record or upon his possession, established, so that both he and the public may know that he is the owner of his property as against the world. For the transfer of title to land, wheth? er such transfer be of the full estate of the owner absolutely, bir for the pur pose of securing money borrowed, the landowner must still use forms of ecds mortgages, and conveyances which bate been inherited from out forefathers and which were applicable- conditions which have long since : piji ; tway. Modern business ' conditions f have brought about modern methods in all trsnsactions except those in which land isinyobred." In speaking of the methods , of the Torrens System, the commit Bion says: . . . . ; - '.-. " Provision is made for the registra- tbn of title after a full inyettbration of facts, both-record and otherwise,' af fecting the title,' and for a final decree establUhing the title upon the facts found. -The decree is good against the world, and, upon the expiration of -a short period, cannot be attacked In any conrtjbr any cause. - Farther provis ton is made for the transfer of - these registered titles by delivery of the cer tificates issued pursuant to the decree and a fsrs notation ofl'ai. public record Of the facts in regard -to such transfer which are essential for the protection of subsequent purchaser and credit- ore. There should be no hesitetion by the Qeneral Assembly of t once adopting this system.' It Will add , to the securfty of land 'owners, r save expense, and attract Outside buyers who now-hesltate to Invest ttArtatiiaA A t Pt A -rtMLimf nnAovfaUpw M of title, or the exnense invblved in w .. f - - . i --s. perfecting a : title, that may not : v, ; ,i prove, tenable after aiu. Ki.O nil dt e ii: OijrtC fC8 riETCKM'Sv.; CZ xCASTORI A Nineteen persons wu "rsportsd dr J mg daily from the plesgne lo Cbe Poo, China. rrer-i! rtctur! r- V ) lis Lc; a, lower as a i-taxrh I' C0LUM2US, OHIO.-The ac-' i tWe ingredients entering the most : popular household remedy in the. '' world have been made known to : the public. - This means a new era J In the advertising of popular fam- ' :. Uy medicines Pcmna lesds.; ; . Peruoa contains "among othei: "thlnfA golden seal, powerful In Its ; offset upon the- wucous' .mem branes.'..: Cedron need, 4- ;.rar T medicine and unsurpassed, tonlcV' rCubebs, valuable in nasal catarrh :v ad affections of the .kidneys and ,' . bladder.', Stone coot, valuable for? ii.nl asalsend Fur 8als5. ! The fur. seal has ehsrper os.flian hilr erarbw imaywttlts swimming flippers end Its tail .flippers are; proportionately to Its body; much longer than those of tte harbor'seal. ThetsAortseaLt whett4K Greets, or sWeliseliouion rocor;in whiter, on cake er leaf irne ntrseai. a Tar wioer traveler,- sieeps, mure m the water, ind when It sleeps Jt folds the long tall nippers up on the body between . its,; side - fflpners, ; presenung thus ' a curious appearance, unite un like the harbor seal 5fc?rir i; OhildrenOry FOR FLETCHERS C AST O R 1A Aa armistico has been signei by botTi Davila and Bbnina.$ United SUtes will try to.: bring Jibout jieseV'"''??;;:v.-'W- '.' : ';;SZ How This?; We ' offer Oae.rfludred ; dollars Beward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be oured ;by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & ;C0 Tole do, 0. ;.': :ev: . :' :: We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last .15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in au nusmess iransaonons ana uu ancially able to carry out any obli mtions' made by his Irm. ;', ' WALDING; KINNAN & NAKVIN, " Wholesale Rruggists, Toledo, 0 Halt's Catarrh Upre f is taken in ternally, noting directly - upon the blood and 'toucttua surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Drnggists. lake Hall's Family Pills for con stipation.' ' The trial of Thot. B. Riley, special Investigator ! the .Inter-State .Com: merce Commission, charged with the theft of the "Wickersham letter," was recently begun fa New York.; . PNEUMOOTA?.FqW COLD ' But never follows the "use of Foley 's Honey and Tar.-which checks the eouah and expels the eokt. m. Stock well Han nibal, Mo.Vssys, bedti all tbe remeines I ever used.- I " contracted bad sold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bottle of Foley's Honey end Tar ebmpletely cured me.'' Nopites, just a reliable household madicin,prjrt, a. pnaif: ? ' I)--""1 " ! '. I J . . P t- tThaokerav en the Huttlnas. . Talking of Thackeray and his efforts to get into parllamentOrantr Duff la his diary under .the year.; I87B notes tapredlcament of tbe novelist when he faced the aectors.i:;'.sy1r1' e J. H. Green gave me the most remarkable account of canvasslng.Or. fori -with Thackeray, whose .want of power of pubuo speaking, seems: to have been . perfectly,;, extraordinarju On the -hustings he .. utterly broke down,; and Oreen heard him say to hlmsslt. 'If 1 could -only go into the nuyor's parlor for Ore minutes I could writs this- out flulte -wellA" 5 V 4 ; S;RWS0SEiiTHRpNErvy5- Beeause meats are so tasty they are eontomed in great xeet." This kads to stomacb troubles, bilibuiness and constipation. , Revise your diet, let ra sob and not a pampered appetite con trol, then take a few does of Cham ber Is Id's Stomacb and Liver TableU and you will soon be well sgnin. Try it. for sale oy au aeaiers. samples free.: '; Tbe Tlost's Toungest Dont" your shoes feel vert uncomfortable when you walk. Mrs. NurychoJ Mrs. NU rycheDear meliWlint so eitrsordl nsry questlonl Why do yoo auk, child? The Host's YoungMit Oh, only cos p stld the other day since you'd conio Into your money you'd grt tat too big for your bos.. . . . - r" Good rSon. . 1 wouldn't be In Brown's shoes Just bow." ; .-.. . ' ; '."Why notr.-.1 '.- .,. , "ITs li ft thorn In U'B cellar, and thfy dutuyml f.iir Inns 0? con! on Ihrui before 1'rown ws op. A Lona 8waii "Alii "y"ti k1v tli( j ' only one llttlo Im.j "r. "(I: t!,ft et t: "C u 1 ' r"t)i S I"1 1 ti " k- ;J II y i i '1. i V "I To Word Had Common . -. Prnt In On rn Root. We are likely to consider "freeze" and'"burn" as two distinctly opposite effects, but If. for a simple experiment, you win touch your tongue to' a bit of heated Iron and to atblt of. Iron that Is extremely cold the-effeets, as shown : in tbe blisters . produced sud in. the sensation of the contacts, .will be found to bejBUrprislngly alike. v i It Is" dosbtful If our Aryas ancestors When 'they ,ere" planting the eeed ot the English and JtaNrister.. language thouehW)f the sctentlflc- relations 1 what we-call best nod cold, but thfy gave to us the root ?prns, whlctt they xot out t "the sensationa' produced by burning and freesing. !i Aa usual, Aryan ro6 beginning' " with VtheJ'p'ound chauge, 4t .to1 rf '.' on the tongues' f the Teuton;. jWT with these -ourvrmore anAlnCM'.- iimAoal-finl :'nrlMli L ttPTATUe Hindd brother q jus Kanstot usiiHuy preserves Ary&iLj'p und.tais has nuuaTroorj'srusn, meanins ItjruW root or freeze necame -rreosa in Anirio-sasoD.- wqicd is out. - iruie: in iceiaoajcii -Decauw;-; "JUBa- u Swedish 4 fryrtajjd '.UDanftb fryse,"!::an-theXatm:tle original ry sound la retained ln ?vpniijia,!f mean tag hoarfrost, and to "pruna, signtfj,- tag a trarnlng coal. . Here we. Bee uup ed two apparently opposite meanings growing out of the old root, prus.-, New Xork Herald. , . AFRICAN PONS. f- -T. .Jheyf ten Hunt In (Ceuplee Start -;v-'-'.sa-cpre.4neM'vrTsy:.A-;-'(e; irlJonVlul Africa;; goibiihfiu often i couples and then ratber 'systematical ly. ; When," for Instance,' .a couple pf lions nave traced out a kraal that Is to say; a. place fenced .by. small cut thorn trees, wherel jBooks of asses pr. oxen, "goats or, sbeep are shutiup" for the nlght-the lioness approaches cau: tlouslVi proatlng by every tree or hush to hide herselfr-'At tbe same time tbe lion himself Jles watchtag on .the op posite in tbe distance.i..?r--s ? Now the lioness exerts,; herself to arouse the rattlo-which Is not dlftl cult, as "they become excited merely by. smelling. a beast of pteyi-till lie cattle are tormented, to the utmost y fear and horror, break through tbe kraal on the side oDDosite to the lion ess and thus fall U easy prey to tbe Hon. - . - .v . : The Hon chases his victim and throt ties It by -springing: . on its neck tot breast and biting tils -teeth" Into tbis part The hunted 'animal falls, and the lion now tears open the flanks. Tho lioness appears and has her share or tne meal, very orten xney cannpi devour their' victim in one night; then they come back to tbe place where the remains 'are on the following or lie second nlgbt ' - The lion's favorite food is zebra, adagga (of which there are few left In -Africa) and wild ass. The meat ff these three kind of animals Is some thing alike in taste. . . - Enaliah Clay Pipes. The clay pipe, whlcb Is' vanishing from the Fleet street chopbouse, was tbS only variety smoked in this coun try untU juit re(nt Umes;. The cfc)y pipe made its' appearance in .England In tbe later years of tne mxteentstcen tury. - Writing about a century later, a French - author remarks that gie BngllsU "invented the pipes of bakd clay whlcn are now Used everywhere. "Broseley, ta Btaffordabire, has been famous for Its pipes and clay from yie days of Elizabeth writes ffi A. Pepn in i'The .Soverane Herb.'' - vNow U the :ilay s of whleh ijwhlte'': pipes ire manufactured coines from. Newton A;b bot " and KtagstelgntoUi iaPevon-- shlreT' it 18 sent te-n parts of Bog- land and 'the world in rough lumps about the size '. of,: quartern ' loaves, weighing some f twenty-eight rpoujjds eachLondon Ppectator.j ii' LAfelPPE COUGHitSfl. Strain and wrakeh Oi system and if not checked may develop inte pneumonj is..- No dtneer of this, when Foley's Honey and Tar is taken "promptly. 'J t is a reliable family medicine for ah coughs and colds; and acts-4oickly apd enectiveiy ,m cases or croup, , Kslusi substitutes. F. B.. Duffy-. -k..,l,i X ' Whsu the Cst "Was eaorsd. 4 . .In -the. "middle ages brute-animals formed as prominent a Tnrt in tbe do- J votional ceremonies of .the'; time ns iney noa m ius oia reugion oi bgypi. The cat Aclurus was. embalmed &ttpr death and burled la tho. city of Bubs tls because, ' accordfiig to : Herodotus. Diana Eubugtls, the chief deity of yie place, was said to bava traflsfonnVd herself Into a cat when -the gods" fled tato Egypt. t - O h i 1 d r on 0 ly - FCR.FLETCHEfl'S C AST O R t A The recall of Mayor Gill, of Seattle, Washington., waTcriKliWd to women's votes.' ..;', . ,. .' : . ,,-': i Whrfi bor cdild In in dunijur a wo; will ri"k hor lifi! lo i rdtprt it. No (r act . ht-rniHtw or n- k i-f like i n Bry to protect 8 ciuM frn'n rrw'p, (. Oifimln -rlum's - Kt'in-'y ani dini'fr is svoU.f). For naiu Iv iTS. r !in J. '1 of f : . 1 ''.11 . ii 'cr, Cdtivii t i''s fr.i.-i t ' f.r ; : v v, I ( f i' r Th. ..i - I ! :. Lc::J II: A C:r: ML: J.cr.:n'$ Tcr.::.t:J is Aioiunt Pleasant, Tenn-l'Cardul is aJJ you claim for it, and more," writes Mrs. M. E. Rail, ol this place. ; .-' .. -r "I was s great sufferer for 2 yean and was verjtjreak; but I learned about Car dul, and decided to fry it Now J am in perfect healthv -;'--J-j:;.' - I VMr Uaughteri. wneil cnanging into womanhood, got In very bad health, ! gave her Cardul and noWshe enjoys good health.?-.; 1-5??- ."Cardul is worth Its weight la gow. I recommend it tor young and old." . Being composed exclusively of harm less vegetable Ingredients, with a mild and gentle medicinal action, Cardul tt the best medicine for weak, sick gins tod.women4Vw'7y! - It has no harsh. rxiwerfuL near-ooiv. bnpus ach3n,:Jiko some of fhe strong minerals and drugs, ' but help nature to perform a cure in a natural easy'way.'H' Try CariiU;.' t&rgt n. R WWf . ladles Advfaoiv Dent. ChsMat' Soon Medicine Co.. Cbttttnoota. Teniu, for Setcioi insirncthrai.nd 64-paee book. "Horns Traatmcajl tor wanes,- -sew m puts wiaapcs, m To New Drleaijaobilp, Pensa- ' cola. Account ;:.Mardi Gras ' Celebration, February 23, .' .Account Mardi Gras Celebration at NeW Orleans,- LaC Mobile, T Ala.; ' tand ensacola, Fla., Feb. 2$23, '19U, the outhern Railway will sell very cheap Itaieigh s to New Orleans Goldsboro" f Durham -'. " $26-75: 26 76 26 75 Releigh: 'to ' Goldsboro IV Drrhanj - Mobile 123 45 24 45 23 80 Raleigh to Pensacola $28 00 23 85 22 80 Goldsboro " :; " Durham' " ; " Tickets will also be on sale' from all Other stations. Dates of sale, February 21st to 27th inclusive with una! . return limit March 11th. 1911, with privilege of extending final limit until March 27, by depositing ticket with special agent and payment of 51.00, For aU information pertaining . to rates,' sohedules, PullmSn reservations, etc., see your agent or , address the undersigned. '"-:'-' W. H. PARNELL, . . Raleigh, N. C 8edentary habits, lack of outdorr exer cistv Jnaumcient mastication of food. constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiet? are the most common causes of stomach troubles. iC'orrct your habits and tike Chamberlain'a-toraach and Liver, Tablets and you will aoott be well again. or sale pf ail oeaiers, 5 A Vanished t.landl v 2yTplcam Islasds have frequently p pearedTiad disappeared Ibl tt various oceans.A&ritUb was sailing near where suchTUi event took-plaee, and its crew had S chance tof-wltness that seldom seen -ccnr-renre, -the btrthof an bland. ' fk sooft as It was possible the British captain landed and. formally annexed the new land to tbe British empire. V". Then he hoisted the union Jack .and -sailed awsyHe expected to be knighted for his . enterprise,' but-when another ship was sent out to take a look at tbe is land and report upon its availability as a naval post for supplying passing ships the new found bland bad van ished entirely.;- J'-il .ji-Wx . "I , -:; V IT , ACCUSED OF STEALING, -4: V.'. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton. Ma.'. boldly accuses Back leu's Arnica Salve of stealing the sting irom burns or scaids-the pain from sores of all kinds -ths distress from bol's or piles. ;,"It robs cuts, corns, biulses. sprains and Inlurlej of tlieir terror," be says, "as a healing remedy Its equal don't exist.' Only 26c at alldealers. ; . . y . , lA1: - - - -1 - i - '. ? -' . -.' Colors In Store Tssth. -. '-' ' t" v Pearly teeth are not the fashion everywhere.-; 'Firms of artificial teeth manufacturers who hsve sn export troda have to keep In stock molars of every shade of color,' from white to blaiU. .There Is a steady demand for black teeth In Elnra, lava, Eatavla snd Burma, whore the natives cbew the betel nut, whlcb blnrUons t!i tM-th. Vr 1'craia . the teeth mwit 1)9 abso lutcly milk wtiltf. Rfy '-iiUy sn onlor was recclvi1 1 f. (u, fir fuiiia i in Iu i 1 r i- ' t r- 1 f t 1 1 ' fi'-inl tc-"). lor'y nn; , " i. n t'-,,- K?i, k 1 ! ) (' orcl iin j or V- I'i . 1 7 i.: SOUTHERN t:l3 r;.:.T::.::"i The Worth ef a Chin ftayal Gift U U HttBfl Chang. ... Tbs lata empress dowager of China was sometmng or a Bumonsr. xom suthor of "Behind the Scenes lo Pe king" tells a story ef .how Li Hung Chang, after concluding the treaty ef Ehlmonoeekl, was , presented by tbe empress with a doth of gold bag con taining; some heavy article. The treas ure turned out tu be a large vase, and Li, who was an enthusiastic collector of Chinese, ceramics, t pne sent for mi ; aecruiry, r. , r ci.uii to iwm add examine the new acquisition. ! ' Borne time was spent In s careful examination to determine: the dynasty during 'which this treasure waa. pro duced but" the data of this especial paste was lost, with tts other technical classiflcations."' After a long time Mr. Pethtck lifted it gingerly, placed it on s table, put himself ta front of it, drswlng a wrap round his shoulders, and "' alowlyif very 'sloyfyr ueld.;. his hands up to it, turning them in tbe attitude of warming at a Are. . Chinese need few words IX under stood and was heartbroken. The pan tomime indicated to him that the sup posed priceless vase Was only a clever reproduction-made in'-Paris, and tne secretary; warming his hands before It, meant It was so fresh from the pottery furnace that he could still notice; the warmth. , FOOD AND DIGESTION. Civilised Man Needs r Cheerful ar ; roundlngs at His Msala, Robust people so long as they get what suits their own uncultivated taste are apt to make very light of What they call "fancies" about food and ; overlook tbelc real importance. Feeding on the part of civilized man Is not the simple procedure which It Is with animals, although mnny anl mals are' particular as to their food and what Is called "dainty." The ne cesalty for civilized man of cheerful company at. his meal and for the ab sehce of mental anxiety Is unlversnlly recognized, as Well as tbe Important- or an invtnug appeal to tbe appetite t through the sense of smell and of sight, while tbe Injurious effect of tbe reverse, conditions, which may lend to nausea and even vomiting, Is admitted . liven the ceremonlar features of the dinner table, tbe Change of clothes, the leisurely yet precise successluu of approved and expected dishes, accom panled by pleasant talk and IIk'h hearted companionship, are shown by strict scientific examination to be im portant aids In the healthy digestion of food, ' which need not be large In quantity because wisely preaented. Sir Kay Lankester ta London Tele graph. Why Spiders Fight. When two spiders fight there Is gen erally a good reason for tbe attack and the vigorous defense that follows. It is not generally known that after a certain time spiders become Inca pable of. spinning a web from lack of material The glutinous excretion from which the slender threads are spun Is limited; therefore spiders can not, keep on constructing new snares when the old ones are destroyed. But they can avail themselves of the wen producing powers of their younger neighbors, and this they do without scruple. As soon as a spider's web constructing material has become ex hausted and Us last web destroyed it sets Out jn search of another home, and unless tt should chance to find one that Is tenanUesa a battle usually en sues, which ends only with the retreat or death of the Invader or defender. Ohildren ?Ory fefDR FLETCHER'S; IC ASTORIA "X tei'-1 " 1 : " . . A deputy tat collector," prominent in Cincinnati political was indicted in that eity being charged with obtaining re funds of liquor taxes for the b'rewer -tV ja-4,:- .V w "a .' .A - A t You are probably aware that pneu monia always results from a cold, but you never heard of a eold, 'mulling to pneumonia when Chsmberlafo's Cougb Remedy was nsed t: Why take the risk when this" remedy , jnay ber had (or s mo i ; ror sale ny an ueaiets.r : , :'f '' . Crystallised ' Grauas, fi; .Grasses may be' crysuillzed as fol lows .Place aaucepasf partly filled with water on the Store sod In It dis solve enough alum to "make .it of suf flclsnt density to bear au egg.j Let this boll Take off .the saucepan And lay. your grasses (dried and tied in finches to suit the fancy) in the water... When the water Is perfectly cold lift out tho bouquets and. you will, find them, a mass of beautiful crystal. $ -1 1 A KING WHO LEFT HOMt snd set the world to ttlklne, but Paul Mathiilkn, of Uuffalo, N. Y. sayahaaW wyn K.i..;i J AT HOME the Kinir of I Laxptivos Dr. Kind's New Lif 1 1..S a V t, ai in at ail c I tl.ftt they're a blraning to all y. Curs eonttipation, bead. -btlon, dyapepsia. Only SOc ' Plain Hunoaiv ; . - "Doctor, wlint dlsonne Is the monf prevalent smonjr tlie poor?" '. .' "An !f,r!(ilug condition In .which th L-rve t riiiliuiiiuiia In lbs stomach f 1 l y S"um ulntoil orcHm i '.' j -.trie r'nnds cnd trrltstlous t t i ( nl cm I l y way of tht pneu- ! I.'owanfull Andtotliluk ' r' '' "ri (Id pofhlnir for i i h '"rcrsr' Clcve ! i -'--.'CJ Livery,- Feed;-Se Largest and Finest stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in" New Bern. A car load of each just in. Also a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, ltoles, Whips, Cart Wheels. J. A. JONES Broad Street, PROPRIETOR, New Bern, N. C. 50U1H RAILWAY SCHEDULE' NEW TRAINS BETWEEN NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, AUGUSTA and J ACKSON VI LLU j Effec'ive November 27, 1910 the' SOUTHERN RAILWAY will put in ef- j feet new train service between New; York, Washington, Augusta and Jack-! sonville, schedule of which will be as follows: No. 31. Lv. New York 1:38 P. M. Ar. Washington 6:10 " Lv. Washington 6:20 " ! Ar. Augusta via Blackville 11:35 A. M. Lv. Augusta via Trenton 11:45 Ar. Jacksonville 3:45 P. M. No. 32. Lv. Jacksonville 9:00 A. M. Ar. Lv. Ar. Lv. Augusti via Trenton 3:00 P. M. Augusta via Blackville 3:15 " Washington 8:53 A. M. Washington 9:05 " i Ar. New York 2:45 P. M. The above trains will be known as the SOUTHERN'S SOUTHEASTERN! LIMITED and will. consist of Elegant Pullman Sleeping C'ar8,tifeo Dining Car Service. This train as well as all other SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS will arrive and depart from the New Penn sylvania Station, Seventh Avenue and Thirty-Second Street, New York City For all information pertaining to the same, address the undersigned. H. F. CARY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Washington, D. C. ATTACK LIKE TIGERS. In fighting to keep the blood pure the white corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast that little fighters are overcome. Then ste pimples, boils, tczerra, sail 'heume and sons multiply and strength and appetite fail. This condition do mands Eiecric Hitters to regulate the Stomach, liver knd kidneys and to ex pel poison from I bloid. "They are the best blood purifier," writes C T Budahn, of Trscy, Calif , 4 I have ever found." They make, rich, red blcod7 strong nerves and build up your health. Try them, 50c at all drugiate. An Emotional Trunk. Laudlndy I'll have to requost yon to pay lu advance, Mr. Smith. Smith -Why, isn't my trunk good for n week's board? Landlady No. It looks like an old fashioned emotional trunk. Smith Emotional 7 Landlady Yes; one that is easily moved! NORFOLK IMMM RAILROAD 1 j- "ROUTE. OF THE , , rNIGIiT EXPRESS" Icheduls Effective January 29. 191 1 -"Ti following schedule figures pub lished as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. ' ; -.V.i-" ' '- ' "v 5t' TRAINS tkkVi NSW BERN NORTtt ANPWEST BWNP - 12M n m;'TJally-iNis:ht Express Pull U ',;.hn Bleeping Car for'Korfolk. 90 a m, Dail for Norfolk ( eorlnecU :' -J.'. for alL points North nd. West, "'i"-, parlor car service, 5,; .-4; s .'1:45 pjn,baily ' except ; Sunday ' for w.-y . Washington, tielhaven, tireenvilie 'Wilson and Raleigh,'-..; :i f .-' i:lb a m, Daily-Night -Express for . iColdsboro, ( ,11:15 a-oCpaily ioriCoIdsbflnkJj.'-,v : : . :.EAST r BOUNDS 955 a m, Daily for'Beaufortrwt i J 6:35 pi..':"'"Vr''.',t5C 5:50 a m,- Daily except Sunday for , . Unentak: ; .1;.; 6:00 p m, Daily for OrienUl. ' . . For furtberiiiformaiionorreserf ation of Pullman Sloojitng Car .space, 'apply to T, H. Bennett,' ,T. A., New Bern, N. C. ; ' V. . r ,: ;.! W. W. CROXTON, W. R. HUDSON, 0. T. A. : Gen'l 8upt' Norfolk, Vs. . - '...';ir-u ;i-'iLLt f '' ) ' r . Stablest POPUI5AR MECHANICS "WrlUes So Yea Cis Understsad B" 300 Pictures Every 400 Articles jrz 250 Pages Month A WQDderf ul atory of the Progreaa of this Media ical Age. InatrucUve, but more fascinating thaa any fiction. A magazine for Bankers, Doctor. Lawyers. Teachers, Farmers, Business Men. Man ufacturers, Mechanics. Has UOO.000 readers ery month. Interests everybody. When you see one ?u understand why. Ask the man who reads it. our newsdealer will show you one; or write the publishers for a free sample copy. The "Shop Notes" Dept. things How to make repairs, and article for Dome and shop, etc Amatenr Mechanics" gtLSS furniture, wireless, boats, engines, magic, and si the things a boy lores. S1SO ttr far. tltclt afita IS cat ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER Or Aitifcase POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINK S23 Waahiastoa St Chleaaw Just Received Fresh lot of Apples Cali fornia Grapes, Bananas, Burmuda Onions, Sack On ions, White Pickling Onions Cabbage and Irish Potatoes. JACOBS & CO. PHONE 86. ICE Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19 21 23 Griffith St Phone 28 sure with Lr. hhooo Croup Remecj. Od teat will surely prota. No Tomitinir. 110 dfsv r-tsis. A safe npd pleasing ay riLv-iOo. DruitgiiiU Wants! Wants! TO PURCHASE Soja or Soy Beans and Field Peas for which highest prices will be paid. FOR SALE Hyde Co., grown Burt and Rust proof Oats. Hay, Oats, Dairy Feed, Corn, Brand and ship staff and all kinds feed. BURRUS&CO. 11 33 Middle 8t - NsrBsrn; JT.'b. . Lake Drumrab'nd Canal &Viier Lake Drumraond Transportation . . ' . : . ,, , ,'. .',.' Lake Drummond Towfcj Co, X-'Z Dismal: Sxmmpi An InlnntJ Routo, Trotectftd from Storm. ', S Nlns Ft of Water Minimum Depth .' ' ., Always. . .J :.t Quick Tr.maK for TrafRe.. Prompt V7.' To' ! t sivl I if " t Movmnt - h' .. r r t ."n. - ' t r'-l f""'";!,t rats rr'y ' ; ' ' " : ' I I -k r "j ' , -v."-'. - 1 c

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