v . . 1 Ui.e l...ti:.....'&Kjji rubUCATioN gr summons. eoe4eeeee btk gtuHrkrGMrt 1 V ..I - ,-J a . r1 v.i I : 1 r J - - - - I 1 Trtl ' -i r- f " : ii.J uLi iCJ y ( . . f I- . p--- AVc5c!t,"lPrrranl"Tirjrj t; ' ,v' - ""'-?' s!r;a:i '.cFa .bears ine. Am. rroTOOtesDiestionDtflfi ncss and RrstContains ncttr um.MarpluiK aarMueiiiLi NOT NARCOTIC, a-..-. (,,1 ifawer 3 "0 :a ! 3i AncifrrtHemedv forCansfiia-! Worms jConvuiswnsJ'n'EnsB- riess and LOSS OF aLEER jacSinile Sifinanut of Exact Copy f Wrappef, G. $rWater$?&VS6hs- BROAD STREET , " , l" tJ- - NEW tiERK, fc. ; PliysiciaW me use of 1 goodlaxative, to keep the towels open and prevent the poisons of undtgesW3 lood from gettinglnto yom system. - - . .l " 4 " ' - The latest product xj science Is YELVP laxative liver Syrup, purely vegetable, geriiiej reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic teste; Velvet nets on the liver, as WeU osion the Suimacn and bowels and Is of the greatest possiMexlTicacy in constipaUoo, Indigestloni biliousness, sldt headache, feverlshness, coIic,flatuIence, etc. try. ' ... i i1". VF T ' aaBaaaMI NORFOLK SOUTHERN ROUTE OP, THE - "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule Effectiveanuary 29; 191 1 Tne following schedule figureirpulH lished as informatioa ONLYvand are not guaranteed. -,v - .V " TRAINS tEAVE NEW BERN' KORTH AND WEST BOUND 1?!.10 ft m: Dailv-UNicht Express Pull- , '.. .. mart Sleeping Car for Norfolk 9:30 a m, Daily for Norfolk;1 connects' I, ' for all points North 'Bn4 ' West, ' ..-. Parlor car service, ,r. v. . V:-" lt4S om. Dally , 4xee'pt 'Sunday or Washingtoh Belhavenrireen'lleJ. . i wiiBOicanu-Kaieign.i1 f.j 1.' V 4i0 im, DallytNight-Express forr f-"T At Angnst-ivia - . GddsbQK.r--,-W'0';Vis 'jt'iK;.:, -Trenton 3:00 P. M ' , .15 a m," Daily foi1 6of4ahoro.-f Lv. Augusta via aM.-; j jr. 4, w-t-,'.,-, .-.-. Jyj-,;- -vrs v vRlackville ;. . 3:15 : '., , , y , 1 P , ; ;-j .:!y.. -rVUn Washington" 81 A M , A ! -Yitlte' ri Lv. Withini!toiiM,.9 J'.- W Usenana - Kaieign. ht -i-x 9ila oV Daily for BeaufoA'f : ' .--:. V-Tt.i m "nrtji.nV feiinia ' fnr :. Oriental :." Hi 80 p m; Daily'lor Orientaii'' j V Norfolk, Va. (.V Hm.ri4 f"t CMT fttP" 4MINM l:'AN'l I H ill ailnllli- l.-.r. .:il,l wlil! I1' .- ' r,r- a. tv -iH. I.. -I'i 1,1 I O a A ft u III I.', I " V .1-1 n. II. SOLD BY ALL Mill - n- ' . W..M,,,lnfnratU,nrranrntIon "SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS will ' - St Pullman Sleeping Car , space; apjily arrive and depart from the New IVnn- .' " -"t T.. H. Bennett, ;T.vAir New Bom, ylvania Station, fwvenlh Avenue and ' . JW, C." - 'Ir'- ts"- 1 Thirty-Second Street, New York City- ' . ' . J . Vf. WCROXTON, -i W. R. HUDSON, ror miwrniHt,,,., u. . .. V ' i p p -. j ; - : x.i cuot. atme; address the undersignetl."- f i In Use lor kThirfcYears . w sumun aoMMHv. mtm tomk emr. - i'Thla ia'curBanne.: year hV jJie 'sale , (f f Buggies and we thanW-r One andall forJe!r libera Jatvpnage and;, hope by jour earnest i H. effort'to fill any t. and-: alt orders for, our' -Hand Made Buggies, , that we m$y haVe : your future baslnes,';: Jr We wish you' all : prosperous yaar,.191L. s ;LAJ(ATIVEtI LIVElSYRUP SOUTHERN FAILWAY SCHEDULE NEW OEli. WABIIINGTp ATJQ U8TA and .) ACKSONYJ IXW - " L ,'- H It Ail lira ' IHIIWUmiUlF 1 J11IH I a nu Effec ive ! November i 27,. 3019 the- SOUTHERN RAILWAY wiirput in ef fect new train - service between vUew York Washington, Augusta and Jack sonville, schedule of which will, be ;h follows: No 31. lv, New York J:S8. IL .,. Ar. 'Augusxa via . a. ',.' fH i 'Blackyille f r-1 1U35 A. M : KZgyltV. Augusta via. ;?' V ".i t. V WlJ v Trenton - . 11:45 -.t ?.f v. nacimfiir lira , ' A an 1 am jftlr ann aitlln. - ,3:45 M iC.Vj. ' Ar.. New .York 2:45. P. M. J" . The above trains will be known as the SOUTHERN'S SOUTHEASTERN LIMfTED and will consist Of Elcmnt Pitllman Sleeping Cars, also Dining Car Service. Tbis train as well as nil olltcr. IT. F. CARY, ' (Jfn. 1'nn. ArU ' , O-' WariliingUin,- D. ' . A Glap at Whistle A TollTljr f-':HI 1 I il K iM'fl t. (tin ouiii of ft lini'" li'i'I vuliKil.le i i.!!e nul i ifrn pliH. oii'- uroii! to .I n Neill Whmili-r. polliely r'-qn. aiKiiiilure. Tli lelli-r v. m i i t Of tll Lllll'loll It'iV ll IS' :i Hl.li ll IliO lain. oi. i ,M.- : ...I Wiiii nl mil. f : if for i . ).. li-l" v. .m fet -1 t-t 1 '" : j ... . ! ) t ! 1 ' " ' ! I .Mr r l.i m : a a ,.v'...' .... V..;r cv:::ni t,"!-i i be yave a I I. - '! 'Il' IS O! Il ll. !i i, J il l j..Vl''ViT. uf :ivllig ill" vt ivhett lie J-.eard tU jv I uiul ti-iiK'1 from LI .i i-i:uily, be nisli.-J to Lis fursiaco .J f..-.ird Lis mf.al "cukoj." ile or ".rvil lrv oah worn! and fired tlje far , irp "fiercely, working lu a ralu tlmt 'is falling. wtiiTCjl thp ctittDiifl8 and awd'tils metnl. : lla contiuuos tlie !orj tuusi ,n?r an was over i xuru-ij V a (ilnte of Bfllad on a bencn tuere j w'A aro with a 'hearty appetite aua Jra ;ik ojret hwr- witb the whole crew. Afiarwnrd ! retire4 to.my. bed. healthy and happy, foiyJt was two hours be fore Tudrnlngi Hid slept na aweetly as if I bad never felt a touch Oi mness." The footnotl? beadgear ef Korea la hot only pMiireequeHf. marks tb so? rww(tir.ti nf thn wpnrer. " The na- 'vttlbnal popular feat Ifi 'high o form, baa a tube oi nan u.auuer v ,uum,uu to allgbtly conical; iblncft JO olor. eup ported by 'wide brliua. ' The material to of horsehair, verj finely wovenr When the Korean (teittlewan's bat to of straw color - it denotes- that ;.bo to a Imppf. fiance. Le chapeeu-de -ris. elegffiit.Jn j Its conical form wltn anguiar orun, u- i notes. twnsai Aaothejc.Jiat of eno mous tea lsjthnt ortne 'ing anga sect, who must hlde their races. 15 descend at,the backluimost to the shoulders, the bmff being 'restoonea. and If tbe proprietor is of siipersuuous turn ' be aaiis pom ; niseis, ogure w ward ITeyil BplrIU..vMrrte4 men Aft er 'a certain ge odd stories to their "-' An AooloaV o Aihahds. i& hr-.- l-Thls is .'(o-nitologite to. ftTpolored todf tchnnv' .-ndmlre- and. tesnect. WO printed jr-Httlft unectfote about her. not lig ago, and U we cnea iue iiw DofWlble-attempted'to .Imttttle "her la Imltabte Mississippi .occentvThen- we showed her t!e srory8befwit,sn't, as jticUI-dh to flndtlHWlf 1n -print as we eKDeorud her io be While hckoowi mluinu alio, truth or me 8tory,vinere -wns still a cloud 4u-her ebony brow. oskod.Dldn't you" went to geL-into . 11 iiiil a ! "r .-. ,.wt. the faner?tt- i'"- i'-Oittin'-iutef-de l)npoh' all right." HliWlti.Rltnrid i -"Btlt. nrit S'll didBttnnt.fclv ougbk- Id put 11 5own ditt .Ab talked 1 dat'aVay. .Abdon' never. use.nooe o I t-i : I . o - UiiL. ...l . I u: it LJBJin OWITt SHU 111) VWIW : I -..u .,t.'v t, , hkr best precept-for-everyday life.'? There is av.goodtorj; about 'Dean Swift J apropos of -the value of never overdo ing anything. i; - T' Tbe dean's cookTone day overroastedTdnir a bnx. I besran thei r. use. v The ra the leg of muttou for dinner, and thieved eveiV symptonrf my trouble consQQuence: she -wrts-summoned Lnd I am therefore pleased to teom. thelnlug room. -."Cook.:, wwane 'Cook.5 said r the denn Id n i)lcnsnntolce;thlB.leg:.of mutton Is ovctdone take It .back and do it less. - .jf.v 1 VV impo8siDie, v your reyereucej-. .w chtimed Hie cook.-; r- 7 -WelL"? replied her mastef, "suppos ing ig it had bec uttdordoneiyouould islly have dqne it amrp."-' . l'Tr.ZJil easily ; jTheuJ.iuld px& dcan,tt this be av lesson to;,you.'- It ypucpmmlt a fault .l ways take -care vtnaf , it Is a th Ourstio-fcpr Oresnv1 One evening .Victor -Bugo.,.Was die- tatlng -letters to bis secretary. OveK come dy fuUgue, .the. great man drop ped iiito & slumler. A .few moments afterward she. awoke;; hauuted by? a dream wblcb,' as he thougltt, bad ex.. binraed -his jwcretary for sitting ihere WAnnon nvor 1 apinni i u ii uira. m in nes waiting for Um instead of wakening 1 1" '..,.. him or else going away. What' was his surprise When the, bewllderea sec rotary told him that be. nad otrly.ust finished writing the lust sentence uio tated to bliu. s i ' Goodness. f Whatcvor mUlgiites the woes or In creases tne uappmefispf 'others Is ,a Just criterion of goodtte!iSr.'and what ever injures -Society : at" .large of , kny individual In . U la , a criterion of In lqulty.. One, should not quarrel wltb a don without -a rensou sufAclent to vlndlcate'one through all the courts of moiulily. OoltlsniHu: : V-' - ,-j?, Jndlvidualityv C To each intellect belongs a special power.; .We belong 'to ourselves, and we lose control of .our owu when wo try to M Some one ewe.- Tue-ertBUii.i mind in' a"1 tnnunotlc contor fr tin attraction of other niluiH. Put the lodfHlnue' lows lintlilng by atlmcloii; it reiimiMM t tin siiiiift. Loudon New A Coal Ha Had Never Rear.heJ. 'inn a rn Hie rre:iti-'t inventor lu I'm liil. I'eiinnie! ne T" I" ' All miihIiT (,-(ham Cell. "oi, no, iuv lii'-ml, I'm PmfiKWir ' l!ell... "I'VO, never Iweu a r;;'l'ler." Liiille llnme J.ninml. Talk. Iinif. cm I I Clll.:ly - il H I'll, 'it n it i ! I" : l n- M tf t' :l i i 1h- 1 : i It i . res':.T, f ill t tl e tifTiuii. a aii-1 out til t lar.k'ui 1 Li.1 and chct-ifui, Iry u v.'. ..tine s poeriu! revivi: 1'uruiea icciiiig, J. H. ZEILIN 4 CO.. PROPS.. ST. LOUIS. . Marat'a Deadly Prescription, Whether Marat ot "the terror" was a veterinary surgeon or - a fashionable phyulctan Is a polnt-hlch btstorlansT have earnestly -rebated.'" Some light la thrown upon It by 'the memoirs pf the papal enroy of tlifr"peTlolvwho was one Of bis patients, and reports'as fol lows: " r , : "He prescribed -for me me'medl-fand cine. Which. Would have -killed 7ne If the- celebrated' chemtot of vjth Rue Jacob "hud been willing to give It to me. 'I see well enough be said, 'that this is -no medicine Tor yjMi: It Is medt tor's BUmature: be Is mad.' ADOarentiy Marat had. mistaken me for one of Ms rpatjenta at the Stable at; which he wa8 physlglan. , Ohildren-Ory - FtiR FLETCHER'S'- Y CASTOR! A tienerai ,urozeo .was relierrd of Abe command ofL. the Insurrecto. forces in the State of ttolbiUhoaMexico. DIRE1DISTRES& Itt'lsreor:&t$.'BaDOo'Hiicijd8 '-f NWiBeru Bieadersd " Don't neglect an aching back ,1" " Backache-,, is "the 1 kidney r cry for Neglect hurrying to their iiiq.-.f. .rc--Means lhat urinary troubles iollow vnfit tufferer's exoerienee - Mri l,ina Arlhuf. St. 528 W. Second A masifla fsAM At to ( rrtv 1 Tt tottit: acuus. .acuuki mntiy, a-iomv. i ..... a rt vj- times and was ftiraia to . move oa t cbdnt of the knife Uke -twinge in my ,ropo8fjdini,1,uigville, loins. Mr.kidney4 were weak and ttoi; , - , , tdoubt caused all the- trouble. I Saw "-iDoan's K(Jey Piili advertised and get- ,Sf-.Amllnt .lv.,. uary 1907.) s V-r- COyriRMED PKOOPT -Oa November 13, - 1910,-f when Mrs Arthur was interviewed, she aid:',"I am Willing to confirnt my- former n dorsement os Doan's Kidney. Pills. They htvel)een ot Bttca ?reat benefit to.me. I am ala,S glad to' make their mej martr. knnorn.,'f .-L --"..-A. For" sale by -all ' dealers. Prtoa60 cantsJ Toeter MUbura Co, Buffalo, New Tort,, sole agents fdr tba, United Remember , ths: nampciJi' and take Uo oQuxt. . 'c "V. 't 3 I- The funeral of Bishop Ozt W.v Whltak ftr. of the Protestant EdIscodsI Church, a - -ka . - T?' "la W "'""P0"- tt. How to core a cold is a question io rlr Vi mono lnSMsasltoit ' illaf fl I W Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy has won I its great reputation and immerse sale bv lU remarkable cure of colds , It can always be depended upon. y For sale by all dealers. .--.'.. T An. Extrsme Case..,.-;, .; .'"What was" the .trouble i between Swlnton and his wife? - Wf It bin futilt or hern that they were unabld to get along together?" . . "It's rntlwr hard to decide. ; It an- 'nenrs thnt whenever one of them bm as Irresistible Impulse ,tbo other hwl art'-unnlterablo ol)Jectlon."Chlcago nerord-IIcrald.' : . - ,r , ... How Ho Co. Hor. ; '', '" '. "The psychological niom;nt comiti! for r 'tcli In a love affair." - v - . .. "Ti.ul Id' true. I-Vrdlnnnd.' for in stance, -ohi-fd father. for tny tianil tlie afternonii my (IreHHinnker's bill onnif lit. Wit ..Milton Ilrnl(l. ridirv I k of outlo-rccr- t,-(.t:t of f'Kxl, 1 1 , worry and mm r:iv rl t ji.i.r 1 ' ,u ..ml t ! Liver 1 ; n;;iini. n 1 ' a r 1 . .. i-it a t' 'ty-:.i .iver. Tiie wtakenKl g miuierne. It correcta au.l reguUtes the bowels. Drive makes yon fl briLa, vigurou MO. - Teaching Dog. Tor . best ' results one . should get' youug dog and teach-hlm bis future duties gradually. Never allow him "to" leave,, the .homestead -alone and you will never have a dog that strays. Never Chain your-dOg. Thpr Is.uot necessary, - Teach him bis proper place taakevnliii.oby 'yoTrupOtt gesture 01 word and he will not overstep bia lines.. Trent him like a brother, glv him bis food and coo water regularly -Mid W klud to him at ill times and yon will have a noble inlmaWRural r---- va cet4 r- A cent Is little thing, but in the ag gregatO It ts mighty. .'WO speak ofthc "copper penty-bnf it JstioiremirHy copper, r Ira composition to 95 per cent Coppef.-a per cenitla and 2 per cenl inc.' 'IDHT gjioyiis id reaiiiy - unmw, t dnd "the offiVldl neme of the cent Is bronzev-tTbere- used to be a Copper ( cent, but at) act dlsoontlnuing Its coin agewaw passed io-4t.vr ;,'or seveu years (1857-64) we tad nHJteL cent abd up to 1857 a copper half cent - v Spoiling Hie Advantaga. Bobert T)we( the English Journalist, was always sarins irood thlnes. "Look ijnt that fool 'throwing away ba-nat ura! odvantngesr m exclaimed when deaf member of the house Of com-. mons put up hi er trumpetv.. ,' - ...12 ' ...,..--... . j A r.tW a' ftonnal rh.mnon.ul irh f9iamr-.rlaWa J.iritm.nl' nrl hnnnrl nn to thraffected parte ia taperior tc-any plaster.:-When troubled with lame backi or pains in the side or-chest give it aj trial and you are certain to bemore than 1 pleased with the" prompt relief which it j affords. .Bold by au dealers. i ., . , ... J "-y"-" . iQiR w msrlc ths Hrtieth snnlver-l A t-tiA ni th r.ni Wair iiiiiincoiAiwm xhibit thmto '- t . : , . . i C ASTOR I A f Tor Infants and CMldren,. r- Tta Kind Yea Kavs AL-ajs Eaught - Bears the -Signature of r' i GREAT THOUGHTS.'? " If a thought be really great it malr jiye Ihrcu'jh'msr ' ages, thmng gen;' aeration aiicr gtneraoon. i im cuio . i of a ftreat phyncal coflyulaon die ; quickly, but thccho of the words, xA Conruaus and buddha, ot rlato, ' Seneca and Christ, ttl Lves,vThe voice of Soci'atet before his judges t kindles men whoec ancettort wero ' savaset : when : Socrates spoke., - Builduigt decay rivers . no- dry; ' races decline, but A' great thougrit suffers front ho .impairment ; it bss the, gift j of immortal - youth ' and. itfength.Orlando J. Stwth." " YOUR LEARNING; i Wear your learning, like TOUT - ' watch, m a privat pocket and do not pu t it out and stnke it merely to show thai you have one. If you are asked what, o clock a iv tell tt, ; but do not' proclaim it hourly and . mi1(4 Wf ttw. wairkman. ' f '.'' You are nroballv aware that' pneu monia always rault from a cold, but you never heard of a cold, resulting In I pneumonia when Chamberlain s LoURb Kerne. I v wng tnei ' Why take the risk whi-n tliis. renedy may be had lor a trlfla? For sale by all dealer. . MAKING Tl IE CCST OF IT. rr.iHe the roc w f .i u.c .i t II .1 . 1 n 1, list) in :t il,e very Lett of tlu3 ;, t. a poor r A t c ! r l!,.Hi n c t I v - I inc. In wear t! f. Intra no a (-i a '-man, io n uui ' - -i j r f t'7 I I 1 !' ti' . i - t - II I I I I.. II' ' . ' 'll' lU. ! . I Th defendant ahov am4 wtU taka aotia that aa ttaa antitix aa alv kvaa baaa aw- tnencedia thaSuoeriavGoaxtat Cnvaa Cauatr ta obiaia a dnrarea f ran Um baada of aaatriawar and Uta aaid oafaniant arUl tartbac taka Vftitmt iaa no taquucal r, appw at Fatmair term of gaparior Court far aaid coaatj to aa bald oatheStb dajr rabmanr. Wtl. at tba coart honsa of aaid tout? ia Naw Bant, Cr. mi wav or damaa tatha anmphint fa said actkmar tba paOutiff vUl apptj ta Um aourt for tba tia Jaiaapdad la aaid eampUfcit. C f ' . : f'i t Clark of thaBupariar Ofattf; ADMI NXSTRATOES NOTICE.fi North Carolina; Gravae CountrV t- Bavta qoalifiad aa'adnUniatraitor of TraadwaiL lataaf Cravaa CaanQt Nortb Cara- uaavtbia la to notify all paraoaa haTina eWau aotaatthaaatata at tba aaid daeaaaad ta praaaat tbaaaaaa for pajnrat an or baforatbo Utb. day iarreb7JWZortlaotiowlUba"plaadbivbaro( raoorary AH panawa iadebtad -to aU U1 phwaa maka Bnandiaf paytnaBU , . sLsl.lfABXi3. vAitmiirirhratnT. B W.WmiAMSON. Attoraay. MORTGAGE SALE. Paraoant toapowar of aaia eoatabwd in that aartaia roal tatata motrasa axecuted fax Ja. U tHnm and Sarah DUoa' to Bank of Vanoabon baarincMtbasth. darfof Jaaaary wui Iwlneraaordodtathaofflca of, Um RagfhHer fD Brwoonnt is book I82w48u I wUI arit at tba oourt houaa doorWKCTr Ban. NC. t Stoadaytha IStbi day of aUreb Ull at tba boor tat U o-elodr M. to tba blstMat blddat foreaaa,aUaf tbafollowbwt doaeribej proparty aaooBVeyedia tb otarta afoneaijr twiU. Bounoofl ob tba north by tba laoda of WittFu). obof. oa fhadaatby lbs lands of C. A. lpofk.an tbaaouthby thalandaof N.B, Ipoek and on tba waatoy the land of Jaa, t; Duroo. oontainlsc 10 aerea, and bains tba UjoA porebaaad fromD. J. Falebarand wlfa by Jaa L. Dixon, abw anotbar araaadjotninstbaalxrM, btmodad on tba Bortb by tba lands Of W W. Fulchar. an tlx eaat bj tba above deacrllwd tract of land,on tba south by tba ia aw. o wnaif ua Bds W. a Ipoek containing 12 aorta mora orlaallna-tbalaxidpnfhBaa from W. at. rl!ttZJ!?' aja.aBsrmnwi 1 V alMJ aWU - BANK OP VANCEBORO. AVIONlSTRATOBsNlOTICa nannawoaimooaa aarainiatrator oi tna aatate otTTKUCMUataaanraaaiil fctaotCravanaonnty. NhO.iin. Thui.inmrfifii w 1 - : tba onderkivflad on or before the 6th day of Feb- IriMrrlSUtortUiaotieawU. be plendadfe bar I of thaar reoorary. AU perasaa indebtad to aa eatata will pleaaa niaka inmaeJiate payment. -. ..- ' - . jnt. BT WTT.t.tR Admlniitrator, This 6th day of rabroaryrlfflt. V Mtuiusp. Attorney. . l;ADMINiSTRARIX NOTICE. Eavfac oalined aa adminiatratrlx of the aetata lot Wllhua &llttnsin. docaaaed, late of Cra- IvaneoUnty, North Carolina., thi. ia to notify all parsons bavfaif eWnw ssainst aaid- aatatotoas' hlbtt tbent to tit anderriffaed on tr,tefora tb HtWoayof January, Wig, or this notiee VU) ba plaaiied ta bar of their recortry. fV's .- AM wraMmdabtod to ;said estate wul pMto anikf tmmarllita payaaent, - TlUaMooif JaanaryieU. -v . AdojialatratrU. WABP, attoraay. . AUJUlNlSt'KAXUKS JtUTlUii '. The aSaialgnad harhMr doly ooalinad as a- latutorof Adallaa btmcm Saaaaaed. notifta. all 1 paraoaa to whota aba irea indebtad or baraclakna acalnat bee. ajtate Sraoant tbj aim to tba sa I danlarnad exaetttac for parmant on or Wfore the 4Ui day of Jan.' Ull duly authenticated or this Botioe arUl he plead to bar at their raeorery. AO pamona Indebted to; tba daoaa.ed are Matriredto I aaaka in mediate payment to tba andarai4raea. HVrFt IDWARO DAWSON.' ' Z .'. i Adminiatrataa. R. W.lTOXIAataON, Attoraer.' -1 -i .i . i I.. .1. hi a t4; ' S Tp bill to t.e: ' AjBtwl'iraci' ta the United f rait Company's fleet, may I be extended IdU a "free ships" biU.-; CHEERFtJLNESS, v C-heWuuieit rfteans a Wtented 'iJt.U srk;rtiDeawapurebeAit;tf a . kind and loving ditpoaitjon; it" meant charity, it meant a generous . apprecutioa of othen and a modest opinion of onetelf.- Stupid peopio, r C"0le who do not know bow, to nh, are always pompou and ' elf conceited that it, Ligotedt that U, crur!; tliat it, ungen!l uncluri- t..-...o V.'han her rl.iij is in dancer a woman ill rink br life to protect it. No gVest t of I roiar" or t k of like is hit -vtiii .'.rt a r ti i id from troop, tov ' rlu.ii's Coih Remedy and a r is avoids!. For sale by Th Tutura ancf tha Poet i I vr-n a fnir to ndil-lilng future ' inlda to i:,i tnoi.t glurlous pauU ..: f ;'ii r i-l I Tfrn ' ( . t -i ' i'y t ft I ft. piny v.l V I 11 t K: 1 1 AjTT0KT9 AND COUNSKjLORS JTt -.till JiUAIf ii ' . ; iv.-irxw sua. s. c.xVi-; . Office Rcwdta til-2- EHks BmTdtof ilticijia.eeifr&av -Duplin, Jones, JLenoir, Onslow, ,Cart ere :Parnlico. and ..Wake, tn( the So preme and Federal CourtaTsnd where ever services are desired, ' !.!J. XV.W W - Thysicmn and Surgeon - " office 168 Middl St. Phone 710 1R. D. b. WARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL- LER AT LAW Hugltes Building Craven Street New Bern, N. C. Practice in State and- Federal courts. Circuit, Craven Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are de sired.! OR. Ill DISEASES OF THE life, Ear, Kdse and Throat AND Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. Caton, New Bern, N. C. "Mr If. A. O IN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications 417 ELKS TEMPLE. k R. A. NJJNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow . and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. QfflcacNe. SO Craven Street. Telephone Ne.97. Nw Bern, N. G. SOUTHERN IUILWAY SOCTttERJI BiU rYAl 8CHEDDLM Hs aThess' figures are published tor Informatioa and are not guaras- li-Lesve Ooldtboro, N. C.ri 48 .a. bl, through traiu with chair - car to Asheville, connecting at M East Dnrhun, for Oxford, Hen - aersoa, KsysrRle and Richmond -at Uiatvetsity tor Chapel HIU: 1 T "at Greenebero foif Charlotte and all pUata south, also for Dau. ' Villa, Lynchburg, .Charlottesville ".''-' WuhlBgton,: and all ' pointo V-'V v-.V ''--MO. Ut--tMTsa Ooldaboro, 2.0S p. at. - for QreVnsTipro. handles through Pullman Ralsiga, to AUanta, ooa ;:; . M awata". ,' U ; O'rseiuboro for all ,rt': rpc4nt aorUi, aoata aa4 .wset- ; 'SvVA' ' 'V ' " NO 111 - tss (Soldsboro 10.45 p m toe Qreahsboro. handles pullmas -'-r RaUIgh , : to Greensboro,' ' eoay rW BsU at Greensboro "for Chsi " J. r lotto Atlanto Nsw -Orkass, aUUvills, KB0irllle,v Slatj' for t ri.nmi rmilikiif. fhar1nt OLV '.'tcsTQIe,' Wssliliiri;''aa4 ia.j'fc! i :i colnu aorta,. rv'r iv-t'Ct VI-- i or further InfortnaOeo -asl any krathera .ticket agent ar addraaa tha C7rj.' . ladsrslgasd, . ... '-.', H. F..CARY, ; J V ,i--V ' v General Passenger '4snt. , Vv'-'s' . Washlnirtoa. to. .0.VX1 r4.-W. B. PARNEU ' ;. 'X''. ; Traveling Pttteofer Agent-' .. , .. ftdiaiah. ft rv: ycu t:::d taxtine' 1l.s Crt Toilet Carmlcldtf 1 i o n't t ive to ry I'M or IM " f-r 1' .it .(.1U a or rr y . -n i : .i l'" pinie of a more -. i I. I - i " and dl'ir i a w one 2'.i . r ... 1 anilm it In ?f! rl- : at ura. J .-r. v.;. w, A- -.,v--i;Vi,' "ft ;i y W