' r f 1 " " PArnn v.iiii. KNOWN CIRCULATION ESHLLISIIED. . V 1878 :'' -y - 1 v. '- j KfniBER 277. fM A. S Vri'MDAY NLNO. FLDIIUARY. 2 1311. TWENTY; NINTH, YELU - i How Much. Money :Caa - ;::;'.:,v.You Save? ; : - ' F 1VERY person who receives an income should ask, ' "How: much money can I save?" Once the question j , has teen decided, the, greatest fidelity should be'ex , 1 ercised in carrying out the jresolution. Lay'aside t that portion of your income that you intend to save jtnd def 'posit it with the bank at interest. Jour money will then earn money and become a splendid helper, providing a larger in come. Interest is like an iwTease' in your, salary. ,7-: Four Per Cent Paid on Savings and Certificates of .Deposit. ' HEW BERN BANKINGS TRUSTS GO. I i i ,i m n i i " i ' ' Ti'ii mmi i. A II . I, 1 , I. I i I H THE FINEST TIMBER DISTRICT in all the regionround us farni. ishes the pine-lumber we sell We cat t, take it from the stump,'; transport it, saw it, finish iC-We , sell direct to you, the consumer. ' We save you money and give you the best that can be had.- We : solicit your .orders. It will pay ;, you to give them to us, , . -Bp Broaddus Jkes Lumber Co. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS fiD RECORDS A 'COMPLETE LINE OF X : Sold on easy payments ' IF INTERESTED CALL AND HEAR SOME OF THE V " LATEST RECORDS. , ; ; WILLIAM T. HILL VTHE SPORTING GOODS MAN". - - ;t r. Phortr-253 r -.. . j 91 Middle Stret AWNINGS "T'T I W w j a in, w . a UL LL.U ii'JuJh Situation Affords Opportunity For Senators To"- Get" In Some' , Underground, Work- , Washington? Feb, '24 On feaving the White' House and after a talk with President Taft, Senator Clapp, of Min nesota, expressed the' opinion that an extra session of . Congress could not now be avoided,: owing to the crowded condition of things in the Senate, the opposition to certain measures -and lack of time for the properconsideration of important measures that a number of Senators' Insist shall not- be .rushed through without proper investigation. The statement - isgoing the rounds that Senator 4a Follette is protesting loudly agains the passage in the House iii a- Bingle day of three: appropriation bill. . Tt C-"' V t Th? Wisconsin insurgent is' said to hav served notice that these measures must Dot only be i carefully considered by Senate committees before' they are reported, but- he and his political", as-.. eociates intend that they shall be look ed into'carefnlly and - discussed after the bills are taken op in the Senate, Altogether the situation "affords, am e opportunity for certain Senators to get in what is ealled in legislative cir cles "underground ' work -they eande 1 y matters and score without appear ing to unnecessarily, delay progress of bills and agreements favored by ' the Taft Administration. v ' ' V. , TO CURE.)TCOLD IN ONE Dr Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists" refund money ifSit fails to cure.- E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c ; " - ' The, School Board Meets. '' ' ? v ' , - The Boar)) of . Trustees of the New Bern Academy apd Graded Schools met Fridayaf ternoon in the Superintendent's office. - ' - ; ; Reports were made by -several Com mittees, and Supt. Craven reported a numbet of matters , - coneerning w the school and its wirl. ' i-1 i The officers elected for this year werel T. A. Green Pres dent, Win. M. Wat sonSec' and .Treas.' T. A- Green,-r- .,C. SrHollitlef, C; W.' Munger-E cutive Committee, - . ' We have the' agency for . Hettrick . Bros., Awnings, both store and resi dence, "If yon re in need of an Awn- ' ing we can furnish you. JPlace jouri ordef before the Summer ruahr .- j '' . i . ' if-.. , . n: 1- V, ' i ,. " - '. 1 ' K ' .'' ..... '. Fit, Qusliiy and Price Guaranteed. .To ace samples and get prices, call '. , phono 172,'or addreis P. O. Box 415. r; I. J.-aURHER Turnlture Coi;-;';.93 HS'St. CARLOAD BUCK'S SSTOVES tlllS ' Pleased DurtSSni Audience, . -The Durham Herald yesterday .had the following to say of the Metropolitan Grand Concert , Company which wjll be hrard at the tHriffln 'Auditorium to night;' : X: - f : A v ''The (Metropolitan Grand Concert Company gave . incomparably the best ciusical offering hattiurham has ever had or anything Ilka It, last evenipg, four oi tne nest voices in concert won being heard la solo, . m duet,'-trio and quartet..; ,...,;..-- . ; , Tea numbers nine of them being c cored, covered a variety of which ad dressvd an early appeal to the audience composed largely of - musicians. '"'.For. that reason It had of course," its limita tions. Bat it was the best audience that any of the star course can claim ai.d certainly none of the arista , ever sang to greater appreciation.0,, i ' ' i f ' ' : 1 EGGS TO X'l SALE. Full blooded' Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Langshans-and Buff Orpington S C Eggs for. sale. .A setting of 15 eggi for $1.00. Apply to f . s ' . MRS. JOHN HUMPHREY, ' - Byrhoneor Mail, : - V Clark s, N. C 'A Timely Warning td tha Public I In hi 1 1 1 1 J L u 1 1 w w L House Committee Decides to lie- port Favorably on Appropri- Chilli ll -nwr " oil. a.i! C .::-fl ; JiYCOFFEE TilUBT V A. . ' ' c .... Entire-Trade Controlled By One ating $5,000 For it Ralelghj Feb, 24-The House Commit ( ceers. tee on penal InsUtutiona , decided to re port . favorably . the . bill ' appropriating five thousand doIlarsfor ths establish ment of a' reformatory and training school for negroes, to be locate J hear Charlotte.'" '- Democrats of the joint committees on Congressional apportionment have deci ded to transfer Catawba county from the 9th to the 8th; district and Wilkf s from the 8th to the 7th.. Hoke county was placed in the 7th and Avery county in the 9th'. 'There wa$ a heated-discussion over th -changes. Senator Lem- mond, of, Duion . county objectingTo Wilkes being trabsferreS to the 7th, but the committees concluded, thatr-this was the best solution of tire problem in order to make alLthe districts safely Democratic,- . t .v J -The Senate voted to. increase the ex- pense allowaBce of . the superior-' court judges from $250 to (750, In addition, to the $3,250 salaries, and also to increase the salaries of the superior court judg es to $4,000 instead of $3,500,, a$ .now. Many new bills were Introduced, inclu ding one by Senator Urown (6 increase the area of Hoke county by taking addi tional territory from Robeson. ' - . Senator I vie introduced a bill to pre vent insurance comoanies from expend- ing extravagant suras in competition for new business. . j . , r A The House received favorable reports on bills to make the pay of the supreme court reporter $1,500 and the supreme court justice $4,500.' A's6 a bill to safe- cuard the intereetbf the state in turn pikes and railroads through convict la- bor, the bill carrying an appropriation of 3,600, " 1r-. , The Senate passed on second-reading a lengthy argumeut the bill increasing the pension fund for old soldiers from $460,OQO to $704,000. - '-- I Reprtaentative .Williams, of ' Bun cotobe, procured the reduction of the tax on agents fo pianos ; and organ, irom $100 to $50 with A provision that vKJ prevent duplicate licenses for agen cies, 'v tr-V' S ' "r. - ,. Judgo Ewart tiled td get through amendments to section 71 ar to. cigar ettes. Increasing the license taxoo-the dealers gradually "sp, (hat increase be irom siioo to $ouu minimum,- up to sz, 600,' ' arr, : of, r Durham, .' Connor and others-opposed this and the amendment was lost JTo retail, , license ,ax was left at.$5 and the section adopted. On amundment to increase the tax. oa ei-1 garette -J manufacturers wS vadopted, malting the tax i,W0 Imtoad of? 1,000, the vote being 36 to 25. , . -:' v x Section .73 was" amende! so as to ex empt ex-Confederate soldidts ' from 11- . i i : I . . r cv'ibb tur jauiing eye glasses. Washington, Feb.24 -Charging that the general public is Jeing gouged to the extent tf $35,000,000 a year by a huge international' trust that . eontroU the world 8 coffee supply,, Representa tive George . WNorris,' of .Nebraska, yesterday introdnced resolutions in the house calling upon the Stale department and the department of justice to advise congress what can be done ta relieve the peopleof the United States. , Representative Morris said: " ' "., "I fini the coffee "trade of the world is controlled by a group of international Danger or uradon, tsrussels. far is. Berlin and New J Yorkacting with the governmeni.of Brazil and the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, This combination has been known to exist for a lontt time but only lately haS its- tremendous' and (universal power oeen Known. .Likewise my investigation' hasiiemonstrated to my satisfaction that extreme discrimiff- atloo is being exerted against the United States, simply because HhisV ' country 'is thought to be able to stand the tax mat ter than pthers and because we are tfe largest consumers of coffee.'".. . 1 Notice. 'AH, kinds sawed 'shingles - for sale, Bricks laths, JTgopd, gentle road or work horse, one pew one horse wagon, all must be sold, A bargain for some one as I am selling out, ' First come. First choice; also one hundred thousand cull shingles,-. See ' V - : BIG IltLL, the Shingle Uan: ;.152J 8. Front St. ' torpedo WILLIAMS. KIDNEY PILLS ' Have you neglected your EidneysT Have you overworked your nervous sys tern and caused trouble- with, your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains .m lb,ioeside, back, groins and bladder? Have you a .flabby1 appearance of the face, especially under tie eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass uriheT If s. Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 50c- Williams' M'f'g, Co., Props., Cleveland, O.. T ; TJe Power of Suggestion. Put a'raan under the influence of by pnotisnf and suggest to him that be mm der some one anl he will 'execute the deal- Xet a child wilneav a performace gtves by some performer who, has no sense of dwencv and that child will trv Lie imitate some or the acts of this per- son... Moral-can you afford to let your children be contaminated trvthia man ner; .1 . 4 s NEvi bern; n.cV BanR 0; PA1D on;. ? O SAVING,. ; STRONG . COURTE.OUS PROGRESSIVE 'PR those wTft) have surplus or idle . funds awaiting either !1 investment or future employment in the 'development of v. their farms or business enterprises, our Certificates of De posit afford an ideal investment : Net only do they yield interest at the rhte 6f 4 er cent a year : out, being evidences of money on deposit, nll always' be accepted as collateral for loans should emergency arise and may hd convert ed Into cash at their faca-value. o Checking accounts invited in any sum. Savings accounts from $LO0 upwards, " CD BRADHAM XAlutZtlL VICE. (SreST. . CASHIER' ' " .r iMillt i, HFf l 1 ...... VCe've just received out new Queen Quality" styles, for Spring and --they're beauties. ' We did not leiieve such footwear ossiolc at the fftrice. The makers have outdone themselves. Omart, snappy styles with plenty of comfort and service just '. wiat y6u have btcn. hohing for. "Vow 11 'hilyhe'i ere U. v, L.. il I-. u.it - v. r.tii Li.. , i.-, U, Svral weeks ago the 8rgant la ihargs of iheCIFice at: the city ball woold oocMinnally rp"ivo a numl'fr f ti-lopVione ralla each day ti'llirir liim ihers was a fire In a certain ace lion of th rliy and ai'lt tliat the aa'm turned In from ths city hal'. A numbfr nf timfS till a donn, and in p h c th lira C'iir.rini"a hn.! t'.cT rim, ' , was invaria'.'y a Inr-j; (.;-, fur n . i the alarm I r-i.'i- z t b S f .' ir orpedo Fleet Will Practice. - Waanington,'b,' C, Feb!' 24- Plans for the spring and summer practice of the Atlantie torpedo fleet have been ar. nounced by the Navy ' Department During March. April and May the first and third aiihmirina dlviaiona, with the Caatlne and- ih4 Saverri y,Uh conduct submarine exerclaes in Oaapeake Bay.' -; '; . y. - - . : ; The vewels "will leave the Norfolk navy -yrd for Sulottion's Inland, Md., on March L The cnlira Atlnnllc tor podo flt will ha conrpntralnd in the virwii'y of TuriliT i!n.l In ilia Ctirm I'.ikel'iy Eiintit .V.rch 15 to Jtn sn Ihe njiott .ing prafllici to l rai- i out ! 7 V.n AV,,;t r. f " t t tl. t ..n l'.r crt, formerly ti e LaUioUp Txai, al a Retail Merchants Prfect Organization . Wednesday night the retail merchants of this city completed the organization of the New Bern Branch of the Retail Merchants 'Association of North Care- Una. iEvery business man in New Bern is vitally interested Id this Organization Every member of the association, (and nearly every retail merchant fa a mem ber) has agreed to immediately give to the secretary a list with ..the names, of every' customer with hie credit rating, The" name of evey person who know op, the merchant's books will go to the secretary 'a officee rated according to his standing with each individual merchant Tbi information will be kept oa file la the ascretaty'a office, sod front It will De compiled a credit book which, will immiiiaUty V placed Into the hands of each merchant who Is a m tuber of this atfoeiation, Thus any merchant st a oinotes notice can toll the credit rating of any parson who has had credit In New Bero.-;',.t';'i'', V '" ft ' Tbtra are othar features. This or ganisation la connected with Che State aud National AssociaUonflf a stranger conibatoNew Bern from any point whara this association Is rspreaented, (there aral20 associations in N. C) it will be a a any matter for the ' merchants to know.his'crcdit rating where he coma frrtm. If a peraoft leaves NW bars owirg bills the accounts will be rapurt ed to the bus iciatiufl at the city to wl.l. h tha former reside 1 of New Bern ha moved. ' Tlamercharf of New Barn will know 'who is who"frcrm no on. Rut w rm laiiB to-day 7 m : J. J. BAXTER ttks TEMPLE, NEW BERN, N. C. ai . Prescript aspec 4 j- . laity i.'-We Call For! And Deliyer'Them r" -,t '. i i'-:vi i ' , ' '' - l- v ' r. By s Quick ; Dispatch. r Gaston Drtisi Comp&ny ON THE.COR-. s ' t A;:. ' '." ... , ' ner.;- . ., 'The JrSv? ' the i ntrtMPi tin. us - ' tfv! .. JPOST-OF OPPOSITE THE ; JPOST-OFFICE, ft l Hi u-t.'t u v. t-rr ! r.i.rumalism Re!ievci in Zx V.yrt (jOc. Dress Goods. 39c. 5 (Tel. Silk K 26 c. 0 h00 Brddilclotti 75b. C"IY A FEV: CF'"0D3 SFEGL'.L FFJSES Aflrt!.alto : M(U.r a" i . " t j not lo 1 " t'i't 1 i', Uli'l i I' J II i t! 'il -m I !hi f e rrj In r A'.'l ;j l'i 1 1 ' ' k r m t . t t f ; . : j .. ;, r ' ' - 1 ' v. li ) i thn r y s fit t1 I 1 1) : -a (-ft' c t',' At! I !1 1 ') t ) r p 8 1 1 " ! - i t; t fr. I.-t- )i'.n'a rn !. a a '(. n 'n I ( f for Ilhenmat'.m f -l r H a fi " , n t' r,, i if : . Ir'r- 1 t' e .' 'V J ' Ocofb Co; 4 1 ! ! 4 JH -4' . . .f Fin;, IIur-!'.ry, P!2 Gk:r, 1 1 ! f 1: iy r !. 5. ,r -1 3) 1 v

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