ESTAILISHED i . - - - - 1 T I . ' How J.iUCil J,. r w C II ... V Yon Cave? VERY' person who receives an income should ask, , "How rr.uch noney can I save?"" Once ths qufcllon has' teen decided, the greatest fidelity should be ex . J erciscd in carrying out the resolution. ,' Lay aside that portion of your income that yod intend, to save and de posit itwith the bankai interest.' Tour money willthen earn money and become a splendid helper; providing a larger in- come. Interest is luce an increase in your, salary L r Four Per Cent Paid oii SaVingr arid Ik 4 Certificates; of j Deposit iiEiBilBiiiiMsfico; PlP5s lift"- j . mm . . i . sssa THE FINEST, UMBER J; district:: in all the region around ub 'fnrn-v 1shea the pipe lumber we Sell. We cut 'iV take ft from ' the stump,:; o & transport it, saw it, finish it -We- sell direct to you, the(vcpnannierr' 5jr"'-- We savo you oioney tend give yon "l 'the best that can be had. . Wf , i' "1 - aolidt your 'order. It vrttl- pay l-1'' -' ryoutogfvefhemtouBTE. Brdaddds '&Uves Lumber Co: -f U COMPLETE LINE OF M EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND -REGQUDS - SOLD ON.EASY,PAYMENTS:i IF INTERESTED. CALL ANlTJIEAR SOMErpFTHE ,v':.S LATEST, RECORDS WlLLIAMTBtiiijj,, Phom 253 VTIE SPORTING tSOODS MANT Entire Easiness tfection Swept by -Tlhe Flames. Origin Unknown Estimated, ss t.0,C00. - LaGrange, Feb. 27-Probably the moat disastrous fire in: the history of this town swept the city last nightancl destroyed (GO, 000 worth of the most valuable . business houses ' before the flames could be . gotten under .control. The fire originated in the frame ware house at the rear of Dr. H. M. McDon ald'! drug store and it ia thought that it was of Incendiary origin as there waa no : possible : way that it- Could hare caught accidentally. ' The alarm of fife was turned i(i at 6:45 and fire depart ment was soon pn . the . scene and made heroic attempts to extinguish the blaze before it gained so much headway, Only a small engine, however ia owned by the company-, and they soon found they were unable to cope with the eituai tion. A telephone message waa sent to Kinston asking aid from that towb An engine that was on the yard at (he time was quickly brought into "service and the Kinston fire company Bent to assist in extinguishing the blaze. Consider able time was lost in getting 'J,he loco motive steamed, bp but valuable assis tance was rendered by them.' " At JO. o'clock the fire fighters "had the bl se under control, but not until the largest block of business " houses' . in the town.: had been burned to ; the grbwo, The following is a list of the losers; :: Dr, J, M.'Hoges,' 16,000, insurance, Rouse Hanking Co. 1S.Q0O: insurance, J. S. Wooten, f 11,600; Insurance $V floyd Uar wick,? $3,000, Insurance $2,600 , C. ,P, Barrow,; $1,000; insurance, $400.' ".' r-" f-t ur. p. m-, Mcuonaia, m.oju - insur ance, $1,600. "vr:A 1 f s Jr E. .Turnage,,' $5,600? 'Insurance, Wenjamin . Brltt,; $1,600, insuran;e, not learned, - .. " J ?. i- - t",7 ' W. H. Burke, $800: no Insurance.- if , Wilson's barber ahop,;;$50; no insur-ance.V'rA- m' ;r ',?f j-6. h Dr'. JT. O. Green, $l00Lno insurance. . .Jesse Wood, $1,500. insurance $1,600. W. 8. tfiEell, $100; no insurance.' V, Simeon Wooten-$700, no insurance.:'- ? ; Electric! light plant, $5Q; no insure Estimated -loss, $43,000; insurance mm w W . War r.i.t To S,nd Sii TI' J Trocjs. Infantry CaiJry lattrle5. Wa '.ii n, D. C. February 27-Tht War D.'t j,rt,i . rit vill send to the canal cone a force of about 6,000 troops, com posed of four regiments of infantry, i one tquadrom of cavalry, three, batter ies of field artillery and twelve compan ies of cos-4 artillery. The coast artillery will be located, at Kirs (lores. The troops must be so placed in time o war aajo prevent a sudden dash made by a landing party, or raiding force from a fleet, Bay, of 2,000 or 3,000 men, whose object would be to seize the locks at one end of the canal and destroy them. It is realized that without guard at the canal would be possibility for the teason that many wars are not pre ceded by formal declarations of hostili ty, and there might easily be no tinwto aend a force to protect the canaV- v-' The company officers quarters will cost $5,000 per set" and fe field officers' set will coat $,000. - r'-vfvr Thi '.work including v the water and sewer ay tem. for the. mobilized forcer, will eptail an expense of $3,814,000, in cluding about $900,000 for the buildings for the eoastr srulieryW- .V i r TO URE A COLO IN ONi DAT X I Take LAXATIVE: BROMO i Quinine Tablets-CDruggists refund money if it fails tp cure:. . VY. GROVE'S sign 25c..- ture is on' each box..' BD1 for Range Ugtos at Morehead.' Washington D. C.; Keb.. 27th.--Con- greasman : Tbomaa, introduced in the House, after -tellers were tailed or: to- include In one of the large'euppl bills the appropriation to provide range lights at Morehead City. '. The usual provision waa made for the biological Station at Beaufort, and $3,000 additional was al lowed for improvements, '-. , r , . ? r; ,., , . - ;.;"91tlddlt Street j We. have! the agency for,' Hettriclt Bros.,' Awnings, both atore and;ref dence.'tf you are In heerf of an Awn-, lnjf we can furnish youtTlaceyW order before the f ummer raih. ' v. . .FiV Qtiality and , Pricev,,Giiaranteed. To see aamplee. and get price," call , phone 172, or address P. O. Box 415j - Tb Norfolk-Southern depot', which waa located about' 100 feet from the Hardy HoteX. was also threatened and did catch fire several times but fortun ately was not seriouslj damaged. Flying emoers also ignited phe Baptist church bat theftei, too,'-.' were extinguished be fore any seiioue damage was done. ' " wiluams' kidney .pills' !, Have yoe - neglected your Kidoeysl Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid neys and lladder? Have ''you paina in loins, side, back,' groins and bladder! Have you a flabby' appearance of, the face, especially" under the eyes! Too fre qucnt a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil-kares'-idny Pills will 'cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c Williams M'f'g. Ca, Propa.," Cleveland, O. CARLOAD BUGK'S STOVES sir nE8 7"'r;-: c- ..v7-r ( .;; m "V Wcstcri Union Inaugurates New . Banning Usreh 1st.' the Western tTnioo Telegraph Compiny .inaiiRuratf new form of service calkd The Diy Letter. . The rate, charged "for day letter of fifty wards or lots Is one and one half tmies the elfht letur rate and for each additions! fn woid'i or Vss one fifth the initial chrrp. T r ihi- pie, the nirhniond All'nta ) ' tf-r rate Is rcut, th I y Loili-r rati U ens and cms half 11,... 1 t! at, t 75 r ..', with 15 cents fur each ad-Ktlon-n l1 woriln. DT letters r l. L wrltt'-n In plain KnpVi-.h, tl.uii evoi.Iii-g ir ",Atl kinds aawed "ahinglee f or sale, Bricks laths, 2 good gentle road Ur work horses, one ne w. bne horse .waon, all must be sold, fi A bargain -for some one as ratn selling out ' First come.- First choice, also -ohe hundred thousand cull ahinirlpi - Sea-" -V- i'' A W UU1 HULL, the Shingle Man. T-.p NQDcIerred Service For Postal ,T "- New York,. Feb, 27th.mUrenee.tL Mack ay, president of the Postal Tele graph Cable - Co., Saturday; made te following statement regarding his com pane's attitude in connection with a 'd(N ferred day letter" service, such as iti understood the Western Union Is about to 8tabii8h:'r:'rv?: ,' We give suoq a - fast day service that there is no occasion for , any de ferred serviceL besides' which, we are not a deferred eompany.'We push our tiraffie through to destination within a few minutes from the tine St U banded V us. .' We do not believe the public has any ue fvr a df ferred day aerjrice, ' he cause the present day service and night lettergram aerice aeem to be: amp'y uHkiaiit and we da not think there sny demand lor an - Intermediate serv ice, which would be no difTerent from the riit.'1't lettergram service In Its prac tical workings., A deferred day service pou'.J gi I rriixtd with our rcjlar day rrvics and would hamper and deliy it Fast service in hat the public wants, not a diu'oirid tr Uw lervko.V r.heumaticm Pclisvel ri Sii-Kours Dr. Di tchon's relief for Rheumatism ' r(:!vf sfivf rest eases in a few I'a nc.'.--n npoii thf ryatem la I i It removes (I t' s r1" (;! ti, d'i'aii) c;' ' k f .. , I ....t l .:eR!'y t. -,e- All Except One DiU Seeking Amendmenta City t.r, N" ' Charter. ' .The call issued for a mass meeting for the purpose of discussing the propoa ed amendmenta to the city charter and increased tax levy, brought out between 250 and 800 eitizena to the court house. who gave close attention to the pro ceeamgs. , . ,-s t A J. McCarthy called Jas A. Bryan to the chair, while the city editor ware made secretaries, : Mr, McCarthy sta ted the object of the call for the meet ing. He read a statement showing gross receipts of city, and expenditures, indi eating an apparent surplus a) $10,000 a year. .- But the purpose of the meeting was to Consider "aeven : bills that had been sent to Representative Kuno to introduce and have passed, these being 15c per $100 increase general fund tax: lOe for partial, paid HreNlebartment; Consolidation 6th aad-6th ward.. $1,000 to Chamber Commerce for advertising, $1,800 salaryi city, tax collector, -to crease maximum police monthly to $70. Ex-Judge Guion addressed the meet ing, to get ita faense as to the several matters in the Call, itot to inflaehca any gne, but to get to a quicker eoncluslon, than by lengthy discussions." Mr. Gui on 5 then-floite clearly nresented his viewawhich were briefly First, accor ding to "Mayor McCarthy's' guraa. the present tax levy of COcwaa anfficient, In discussing 2d and Si, a glowing trib ute' was paid the. volunteer firemen. wno even witn tne-propoeed fire expen ditures, would atill have to run on foot, while:thecllemicaengme; rushed abjr. Fourthr.ConsoIidation was not shown to be Of advantage or benefits People had had no chance to jdiacusalon iu&JTif th public improvements of $250,000 .te last 3 years, with other things,; pi-centenni al was sufflcient advertising present. Sixth,: tx collector -waA'pntin partem, basia ought to conUnoe. : It was" well earnrd and profitable toftySemaeh, present maximum salary for. policewaal not sufficient for duties of position and aldermen ahbujd know--whethsrn;fai crease waa warranted. D ; Henderson, offered amendment and : presented one M. fonr i-petitlJns which he said wet signed .1 eitlsens. Hia had 100 signatures; mil favored de feat of bills.: pisasion followed. Win. Dunq4 fx, ihpugh?, hjlta ' jhould be voted upon separately, -also offered a motion that Representative r Kuhnbe in8tfucttonffernoblllto,feg(islaturi' that interfered'with present salaries ai cwunty officers Mrv Ebyi Ch'mn Cham ber -Comnrcewnvade 4 forcible ple WlfVthefLOOO should be voted for id- vertfaingU, J X: ryan showed Dampb let issued 4at . N6rfolk-Sootheru; end a hircularfametf by (ha Chamber of CttnjJ raerce inai year,-. wnicnne .jpeciareu were ample at norposea..'i ,. p r' j The folfowl resolution by P.E Heq derojj,with amendment of Judge Quioo was adopted and the meeting adiourjoedj WhereaaTifttaiabillt in trodueed n the general assembly of North Carolina to increase the rate, of taxation 'Id ibe City,' and ,fsa tow bonds, and also to change, the, present wards of the city, and whereas,L the present tsxate is sufficient' to t&ke care 6f thelinances of flty, 'a ' Ihere" if no general public demand., for a new bond issue for any purposes, andavberw as, the beat interests of the city de mands that tUe war la In said city re main aa- they cow sre,- therefore' be", it the city of New' Dorn, Craw t iiy1, N, C , in was a 'nwwtli'g " 1 1 t ( etii'.'.rBe the pi-ti'. ; s 1 .--t ; '., ri 'rcapertf : y t , t I asHemb'y of Nor: 'i Ciiroilnaj to. ?' t the, aforesaid, bills, mentioned Ja- tls premises,- . .. . i ': .':'.' i .:: Guion amendmend-rrovlJ4 that this rosolutlon ihall not apply to pend ing bil'a for V c ratin.-at'-'n ef.t1 pre sent city 1 " 'j a- i the lt levy to p 0:PATD ON OSAViNGS J t an kin ; OF- - rTFOHTASCtTO-lSVfSTOaS?: :;V If you are looking for a plean) iwtimand. ab i iwhitelyfafe investment yiebiiDS iisfsct AApme, Uit wfil be to tonrailTtdtaK . cates of Deposit They,dfaw 4pei ceiUJoJwwtfcQro C the dajr of deposit and ftre swured bj' ouriample-Cap ' : ita and Surpliis. 'v ' ?--.' .: .u; -. i Sflvin? srrnnnte Jnvitorl iri'env eiirrf lnwm ta II ftft 'V. v .'wa aaajr f asesi vv u y yaswi Qeckini aimt'i) :'vVm dunV" adham; ta:uz7ell JT WW juat ', reetivftd r pur neu . ' en Quality " a( yra 4 for' Spring f A .n? teyrehea uties , dW not JjLI 'k-(WW suck fovttdear oss'hh at tJte luft . t : ' irice. .Tlit .-.makers, have outdone ' a S J-yi:jthemsehws.$piart, snafifry styles yfitk $ ' $enty of 'comfort and servicejust "RJ r wTat you have hen looking for. VpuV v ,d,V tuynefe eventttaflv. Tfflftv not to-day ? M if V;J;;X It : J TEMPLE,' NEiy BERN, N9. jjy n'vi4iu i w;:nic u Ci a - r. 1' escrtminns r 'V-t lit. .i' : , -. w. ,, 1 I'M VI. WeSCrASsDeBYcr Them ''''''KV'"-i-i.V'Vw ' Gaston Drug Company ONTHEC0J?: ..'-' NER pnoNENo; 17 -T- 60mressm6dmmc; I r nf 1. M 1 -m -v -k'' ' I;v t''i : i S1 I $tmWoammk ) ' )ri;J Co. ( t r-n of !:...:.!- et t' 8 o 1 ,1 i . - . I f a: .) i ; 1 it ' ... ( f 1 1,0 S" 1 tlull I ' ; t' r . r . r 1 1 'I , , i f ! .' ) f r f. ("I.A! t f ':' QT J'fB'J .'FEC'.'.L-'Fffl; 3 .